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A device is described which allows 12 samples to be prepared for acid hydrolysis in approximately 1 h. Screw-cap test tubes containing the weighed samples are placed into the apparatus along with 6 n HCl reagent. Air is removed rapidly and simultaneously from samples and reagent by alternate evacuation and nitrogen flushing. Reagent is measured into the sample tubes, and caps are threaded into place under a nitrogen atmosphere.  相似文献   

A method is described for the rapid purification of high quality lambda DNA. The method can be used from either liquid or plate lysates and on a small scale or a large scale. It relies on the preadsobtion of all polyanions present in the lysate to an "insoluble" anion-exchange matrix (DEAE or TEAE). Phage particles are then disrupted by combined treatment with EDTA/proteinase K and the resulting DNA is precipitated by the addition of the cationic detergent cetyl (or hexadecyl)-trimethyl ammonium bromide-CTAB ("soluble" anion-exchange matrix). The precipitated CTAB-DNA complex is then exchanged to Na-DNA and ethanol precipitated. The resultant purified DNA is suitable for enzymatic reactions and provides a high quality template for dideoxy-sequence analysis.  相似文献   

A steam distillation apparatus suitable for micro-Kjeldahl analysis   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  

A method is described for preparing homogenates of insects, mites, nematodes, or fungal spores for electrophoretic analysis which overcomes the disadvantages of existing methods. It is also applicable to the homogenization of microsamples of animal tissue. The method involves grinding the samples in glass tubes, closed at one end, prepared from melting-point capillaries. A range of plungers is fabricated from the stainless-steel plungers from broken microsyringes, or from stainless-steel wire. The plunger is operated by hand to homogenize a sample in 2-20 microliter of buffer in a tube. The techniques for handling the samples before and after homogenization and for labeling and centrifuging them are described. Compared with existing methods, the procedure minimizes sample loss and risk of cross-contamination and eliminates the possibility of overheating the sample during homogenization.  相似文献   

A rapid and simple method for preparing freeze-clamped tissue samples for metabolite determinations is described. Freeze-clamped rat heart tissue samples weighing from 0.8 to 1.0 g were homogenized directly in an Ultra-Turrax homogenizer for 60 s in 3.5 ml of ice-cold 0.6 M HClO4 without pulverizing them in liquid nitrogen. After centrifugation, the pellet was rehomogenized in the Ultra-Turrax homogenizer for 30 s in 1.5 ml of HClO4. Following a further centrifugation the extracts were combined and the pH was adjusted to 7.0 by adding 5 M K2CO3. The neutralized supernatant was used for the desired assays. The analyses of the tissue extracts obtained from isolated perfused rat hearts by the present method give similar results for different kinds of metabolites than those processed according to the previous classical method. Moreover, the values of the various parameters determined from the tissue extracts prepared according to the method described here are similar to the data reported in literature. The method can be readily applied to any other freeze-clamped tissue. The greatest improvement obtained is that the homogenization procedure can be accomplished easily and conveniently in about one-tenth of the time required for the earlier classical method without the time-consuming and unpleasant tissue grinding in liquid nitrogen.  相似文献   

A method for the preparation of whole-body sections suitable for autoradiographic and histochemical study is described. Radioactive calcium chloride or [14C]proline was injected into the abdominal cavity of a rat. Thirty-five minutes after injection of calcium chloride or 40 min after injection of proline the rat was frozen in a mixture of hexane and solid carbon dioxide and blocked in 5% sodium carboxymethyl cellulose. The carboxymethyl cellulose block was trimmed and a piece of copy paper was attached to the surface of the block with cellulose tape. Cryotome sections cut from the block were transferred from the paper to a glass slide coated with synthetic rubber adhesive. For whole-body autoradiography, sections were freeze-dried for 2 days and then placed against X-ray film. For light microscopic autoradiography, the freeze-dried sections were covered with a dried film of photographic emulsion. For histochemical use, the sections were fixed by raising the temperature to 4 C after immersion in 100% ethanol below -10 C. For histological observation, sections were postfixed with 2.5% glutaraldehyde and stained. Whole-body and light microscopic autoradiographs showed that sections so prepared could be used for the demonstration of soluble substances in whole-body sections and for detailed autoradiography at the light microscopic level, and the stained sections could be used for histological and histochemical studies.  相似文献   

A simple method of preparing plant samples for PCR.   总被引:40,自引:1,他引:39       下载免费PDF全文
H Wang  M Qi    A J Cutler 《Nucleic acids research》1993,21(17):4153-4154

A simple technique for preparing pure lambda DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
B E Windle 《BioTechniques》1988,6(5):402, 404, 406-402, 404, 408

Pyrosequencing technology is a powerful genotyping tool that requires the generation of single stranded DNA. Currently, two simple, solid-phase-based methods are available for this, but they require special equipment, they are not automated, and they are relatively expensive because of the need for biotinylated polymerase chain reaction primers. In this article, an enzymatic liquid-phase method for the generation of high-quality, single-stranded DNA, and its novel use for Pyrosequencing are described. The method has also been fully automated.  相似文献   

Summary Polyclonal antibodies obtained from the serum of pig immunized by DIP-chymotrypsin were separated into two fractions, anti-chymotrypsin IgG I and anti-chymotrypsin IgG II, by the use of chromatography on biospecific adsorbents prepared by chymotrypsin (CHT) immobilization in different ways. IgG I, which did not decrease the proteolytic activity of CHT, was obtained by biospecific affinity chromatography on a column of Sepharose with CHT attached through an immobilized polyvalent inhibitor, antilysin (AL). IgG II was isolated from the fraction unretarded on the column of CHT-AL-Sepharose by chromatography on a column with CHT directly attached to AH-Sepharose activated by glutaraldehyde. IgG II strongly decreased the proteolytic activity of CHT. Comparison of the proteolytic activity of CHT covalently bound to AH-Sepharose with that of CHT noncovalently intercepted by biospecific sorption to Sepharose with attached anti-CHT-IgG I showed a great advantage of the immobilization of CHT by oriented adsorption.  相似文献   

A general method for preparing intact nuclear DNA.   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
P R Cook 《The EMBO journal》1984,3(8):1837-1842
Naked nuclear DNA is easily sheared. Two general methods are described for preparing intact DNA in a stable form that can be pipetted without breaking it. Cells are encapsulated in agarose microbeads and then lysed in a non-ionic detergent (i.e., Triton X-100) and 2 M NaCl or an ionic detergent (e.g., sodium or lithium dodecyl sulphate) in low salt. Most cellular protein and RNA then diffuse out through pores in the beads to leave encapsulated and naked DNA which is nevertheless accessible to enzymes and other probes. Remarkably, considerable structure is preserved since the DNA is supercoiled and chromosomes retain their shape.  相似文献   

The preparation of good quality genomic DNA from microalgae and plants is often time-consuming because of the need to remove contaminants that may interfere with the downstream enzymatic manipulation of the DNA. Simpler protocols have been reported but these are applicable only to a few species and in many cases are not effective for removing trace contaminants. In this report, we describe a modification of existing protocols that significantly simplified the preparation of genomic DNA from cyanobacteria and plants. A key step in our protocol is the precipitation of DNA in a high concentration of salt (2–2.5 M NaCl) in the presence of isopropanol, immediately following phenol and chloroform extractions. The preparation and enzymatic digestion of the DNA can be performed in a single day. The DNA was easily digested in 2 h at normal restriction enzyme concentrations, and is highly suitable for PCR and Southern hybridization. We successfully used this simplified protocol to prepare genomic DNA from several filamentous cyanobacteria, such asAnabaena sp. PCC 7120,Anabaena siamensis, andSpirulina strains M2 and Kenya. This protocol may also be useful for preparing genomic DNA from other algae and from higher plants.  相似文献   

A method for preparation of fecal DNA suitable for PCR.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文

We present a modified method for DNA minipreparation suitable for large-scale screening of transgenic plants. The method is rapid and efficient—one person can prepare DNA from approximately 50 samples per day. The average yield was about 40 μg DNA per 100 mg of fresh tissue, and the A260/A280 was 1.89–2.03. The total DNA extracted by this method could be used for PCR, restriction enzyme digestion, and Southern blotting.  相似文献   

A general method for preparing chromatin containing intact DNA.   总被引:33,自引:5,他引:28  
A simple and general method is described for preparing chromatin from eukaryotic cells using isotonic conditions. First, cells are encapsulated in agarose microbeads and then lysed using Triton X-100 in the presence of a chelating agent and a physiological concentration of salt. Most cytoplasmic proteins and RNA diffuse rapidly out through pores in the beads to leave encapsulated chromatin which is nevertheless completely accessible to enzymes and other probes. This chromatin can be manipulated freely without aggregation in a variety of different salt and detergent concentrations. It also contains intact DNA since removal of the histones releases superhelical DNA. Conditions are described for incubating this chromatin at 37 degrees C in the presence of Mg2+ ions without any nicking of the DNA. We illustrate the usefulness of this chromatin in investigations on the attachment of nascent RNA to the nucleoskeleton, the accessibility of the ribosomal locus to EcoRI and the properties of the endogenous RNA polymerase II. This type of chromatin preparation should prove useful for both structural and functional studies.  相似文献   

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