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Under time‐selected migration, birds should choose a strategy for outcompeting rivals over securing access to prime resources at the final destination. Thus, migration can be viewed as a race among individuals where winners are arriving first when conditions are suitable. The sprint migration hypothesis predicts that individuals shift from maximum sustained speed to a final burst of sprint to shorten the transition from migration to breeding (Alerstam, 2006). In this study, we test the hypothesis of a final sprint migration in a long‐distance Afro‐Palearctic migrant, the collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis, during autumn and spring, and compare migration strategies between the seasons. In both seasons, collared flycatchers evidently exhibited sprint migration by increasing their overall speed over the last leg of migration after the Sahara crossing. This phenomenon was more pronounced in spring, contributing to overall faster spring migration and possibly highlighting higher importance for early arrival at the breeding grounds. In both seasons and particularly in spring, late departing individuals flew at a faster rate, partially being able to catch up with their early departing conspecifics. Differential fueling strategies may play an important role in determining migration speed, especially during the early stages of the migration, and might explain the observed differences in migration speeds between late and early departing individuals. Our findings suggest competition for early arrival at the breeding and at the nonbreeding destinations alike. Sprint migration might be an appropriate strategy to gain advantage over conspecifics and settle in prime territories as well as to cope with the increasingly earlier springs at high latitudes.  相似文献   

Exhaustive exercise such as long‐distance running has been shown to increase susceptibility to infection. In order to investigate whether serum opsonic activity plays a role in such conditions, we utilized luminol‐dependent and lucigenin‐dependent chemiluminescence (LmCL and LgCL). We took serum samples from 24 male marathon runners before and after running 30 km. Neutrophils were isolated from the peripheral blood of healthy volunteers. Serum opsonic activity was examined by measuring neutrophil ROS stimulated with zymosan particles opsonized by the serum samples. Immunoglobulin and complement levels in the serum were also measured. After a 30 km run, the maximum light emission was increased and the time to reach the maximum light emission was shortened significantly (p < 0.05) in LmCL. However, there were no significant changes in the immunoglobulin and complement levels. The increase of ROS production may suggest that serum opsonic activity is accelerated after running 30 km. Thus, serum opsonic activity might not play a significant role in the susceptibility to infection after long‐distance running. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stopover sites used to accumulate the energy that fuels migration, especially those used prior to crossing ecological barriers, are regarded as critically important for the survival of Nearctic?Neotropical migratory birds. To assess whether South American stopover sites are used to store the energy required to cross the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico to North America by a Neotropical migratory landbird, we studied Gray‐cheeked Thrushes in northern Colombia through constant effort mist‐netting during spring migration in 2010 and 2011. We combined stopover duration estimates and models of body mass change based on recaptures to estimate departure body mass and potential flight range from our study site. We recaptured 62 birds, the majority of which gained mass. Models indicated significant differences in rates of mass gain between years and age groups and with arrival date. Estimated total stopover durations varied between 15.4 (2010) and 12.5 days (2011). Predicted departure mass ranged between 41.3 and 44.9 g, and potential flight range was estimated at between 2727 and 4270 km. Gray‐cheeked Thrushes therefore departed our study site with sufficient energy reserves to cross the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico (2550 km). As the first demonstration that birds departing from South American stopover sites can reach North America without refuelling, this has important implications for stopover site protection. Strategic conservation measures in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta could protect habitats in which up to 40% of the energy required to complete spring migration is stored by a Neotropical migratory land bird.  相似文献   

Phenological changes in key seasonally expressed life‐history traits occurring across periods of climatic and environmental change can cause temporal mismatches between interacting species, and thereby impact population and community dynamics. However, studies quantifying long‐term phenological changes have commonly only measured variation occurring in spring, measured as the first or mean dates on which focal traits or events were observed. Few studies have considered seasonally paired events spanning spring and autumn or tested the key assumption that single convenient metrics accurately capture entire event distributions. We used 60 years (1955–2014) of daily bird migration census data from Fair Isle, Scotland, to comprehensively quantify the degree to which the full distributions of spring and autumn migration timing of 13 species of long‐distance migratory bird changed across a period of substantial climatic and environmental change. In most species, mean spring and autumn migration dates changed little. However, the early migration phase (≤10th percentile date) commonly got earlier, while the late migration phase (≥90th percentile date) commonly got later. Consequently, species' total migration durations typically lengthened across years. Spring and autumn migration phenologies were not consistently correlated within or between years within species and hence were not tightly coupled. Furthermore, different metrics quantifying different aspects of migration phenology within seasons were not strongly cross‐correlated, meaning that no single metric adequately described the full pattern of phenological change. These analyses therefore reveal complex patterns of simultaneous advancement, temporal stability and delay in spring and autumn migration phenologies, altering species' life‐history structures. Additionally, they demonstrate that this complexity is only revealed if multiple metrics encompassing entire seasonal event distributions, rather than single metrics, are used to quantify phenological change. Existing evidence of long‐term phenological changes detected using only one or two metrics should consequently be interpreted cautiously because divergent changes occurring simultaneously could potentially have remained undetected.  相似文献   

The long‐distance migrant red knot (Calidris canutus ssp. rufa– Scolopacidae) alternates between the northern and southern ends of the New World, one of the longest yearly migrations of any bird and paradoxically overflying apparently suitable habitat at lower latitudes. This subspecies is sharply declining, with a major mortality event following 2000, attributed to commercial overharvesting of food resources at its Delaware Bay (USA) stop‐over site. A full understanding of this peculiar migrant requires an assessment of the foraging conditions at its southern hemisphere wintering sites. Here, for a major wintering site in Argentinean Tierra del Fuego (Río Grande), we describe and compare food abundance, diet and intake rates during January–February in 1995, 2000 and 2008. The two main prey types were the burrowing clam Darina solenoides and three species of epibenthic mussels Mytilidae. In the year 2000, food availability and intake rate were higher than those recorded at other sites used by knots anywhere else in the world, contributing to the explanation of why red knots carry out this impressive migration. Intake rate in 2008 on the two main prey types was dramatically reduced as a result of birds eating smaller prey and strongly increased human disturbance; the same year we also found a high prevalence of a digenean parasite in Darina. We suggest that during the strongly enhanced winter mortality in 2000, knots did not yet face ecological problems in their southernmost wintering area, consistent with the previous evidence that problems at northern stop‐overs negatively affected their numbers. However, in 2008 the ecological conditions at Río Grande were such that they would have facilitated a further decline, emphasizing the importance of a hemispheric approach to research and management.  相似文献   

Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is a plant defence response that provides immunity to distant uninfected leaves after an initial localised infection. The lipid transfer protein (LTP) Defective in Induced Resistance1 (DIR1) is an essential component of SAR that moves from induced to distant leaves following a SAR‐inducing local infection. To understand how DIR1 is transported to distant leaves during SAR, we analysed DIR1 movement in transgenic Arabidopsis lines with reduced cell‐to‐cell movement caused by the overexpression of Plasmodesmata‐Located Proteins PDLP1 and PDLP5. These PDLP‐overexpressing lines were defective for SAR, and DIR1 antibody signals were not observed in phloem sap‐enriched petiole exudates collected from distant leaves. Our data support the idea that cell‐to‐cell movement of DIR1 through plasmodesmata is important during long‐distance SAR signalling in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Cavalli‐Sforza and coauthors originally explored the genetic variation of modern humans throughout the world and observed an overall east‐west genetic gradient in Asia. However, the specific environmental and population genetics processes causing this gradient were not formally investigated and promoted discussion in recent studies. Here we studied the influence of diverse environmental and population genetics processes on Asian genetic gradients and identified which could have produced the observed gradient. To do so, we performed extensive spatially‐explicit computer simulations of genetic data under the following scenarios: (a) variable levels of admixture between Paleolithic and Neolithic populations, (b) migration through long‐distance dispersal (LDD), (c) Paleolithic range contraction induced by the last glacial maximum (LGM), and (d) Neolithic range expansions from one or two geographic origins (the Fertile Crescent and the Yangzi and Yellow River Basins). Next, we estimated genetic gradients from the simulated data and we found that they were sensible to the analysed processes, especially to the range contraction induced by LGM and to the number of Neolithic expansions. Some scenarios were compatible with the observed east‐west genetic gradient, such as the Paleolithic expansion with a range contraction induced by the LGM or two Neolithic range expansions from both the east and the west. In general, LDD increased the variance of genetic gradients among simulations. We interpreted the obtained gradients as a consequence of both allele surfing caused by range expansions and isolation by distance along the vast east‐west geographic axis of this continent.  相似文献   

Aim Current evidence from temperate studies suggests that ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi require overland routes for migration because of their obligate symbiotic associations with woody plants. Despite their key roles in arctic ecosystems, the phylogenetic diversity and phylogeography of arctic ECM fungi remains little known. Here we assess the phylogenetic diversity of ECM communities in an isolated, formerly glaciated, high arctic archipelago, and provide explanations for their phylogeographic origins. Location Svalbard. Methods We generated and analysed internal transcribed spacer (ITS) nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences from both curated sporocarp collections (from Svalbard) and soil polymerase chain reaction (PCR) clone libraries (from Svalbard and the North American Arctic), compared these with publicly available sequences in GenBank, and estimated the phylogenetic diversity of ECM fungi in Svalbard. In addition, we conducted coalescent analyses to estimate migration rates in selected species. Results Despite Svalbard’s geographic isolation and arctic climate, its ECM fungi are surprisingly diverse, with at least 72 non‐singleton operational taxonomic units (soil) and 109 phylogroups (soil + sporocarp). The most species‐rich genera are Thelephora/Tomentella, Cortinarius and Inocybe, followed by Hebeloma, Russula, Lactarius, Entoloma, Sebacina, Clavulina, Laccaria, Leccinum and Alnicola. Despite the scarcity of available reference data from other arctic regions, the majority of the phylogroups (73.4%) were also found outside Svalbard. At the same time, all putative Svalbard ‘endemics’ were newly sequenced taxa from diverse genera with massive undocumented diversity. Overall, our results support long‐distance dispersal more strongly than vicariance and glacial survival. However, because of the high variation in nucleotide substitution rates among fungi, allopatric persistence since the Pliocene, although unlikely, cannot be statistically rejected. Results from the coalescent analyses suggest recent gene flow among different arctic areas. Main conclusions Our results indicate numerous recent colonization events and suggest that long‐distance, transoceanic dispersal is widespread in arctic ECM fungi, which differs markedly from the currently prevailing view on the dispersal capabilities of ECM fungi. Our molecular evidence indicates that long‐distance dispersal has probably played a major role in the phylogeographic history of some ECM fungi in the Northern Hemisphere. Our results may have implications for studies on the biodiversity, ecology and conservation of arctic fungi in general.  相似文献   

In the absence of evidence suggesting former ice or land bridges, the colonization of remote landmasses by non‐aquatic, non‐flying vertebrates is thought to result from long‐distance over‐water rafting (LDOR). However, Mazza et al. (2019) challenge the notion that mammals can make such journeys citing their perceived physiological inadequacies. They claim that lengthy transits combined with lack of food and water plus the stresses imposed by temperature, humidity and salinity render such passages impossible. We, though, contend that this reasoning is wrong. The few cases where LDOR has been invoked for mammal colonization have all involved small‐bodied animals, several of which are able to drastically reduce their metabolic rates through torpor/hibernation when food and water are scarce. Furthermore, there may be sustenance. Crucially, LDOR obviates the need for miraculous short‐lived causeways and the attendant issue of unrecognized large‐scale bidirectional invasions being made by other organisms that had access to the conduits.  相似文献   

Aim Geological and fossil records are critical for historical biogeography studies. A plant fossil assemblage from a small, well‐dated, transient late Palaeocene island was re‐investigated with regard to regional geology and vicariance versus dispersal hypotheses. Location Deep Sea Drilling Program Leg 22, Site 214 on the Ninetyeast Ridge (NER) in the mid‐Indian Ocean region. Methods Leaf cuticular material was recovered from residues from a previous palynofloral study of Site 214 sediments during the 1970s and identified. The palynoflora was reassessed. Results The only leaf cuticular material recovered with stomata can be placed in crown‐group Lauraceae. It is confirmed that the palynoflora reflects the presence of a low‐diversity island flora in the late Palaeocene, comprising ferns and mostly herbaceous angiosperms with readily dispersible propagules, and perhaps austral podocarps. Other pollen taxa of almost certain local origin were arecoid palms and taxa related to Chloranthaceae. The strong overall similarity of the palynoflora to Australo‐Antarctic and New Zealand assemblages is also confirmed. Main conclusions Foliar fossils of Lauraceae demonstrate the occurrence of one of the world’s largest, most widely distributed woody plant families on a late Palaeocene island. The presence of plants on this island could be explained by vicariance via a vegetated Upper Cretaceous Kerguelen Plateau, in part because crown‐group Lauraceae may be at least this old. However, there are records of other taxa in the Kerguelen region that are anomalous with vicariance, plus evidence for a catastrophic biotic extinction event centred in the area in the latest Cretaceous. Plants were therefore most likely to have reached the island by means of dispersal. This suggests either the presence of presently unknown vegetated land nearby in the Kerguelen region in the late Palaeocene, or long‐distance dispersal, probably from the Australian region. The dispersal of viable seeds could have been facilitated by birds or perhaps by ocean‐surface drift with or without the assistance of ocean‐going animals. The fossils allow that even small, short‐lived islands could have acted as ‘stepping stones’ for biotic interchange between Australia and Africa, and perhaps other regions.  相似文献   

Aim The biogeography of the tropical plant family Monimiaceae has long been thought to reflect the break‐up of West and East Gondwana, followed by limited transoceanic dispersal. Location Southern Hemisphere, with fossils in East and West Gondwana. Methods We use phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences from 67 of the c. 200 species, representing 26 of the 28 genera of Monimiaceae, and a Bayesian relaxed clock model with fossil prior constraints to estimate species relationships and divergence times. Likelihood optimization is used to infer switches between biogeographical regions on the highest likelihood tree. Results Peumus from Chile, Monimia from the Mascarenes and Palmeria from eastern Australia/New Guinea form a clade that is sister to all other Monimiaceae. The next‐deepest split is between the Sri Lankan Hortonia and the remaining genera. The African Monimiaceae, Xymalos monospora, then forms the sister clade to a polytomy of five clades: (I) Mollinedia and allies from South America; (II) Tambourissa and allies from Madagascar and the Mascarenes; (III) Hedycarya, Kibariopsis and Leviera from New Zealand, New Caledonia and Australia; (IV) Wilkiea, Kibara, Kairoa; and (V) Steganthera and allies, all from tropical Australasia. Main conclusions Tree topology, fossils, inferred divergence times and ances‐tral area reconstruction fit with the break‐up of East Gondwana having left a still discernible signature consisting of sister clades in Chile and Australia. There is no support for previous hypotheses that the break‐up of West Gondwana (Africa/South America) explains disjunctions in the Monimiaceae. The South American Mollinedia clade is only 28–16 Myr old, and appears to have arrived via trans‐Pacific dispersal from Australasia. The clade apparently spread in southern South America prior to the Andean orogeny, fitting with its first‐diverging lineage (Hennecartia) having a southern‐temperate range. The crown ages of the other major clades (II–V) range from 20 to 29 Ma, implying over‐water dispersal between Australia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, and across the Indian Ocean to Madagascar and the Mascarenes. The endemic genus Monimia on the Mascarenes provides an interesting example of an island lineage being much older than the islands on which it presently occurs.  相似文献   

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