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Underwater copulation of the Weddell seal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

To our knowledge, this paper is the first record/report of a juvenile light-coloured Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) at Cape Shirreff, Livingston Island in January 1998, determining that it was an albino individual. Based on available literature, three cases of albino seals have been reported exclusively for Harbour seal pups, and no albino has been reported for Antarctic pagophilic true seals. Therefore, this is the first confirmed case of albinism in Antarctic pagophilic true seals species, indicating that this phenomenon is indeed of a rare occurrence.
Daniel TorresEmail:

Adult Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) exhibit site fidelity to where they first breed but juveniles, and perhaps transient adult males, may disperse from their natal location. If there is mixing between adjacent breeding groups, we would expect that common vocalizations would exhibit clinal patterns. Underwater Trill vocalizations of male Weddell seals at Mawson, Davis, Casey, McMurdo Sound, Neumayer and Drescher Inlet separated by ca. 500 to >9,000 km, were examined for evidence of clinal variation. Trills are only emitted by males and have a known territorial defense function. Trills from Davis and Mawson, ca. 630 km apart, were distinct from each other and exhibited the greatest number of unique frequency contour patterns. The acoustic features (duration, waveform, frequency contour) of Trills from Neumayer and Drescher Inlet, ca. 500 km apart, were more distinct from each other than they were from the other four locations. General Discriminant Analysis and Classification Tree Analysis correctly classified 65.8 and 76.9% of the Trills to the correct location. The classification errors assigned more locations to sites >630 km away than to nearest neighbours. Weddell seal Trills exhibit geographic variation but there is no evidence of a clinal pattern. This suggests that males remain close to single breeding areas throughout their lifetime.  相似文献   

Clay Z  Zuberbühler K 《PloS one》2011,6(4):e18786
Studies on language-trained bonobos have revealed their remarkable abilities in representational and communication tasks. Surprisingly, however, corresponding research into their natural communication has largely been neglected. We address this issue with a first playback study on the natural vocal behaviour of bonobos. Bonobos produce five acoustically distinct call types when finding food, which they regularly mix together into longer call sequences. We found that individual call types were relatively poor indicators of food quality, while context specificity was much greater at the call sequence level. We therefore investigated whether receivers could extract meaning about the quality of food encountered by the caller by integrating across different call sequences. We first trained four captive individuals to find two types of foods, kiwi (preferred) and apples (less preferred) at two different locations. We then conducted naturalistic playback experiments during which we broadcasted sequences of four calls, originally produced by a familiar individual responding to either kiwi or apples. All sequences contained the same number of calls but varied in the composition of call types. Following playbacks, we found that subjects devoted significantly more search effort to the field indicated by the call sequence. Rather than attending to individual calls, bonobos attended to the entire sequences to make inferences about the food encountered by a caller. These results provide the first empirical evidence that bonobos are able to extract information about external events by attending to vocal sequences of other individuals and highlight the importance of call combinations in their natural communication system.  相似文献   

Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) are large-bodied, long-lived mammals that live only in the circumpolar Antarctic. As such, they represent an ideal sentinel species for the impacts of environmental change on polar species. However, longitudinal physiological studies of marine mammals are notoriously difficult due to their largely aquatic lifestyle, such that many baseline indicators of health and condition are not well defined. Fifty known-age, adult seals (9-27 years, 24 males, 26 females) in McMurdo Sound were sampled for mass, total body fat, blubber depth and a suite of blood parameters (21 variables) to assess hydration state, nutritional plane, reproductive hormones (females only), organ function and immune status. Total body mass increased with age, whereas variation in blubber depth was best described by mass and/or sex, with an overall greater blubber thickness in female seals (p < 0.001). Ten blood parameters showed a significant effect of one or more model variables, most prominently between the sexes. Serum chemistry suggested that females were better nourished and displayed lower indicators of acute stress compared to males. We noted limited age-related declines that might indicate impaired organ function. Overall, seals demonstrated clinically normal values for large mammals, even at the upper end of the age continuum. Future physiological studies in this species are strongly encouraged to incorporate potential sex effects in experimental design and analysis.  相似文献   

Animal alarm calls can encode information about a predator''s category, size, distance or threat level. In non-human primates, alarm calls typically refer to broad classes of disturbances, in some instances to specific predators. Here, we present the results of a field experiment with a New World primate, the black-fronted titi monkey (Callicebus nigrifrons), designed to explore the information conveyed by their alarm call system. Adults produced sequences consisting of two main alarm call types that conveyed, in different parts of the utterance, information about a predator''s type and location. In particular, sequence compositions differed depending on whether the predator was a mammalian carnivore or a raptor, and whether it was detected in a tree or on the ground. This is the first demonstration of a sequence-based alarm call system in a non-human animal that has the capacity to encode both location and type of predatory threat.  相似文献   

Pinnipeds give birth to their pups ashore or on ice and forage in water. Therefore, neonates initially lack the adaptations to sustain prolonged underwater diving activity. Although the physiological development for breath-holding during diving has been investigated in seal pups, little is known about the concurrent development of behavioral adaptations during lactation. In this study, multisensor data loggers were used to record diving behavior and swimming gaits of pre-weaned Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) pups. Experiments were conducted in 16 pups at the Syowa Station, Antarctica, from November to December 1999 and 2004. Swimming speeds, dive depths and flipper stroking rates were recorded for each individual for about 24 h. We found that the glide index during ascending was increased with body length, whereas the dominant stroke cycle frequency were not affected by body length, dive depth and descent or ascent phase. All pups had significantly higher stroke rates in descent than in ascent, but there was no difference between swimming speed. As we found a positive relationship between the body length and age, we considered body length as an index of growth. Therefore, we conclude that pups gradually acquire the ability to glide with utilizing positive buoyancy during ascending toward the end of lactation.  相似文献   

Marine mammals are constrained in their foraging behaviour because, as obligate air breathers, they must undertake regular trips to the water surface to satisfy the need for respiratory gas exchange. Maximum underwater endurance time is determined by O2 supply and demand, but this does not necessarily imply that O2 is the main factor regulating individual dive and surface times. This study presents a theoretical analysis of diving performance that emphasizes a key role for CO2 in the proximate control of diving behaviour. Computer simulations, based on a mathematical model of the mammalian cardiorespiratory control system, are used to investigate the influence of swimming to depth and other energetic stresses (feeding, thermogenesis, sleep) on predicted diving behaviour in an average adult Weddell seal. The plausibility of the proposed model is supported by the study, which replicated published observations of natural diving behaviour in this species. It is suggested that diving behaviour is tuned to oscillations in respiratory drive and that behavioural and physiological factors can alter the dynamic characteristics of the system to achieve a highly adaptable reciprocal interaction that blurs the boundary between physiology and behaviour.  相似文献   

A total of 41 faeces and 5 vomits of the Weddell seal Leptonychotes weddelli was collected at Harmony Point, Nelson Island, South Shetland Islands, from 14 January to 1 February 1996. The diet indicated by the remains in the samples was diverse and comprised both pelagic and benthic-demersal species. Fish were the most frequent (95.7%) and numerous prey (46.2%), but molluscs were the most important by mass (65.8%). Octopods, mainly Pareledone charcoti, constituted the bulk of the diet (63.1% by mass), but the importance of the remaining molluscs was negligible. Otoliths represented 510 fish of which 491 were identified as belonging to 5 species: Gymnoscopelus nicholsi, Electrona antarctica, Lepidonotothen nudifrons, Gobionotothen gibberifrons and Nototheniops nybelini. The myctophid Gymnoscopelus nicholsi was the most important fish prey, and the contribution of benthic-demersal species was low. However, the importance of that fish was over-estimated since 96% of the specimens were obtained from the five vomits analysed. The biases associated with the faecal analysis technique are discussed. Received: 3 July 1996 / Accepted: 2 June 1997  相似文献   

Previous mammalian studies have demonstrated that varying levels of signaller arousal are frequently expressed through vocal behaviour. The potential for callers to convey their motivational state may ensure that recipient responses are appropriate to their needs. The current study investigated the influence of behavioural context on Weddell seal mother-pup vocalisation. Mother and pup call rates were calculated within five and seven behavioural contexts, respectively, and the acoustic characteristics of 69 pup calls were measured within four contexts (total calls = 276). Context significantly influenced the temporal patterning of calls, with reuniting mothers and pups and lone active pups emitting more calls than during mother-pup contact periods. Reuniting and lone pup calls were also characterised by longer durations, higher fundamental frequencies, and increased energy in upper harmonics. Results suggest that reunion events and lone pup searching are characterised by calls reflective of heightened arousal, compared with mother-pup contact periods.  相似文献   

The concentrations and the fatty acid compositions (weight percent) of three plasma lipid fractions (phospholipids, cholesteryl esters, and triacylglycerols) were examined in five Weddell seal pups through suckling, the post-weaning fast and periods of independent foraging. The principal plasma fatty acids in Weddell seal pups during suckling were the same as those previously reported for milk samples collected from lactating Weddell seals. In contrast to the stable milk fatty acid composition suggested by the previous study, significant changes in the fatty acid composition of plasma lipids occurred during suckling. These included an increase in the weight% of 20:4(n-6) and 18:0 in phospholipids, an increase of 20:4(n-6) in cholesteryl esters, and an increase of 20:1(n-9) and a decrease of 20:5(n-3) in triacylglycerols. Weaning and the subsequent fasting period were accompanied by a dramatic drop in the plasma concentration and 14:0 content of triacylglycerols and by marked decrease and increase in the weight% of 20:1(n-9) and 20:5(n-3), respectively, in this lipid fraction. Weight% of 14:0 in triacylglycerols and/or plasma concentration of triacylglycerols clearly distinguish post-weaning from suckling. However, fasting versus foraging pups could not be clearly distinguished. Received: 7 October 1996 / Accepted: 20 May 1997  相似文献   

The microscopic anatomy of the eye of the Weddell seal was studied with various light and electron microscopic methods with a view to correlating morphological findings with the biology of this seal which is adapted to the extremes of the Antarctic environment and to extreme diving excursions into the lightless depths of the sea. In the retina an area centralis was found but no fovea centralis. The densely packed photoreceptors consist exclusively of highly differentiated rods, which in primates detect light at low intensity but have rather poor image discrimination. The ganglion cells are relatively scarce, suggesting a high degree of convergence of the light-sensitive cells on the ganglion cells. The pigment epithelium is almost devoid of pigment granules. The extensive tapetum lucidum is about 400-500 microm thick and is composed of about 30 layers of specialized cells. The cornea is 650 (center) to 800-900 (periphery) microm thick. Its structure and glycosaminoglycan histochemistry correspond to that of other mammals. The iridocorneal angle is unusually deep and pervaded by an elaborate trabecular meshwork, which together with a complex canal of Schlemm can be correlated with the ability to absorb large amounts of fluid. The ciliary muscle and its antagonist, the membrane of Bruch, are poorly developed, suggesting relatively poor abilities of accommodation. The combination of a well-developed tapetum lucidum, an unpigmented pigment epithelium, well-developed rods, and a high number of rods converging on only few ganglion cells is obviously an adaptation to an extreme light sensitivity, enabling the animals to make use of the little light available in the deep sea.  相似文献   

Recent studies have found age-specific variations in reproductive performance amongst Weddell seals, Leptonychotes weddellii , and we hypothesized age-related variations in maternal body mass as a mechanism linking maternal age and the observed patterns of reproductive performance. We evaluated the effects of maternal traits such as age and reproductive experience and the effects of environmental variations on maternal body mass at parturition. Maternal body mass at parturition showed substantial age- and environmental-related variations. Maternal body mass increased with age through the young and middle ages, and evidence of senescent declines in body mass was found amongst the oldest ages. Additionally, body mass at parturition was strongly influenced by environmental variations during the pregnancy period, specifically sea-ice extent and the state of the El-Niño Southern Oscillation. Patterns of age-specific variations in body mass were consistent with age-specific patterns of offspring survival probability, which supported our hypothesis that changes in body mass link maternal age and reproductive performance in the Weddell seal. Further, environmental conditions during pregnancy may be an important component of Weddell seal reproductive performance.  相似文献   

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