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Brian J.  Gill 《Ibis》1983,125(1):40-55
For three seasons starting in 1976 I studied the breeding of Shining Cuckoos Chrysococcyx lucidus in forest near Kaikoura, New Zealand. There is no evidence that the cuckoo parasitizes any host on mainland New Zealand other than the Grey Warbler Gerygone igata. A nestling cuckoo returned to within 1 km of its natal site in a subsequent breeding season, presumably after migrating beyond New Zealand. Empirical and theoretical estimates of the area occupied by Shining Cuckoos while breeding are given. Cuckoos near Kaikoura laid during ten weeks, the modal week of laying following seven weeks after the presumed peak of arrival of birds in New Zealand. First clutches of the host escaped parasitism because they were laid before most cuckoos arrived. Parasitized clutches received one cuckoo egg which replaced a host's egg. It was laid before, just after or long after the host began incubating, and mimicry was lacking. Cuckoo eggs, which were about 8% of the adult cuckoo's weight, hatched in 14–17 days. The frequency of parasitism near Kaikoura was 55% of late clutches (n = 40).
At 3–7 days old, nestling Shining Cuckoos evicted from the nest all other contents. The nestling period was at least 19 days. Growth in weight followed a logistic curve and the equation is given. Just over half the cuckoo eggs produced fledglings. The effect of brood-parasitism on the Grey Warbler's productivity was small. Only 17% of late warbler eggs, and late eggs only, were prevented by parasitism from yielding fledglings. Late laying by some Shining Cuckoos (relative to the host's incubational cycle), and late eviction, often led to brief inter-specific competition among nestlings for food. The brief coexistence of young Warblers and Cuckoos in the nest may explain the apparent mimicry by newly-hatched Shining Cuckoos of the host's young.  相似文献   

Aim The research aim is to reconstruct last glacial maximum (LGM) and Holocene vegetation history and ecology from fossil beetle assemblages. Location The LGM and Holocene sites are located in the Awatere Valley, which lies in the tectonically active Marlborough Region in the north east of the South Island of New Zealand. Methods Beetle fossils were extracted from silty organic sediment using the standard kerosene flotation method. Fossils were identified by comparisons made to modern species based on morphology and surface features. The ecology and distribution of modern analogues are extrapolated to reconstruct the fossil environment. Results One hundred and forty‐five beetle species belonging to 33 families were identified. The LGM fossil fauna showed the local vegetation was characterized by a forest patch surrounded by an open tussock/grassland landscape. This Nothofagus (southern beech) forest persisted at the site until mid‐Holocene when it was replaced by a podocarp forest that contained high beetle diversity. Herbivores dominate in the early stage of this zone, indicating a relatively new forest environment. Later in the Holocene, the fauna is dominated by detritivores indicating an older more established forest. The late Holocene is characterized by low diversity and the absence of forest species. This fauna indicates that by 500 years ago, the forest was absent and is associated with an almost compete loss of beetle biodiversity. Main conclusions The fossil beetles provide a unique perspective into the past environment in the Awatere Valley on a local scale. The reconstruction supports regional pollen interpretations of Holocene vegetation by identifying a specific forest patch. Fossil beetles are thus a valuable local proxy for vegetation reconstructions.  相似文献   

Species abundance, species richness, and ground cover were measured over 10 years on nine paired grazed and exclosure plots in short-tussock grassland in the early stages of invasion by Hieracium species. With and without grazing, H. pilosella and H. caespitosum increased markedly and H. lepidulum increased locally. In contrast, 50% of all other common species and species groups, and total, native, and exotic species richness declined significantly. Exclusion increased or had no effect on rates of increase in Hieracium species and rates of decline in short tussocks, and did not reduce rates of decline in other species. Exclusion had no effect on decline in native species richness, but mainly accelerated declines in total and exotic richness. Declines in 13 key vegetation variables were significantly predicted by increase in Hieracium abundance, suggesting competitive exclusion. With or without grazing, Hieracium species will become more dominant and other species will continue to decline. The effects of large herbivores on plant species diversity can often be predicted from site productivity. Our results indicate the need also to account for species origin, spatial scale, time, and exotic invasion.  相似文献   


Five-minute stationary counts of birds at Kowhai Bush over 17 months suggest that the scores for grey warblers and chaffinches may reflect vocal conspicuousness, rather than abundance, and that the scores for shining cuckoos, goldfinches, and redpolls may reflect vocal and visual conspicuousness in combination. Counts in three types of kanuka forest show that cuckoos, robins, and bellbirds favoured the more dense and diverse suocessional stages; that riflemen, brown creepers, fantails, chaffinches, goldfinches, and redpolls were most abundant in less mature habitats; and that warblers and silvereyes were almost uniformly common. Cuckoos and robins overlapped the most in use of habitat, robins and redpolls the least. For both warblers and robins, indices of abundance varied between two of the habitats in proportion to the densities of resident adults, permitting calibration of the indices. Excepting creepers and robins, native species were apparently less abundant at Kowhai Bush than in climax forest near Reefton. At Kowhai Bush in winter, creepers, warblers, and silvereyes (three of the four small native gleaners of foliage) collected prey almost entirely from kanuka, the dominant tree. Warblers foraged on 80% of occasions from living foliage, whereas creepers fed almost equally from trunks, branches, twigs, and leaves, and silvereyes concentrated on leaves and trunks. Creepers and silvereyes overlapped the most in use of feeding stations. Also, they were exclusively gleaners, whereas warblers caught prey on 40% of occasions by hovering. Warblers gleaned only in the upright position, but creepers and silvereyes often gleaned from vertical surfaces or by hanging upside down. The greatest overlap in feeding behaviour was between creepers and silvereyes. Data for four of the five small native insectivores show that warblers were half as heavy as creepers and silvereyes, and lighter on average than fantails. The tail was longer than the wing in fantails, shorter than the wing in silvereyes, and equal to the wing in warblers and creepers. The ratio of wing length to tarsometatarsus length was greatest for fantails (3.4), as befits an aerial feeder. Warblers, silvereyes, and fantails had bills that were wider than deep; the creeper’s was slightly deeper than wide. Silvereyes had the longest bill, and creepers the longest tarsometatarsus. Indices of morphological difference show that silvereyes and creepers differed least.  相似文献   

Hourly kill-rates and encounter-rates for hunters of feral goats (Capra hircus) provided linear indices of goat population size in a 638 ha area of forest and grasslands in Marlborough. The goat population of about 108 animals was reduced to near zero in 105 hours of hunting effort on 11 days at a cost of about $8.20 ha-1. However, goats from the surrounding areas soon recolonised the study area as 19 were shot in 21 hr and 14 in 24 hr 10 and 13 months after the study, respectively. These kill-rates suggest the population had recovered to 30—40% of its original size after 10 months, much of which must have been the result of immigration.  相似文献   


From January 1975 to June 1976, samples of Heterozius rotundifrons A. Milne Edwards, 1867 were taken monthly from the intertidal zone at First Bay, Kaikoura Peninsula (42°25′S, 173°42′E). Small crabs (< 8 mm carapace width) were never common; they were either too cryptic to be collected in quantity, or have a different habitat from larger crabs. Ovigerous females were present in all months except February (in both 1975 and 1976), but generally formed less than 50% of the total sample of females each month. The number of newly deposited eggs (0.75×0.81 mm) carried by females increased with increase in carapace width according to the equation y = -1123.56+102.97x (r 2 = 0.8213). Egg development lasted 3–5 months, and egg mortality during this period was almost 10%. The overall sex ratio for the 18-month sampling period was 1846 ♀ : 993 ♂, which suggests that females were approximately twice as numerous as males. However, when crabs were sorted into size classes it was evident that the sex ratio was not significantly different from 1:1 in crabs of 6–12 mm carapace width, whereas females significantly (P<0.001) outnumbered males in the 13–21 mm size range. The right and left chela were approximately equal in length in females of all sizes, but the right chela of large males was greatly enlarged compared with the left, and with the chelae of females of comparable carapace width. Increase in the growth rate of the males’ right chela commenced at a carapace width of approximately 11.0 mm. Since the smallest ovigerous female collected also had a carapace width of 11.0 mm, it is concluded that both males and females attain sexual maturity at this size.  相似文献   



Commercial viewing and swimming with dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) near Kaikoura, New Zealand began in the late 1980s and researchers have previously described changes in vocalisation, aerial behaviour, and group spacing in the presence of vessels. This study was conducted to assess the current effects that tourism has on the activity budget of dusky dolphins to provide wildlife managers with information for current decision-making and facilitate development of quantitative criteria for management of this industry in the future.

Methodology/Principal Findings

First-order time discrete Markov chain models were used to assess changes in the behavioural state of dusky dolphin pods targeted by tour vessels. Log-linear analysis was conducted on behavioural state transitions to determine whether the likelihood of dolphins moving from one behavioural state to another changed based on natural and anthropogenic factors. The best-fitting model determined by Akaike Information Criteria values included season, time of day, and vessel presence within 300 m. Interactions with vessels reduced the proportion of time dolphins spent resting in spring and summer and increased time spent milling in all seasons except autumn. Dolphins spent more time socialising in spring and summer, when conception occurs and calves are born, and the proportion of time spent resting was highest in summer. Resting decreased and traveling increased in the afternoon.


Responses to tour vessel traffic are similar to those described for dusky dolphins elsewhere. Disturbance linked to vessels may interrupt social interactions, carry energetic costs, or otherwise affect individual fitness. Research is needed to determine if increased milling is a result of acoustic masking of communication due to vessel noise, and to establish levels at which changes to behavioural budgets of dusky dolphins are likely to cause long-term harm. Threshold values from these studies would allow managers to set appropriate operational conditions based on quantifiable criteria.  相似文献   

Using a shore-based station we monitored the position of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) within the Kaikoura submarine canyon from 2010 to 2012. We tracked sperm whales using a theodolite station for a total of 290 days. We extracted the distance from the nearest coast, the depth and the bathymetric slope using ArcGIS 10.1. We estimated the seasonal spatial distribution of sperm whales using general additive models. The distribution varied significantly between seasons; individuals were found in deeper water and further offshore in the spring than in winter. This study improved our understanding of the variability of sperm whale distribution patterns off Kaikoura. We determined that the distribution was linked to the bathymetric features and we hypothesized that whales adapted their use of the submarine canyon in relation to food aggregation. We would encourage further studies to evaluate the sperm whale relationship with oceanographic variables off Kaikoura.  相似文献   

Recent work at several central South Island sites has shown that the bird-pollinated mistletoe Peraxilla tetrapetala (Loranthaceae) is extensively pollen-limited. We studied the diet, time-budget, and densities of its principal pollinator, bellbirds (Anthornis melanura, Meliphagidae), at Craigieburn to find out what aspect of bellbird ecology may be limiting pollination. Direct observations of bellbird diets showed that they are annual generalists on invertebrates (diet range 22-85% of food items) and honeydew (diet range 2-45%), and concentrate seasonally on mistletoe fruit (18-60%) and mistletoe nectar (27-58%) when available. The bellbirds at Craigieburn are more insectivorous than New Zealand's other two honeyeaters (tui and stitchbirds). In general, bellbirds are most similar to the short-billed guild of Australian honeyeaters in their beak morphology, foraging behaviour, and diet choice, but with a greater importance of fruit in the bellbird diet. The annual mean number of bellbirds recorded per 5-minute count (1.05) at Craigieburn was relatively low, even compared to other eastern South Island sites, which have lower counts of bellbirds than the western South Island and offshore islands. As mistletoe fruit and nectar were preferred foods when in season, and bellbird counts were low at Craigieburn, we conclude that it is the probable low number of bellbirds in the area, and not their choice of diet, which limits mistletoe pollination and dispersal. The bellbird population at Craigieburn did not appear to be food limited as bellbirds spent less than 20% of their time feeding, and the number of hours per day bellbirds spent feeding and foraging did not change significantly from winter to summer while food resources became more plentiful. Other pressures that limit the bellbird population size, particularly predation from introduced mammals, would appear more likely explanations for poor pollination and disperser services to mistletoes at Craigieburn.  相似文献   

Altered fire regimes in the face of climatic and land-use change could potentially transform large areas from forest to shorter-statured or open-canopy vegetation. There is growing concern that once initiated, these nonforested landscapes could be perpetuated almost indefinitely through a suite of positive feedbacks with fire. The rapid deforestation of much of New Zealand following human settlement (ca. 750 years ago) provides a rare opportunity to evaluate the feedback mechanisms that facilitated such extensive transformation and thereby help us to identify factors that confer vulnerability or resilience to similar changes in other regions. Here we evaluate the structure of living and dead vegetation (fuel loading) and microclimate (fuel moisture) in beech (Nothofagaceae) forests and adjacent stands that burned within the last 60–140 years and are dominated by mānuka (Leptospermum scoparium) or kānuka (Kunzea spp.). We show that the burning of beech forests initiates a positive feedback cycle whereby the loss of microclimatic amelioration under the dense forest canopy and the abundant fine fuels that dry readily beneath the sparse mānuka/kānuka canopy enables perpetuation of these stands by facilitating repeated burning. Beech regeneration was limited to a narrow zone along the margin of unburned stands. The high flammability of vegetation that develops after fire and the long time to forest recovery were the primary factors that facilitated extensive deforestation with the introduction of human-ignited fire. Evaluating these two characteristics may be key to determining which regions may be near a tipping point where relatively small land-use- or climatically driven changes to fire regimes could bring about extensive deforestation.  相似文献   



The impact of climate change on forest biodiversity and ecosystem services will be partly determined by the relative fortunes of invasive and native forest trees under future conditions. Aotearoa New Zealand has high conservation value native forests and one of the world's worst invasive tree problems. We assess the relative effects of habitat redistribution on native Nothofagus and invasive conifer (Pinaceae) species in New Zealand as a case study on the compounding impacts of climate change and tree invasions.


Aotearoa New Zealand.


We use species distribution models (SDMs) to predict the current and future distribution of habitat for five native Nothofagus species and 13 invasive conifer species under two 2070 climate scenarios. We calculate habitat loss/gain for all species and examine overlap between the invasive and native species now and in future.


Most species will lose habitat overall. The native species saw large changes in the distribution of habitat with extensive losses in North Island and gains mostly in South Island. Concerningly, we found that most new habitat for Nothofagus was also suitable for at least one invasive species. However, there were refugia for the native species in the wetter parts of the climate space.

Main Conclusion

If the predicted changes in habitat distribution translate to shifts in forest distribution, it would cause widespread ecological disruption. We discuss how acclimation, adaptation and biotic interactions may prevent/delay some changes. But we also highlight that the poor establishment capacity of Nothofagus, and the contrasting ability of the conifers to invade, will present persistent conservation challenges in areas of both new habitat and forest retreat. Pinaceae are problematic invaders globally, and our results highlight that control of invasions and active native forest restoration will likely be key to managing forest biodiversity under future climates.  相似文献   

D. Scott  M. Poynter 《Hydrobiologia》1991,222(2):147-151
The significance of temperature in determining the northernmost limit of trout in New Zealand is discussed, and the river temperature records available suggest that high winter temperatures, rather than high summer temperatures are involved. The predicted climate changes consequent on increased concentrations of atmospheric gases, are used to predict changes in trout distribution. A 1.5 °C increase is likely to result in a contraction of the distribution of brown trout in northern areas, but the effects elsewhere on brown trout would be limited. A 3 °C increase is likely to eliminate both species from borthern latitudes, while heat stress could alter distributions of both species throughout the country. The possibilities of genetic responses to the changes are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The paper reports on the relationships between vegetation and climate in the Upper Catchment area of Narmada river in Central India. The study site was divided into four ecoclimatic zones based on the classification of Thornthwaite & Mather (1955). While no clear-cut relationships could be established for the subordinate species and climate, the leading dominant species showed interesting relationships. Zones A, B and C show a humid type and support forest dominated byTectona grandis, Dendrocalamus strictus andTerminalia alata. In contrast,Tectona grandis is totally absent in Zone D which falls in a dry sub-humid type.Dendrocalamus strictus forms a second storey species at all places whereTectona grandis is the leading dominant, because the former is not a shade tolerant plant. Growth of the dominant species vary from zone to zone with changes in precipitation, potential evapotranspiration, soil moisture surplus and altitude. With topographical changes the growth of the dominant species changes.Tectona grandis shows maximum growth values on tops of hills only because of their inaccessibility to man so that no disturbances due to illicit felling, shifting cultivation and a host of other disturbances occur. The exiting forest crop is the remnant natural wealth which is the net result of interactions between climate, soil conditions and anthropogenic pressure.Nomenclature follows Raizada (1958).The author gratefully acknowledges the painstaking training in the computation of water balances given to him by Professor V. P. Subrahmanyam and Dr. B. Subba Rao of the Department of Climatology, Andhra University, Waltair (India). Most of the work presented here is the result of prolonged and consistent discussions with my teacher, Professor S. C. Pandeya, Head of the Department of BioSciences, Saurashtra University, Rajkot, India, for which I am indebted. Financial assistance was provided by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India, in the form of a Senior Fellowship.  相似文献   

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