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Emerging evidence has shown that podocyte injury and reduced specific podocyte protein expressions contribute to proteinuria in preeclampsia. We collected urine specimens from women with preeclampsia to study whether podocyte-specific protein shedding is associated with renal barrier dysfunction. Urine specimens from women with normal pregnancies and from pregnant women complicated by chronic hypertension were used for comparison. We determined soluble podocyte slit protein nephrin levels in the urine specimens. Podocalyxin, βig-h3, and VEGF concentrations were also measured. We found that nephrin and podocalyxin were barely detectable in the urine specimens from normal pregnant women and from women with chronic hypertension. In preeclampsia, urinary nephrin and podocalyxin concentrations were significantly increased and highly correlated to each other, r(2) = 0.595. Nephrin and podocalyxin were also correlated with urine protein concentrations. βig-h3 was detected in the urine specimens from women with preeclampsia, and it is highly correlated with nephrin and podocalyxin concentrations in preeclampsia. βig-h3 was undetectable in normal pregnancy and pregnancy complicated by chronic hypertension. Elevated VEGF levels were also found in women with preeclampsia compared with those of normal pregnancy and pregnancy complicated by chronic hypertension. These results provide strong evidence that podocyte protein shedding occurs in preeclampsia, and their levels are associated with proteinuria. The finding of urinary βig-h3 excretion in preeclampsia suggests that increased transforming growth factor activity might also be involved in the kidney lesion in this pregnancy disorder.  相似文献   

BackgroundDiabetes mellitus is a serious metabolic disease. Dysfunction and subsequent loss of the β-cells in the islets of Langerhans through apoptosis ultimately cause a life-threatening insulin deficiency. The underlying reason for the particular vulnerability of the β-cells is an extraordinary sensitivity to the toxicity of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS and RNS) due to its low antioxidative defense status.Scope reviewThis review considers the different aspects of the chemistry and biology of the biologically most important reactive species and their chemico-biological interactions in the β-cell toxicity of proinflammatory cytokines in type 1 diabetes and of lipotoxicity in type 2 diabetes development.Major conclusionThe weak antioxidative defense equipment in the different subcellular organelles makes the β-cells particularly vulnerable and prone to mitochondrial, peroxisomal and ER stress.Looking upon the enzyme deficiencies which are responsible for the low antioxidative defense status of the pancreatic β-cells it is the lack of enzymatic capacity for H2O2 inactivation at all major subcellular sites.General significanceDiabetes is the most prevalent metabolic disorder with a steadily increasing incidence of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes worldwide. The weak protection of the pancreatic β-cells against oxidative stress is a major reason for their particular vulnerability. Thus, careful protection of the β-cells is required for prevention of the disease.  相似文献   

Wilson’s disease is an autosomal recessive disorder of copper accumulation in various organs, with most common clinical manifestations such as hepatic, neurological, and renal dysfunctions. Serum copper and ceruloplasmin in Wilson’s disease were significantly lower as compared to normals, controls, and relatives of Wilson’s disease patients, whereas marked hypercupriuria (145 ± 7 μg/24 h) was observed in Wilson’s children only. A good correlation (r = 0.92) was found between non-ceruloplasmin-bound copper and 24-h urinary copper excretion in Wilson’s disease patients. Further, copper studies among the different phenotypes of Wilson’s disease revealed substantially low serum ceruloplasmin and a marked hypercupriuria in Wilson’s disease children associated with renal tubular acidosis as compared to the patients with either hepatological or neurological manifestations. Serum ceruloplasmin levels in 14 patients of Wilson’s disease were between 14 and 20 mg/dL. These patients of Wilson’s disease were confirmed by measuring liver biopsy copper, which was about nine times higher than normal hepatic copper content. During the family screening by copper studies, four asymptomatic siblings were diagnosed for Wilson’s disease. These subjects were then started on D-penicillamine therapy because presymptomatic treatment prevents progression of the disease complications.  相似文献   

Summary Several factors influencing the steroiddehydrogenase histochemistry were investigated: diffusion of enzyme; inactivation of enzyme; effects of the steroid solvents commonly used; the validity in localization of the enzyme activity; nothing dehydrogenase reaction. 1. The importance in controlling the diffusion of each enzyme system to be studied is emphasized. Provided that the presence of SH-groups in the active centre of the dehydrogenase can be proved, a control experiment using a double-section incubation method should be carried out. 2. A comparison between the use of unfixed and briefly prefixed sections is recommended in order to avoid a possible distortion of the tissue during the incubation. The influence of prefixation on diffusion of enzymes or reaction products as well as on inactivation of enzymes must be studied. 3. The steroid solvents—especially dimethyl formamide caused a morphological distortion, and an inactivation and/or extraction of reaction products (the red monoformazan) in fresh frozen sections, these solvents should therefore be handled with caution. A special mixture of dimethyl formamide and propylene glycol is recommended. 4. The steroid should be completely soluble in the incubation medium in order to secure zero order kinetics. 5. Avoidance of sulphydryl nothing dehydrogenase reaction, since the reaction predominantly manifests itself as a red formazan obscuring sites with low dehydrogenase activity. 6. The localization of the NAD(P)H oxidase systems must be controlled, in order to ensure that they should not be a limiting factor in the detection of the dehydrogenase activity. Secondly, this investigation may act as a control on diffusion of dehydrogenase and/or reduced coenzyme. 7. That the investigation of the incubation time needed for initial visual reaction allows a certain quantitative estimation of the concentration of enzyme localized at different sites in the same section. The investigation should also include the red formazan, since it has recently been proved to be an intermediary step in the enzymic reduction of Nitro BT, and as such may reflect sites with low enzyme concentration.Further, some of the functional aspects of the activity of 11-hydroxysteroiddehydrogenaseNAD(P)H oxidase systems in the thymus were discussed, and lastly the localization of these systems in the kidney was revised.This work was supported by a grant from Statens almindelige Videnskabsfond, Copenhagen.  相似文献   

Aggregation of the amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) into insoluble fibrils is a key pathological event in Alzheimer’s disease. Cu(II) and Zn(II) ions were reported to be able to induce Aβ aggregation at nearly physiological concentrations in vitro. In this study, the binding modes of Cu(II) and Zn(II) in this process were explored by molecular modeling. In the pre-associated Aβ, Nτ atom of imidazole ring of His14, O atom of carbonyl of main-chain and two O atoms of water occupied the four ligand positions of the complex. While in the aggregated form of Aβ, the His13(N)–Metals–His14(N) bridges were formed through metal cross-linking action. These results would be helpful to put insight on revealing the formation mechanism of pathogenic Aβ aggregates in brain.  相似文献   

β2-Microglobulin is a 99-residue protein with a propensity to form amyloid-like fibrils in vitro which exhibit distinct morphologies dependent on the solution conditions employed. Here we have used ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry to characterize the oligomeric species detected during the formation of worm-like fibrils of β2-microglobulin at pH 3.6. Immediately upon sample dissolution, β2-microglobulin monomer and oligomers—the latter ranging in size from dimer to hexamer—are present as a pool of rapidly interconverting species. Increasing the ionic strength of the solution initiates fibril formation without a lag-phase whereupon these oligomers become more stable and higher-order species (7-mer to >14-mer) are observed. The oligomers detected have collision cross-sectional areas consistent with a linearly stacked assembly comprising subunits of native-like volume. The results provide insights into the identity and properties of the transient, oligomeric intermediates formed during assembly of worm-like fibrils and identify species that differ significantly from the oligomers previously characterized during the nucleated assembly of long, straight fibrils. The data presented demonstrate the interrelationship between different fibril-forming pathways and identify their points of divergence.  相似文献   


Astacid crayfishes, native to western Eurasia and western North America, are iteroparous and long-lived (6–12 years), reaching final sizes of about 30–500 g and 90–200 mm total length, depending on species. While economically valuable, their low fecundity and slow growth makes economic aquaculture difficult. In Spain and Ireland the relatively small native white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet) carries around 70 eggs for 8–9 months and reaches first maturity at 3–4 years and 50 mm total length. The larger signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus Dana, introduced to Europe from California, matures at about 70 mm and 2 years and carries some 200 eggs for 8 months. A. pallipes alone occurs in Ireland; both species in Spain. We have investigated fecundity, oviposition and subsequent egg development of diese species in field and laboratory and developed strategies to maximize egg survival in artificial incubators. Temperature manipulations may be used to maximize juvenile survival and also to modify incubation period. For successful aquaculture critical phases in captivity are mating and fertilization, pleopodal egg attachment, late embryo survival and moult from Stage 1 hatchlings to free-living Stage 2 juveniles.  相似文献   

β2-Microglobulin (β2M) is believed to have arisen in a basal jawed vertebrate (gnathostome) and is the essential L chain that associates with most MHC class I molecules. It contains a distinctive molecular structure called a constant-1 Ig superfamily domain, which is shared with other adaptive immune molecules including MHC class I and class II. Despite its structural similarity to class I and class II and its conserved function, β2M is encoded outside the MHC in all examined species from bony fish to mammals, but it is assumed to have translocated from its original location within the MHC early in gnathostome evolution. We screened a nurse shark bacterial artificial chromosome library and isolated clones containing β2M genes. A gene present in the MHC of all other vertebrates (ring3) was found in the bacterial artificial chromosome clone, and the close linkage of ring3 and β2M to MHC class I and class II genes was determined by single-strand conformational polymorphism and allele-specific PCR. This study satisfies the long-held conjecture that β2M was linked to the primordial MHC (Ur MHC); furthermore, the apparent stability of the shark genome may yield other genes predicted to have had a primordial association with the MHC specifically and with immunity in general.  相似文献   

Purpose: The objective of this study is to evaluate the diagnostic properties of urinary biomarkers in adults with ureteropelvic junction obstruction: KIM-1, NGAL, CA19-9, and β2-microglobulin. We also assessed urinary biomarker concentrations following pyeloplasty.

Material and methods: We prospectively studied adults from December 2013 to February 2015. We included 47 patients with a mean age of 38.6?±?12.7 years. Each patient provided four samples of voided urine for biomarker measurement, one at pre-operative consultation and the others at 1, 3, and 6 months of post-operative follow-up. The control group consisted of 40 healthy individuals with no hydronephrosis on ultrasound evaluation.

Results: KIM-1 had an area under the curve of 0.79 (95% CI 0.70–0.89), NGAL 0.71 (95% CI 0.61–0.83), CA19-9 0.70 (95% CI 0.60–0.81), and β2-microgloblin 0.61 (95% CI 0.50–0.73). KIM-1 was the most sensitive marker with a cut-off of 170.4?pg/mg creatinine (sensitivity 91.4%, specificity 59.1%), whereas CA19-9 was the most specific with a cut-off of 51.3?U/mg creatinine (sensitivity 48.9%, specificity 88.0%). Urinary concentrations of biomarkers decreased after pyeloplasty.

Conclusions: The evaluation of urinary biomarkers is useful in adults undergoing pyeloplasty. KIM-1, NGAL, and CA19-9 were elevated and significantly decreased after surgery.  相似文献   

Here we consider the concept of kaluchua (a word adopted from the English culture) in group-living animals developed by Imanishi in the 1950s. He distinguished it from bunka (the Japanese equivalent to the English culture) because he thought that bunka had strong connotations of noble and intellectual human-like activities. Although he did not rigidly define kaluchua, his original concept of kaluchua was much broader than bunka and represented non-hereditary, acquired behavior that was acknowledged socially. However, instead of social life, complex feeding skills have often formed the central topic in the current studies of animal culture. In order to provide evidence that more subtle behavioral variations exist among wild chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) populations, we directly compared the behaviors of two well-habituated chimpanzee groups, at Bossou and Mahale. During a 2-month stay at Bossou, M.N. (the first author) saw several behavioral patterns that were absent or rare at Mahale. Two of them, mutual genital touch and heel tap were probably customary for mature females and for mature males, respectively. Index to palm and sputter are still open to question. These subtle patterns occurred more often than tool use during the study period, suggesting that rarity is not the main reason for their being ignored. Unlike tool use, some cultural behavioral patterns do not seem to require complex skills or intellectual processes, and sometimes it is hard to explain the existence of such behaviors only in terms of function.  相似文献   

Summary The localization of 2-microglobulin (2m) was studied in renal biopsies from 18 patients with pathological transplanted kidney using immunofluorescence and electron-immunohistochemical techniques; the renal biopsies of 4 cases with normal kidneys were used as controls. Using immunofluorescence, 2m was not observed in the normal kidneys, 2m was found in the glomeruli (7 cases) and the tubular epithelium (16 cases) of the transplanted kidneys. Using immunoelectron microscopy, some labelling of the normal kidneys was observed mainly along the cell coat of foot processes and in tubular-epithelial lysosomes. In the glomeruli of transplanted kidneys, particularly in cases of acute or chronic rejection, 2m was most frequently localized on the outer layer of the basement membrane and along the cell coat of foot processes. The brush border of the proximal tubules and the lysosomal structures were intensely labelled. Although immunoelectron-microscopy studies are unable to discriminate between the localization of 2m in normal and transplanted kidneys, these findings nevertheless suggest the glomerular filtration of 2m and its metabolism in the tubular epithelium.  相似文献   

Brassica napus var. oleifera and Helianthus annus were grown in artificially contaminated soils. Accumulation and translocation of the environmental pollutants zinc, cadmium, lead, and copper, was evaluated in different portions of the plants at two harvesting times. The distribution into the plants of these metal ions, as well as their capacity for contaminant phytoextraction and accumulation was assessed. For this purpose, an analytical method utilizing focused ultrasound employed for extraction and stripping voltammetry for measurement has been optimized and validated for the simultaneous measurement of Zn, Cd, Pb, and Cu in plant extracts.  相似文献   

Summary We applied qualitative cytochemical procedures to investigate and compare the distribution of 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (HSDH) in pro- and diestrus ovaries of sexually mature marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) using dehydroepiandrosterone or etiocholane-3-ol-17-one as the substrate. During proestrus dehydroepiandrosterone dehydrogenase (3-5-HSDH) activity was found in the theca of tertiary follicles and in atretic granulosa cells. In granulosa cells at advanced stages of degeneration, HSDH activity was distinctly higher than in thecal cells. The activity of etiocholane-3-ol-17-one dehydrogenase (3-5-HSDH) exhibited a gradient in preovulatory follicles, ranging from high levels in granulosa cells adjacent to the basement membrane to low levels in cells bordering on the antrum and in cumulus oophorus cells. During diestrus 3-5-HSDH activity was only detected in the corpora lutea; the level of 3-5-HSDH activity was unchanged in the theca of tertiary follicles and high in the cells of the corpora lutea. HSDH activity was no longer detectable in atretic granulosa cells using either dehydroepiandrosterone or etiocholane-3-ol-17-one as the substrate. comparison of the distribution of HSDH during proestrus and diestrus revealed that steroidogenesis in marmoset ovaries occurs in follicular elements during diestrus and almost exclusively in the corpora lutea during diestrus. From this phase-dependent localization, it is possible to detemine the stage of the estrous cycle. Furthermore, our findings indicate that the localization of HSDH is dependent on the conformational structure of the substrate used.  相似文献   

Aspirin inhibits cyclo-oxygenase, thus preventing prostanoids formation. After oral administration aspirin is hydrolysed to inactive salicylate partly within the gastrointestinal tract, partly during first pass in the liver, partly in the circulation by plasma esterases. Intravenous aspirin, in contrast, mainly undergoes plasma esterase-catalysed deacetylation. Six healthy male subjects were given 1 g aspirin orally and intravenously two weeks apart according to a cross-over randomized design. Whereas serum T×B2 generation reflecting platelet cyclo-oxygenase activity was suppressed by aspirin by both routes, urinary excretion of T×B2 and 6-keto-PGF1α was not affected by oral aspirin, but was partially though significantly reduced by the i.v. drug. Drug disposition seems therefore to be essential in determining the “biochemical selectivity” of aspirin as related to platelet and renal prostanoids generation.  相似文献   

Among various amyloidogenic proteins, β2-microglobulin (β2-m) responsible for dialysis-related amyloidosis is a target of extensive study because of its clinical importance and suitable size for examining the formation of amyloid fibrils in comparison with protein folding to the native state. The structure and stability of amyloid fibrils have been studied with various physicochemical methods, including H/D exchange of amyloid fibrils combined with dissolution of fibrils by dimethylsulfoxide and NMR analysis, thermodynamic analysis of amyloid fibril formation by isothermal calorimetry, and analysis of the effects of pressure on the structure of amyloid fibrils. The results are consistent with the view that amyloid fibrils are a main-chain-dominated structure with larger numbers of hydrogen bonds and pressure-accessible cavities in the interior, in contrast to the side-chain-dominated native structure with the optimal packing of amino acid residues. We consider that a main-chain dominated structure provides the structural basis for various conformational states even with one protein. When this feature is combined with another unique feature, template-dependent growth, propagation and maturation of the amyloid conformation, which cannot be predicted with Anfinsen's dogma, take place.  相似文献   

We show that beta(2)-microglobulin solutions in physiological conditions contain a tiny fraction of aggregates, which can hardly be filtered out and tend to re-form spontaneously. At physiological pH the fractional amount and size distribution of the latter aggregates do not depend on temperature. Conversely, in the pH range typical of the peri-articular tissue acidosis that often occurs in hemodialysis, temperature increase leads to fast and irreversible growth of the aggregates. Quite similar, but strongly enhanced aggregation effects can be induced even in physiological conditions by adding a very small amount of DeltaN6, a naturally occurring truncated isoform of beta(2)-m known to promote fibrillogenesis.  相似文献   


Within the kidney-shaped egg laid by the homozygous female, the embryo develops only ectodermal organs, but no mesodermal organs. The early embryogenesis of this strain was examined with light and electron microscopy. Until the early germband stage no remarkable differences are distinguishable between the normal and the kidney-shaped eggs. Afterwards, in the kidney-shaped egg large amount of cytoplasmic masses and often several cells are extruded from the presumptive head region into the yolk at the ‘pyriform’ stage, resulting in inhibiting the formation of a normal wide head lobe and an invagination occurring in its central region, the first sign of the mesoderm differentiation. This phenomenon proceeds gradually toward the posterior part and thus the differentiation of mesoderm becomes impossible throughout the entire length of germband. The results are discussed in the context of the mesoderm differentiation in Bombyx.  相似文献   

By using liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, Western blotting and N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis, we characterized the molecular heterogeneity and advanced glycation end product (AGE) modification of β2-microglobulin (β2m) extracted from the amyloid tissue of a hemodialysis patient. Amyloid β2m was composed of full-length β2m, truncated β2m and dimer β2m. Truncated β2m and dimer β2m were modified with AGEs such as imidazolone and Nϵ-(carboxymethyl)lysine, and showed fluorescence characteristic of AGE. Truncated β2m species were formed by cleavage between amino acid residues of Pro6/Ile7, Gln8/Val9 and Val9/Tyr10. Heterogeneous dimer β2m species showed the molecular masses of 22 591 and 22 675, which resulted from cross-linking between truncated β2m.  相似文献   

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