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The specificity of peptide binding by human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I molecules was investigated in a cell-free direct-binding assay. Peptides were assessed for binding to HLA-A2 and HLA-B27 by measuring the formation of heterotrimeric HLA complexes that consisted of iodinated beta 2-microglobulin, HLA heavy chain fragments isolated from the Escherichia coli cytoplasm, and peptide. In this system, no detectable HLA heavy chain-beta 2-microglobulin complexes were formed unless appropriate peptides were intentionally added to the reconstitution solution. Analysis with monoclonal antibodies demonstrated that these heterotrimeric complexes were correctly folded. Five nonhomologous peptides, known to form complexes with HLA-A2 or HLA-B27 from T-cell functional studies, were tested for their capacity to bind to HLA-A2 and HLA-B27 using the reconstitution assay. Four of the peptides bound to the appropriate class I molecule only. One peptide and some (but not all) substitution analogs of it bound to both HLA-A2 and HLA-B27. The effect of peptide length on binding to HLA-B27 was studied, and it was found that the optimal length was 9 or 10 amino acid residues; however, one peptide that bound to HLA-B27 was 15 amino acids long. All peptides that bound to HLA-B27 in the direct-binding assay also competed with antigenic peptides for binding to HLA-B27 on the surface of intact cells, as determined by a standard cytotoxic T-lymphocyte functional assay. Thus, we conclude that HLA-A2 and HLA-B27 bind distinct but partially overlapping sets of peptides and that, at least in vitro, the assembly of HLA heavy chain-beta 2-microglobulin complexes requires specific peptides.  相似文献   

Human cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) clones and HLA-A2- and HLA-B7-transfected human, monkey, and mouse cell lines were used to investigate the basis for species-restricted antigen recognition. Most allospecific CTL clones obtained after stimulation with the human JY cell line (source of HLA-A2 and HLA-B7 genomic clones) recognized HLA antigens expressed in human and monkey cell lines but did not recognize HLA expressed in murine cells. By initially stimulating the responder cells with HLA-transfected mouse cells, two CTL clones were obtained that recognized HLA expressed in murine cells. Functional inhibition of these CTL clones with anti-class I monoclonal antibodies (MAb) indicated that clones reactive with HLA+ murine cells were of higher avidity than clones that did not recognize HLA+ murine target cells. MAb inhibition of accessory molecule interactions demonstrated that the LFA-1 and T8 surface molecules were involved in CTL-target cell interactions in all three species. In contrast, the LFA-2/CD2 molecule, previously shown to participate in a distinct activation pathway, was involved in the cytolysis of transfected human and monkey target cells, but not in the lysis of HLA+ murine cells. Thus transfection of HLA genes into different recipient species cell lines provides us with the ability to additionally delineate the functional requirements for allospecific CTL recognition and lysis.  相似文献   

Genes coding for the heavy chain of the class I antigens HLA-A2 or HLA-B7 of the human major histocompatibility complex have been introduced into mouse LtK- cells by cotransfection with the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene. HAT-resistant colonies were isolated expressing either HLA-A2 or HLA-B7 as monitored by indirect immunofluorescence. Immunoprecipitation analysis of both antigens by either sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) or isoelectric focusing (IEF) showed that they were identical to the HLA-A2 and HLA-B7 expressed in the human lymphoblastoid cell line JY (homozygous HLA-A2, HLA-B7). However, human cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) generated against JY and CTL clones specific for HLA-A2 or HLA-B7 were unable to recognize the transfectants as targets. These results indicate that the human HLA-A2 (or B7) complexed with the murine beta 2-microglobulin could be an inappropriate target structure for the CTL. However, because the transfectants are not killed by human CTL even in the presence of lectins, it is suggested that other molecules that are not able to overcome the human-mouse species barrier may be involved in the killing mechanism.  相似文献   

We have translated major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I heavy chains and human beta 2-microglobulin in vitro in the presence of microsomal membranes and a peptide from the nucleoprotein of influenza A. This peptide stimulates assembly of HLA-B27 heavy chain and beta 2-microglobulin about fivefold. By modifying this peptide to contain biotin at its amino terminus, we could precipitate HLA-B27 heavy chains with immobilized streptavidin, thereby directly demonstrating class I heavy chain-peptide association under close to physiological conditions. The biotin-modified peptide stimulates assembly to the same extent as the unmodified peptide. Both peptides bind to the same site on the HLA-B27 molecule. Immediately after synthesis of the HLA-B27 heavy chain has been completed, it assembles with beta 2-microglobulin and peptide. These interactions occur in the lumen of the microsomes (endoplasmic reticulum), demonstrating that the peptide must cross the microsomal membrane in order to promote assembly. The transfer of peptide across the microsomal membrane is a rapid process, as peptide binding to heavy chain-beta 2-microglobulin complexes is observed in less than 1 min after addition of peptide. By using microsomes deficient of beta 2-microglobulin (from Daudi cells), we find a strict requirement of beta 2-microglobulin for detection of peptide interaction with the MHC class I heavy chain. Furthermore, we show that heavy chain interaction with beta 2-microglobulin is likely to precede peptide binding. Biotin-modified peptides are likely to become a valuable tool in studying MHC antigen interaction and assembly.  相似文献   

We have examined the cell surface expression of the human histocompatibility antigens HLA-A, B, C and beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2m) on a human-mouse somatic cell hybrid line. Using specific antibodies and the fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS), we viably fractionated and characterized four separate hybrid subpopulations (HLA+,beta 2m+; HLA+,beta 2m-; HLA-,beta 2m+; HLA-,beta 2m-). Hybrid selection based on surface antigen expression resulted in corresponding genetic selection for and against human chromosomes 6 and 15. Studies of the homogeneous hybrid sublines revealed that the presence of human beta 2m in a hybrid cell dramatically increased the surface expression of human HLA-A, B, C and mouse H-2Kk antigens. The results demonstrate the importance of human chromosome-specific surface markers and the fluorescence-activated cell sorter in somatic cell genetic analysis.  相似文献   

Human CD1d molecules consist of a transmembrane CD1 (cluster of differentiation 1) heavy chain in association with beta(2)-microglobulin (beta(2)m). Assembly occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and involves the initial glycan-dependent association of the free heavy chain with calreticulin and calnexin and the thiol oxidoreductase ERp57. Folding and disulfide bond formation within the heavy chain occurs prior to beta(2)m binding. There are four N-linked glycans on the CD1d heavy chain, and we mutated them individually to ascertain their importance for the assembly and function of CD1d-beta(2)m heterodimers. None of the four were indispensable for assembly or the ability to bind alpha-galactosyl ceramide and to present it to human NKT cells. Nor were any required for the CD1d molecule to bind and present alpha-galactosyl ceramide after lysosomal processing of a precursor lipid, galactosyl-(alpha1-2)-galactosyl ceramide. However, one glycan, glycan 2 at Asn-42, proved to be of particular importance for the stability of the CD1d-beta(2)m heterodimer. A mutant CD1d heavy chain lacking glycan 2 assembled with beta(2)m and transported from the ER more rapidly than wild-type CD1d and dissociated more readily from beta(2)m upon exposure to detergents. A mutant expressing only glycan 1 dissociated completely from beta(2)m upon exposure to the detergent Triton X-100, whereas a mutant expressing only glycan 2 at Asn-42 was more stable. In addition, glycan 2 was not processed efficiently to the complex form in mature wild-type CD1d molecules. Modeling the glycans on the published structure indicated that glycan 2 interacts significantly with both the CD1d heavy chain and beta(2)m, which may explain these unusual properties.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2m), and to the native two-chain molecule, were used to assess the expression of the HLA-A, B, C molecules on human neuroblastoma-derived cell lines. In radioimmuno-, cytotoxic, and microscopic assays, employing fresh and fixed cells, neuroblastoma cells show at best weak activity as compared to glial or lymphoid cells. In binding inhibition assays, neuroblastoma extracts were 200- to 1800-fold less efficient in inhibiting the antibodies than were glial or lymphoid extracts. Immunoprecipitation and SDS-PAGE analysis confirmed that a beta m-like chain is synthesized by the neuroblastoma cells, but the HLA chain could not be visualized by this technique. HLA-A, B, C and beta 2m levels are known to vary among tissues and cell lines. Yet the magnitude of the differences between the neuroblastoma and lymphoid lines is much greater than the reported differences in expression between some of these same lymphoid lines and many other nonlymphoid malignant or nonmalignant cell types. Metastatic neuroblastoma tumor in bone marrow also showed weak HLA-A, B, C activity, with the cells appearing negative in microscopic assays. Possible clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

We have introduced the gene encoding the heavy chain of the human MHC class I Ag HLA-B7 into transgenic mice. The gene was shown to be expressed at both the RNA and protein level. Cell surface HLA-B7 was detected on whole spleen cells by immunoprecipitation and on purified T cells by flow cytometry (FACS). Normal mice immunized with H-2-syngeneic B7-transgenic spleen cells generated CTL capable of killing transgenic cells and B7-expressing human JY cells. Anti-HLA mAb blocked the killing of JY cells. These results indicate that the human class I Ag HLA-B7 can be expressed at the surface of transgenic spleen cells in the absence of human beta 2-microglobulin, and that a significant fraction exists in a form recognizable by nontransgenic CTL as a major histocompatibility Ag unrestricted by H-2.  相似文献   

A clone containing beta(2)-microglobulin (beta(2)-m), the light chain of the major histocompatibility complex class I cell surface molecule, was isolated from an equine bacterial artificial chromosome library. This clone was used as a template for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and unidirectional sequencing to elucidate the genomic sequence and intron/exon boundaries. We obtained 7,000 bases of sequence, extending from 1,100 nucleotides (nt) upstream of the coding region start through 1,698 nt downstream of the stop codon. The sequence contained regulatory elements in the region upstream of the coding sequence similar to those of the beta(2)-m gene of other species. The beta(2)-m gene was localized to horse chromosome ECA1q23-q25 by fluorescent in situ hybridization. This was confirmed by synteny mapping on a (horse x mouse) somatic cell hybrid panel. The sequence and intron/exon boundaries determined were used to design PCR primers to amplify and sequence the coding region of the beta(2)-m gene in other equids, including five breeds of domestic horse, one Przewalski's horse, five domestic donkeys and five zebras. A high degree of conservation was found among equids, illustrated by >98% (349/354) identity at the nucleotide level and 95% (113/118) at the amino acid level, because of non-synonymous nucleotide substitutions. The promoter detected in the region upstream of the coding sequence was subcloned and used in chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) assays to demonstrate the presence of a functional promoter. This study provides tools for the analysis of regulation of not only the horse beta(2)-m gene, but also for any genes dependent upon beta(2)-m for expression.  相似文献   

HLA-B27 has a striking association with inflammatory arthritis. We show that free HLA-B27 heavy chains can form a disulfide-bonded homodimer, dependent on residue Cys67 in their extracellular alpha 1 domain. Despite the absence of beta 2-microglobulin, HLA-B27 heavy chain homodimers (termed HC-B27) were stabilized by a known peptide epitope. HC-B27 complexes were recognized by the conformation-specific Ab W6/32, but not the ME1 Ab. Surface labeling and immunoprecipitation demonstrated the presence of similar W6/32-reactive free heavy chains at the surface of HLA-B27-transfected T2 cells. HC-B27 homodimer formation might explain the ability of HLA-B27 to induce spondyloarthropathy in beta 2-microglobulin-deficient mice.  相似文献   

The importance of eggs as a source of specific antibodies is well recognized. Egg yolk contains 8--20mg immunoglobulins (IgY) per milliliter. However, the major problem in separating IgY is to remove the high concentrations of lipids in egg yolk. We first used water dilution method to get the supernatant containing IgY, then purified the antibody by caprylic acid-ammonium sulfate method, and obtained specific antibody with satisfactory purity and activity. By comparison of these several methods, each has its advantages, one can be chosen to purify IgY according to practical need. The purified IgY produced by the immunized chickens can stain the human peripheral blood mononuclear cell effectively when labeled with fluorescent FITC.  相似文献   

Detergent-solubilized HLA antigens were isolated from a human lymphoblastoid cell using an anti-beta2-microglobulin immunoaffinity column. The HLA-A and HLA-B locus products were separated by thin layer isoelectric focusing. Cleavage of the p44 chain of HLA-A2 and -B7 antigens with cyanogen bromide led to the isolation of a 31-amino-acid fragment from each. The fragments were sequenced and shown to be from the COOH-terminal end of the intact chains using carboxypeptidase Y. The fragment from the HLA-B7 chain, 55% of whose amino acids were polar, contained the 2 cysteine residues not found in the papain-derived molecule. The tentative sequence of the fragment from the HLA-A2 chain was similar to that of the HLA-B7 fragment but appeared not to contain any cysteine residues. The hydrophilic COOH-terminal region of HLA antigens, which directly follows the hydrophobic, membrane-binding segment, began with a cluster of basic amino acids. This arrangement of amino acids resembles that found at the COOH terminus of the red blood cell membrane protein, glycophorin.  相似文献   

Two procedures for isolation of homogeneous beta 2-microglobulin from urine of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus were developed: a procedure for isolation of beta 2-microglobulin with two-stage gel chromatography on Sephacryl S-200 and a procedure for isolation of homogeneous beta 2-microglobulin with affinity chromatography on rabbit polyclonal antibodies. The microglobulins isolated with the two procedures showed identical physicochemical properties and were used in development of a competitive immunoenzymatic assay method for determination of beta 2-microglobulin in the blood. The method was approved for determination of beta 2-microglobulin in blood serum of patients.  相似文献   

Duplication of the human immunoglobulin heavy chain gamma 2 gene.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The five C gamma genes in the human immunoglobulin heavy chain region show nonrandom association and segregation as haplotypes. From the study of genetic variation in C gamma genes of 58 healthy Caucasian volunteers, we have identified a haplotype that involves a duplication of C gamma 2. This haplotype contains both the 13.5-kilobase (kb) and 25-kb BamHI fragment alleles of C gamma 2. In addition, the patterns and relative intensity of BamHI fragments containing C gamma genes were those expected for genomic DNA containing three copies of C gamma 2 for every two copies of the four other C gamma genes. A new EcoRI polymorphism in C gamma 4 was useful in defining the haplotype containing the duplication. Alleles of the C gamma genes in the duplication haplotype, including Gm markers of C gamma 1 and C gamma 3 and DNA polymorphisms of C psi gamma, C gamma 2, and C gamma 4, were consistent with its origin from an unequal crossover between the two common C gamma haplotypes, H1 and H2. This recombinant haplotype, which has been designated H2;1(gamma 2 dup) to reflect its origin, occurred with a frequency of .043 in a random sample of 116 chromosomes.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex class I-related neonatal Fc receptor, FcRn, assembles as a heterodimer consisting of a heavy chain and beta(2)-microglobulin (beta(2)m), which is essential for FcRn function. We observed that, in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, the function of human FcRn in mediating the bidirectional transport of IgG was significantly increased upon co-expression of the human isoform of beta(2)m. In MDCK cells, the presence of human beta(2)m endowed upon human FcRn an enhanced ability to exit the endoplasmic reticulum and acquire mature carbohydrate side-chain modifications at steady state, a faster kinetics of maturation, and augmented localization at the cell surface as a mature glycoprotein able to bind IgG. Although human FcRn with immature carbohydrate side-chain modifications was capable of exhibiting pH-dependent binding of IgG, only human FcRn with mature carbohydrate side-chain modifications was detected on the cell surface. These results show that human FcRn travels to the cell surface via the normal secretory pathway and that the appropriate expression and function of human FcRn in MDCK cells depends upon the co-expression of human beta(2)m.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecule plays a crucial role in cytotoxic lymphocyte function. Functional class I MHC exists as a heterotrimer consisting of the MHC class I heavy chain, an antigenic peptide fragment, and beta2-microglobulin (beta2m). beta2m has been previously shown to play an important role in the folding of the MHC heavy chain without continued beta2m association with the MHC complex. Therefore, beta2m is both a structural component of the MHC complex and a chaperone-like molecule for MHC folding. In this study we provide data supporting a model in which the chaperone-like role of beta2m is dependent on initial binding to only one of the two beta2m interfaces with class 1 heavy chain. beta2-Microglobulin binding to an isolated alpha3 domain of the class I MHC heavy chain accurately models the biochemistry and thermodynamics of beta2m-driven refolding. Our results explain a 1000-fold discrepancy between beta2m binding and refolding of MHC1. The biochemical study of the individual domains of complex molecules is an important strategy for understanding their dynamic structure and multiple functions.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC1) molecule plays a crucial role in cytotoxic lymphocyte function. beta 2-Microglobulin (beta 2m) has been demonstrated to be both a structural component of the MHC1 complex and a chaperone-like molecule for MHC1 folding. beta 2m binding to an isolated alpha 3 domain of MHC1 heavy chain at micromolar concentrations has been shown to accurately model the biochemistry and thermodynamics of beta 2m-driven MHC1 folding. These results suggested a model in which the chaperone-like role of beta 2m is dependent on initial binding to the alpha 3 domain interface of MHC1 with beta 2m. Such a model predicts that a mutant beta 2m molecule with an intact MHC1 alpha 3 domain interaction but a defective MHC1 alpha 1 alpha 2 domain interaction would block beta2m-driven folding of MHC1. In this study we generated such a beta 2m mutant and demonstrated that it blocks MHC1 folding by normal beta 2m at the expected micromolar concentrations. Our data support an initial interaction of beta 2m with the MHC1 alpha 3 domain in MHC1 folding. In addition, the dominant negative mutant beta 2m can block T-cell functional responses to antigenic peptide and MHC1.  相似文献   

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