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Shifts in habitat use and distribution patterns in dolphins are often concerns that can result from habitat degradation. We investigated how potential changes to a habitat from human activity may alter dolphin distributions within Lingding Bay in the Pearl River Estuary, China, by studying the relationship between fish choruses, vessel presence and Indo‐Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) detection rates. Analyses revealed temporal and spatial variation within fish choruses, vessel presence and dolphin detection rates. After accounting for any temporal autocorrelation, correlations between fish choruses and dolphin detection rates were also found; however, no relationship between fish choruses and vessel presence or dolphin detection rates and vessel presence were observed. Furthermore, fewer dolphins were detected at sites where fish activity was less intense. Thus fish activity, rather than vessels, may be a key factor influencing the distribution of the dolphins within the estuary. These findings emphasize the risk of potential shifts in habitat use for Indo‐Pacific humpback dolphins due to detrimental changes to prey availability and dolphin feeding grounds from human activity, such as overfishing and coastal developments, within the estuary. This is a critical conservation issue for this dolphin population that is facing intense anthropogenic pressure.  相似文献   

Recent recordings of dolphin echolocation using a dense array of hydrophones suggest that the echolocation beam is dynamic and can at times consist of a single dominant peak, while at other times it consists of forward projected primary and secondary peaks with similar energy, partially overlapping in space and frequency bandwidth. The spatial separation of the peaks provides an area in front of the dolphin, where the spectral magnitude slopes drop off quickly for certain frequency bands. This region is potentially used to optimize prey localization by directing the maximum pressure slope of the echolocation beam at the target, rather than the maximum pressure peak. The dolphin was able to steer the beam horizontally to a greater extent than previously described. The complex and dynamic sound field generated by the echolocating dolphin may be due to the use of two sets of phonic lips as sound sources, or an unknown complexity in the sound propagation paths or acoustic properties of the forehead tissues of the dolphin.  相似文献   

V G Ianov 《Biofizika》2001,46(3):563-572
The results of comparative measurements of hydrodynamic resistance of a solid model of dolphin and of additional load imitating an autonomous apparatus placed on the dolphin body are presented. The loading included cylinders (with rounded anterior and posterior ends) and spheres. They were fixed on the dorsal fin of the dolphin model in such a way that the interrelationship between the load and the model by a water stream minimal. In several experiments, a thick ring (dr = 10 mm) was fixed in the region of the dolphin respiratory opening to reach the turbulence of the boundary layer. The dolphin model with loads was towed in a speed range between 1.0 and 4.5 m/s. It was shown that the hydrodynamic resistance of additional loads is comparable with the resistance of the solid dolphin model. For the entire spectrum of loading in the preset range of towing speeds, the coefficient of hydrodynamic resistance of loading (according to the area of the wet body surface) was from 10 to 145% of the coefficient of the dolphin model resistance. It was assumed that the results of the measurements of kinematics and hydrodynamic characteristics of a freely-swimming dolphin can substantially differ from the results obtained on a dolphin carrying devices (at restricted power of the animal). Similar problems can also arise if the animals will carry devices with a higher hydrodynamic resistance.  相似文献   


The dolphin continues to capture the imagination of investigators because of its ability to echolocate. Echolocation is essentially a special extension and adaptation of the dolphin's hearing system, coupled with the animal's ability to generate special sounds. Humans have demonstrated the ability to judge room size based on reverberation from a voice, and some of the visually challenged use self-generated sounds to detect large reflective objects. Echolocation represents a highly refined acoustic ability on a broad acoustic sensory continuum. Research on the auditory and echolocation performance of cetaceans has moved forward slowly due to limited animal resources and the general high cost of maintaining these animals in a laboratory environment.

This paper reviews some of the more relevant psychoacoustic data on cetaceans, and concentrates on the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus. The information presented is not at all exhaustive. Early work with dolphins focused mainly on the animal's ability to use its echolocation system. Once echolocation capability was demonstrated using a blindfolded dolphin, the quest to understand dolphin sonar moved from qualifying the dolphin's echolocation skill to quantifying its basic capabilities.

Psychophysics, and more precisely psychoacoustics, provides the tools to study dolphin echolocation. The procedures, theories and even the apparatuses from the traditional psychoacoustics laboratory are adapted to the dolphin experimental setting to measure and analyze the sensory phenomenon of dolphin echolocation. Basic auditory phenomena such as the audiogram, the effects of masking, critical ratio and critical band, and interaural time and intensity discrimination capabilities have been explored in the dolphin. Additionally, special experiments investigating the psychoacoustics of the echolocation system in particular have been conducted.  相似文献   

Despite achievements in dolphin conservation for the tuna purse‐seine fishery of the eastern Pacific Ocean, debate continues about the magnitude and importance of dolphin mortality caused by small (unobserved) vessels. In‐port sampling of tuna catch size composition is a potentially cost‐effective means of identifying unobserved vessels that may be catching tunas associated with dolphins because yellowfin tuna caught in association with dolphins are larger, on average, than those caught in other types of purse‐seine sets. A classification algorithm to predict purse‐seine set type (“dolphin” vs. “nondolphin”) was built from port‐sampling data on yellowfin tuna length‐frequencies and the date and location of fishing of large (observed) vessels. This classification algorithm was used to screen the port‐sampling data of small vessels collected during 2006‐2009, assuming the fishing practices of the two groups resulted in similar catch characteristics. From these results, hypothetical time series of dolphin mortality for small vessels were constructed and incorporated into a population dynamics model, along with mortalities of large vessels. Results suggest that any dolphin mortality of small vessels is unlikely to be substantially affecting trends in dolphin abundance. These results underscore the importance of in‐port sampling, in combination with at‐sea observation and fishery‐independent surveys, to effective management.  相似文献   

Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is a fetal glycoprotein that is known as a biomarker for monitoring pregnancy in many mammalian species. However, characterization of AFP has not yet been undertaken in any cetacean species. Here, we purified AFP from the serum of fetal striped dolphin by chemical precipitation followed by a combination of immunoadsorbent column chromatography and gel filtration. The molecular masses of native and denatured dolphin AFP were estimated to be ~78,000 Da by gel filtration and ~68,000 Da by SDS-PAGE, respectively, representing typical masses reported for mammalian AFPs. In fetal serum, only the AFP band (~68,000 Da) appeared to be immunoreactive to an antiserum against purified dolphin AFP, indicating sufficient specificity for the development of an AFP immunoassay. Full-length cDNA encoding for the dolphin AFP was cloned from fetal liver and revealed an open reading frame comprising 610 amino acid residues, which included a putative signal peptide of 18 amino acid residues. This was followed by a sequence identical to the N-terminus of purified AFP. The deduced amino acid sequence of dolphin AFP showed more than 80% identity to those of other mammalian AFPs. To our knowledge, the present report represents the first identification and characterization of AFP from any cetacean species.  相似文献   

Babushina ES 《Biofizika》1999,44(6):1101-1108
The interaction of complex sounds with the body tissues of Black Sea dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) was studied by the method of instrumental conditioned reflexes with food reinforcement. The thresholds of detecting underwater acoustic signals of different frequencies for dolphin and northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) were measured as a function of pulse duration under conditions of full and partial (head above water) submergence of animals into water. It was found that sound conduction through dolphin tissues was more effective than that in a northern fur seal in a wide frequency range. Presumably, the process of sound propagation in dolphin is accompanied by changes in the amplitude-frequency structure of broad-band sounds. The temporal summation in dolphin hearing was observed at all frequencies under conditions of full and partial submergence, whereas in northern fur seal it was nearly absent at a frequency of 5 kHz under the conditions of head lifting above water.  相似文献   

A bottlenose dolphin, stranded in the Canary Islands in 2001 exhibited non-suppurative encephalitis. No molecular detection of cetacean morbillivirus (CeMV) was found, but a herpesviral-specific band of 250 bp was detected in the lung and brain. The sequenced herpesviral PCR product was compared with GenBank sequences, obtaining 98% homology (p-distance of 0.02) with Human herpesvirus 1 (herpes simplex virus 1 or HSV-1). This is the first report of a herpes simplex-like infection in a stranded dolphin.  相似文献   

Dolphin whistles vary by frequency contour, changes in frequency over time. Individual dolphins may broadcast their identities via uniquely contoured whistles, "signature whistles." A recent debate concerning categorization of these whistles has highlighted the on-going need for perceptual studies of whistles by dolphins. This article reviews research on dolphin whistles as well as presenting a study in which a captive, female, adult bottlenose dolphin performed a conditional matching task in which whistles produced by six wild dolphins in Sarasota Bay were each paired with surrogate producers, specific objects/places. The dolphin subject also categorized unfamiliar exemplars produced by the whistlers represented by the original stimuli. The dolphin successfully discriminated among the group of whistles, associated them with surrogate producers, grouped new exemplars of the same dolphin's whistle together when the contour was intact, and discriminated among same-contour whistles produced by the same dolphin. Whistle sequences that included partial contours were not categorized with the original whistlers. Categorization appeared to be based on contour rather than specific acoustic parameters or voice cues. These findings are consistent with the perceptual tenets associated with the signature whistle framework which suggests that dolphins use individualized whistle contours for identification of known conspecifics.  相似文献   


Object classifiers that attempt to mimic dolphin echolocation require an auditory weighting function representative of dolphin peripheral auditory processing. An evolutionary program (EvPg) was used to fit the frequency-dependent output of a bank of bandpass filters to the auditory sensitivity of the bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus. Pseudo-Gaussian (PG) and rounded exponential (ROEX) functions were used to describe individual filter shapes. Variables determining the number of filters per model, overall filter shape and amplitude scaling were submitted to the EvPg for optimization. Maximum deviation (P e ) between model output and the sensitivity of the dolphin was used as a measure of similarity between the two, i.e., lower P e indicated a greater similarity. The number of filters converged upon 37 for all ROEX models and ≤ 45 for all PG models. The P e of the best-performing PG model was 0.08, and for all ROEX models was 0.13. Greatest deviations typically occurred below 5 kHz and above 130 kHz. Relative audiometric sensitivity of a dolphin ear model has been improved relative to previous models, thereby providing an auditory weighting function more representative of dolphin peripheral auditory processing. This model will be applied to further investigate how dolphins use echolocation to discriminate among objects.  相似文献   

This study provides a general approach to the presence and possible role of orexins and their receptors in the gut (three gastric chambers and intestine) of confined environment bottlenose dolphin. The expression of prepro-orexin, orexin A and B and orexin 1 and 2 receptors were investigated by single immunostaining and western blot analysis. The co-localization of vasoactive intestinal peptide and orexin 1 receptor in the enteric nervous system was examined by double immunostaining. Also, orexin A concentration were measured in plasma samples to assess the possible diurnal variation of the plasma level of peptide in this species. Our results showed that the orexin system is widely distributed in bottlenose dolphin enteric nervous system of the all gastrointestinal tract examined. They are very peculiar and partially differs from that of terrestrial mammals. Orexin peptides and prepro-orexin were expressed in the main stomach, pyloric stomach and proximal intestine; while orexin receptors were expressed in the all examined tracts, with the exception of main stomach where found no evidence of orexin 2 receptor. Co-localization of vasoactive intestinal peptide and orexin 1 receptor were more evident in the pyloric stomach and proximal intestine. These data could suggest a possible role of orexin system on the contractility of bottlenose dolphin gastrointestinal districts. Finally, in agreement with several reports, bottlenose dolphin orexin A plasma level was higher in the morning during fasting. Our results emphasize some common features between bottlenose dolphin and terrestrial mammals. Certainly, further functional investigations may help to better explain the role of the orexin system in the energy balance of bottlenose dolphin and the complex interaction between feeding and digestive physiology.  相似文献   


The popular demand for encounters with dolphins has resulted in organized encounters around the world involving in-water interactions with both captive and free-ranging dolphins. Many concerns about these interactions have been raised with regard to the well-being of human and dolphin participants (e.g. Capaldo 1989; Iannuzzi and Rowan 1991). In this paper we (a) review existing information on human/dolphin interactions, (b) provide a qualitative comparison of such interactions in the captive and in the wild with the same species of dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), and (c) make suggestions regarding future research needs regarding the wellbeing of dolphins and humans in interactive programs.

This study found that the free-ranging dolphin/human interactions consisted primarily of basic elements of intraspecific interactions among free-ranging dolphins. Interactive dolphin behaviors in the captive environment consisted primarily of actions that had been signaled and then reinforced by humans. Potential indicators of disturbance in the dolphins were observed in both contexts, but most frequently in the captive environment. We conclude that future research is needed to assess the risks to human and dolphin participants during in-water encounters.  相似文献   

Intestinal coccidiosis was diagnosed histologically in the small intestine of a spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris). Numerous intralesional coccidia were present in mucosal epithelial cells. Schizonts, gamonts, and unsporulated oocysts were seen. Schizonts were up to 30 x 20 microm and contained up to 16 merozoites, which measured 10-12 x 2 microm. Unsporulated oocysts were about 9-12 x 8-10 microm. This is the first report of intestinal coccidiosis in a spinner dolphin.  相似文献   

cDNAs of human and bovine retinal rod Na+-Ca2++K+ exchanger (NCKX1) have previously been cloned, but potassium-dependent Na-Ca exchange activity upon heterologous expression has not been demonstrated. We have cloned NCKX1 cDNA from dolphin, examined function upon transfection in HEK293 cells, and compared the dolphin sequence encoded by the cDNA with those of human and bovine. The dolphin NCKX1 cDNA encodes 1013 amino acid residues. Comparison to bovine and human NCKX1 revealed strong conservation in the transmembrane domains (>95%), but relatively low conservation in the large extracellular ( approximately 50%) and cytosolic (<50%) domains. The dolphin cytosolic domain differs from the bovine sequence by the absence of a stretch of 114 amino acids. HEK293 cells transfected with dolphin NCKX1 cDNA showed K+-dependent Na-Ca exchange in >95% of the experiments, whereas transfection with bovine NCKX1 yielded no function. The bovine NCKX1 phenotype was imparted on dolphin NCKX1 when the dolphin cytosolic loop was replaced by that from bovine. Conversely, deletion of 114 amino acids from the bovine sequence to match the dolphin sequence resulted in a mutant bovine NCKX1 which performed K+-dependent Na-Ca exchange. These results suggest that domains within the large cytosolic loop of NCKX1 control functional activity when expressed in heterologous systems.  相似文献   

We investigated patterns of abundance and distribution for coastal migratory Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) that appear seasonally in the nearshore waters of Virginia Beach, Virginia. The study was conducted along 24 km of shoreline at the southern point of the Chesapeake Bay mouth from April 1994 to March 1995. This is the first study to investigate the relationship between the abundance of coastal migratory dolphins and factors that might affect their movement. A profile analysis of variance revealed significant differences in local abundance and distribution throughout the year. Dolphin number was positively correlated with water temperature and not correlated with photoperiod. Although prey distribution and abundance are two factors thought to affect dolphin presence, in this study the relationship between these two factors and dolphin abundance was unclear. Greater numbers of dolphins were found in the ocean section of the study area. However, significantly higher ratios of neonatal dolphins were observed in the bay section, suggesting the bay serves as a nursery area. The observed relationship between local dolphin abundance and environmental factors in Virginia may provide insight into dolphin distribution and migration along the Atlantic coast of the United States.  相似文献   

1982年4月—1983年4月对一头白暨豚进行了训练,目标识别实验的结果表明,白暨豚愿意满足训练员的要求,且记忆力较强。  相似文献   

Fatal disseminated toxoplasmosis was diagnosed in a Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus) dam and its fetus on the basis of pathologic findings, immunohistochemistry, and structure of the parasite. The dolphin was stranded alive on the Spanish Mediterranean coast and died a few hours later. At necropsy the dam was in good condition. From the standpoint of pathology, however, it had generalized lymphadenomegaly and splenomegaly, enlargement of and multifocal hemorrhage in the adrenal glands, diffuse mucosal hemorrhage of the glandular and pyloric stomach, ulcerative glossitis and stomatitis, focal erosions and reddening of the laryngeal appendix, and severe paraotic sinusitis with intralesional nematodes Crassicauda grampicola. The dolphin was pregnant, most probably in the first gestational trimester. The most prominent microscopic lesions were multifocal granulomatous encephalomyelitis, diffuse subacute interstitial pneumonia, mild multifocal necrotizing hepatitis and nonsuppurative cholangiohepatitis, gastritis and adrenalitis, mild lymphoid depletion, medullary sinus and follicular histyocitosis, and systemic hemosiderosis. The fetus had foci of coagulative and lytic necrosis in the kidneys, the lung, and the heart. Most lesions were associated with tachyzoites and tissue cysts of Toxoplasma gondii. The diagnosis was confirmed immunohistochemically. This is the first report on toxoplasmosis in a Risso's dolphin (G. griseus) and on transplacental transmission to an early-stage fetus in any cetaceans.  相似文献   

Dolphin shows and dolphin interaction programs are two types of education programs within zoological institutions used to educate visitors about dolphins and the marine environment. The current study examined the short‐ and long‐term effects of these programs on visitors' conservation‐related knowledge, attitude, and behavior. Participants of both dolphin shows and interaction programs demonstrated a significant short‐term increase in knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral intentions. Three months following the experience, participants of both dolphin shows and interaction programs retained the knowledge learned during their experience and reported engaging in more conservation‐related behaviors. Additionally, the number of dolphin shows attended in the past was a significant predictor of recent conservation‐related behavior suggesting that repetition of these types of experiences may be important in inspiring people to conservation action. These results suggest that both dolphin shows and dolphin interaction programs can be an important part of a conservation education program for visitors of zoological facilities. Zoo Biol. 32:45‐53, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

淡水豚类分子系统发生的研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
杨光  周开亚 《兽类学报》1999,19(1):19-19
测定了白暨豚和恒河豚细胞色素b基因307bp的DNA序列,并与其它鲸类的相应序列合并,分析了淡水豚类(恒河豚、印河豚、白暨豚、亚河豚和弗西豚)的系统学位置和系统发生。淡水豚类不同属间的序列差异已达到或超过了其它齿鲸类科间的差异水平,因此它们分别归属于不同的科,即恒河豚科、白暨豚科、亚河豚科和弗西豚科。系统发生分析支持淡水豚类和海豚类之间具有下述的关系:(恒河豚科((白暨豚科(亚河豚科,弗西豚科))海豚总科))。即淡水豚的4个科中,恒河豚科是最早分化的一支,其次是白暨豚科,然后是亚河豚科和弗西豚科的分化。白暨豚科和亚河豚科+弗西豚科组成海豚总科的姊妹群,并与海豚总科一同组成海豚下目。恒河豚与其它淡水豚类间无直接的亲缘关系。淡水豚类是并系的。把恒河豚类独立为恒河豚总科是合理的。初步认为有理由把白暨豚类也作为一个总科级的支系。恒河豚和印河豚间的序列差异极小,两者可能只是同一个种的2个亚种。  相似文献   

The bycatch of small cetaceans in commercial fisheries is a global wildlife management problem. We used data from skippers'' logbooks and independent observers to assess common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) bycatch patterns between 2003 and 2009 in the Pilbara Trawl Fishery, Western Australia. Both datasets indicated that dolphins were caught in all fishery areas, across all depths and throughout the year. Over the entire datasets, observer reported bycatch rates (n = 52 dolphins in 4,124 trawls, or 12.6 dolphins/1,000 trawls) were ca. double those reported by skippers (n = 180 dolphins in 27,904 trawls, or 6.5 dolphins/1,000 trawls). Generalised Linear Models based on observer data, which better explained the variation in dolphin bycatch, indicated that the most significant predictors of dolphin catch were: (1) vessel - one trawl vessel caught significantly more dolphins than three others assessed; (2) time of day – the lowest dolphin bycatch rates were between 00:00 and 05:59; and (3) whether nets included bycatch reduction devices (BRDs) - the rate was reduced by ca. 45%, from 18.8 to 10.3 dolphins/1,000 trawls, after their introduction. These results indicated that differences among vessels (or skippers'' trawling techniques) and dolphin behavior (a diurnal pattern) influenced the rates of dolphin capture; and that spatial or seasonal adjustments to trawling effort would be unlikely to significantly reduce dolphin bycatch. Recent skipper''s logbook data show that dolphin bycatch rates have not declined since those reported in 2006, when BRDs were introduced across the fishery. Modified BRDs, with top-opening escape hatches from which dolphins might escape to the surface, may be a more effective means of further reducing dolphin bycatch. The vulnerability of this dolphin population to trawling-related mortality cannot be assessed in the absence of an ongoing observer program and without information on trawler-associated dolphin community size, broader dolphin population size and connectivity with adjacent populations.  相似文献   

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