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高温油藏内源微生物及其提高采收率潜力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大港孔店油田油藏特征、流体和微生物性质分析结果表明,属于高温生态环境,地层水矿化度较低,氮、磷浓度低,而且缺乏电子受体,主要的有机物来源是油气.油田采用经过除油处理的油藏产出水回注方式开发,油层中存在的微生物类型主要是厌氧嗜热菌,包括发酵菌(102个/mL~105个/mL),产甲烷菌(103个/mL);好氧菌主要存在于注水井周围.硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)还原速率0.002 μg S2-/(L·d)~18.9 μg S2-/(L·d),产甲烷菌产甲烷速率0.012 μgCH4/(L·d)~16.2 μgCH4/(L·d).好氧菌能够氧化油形成生物质,部分氧化产物为挥发性脂肪酸和表面活性荆.产甲烷菌在油氧化菌液体培养基中产生CH4,CO2为好氧微生物和厌氧微生物的共同代谢产物.这些产物具有提高原油流动性的作用.用示踪剂研究了注入水渗流方向.通过综合分析,油藏微生物具有较大的潜力,基于激活油层茵的提高采收率方法在该油田是可行的.  相似文献   

【目的】新疆油田六中区为典型水驱普通稠油油藏,水驱效果较差,油藏具有丰富的内源微生物,本研究通过分析内源微生物驱油对油藏微生物活动的影响,确定内源微生物驱油技术在该类油藏的应用潜力。【方法】采用高通量测序及分析化学技术,系统研究实施内源微生物驱油技术后油藏细菌群落结构组成、细菌总数和功能菌群的浓度以及采出液的流体性质,总结内源微生物驱油对油藏微生物活动的影响。【结果】现场试验注入激活剂和空气后,内源微生物被显著激活,细菌群落结构发生明显变化,细菌总数及功能菌群浓度普遍提高了2–3个数量级;各种内源微生物代谢活动显著增强,与地层流体相互作用后,原油明显被乳化,最终石油采收率提高5.2%。【结论】对于内源微生物较为丰富的水驱普通稠油油藏,内源微生物驱油技术对油藏微生物活动的影响显著,具有显著的技术优势和较大的应用潜力,微生物群落结构、功能菌群浓度及其相关代谢产物可以作为评价内源微生物驱油现场激活效果的重要指标,为其他内源微生物驱油现场试验提供技术参考。  相似文献   

油藏是一个高温、高压、少氧、寡营养和封闭的极端环境,油田经过多年注水开发后,在油藏内部形成了相对稳定的微生物群落体系,这些微生物以石油烃分解为起始,形成了一个复杂的食物链,对油藏碳、硫和金属离子的元素地球化学循环起着非常重要的作用。微生物提高原油采收率技术(MEOR)是利用微生物及其代谢产物与油藏和原油发生作用来提高原油采收率的一种新技术,具有成本低、适应性强和环境友好等特点,因此有望成为未来化学驱后油藏和高含水油藏进一步提高采收率的重要手段。对油藏内源微生物及其介导的生化反应,微生物采油原理、发展历程和现场试验进行综述,并提出了未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

海洋微生物资源及其产生生物活性代谢产物的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海洋微生物,尤其海洋细菌以其分类的多样性和规模而言,作为生物活性物质产生菌的潜力是巨大的。海洋微生物研究依据分离菌的生境来源可分为海水、沉积物、共栖、共生和深海菌群。生境的不同,不但影响菌群的分布,而且影响微生物代谢产物的合成。从报道的研究结果看,沉积物细菌、共栖细菌和共生细菌是海洋微生物天然药物筛选的重要来源。目前海洋微生物生物活性代谢产物资源的研究仍主要限制在那些在“标准”条件下易于生长和培养的微生物类群。本文对海洋微生物资源产生的生物活性物质的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

海洋微生物资源及其产生生物活性代谢产物的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
海洋微生物,尤其海洋细菌以其分类的多样性和规模而言,作为生物活性物质产生菌的潜力是巨大的。海洋微生物研究依据分离菌的生境来源可分为海水、沉积物、共栖、共生和深海菌群。生境的不同,不但影响菌群的分布,而且影响微生物工谢产物的合成。从报道的研究结果看,沉积物细菌、共栖细菌和共生细菌是海洋微生物天然药物筛选的重要来源。目前海洋微生物生物活笥代谢产物资源的研究仍主要限制在那些在“标准”条件下易于生长和培养  相似文献   

模拟油藏条件下内源微生物群落空间分布规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【背景】油藏内源微生物群落是开展内源微生物驱油技术的物质基础,由于油藏多孔介质取样技术难度大、成本高,实施内源微生物驱油后从注入端到产出端多孔介质中的内源微生物空间分布规律尚不明确。【目的】通过室内长岩心连续驱替实验模拟油藏内源微生物驱油过程,分析实施后不同空间位点油砂上吸附的内源微生物群落结构,揭示从注入端到产出端内源微生物群落的空间分布规律。【方法】借助高通量测序技术及荧光定量PCR技术解析不同空间位点油砂原位微生物群落信息。【结果】注入端到产出端不同空间位点生态环境的差异及菌属间的相互作用造成油藏内源微生物群落空间分布差异,存在明显的好氧、厌氧空间演替变化规律。岩心前端主要存在一些好氧类的产生物表面活性剂类微生物如假单胞菌属,岩心中部主要存在兼性和厌氧类的微生物如地芽孢杆菌、厌氧杆菌属,岩心末端主要分布严格厌氧类细菌和产甲烷古菌,厌氧类微生物代谢产生的H2、CO2和乙酸分子可以为产甲烷古菌提供代谢底物。【结论】通过室内物模油砂研究,首次明确了内源微生物群落在多孔介质中从注入端到产出端的空间分布规律,证实油藏内源微生物的好氧、厌氧空间接替分布规律,深化了对油藏内源微生物的认识。  相似文献   

本文描述了一个用于微生物浓度快速测定的燃料电池型的微生物电极的构造及其基本工作原理。分别用恒电流阴极极化法和旋转圆盘电极恒电位阳极极化法研究了微生物电极的阴极反应和阳极反应,用分光光度法研究了微生物对染料(硫堇)的还原动力学。结果表明;以K3Fe(CN)6-K4 Fe(CN)6,的饱和溶滚为阴极液,在微生物电极的正常工作电流下,阴极电位基本上不发生极化,阳极反应受扩散控制,微生物对染料(硫堇)的还原动力学符合米氏型方程 溶解氧,微生物的浓度以及微生物对染料的还原能力对染料的还原动力学具有较大的影响。  相似文献   

硫元素是所有生物的基本组成成分,是生物体必需的营养元素之一.硫氧化还原微生物的数量多、分布广、代谢途径多样化,硫化合物之间的平衡依赖于微生物代谢网络中的各种硫转化反应与代谢过程.此外,硫循环与碳、氮循环紧密相关,对地球生态循环起到了至关重要的作用.本文综述了近期微生物硫循环网络的研究进展,包括所涉及的主要微生物、硫循环...  相似文献   

硫酸盐还原菌(sulfate-reducing bacteria,SRB)广泛分布于高温、高压及高盐的石油油藏中,在油藏硫循环中起主导作用。SRB能在油藏生物膜内生长,有微量低分子有机酸时利用硫酸盐为电子受体并将其还原成硫化氢。硫化氢会腐蚀管道,导致原油泄露等其他安全问题,每年造成的经济损失超过7 000亿元。本文首先总结了油藏生物膜内微生物菌群多样性,分析了生物膜内SRB及其相关菌群的协同腐蚀机理;然后讨论了高温油藏SRB介导的硫氮氢生物地球化学循环过程、胞外电子传递机制及其腐蚀作用,并通过几个高温油藏SRB生物膜内腐蚀的现场案例进一步阐明了SRB的腐蚀机制。在此基础上,提出了应对高温油藏生物膜内SRB腐蚀的生物纳米防治策略,这为高温油藏管道防腐提供了新思路。  相似文献   

高温高盐油藏微生物驱技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青海油田跃进油区尕斯油藏中浅层地层平均温度65℃,地层水矿化度高达10%~17%。为探索微生物采油的可行性,对尕斯油藏地层水进行微生物种类及数量的鉴定,在分析地层水组分的基础上,设计两种激活体系,并考证激活剂对本源微生物的激活效果以及作用原油的效果。在临近相同油藏条件的地层水中筛选到一株耐高温高矿化度的石油降解菌,该菌能够产生表面活性剂,降低菌液的表面张力,改变岩石的润湿性,从而确定出适于尕斯油藏的微生物采油方式。  相似文献   

青海油田微生物采油技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从青海油田地层水中分离培养出4株微生物菌种,对其进行了耐温性、耐盐性等进行了探讨,分析了微生物处理前后原油组份及物性变化情况,并采用岩芯流动试验探讨了微生物的驱油效果。结果表明,这几种微生物菌种均能适应青海油田温度及高矿化度地层环境,作用于原油后对原油中的长链饱和烃类物质有较好的降解作用,能使其分子链变短,并产生有机酸或石油羧酸盐类表面活性剂等低分子物质,使原油的粘度、凝点及蜡含量均出现明显的下降,改善原油的流动性能。提高石油采收率。2口井的现场试验证明,微生物采油具有良好的提高石油采收率的效果和清蜡减阻效果。  相似文献   

Groundwater samples from 200- to 950-m depths in four igneous rock sites in Finland were investigated for different metabolic groups of microorganisms, and the data were compared with the available geochemical record. Samples were collected with a pressurized groundwater sampling system developed for gas and microbiological sampling. Two of the sites had groundwater that was fresh, with < 0.2 g/l dissolved solids, whereas that at the two other sites was much more saline, reaching a maximum of 24 g/l dissolved solids. The groundwater contained gases, 33 to 340 ml/l, with nitrogen or methane dominating. Total cell numbers were 10 5 to 10 6 cells/ml, which is typical for deep igneous rock aquifers. Growth media were designed to mimic the actual groundwater chemistry at each sampling point and used for most probable number enumeration of methanogens, acetogens, sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), and iron-reducing bacteria (IRB). SRB predominated in sites where iron sulfide fracture-filling minerals are common. IRB were the main population in one site where iron sulfide fracture minerals are not present, but iron hydroxide fracture minerals predominate. Fracture-filling minerals were a better indicator of microbial populations than was groundwater chemistry. Low numbers of autotrophic methanogens were cultured. One of several possible interpretations of stable isotope data suggested that most of the detected methane is thermogenic, which would correlate with few active methanogens. However, we concluded other interpretations were also possible.  相似文献   

内源微生物采油技术的历史与现状   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
内源微生物采油技术的研究已有多年的历史 ,因其工艺简单、成本低而具有较好的发展前景。综述了国内外在该领域的基础研究进展和矿场试验情况。  相似文献   

Oil tea Camellia is a major woody oil plant, which has a positive influence on alleviating the contradiction between supply and demand of edible oil in China. Microbial fertilizer for Oil tea Camellia is urgently needed in current production, and it is of great significance to improve the yield and quality. Culturable functional microorganisms are the basis of research and development for microbial fertilizer. In this study, culturable microorganisms which had abilities of antagonism, growth promotion, phosphorus solubility, nitrogen fixation and drought resistance, were integrated from oil tea literature. And the strains potential application ability were evaluated in terms of functionality, safety and adaptability, culture characteristics, suitable conditions and colonization or infection ability of strains. The results showed that the strains with strongest antagonistic ability were Bacillus amyloliquefaciens D2WM and Bacillus subtilis Y13. Beauveria bassiana BbTK-01 and Metarhizium anisopliae FJMa201101 had the strongest insect resistant ability. Glomus versiforme and Glomus intraradices can promote oil tea fastest growth. Phosphorus dissolving ability of Bacillus aryabhattai NC285 and Burkholderia cepacia 6-Y-09 were strongest. The strains with strongest Nitrogen fixing ability were Azomonas N7-3 and Sphingobium B7-7, and the strains with strongest improving drought resistance ability were Glomus versiforme and Glomus intraradices. Comprehensive evaluation of strains showed that Bacillus subtilis Y13 and Azomonas N7-3 had a good applied potential ability. This study would save time-consuming of isolate, purify and identify repetitively for the researchers of functional bacteria of oil tea Camellia. Meanwhile it provides a research basis for selecting targeted strains and constructing the combination of functional strains, therefore provides data support for fertilizer efficiency.  相似文献   

This study presents a systematic modeling approach for examining the efficiency of the MEOR process based on in situ selective plugging by bacterial biopolymer production and optimization of the nutrient injection strategy to yield the maximum oil recovery. This study focuses on modeling in situ selective plugging by the bacterial biopolymer dextran that is generated by Leuconostoc mesenteroides. Bacterial growth and dextran generation were described by a stoichiometric equation and kinetic reactions using batch model simulation. Based on the parameters for permeability reduction obtained from the sandpack model, the MEOR process was implemented in a pilot-scale system that included a highly permeable thief zone in a low-permeability reservoir. The base MEOR design yielded a 61.5% improvement of the recovery factor compared to that obtained with waterflooding. The parametric simulations revealed that the recovery efficiency was influenced by the amount of dextran, as well as the distribution of dextran, and thus, the injection strategy is critical for controlling the dextran distribution. By incorporating the results from the sensitivity analysis and optimization to determine the optimal design parameters, a 36.7% improvement of the oil recovery was achieved with the optimized MEOR process in comparison with the base case.  相似文献   

目的:本文拟研究蝇蛆油对皮肤机械损伤的治疗作用及作用机制。方法:SD大鼠随机分为正常组、模型组、蝇蛆油组和重组牛碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(rb-bFGF)凝胶组,制作大鼠皮肤机械性损伤模型,在不同时间点采集样本,检测创面愈合率、创面愈合时间、血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)含量、丙二醛(MDA)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)水平,并检测组织中胶原蛋白Ⅰ、胶原蛋白Ⅲ、血小板衍生因子(PDGF)和细胞角蛋白19(CK19)表达情况。结果:模型组大鼠创面愈合时间为29.5±2.6 d,而蝇蛆油创面愈合时间为22.4±2.8 d,存在显著差异(P0.01)。VEDF含量在模型组和给药组均随着创面愈合时间增加,给药组在第1 d即显著高于模型组(P0.01),并在第21 d达到最大值(2051.5±148.2 ng/L)。模型组大鼠创面组织中MDA含量为6.47±0.92 nmo L/mg,SOD含量为7.52±3.21 U/mg,而蝇蛆油给药组大鼠创面组织中MDA含量为3.42±0.83 nmo L/mg,SOD含量为21.32±2.94 U/mg,存在显著差异(P0.01)。进一步研究发现,与模型组比较,蝇蛆油给药组大鼠创面组织中胶原蛋白Ⅰ、胶原蛋白Ⅲ、PDGF和CK19含量均显著升高(P0.01)。结论:蝇蛆油能够促进机械性损伤皮肤创面愈合,其作用机制可能是通过促进血管生成,抗氧化损伤,促进胶原生成,诱导干细胞形成,从而促进创面愈合。  相似文献   

In multiphase fermentations where the product forms a second liquid phase or where solvents are added for product extraction, turbulent conditions disperse the oil phase as droplets. Surface‐active components (SACs) present in the fermentation broth can stabilize the product droplets thus forming an emulsion. Breaking this emulsion increases process complexity and consequently the production cost. In previous works, it has been proposed to promote demulsification of oil/supernatant emulsions in an off‐line batch bubble column operating at low gas flow rate. The aim of this study is to test the performance of this recovery method integrated to a fermentation, allowing for continuous removal of the oil phase. A 500 mL bubble column is successfully integrated with a 2 L reactor during 24 h without affecting cell growth or cell viability. However, higher levels of surfactants and emulsion stability are measured in the integrated system compared to a base case, reducing its capacity for oil recovery. This is related to release of SACs due to cellular stress when circulating through the recovery column. Therefore, it is concluded that the gas bubble‐induced oil recovery method allows for oil separation and cell recycling without compromising fermentation performance; however, tuning of the column parameters considering increased levels of SACs due to cellular stress is required for improving oil recovery.  相似文献   

The current study aimed to evaluate the negative allelopathic effect of Eucalyptus citriodora essential oil on some of the most noxious weeds in Algeria (Sinapis arvensis, Sonchus oleraceus, Xanthium strumarium and Avena fatua). Gas chromatography‐flame ionization detector (GC‐FID) and GC/mass spectrometry (MS) were used to define the chemical composition of the oil. Citronellal (64.7%) and citronellol (10.9%) were the major essential oil compounds. Three concentrations of the oil were used for laboratory (0.01, 0.02 and 0.03%) and greenhouse (1, 2 and 3%) experiments. Seed germination and seedling's growth were drastically reduced in response to the oil concentrations where at 0.01 and 0.02% the oil drastically affects the seed germination of the tested weeds and at 0.03% the oil suppresses completely the germination of S. arvensis. The oil also exhibited strong allelopathic effect on the 3 – 4 leaf‐stage plants 1 and 6 days after treatment. A completely death of S. arvensis, S. oleraceus and A. fatua and severe injuries on X. strumarium appeared at 3% of the oil. Chlorophyll content and membrane integrity were significantly affected after treatment of the plant weeds representing a severe reduction in total chlorophyll and cell membrane disruption. The study concludes that E. citriodora essential oil might has the potential use as bioherbicide and can constitute an alternative process of weed control.  相似文献   

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