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A model of morphogenetic pattern formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A model for the morphogenetic movement of surfaces composed of cellular monolayers is proposed. The cells are presumed joined at their lateral surfaces. An otherwise unspecified substance called a "morphogen" is introduced which is the agent of change in the individual cell (or cell-like region). The distribution of these cellular deformations define a surface (the middle surface, through the middle of the cell heights) via equations given for the Gauss and Mean curvatures of the surface defined at each point. The Gauss curvature as a function of the morphogen level determines the metric of the surface "g(u, v)" in conformal co-ordinates u, v. A unique equation for the morphogen distribution over the survace is presented which has the property of size invariance, that is, the model "regulates" without need of further arguments. The two resulting coupled equations for the metric and the morphogen, eqns (4) and (2), both non-linear equations, are to be solved self-consistently, once the individual cell deformation as a function of morphogen is given. The surface geometry determines the morphogen distribution, and the morphogen distribution in turn affects the surface geometry. Extension of the model to two or more morphogens is straightforward, and the key property of "regulation" or size invariance of the model is retained. Numerical integration of the two coupled equations is carried out in the case of axial symmetry, and the results presented by the case that individual cells deform by changing the ratio of their apical to basal areas, as well as their heights. Gastrulation in small regulating holoblastic eggs (e.g. starfish, sea urchin and amphioxus) is discussed in light of the present model.  相似文献   

Transformation of endocardial endothelial cells into invasive mesenchyme is a critical antecedent of cardiac cushion tissue formation. The message for bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 is known to be expressed in myocardial cells in a manner consistent with the segmental pattern of cushion formation [Development 109(1990) 833]. In the present work, we localized BMP-2 protein in atrioventricular (AV) myocardium in mice at embryonic day (ED) 8.5 (12 somite stage) before the onset of AV mesenchymal cell formation at ED 9.5. BMP-2 protein expression was absent from ventricular myocardium throughout the stages examined. After cellularization of the AV cushion at ED 10.5, myocardial BMP-2 protein expression was diminished in AV myocardium, whereas cushion mesenchymal cells started expressing BMP protein. Expression of BMP-2 in cushion mesenchyme persisted during later stages of development, ED 13.5-16, during valuvulogenesis. Intense expression of BMP-2 persisted in the valve tissue in adult mice. Based on the expression pattern, we performed a series of experiments to test the hypothesis that BMP-2 mediates myocardial regulation of cardiac cushion tissue formation in mice. When BMP-2 protein was added to the 16-18 somite stage (ED 9.25) AV endocardial endothelium in culture, cushion mesenchymal cells were formed in the absence of AV myocardium, which invaded into collagen gels and expressed the mesenchymal marker, smooth muscle (SM) alpha-actin; whereas the endothelial marker, PECAM-1, was lost from the invaded cells. In contrast, when noggin, a specific antagonist to BMPs, was applied together with BMP-2 to the culture medium, AV endothelial cells remained as an epithelial monolayer with little expression of SM alpha-actin, and expression of PECAM-1 was retained in the endocardial cells. When noggin was added to AV endothelial cells cocultured with associated myocardium, it blocked endothelial transformation to mesenchyme. AV endothelium treated with BMP-2 expressed elevated levels of TGFbeta-2 in the absence of myocardium, as observed in the endothelium cocultured with myocardium. BMP-2-supported elevation of TGFbeta-2 expression in endocardial cells was abolished by noggin treatment. These data indicated that BMP signaling is required in and BMP-2 is sufficient for myocardial segmental regulation of AV endocardial cushion mesenchymal cell formation in mice.  相似文献   

A tripartite receptor comprising the external region of the erythropoietin (Epo) receptor, the transmembrane and JAK-binding domains of the gp130 subunit of the interleukin-6 (IL-6) receptor, and a seven amino acid STAT1 recruitment motif (Y440) from the interferon (IFN)-gamma receptor, efficiently mediates an IFN-gamma-like response. An analogous completely foreign chimeric receptor in which the Y440 motif is replaced with the Y905 motif from gp130 also mediates an IFN-gamma-like response, but less efficiently. The IFNGR1 signal-transducing subunit of the IFN-gamma receptor is tyrosine phosphorylated through the chimeric receptors and the endogenous IL-6 and OSM receptors. Cross phosphorylation of IFNGR1 is not, however, required for the IFN-gamma-like response through the chimeric receptors, nor does it mediate an IFN-gamma-like response to IL-6 or OSM. The data argue strongly for modular JAK/STAT signalling and against any rigid structural organization for the "pathways" involved. They emphasize the likely high degree of overlap between the signals generated from disparate JAK-receptor complexes and show that relatively minor changes in such complexes can profoundly affect the response.  相似文献   

Summary We discuss from an analytical point of view the mechanism of pre-pattern formation in a diffusion governed morphogenetic field. The model here considered is a normalized form of one of the models, proposed by Gierer and Meinhardt, based on the general principle of lateral inhibition. The results, obtained in the framework of bifurcation theory, shows that there is a spontaneous formation of a gradient both for activator and inhibitor concentrations if the ratio between the mean squares of the diffusion ranges of inhibitor and activator is greater than a well defined critical value.  相似文献   

Adult-born granule cells (GCs), a minor population of cells in the hippocampal dentate gyrus, are highly active during the first few weeks after functional integration into the neuronal network, distinguishing them from less active, older adult-born GCs and the major population of dentate GCs generated developmentally. To ascertain whether young and old GCs perform distinct memory functions, we created a transgenic mouse in which output of old GCs was specifically inhibited while leaving a substantial portion of young GCs intact. These mice exhibited enhanced or normal pattern separation between similar contexts, which was reduced following ablation of young GCs. Furthermore, these mutant mice exhibited deficits in rapid pattern completion. Therefore, pattern separation requires adult-born young GCs but not old GCs, and older GCs contribute to the rapid recall by pattern completion. Our data suggest that as adult-born GCs age, their function switches from pattern separation to rapid pattern completion.  相似文献   

Skin-draining lymph nodes contain a number of dendritic cell (DC) subsets of different origins. Some of these are migratory, such as the skin-derived epidermal Langerhans cells and a separate dermal DC subset, whereas others are lymphoid resident in nature, such as the CD8+ DCs found throughout the lymphoid tissues. In this study, we examine the DC subset presentation of skin-derived self-Ag by migratory and lymphoid-resident DCs, both in the steady state and under conditions of local skin infection. We show that presentation of self-Ag is confined to skin-derived migrating DCs in both settings. Steady state presentation resulted in deletional T cell tolerance despite these DCs expressing a relatively mature phenotype as measured by traditional markers such as the level of MHC class II and CD86 expression. Thus, self-Ag can be carried to the draining lymph nodes by skin-derived DCs and there presented by these same cells for tolerization of the circulating T cell pool.  相似文献   

Rybakin VS 《Tsitologiia》2000,42(10):937-943
True multicellularity is characterized by complex interactions between individual cells of the organism as well as by organization of cell masses into spatially and functionally determined structures promoting the exchange of information. Morphogenetic processes--genetically programmed generation of structures--always correlate with determination and maintenance of a pattern, i.e. a system of spatial relationships between them. Hydroid polyps provide a wide variety of approaches to study morphogenesis and patterning. Being comparatively simply organized, these animals have nevertheless certain developed mechanisms underlaying such processes as regeneration of missing structures, recovery of normal pattern after dissociation of polyps into single cells, tissue transdifferentiation in non-complementary chimaeras. An important feature of regeneration of hydroid polyps is its independence of the nerve net elements; the basis for regeneration is rather stored in epithelial cells and in their interactions. Phenomenological data, provided in the XVIII-XX centuries, allowed to propose several theoretical models of pattern regulation in hydra. The main goal of this paper is to review contemporary models of morphogenesis and patterning in the hydroid polyps.  相似文献   

To investigate a role for T lymphocytes in primary demyelination of central nervous system (CNS) tissue, antigen-specific T cell lines sensitized to myelin-associated and myelin-unrelated antigens were developed from SJL mice and tested on myelinated organotypic cultures of syngeneic spinal cord. Demyelination was assessed morphologically by electron microscopy. Antigen responsiveness and specificity, and the phenotypes of the cell lines, were determined by thymidine uptake (3H-TdR) assays and flow cytometry (FC), respectively. Although all T cell lines caused pathologic changes in myelin, the CNS-antigen-specific line induced the most pronounced effects. 3H-TdR uptake assays and FC showed that after three cycles of incubation in the presence of interleukin-2 (IL-2) or antigen, the T cell lines had increased specificity and responsiveness to the priming antigen and were enriched for the L3T4 (helper/inducer) phenotype. This represents the first direct demonstration of T-cell-mediated demyelination, supports a role for the helper/inducer subset in CNS lesion development, and may prove relevant to the human demyelinating disease multiple sclerosis.  相似文献   

Chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD) is considered an autoimmune-like disease mediated by donor CD4(+) T cells, but the origin of the autoreactive T cells is still controversial. In this article, we report that the transplantation of DBA/2 donor spleen cells into thymectomized MHC-matched allogeneic BALB/c recipients induced autoimmune-like cGVHD, although not in control syngeneic DBA/2 recipients. The donor-type CD4(+) T cells from the former but not the latter recipients induced autoimmune-like manifestations in secondary allogeneic BALB/c as well as syngeneic DBA/2 recipients. Transfer of donor-type CD4(+) T cells from secondary DBA/2 recipients with disease into syngeneic donor-type or allogeneic host-type tertiary recipients propagated autoimmune-like manifestations in both. Furthermore, TCR spectratyping revealed that the clonal expansion of the autoreactive CD4(+) T cells in cGVHD recipients was initiated by an alloimmune response. Finally, hybridoma CD4(+) T clones derived from DBA/2 recipients with disease proliferated similarly in response to stimulation by syngeneic donor-type or allogeneic host-type dendritic cells. These results demonstrate that the autoimmune-like manifestations in cGVHD can be mediated by a population of donor CD4(+) T cells in transplants that simultaneously recognize Ags presented by both donor and host APCs.  相似文献   

Light control of seedling morphogenetic pattern.   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
T W McNellis  X W Deng 《The Plant cell》1995,7(11):1749-1761

Climate change is having multiple impacts on marine species characterized by sedentary adult and pelagic larval phases, from increasing adult mortality to changes in larval duration and ocean currents. Recent studies have shown impacts of climate change on species persistence through direct effects on individual survival and development, but few have considered the indirect effects mediated by ocean currents and species traits such as pelagic larval duration. We used a density-dependent and stochastic metapopulation model to predict how changes in adult mortality and dynamic connectivity can affect marine metapopulation stability. We analyzed our model with connectivity data simulated from a biophysical ocean model of the northeast Pacific coast forced under current (1998–2007) and future (2068–2077) climate scenarios in combination with scenarios of increasing adult mortality and decreasing larval duration. Our results predict that changes of ocean currents and larval duration mediated by climate change interact in complex and opposing directions to shape local mortality and metapopulation connectivity with synergistic effects on regional metapopulation stability: while species with short larval duration are most sensitive to temperature-driven reduction in larval duration, the response of species with longer larval duration are mostly mediated by changes in both the mean and variance of larval connectivity driven by ocean currents. Our results emphasize the importance of considering the spatiotemporal structure of connectivity in order to predict how the multiple effects of climate change will impact marine populations.  相似文献   

Some animal rotaviruses require the presence of sialic acid (SA) on the cell surface to infect the cell. We have isolated variants of rhesus rotavirus (RRV) whose infectivity no longer depends on SA. Both the SA-dependent and -independent interactions of these viruses with the cell are mediated by the virus spike protein VP4, which is cleaved by trypsin into two domains, VP5 and VP8. In this work we have compared the binding characteristics of wild-type RRV and its variant nar3 to MA104 cells. In a direct nonradioactive binding assay, both viruses bound to the cells in a saturable and specific manner. When neutralizing monoclonal antibodies directed to both the VP8 and VP5 domains of VP4 were used to block virus binding, antibodies to VP8 blocked the cell attachment of wild-type RRV but not that of the variant nar3. Conversely, an antibody to VP5 inhibited the binding of nar3 but not that of RRV. These results suggest that while RRV binds to the cell through VP8, the variant does so through the VP5 domain of VP4. This observation was further sustained by the fact that recombinant VP8 and VP5 proteins, produced in bacteria as fusion products with glutathione S-transferase, were found to bind to MA104 cells in a specific and saturable manner and, when preincubated with the cell, were capable of inhibiting the binding of wild-type and variant viruses, respectively. In addition, the VP5 and VP8 recombinant proteins inhibited the infectivity of nar3 and RRV, respectively, confirming the results obtained in the binding assays. Interestingly, when the infectivity assay was performed on neuraminidase-treated cells, the VP5 fusion protein was also found to inhibit the infectivity of RRV, suggesting that RRV could bind to the cell through two sequential steps mediated by the interaction of VP8 and VP5 with SA-containing and SA-independent cell surface receptors, respectively.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) belong to the TGF-beta superfamily and play an important role in development and in many cellular processes. We have found that BMP-2, BMP-6, and BMP-9 induce the most potent osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. Expression profiling analysis has revealed that the Inhibitors of DNA binding/differentiation (Id)-1, Id-2, and Id-3 are among the most significantly up-regulated genes upon BMP-2, BMP-6, or BMP-9 stimulation. Here, we sought to determine the functional role of these Id proteins in BMP-induced osteoblast differentiation. We demonstrated that the expression of Id-1, Id-2, and Id-3 genes was significantly induced at the early stage of BMP-9 stimulation and returned to basal levels at 3 days after stimulation. RNA interference-mediated knockdown of Id expression significantly diminished the BMP-9-induced osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal progenitor cells. Surprisingly, a constitutive overexpression of these Id genes also inhibited osteoblast differentiation initiated by BMP-9. Furthermore, we demonstrated that BMP-9-regulated Id expression is Smad4-dependent. Overexpression of the three Id genes was shown to promote cell proliferation that was coupled with an inhibition of osteogenic differentiation. Thus, our findings suggest that the Id helix-loop-helix proteins may play an important role in promoting the proliferation of early osteoblast progenitor cells and that Id expression must be down-regulated during the terminal differentiation of committed osteoblasts, suggesting that a balanced regulation of Id expression may be critical to BMP-induced osteoblast lineage-specific differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells.  相似文献   

Systemic hypoxia produces an inflammatory response characterized by increases in reactive O(2) species (ROS), venular leukocyte-endothelial adherence and emigration, and vascular permeability. Inflammation is typically initiated by mediators released from activated perivascular cells that generate the chemotactic gradient responsible for extravascular leukocyte accumulation. These experiments were directed to study the possible participation of mast cells in hypoxia-induced microvascular inflammation. Mast cell degranulation, ROS levels, leukocyte adherence and emigration, and vascular permeability were studied in the mesenteric microcirculation by using intravital microscopy of anesthetized rats. The main findings were 1) activation of mast cells with compound 48/80 in normoxia produced microvascular effects similar, but not identical, to those of hypoxia; 2) systemic hypoxia resulted in rapid mast cell degranulation; 3) blockade of mast cell degranulation with cromolyn prevented or attenuated the hypoxia-induced increases in ROS, leukocyte adherence/emigration, and vascular permeability; and 4) mast cell degranulation during hypoxia was prevented by administration of the antioxidant lipoic acid and of nitric oxide. These results show that mast cells play a key role in hypoxia-induced inflammation and suggest that alterations in the ROS-nitric oxide balance may be involved in mast cell activation during hypoxia.  相似文献   

Mutualism can mediate competition and promote coexistence   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mutualistic interactions are not believed to promote coexistence of competitors because mutualisms produce positive feedbacks on abundances whereas coexistence requires negative feedbacks. Here we show that a mutualism between an anemonefish (Amphiprion) and its sea anemone host mediates the effect of asymmetrical competition for space between the anemonefish and another damselfish (Dascyllus) in a manner that fosters their coexistence. Amphiprion stimulates increases in host area, the shared resource, but social interactions cap the number of anemonefish to two adults per host. Space generated by the mutualism becomes differentially available to Dascyllus because the effectiveness of an anemonefish in excluding its competitor declines with increases in the area it defends. This alters Amphiprion's ratio of per capita intra‐ to interspecific effects and thus facilitates coexistence of the fishes. This mechanism may be prevalent in nature, adding another major pathway by which mutualism can enhance diversity.  相似文献   

This chapter is mostly a review of the pioneering work of the Philippe Sengel school in Grenoble carried out in the late sixties and the seventies. The questions raised concerning the morphogenesis of feather tracts were approached by means of microsurgery on chick embryos. P. Sengel and his wife M. Kieny had the feeling that proteins synthesized by the neural tube were required for the formation of feather fields. It was my pleasure to carry on the story from the beginning. Although some clarifications concerning this morphogenesis have been contributed by my group and by a few other laboratories interested in this subject, the most important contributions to recent research have been the elucidation of the nature of the required messages, which will be explored further in other papers in this Issue.  相似文献   

Human red blood cells (RBCs) in a solution form rouleaux patterns under various conditions. The degree of rouleaux formation depends on, for example, the concentration and molecular weight of added large molecules. We present a two-dimensional discrete cellular space model in which an RBC is represented by a rectangle and differential adhesion is assumed among the longer (a-site), the shorter (b-site) sides of the rectangle and the solvent. The total sum of the adhesion energy is assumed to guide the step-by-step change of the model cell configuration and also define absolutely stable patterns. We compare the set of absolutely stable patterns and cell aggregate patterns for both actual and computer-simulated cases to obtain the basic validity of our framework. Then we proceed to assess the effects of added high polymers to the adhesion parameters. We first note that under suitable conditions, decrease in a-site-solvent affinity is necessary to have complex patterns rather than increase of a-a affinity. The hypothesis that addition of high polymers reduce the a-site-solvent affinity is concomitant with a newly proposed osmotic stress theory. The parameter fitting results for the experimental phase change curves can also be interpreted as supporting more the new theory than existing traditional explanations.  相似文献   

An artificial conjugate of the heavy chain of tetanus toxin linked by a disulphide bond to the impermeant ribosome-inactivating protein gelonin is cytotoxic to intact HT29 cells by inhibiting intracellular protein synthesis. Neither toxin nor gelonin alone has any significant effect. This shows that the heavy chain has the ability to mediate internalization of a protein to which it is bound by a disulphide bond. Thus the normal role of the tetanus toxin heavy chain may be to allow entry of the light chain into a cell.  相似文献   

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