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本文报道在内蒙科尔沁草原检查5种淡水螺:耳萝卜螺、卵萝卜螺,豆螺、凸旋螺及半球多脉扁螺共5,616粒。从中查出至少12种吸虫幼虫期,它们是:土耳其斯坦东毕吸虫、有棘血居吸虫、马蹄吸虫、斜睾吸虫、二种背孔吸虫、棘口类吸虫、重盘吸虫、球孔吸虫、异形科吸虫、杯叶科吸虫及鹗形吸虫。其中东毕吸虫、血居吸虫及棘口吸虫的尾蚴分别进行实验动物的感染试验,获得成虫。各吸虫侵袭期幼虫季节动态亦经观察。  相似文献   

贵州洞穴淡水、陆生贝类区系及新种记述   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
首次报道了贵州省安龙县、贵阳市、独山县、荔波县、安顺市、开阳县、息烽县、盘县、兴义市、大方县、普定县等39个洞穴内不同生境的淡水、陆生贝类,经鉴定得淡水、陆生螺类共计71种,分隶于15科,36属,其中淡水螺类3科4属5种;陆生螺类66种,12科32属;1新种,即荔波双边凹螺Chamalycaeus libonensis sp.nov.附有种类名录,栖息环境及地理分布,并对洞穴中的淡水、陆生贝类区系组成进行了讨论,对新种进行了详细的描述,与近似种进行了比较。  相似文献   

我国海岸线甚长,沿海鱼类丰富。寄生于鱼体的吸虫种类繁多,其中半尾亚目(Hemiuroidea)吸虫是一大类群。根据Skrjabin与Guschans-kaza(1954—1960)多年的整理,包括有15科,36亚科和105属。Yamaguti(1971)将它们修订为1总科、8科、26亚科、97属。此类吸虫绝大多数寄生于鱼类(包括海水、咸淡水及淡水鱼类),少数也见于两栖类和爬行类。国内有关本类吸虫的研究虽有些报道(唐仲璋,1951,1981;许鹏如,1954;叶英和吴淑卿,1955;唐崇惕和唐仲璋,1959;顾  相似文献   

1963年2—4月,结合江苏省无锡和南京两市的群众性灭鼠工作,无选择地收集了一定数量的各种鼠类,进行体内寄生蠕虫检查。两市共查小哺乳动物212只(啮齿目动物197只,食虫目动物——麝鼩15只),其中34只发现有吸虫寄生。所发现的吸虫共6种(表1),分隶于4个科、5个属。其中包括两个新种:江苏背孔吸虫(Notocotylus kiangs-uensis,新种)和陈氏后穴吸虫[Opisthioglyphe(Lecithopyge)cheni,新种]。  相似文献   

凹形隐叶吸虫生活史各期形态的初步观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1989年3—9月压片解剖检查采自雅安市郊10个乡的9种淡水螺11838只,在赤豆螺(Bithynia fuchsiana)体内查到凹形隐叶吸虫(Cryptocotyle concavum)的幼虫期,阳性率为1.8%(88/4957)。用分离自赤豆螺体内的成熟尾蚴感染鲤鱼(Cyrinus carpio)用鱼体内的囊蚴感染家鸭获得成功,并对凹形隐叶吸虫生活史各期形态作了初步观察(测量单位以mm计)。1雷蚴(图,1)寄生于赤豆螺的肝脏,淡黄色,长囊状,0.425—1.200×0.100—0.250。无运动附肢。咽显著,直径为0.025—0.038,肠管较短0.050,形状变化较大,内含许多褐色的色素颗粒。雷蚴体内有3—10个正在发育的尾…  相似文献   

半尾类吸虫包括四新种的描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
半尾亚目(Hemiurata)是一个巨大的吸虫类群,大多数是海洋的种类,在咸淡水及淡水中也广泛地分布。本类吸虫的幼虫期在离开贝类宿主后适应于数目繁多的甲壳动物体内继续发育,它们充为第二中间宿主。甲壳类是鱼类重要的食料,由于这个食物锁链关系,半尾类有了非常有利的生存和发展的条件,成为吸虫类中繁荣的一支。关于种类的记述,在国内有顾昌栋和申纪伟(1964、1978),许鹏如(1954)及叶英和吴淑卿(1955)。本篇所述系多年前从我省沿海海鱼采集的种类及一些有关生活史资料的补充。标本保存在厦门大学生物系寄生动物研究室。  相似文献   

对科威特湾微茎科滨鹬马蹄吸虫幼虫期的中间宿主双带盾桑椹螺(Clypeomorus bifasciata)及小相手蟹(Nanosesarma minutum)的季节动态进行了研究。调查期超过一年,在检查的1 600只螺和415只蟹中, 11.8 %的螺感染了8种马蹄属线虫中的一种,且以滨鹬马蹄吸虫的感染占优势(9.9 %螺感染) ; 80 %的蟹感染滨鹬马蹄吸虫囊蚴。虽然一年四季两种宿主都会感染,但吸虫的流行和尾蚴(指成熟期感染)在夏季呈现高蜂。从螺体排出的尾蚴具有明显季节性,在此海湾必须要超过最低温度20℃。总的感染率在较大(较老)的螺里有所下降,显示吸虫影响宿主生存并随之影响宿主群体结构。囊蚴的感染丰度与蟹的个体大小有明显相关性;较大的蟹感染较多的囊蚴,显示宿主能耐受更多的吸虫。调查显示,囊蚴的感染率与蟹的大小或性别无相关性。囊蚴体外脱囊以及产卵吸虫的释放证明,成熟虫体终年存在于所有大小和性别不同的蟹里,显示从蟹到鸟的持续感染是可能的。总的来说,滨鹬马蹄吸虫在海湾的传播动态是由这两种无脊椎动物宿主来协调,并似乎是被一系列依赖于温度的活动控制,这些活动影响易感宿主种群及感染性幼虫期尾蚴和囊蚴的存在。  相似文献   

红螺(Rapana thomasiana Crosse)又叫海螺、大蛤,是一种海产经济贝类。 鸭绿江口是我国红螺的重要产地,据1958—1974年产量统计,红螺产量占该水域野生贝类总产量的80%以上。 关于红螺的资源保护问题,曾于1964年制定了海螺(包括红螺)的禁渔期为5月20日至8月20日,但当地渔民群众反映不符合鸭绿江口红螺生产实际。为了合理利用红螺资源,为制定有效的保护措施提供科学依据,我们在东沟县水产管理站和锦江渔业大队的的支持下,于1967—1968年5—8月期间,以鸭绿江口红螺的生殖习性为主要内容进行调查研究,并于1970年6月和1974年5—8月继续进行了观察。现将调查结果一并概述如下。  相似文献   

福寿螺(Ampullaria gigas),又名大瓶螺,两栖淡水贝类软体生物,属软体动物门Mollusca,腹足纲Gasopoda,瓶螺科Pilaidae。成螺雌雄异体,爬行体长3.5~6cm,贝壳近似圆盘形,一般具6螺层;卵圆球形,直径2~2.5mm,初产时深红色、粘稠,孵化前变淡,卵成堆叠产,每卵块3~5层,约100~960粒不等;幼螺初孵体长2~2.5mm,软体部分呈深红色,初孵幼螺可在水中爬行,以后贝壳向右旋增加。  相似文献   

本文报道在闽南的漳平、龙海、南安检查了四种淡水螺(耳萝卜螺、放逸短沟蜷、纹沼螺、瘤拟黑螺)共2532只,经检查有13种吸虫的幼虫期,并对其中的中华唐似吸虫和二种异形种吸虫进行了动物感染实验,结果于后。一、中华唐似吸虫Tangiopsis chinensis地点;漳平。放逸短沟蜷(Semisulcospira li-bertlna)是新查见的宿主,感染率为2.5%(32/1264)。螺体内查见雷蚴和尾蚴。该蜷以其尾蚴感染介蚤和剑水蚤均未成功。二、包氏毛毕吸虫Trichobilharzia paoi地点:龙海、南安。耳萝卜螺(Radix auri-cularia)感染率为4.56%(24/526)。在螺体内发现其胞蚴和尾…  相似文献   

Parasite avoidance is increasingly considered to be a potential driving factor in animal migrations. In many marine and freshwater benthic fish, migration into a pelagic environment by developing larvae is a common life history trait that could reduce exposure to parasites during a critical window of developmental susceptibility. We tested this hypothesis on congeneric fish (family Galaxiidae, genus Galaxias) belonging to a closely related species complex sampled from coastal streams in southeastern New Zealand. Migratory Galaxias have larvae that migrate to pelagic marine environments, whereas the larvae of non-migratory species rear close to adult habitats with no pelagic larval phase. Both migratory and non-migratory fish are hosts to two species of skin-penetrating trematodes that cause spinal malformations and high mortality in young fish. Using generalized linear models within an Akaike information criterion and model averaging framework, we compared infection levels between migratory and non-migratory fish while taking into account body size and several other local factors likely to influence infection levels. For one trematode species, we found a significant effect of migration: for any given body length, migratory fish harboured fewer parasites than non-migratory fish. Also, no parasites of any kind were found in juvenile migratory fish sampled in spring shortly after their return to stream habitats. Our results demonstrate that migration spares juvenile fish from the debilitating parasites to which they would be exposed in adult stream habitats. Therefore, either the historical adoption of a migratory strategy in some Galaxias was an adaptation against parasitism, or it evolved for other reasons and now provides protection from infection as a coincidental side-effect.  相似文献   

The infro- and component community dynamics of digenetic trematodes in a freshwater gastropod community were examined over a 33-month period. The gastropod and trematode communities were composed of 17 and 10 species respectively. A total of 9,831 snails was collected; among them, 192 belonging to 14 species were infected by larval trematodes. The size of infected snails was significantly greater than that of healthy ones, and the increase of prevalence with size/age was interpreted as related to the increased probability of ultimately becoming parasitized. The trematode community was rich in allogenic species, but the most frequent trematode (cercariaeum) was autogenic and generalist (a range of 12 snail host species). There was a significantly positive relationship between the frequency of trematode species in the community and the number of first intermediate host species. A great temporal heterogeneity occurred in the prevalence of the snails, mainly attributed to the great temporal fluctuations of snail host populations and the variability of freshwater ecological conditions. The data on the occurrence of larval trematodes in 14 host species over the 33-month study allowed indicate a significant negative correlation between the abundance of gastropods and the prevalence of trematodes.  相似文献   

Infection with larval trematodes sometimes alters the phenotypes of their snail hosts. While some trematode species have distinct effects on host phenotypes, it is still unclear how snail phenotypes are altered when they are parasitized with multiple trematode species. Here, we report that double infection with trematode species averages the effects of parasitic alteration on host phenotype. We found that snail hosts Batillaria attramentaria (Batillariidae) infected with Cercaria batillariae (Heterophyidae) have abnormally large shells and distribute in lower areas of the intertidal zone. Snails with another dominant trematode species, the renicolid cercaria I (Renicolidae), have slightly larger shells and distribute in upper areas of the intertidal zone. A number of double infections with both trematodes was observed in this study. Snails infected with both trematode species exhibited an intermediate size and inhabited a depth between those of snails solely infected with either trematode species, suggesting that the two trematodes simultaneously affected the snail phenotypes. Because altered host phenotypes are frequently beneficial to parasites, two trematode species may compete for successful transmission through alteration of host phenotypes.  相似文献   

Recent findings have extended the documentation of complex sociality to the Platyhelminthes, describing the existence of a reproductive division of labour involving a soldier caste among the parthenitae of trematode parasites. However, all species examined to date occupy high positions in trematode interspecific dominance hierarchies and belong to two closely related families, the Echinostomatidae and the Philophthalmidae (Superfamily Echinostomatoidea). Further, the two species documented as lacking soldiers also belong to the Echinostomatidae. Here, we examine four species of intermediate dominance, all belonging to the family Heterophyidae (Superfamily Opisthorchioidea): Euhaplorchis californiensis, Phocitremoides ovale, Pygidiopsoides spindalis and Stictodora hancocki, all of which infect the California horn snail, Cerithideopsis californica (=Cerithidea californica). We quantify morphology, distribution and behaviour of rediae from fully developed colonies. We also provide information on colony structure for three developing heterophyid colonies to better understand colony development. We discuss the implications of our findings, particularly with respect to how they suggest alternatives to the conclusions of other researchers concerning the nature of trematode sociality. Our analyses of morphological, distributional and behavioural patterns of developed colonies indicate that these heterophyid trematodes have a non-reproductive caste whose function is defence of the colony from invading trematodes. Hence, a soldier caste occurs for species lower in dominance hierarchies than previously known, and is present in at least two superfamilies of digenean trematodes, suggesting that selection for a soldier caste may be much more common among the Trematoda than previously recognised.  相似文献   

The prosobranch gastropod Cerithidea cingulata (Gastropoda: Potamididae) in Kuwait Bay was examined for larval trematode infections over a 17-month period. A total of 2537 snails were examined and 1265 (49.9%) found to be infected with one or more species of trematodes. The component community in the snail comprised 12 species representing the families Cyathocotylidae (2), Echinostomatidae (2), Haplosplanchnidae (1), Heterophyidae (2), Microphallidae (1), Philophthalmidae (2), Plagiorchiidae (1) and Schistosomatidae (1). Cyathocotylid II (41.6%) was by far the most prevalent species followed by the microphallid (3.9%), the two species comprised 90% of the total trematode fauna. The prevalence of infection increased with shell size and was significantly higher in male (47%) than female (33%) snails. Multiple infections were observed in only 15 (1.2%) of the infected snails; cyathocotylid I and cyathocotylid II combination occurred 14 times and heterophyid I and the microphallid occurred once. Trematode species were more diverse and prevalent in winter, and cercarial shedding peaked in summer. Behaviour of the definitive host and snail population dynamics were probably the major contributors to the detected temporal pattern in the infections.  相似文献   

Trematode larvae must generally invade a molluscan intermediate host, usually a gastropod, before they can reach reproductive maturity in another definitive host. The research literature to date has focused almost exclusively on the documented specificity between particular trematode species and particular molluscan hosts; little attention has been paid to gastropod species that do not appear to serve as hosts. We sampled Rhode Island and Massachusetts populations of the marine gastropod Crepidula fornicata to determine whether this widespread species serves as a first intermediate host for trematodes. We also sampled from the same habitat populations of Littorina littorea and Ilyanassa obsoleta, gastropods known to serve as first intermediate hosts for several trematode species. All individuals were examined by dissection for the presence of sporocysts, rediae, or developing cercariae. Although 4-28% of L. littorea (N=112) and I. obsoleta (N=84) were infected by larvae of at least one trematode species, no individuals of C. fornicata sampled from the same locations were so infected (N=136). A survey of the Biological Abstracts computer database indicates that snails in only about 10% of marine gastropod families are known to serve as first intermediate hosts for trematodes. We suggest that more attention be paid to marine gastropods that appear not to be infected by trematode miracidia. Such species may productively serve as new models for understanding trematode host specificity and gastropod resistance to infection.  相似文献   

Aim We investigated the relationship between host and parasite diversity as well as latitudinal gradients in parasite diversity on a continental scale in European freshwater trematodes. Location European freshwaters. Methods We extracted distributional data for 564 freshwater trematodes across 25 biogeographical regions in Europe from the Limnofauna Europaea and used multiple regression analyses to test for correlations between the diversity of definitive (vertebrates) or first intermediate (gastropods) hosts and that of trematodes, and for latitudinal gradients in trematode diversity. In particular, we investigated patterns in beta diversity among latitudinal bands and between trematode species that parasitize host groups with low (autogenic) and high (allogenic) dispersal capacity. We also tested for a latitudinal gradient in the proportional representation of these two trematode groups within regional faunas. Results Latitude or first intermediate host richness had no effect on trematode richness, but definitive host richness was a strong predictor of trematode richness, among both allogenic and autogenic parasites. We found that beta diversity of trematode faunas within latitudinal bands decreased to the north, with similar values for allogenic and autogenic trematodes. Finally, we observed an increasing proportion of autogenic species toward the north of Europe. Main conclusions The richness of definitive hosts appears to be the driver of trematode diversity at a continental scale. The latitudinal gradient in beta diversity reflects patterns observed in free‐living species and probably results from recolonization in the aftermath of the ice ages. The similar beta‐diversity patterns of allogenic and autogenic trematodes and the increasing proportion of autogenic trematodes with increasing latitude are surprising. We suggest that the geographical scale of our analysis or confounding factors such as differences in habitat utilization and specialization may partly explain these patterns.  相似文献   

The analysis of literary data and own investigations of gastropod molluscs on existence of cercariae of trematodes in Belarus was carried out. 13 856 specimens of 11 species and 2 species complexes of freshwater gastropod molluscs were examined on infection with cercariae of trematodes in 2010 by the authors of this article. Total infestation was 13.1% and infection of some molluscs species varied from 0.4% (Dnieper River, Gomel region) to 66.7% (Lukomskoe reservoir, Vitebsk region). The cercariae of 90 trematode species were found. The majority (51 species) at the adult stage parasitize birds. The cercariae of 14 trematode species have medical significance.  相似文献   

洞庭湖外睾吸虫新种及其生活史   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
张仁利  左家铮 《动物学报》1993,39(2):124-129
本文报告洞庭湖区鲶鱼肠道寄生的洞庭湖外睾吸虫Exorchis dongtinghuensis sp.nov(新种)及其全程生活史,其第一中间宿主为湖北钉螺Oncomelania hupensis;第二中间宿主为鲤鱼、鲫鱼和金鱼;终宿主为鲶鱼Parasilurus asotus。作者对各期宿主作了人工感染试验和现场自然感染调查。对其发育过程作了观察比较。  相似文献   

By modifying the behaviour and morphology of hosts, parasites may strongly impact host individuals, populations and communities. We examined the effects of a common trematode parasite on its snail host, Batillaria cumingi (Batillariidae). This widespread snail is usually the most abundant invertebrate in salt marshes and mudflats of the northeastern coast of Asia. More than half (52.6%, n=1360) of the snails in our study were infected. We found that snails living in the lower intertidal zone were markedly larger and exhibited different shell morphology than those in the upper intertidal zone. The large morphotypes in the lower tidal zone were all infected by the trematode, Cercaria batillariae (Heterophyidae). We used a transplant experiment, a mark-and-recapture experiment and stable carbon isotope ratios to reveal that snails infected by the trematode move to the lower intertidal zone, resume growth after maturation and consume different resources. By simultaneously changing the morphology and behaviour of individual hosts, this parasite alters the demographics and potentially modifies resource use of the snail population. Since trematodes are common and often abundant in marine and freshwater habitats throughout the world, their effects potentially alter food webs in many systems.  相似文献   

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