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We studied the ecology of a high-density population of stoats in Fiordland, New Zealand, in the summer and autumn of 1990-91 following a Nothofagus seeding in 1990. Results are compared with findings from the same area in 1991-92, a period of lower stoat density. In the high-density year, minimum home ranges (revealed by radio-tracking) of four females averaged 69 ha and those of three males 93 ha; range lengths averaged 1.3 km and 2.5 km respectively. Neither difference was statistically significant. For combined sexes, average range area in the high-density year was significantly less, and range length was significantly shorter, than in the following year. When we compared stoat diet in the high-density year with that in the following two years, there were no significant differences in the frequencies of occurrence of birds or invertebrates in stoat guts. Overall, bird remains were found in 56% of guts, and invertebrates in 28%. Possum remains occurred in 6% of male stoats but were never found in females. Mice were only detected in stoats in the high-density year, when they occurred in 54% of guts. Lagomorphs occurred significantly more often in the guts of stoats during lower-density years (26%) than the high- density year (7%). Seedfall in Nothofagus forest is synchronous and periodic. Following seedfall, mouse density rises dramatically, followed by a sharp rise in stoat numbers. It has been suggested that mice feed on the abundant seed and that stoats in turn increase because of the large numbers of mice available to them. We suggest that the situation is more complex and that increases in not only mouse, but also bird (and possibly invertebrate), densities may contribute to the high productivity of stoats in the year following a Nothofagus seedfall.  相似文献   

We monitored the behaviour of 62 radio-collared ferrets and 25 radio-collared cats in dry, tussock grassland habitat in New Zealand's South Island. The total home range of adult male ferrets (102 ± 58 ha, mean ± 1 s.d.) was marginally greater than that of females (76 ± 48 ha), and averaged 90 ± 55 ha. Male ferret core ranges (27 ± 15 ha) were larger than those of females (16 ± 8 ha). Adult cat home ranges were similar between sexes, and were larger and more variable than those of ferrets (225 ± 209 ha). Core range size of cats was similar between sexes and averaged 54 ± 24 ha. The upper 95% confidence limits of the mean home range lengths of adult ferrets and cats were 2.7 km and 5.1 km, respectively, indicating the width of buffer zones where predator control should be extended to protect the boundaries of areas targeted for predator control in dry, tussock grasslands. Although core areas were mostly discrete, home ranges were distributed randomly, and animals that shared space neither avoided nor attracted each other. Little evidence of territoriality may be related to high densities of primary prey. Too few cats were monitored to determine territoriality. Ferrets used at least 9.4 ± 3.2 dens, and cats used 11.5 ± 3.0 dens during the study. Although 71% of dens were used only once, some were used up to nine times. Day time resting by ferrets was mostly solitary. If transmission of bovine Tb occurs between adult ferrets, simultaneous sharing of dens during the day is unlikely to be a significant mode of transmission in this habitat. We were unable to determine the extent of den sharing by cats. Cats occupied den sites with more shrubs and rocks compared with ferrets. Predator control stations in dry tussock grassland habitat may therefore be more effective at killing cats than ferrets if placed in shrubby, rocky areas.  相似文献   

A recent conceptual model of spatial organization in vertebrates, based upon changes in home range overlap with habitat quality, ‘the space-use model’, predicts large and strongly overlapping home ranges and absence of territorial behaviour in habitats with poor food availability. We investigated whether the model can be extended to predict intra-population variation in space-use in a habitat with strong temporal variation in resource abundance. We studied space use of Eurasian red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) in subalpine conifer forests over 4 years with strong fluctuations in seed production. Norway spruce dominated forests are resource limited habitats for squirrels, and tree seed availability is gradually depleted in the year following a poor seed-crop. Male and female squirrels responded to spruce seed-crop failure in 2000 by strongly increasing their home ranges and core-areas in the following year (mean MCP ± SE in summer and autumn, respectively: 2001, 122.9±14.1 ha and 84.3±9.4 ha, against 43.0±6.4 ha and 20.8±3.8 ha in 2002, and 22.7±1.5 ha and 21.4±2.0 ha in 2003). In 2001, half of the animals, those with the poorest quality pre-dispersal home ranges, emigrated to areas with more larch. Residents had multi-nuclear core-areas. Also, intra-sexual core-area overlap (males by males, females by females) was higher in 2001 and summer 2002, than in autumn 2002 and in 2003 (means ± SE in summer and autumn, respectively: males by males, 2001, 52±8 and 44±7%, 2002, 80±30 and 15±11%, 2003, 37±19 and 26±14%; females by females 2001, 52±10 and 112±32%, 2002, 55±27 and 0±0%, 2003, 12±8 and 0.1±0%). Red squirrels responded to food shortage by moving to patches with other food resources and abandoned the spacing pattern of reduced core-area overlap among males and nearly exclusive core-areas among females, found in less variable habitats. After richer seed-crops in 2001 and 2002, it took squirrels about a year to reduce the size of their home ranges and core-areas and return to a spacing pattern of stable home ranges and intra-sexual territoriality of adult females. These results are consistent with the space-use model and show that spacing behaviour in red squirrels is a plastic, conditional strategy with individuals adapting the size and/or location of their home ranges in relation to local distribution and abundance of food resources.Co-ordinating editor: R. Härdling  相似文献   


At Trounson Kauri Park, we monitored the movements of 21 feral cats (Felis catus), 11 stoats (Mustela erminea) and one male ferret (Mustelafuro). In feral cats, the average minimum home range was 446 ha (±82 SE) for 14 males, significantly larger than the average minimum of 117 ha (±40 SE) for seven females. In stoats the average minimum home range was 107 ha (±20 SE), for nine males compared with 81 ha (±31 SE) for two females. The single male ferret had a minimum home range of 197 ha. Adult male feral cats lived on apparently separate, non‐overlapping home ranges; females occupied exclusive home ranges which were overlapped by adult males; home ranges of sub‐adult male feral cats overlapped those of other sub‐adult male, adult male and female feral cats. The home ranges of two neighbouring male stoats overlapped, although their core ranges did not; both these and the ferret's home ranges overlapped those of the neighbouring feral cats. The feral cats were often located in cover in pastureland or near the edge of larger tracts of forest within their home ranges; stoats near waterways in the larger tracts of forest; and the ferret near the forest/pasture margins of Trounson Kauri Park. Our results suggest that control devices targeting all these species should be set at a minimum spacing of 800 m in order to put the majority of the resident and immigrant predators at risk.  相似文献   


A total of 1599 stoats were collected from 14 study areas (including all 10 National Parks) from 1972 to 1976. Samples were larger in summer, and contained more females. Young stoats are born in September-October, and females reach adult weight by the following March, though males not until after August. There was significant geographic variation in the body size of adult stoats sampled: males from lowland podocarp/broadleaved forests averaged 3% smaller than males from upland beech forests in skull length, and 4% smaller in head-and-body length. This pattern was repeated, less clearly, in females and in young (approximately 2–5 months old). In contrast with stoats in Britain, assumed to be still the same size as the colonising stock introduced into New Zealand in 1884 and subsequently, males from lowland podocarp forests were unchanged or possibly smaller, and males from upland beech forests were larger; females were larger in all habitats. In males, the extent of geographic variation is almost as great in New Zealand as in the whole of continental Europe. Possible explanations of this pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

In New Zealand, alpine grasslands occur above the treeline of beech forest. Historically stoat control paradigms in New Zealand?s montane natural areas have assumed alpine grassland is a marginal habitat that limits dispersal between beech forest stoat populations. We compared the summer-to-autumn (January?April) density, weight, diet and winter survival of stoats between these two habitatsduring years of low beech seedfall. Stoats were live-trapped, marked and released in alpine grassland and low-altitude beech forest in the Borland Valley, Fiordland National Park, during 2003 and 2004, and were caught and euthanased for necropsy in 2005. Stoat density was estimated using spatially explicit capture?recapture (SECR). The proportion of stoats marked in one year but recaptured in the next was used as a measure of ?observed survival?. Prey remains were identified from scats collected during 2003 and 2004 and stomachs from stoats killed in 2005. Stoat density was similar in both habitats over the two years, about one stoat per square kilometre. Observed survival from 2003?2004 was also similar, but survival from 2004?2005 was higher in alpine grassland than in beech forest. In 2003, male stoats were on average heavier in alpine grassland than in beech forest, although average weights were similar in the other years. Diet differed significantly between the two habitats, with stoats in alpine grasslands eating mainly ground weta (a large invertebrate) (72%) and hares (23%), while stoats in beech forest ate mainly birds (31%) and mice (19%). Collectively these results suggest that alpine grasslands are not a poor quality habitat for stoats. Traditionally it has been thought that stoats cannot survive on invertebrate prey alone. This research demonstrates that stoats relying largely on invertebrate prey can occur at similar densities and with equivalent survival to stoats relying on vertebrate prey.  相似文献   

The seasonal home range size and spatial relationships of 16 adult genetsGenetta genetta Linnaeus, 1758 (6 males and 10 females) were estimated in a Mediterranean habitat of northeastern Spain. Genets minimum density was estimated as 0.98/km2. Mean annual home range was 113.1 ha in males and of 72.0 ha in females. Males had larger home ranges than females in all seasons, but differences were only significant in winter. Home range size changed seasonally and showed a similar pattern in both sexes, with lower values in summer (males — 41.2 ha, females — 29.0 ha) and maximum ones in spring (males — 78.8 ha, females — 56.1 ha). Animals displayed spatial fidelity throughout the year. Core areas (MCP50) represented 27% and 19% of total home range size for males and females, respectively. Resting home ranges (based on locations of inactive animals) were 9 times lower than overall home range size. Individuals of the same sex overlapped less than individuals of different sexes, especially with regard to core areas, which showed almost no overlap. The results obtained suggest that (1) different factors are likely to affect the space use of genets, such as body mass, food abundance and reproductive cycle; (2) genets use space in a heterogeneous way, with areas of greater activity than others within their home range; (3) there was intrasexual segregation with regard to space use.  相似文献   

Stoats are significant predators of native fauna in New Zealand. They occur in many habitat types and consume a wide range of prey. The diet of stoats in the Tasman River, South Canterbury, was studied by analysis of scats and den contents. Analysis of 206 scats showed that stoats ate mainly lagomorphs, birds and invertebrates. Minor components included mice, lizards, fish and hedgehogs. Stoats ate more birds in spring than in autumn, and female stoats ate more invertebrates than did males. The contents of 219 dens collected in the same area at the same time provided further information. Birds and lagomorphs occurred at high frequency in dens, and other components were minor. Remains in dens were larger than in scats and allowed identification of many more prey items to species level. Den contents revealed a potentially substantial impact of stoats on threatened shorebirds locally; this impact was not detected by analysis of scats.  相似文献   

A better understanding of habitat use and home range size for an exotic fallow deer (Dama dama L.) population in coastal Georgia is needed to understand the relationship between this introduced species and the barrier island ecosystem. These spatial requirements will aid in management decisions to limit negative impacts to the deer or sensitive habitats. We describe annual and seasonal home range and habitat use of seven fallow deer fitted with GPS collars. Home ranges of females averaged 130.3 ± 0.45 ha based on a 95% local convex hull (LoCoH) nonparametric kernel method. Home ranges of adult males were highly variable, ranging from 56.9 to 354.8 ha. We examined site fidelity by analyzing shifts in core areas and percent overlap across seasons. Only one individual exhibited a seasonal range shift; all other deer demonstrated a high level of site fidelity. Based on compositional analysis of habitat use versus availability, fallow deer avoided salt marshes but showed individual variation in selection of other habitats. Maritime shrub was the most commonly preferred habitat type on the barrier island. Fallow deer have adapted to effectively use available habitats on the barrier island and have successfully excluded native white-tailed deer from recolonizing LSSI.  相似文献   

A comprehensive understanding of spatiotemporal ecology is needed to develop conservation strategies for declining species. The king rail (Rallus elegans) is a secretive marsh bird whose range historically extended across the eastern United States. Inland migratory populations have been greatly reduced with most remaining populations inhabiting the coastal margins. Our objectives were to determine the migratory status of breeding king rails on the mid‐Atlantic coast and to characterize home range size, seasonal patterns of movement, and habitat use. Using radiotelemetry, we tracked individual king rails among seasons, and established that at least a segment of this breeding population is resident. Mean (±SE) home range size was 19.8 ± 5.0 ha (95% kernel density) or 2.5 ± 0.9 (50% kernel density). We detected seasonal variation and sex differences in home range size and habitat use. In the nonbreeding season, resident male home ranges coincided essentially with their breeding territories. Overwintering males were more likely than females to be found in natural emergent marsh with a greater area of open water. Females tended to have larger home ranges than males during the nonbreeding season. We report for the first time the use of wooded natural marsh by overwintering females. Brood‐rearing king rails led their young considerable distances away from their nests (average maximum distance: ~600 ± 200 m) and used both wooded natural and impounded marsh. King rails moved between natural marsh and managed impoundments during all life stages, but the proximity of these habitat types particularly benefitted brood‐rearing parents seeking foraging areas with shallower water in proximity to cover. Our results demonstrate the importance of interspersion of habitat types to support resident breeders. Summer draining of impounded wetlands that are seasonally flooded for wintering waterfowl allows regrowth of vegetation and provides additional habitat at a critical time for wading birds.  相似文献   

Phascogale tapoatafa is a squirrel-sized carnivorous marsupial (Dasyuridae) found in dry eucalyptus forests of Australia. Radio-tracking and live-trapping studies at three sites in Victoria indicated that population densities were typically low, with females occupying home ranges averaging 41 ha (minimum convex polygon method) that were intrasexually exclusive. Male home ranges (mean 106 ha) overlapped extensively with females and other males, and expanded during the short breeding season to an average length of 2.7 km. When presented with the faeces of unfamiliar conspecifics, both female and male P. tapoatafa investigated the faeces of females significantly longer than those of males, suggesting that the exclusive home ranges of females are reinforced by olfactory communication, and that males are less responsive to the presence of potential rivals than to potential mates. Both sexes foraged throughout their home range, but the core area of intensive use was less than one-third of the total area traversed. The spatial organization of P. tapoatafa differs markedly from that of the closely related species Antechinus stuartii , but is similar to that of the only other extensively studied carnivorous marsupial, Dasyurus geoffroii.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Greater Roadrunners (Geococcyx californianus) are common, poorly studied birds of arid and semi‐arid ecosystems in the southwestern United States. Conservation of this avian predator requires a detailed understanding of their movements and spatial requirements that is currently lacking. From 2006 to 2009, we quantified home‐range and core area sizes and overlap, habitat selection, and survival of roadrunners (N= 14 males and 20 females) in north‐central Texas using radio‐telemetry and fixed kernel estimators. Median home‐range and core‐area sizes were 90.4 ha and 19.2 ha for males and 80.1 ha and 16.7 ha for females, respectively. The size of home range and core areas did not differ significantly by either sex or season. Our home range estimates were twice as large (x?= 108.9 ha) as earlier published estimates based on visual observations (x?= 28–50 ha). Mean percent overlap was 38.4% for home ranges and 13.7% for core areas. Male roadrunners preferred mesquite woodland and mesquite savanna cover types, and avoided the grass‐forb cover type. Female roadrunners preferred mesquite savanna and riparian woodland cover types, and avoided grass‐forb habitat. Kaplan‐Meier annual survival probabilities for females (0.452 ± 0.118[SE]) were twice that estimated for males (0.210 ± 0.108), but this difference was not significant. Mortality rates of male roadrunners were higher than those of females during the spring when males call from elevated perches, court females, and chase competing males. Current land use practices that target woody‐shrub removal to enhance livestock forage production could be detrimental to roadrunner populations by reducing availability of mesquite woodland and mesquite savanna habitat required for nesting and roosting and increasing the amount of grass‐forb habitat that roadrunners avoid.  相似文献   

We investigated the ranging behaviour during the breeding season of 18 radiotracked little bustard (Tetrax tetrax) males, a disperse-lekking species inhabiting the cereal pseudo-steppes. The average kernel 95% home range was 60±50 ha and the average cluster 85% area was 17±17 ha. Range structure was as relevant as home range size for explaining the variation in the ranging behaviour of males, which could be partially explained by age, habitat quality and site. Ranging behaviour varied from males defending small and concentrated home ranges with high habitat quality, to males holding larger home ranges composed by several arenas. Our results suggest that social dominance and resource availability may affect ranging behaviour of males during the breeding season. Also, mating systems constraints may play a role on the use of space of males within the lekking ground. The ranging behaviour of a given male may be determined by a tendency to reduce and concentrate the home range as age and social status increase, and several fine-tuning mechanisms adjusting the ranging behaviour to the prevailing environmental or social factors on a given site and year.  相似文献   

Predation by introduced stoats is now considered a major threat to the population viability of several New Zealand endemic bird species. Historically stoat research and management has focused on beech forests and little is known about the ecology of stoats in the alpine grasslands occurring above the natural altitudinal limit of beech forest. Several stoat control operations in beech forest valley floors in southern New Zealand assume that adjacent montane areas act as a barrier to stoat immigration. Stoats were live-trapped and radio-tracked in alpine grasslands above the Borland Burn, Fiordland National Park, during the summer and autumn of 2003 and 2004. Seventeen stoats were radio-collared and home ranges were estimated for 11 of them. These home ranges were used in a compositional analysis which showed that these stoats spent significantly more time in alpine grassland than in adjacent beech forest. Range cores calculated for six of these stoats were located high up in alpine grassland and contained very little beech forest. This means that montane areas that contain alpine grasslands are unlikely to be barriers to stoat immigration; rather they may be a source of dispersing stoats that reinvade control areas. Also, endemic animal species that inhabit alpine grasslands could be at risk from stoat predation.  相似文献   

Cipo Canasteros (Asthenes luizae, Furnariidae) have a fragmented and limited range restricted to the campos rupestres (rupestrian grasslands) habitat in the Brazilian highlands of the Espinhaço Range, and little is known about their behavior, ecology, and population biology. From March 2009 to November 2010, we monitored birds (24 banded and 22 radio‐tracked) at two study sites at Serra do Cipó in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, to estimate their home‐range sizes and population density, and describe their habitat use, natal dispersal behavior, and vocal behavior. We found an average density of 8.7 paired adults/km² in our study areas or 22.9 paired adults/km2 when considering only used habitats. The sex ratio was male‐biased (males/total adults = 0.68), adults exhibited high site fidelity, home‐ranges averaged 4.0 ha (fixed kernel 95%) or 3.5 ha (95% minimum convex polygon) in size, and both sexes defended territories year‐round. We recorded four main types of songs, including two uttered more often during the breeding season. We monitored the natal dispersal of two males and one female who moved maximum distances of 1238 m, 780 m, and 1056 m, respectively, from natal areas. Our results confirm that Cipo Canasteros are restricted to the rocky‐outcrop habitat of the campos rupestres. In part due to their habitat specialization, Cipo Canasteros are considered Near Threatened, but other factors contributing to their demographic fragility include the small number, and probably low survival, of females and low reproductive success due to predation and brood parasitism by cowbirds. Given these threats, along with their specialized habitat and restricted range, the future conservation of Cipo Canasteros will likely depend on the extent to which their campos rupestres habitat can be conserved.  相似文献   

The Malay civet (Viverra tangalunga) is found throughout Southeast Asia, but there have been very few studies on its natural history and ecology. We present here the results from the first radio telemetry study of this species on Peninsular Malaysia and compared our findings to similar studies on Borneo and Sulawesi. From August 2004 to August 2006, we captured 11 Malay civets in Krau Wildlife Reserve and radio-tracked seven adults (four males and three females). The mean weight of males (6.6 kg) was significantly higher than females (5.8 kg). Both sexes on Peninsular Malaysia were larger than their counterparts on Borneo and Sulawesi. There was no significant difference between the mean sizes of male and female home ranges on Peninsular Malaysia; the mean home range size for both sexes was 143 ha (95% MCP), which was larger than the mean range size recorded on Borneo and Sulawesi. We found that the Malay civet is a solitary, territorial species on Peninsular Malaysia: mean range overlap was 15% for males and 0% for females, and the home range of each male overlapped one or two females. Malay civets were mainly nocturnal, with some periods of rest during the night; daytime rest sites were within dense ground cover. Lowland forest is an essential habitat for this species; although Malay civets were sometimes found in plantations, they did not venture far from forested habitat.  相似文献   

Orangutan Home Range Size and Its Determinants in a Sumatran Swamp Forest   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) in a Sumatran swamp forest used home ranges far larger than any described so far for the species, in spite of living at the highest density on record. Although it was difficult to estimate home range sizes, minimum reliably estimated home range sizes for adult females are ca. 850 ha, whereas subadult and adult males used ranges of at least ca. 2500 ha, and perhaps much more. Range overlap was very high: up to 16 adult females, 9 adult males and at least 15 subadult males were seen within a single 4-ha square in the center of the study area. We found no evidence for the use of seasonally distincthome ranges—commuters—, and only some subadult males may have been transients—wanderers—without a stable home range. The large size of the home ranges is attributed to the coarse grain of the habitat mosaic, with orangutans converging on parts with a high density of favored fruit trees. Orangutans at this swamp forest included a variety of habitat types within their ranges.  相似文献   

We studied the short term spacing behavioural responses of Pampean grassland mouse (Akodon azarae) with regard to population density in four 0.25 ha enclosures (two control and two experimental) in the 2011 breeding season. Based on the hypothesis that A. azarae breeding females exhibit spacing behaviour, and breeding males show a fusion spatial response, we tested the following predictions: (1) home range size and intrasexual overlap degree of females are independent of population density values; (2) at high population density, home range size of males decreases and the intrasexual home range overlap degree increases. To determine if female reproductive success decreases at high population density, we analyzed pregnancy rate, size and weight of litters, and period until fecundation in both low and high enclosure population density. We found that both males and females varied their home range size in relation to population density. Although male home ranges were always bigger than those of females in populations with high density, home range sizes of both sexes decreased. Females kept exclusive home ranges independent of density values meanwhile males decreased home range overlap in high breeding density populations. Although females produced litters of similar size in both treatments, weight of litter, pregnant rate and period until fecundation varied in relation to population density. Our results did not support the hypothesis that at high density females of A. azarae exhibit spacing behaviour neither that males exhibit a fusion spatial response.  相似文献   

Geoffroy's cat Oncifelis geoffroyi is a little-known South American small felid. We report data on the spatial ecology of four adults (two males and two females) that were radiotracked in an area of wet grassland of the Argentine Pampas from February 2000 to April 2001. The mean home range size varied from 248 ha [90% minimum convex polygon (MCP)] to 342 ha (100% MCP), with male home ranges c . 2.5 larger than those of females. Home range overlap averaged 44.7%, and was more extensive between males than between females but it decreased markedly when outliers were excluded. Forest patches were used more than expected by their availability within home ranges. These patches hosted many large defecation sites, possibly acting as 'communication centres' where information was exchanged among individuals in the form of scent marks. Despite the lack of a clear preference for tall grasslands, this was the most frequently used habitat. We argue that natural grasslands in the Pampas ecoregion are important for O. geoffroyi and that their alteration can affect the conservation status of this cat. The comparison of our data with those reported previously suggests that Geoffroy's cat can show a certain degree of flexibility in its spatial behaviour.  相似文献   

Lee HJ  Lee JH  Park D 《Zoological science》2011,28(8):593-599
To determine the habitat usage and movement patterns of the viviparous aquatic snake Oocatochus rufodorsatus (formerly Elaphe rufodorsata), we radio-tracked 21 snakes on agricultural lands during two active seasons in 2007 and 2008. Male and female snakes stayed close to aquatic habitats such as paddy fields and agricultural ponds during both breeding and non-breeding periods, except when the snakes moved to dry terrestrial areas to hibernate in late fall. The use of different structural features in the habitat, such as ground, tree, underground, and water, varied depending on the air and water temperatures, female's reproductive conditions, and the time of day. Male and female snakes moved about 17 m daily and postpartum females moved farther than antepartum females. The home ranges of males and females were 0.45 ha and 0.47 ha, respectively, and the year-round home range of this species was approximately 1.54 ha (95% fixed kernel). Thus, to conserve a population of O. rufodorsatus in our study area, areas including both aquatic and terrestrial habitats within a radius of 150 m from a core pond habitat must be preserved.  相似文献   

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