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1. Lytic substances are enzymatically produced at 37°C. from tissue slices or homogenates (mouse liver, kidney, etc.) and appear in the medium in which the tissue fragments are suspended. Their concentration increases with the time during which the tissue is kept at 37°C. (preincubation), and is accompanied by pH changes, so that the lytic activity as finally measured is a function of both the time of preincubation and of the pH. The optimum pH for lysin production is above 7.0, but the lysins, once produced, hemolyze red cells more rapidly at low pH's than at high ones. The enzyme system which produces the lysins is inactivated by heating to 100°C. for 5 minutes. Sodium iodoacetate and fluoride interfere with lysin production principally by reducing the concomitant pH shift; KCN accelerates the production of lytic material in mouse liver homogenates. 2. Comparison of the lytic activity of the supernatant fluid of a preincubated homogenate with the much greater lytic activity of the substances which can be extracted from the same supernatant fluid by alcohol and ether points to these extractable substances existing in the supernatant fluid as lysin-inhibitor complexes of relatively low lytic activity. These complexes are formed enzymatically during preincubation from non-lytic complexes in the tissue. The latter may be lipoproteins, and the highly lytic ether-extractable substances may be fatty acids or their soaps. 3. The diffusibility of the lysin-inhibitor complexes is small. 4. Lytic substances which are ether-insoluble can be extracted with alcohol from tissues as well as from serum. These "lysolecithin-like" substances exist in the supernatant fluids of homogenates as lysin-inhibitor complexes. 5. Lysis of mouse red cells by substances contained in mouse tissue (liver and kidney) is often accompanied by the formation of methemoglobin and choleglobin. Mouse red cells containing choleglobin are abnormally fragile both osmotically and mechanically, and it is possible that a process involving the production of choleglobin, accompanied or followed by globin denaturation, is one which contributes towards the hemolysis which occurs in systems containing tissue slices or homogenates.  相似文献   

Developing chimeric lysins with a wide lytic spectrum would be important for treating some infections caused by multiple pathogenic bacteria. In the present work, a novel chimeric lysin (Ply187N-V12C) was constructed by fusing the catalytic domain (Ply187N) of the bacteriophage lysin Ply187 with the cell binding domain (146-314aa, V12C) of the lysin PlyV12. The results showed that the chimeric lysin Ply187N-V12C had not only lytic activity similar to Ply187N against staphylococcal strains but also extended its lytic activity to streptococci and enterococci, such as Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis, which Ply187N could not lyse. Our work demonstrated that generating novel chimeric lysins with an extended lytic spectrum was feasible through fusing a catalytic domain with a cell-binding domain from lysins with lytic spectra across multiple genera.  相似文献   

《Developmental biology》1986,115(1):27-34
Spermatozoa of the abalone Haliotis discus were treated with high-calcium seawater to induce the acrosome reaction. The soluble components released from the sperm acrosomal vesicles showed potent lytic activity on the egg vitelline coat. A vitelline coat lysin was purified by salting-in, preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and high-performance liquid chromatography. Its molecular weight was 15,500 and its isoelectric point 9.6. These properties were similar to those of other molluskan vitelline coat lysins. The lysin was immunocytochemically localized using a protein A-gold technique, in the posterior half of the acrosomal vesicle.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a variety of questions which bear on the occurrence of hemolysis in vivo, and with the possibility of regarding the contents of the blood stream as a hemolytic system in which a steady state is maintained by the production of new red cells to replace those which are destroyed. The material which is dealt with includes the following. 1. Mixtures of Lysins, Accelerators, and Inhibitors.—The effects of individual accelerators and inhibitors in mixtures, like the effects of individual lysins, are roughly additive in simple systems, the acceleration or inhibition produced by the individual substances being most conveniently measured in terms of R-values. 2. Normal Intravascular Lysins.—These probably play only a small part in red cell destruction unless their concentration rises to unusual levels, or unless their effects are enhanced by accelerators, or by the reduction of the concentration of normal inhibitors. The three normal in vivo hemolytic processes for which there is substantial evidence involve (a) the action of the bile salts and of the soaps derived from chyle, (b) the action of the spleen, and (c) the action of hemolytic substances derived from tissues. The recent observations of Maegraith, Findlay, and Martin on the presence of widely distributed tissue lysins are confirmed except for their conclusion that these lysins are species-specific. Species-specific tissue lysins, if present, are not the only lysins derivable from tissues by simple immersion in saline, for non-species-specific lytic substances can also be obtained, and seem to be similar to the "lysolecithin" which some regard as responsible for the action of the spleen on red cell fragility and shape. 3. Plasma Inhibitors.—About 30 per cent of the total inhibitory effect of plasma for saponin hemolysis is due to the contained cholesterol, while 25 per cent at most is due to the plasma proteins, particularly globulins. The remaining 45 per cent is probably accounted for by enhancing effects among the inhibitors; e.g., the enhancing effect of lecithin on the cholesterol inhibition. The mechanism of the inhibition is still incompletely understood; probably reactions between inhibitor and lysin and reactions between inhibitor and components of the red cell surface are both involved, and it is important to observe that the inhibitory effect of plasma or of a plasma constituent may be greater in systems containing one lysin than in systems containing another. No evidence for diffusible inhibitory substances in plasma has been found, and the variations observed in the inhibitory power of human plasma seem to be related to the combined concentrations of cholesterol, protein, and probably lecithin, rather than to the cholesterol content alone. For this reason the inhibitory power tends to be low under conditions of poor nutrition. 4. The Steady State and the Kinetics of Hemolysis In Vivo.—On the assumption that the steady state is the result of a balance between a process which produces red cells and a process which destroys them, equations have been developed for the way in which cells of different resistances are affected when the rate of destruction changes. A method for analyzing experimental curves is described and illustrated. In general, this part of the paper relates the level of the red cell count in the animal to the intensity of the hemolytic processes taking place in vivo, and does not lend itself to detailed abstraction.  相似文献   

Mycobacteriophages produce lysins that break down the host cell wall at the end of lytic cycle to release their progenies. The ability to lyse mycobacterial cells makes the lysins significant. Mycobacteriophage Che12 is the first reported temperate phage capable of infecting and lysogenising Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Gp11 of Che12 was found to have Chitinase domain that serves as endolysin (lysin A) for Che12. Structure of gp11 was modeled and evaluated using Ramachandran plot in which 98 % of the residues are in the favored and allowed regions. Che12 lysin A was predicted to act on NAG-NAM-NAG molecules in the peptidoglycan of cell wall. The tautomers of NAG-NAM-NAG molecule were generated and docked with lysin A. The stability and binding affinity of lysin A – NAG-NAM-NAG tautomers were studied using molecular dynamics simulations.  相似文献   

The principal conclusion of this investigation is that the inhibitory effect of plasma or serum on hemolysis by saponin and lysins of the same type is similar in nature to the inhibitory effects of certain sugars and electrolytes, which again are similar to the acceleratory effects produced by indol, benzene, and other substances already studied. All these effects, both inhibitory and acceleratory, are the result of reactions between the inhibitors or accelerators and those components of the red cell membrane which are broken down by lysins. The inhibitory effect of plasma on saponin hemolysis has a number of properties in common with the inhibition produced by sugars and electrolytes and with accelerations in general. (a) The temperature coefficient is small and negative. (b) The extent of the inhibition depends on the type of red cell used in the hemolytic system. (c) The most satisfactory measure of the extent of the inhibition, the constant R, is a function of the concentration of lysin in the system, and (d) R is a linear function of the quantity of inhibitor present. It is also shown that the inhibitory effect of plasma, and serum is not entirely dependent on its protein content. The process underlying the phenomenon of lysis and its acceleration or inhibition seems to be one in which the lysin reacts with a component or components of the cell membrane in such a way as to break down its semipermeability to hemoglobin, and in which the accelerator or inhibitor also reacts with the same component in such a way as to increase or decrease the effectiveness of the lysin in producing breakdown. The membrane is considered as being an ultrastructure made up of small areas or spots of varying degrees of resistance to breakdown, the resistances being distributed according to a negatively skew type of frequency curve, and the process of lysis seems to begin with the least resistant spots breaking down first. These spots may be arranged in some regular spatial pattern, and the membrane has also to be regarded as possessing spots of varying rigidity of form. The accelerator or inhibitor changes the resistance of every reactive spot in the ultrastructure by a factor R, which suggests that acceleration and inhibition are results of some over-all effect, such as that of changing the extent to which lysin is concentrated at the surface or partitioned between the material of the membrane and the surrounding fluid. Some kind of combination between the accelerator or inhibitor and the material of the ultrastructure is presumably involved; at first the combination seems to be a loose one and partly reversible, but later some of the loose links are replaced by more permanent combinations involving the same types of bond as are broken down by the lysins themselves.  相似文献   

The prolytic loss of K., i.e. the loss of K which takes place from red cells exposed to hypolytic concentrations of lysins, has been measured in systems containing distearyl lecithin, sodium taurocholate, sodium tetradecyl sulfate, saponin, and digitonin, by means of the flame photometer. The lysins are added in various concentrations to washed red cells from heparinized human blood, and the K in the supernatant fluids is determined after various intervals of time and at various temperatures. The prolytic loss Kp is compared in every experiment with the loss Ks into standard systems containing isotonic NaCl alone, with no lysin. The losses Ks and Kp increase with time, so that new steady states are approached logarithmically. The values of Kp which correspond to the new steady states depend on the lysin used, being greatest with taurocholate and smallest with digitonin. The temperature coefficient of the loss is positive, and the extent and course of the losses have no apparent relation to the prolytic shape changes. In systems in which the loss of K is appreciable, it can be inhibited by the addition of plasma or of either cholesterol or serum albumin. Of these two substances, even when used in quantities which have an approximately equal effect in inhibiting hemolysis, serum albumin is much the more effective. Just as the prolytic loss of K occurs without the loss of any Hb, so in concentrations of lysin sufficient to produce hemolysis the loss of K, expressed as a percentage of the total red cell K, increases much more rapidly with lysin concentration than does the loss of Hb expressed as a percentage of the total Hb. The explanation of these relations depends on whether the loss of K is treated as being all-or-none in the case of the individual cell or as being the result of the loss of part of the K from all of the cells. This point has still to be decided.  相似文献   

Virolysin is a lysin which appears in Staphylococcus aureus K1 cells infected with phage P14; together with phage, virolysin is released from phage-infected cells at the time of lysis. Autolysin is a lysin formed by uninfected cells of the K1 strain; autolysin is released from uninfected cells by autolysis. They show the following similarities: Both agents act within the genus Micrococcus. They lyse cells only after the cell has been subjected to a damaging or "sensitizing" treatment, such as heat, bacteriophage, acetone, or ultraviolet irradiation. The course of lysis of heated cells by both lysins has been found to proceed in a similar manner. A constant percentage of cells is lysed, independent of the concentration of lysin; the residual cells remain resistant to either lysin. Lysis proceeds logarithmically with time, and the velocity constants K are proportional to the lysin concentration. K increases with increasing temperature. Both lysins are unaffected by antiserum to the phage. They are inhibited alike by a number of chemicals, including known enzyme inhibitors. Both agents are destroyed by proteolytic enzymes and are precipitated by 40 per cent saturation with (NH4)2SO4. Both lysins are very thermolabile. The two lysins differ with respect to their pH optimum, antigenic relationship and specificity for Micrococcus lysodeikticus. These results suggest that (1) both lysins have many properties associated with enzymes, (2) the lysis of heated cells, which they produce, has some of the characteristics of a chemical reaction, (3) the lysin from the phage-infected cell is clearly different from the lysin of the uninfected cell.  相似文献   

The relations between lysin concentration, percentage hemolysis at the moment at which the lysin concentration is reduced by dilution, and the amount of hemolysis which follows the dilution as a result of the reaction being "progressive" point to there being an "internal" phase at the red cell surfaces, in which the lysin is less affected by the dilution than in the system as a whole. A second possibility, i.e. that the combination of lysin molecules with certain components of the cell surface has an ultimate effect on neighboring components which depend on the former for their stability cannot, however, be ruled out. In systems containing digitonin or sodium taurocholate, this internal phase, once formed, seems to be almost unaffected by the dilution of the system; i.e., these lysins are very firmly held at the cell surfaces. In systems containing saponin the lysin is less firmly attached, so that dilution of the system affects its concentration appreciably.  相似文献   

Phage lysins are considered promising antimicrobials against resistant bacterial infections. Some lysins have been reported for the prevention and treatment of Gram-positive bacterial infection. Gram-negative bacterial phage lysins, however, can only destroy the bacterial cell wall from inside because of the obstruction of the bacterial outer membrane that prevents direct hydrolysis of the bacterial wall peptidoglycan from the outside, severely restricting the development of lysins against Gram-negative bacteria. In this study, genetic engineering techniques were used to fuse a 5 cationic amino acid polypeptide (KRKRK), a 10 cationic amino acid polypeptide (KRKRKRKRKR), a 15 cationic amino acid polypeptide (KRKRKRKRKRKRKRK), and a polypeptide including both cationic and hydrophobic amino acids (KRKRKFFVAIIP) to the C-terminus of the Escherichia coli phage lysin Lysep3 to obtain four fusion lysins (5aa, 10aa, 15aa, Mix). The bactericidal effects of those four lysins on E. coli were then compared in vitro. Our results showed that the fusion of hydrophobic and positively charged amino acids, Mix, can kill E. coli effectively; the fusion of positively charged amino acids alone at the C-terminus (5aa, 10aa, 15aa) also showed bactericidal activity against E. coli from the outside, with the bactericidal activity gradually increasing with the positive charge at the C-terminus of the lysin. Collectively, improving the positive charge at the C-terminus of E. coli bacteriophage lysin Lysep3 increases its bactericidal ability from outside E. coli, providing a new practical method for the development of anti-Gram-negative bacterial lysins.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage lytic enzymes, or lysins, are highly evolved molecules produced by bacterial viruses (bacteriophage) to digest the bacterial cell wall for bacteriophage progeny release. Small quantities of purified recombinant lysin added to gram-positive bacteria causes immediate lysis resulting in log-fold death of the target bacterium. Lysins have now been used successfully in animal models to control pathogenic antibiotic resistant bacteria found on mucosal surfaces and in blood. The advantages over antibiotics are their specificity for the pathogen without disturbing the normal flora, the low chance of bacterial resistance to lysins and their ability to kill colonizing pathogens on mucosal surfaces, capabilities that were previously unavailable. Thus, lysins could be an effective anti-infective in an age of mounting antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

噬菌体裂解酶研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
噬菌体裂解酶是双链DNA噬菌体所特有的细胞壁水解酶。研究表明,所有噬菌体裂解酶在结构上具有相似性,即含有2个结构域:比较保守的N端催化区和差异较大的C端特异性结合区。裂解酶的高亲和性与种属特异的细胞壁糖基有关,而后常常是细菌存活的必要成分。所以,细菌难以产生对裂解酶的抗性。本简要综述噬茵体裂解酶的研究进展。  相似文献   

噬菌体裂解酶——现状与未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方圆子  王琰  孙建和 《微生物学通报》2009,36(12):1888-1893
噬菌体裂解酶是一种由DNA噬菌体基因编码的高特异性酶, 可高效消化细菌细胞壁。革兰氏阳性菌噬菌体裂解酶的结构域相似, 裂解效率高, 与抗生素具协同抗菌作用, 且不易产生耐受性菌株, 抗体等体液因子对裂解酶的裂解活性影响小, 裂解酶作为一种潜在抗感染药物具有重要的研究价值。目前已建立了多种病原菌裂解酶应用的动物模型, 在防控耐药性病原菌感染上取得重要进展。本文就噬菌体裂解酶的抗菌作用进行综述。  相似文献   

The recombinant lysins of lytic phages, when applied externally to Gram-positive bacteria, can be efficient bactericidal agents, typically retaining high specificity. Their development as novel antibacterial agents offers many potential advantages over conventional antibiotics. Protein engineering could exploit this potential further by generating novel lysins fit for distinct target populations and environments. However, access to the peptidoglycan layer is controlled by a variety of secondary cell wall polymers, chemical modifications, and (in some cases) S-layers and capsules. Classical lysins require a cell wall-binding domain (CBD) that targets the catalytic domain to the peptidoglycan layer via binding to a secondary cell wall polymer component. The cell walls of Gram-positive bacteria generally have a negative charge, and we noticed a correlation between (positive) charge on the catalytic domain and bacteriolytic activity in the absence of the CBD (nonclassical behavior). We investigated a physical basis for this correlation by comparing the structures and activities of pairs of lysins where the lytic activity of one of each pair was CBD-independent. We found that by engineering a reversal of sign of the net charge of the catalytic domain, we could either eliminate or create CBD dependence. We also provide evidence that the S-layer of Bacillus anthracis acts as a molecular sieve that is chiefly size-dependent, favoring catalytic domains over full-length lysins. Our work suggests a number of facile approaches for fine-tuning lysin activity, either to enhance or reduce specificity/host range and/or bactericidal potential, as required.  相似文献   

Inhibition of hemolysis by plasma has been studied in systems containing saponin, digitonin, and sodium lauryl sulfate, using the methods developed for the study of the kinetics of progressive reactions. The results are that the progressive nature of the hemolytic reaction in saponin systems becomes less when the inhibitor is added, that the addition of inhibitor to digitonin systems has no effect on the final result although the velocity of the progressive reaction is reduced, and that the effect of plasma in lauryl sulfate systems is intermediate between the effects in saponin systems and digitonin systems. A simple explanation is that the lysin is very strongly fixed, to form an internal phase, to the cell surfaces in digitonin systems, less strongly in laurate systems, and still less strongly in saponin systems. To answer the question as to whether, in a system in which some of the lysin forms as internal phase, the addition of an inhibitor results in a redistribution of the lysin between the internal phase and the bulk phase, sodium lauryl sulfate-S35 and sodium cetyl sulfate-S35 were prepared, and their distribution between the internal phase and the bulk phase was measured before and after the addition of plasma, the lysins being added to the cells either before or after the addition of the inhibitor. The results show that there is a large uptake of these lysins at the red cell surfaces when they are added first, and that the subsequent addition of plasma greatly reduces the quantity of lysin held in the internal phase. Further, if the inhibitor is added first and the lysin subsequently, the internal lysin phase is very incompletely formed. Serum albumin, used in place of plasma, gives essentially similar results.  相似文献   

Interactions between membranes and cytolytic peptides   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
The physico-chemical and biological properties of cytolytic peptides derived from diverse living entities have been discussed. The principal sources of these agents are bacteria, higher fungi, cnidarians (coelenterates) and the venoms of snakes, insects and other arthropods. Attention has been directed to instances in which cytolytic peptides obtained from phylogenetically remote as well as from related sources show similarities in nature and/or mode of action (congeneric lysins). The manner in which cytolytic peptides interact with plasma membranes of eukaryotic cells, particularly the membranes of erythrocytes, has been discussed with emphasis on melittin, thiolactivated lysins and staphylococcal alpha-toxin. These and other lytic peptides are characterized in Table III. They can be broadly categorized into: (a) those which alter permeability to allow passage of ions, this process eventuating in colloid osmotic lysis, signs of which are a pre-lytic induction or latent period, pre-lytic leakage of potassium ions, cell swelling and inhibition of lysis by sucrose. Examples of lysins in which this mechanism is involved are staphylococcal alpha-toxin, streptolysin S and aerolysin; (b) phospholipases causing enzymic degradation of bilayer phospholipids as exemplified by phospholipases C of Cl. perfringens and certain other bacteria; (c) channel-forming agents such as helianthin, gramicidin and (probably) staphylococcal delta-toxin in which toxin molecules are thought to embed themselves in the membrane to form oligomeric transmembrane channels.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the kinetics of lysis induced by various hemolytic agents. The course of bemolysis was followed by mixing lysin with washed human erythrocytes, removing samples from the mixture, and estimating colorimetrically the hemoglobin in the supernatant fluid of the centrifuged samples. Most of the curves (but not all of them, e.g. tyrocidine) obtained by plotting degree of hemolysis against time, were S-shaped. The initiation of lysis by streptolysin S'' was delayed, and in this property, streptolysin S'' was similar to Cl. septicum hemolysin. None of the other lysins studied exhibited a long latent period preceding lysis. The maximum rate of hemoglobin liberation was found, in the range of lysin concentrations studied, to be a linear function of concentration when theta toxin of Cl. welchii, pneumolysin, tetanolysin, or streptolysin S'' was the lytic agent. With comparable concentrations of saponin, sodium taurocholate, cetyl pyridinium chloride, tyrocidine, duponol C, lecithin-atrox venom mixture, or streptolysin O, the relation between rate and concentration was non-linear. The critical thermal increment associated with hemolysis was determined for systems containing pneumolysin, theta toxin, streptolysin S'', streptolysin O, tetanolysin, and saponin. The findings concerning the effect of concentration and temperature on the rate of hemolysis provide a basis for classifying hemolytic agents (Tables I and II). Hemolysis induced by Cl. septicum hemolysin was found to be preceded by two phases: a phase of alteration of the erythrocytes and a phase involving swelling. Antihemolytic serum inhibited the first but not the second phase while sucrose inhibited the second but not the first phase.  相似文献   

This short review highlights the complete absence of literature on lysins of bacteriophages infecting species like S. salivarius subsp. thermophilus, Pediococcus and Leuconostoc species, L. helveticus, L. acidophilus, L. plantarum and L. brevis, which are also widely used in the dairy industry. The lysins described share some similar biochemical characteristics: optimal pH and temperature, site of hydrolysis inside the peptidoglycan, and some activators and inhibitors. The cloning of the genes encoding these lysins only began in the last few years and four of them have been completely sequenced. In the future, these lysin genes could be interestingly compared to the host autolysin(s) gene(s). By contrast, the passage of phage lysins through the cytoplasmic membrane of the host cell in order to reach the peptidoglycan (via a signal sequence or the presence of a holin) seems not to be clearly resolved. The presence of a second open-reading frame upstream from the gene of the lysin, enabling a putative holin to be encoded, has already been suggested. No doubt our ever increasing knowledge about bacteriophage genome organization will help to elucidate this question. Meanwhile the obtention of a Lactococcus strain with an autolytic phenotype, using a bacteriophage lysin gene, as well as the successful use of purified PL1 lysin to obtain protoplasts of L. casei encourage us to continue to explore the field of bacteriophage lysins.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated, without the use of special assumptions, that red cells are heterogeneous with respect to their resistance to at least certain lysins, that the reaction between the cell components and the lysin is virtually irreversible in some cases but reversible, although to different extents, in others, and that the lysin initiates a process in the cell which is not adequately described by the terms reversible and irreversible, but rather by the term progressive. Progressive reactions, i.e. reactions which cannot be stopped once they are well under way, may be looked for in systems which have structure, and in which local reactions occurring at strategic points lead to disproportionate results.  相似文献   

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