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This paper presents the nucleotide sequence of the mod-res operon of phage P1, which encodes the two structural genes for the EcoP1 type III restriction and modification system. We have also sequenced the mod gene of the allelic EcoP15 system. The mod gene product is responsible for binding the system-specific DNA recognition sequences in both restriction and modification; it also catalyses the modification reaction. A comparison of the two mod gene product sequences shows that they have conserved amino and carboxyl ends but have completely different sequences in the middle of the molecules. Two alleles of the EcoP1 mod gene that are defective in modification but not in restriction were also sequenced. The mutations in both alleles lie within the non-conserved regions.  相似文献   

Selected and counterselected oligodeoxynucleotide sequences were identified in the total sequence of bacteriophage T7 DNA using a statistical criterion derived for a probability model of the Markov chain type. All extremely rare tetra- and pentadeoxynucleotides are (or contain) recognition sequences for the Escherichia coli DNA methylases dam or dcm. Most of the 37 hexadeoxynucleotides absent from T7 DNA are recognition sequences for type II modification/restriction enzymes of E. coli or related species. In contrast to most restriction sites counterselected during evolution, the EcoP1 site GGTCT occurs 126 times in the T7 genome, and phage T7 replication is severely repressed in P1-lysogenic host cells. We demonstrate that the frequency of the EcoP1 site is determined by that of the overlapping recognition sites for T7 primase, an essential phage enzyme. The recognition site of a type III enzyme, EcoP15, is also not counterselected. In T7 DNA all 36 EcoP15 sites are arranged in such a manner that the sequence CAGCAG is confined to the H strand, the complementary sequence CTGCTG to the L strand. This "strand bias" is highly significant and, therefore, very probably selected. A functional relation between this strand bias and the refractive behaviour of phage T7 to EcoP15 restriction is suspected.  相似文献   

EcoP15 is a restriction-modification enzyme coded by the P15 plasmid of Escherichia coli. We have determined the sites recognized by this enzyme on pBR322 and simian virus 40 DNA. The enzyme recognizes the sequence:
In restriction, the enzyme cleaves the DNA 25 to 26 base-pairs 3′ to this sequence to leave single-stranded 5′ protrusions two bases long.  相似文献   

A mutant of bacteriophage P1 that made an altered c1 repressor is described. The mutant c1 product had two configurations: in lysogens, at high temperatures, it permitted constitutive expression of the normally repressed DNA replication function ban and was insensitive to the action of ant, a product expressed by the virulent mutant P1virs and by the heteroimmune phage P7 (formerly phiamp+) and normally able to overcome c1 repression; in mutant lysogens at low temperatures, the mutant repressor was apparently normal (able to repress ban and sensitive to ant action). Genetic studies of this mutant led to the isolation of a derivative that formed unstable lysogens. These studies suggested that the ban product was normally under c1 control; they further showed that ant overcame c1 repression by inactivating c1 rather than by creating a bypass of repressor activity.  相似文献   

A second DNA site-specific (restriction) endonuclease (R.CviAII) and its cognate adenine DNA methyltransferase (M.CviAII) were isolated from virus PBCV-1 infected Chlorella strain NC64A cells. R.CviAII, a heteroschizomer of the bacterial restriction endonuclease NlaIII, recognizes the sequence CATG, and does not cleave CmATG sequences. However, unlike NlaIII, which cleaves after the G and does not cleave either CmATG or mCATG sequences, CviAII cleaves between the C and A and is unaffected by mCATG methylation. The M.CviAII and R.CviAII genes were cloned and their DNA sequences were determined. These genes are tandemly arranged head-to-tail such that the TAA termination codon of the M.CviAII methyltransferase gene overlaps the ATG translational start site of R.CviAII endonuclease. R.CviAII is the first chlorella virus site-specific endonuclease gene to be cloned and sequenced.  相似文献   

The genes encoding the MspI restriction modification system, which recognizes the sequence 5' CCGG, have been cloned into pUC9. Selection was based on expression of the cloned methylase gene which renders plasmid DNA insensitive to MspI cleavage in vitro. Initially, an insert of 15 kb was obtained which, upon subcloning, yielded a 3 kb EcoRI to HindIII insert, carrying the genes for both the methylase and the restriction enzyme. This insert has been sequenced. Based upon the sequence, together with appropriate subclones, it is shown that the two genes are transcribed divergently with the methylase gene encoding a polypeptide of 418 amino acids, while the restriction enzyme is composed of 262 amino acids. Comparison of the sequence of the MspI methylase with other cytosine methylases shows a striking degree of similarity. Especially noteworthy is the high degree of similarity with the HhaI and EcoRII methylases.  相似文献   

D P Hornby  M Müller  T A Bickle 《Gene》1987,54(2-3):239-245
We have cloned the gene coding for the EcoP1 modification methylase in an expression system based on the phage lambda pL promoter and the cI857-coded thermoinducible repressor. We have used this system to purify the enzyme on the 20-30-mg scale and have examined some of its enzymatic properties. The enzyme is a tetramer of Mr 72,000 subunits and is approx. 40% alpha-helical. Experiments with the methyl donor, S-adenosyl methionine, radioactively labelled in different positions indicate that a methyl group is transferred to the enzyme during the reaction in what is most likely a covalent bond.  相似文献   

Z H Cai  Y Hwang  D Cue  C Catalano    M Feiss 《Journal of bacteriology》1997,179(8):2479-2485
The linear double-stranded DNA molecules in lambda virions are generated by nicking of concatemeric intracellular DNA by terminase, the lambda DNA packaging enzyme. Staggered nicks are introduced at cosN to generate the cohesive ends of virion DNA. After nicking, the cohesive ends are separated by terminase; terminase bound to the left end of the DNA to be packaged then binds the empty protein shell, i.e., the prohead, and translocation of DNA into the prohead occurs. cosB, a site adjacent to cosN, is a terminase binding site. cosB facilitates the rate and fidelity of the cosN cleavage reaction by serving as an anchoring point for gpNu1, the small subunit of terminase. cosB is also crucial for the formation of a stable terminase-DNA complex, called complex I, formed after cosN cleavage. The role of complex I is to bind the prohead. Mutations in cosB affect both cosB functions, causing mild defects in cosN cleavage and severe packaging defects. The lethal cosB R3- R2- R1- mutation contains a transition mutation in each of the three gpNu1 binding sites of cosB. Pseudorevertants of lambda cosB R3- R2- R1- DNA contain suppressor mutations affecting gpNu1. Results of experiments that show that two such suppressors, Nu1ms1 and Nu1ms3, do not suppress the mild cosN cleavage defect caused by the cosB R3- R2- R1- mutation but strongly suppress the DNA packaging defect are presented. It is proposed that the suppressing terminases, unlike the wild-type enzyme, are able to assemble a stable complex I with cosB R3- R2- R1- DNA. Observations on the adenosine triphosphatase activities and protease susceptibilities of gpNu1 of the Nu1ms1 and Nu1ms3 terminases indicate that the conformation of gpNu1 is altered in the suppressing terminases.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli plasmid pDXX1 codes for a new restriction-modification system. The specific restriction endonuclease coded by this system has been purified by a procedure that includes phosphocellulose and heparin-agarose chromatography. Sedimentation on glycerol gradients showed one peak of activity with a value of about 12 S. The highly purified enzyme require ATP and Mg2+ for activity as well as S-adenosylmethionine, although some S-adenosylmethionine molecules are probably bound to the enzyme. The enzyme does not cleave lambda DNA at well-defined sites and has a strong non-modified DNA-dependent ATPase activity. The enzyme has also methylase activity acting against non-modified DNA.  相似文献   

The RFLP/PCR approach (restriction fragment length polymorphism/polymerase chain reaction) to genotypic mutation analysis described here measures mutations in restriction recognition sequences. Wild-type DNA is restricted before the resistant, mutated sequences are amplified by PCR and cloned. We tested the capacity of this experimental design to isolate a few copies of a mutated sequence of the human c-Ha-ras1 gene from a large excess of wild-type DNA. For this purpose we constructed a 272 bp fragment with 2 mutations in the PvuII recognition sequence 1727-1732 and studied the rescue by RFLP/PCR of a few copies of this 'PvuII mutant standard'. Following amplification with Taq-polymerase and cloning into lambda gt10, plaques containing wild-type sequence, PvuII mutant standard or Taq-polymerase induced bp changes were quantitated by hybridization with specific oligonucleotide probes. Our results indicate that 10 PvuII mutant standard copies can be rescued from 10(8) to 10(9) wild-type sequences. Taq polymerase errors originating from unrestricted, residual wild-type DNA were sequence dependent and consisted mostly of transversions originating at G.C bp. In contrast to a doubly mutated 'standard' the capacity to rescue single bp mutations by RFLP/PCR is limited by Taq-polymerase errors. Therefore, we assessed the capacity of our protocol to isolate a G to T transversion mutation at base pair 1698 of the MspI-site 1695-1698 of the c-Ha-ras1 gene from excess wild-type ras1 DNA. We found that 100 copies of the mutated ras1 fragment could be readily rescued from 10(8) copies of wild-type DNA.  相似文献   

A Vioque 《Nucleic acids research》1992,20(23):6331-6337
The genes encoding the RNA subunit of ribonuclease P from the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, and from the heterocyst-forming strains Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 and Calothrix sp. PCC 7601 were cloned using the homologous gene from Anacystis nidulans (Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301) as a probe. The genes and the flanking regions were sequenced. The genes from Anabaena and Calothrix are flanked at their 3'-ends by short tandemly repeated repetitive (STRR) sequences. In addition, two other sets of STRR sequences were detected within the transcribed regions of the Anabaena and Calothrix genes, increasing the length of a variable secondary structure element present in many RNA subunits of ribonuclease P from eubacteria. The ends of the mature RNAs were determined by primer extension and RNase protection. The predicted secondary structure of the three RNAs studied is similar to that of Anacystis and although some idiosyncrasies are observed, fits well with the eubacterial consensus.  相似文献   

P22 serves as a model for the assembly and maturation of icosahedral double-stranded DNA viruses. The viral capsid precursor, or procapsid, is assembled from 420 copies of a 47 kDa coat protein subunit (gp5) that is rich in beta-strand secondary structure. Maturation to the capsid, which occurs in vivo upon DNA packaging, is accompanied by shell expansion and a large increase in the level of protection against deuterium exchange of amide NH groups. Accordingly, shell maturation resembles the final step in protein folding, wherein domain packing and an exchange-protected core become more fully developed [Tuma, R., Prevelige, P. E., Jr., and Thomas, G. J., Jr. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 95, 9885-9890]. Here, we exploit recent advances in Raman spectroscopy to investigate the P22 coat protein subunit under conditions which stabilize the monomeric state, viz., in solution at very low concentrations. Under these conditions, the monomer exhibits an elongated shape, as demonstrated by small-angle X-ray scattering. Raman spectra allow the identification of conformation-sensitive marker bands of the monomer, as well as the characterization of NH exchange dynamics for comparison with procapsid and capsid shell assemblies. We show that procapsid assembly involves significant ordering of the predominantly beta-strand backbone. We propose that such ordering may mediate formation of the distinct subunit conformations required for assembly of a T = 7 icosahedral lattice. However, the monomer, like the subunit within the procapsid lattice, exhibits a moderate level of protection against low-temperature NH exchange, indicative of a nascent folding core. The environments and exchange characteristics of key side chains are also similar for the monomeric and procapsid subunits, and distinct from corresponding characteristics of the capsid subunit. The monomer thus represents a compact but metastable folding intermediate along the pathway to assembly of the procapsid and capsid.  相似文献   

DNA cleavage by type III restriction endonucleases requires two inversely oriented asymmetric recognition sequences and results from ATP-dependent DNA translocation and collision of two enzyme molecules. Here, we characterized the structure and mode of action of the related EcoP1I and EcoP15I enzymes. Analytical ultracentrifugation and gel quantification revealed a common Res(2)Mod(2) subunit stoichiometry. Single alanine substitutions in the putative nuclease active site of ResP1 and ResP15 abolished DNA but not ATP hydrolysis, whilst a substitution in helicase motif VI abolished both activities. Positively supercoiled DNA substrates containing a pair of inversely oriented recognition sites were cleaved inefficiently, whereas the corresponding relaxed and negatively supercoiled substrates were cleaved efficiently, suggesting that DNA overtwisting impedes the convergence of the translocating enzymes. EcoP1I and EcoP15I could co-operate in DNA cleavage on circular substrate containing several EcoP1I sites inversely oriented to a single EcoP15I site; cleavage occurred predominantly at the EcoP15I site. EcoP15I alone showed nicking activity on these molecules, cutting exclusively the top DNA strand at its recognition site. This activity was dependent on enzyme concentration and local DNA sequence. The EcoP1I nuclease mutant greatly stimulated the EcoP15I nicking activity, while the EcoP1I motif VI mutant did not. Moreover, combining an EcoP15I nuclease mutant with wild-type EcoP1I resulted in cutting the bottom DNA strand at the EcoP15I site. These data suggest that double-strand breaks result from top strand cleavage by a Res subunit proximal to the site of cleavage, whilst bottom strand cleavage is catalysed by a Res subunit supplied in trans by the distal endonuclease in the collision complex.  相似文献   

The stereochemistry of dl-glycerol 3-phosphate was studied by X-ray-crystallographic techniques. All the bond lengths and angles are within normally accepted limits except the ester bond, which is one of the largest yet noted, being 0.1637nm. The conformation of the molecule is such that an intramolecular hydrogen bond is formed between the hydroxyl group on the beta-carbon atom and the phosphate group. The crystal, which was grown by alcohol diffusion into an aqueous solution, is held together by sodium co-ordination and a complex system of hydrogen bonds. A table of the observed and calculated structure factors, F(obs.) and F(calc.), has been deposited as Supplementary Publication 50010 at the National Lending Library for Science and Technology, Boston Spa, Yorks. LS23 7BQ, U.K., from whom copies can be obtained on the terms indicated in Biochem. J. (1972) 126, 5.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage P1 modification enzyme was purified 1400-fold from induced lysogens of a thermoinducible mutant of bacteriophage P1. The most purified fraction, when analysed by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulphate, showed two principal stained bands. The two bands co-sedimented in a glycerol gradient with the modification activity, at a rate which, when compared with the rate of sedimentation of marker proteins, corresponds to a sedimentation coefficient in water of 6S. The mobilities of the bands on sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis corresponded to polypeptides of molecular weight 70000 and 45000 and they were present in equimolar amounts. It was concluded that the 6S species of the enzyme is a dimer of unlike subunits.  相似文献   

The restriction enzyme from a restriction and modification-deficient strain of Escherichia coli K mutated in the modification gene (hsdM) has been purified using an in vitro complementation assay with a mutant restriction enzyme from a strain lacking only restriction. The restriction enzyme from the hsdM mutant lacks all of the activities that are associated with the wild type enzyme: binding of unmodified DNA to filters, cleavage, or methylation of unmodified DNA and ATP hydrolysis. It is shown that the enzyme from this hsdM mutant cannot bind S-adenosylmethionine, an allosteric effector in the restriction reaction. In the absence of enzyme activation by S-adenosylmethionine, no binding to unmodified DNA takes place. A comparison with other mutant restriction enzymes allows us to outline the biochemical role of the subunits of the E. coli K restriction endonuclease.  相似文献   

Cloning the BamHI restriction modification system.   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
BamHI, a Type II restriction modification system from Bacillus amyloliquefaciensH recognizes the sequence GGATCC. The methylase and endonuclease genes have been cloned into E. coli in separate steps; the clone is able to restrict unmodified phage. Although within the clone the methylase and endonuclease genes are present on the same pACYC184 vector, the system can be maintained in E. coli only with an additional copy of the methylase gene present on a separate vector. The initial selection for BamHI methylase activity also yielded a second BamHI methylase gene which is not homologous in DNA sequence and hybridizes to different genomic restriction fragments than does the endonuclease-linked methylase gene. Finally, the interaction of the BamHI system with the E. coli Dam and the Mcr A and B functions, have been studied and are reported here.  相似文献   

H1, a 5-hydroxymethyluracil (HMU)-containing Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage, was neither restricted nor modified upon infection of B. subtilis R cells. In vitro, H1 DNA was not restricted by BsuR under standard conditions (200 mM salt), although the expected frequency of -GGCC- cleavage sites was approximately 250. However, four specific sites were cleaved under nonstandard conditions (low salt or high pH) or in the presence of organic solvents, like dimethyl sulfoxide and glycerol. After the substitution of thymine for HMU by DNA cloning in B. subtilis, a BsuR cleavage site was restricted and modified under standard conditions. No additional sites were detected after shotgun-cloning of about 11% of the chromosome. The nucleotide sequence of a cleavage site was found to be 5'. .C-A-Hmu-A-A-C-Hmu-Hmu-Hmu-G-G-C-C-Hmu-A-G-. . .3', which shows the presence of a bona fide BsuR (GGCC) recognition sequence, flanked by (Hmu-A)-rich sequences. The results suggested that the resistance of H1 to restriction and modification by B. subtilis R was due to (i) a strong bias against the GGCC-recognition sequence and (ii) protection of the four remaining GGCC sites as a consequence of HMU-A base pairs flanking the sites.  相似文献   

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