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Populations of four species of carnivores were sampled over the five years 1983-87 at Pureora Forest Park, by regular three- monthly Fenn trap index lines supplemented with occasional control campaigns by shooting and additional traps. Stoats were the most frequently collected (63 captures), followed by weasels (18), cats (15) and ferrets (13). Stoats ranged throughout the mosaic of forest types but especially the older exotic blocks, hunting rabbits, rats, possums and birds. The mean age of 55 stoats trapped was 15 months, and their maximum life span about 5 years. The age-specific mortality rate of first year stoats was about 0.76, and the proportion of older stoats (>1 year) declined from 52% of 21 killed in summer/autumn of 1983 to 27% of 22 killed in the same seasons of 1984-87. Weasels were collected mainly from habitats favouring mice, such as a young plantation and the road verges, and 40% of 15 non-empty weasel guts contained mice. Cats and ferrets hunted the native forest blocks where their main prey, rats and possums, were abundant. The body sizes and reproductive patterns of mustelids at Pureora were similar to those recorded in podocarp-broadleaf forests elsewhere in New Zealand.  相似文献   

日活动节律是动物应对食物可利用性、天敌捕食风险和环境条件等变化的适应性特征。阐明捕食者与猎物之间的日活动节律以及相关影响因素, 对于理解不同物种的生存策略、指导保护对策至关重要。然而, 由于采样方法的限制和人类干扰下的快速环境变化, 人们对许多野生动物日活动节律的了解并不全面, 甚至与实际情况存在偏差。以往认为夜行性的豹猫(Prionailurus bengalensis)被发现有一定程度的日间活动, 并增加晨昏活动, 这说明有必要深入调查豹猫等野生动物的昼夜节律为何存在这些变化。本研究在河南内乡宝天曼国家级自然保护区通过红外相机技术对豹猫及其潜在猎物进行调查, 基于核密度函数比较分析了豹猫与其潜在猎物在冷、暖季节的日活动节律。2016年全年设置了55个红外相机位点, 累计14,972个相机工作日, 获得豹猫及其潜在猎物的独立有效照片1,343张。结果显示, 该保护区内豹猫、蒙古兔(Lepus tolai)和鼠类以夜间活动为主, 其中豹猫有明显的晨昏活动高峰, 而赤腹松鼠(Callosciurus erythraeus)、岩松鼠(Sciurotamias davidianus)、红腹锦鸡(Chrysolophus pictus)和勺鸡(Pucrasia macrolopha)均在昼间活动。活动重叠度分析结果显示, 豹猫与夜行性的蒙古兔和鼠类在冷季和暖季均有较高重叠度(Δ ≥ 0.50), 但与其他猎物之间的重叠度均相对较低(Δ ≤ 0.40)。本研究显示豹猫及其猎物的昼夜节律既有保守性, 也具有一定的季节可塑性, 可能受到季节性猎物分布和环境变化的影响。因此, 需要加强调查研究来充分认识不同物种日活动节律的季节性变化规律及其驱动因素。  相似文献   

Several species of diurnal birds are nocturnal migrants. The activation of nocturnal activity requires major physiological changes, which are essentially unknown. Previous work has shown that during migratory periods nocturnal migrants have reduced night-time levels of melatonin. Since this hormone is involved in the modulation of day-night rhythms, it is a good candidate regulator of nocturnal migratory activity. We studied whether melatonin levels change when nocturnally active blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) are experimentally transferred from a migratory to a non-migratory state. We simulated a long migratory flight by depriving birds of food for 2 days, and a refuelling stopover by subsequently re-administering food. Such a regimen is known to induce a reduction in migratory restlessness ('Zugunruhe') in the night following food reintroduction. The experiments were performed in both autumn and spring using blackcaps taken from their breeding grounds (Sweden) and their wintering areas (Kenya). In autumn, the food regimen induced a suppression of Zugunruhe and an increase in melatonin in the night following food reintroduction. In spring, the effects of the treatment were qualitatively similar but their extent depended on the amount of body-fat reserves. This work shows that the reduction of night-time melatonin during migratory periods is functionally related to nocturnal migration, and that fat reserves influence the response of the migratory programme to food deprivation.  相似文献   

Predation involves costs and benefits, so predators should employ tactics that reduce their risk of injury or death and that increase their success at capturing prey. One potential way that predators could decrease risk and increase benefits is by attacking prey at night when risks may be reduced and prey more vulnerable. Because some snakes are facultatively nocturnal and prey on bird nests during the day and night, they are ideal for assessing the costs and benefits of diurnal vs. nocturnal predation. We used automated radiotelemetry and cameras to investigate predation on nesting birds by two species of snakes, one diurnal and the other facultatively nocturnal. We predicted that snakes preying on nests at night should experience less parental nest defence and capture more adults and nestlings. Rat snakes (Pantherophis obsoletus) were relatively inactive at night (23–36% activity) but nearly always preyed on nests after dark (80% of nest predations). Conversely, racers (Coluber constrictor) were exclusively diurnal and preyed on nests during the times of day they were most active. These results are consistent with rat snakes strategically using their capacity for facultative nocturnal activity to prey on nests at night. The likely benefit is reduced nest defence because birds defended their nests less vigourously at night. Consistent with nocturnal predation being safer, rat snake predation events lasted three times longer at night than during the day (26 vs. 8 min). Nocturnal nest predation did not make nests more profitable by increasing the likelihood of capturing adults or removing premature fledging of nestlings. The disconnect between rat snake activity and timing of nest predation seems most consistent with rat snakes locating prey during the day using visual cues but waiting until dark to prey on nests when predation is safer, although designing a direct test of this hypothesis will be challenging.  相似文献   


The identification of introduced and native predators is important for many conservation studies within New Zealand. Carcasses of Hutton's shearwaters were collected over three field seasons, and where predation was probable, the bodies were autopsied. Paired bites identified stoats as the principal predator of Hutton's shearwater, but also revealed that a feral cat was present within the colony. Stoats killed their prey with a bite to the back of the neck or head, and commenced feeding on the neck or head. Despite the limited number of cat‐killed birds, cats appeared to feed on Hutton's shearwaters differently from stoats, starting on the breast muscles. Harriers and kea left sign that allowed birds killed or scavenged by these native birds to be distinguished from those killed by stoats or cats.  相似文献   

N. Alterio    H. Moller 《Journal of Zoology》1997,243(4):869-877
Spring and summer diets of feral house cats ( Felis catus ), ferrets ( Mustela furo ) and stoats ( M. erminea ) were studied in grassland surrounding breeding areas of yellow-eyed penguins ( Megadyptes antipodes ), a regionally threatened native species. All three predator species ate large numbers of young rabbits ( Oryctolagus cuniculus ) and birds. Stoats also relied heavily on mice ( Mus musculus ). Use of rabbits increased in rank order of increasing predator size, and male stoats ate more lagomorphs than female stoats. Diet differences may reflect character displacement as a result of exploitation competition, but interference competition or predation may force the smaller species to exploit micro-habitats with increased ground cover and consequent increased availability of smaller prey. Reduction of predation of native species like yellow-eyed penguins by decreasing or increasing staple mammal prey numbers of the introduced predators may provide lasting conservation benefits, but could also trigger diet changes that increase risk to endangered wildlife.  相似文献   

Nic Alterio 《Ecography》1998,21(1):18-24
This radio-tracking study reports the spring home range, spatial organisation and activity of 11 stoats Mustela erminea in a New Zealand Nothofagus forest, 1,5 yr after significant seedfall when rodent density was low, but stoat density was high. The average home range of 4 male stoats was 223 (SE = 45) ha, significantly larger than the average range area of 94 (SE = 13) ha recorded for 7 female stoats. Stoats were generally tolerant of sharing space and did not maintain intra- or intersexual territorial spacing systems. There was no evidence of temporal avoidance with several stoats of the same sex showing slight attraction to one another. However, stoats still may avoid one another when in close proximity. Long-term radio-tracking studies are required to determine the general patterns of spacing behaviour in stoats, Male stoats showed higher levels of activity during daylight than females.  相似文献   

 Locomotor activity rhythms of the Japanese newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster, were recorded under a semi-natural condition using phototransistor systems. The daily activity rhythm showed a seasonal change: the locomotor activity was mainly diurnal (active during the daytime) from spring to early summer; mainly nocturnal (active during the night-time) from summer to autumn; and showed either a diurnal or nocturnal pattern, depending on the ambient temperature, in winter. To analyze the daily activity in detail, we observed the behavior of a group of newts (three males, three females) throughout 24 h. Four types of behavior (respiration, feeding, mating, and resting on the land) were observed. Each behavior had daily rhythms and showed a seasonal change. The behavior on land showed mainly a nocturnal or bimodal pattern (activity rhythms with two peaks) throughout the year and was more frequently observed in summer. Mating behavior also showed a seasonal change: high activity in spring, with peaks in the early morning and evening, but no activity in summer. Except in winter, feeding and respiratory behavior showed no seasonal changes in either activity period or frequency. Coupling between behavior and the clock seems to be weak in the Japanese newt because of indistinct daily rhythms and frequent phase changes of locomotor activity in water. Physical factors such as humidity and temperature seem to affect strongly the daily activity of the newts. Received: 21 April 1997 / Accepted: 1 September 1997  相似文献   

The characteristic emergence behaviour of a rabbit population in Central Otago, New Zealand, involves a steady rise in the number of rabbits active throughout the afternoon to a peak near sunset. This differs from populations in Great Britain and Australia, where emergence occurs later and is more rapid. Young rabbits emerged slightly later than adults and were more susceptible to disturbances. Slightly earlier emergence by male rabbits, particularly between May and September, was possibly related to the increased levels of territoriality and social interaction just before and during the early stages of the breeding season. Three emergence indices (25% of the population feeding, 50% of the population emerged, and maximum number of rabbits emerged) were significantly correlated with season. Rabbits emerged earliest before sunset in winter and spring and latest in autumn. Daily variation in emergence times was considerable and was related to weather factors such as temperature and wind direction. A greater level of diurnal activity in New Zealand rabbit populations than in those in Great Britain and Australia is possibly associated with lower levels of diurnal predation in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Direct day and night underwater observations of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar during summer and autumn showed a duality in response to temperature between 7 and 11° C for young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) Atlantic salmon. They were predominantly diurnal in early summer and nocturnal in late summer although water temperatures were similar. Post‐YOY Atlantic salmon did not show a strong response to temperature as they were mostly nocturnal during the study period. It is suggested that the difference in activity patterns between YOY and post‐YOY Atlantic salmon can be explained by size‐dependent trade‐off between growth and predation risk.  相似文献   

Bats are one of the most successful mammalian groups, even though their foraging activities are restricted to the hours of twilight and night-time. Some studies suggested that bats became nocturnal because of overheating when flying in daylight. This is because--in contrast to feathered wings of birds--dark and naked wing membranes of bats efficiently absorb short-wave solar radiation. We hypothesized that bats face elevated flight costs during daylight flights, since we expected them to alter wing-beat kinematics to reduce heat load by solar radiation. To test this assumption, we measured metabolic rate and body temperature during short flights in the tropical short-tailed fruit bat Carollia perspicillata at night and during the day. Core body temperature of flying bats differed by no more than 2°C between night and daytime flights, whereas mass-specific CO(2) production rates were higher by 15 per cent during daytime. We conclude that increased flight costs only render diurnal bat flights profitable when the relative energy gain during daytime is high and risk of predation is low. Ancestral bats possibly have evolved dark-skinned wing membranes to reduce nocturnal predation, but a low degree of reflectance of wing membranes made them also prone to overheating and elevated energy costs during daylight flights. In consequence, bats may have become trapped in the darkness of the night once dark-skinned wing membranes had evolved.  相似文献   

Grebes (Podicipedidae) are primarily diurnal although migration occurs at night and some species forage opportunistically at night. We used motion-activated cameras to study nocturnal reproductive activities of the western grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis, and Clark’s grebe, Aechmophorus clarkii, at Clear Lake, California, USA, during 2014–2016. During 9283 h of monitoring, 19.4% of rushing displays (n = 75) and 8.4% of copulations (n = 435), plus two weed dancing displays and four instances of egg-laying, occurred at night. Nocturnal copulation and egg-laying often occurred on empty, recently abandoned nests, but some incubating pairs of grebes also copulated at night. Nocturnal reproductive activities occurred more frequently at nests attached to submergent vegetation in open water far from shore when water levels were low than on nests attached to emergent vegetation close to shore when water levels were high, probably due to a reduced risk of predation by nocturnal mammals farther from shore. Nocturnal reproductive activities were not in response to elevated light levels at night, daylight disturbances, diurnal predation, high temperatures on hot days, or sexual interference during daylight. Instead, grebes attempted to increase mating investment and minimize parental investment by exploiting recently abandoned nests at night, and perhaps by undertaking extrapair copulations under the cover of darkness, but some pairs of grebes may simply extended routine reproductive activities into the night. Reproductive activities are probably limited at night by the need to feed during daylight and sleep at night, and by the increased risk of predation by mammals at night. Given the high costs of construction and maintenance of floating nests and the obvious benefit of quickly exploiting abandoned nests, nocturnal reproductive activities may occur more frequently in grebes and other waterbirds using floating nests than in other groups of birds whose reproductive activities occur mostly during daylight.  相似文献   

The sandy-beach isopod Tylos granulatus Krauss burrows at the high tide mark, and has rhythms of nocturnal emergence coincident with the low tide period. Measurements of the respiration rate show that a low rate of oxygen consumption is maintained throughout the day but there is a circatidal rhythmic increase of between 300 and 700% during the nocturnal low tide. The height of this peak and the percentage of animals displaying a peak both increase from spring tide to neap tide suggesting a semi-lunar rhythm. The respiratory peaks have a 24.8 h periodicity, being later each night until low tide falls in the dawn, when there is a ‘switch-back’ so that peaks are then during the subsequent evening low tide. These respiratory rhythms are persistent under constant light and coincide with previously described activity rhythms. The respiratory rhythms considerably reduce metabolic energy losses, particularly as the activity rhythms ensure avoidance of high diurnal temperatures and activity during the cooler nocturnal period.  相似文献   

Predation by introduced stoats is now considered a major threat to the population viability of several New Zealand endemic bird species. Historically stoat research and management has focused on beech forests and little is known about the ecology of stoats in the alpine grasslands occurring above the natural altitudinal limit of beech forest. Several stoat control operations in beech forest valley floors in southern New Zealand assume that adjacent montane areas act as a barrier to stoat immigration. Stoats were live-trapped and radio-tracked in alpine grasslands above the Borland Burn, Fiordland National Park, during the summer and autumn of 2003 and 2004. Seventeen stoats were radio-collared and home ranges were estimated for 11 of them. These home ranges were used in a compositional analysis which showed that these stoats spent significantly more time in alpine grassland than in adjacent beech forest. Range cores calculated for six of these stoats were located high up in alpine grassland and contained very little beech forest. This means that montane areas that contain alpine grasslands are unlikely to be barriers to stoat immigration; rather they may be a source of dispersing stoats that reinvade control areas. Also, endemic animal species that inhabit alpine grasslands could be at risk from stoat predation.  相似文献   

Stoats are significant predators of native fauna in New Zealand. They occur in many habitat types and consume a wide range of prey. The diet of stoats in the Tasman River, South Canterbury, was studied by analysis of scats and den contents. Analysis of 206 scats showed that stoats ate mainly lagomorphs, birds and invertebrates. Minor components included mice, lizards, fish and hedgehogs. Stoats ate more birds in spring than in autumn, and female stoats ate more invertebrates than did males. The contents of 219 dens collected in the same area at the same time provided further information. Birds and lagomorphs occurred at high frequency in dens, and other components were minor. Remains in dens were larger than in scats and allowed identification of many more prey items to species level. Den contents revealed a potentially substantial impact of stoats on threatened shorebirds locally; this impact was not detected by analysis of scats.  相似文献   

While some activity patterns in seals have been related to tidal rhythms, little work was done on diurnal rhythms until the recent development of image intensifying devices which facilitate night viewing. Individual bulls were studied over several 24-hour periods and the frequency of behavioural items was recorded during 10-min periods each hour. No significant differences were recorded between day and night activity levels, except in the frequency of 'Looks', nor was there any relationship between activity and tide state. The thesis that optimization of time spent ashore (and therefore 'at risk' both ecologically and energetically) is achieved by maintaining a constant level of activity through the 24-hour period is discussed. It is concluded that night time activity of Grey seal bulls can be inferred from observations made in daylight hours.  相似文献   

This study’s objective was to determine seasonal and diurnal vs. nocturnal home range size, as well as predation for free-ranging farm cats at a livestock unit in Northwest Georgia. Seven adult cats were tracked with attached GPS units for up to two weeks for one spring and two summer seasons from May 2010 through August 2011. Three and five cats were tracked for up to two weeks during the fall and winter seasons, respectively. Feline scat was collected during this entire period. Cats were fed a commercial cat food daily. There was no seasonal effect (P > 0.05) on overall (95% KDE and 90% KDE) or core home range size (50% KDE). Male cats tended (P = 0.08) to have larger diurnal and nocturnal core home ranges (1.09 ha) compared to female cats (0.64 ha). Reproductively intact cats (n = 2) had larger (P < 0.0001) diurnal and nocturnal home ranges as compared to altered cats. Feline scat processing separated scat into prey parts, and of the 210 feline scats collected during the study, 75.24% contained hair. Of these 158 scat samples, 86 contained non-cat hair and 72 contained only cat hair. Other prey components included fragments of bone in 21.43% of scat and teeth in 12.86% of scat. Teeth were used to identify mammalian prey hunted by these cats, of which the Hispid cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus) was the primary rodent. Other targeted mammals were Peromyscus sp., Sylvilagus sp. and Microtus sp. Invertebrates and birds were less important as prey, but all mammalian prey identified in this study consisted of native animals. While the free-ranging farm cats in this study did not adjust their home range seasonally, sex and reproductive status did increase diurnal and nocturnal home range size. Ultimately, larger home ranges of free-ranging cats could negatively impact native wildlife.  相似文献   

Summary Carabid beetles of forest habitats are mostly hygrophilous and darkpreferring species. Nearly all of them are nocturnal, and the majority are autumn breeders. Most carabids from open field habitats are xerophilous, light-preferring and diurnal species, or they are indifferent to humidity and light and can be active by day and night. This group includes markedly more spring breeders than the forest species. The adaptative value of the observed correlations is discussed.  相似文献   

Light exposure during the early and late subjective night generally phase delays and advances circadian rhythms, respectively. However, this generality was recently questioned in a photic entrainment study in Octodon degus. Because degus can invert their activity phase preference from diurnal to nocturnal as a function of activity level, assessment of phase preference is critical for computations of phase reference [circadian time (CT) 0] toward the development of a photic phase response curve. After determining activity phase preference in a 24-h light-dark cycle (LD 12:12), degus were released in constant darkness. In this study, diurnal (n = 5) and nocturnal (n = 7) degus were randomly subjected to 1-h light pulses (30-35 lx) at many circadian phases (CT 1-6: n = 7; CT 7-12: n = 8; CT 13-18: n = 8; and CT 19-24: n = 7). The circadian phase of body temperature (Tb) onset was defined as CT 12 in nocturnal animals. In diurnal animals, CT 0 was determined as Tb onset + 1 h. Light phase delayed and advanced circadian rhythms when delivered during the early (CT 13-16) and late (CT 20-23) subjective night, respectively. No significant phase shifts were observed during the middle of the subjective day (CT 3-10). Thus, regardless of activity phase preference, photic entrainment of the circadian pacemaker in Octodon degus is similar to most other diurnal and nocturnal species, suggesting that entrainment mechanisms do not determine overt diurnal and nocturnal behavior.  相似文献   

Studies of the thermal dependence of locomotor performance in ectotherms have provided extensive data on species differences, but often have neglected the time of day at which the test organism is usually active. To compare performance abilities among species that are active at different times of day, do we need to measure performance at the time of day that each species is normally active, or can we adopt the (logistically more convenient) alternative of testing all taxa at the same time (i.e. during daylight hours)? We scored swimming speeds of six species of Australian elapid snakes, incorporating both diurnal and nocturnal species, at a range of temperatures encompassing the usual conditions experienced during activity, and at night as well as by day. Nocturnal species swam faster by night than by day, whereas the reverse was true for diurnal taxa. The magnitude of species differences in speed depended on test temperatures as well as time of day. Thus, interspecific comparisons of locomotor abilities need to consider not only the differing activity temperatures normally experienced by species active at different times of day, but also circadian rhythms in performance.  相似文献   

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