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Restoration of coastal dune slacks in the Netherlands   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Grootjans  A.P.  Geelen  H.W.T.  Jansen  A.J.M.  Lammerts  E.J. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,478(1-3):181-203
In order to stop the continuous decline of typical dune slack communities along the Dutch coast, restoration projects have been carried out since 1952. Restoration measures consisted of re-introducing traditional management techniques in dune slacks, such as mowing, grazing and sod removal, or constructing artificial dune slacks to compensate for lost biodiversity elsewhere. An analysis of successful and unsuccessful projects showed that constructing new dune slacks was not very successful for maintaining new populations of endangered dune slack species, since such projects were often carried out in areas where seed banks were depleted, while hydrological conditions and seed dispersal mechanisms were sub-optimal. The construction of sand dikes to prevent sea intrusion in large beach plains was, unintentionally, a temporary success for the establishment of many Red List species, although such measures often disrupted natural dune slack formation. Successful sites were all characterised by a regular discharge of calcareous groundwater provided by local or regional hydrological systems, where not very long ago populations of typical dune slack plants were present. Under such conditions, sod removal was a successful measure to create pioneer stages which were relatively stable, due to a very slow accumulation of organic matter in the topsoil. It is argued that new and more flexible coastal defence strategies can provide new opportunities for natural and relatively stable pioneer stages of dune slack formation, suitable for the long term preservation of endangered dune slack species.  相似文献   

Abstract. The soil seed bank composition was determined at four sites in the dune slack ‘Koegelwieck’ on the Dutch Wadden Sea island of Terschelling. At three different sites in the slack, where sod-cutting experiments down to the mineral sand had been carried out, the established vegetation and seed bank were assessed after 5, 9 and 39 yr of undisturbed development, respectively. In addition, a fourth site in the slack was investigated, where vegetation development had proceeded for 80 yr since plant colonization of bare soil and where nowadays a vegetation dominated by Calamagrostis epigejos and Salix repens occurs. Together these four sites can be regarded as a chronosequence of dune slack formation. Clear time sequences were detected in the seed bank data. Many late successional species showed a significant increase in the number of seeds during the succession. Some of the early successional basiphilous pioneer species such as Anagallis minima, Centaurium littorale, Littorella uniflora, Radiola linoides and Samolus valerandi, showed either a decrease during the time of succession or an optimum in the vegetation while remaining present in the seed bank in low but detectable numbers. They could, therefore, play a role in re-establishment of the vegetation after sod-cutting. One of the target species, Schoenus nigricans, established within a few years after removal of the sod. However, no seeds of this species have been detected in the soil below either of the successional stages. Based on the species disappearance from the established vegetation and based on the independent data of Thompson et al. (1997) an estimation of seed longevity could be made for several Red List species of wet dune slacks.  相似文献   

Abstract. Inundation of tropical dune slacks is an irregular phenomenon produced by consecutive years with high precipitation and also by intense tropical storms. Our hypothesis was that the distribution, structure and composition of vegetation in tropical dune slacks have changed over time as a result of various factors, principally their topographical position with respect to the water table, frequency and duration of inundation, and historical fluctuations in climate. We tested this hypothesis in two different slacks that represent the slack community at the study site. Inundation caused changes in species composition and distribution, as well as in vegetation structure. In one slack, inundation was considered as disturbance because its intensity increased when areas remained inundated for longer periods of time, causing death of vegetation cover and favouring invasion of more aggressive, secondary species (Pluchea odorata, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Panicum maximum). When inundation lasted less than three months, rhizomatous herbs remained (Cyperus articulatus, Lippia nodiflora, Hydrocotyle bonariensis) inhibiting the succession process. The results suggest that the different degrees of inundation and the irregular frequency and intensity of inundation in the slacks under study, have favoured different successional tendencies.  相似文献   

The 45,000 ha Dutch dunes are relatively well protected but they suffer from severe desiccation. During the last decade a lot of knowledge has been obtained about the steering processes of eco-hydrology in dunes resulting in well-founded schemes to restore wet dune slack communities. In two case studies a large-scale restoration of the landscape was necessary. Since 1987 in the North-Holland Dune Reserve the groundwater catchment has been reduced (from 8 million m3 to 2 million m3 per year) and the resulting development monitored. In another case, large-scale intervention on 35 ha of the Amsterdam Water Supply Dunes in 1995 resulted in the restoration of active sand drift with opportunities for the establishment of pioneer vegetation. In small parts of the area, the surface has stabilised as a result of vegetation growth, but elsewhere drifting sand has spread and covered previously stable surfaces. Many wet to moist dune slacks developed and results relating to geomorphology, hydrology and vegetation are presented. Finally, in 1996 yet another project of 50 ha was carried out in the Meijendel dunes, in which infiltration ponds were removed to allow vegetation succession to develop from scratch. Results of these three case studies will be presented. If only hydrological restoration is carried out, sod-cutting was found to be necessary to restore the whole series of vegetation types of dune slacks. In two cases an area was denuded. The seed bank and surrounding slacks seem to play an important role in the success of restoration, this is especially true for the pioneer vegetation types. Future monitoring will prove whether critical (Red List) plant species will return.  相似文献   

The vegetation of a dune slack at Mason Bay, Stewart Island, New Zealand was found to comprise a mosaic of communities. Although the broad vegetational patterns could be correlated with the depth of the water table, the patterns were far from simple. Species diversity over the whole slack was lower than values reported from European dune slacks; even the most diverse communities did not reach European mean values.For nomenclature see Wilson in press. Vascular plants of Stewart Island. D.S.I.R., Wellington, New Zealand; Sainsbury (1955). A handbook of the New Zealand mosses. N.Z. R. Soc. 5: 1–490 & Hamlin (1972). Hepaticae of New Zealand, Dominion Museum, Wellington.  相似文献   

Abstract. Wet dune slacks occur as small, naturally fragmented systems in the dune landscape, isolated from other slacks. We studied the effects of slack isolation and area on the rate and direction of primary succession in a chronosequence of dune slacks. The results indicate that important changes occur in community characteristics over a period of 50 yr. Total cover and number of species increase as a result of the endogenous succession process, during which organic matter and nutrients accumulate. Consequently, competitive interactions shift from competition for nutrients to competition for light. Local factors thus determine, at least partially, the community composition in the slack. However, differences in community composition with increasing age are smaller when the slack is more isolated or smaller, suggesting a slower succession rate and biomass accumulation. Together with a lower contribution of slow dispersing species in more isolated slacks, this indicates that species accumulation is dispersal limited and thus influenced by regional factors. The stochastic variation resulting from this dispersal limited species accumulation causes a divergent successional pathway.  相似文献   

Sand dune ecosystems have a high conservation value worldwide, but they are highly threatened by exotic plant invasion. We investigated the impacts of the exotic invasive species Carpobrotus edulis on the composition and structure (spatial pattern, total cover, species diversity and species co-occurrence) of native sand dune communities in the western coast of Portugal. We studied eight sites following a north-south gradient; in each site we established 8–10 transects of 25 contiguous quadrats of one square meter. C. edulis had a significantly clumped pattern in five of the study sites, which, however, was not related to the spatial pattern of native species. The effects of climate on the community structure variables were on average three times stronger than those of C. edulis. This species also had small effects on the floristic composition of native species. Our results indicate that the success and impacts of C. edulis are habitat-dependent and context-specific. They also provide evidence of a strong resilience to the impacts of invasion in the studied sand dune ecosystems: C. edulis did not reach large abundances or exert negative impacts on native communities to the extent expected. These ecosystems provide a unique opportunity to increase our understanding on the origin of impacts by invasive species, and on how particular communities resist the impacts of an invader.  相似文献   

To conserve endangered species, information is needed on (meta)population responses to habitat quality and management. As possibilities for long-term studies are generally limited, it is important to obtain as much information as possible in a single field season.We obtained such single-census data for the orchid Liparis loeselii, a European Habitat Directive species. Stage structures of 15 Dutch dune and fen populations were related to vegetation structure, environmental indicators, and management. Botanical inventory records from 1930 to 2003 were used to infer population life spans.Cluster analysis did not reveal successional stage structure types. Dense populations with high recruitment mainly occurred in open, young-successional vegetation with high soil pH. High soil humidity and acidification negatively affected orchid densities. Early mowing was preferable over late mowing in dune slacks, because the latter reduced juvenile densities. The predominant population life span was three to eight years, and similar for dune slacks and fens. Longer life spans were occasionally observed at mown sites with influx of base-rich water.Our results suggest high metapopulation dynamics. Long-term metapopulation viability requires the formation of new habitat by dune slack formation in dunes and peat removal in fens. Population persistence can be prolonged to some extent by mowing, extensive grazing, or sod removal if natural habitat formation is impossible. Our study demonstrates that useful information on (meta)population ecology and viability can be obtained in a single field season.  相似文献   

Abstract. Basiphilous pioneer species are among the most endangered plant species in The Netherlands. They find most of their refuges in young coastal dune slacks, especially on the Wadden Sea islands. For the purpose of nature management it is important to know which processes control the presence of basiphilous pioneer communities, and to learn about the nature of slacks harbouring the concerning successional sequences. In a large dune slack on the Island of Terschelling, we assessed soil nutrient status and tested for nutrient limitation in four chronosequential stages: 2, 6, 37 and ca. 80 yr of age. Stage 2 harboured a basiphilous pioneer vegetation; in the stages 3 and 4 a dense vegetation of dwarf shrubs and grasses occurred. Soil organic matter and nutrient concentrations in each stage were measured in 1991. In 1992 and 1993 fertilizers were applied to all stages to detect nutrient limitation. Rates of accumulation of organic matter, nutrients and above-ground biomass were estimated. When interpreted as successional stages, the different stages represent a sequence as expected on the basis of general successional theory. There was a peak in yearly nutrient accumulation between the 6- and 37-yr old stage and a steady state after ca. 80 yr. Between the first two and the latter two stages a shift occurred from allogenic to autogenic succession which correlated with a shift in emphasis from available nutrients to light availability as limiting resources. Basiphilous pioneer species suffered only deficiency of nitrogen, probably because of their low phosphorus requirements. It is concluded that in dune slack habitats, in addition to a low nutrient availability in general, a very low phosphorus availability favours basiphilous pioneer species to species showing co-limitation of nitrogen and phosphorus as found in some grasses and dwarf shrubs. A comparison between the effects of lime addition and the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus additions suggests that, in the early stages, soil buffering increases the availability of nitrogen and inhibits the availability of phosphorus. Sod cutting is an effective technique for restoring basiphilous pioneer vegetation, when slacks are acidified only superficially and buffering-mechanisms can be reactivated. Yearly mowing and removing of standing crop may prolong the life-span of basiphilous pioneer vegetation, when soil acidification has not yet dropped below pH 6.  相似文献   

Demographic techniques have been employed to study populations of the rare orchid Liparis loeselii var. ovata across a range of dune slack habitats at a South Wales site. The study has shown that very large numbers of shoots (>300) may occur within a single 1 times 1 m quadrat and that the vegetative production of side shoots is common. Regular population surveys over time have shown that individuals represented by a single shoot can live for 8 years. Subsequent analyses of the floristic composition of the study quadrats has revealed the presence of subtle variations in species composition and vegetation structure in relation to age and hydrology, although all of the plots still fall within the SD14 Salix repens-Campylium stellatum dune slack community defined by the British National Vegetation Classification. When attributes of population flux are analysed in relation to floristic composition, one significant trend to emerge is that the appearance of new genets is most prevalent in successionally young slacks. As the natural formation of new slacks by sand blow is now a rare event in the South Wales dune field, the management of Liparis loeselii var. ovata is currentiy aimed at attempting to ensure the persistence of suitable communities through biomass reduction techniques.  相似文献   

Questions: Does the soil seed bank resemble the former early successional stages of a dune slack system more than the established later successional vegetation? Does it have the potential to contribute to the conservation of a highly endangered habitat? Location: Dune slacks at Newborough Warren, UK. Methods: The composition of the soil seed bank in two depth layers was determined using the seedling emergence method between March 2004 and April 2005. Long-term monitoring data on the floristic composition of the established vegetation were obtained from the national conservation agency, and additional monitoring was undertaken in 2003. Floristic composition, seed weights, seed longevity of component species and Ellenberg indicator values were used to compare the seed bank and established vegetation. Results: The soil seed bank was diverse and contained typical dune slack species, species of early successional stages and species of conservation interest. A comparison between the composition of the seed bank and historical data on the composition of the established vegetation showed that the seed bank reflects earlier successional stages more closely than the current aboveground vegetation. This study increases the scarce information currently available on the seed bank ecology of several species, including two orchid species. Conclusions: The soil seed bank can be expected to contribute to vegetation change after disturbance. Stimulation of germination from the seed bank through management may contribute to the conservation of both characteristic and threatened species typical of dune slacks.  相似文献   

Abstract Alpine sand dunes are a rare phenomenon. On the Central Plateau of Tasmania parabolic dunes occur on the leeward of glaciofluvial lakes. The largest such complex is at Lake Augusta where seven sand dune communities and two slack communities were recognized from a sorted table produced by a polythetic divisive classification of floristic data. Fen was found on the rocky parts of the lake shore, while short alpine herbfield (‘marsupial lawn’) occurred in seasonally inundated slacks. Freshly mobilized sand had distinct shrubland communities, two of which exclusively occupied the fresh sand of the foredunes, while one occurred on remobilized older soils. Three communities formed a toposequence on the older soils of the well-drained dunes. Zonation was not strong beyond the foredune. Species richness and height generally increased inland. The older soils were more nutrient rich than the younger sands, a phenomenon probably attributable to the ultimate igneous origin of the material. The dunes have considerable conservation significance. Activities that could cause further mobilization need to be restricted.  相似文献   

The effects of sod cutting were studied in a dune area on the Dutch Wadden Sea Island of Texel. Sod cutting was carried out in a range of different dune slacks in order to restore dune slack vegetation with many endangered Red List species. Sod cutting removed approximately 96% of the soil seed bank. Species abundant in the seed bank, notably Juncacea, also had a high frequency in the vegetation that established during the first year after the restoration measures. Many other species not registered in the seed bank or in the former vegetation also appeared. Species richness in the monitored plots exceeded that of uncut reference plots after a few years. Colonization rates were higher than extinction rates in most plots, indicating that a stable state has not been reached after 5 years. Differences in species richness between slacks appeared to be related to the occurrence of source areas nearby and availability of dispersal agents, such as flooding and animals.  相似文献   

Abstract. Consequences of sulfide toxicity on succession in wet calcareous dune slacks were investigated. Sulfide may exert an inhibitory effect on dune slack plants, but several pioneer species exhibit ROL (Radial Oxygen Loss) and thereby protect themselves against free sulfide. Under oxic conditions free sulfide will be oxiginated to harmless sulfate. However, successive species when not capable of ROL may be sensitive to free sulfide and cannot invade the area. Therefore, the occurrence of free sulfide may have a stabilizing effect on the pioneer vegetation. Data on the vertical distribution of oxygen, redox and sulfide were collected in mesocosms with Littorella uniflora or Carex nigra, with and without microbial mats and compared to control mesocosms. Also, in situ data were collected in a dune slack on the Frisian Island of Texel. In the mesocosms, free sulfide was detected only at nighttime in C. nigra populated mesocosms and in unvegetated units, but not in L. uniflora vegetated mesocosms. In the field, sulfide and redox profiles showed distinct differences between the groundwater exfiltration and infiltration site of the dune slack. At the exfiltration site, sulfide was only occasionally found; in contrast, measurable amounts of free sulfide were regularly found at the infiltration site of the slack. Since Phragmites australis dominates in the infiltration site of the slack, the results suggest that free sulfide accelerate the succession, rather than slowing it down by the exclusion of some plant species.  相似文献   

Seed bank assembly follows vegetation succession in dune slacks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Question: Is the seed bank in dune slacks during the whole successional range mainly composed of early successional species or does it vary according to the changing vegetation? Location: Belgium, western part of the coast. Methods: We investigated the soil seed bank composition using a seedling germination method in a chronosequence of 20 dune slacks, ranging in age from five to 55 yr. Results: Both seed density and species richness in the seed bank were very low in the first successional stages and increased with age, mainly as a result of increasing seed production. The similarity between seed bank and vegetation was higher in older slacks. A comparison of characteristics between seed bank and vegetation showed that the seed bank was, to a large extent, composed of later successional species. Occurrence patterns of individual species also showed that seeds become incorporated in the soil after the species has established in the vegetation. Conclusion: The seed bank is not likely to be the driving force for successional changes in the vegetation, and successional changes rely on dispersal. Some early successional species persist in the seed bank, but generally only in low numbers. The results also confirm that most typical dune slack species do not form persistent seeds, so that re‐establishment from the seed bank is not to be expected when the species has disappeared from the vegetation.  相似文献   

Many rare plant species occur in Dutch wet dune slacks, particularly in the Junco baltici‐Schoenetum nigricantis. For nature management it is important to understand the processes controlling the presence of these basiphilous early successional communities, which is why we investigated vegetation and soil development during succession in coastal dune slacks. We compared 12 chronosequential stages of 0, 2, 4, 9, 10, 13, 25, 30, 43, 60, 70 and 85 yr in five different dune slack systems. In four of these locations turf had earlier been removed in order to restore the basiphilous pioneer stage. The main variation in the vegetation is related to the acidification/soil enrichment gradient and the salinity/maritime gradient. During succession, organic matter accumulates and acidification takes place. Maritime influence can buffer the soil and postpone the succession of basiphilous pioneer communities for many years. A significant correlation with age was found for 18 variables. Multiple regressions predicted changes in the vegetation (dependent variables: biomass, cover of Salix repens, Calamagrostis epigejos and Schoenus nigricans) as a function of acidification, organic matter accumulation, increase in available P and presence of Na in the soil. We conclude that natural ageing of the vegetation and the associated process of accumulation of biomass drive succession in this hydrosere. The underlying soil processes are acidification and organic matter accumulation. During succession dominance shifts from S. nigricans to S. repens or C. epigejos. Maintenance of the pioneer character of the habitat is only possible by local intervention or by natural or man‐induced dune forming. The effect of sod‐stripping depends on the environmental conditions and, in case of acidification, success is limited. Succession can be postponed by mowing.  相似文献   

The impact of an exotic species in natural systems may be dependent not only on invader attributes but also on characteristics of the invaded community. We examined impacts of the invader bitou bush, Chrysanthemoides monilifera ssp. rotundata , in fore and hind dune communities of coastal New South Wales, Australia. We compared invader impacts on vegetation structure, richness of both native and exotic growth forms and community variability in fore and hind dunes. We found that impacts of bitou invasion were context specific: in fore dune shrublands, functionally distinct graminoid, herb and climber rather than shrub growth forms had significantly reduced species richness following bitou invasion. However, in forested hind dunes, the functionally similar native shrub growth form had significantly reduced species richness following bitou invasion. Density of vegetation structure increased at the shrub level in both fore and hind dune invaded communities compared with non-invaded communities. Fore dune ground-level vegetation density declined at invaded sites compared with non-invaded sites, reflecting significant reductions in herb and graminoid species richness. Hind dune canopy-level vegetation density was reduced at invaded compared with non-invaded sites. Bitou bush invasion also affected fore dune community variability with significant increases in variability of species abundances observed in invaded compared with non-invaded sites. In contrast, variability among all hind dune sites was similar. The results suggest that effects of bitou bush invasion are mediated by the vegetation community. When bitou bush becomes abundant, community structure and functioning may be compromised.  相似文献   

The introduction of vigorous exotic species has destroyed much of the native sand dune vegetation along the coasts of South Island, New Zealand. However, some dunes built by the native cyperad Desmoschoenus spiralis still remain in the southwest. The dunes at Cole Creek, on the West coast of South Island, were chosen as a relatively pristine study area. 15 transects were laid through semi-fixed dunes into dwarf forest. Environmental measurements were taken at regular intervals through the dunes: pH, soil moisture, organic matter, conductivity, nutrient status and elevation. Classification and ordination of these data demonstrated that two major environmental areas were present - open dune and dwarf forest - with an abrupt ecotone between them. Vegetation analyses revealed a loosely-banded pattern, parallel to the sea. Vegetation types with few but constant species such as Desmoschoenus spiralis and Calystegia soldanella, predominated in the open dune. Forest species were rarely found seaward of the dune/forest boundary, though there was evidence the Spatial Mass Effect was operating. Multiple regression and canonical correlation of the vegetation and environmental factors showed that the main factors affecting vegetation patterns were the environmental complex related to distance from the sea, elevation above mean tide, soil alkalinity and moisture.  相似文献   

Interdunal seasonal wetlands, known as dune slack wetlands, were mapped and their vegetation surveyed across a large region of dunes within the Cape Cod National Seashore. Wetland sizes and ages were estimated from digitized, georeferenced aerial photographs available from 1938, 1947, 1960, 1986, 1994, and 2001, and from LIDAR elevation data. A total of 346 sites were found, covering an area of ∼45.4 ha., in which 97 species of vascular plants were identified. Vegetation structure and composition exhibited a distinct sequence of development with age, following a pattern of succession from herbaceous, graminoid-dominated communities to shrub- and tree-dominated communities. Floristic variables were not related to proximity to the coast and although wetland size appeared to have some bearing on species richness, the correlation was statistically weak. Soil organic matter determined for a subset of 60 wetlands was positively correlated with age and woody cover but showed no relationship with water depth. The results suggest that vegetation development is primarily driven by the internal mechanisms of succession. Notwithstanding, any changes in the environment that alter the process of succession will collectively influence these wetlands. In addition, stabilization of the dunes resulting in a reduction in the formation of new wetlands, may translate into permanent loss of early and mid-successional dune slack communities. Maintenance of these communities will depend on succession being periodically reset by disturbance or active management.  相似文献   

Abstract. Relative abundance distributions (RADs) are an important feature of community structure, but little is known of the factors affecting which type of RAD is observed in a particular community. We examined the influences of species richness and of spatial scale on the RAD of plant communities. The effect of species richness was examined by analysing simulated communities generated under the Broken stick model, the Sequential breakage model, and a randomized version of Niche pre-emption model. In all cases, when there were few species in the community the data only occasionally gave the best fit to the model that was used to generate it. With 40–65 species, a best fit was obtained for the correct model in about 75 % of cases, almost irrespective of the model. Effects of spatial scale were examined in data from four dune slacks and from two semi-arid grasslands, by analysing biomass values at a range of sample sizes. The model that best fitted the whole sample differed between the four slacks and between the slacks and the semi-arid grasslands. The change in which model of RAD fitted best, as sample size was reduced, varied between sites and between habitat types. At the smallest sample sizes, the Zipf-Mandelbrot model often fitted, and in the slack sites the Broken stick also, though neither fitted (in the vegetation examined) at larger spatial scales. It is concluded the RAD is affected by species richness and by spatial scale, in ways that currently do not enable simple prediction. RADs can theoretically give information on the processes such as resource partitioning, immigration and competition that have structured the community, but they are a blunt tool for this purpose.  相似文献   

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