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The diet of red-crowned parakeets (Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae novaezelandiae) and yellow-crowned parakeets (C. auriceps auriceps) was compared on Little Barrier Island, New Zealand between 1986 and 1987. Significant dietary differences were observed in these sympatric, congeneric species. Yellow-crowned parakeets ate significantly more invertebrates than red-crowned parakeets, which fed on a greater variety of plant foods. Red- crowned parakeets were found in all vegetation types depending on the availability of food and were commonly seen foraging on the ground in open habitats. In contrast, yellow-crowned parakeets were more arboreal and showed distinct preferences for forested habitats. The existence of both parakeet species in sympatry is examined as is the ecological importance of invertebrate food sources. Observed differences in the behaviour and ecology of parakeet species on Little Barrier Island are used to provide insight into the present day distribution and status of parakeets on mainland New Zealand.  相似文献   

Rats were eradicated from Lady Alice Island (Northland, New Zealand) in October 1994, using aerially applied cereal-based bait containing brodifacoum. To determine the fate and non- target impact of brodifacoum, streams, soil, invertebrates, and birds were monitored for 7 months after the baits were applied. No brodifacoum was detected in any of the stream or soil samples. Brodifacoum was detected in cave weta found on baits, and in morepork and red-crowned parakeet liver tissue. Significant contamination of water and soil is unlikely after a single aerial application of brodifacoum baits. Invertebrates such as cave weta may be at risk of consuming brodifacoum bait, morepork and red-crowned parakeet may be at risk of secondary poisoning.  相似文献   

Poisonous baits used for pest control in New Zealand commonly contain green dye and cinnamon oil to make them less attractive to birds. Research aimed at reducing the impact of poison based pest control on birds has shown that some birds are initially deterred from feeding on blue or, to a lesser extent, green coloured food and are attracted to yellow or red food. We determined whether colours that deter or attract birds affected the acceptance of non-toxic and toxic cereal baits by captive brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula). Individual possums were offered, daily, a choice between a standard green dyed non-toxic cereal bait and either a blue dyed(17 possums) or yellow dyed non-toxic bait (16 possums) for 10 days. Following this, for the first group of 17 possums, 1080 toxin was added to either the green bait (9 possums) or blue bait (8 possums) and possums were offered the green versus blue choice again. Two additional groups that had not previously been fed cereal baits were also given a choice between blue and green baits, one of which was toxic. All possums offered non-toxic bait ate less on the first day of presentation than on subsequent days. There was no difference in acceptance of either blue or yellow coloured non-toxic bait compared to the standard green non- toxic bait on any days. Bait colour appeared to be unimportant in cereal bait choice and did not deter possums from eating any of the baits. The addition of toxin to baits did not significantly alter bait choice in any groups, although some individuals which had no previous experience with baits ate more toxic than non-toxic bait. These data suggest that adding a stronger bird deterring colour (i.e., blue) to poisonous baits is unlikely to adversely affect the acceptance of baits by possums.  相似文献   

This study was initiated in response to concerns that vertebrate pest control operations in New Zealand may be having deleterious impacts on invertebrate populations and, secondarily, on insectivorous non-target vertebrate populations. Invertebrates feeding on non-toxic baits of the types used for vertebrate pest control were collected and identified. The bait types were diced carrots and three types of cereal-based baits (No.7, RS5, and AgTech). The study was conducted in two rata/kamahi dominated forests (Bell Hill Scenic Reserve and Kopara Forest, West Coast), in July and September 1996. The most common species found on baits was the ant Huberia brouni (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Other common taxa were Orthoptera (at least eight species of weta including Zealandosandrus aff. gracilis, Gymnoplectron sp., and Pleioplectron sp.). Coleoptera (at least nine species of beetles including Saphobius nitidulus, Nestrius sp., and Phrynixus sp.), Dermaptera (at least one species of the earwig Parisolabis sp.), Opiliones (at least three species of harvestmen), and Acarina (at least three species of mites). The ants and weta were found predominately on cereal-based baits, and the beetles, earwigs, harvestmen, and mites predominantly on carrot baits. More invertebrates were found on carrot and RS5 cereal-based baits than on the other two bait types, and more on baits at night than during the day. Fewer invertebrates were found on cinnamon-flavoured baits (used for 1080-poisoning of possums) than on plain baits (used for brodifacoum-poisoning of rodents). The number of species and number of individual invertebrates found on baits were a small proportion of the number likely to be present in the forest litter. We predict that vertebrate pest control operations are unlikely to have any long term deleterious impacts on invertebrate populations. This prediction should be tested by monitoring populations of invertebrate species, found to ear baits, during vertebrate pest control operations.  相似文献   

Genetic introgression from Chatham Island Red-crowned parakeet (Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae chathamensis) is a long-standing problem in the conservation of the rare Forbes’ parakeet (C. forbesi) on Mangere Island, New Zealand. Microsatellite genotypes, mitochondrial DNA sequences, and morphological markers have been applied to study the situation. An extensive history of hybridisation was detected in the single remaining Forbes’ parakeet population, where no less than 81% of all birds screened are considered hybrids. Genetic markers showed that a large proportion of birds identified as Forbes’ parakeets by crown plumage are cryptic hybrids. Only a small proportion of birds with Forbes’ parakeet morphotype were found to be genetically distinct from Chatham Island Red-crowned parakeets using microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA assignment tests, but these still represent an Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU) for conservation.  相似文献   

1. Given the increasing threat of 'emerging infectious diseases' (EIDs), and the vulnerability of small inbred populations to such novel challenges (at least partly through compromised immunity), a degree of interspecific hybridization may improve the viability of endangered species by enriching depauperate gene pools. 2. To investigate this hypothesis, we quantified indicators of the strength of both innate and cell-mediated immunity in wild populations of hybridizing parakeets on the Chatham Islands, New Zealand. 3. We show that both measures of immune function are markedly higher in the cosmopolitan red-crowned parakeet Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae than in the island endemic Forbes' parakeet C. forbesi, as is to be expected when comparing relatively outbred vs. relatively inbred species. 4. In addition, we show that both measures of immune function are higher in Forbes'x red-crowned parakeet hybrids than in the Forbes' parakeet. Even those individuals with few red-crowned characteristics, suggesting they are the products of matings between hybrids and Forbes' parakeets, have significantly higher measures of immune function. 5. As at least one of the immune indicators measured correlates directly with both survivorship and the viability of small bird populations, this study reveals a potential management option for hybridizing species of conservation concern, where an increase in resilience to novel disease challenges could outweigh some loss of genetic integrity.  相似文献   

In 1996 an eradication operation against two species of rats (Rattus norvegicus and R. exulans was conducted on Kapiti Island (1965 ha) and its small offshore islands. Trials with non-toxic baits had been carried out to help determine the risks to non-target species, and research was undertaken to collect baseline data for measuring the response of vegetation, invertebrates, reptiles and birds to the removal of rats. Talon 7-20 bait (containing 0.002% brodifacoum) was distributed over Kapiti Island in September and October by helicopter and by hand, while bait stations were used on the offshore islands. Impacts on birds and reef fish were investigated. Although there were non-target bird deaths as a result of the poisoning operation, post-eradication monitoring indicated that the toxin had no deleterious effect on breeding and most losses would be rapidly made up by recruitment of new individuals into the breeding population. There was no evidence that reef fish were negatively affected. The successful removal of rats has apparently resulted in a significantly improved survival rate for stitchbirds (Notiomystis cincta) and saddlebacks (Philesturnus carunculatus). Benefits to other taxa are expected and will be documented as follow-up studies are completed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the impact of nine poison operations on ship rats in four areas (35 ha to 3200 ha) of North Island forest. Poisoning with 1080, brodifacoum, or pindone killed 87- 100% of rats, based on trapping and tracking-tunnel indices. Rat populations took 4-5 months to recover. Operations to protect nesting birds should therefore coincide with the onset of nesting and be rePeated each year, although not necessarily with the same methods. Population reduction declined each year at Mapara, King Country, during three annual 1080 operations which used the same lures and baits, but remained high at Kaharoa, Bay of Plenty, where poison toxicity was higher, non- toxic bait was pre-fed, and poisoning methods varied each year. Mouse tracking rates increased in poisoned forests 3-6 months after poisoning if the initial kill of rats exceeded 90%, Peaked 7-9 months after poisoning, then declined to pre-poison levels. Future research should focus on how prey and non-prey species within a forest community respond to a temporary reduction in rat numbers, and on methods to maintain low rat densities after initial knock-down.  相似文献   

There is growing awareness and concern in New Zealand about native birds eating poisonous baits intended for pest species such as brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) and rats (Rattus rattus, R.,norvegicus, R. exulans). We investigated the colour preferences of North Island robins (Petroica australis) a species known to be vulnerable to poisoning. The main aims were to determine if: (1) robins had colour preferences, (2) the preferences were consistent between two separate populations and 3) the preferences were similar to those found previously in weka (Gallirallus australis), another native species. Robins in Pureora Forest Park and Te Urewera National Park were individually offered a choice between differently coloured versions of a novel food (red, yellow, brown, green, light blue and medium blue) daily, for six consecutive days. Robins showed food colour preferences pecking more at the red, yellow and green cake than the medium blue, light blue or brown cake. No difference was evident in the colour preferences of the two populations. The colour preferences of robins were similar to those reported previously with weka. Dyeing poisonous baits may be sufficient to stop a proportion of robins from eating them. Further work is needed to determine how colour preferences vary across seasons, populations and species.  相似文献   

Sympatric orange-fronted (Cyanoramphus malherbi) and yellow-crowned parakeets (C. auriceps) were surveyed in a South Island beech (Nothofagusspp.) forest during the spring and summer of 1998/99. Habitat use, behaviour and diet were recorded for each parakeet identified. A single observer did all recording. Both species were seen most frequently in the upper-most 20% of the forest stratum. Orange-fronted parakeets were seen more frequently than yellow-crowned parakeets in the lowest 20% of the forest stratum. Orange-fronted parakeets were seen calling less frequently and comforting more frequently than yellow-crowned parakeets, and this may reflect a difference in breeding period behaviour. Both species were usually seen feeding. In summer, both species were seen feeding mostly on seeds, predominantly from mountain beech — but this was a beech mast year. The spring diet of both species appeared to be largely flowers and invertebrates. Orange-fronted parakeets were seen feeding on flowers less frequently and on invertebrates more frequently than yellow-crowned parakeets. We suggest factors that may have contributed to the decline in abundance of both species: (1) greater competition between the two species in a habitat substantially modified by humans; (2) competition with introduced finch species; (3) competition with wasps for invertebrates; and (4) vulnerability to introduced predators. These last two factors are likely to affect orange-fronted parakeets in particular, because they appear to feed more on invertebrates and make greater use of the ground and low-growing plants.  相似文献   

Brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) were offered Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) eggs and day-old domestic chickens (Gallus gallus) during a captive feeding trial. Differences in feeding sign left by possums of differing sex, age class, and hunger were slight or absent. Possum feeding trial remains were also compared with remains of North Island robin (Petroica australis longipes) and North Island tomtit (Petroica macrocephala toitoi) eggs and chicks preyed on by ship rats (Rattus rattus) at videoed nests. Eggs fed on by possums were frequently crushed or had crushed shell margins whereas eggs preyed on by ship rats often had jagged shell margins and separate small shell fragments. Possums that ate chickens mostly left partially eaten carcasses with torn flesh, of which 50% were at least partially skinned. Ship rats left partially eaten birds with chewed flesh and bones but did not skin carcases. Possums rarely spat out shell pellets but produced feather pellets on eight of 13 occasions. Egg shell remains left by possums were indistinguishable from those left by ship rats for 11% of 72 shell remains examined from the feeding trial. Characteristic sign should enable possums and ship rats to be differentiated as predators after most but not all predations.  相似文献   

Population models are useful tools to guide management as they allow us to project growth and persistence of wildlife populations under different scenarios. Nevertheless, good data are needed to produce reliable models, and this requirement is problematic in some situations. North Island saddlebacks (Philesturnus rufusater) were reintroduced to Boundary Stream Mainland Island in September 2004, and this was the first time this species had occurred in an unfenced mainland area since their extirpation in the 19th century. This situation creates a challenging scenario for population modelling, as this species has never been studied in the presence of mainland predators, and management of these predators will be the key factor determining whether the population survives. In this paper we present an approach for developing a “prior model” before a reintroduction takes place. We use data from the reintroduced saddleback population on Mokoia Island to develop a model of how saddleback populations are regulated in the absence of mammalian predators. We use this model to project growth of a reintroduced population when vital rates are reduced by predation and also to project responses of source populations to harvesting of birds for translocation. We then incorporate data from the reintroduced North Island robin (Petroica longipes) population at Paengaroa Mainland Island to model the relationship between population parameters and predator tracking rates. The combined model can be used to predict the level of predator control needed to ensure growth of the saddleback population, but the prediction is contingent on guessing the relative vulnerability of robins and saddlebacks to predation. We envision using a Bayesian approach to update such prior models as site-specific data become available after reintroduction.  相似文献   


We conducted opportunistic observations on the diet of translocated orange-fronted parakeets (Cyanoramphus malherbi) on Maud Island to provide a first account of the diversity of food types ingested in the wild by this critically endangered species. Orange-fronted parakeets consumed fruits and leaves of 14 plant species as well as non–dietary items such as bark sticks and grit. Of dietary items, 96% were on plant species and 4% invertebrates. Of the plant species ingested 10% were non-natives. A major dietary component consisted of fruits and leaves of mahoe (Melicytus ramiflorus). In contrast to the only other published account of the diet of orange-fronted parakeets, invertebrates constituted a minor part of identified ingested items. This may be related to the different composition of vegetation at the study sites, the low parakeet population density during the time of our study and methodological restrictions during our survey. Our observations on undocumented food items add information about the biology of New Zealands’ rarest parakeet species and indicate dietary flexibility of the species highlighting the potential of other regenerating islands as release sites to expand the geographic distribution of orange–fronted parakeets.  相似文献   

We collated 48 surveys of individually banded birds or birds fitted with radio transmitters that were checked before and after 1080 poison (sodium fluoroacetate) baits were aerially distributed to control brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) in New?Zealand forests. The surveys were associated with 34 pest control operations from 1986 to 2009 and covered 13 native bird species, of which four were kiwi (Apteryx spp.). Sample sizes ranged from 1 to 46 birds (median 15). In 12 cases a sample of 1 to 42 birds (median 13) was surveyed in an untreated area at the same time. In total, 748 birds were checked before and after operations and 48 birds disappeared or were found dead. In non-treatment areas, 193 birds were checked and four died. Surveys of kiwi, whio (Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos), kaka (Nestor meridionalis) and kokako (Callaeas cinerea) were grouped for meta-analyses. The 95% pooled upper confidence bounds for the point estimate of zero mortality were each less than 4% for kiwi, kaka and kokako indicating only a small risk of mortality during 1080 pest control operations. Prefeeding with non-toxic baits increased from 22% (1998?1999) to 79% (2007?2008) in 322 operations on public conservation lands but was used in only 9 (26%) of the operations during which individually marked birds were monitored. We caution that failure to observe bird deaths in small samples may lead to weak inference about zero mortality across a population, most surveys in the review did not involve prefeeding, and that 11 native bird species for which deaths were reported after 1080 operations have not been studied.  相似文献   

Repellents used to reduce by-kill of birds during pest control must not compromise acceptance by target species. Two repellents combined, anthraquinone (AQ; 0.4 g kg?1) and d-pulegone (DP; 1.0) did not reduce the palatability of blue-coloured carrot baits to laboratory rats (Rattus norvegicus); nor did DP (2.0). Green-coloured carrot baits coated with AQ, DP or AQ + DP were taken from bait stations by wild possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) and rats. Toxic (1080) bait coated with AQ (0.4) and peanut oil (0.1) had reduced palatability but was accepted by laboratory rats. However, laboratory rats did not consume enough baits coated with AQ and bacon, peanut butter, cinnamon or DP to be killed. Anthraquinone (0.4 or 0.8) plus cinnamon and DP (0.5) did not affect palatability or lethality to captive ship rats (R. rattus) or possums. Anthraquinone and DP as surface coatings on baits are therefore acceptable to possums and possibly rats, at concentrations that deter some bird species.  相似文献   


Birds are at risk of being poisoned during pest control operations not only through eating toxic baits, but potentially by preying on invertebrates that have, themselves, consumed the toxic baits. Blue baits coated with anthraquinone and/or mint-scented repellents are avoided by some bird species compared with green baits coated with cinnamon oil; however, data on invertebrate avoidance patterns have not been explored. In our first experiment, we measured consumption rates in a large invertebrate, the Auckland tree wētā (Hemideina thoracica) for carrot that had been surface-coated with three repellent formulations: anthraquinone (0.8?g?kg?1) (a secondary repellent); anthraquinone (0.8?g?kg?1) and pennyroyal oil (a mint-scented product which acts as a primary repellent) (0.5?g?kg?1); and cinnamon oil (0.15?g?kg?1) (a primary repellent), over 4 days. In a second experiment, we tested whether tree wētā preferred carrot dyed either blue or green over 2 days. Tree wētā ate similar quantities of carrot from all three of the repellent formulations tested, but consumption of all three formulations was significantly lower than the control from the third day of the experiment. Tree wētā ate less blue-dyed carrot than green-dyed carrot on both days of the second experiment, but differences were not significant (day 1, P=?0.057; day 2, P?=?0.145). Our findings complement the results of previous studies on some bird species. Together they show the potential of surface-coating baits with anthraquinone and/or mint oil and dyeing them blue in pest control operations to reduce non-target avian by-kill, while not increasing the risk of secondary poisoning of insectivorous species. Our results also indicate that cinnamon oil can be used not only as a toxin mask but also as a repellent to wētā.  相似文献   

An understanding of the mechanisms influencing habitat selection in reintroduced bird populations is fundamental for successful translocation programmes. Plant species composition, abundance, structure and food availability are likely to influence animal movement and habitat choice, but few studies have evaluated their combined effect on habitat selection of translocated birds. Stewart Island robins (Petroica australis rakiura) and South Island saddlebacks (Philesturnus carunculatus carunculatus) are two threatened New?Zealand bird species that have been reintroduced to Ulva Island (Stewart Island). We hypothesised that their initial settlement patterns were driven by habitat quality. We tested this hypothesis by comparing habitat components between occupied and unoccupied habitats as the population grew after initial tanslocation. We also modelled probabilities of site selection as a function of the composition and structure of vegetation, availability of food (invertebrate composition) and nesting resources (cavity type). Founding pairs of both species first established territories in coastal habitat in the western part of the island, which is characterised by structurally complex broadleaved vegetation. Birds also selected sites with a greater abundance and diversity of food resources. Thus in the early stages of population establishment robins and saddlebacks appear to select high quality habitat that offers enhanced cover and foraging opportunities.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is integral to the vertebrate adaptive immune system. Characterizing diversity at functional MHC genes is invaluable for elucidating patterns of adaptive variation in wild populations, and is particularly interesting in species of conservation concern, which may suffer from reduced genetic diversity and compromised disease resilience. Here, we use next generation sequencing to investigate MHC class II B (MHCIIB) diversity in two sister taxa of New Zealand birds: South Island saddleback (SIS), Philesturnus carunculatus, and North Island saddleback (NIS), Philesturnus rufusater. These two species represent a passerine family outside the more extensively studied Passerida infraorder, and both have experienced historic bottlenecks. We examined exon 2 sequence data from populations that represent the majority of genetic diversity remaining in each species. A high level of locus co-amplification was detected, with from 1 to 4 and 3 to 12 putative alleles per individual for South and North Island birds, respectively. We found strong evidence for historic balancing selection in peptide-binding regions of putative alleles, and we identified a cluster combining non-classical loci and pseudogene sequences from both species, although no sequences were shared between the species. Fewer total alleles and fewer alleles per bird in SIS may be a consequence of their more severe bottleneck history; however, overall nucleotide diversity was similar between the species. Our characterization of MHCIIB diversity in two closely related species of New Zealand saddlebacks provides an important step in understanding the mechanisms shaping MHC diversity in wild, bottlenecked populations.  相似文献   

Aerial poisoning operations with carrot or cereal baits are used to control brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) populations in New Zealand forests for ecosystem conservation and to stop the spread of bovine tuberculosis to cattle and deer herds on adjacent farmland. Although various measures have been implemented to reduce the incidence of bird kills, dead birds continue to be found after poison operations. Colour- banded North Island tomtits (Petroica macrocephala toitoi) were monitored in treatment and non-treatment areas in Pureora Forest Park to determine the costs and benefits of aerial 1080 possum poisoning operations to tomtit populations. The August 1997 operation (carrot baits with very little chaff, 0.08 % w/w 1080, 10 kg ha(-1)), resulted in 11 (79%) of 14 tomtits disappearing, but none of nine from the non-treatment area. Whether the birds died of primary or secondary poisoning is unknown. No tomtits in either treatment or non-treatment areas disappeared following the August 1998 operation (cereal baits, 0.08% w/w 1080, 5 kg ha(-1)). The carrot bait operation resulted in almost all possums and rodents being killed, but a few possums and rodents survived the cereal bait operation, apparently because of a gap in bait distribution. During the 1997/98 nesting season, tomtit pairs in the 1997 treatment area had high nesting success (80% of nests fledged chicks, mean of four fledglings per nest). Even so, by the following spring it seemed that the population had not recovered to its pre-poison level. Further research on this topic is warranted, the priority being to monitor tomtit mortality during more aerial 1080-cereal bait operations in order to assess the likely risks of using those baits.  相似文献   

Understanding the divergence of behavioural signals in isolated populations is critical to knowing how certain barriers to gene flow can develop. For many bird species, songs are essential for conspecific recognition and mate choice. Measuring the rate of song divergence in natural populations is difficult, but translocations of endangered birds to isolated islands for conservation purposes can yield insights, as the age and source of founder populations are completely known. We found significant and rapid evolution in the structure and diversity of bird song in North Island saddlebacks, Philesturnus rufusater, in New Zealand, with two distinct lineages evolving in < 50 years. The strong environmental filters of serial translocations resulted in cultural bottlenecks that generated drift and reduced song variability within islands. This rapid divergence coupled with loss of song diversity has important implications for the behavioural evolution of this species, demonstrating previously unrecognised biological consequences of conservation management.  相似文献   

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