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白脸鸻(Charadrius dealbatus),曾为环颈鸻(C. alexandrinus)亚种,2016年作为独立种列入《世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录》。至今,鲜有研究关注白脸鸻的繁殖行为。本研究通过对白脸鸻的巢址选择及繁殖行为进行观察描述,并与环颈鸻现有研究进行对比,以期充实白脸鸻的繁殖基础资料。研究于2019和2020年两年的3至7月在广西防城港市企沙镇山心沙岛进行,采用目标动物取样法及所有事件取样法对繁殖期的白脸鸻进行观察及行为记录。观察发现,白脸鸻多于高潮位不被淹没的光滩或开阔的沙砾地筑巢,对植物依赖较低,巢距离水源较近;其巢多为石子或贝壳装饰的浅坑,长度为(10.4±0.6)cm(9.8~11 cm),宽度为(7.7±0.1)cm(7.6~7.9 cm),深度为(3.6±0.1)cm(3.6~3.7 cm)(n=6)。每日产卵1枚,一窝通常3或4枚卵(n=6);卵呈淡黄色基底,密布褐色斑块。卵长径(33±0.3)mm(32.4~33.4 mm),卵短径(24.5±0.1)mm(24.4~24.5 mm)(n=21)。日间孵卵过程以雌鸟为主,雄鸟多在夜间坐巢;其多为双...  相似文献   

Primers for 15 microsatellite loci were developed for Mountain Plover, a species whose distribution and abundance have been reduced drastically in the past 30 years. In a screen of 126 individuals collected from four breeding locales across the species’ range, levels of polymorphism ranged from two to 13 alleles per locus. No two loci were found to be linked, although one locus revealed significant departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. These microsatellite loci can be used in population genetic studies, ultimately aiding in management efforts for Mountain Plover. Additionally, these markers can potentially be used in studies investigating the mating system of Mountain Plover.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Snowy Plovers ( Charadrius alexandrinus ) and Wilson's Plovers ( C. wilsonia ) are shorebird species of increasing conservation concern, with populations apparently declining in North America. However, estimates of current populations are needed before initiating long-term monitoring or planning. In 2004, we estimated abundance of breeding Snowy and Wilson's plovers in the lower Laguna Madre region of Texas using occupancy abundance estimation. We made repeated visits to survey plots from April to June, recording the number of adults of both species observed and the amount of suitable breeding habitat within each plot. We considered Bayesian occupancy abundance models with and without habitat covariates to explain the abundance of both species. For both Snowy and Wilson's plovers, the number of birds counted in each plot was influenced by the amount of suitable breeding habitat within the plot (Snowy Plover αhabitat= 0.52, SD = 0.10, 95% CI = 0.33–0.71; Wilson's Plover αhabitat= 0.48, SD = 0.12, 95% CI = 0.24–0.71). Using the habitat covariate models for each species, we estimated that 416 adult Snowy Plovers (95% CI = 394–438) and 279 adult Wilson's Plovers (95% CI = 262–296) were present in our study area. Our results illustrate the use of a relatively new method for abundance estimation, and indicate that the lower Laguna Madre region of Texas is an important breeding area for both Snowy and Wilson's plovers. Given the documented and suspected population declines for Snowy and Wilson's plovers, we recommend protection of their breeding habitats along the coast of Texas from development and degradation resulting from unregulated use.  相似文献   

Shorebirds show high variability in parental care strategies among species, populations, and environments. Research on shorebird parental sex roles can help to understand the selective pressures that shape avian breeding strategies. Although several studies have examined parental care strategies in holarctic shorebirds, very little research has been conducted in the tropics. Here we examined parental sex roles during territorial defence, incubation, and chick-rearing in Malaysian plovers Charadrius peronii in the Gulf of Thailand. The costs and gains of particular parental behaviour may vary between the sexes and can be affected differently by environmental factors and chick age. Thus we also examined how temperature, prey availability, chick or embryo age, and time of day affected parental sex roles. Males spent more time defending territories and were further away from chicks whereas females spent more time incubating eggs. Both adults contributed to chick defence during disturbances throughout the entire chick-rearing period. Total nest attendance (sum of both sexes) was affected by the modelled temperature of an unincubated egg. Prey availability, embryo age, and time of day had no effect on total nest attendance. Males adjusted incubation effort in response to temperature only at high temperatures (>36°C) whereas females adjusted nest attendance at high and low temperatures. Chick age had no effect on the proportion of time adults spent defending territories or responding to disturbance. Pairs were more likely to fledge chicks if both the male and female spent more time defending territories. For Malaysian plovers, high cooperation between the sexes during parental care may help to achieve high quality breeding territories, maintain body conditions during hot days, protect offspring from predators and attacking conspecifics, and contribute to high lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

1996~1998年的4~9月,在山西省沁水县的张马十字河流域,对金眶鸻的繁殖进行了研究.该鸟在本区为夏候鸟,4月3~6日迁来,居留160~163天,栖息生境主要在河岸、砂滩、卵石间,遇见率为0.52只/km.5月营巢及产卵,窝卵数3~4枚,孵化期22天.雏鸟为早成鸟,随亲鸟在巢外生活21天后,可独立生活.  相似文献   

We surveyed the population of the Crab Plover, a species which is endemic to the Arabian Peninsula, in 2011, 2012 and 2013 in coastal and offshore areas of the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia, and compared the data with a survey carried out in 1996. We found two new colonies which comprise together about 539 pairs. Altogether 1380 pairs of Crab Plover breed in the Red Sea of Saudi Arabia in five colonies, representing approximately 35% of the Arabian breeding population. Major threats to the Crab Plover are human disturbance, egg collection, and introduced animals (e.g. cats, rats and snakes) that may feed upon eggs and chicks.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Mountain Plover ( Charadrius montanus ) populations are inefficiently sampled by Breeding Bird Surveys. As a result, targeted sampling of select populations of this species (with an estimated global population of 11,000–14,000 birds) can be valuable. Our objectives were to determine the breeding distribution and estimate the size of the Mountain Plover population in Oklahoma. We conducted a randomized point count survey in an area where Mountain Plovers were previously known to breed and conducted additional surveys over a larger area to better delimit the distribution. We used a removal model to estimate detection probability for raw counts obtained from 1104 point counts in 2004 and 2005, and derived a state-level population estimate using the detection-adjusted counts. Mountain Plovers used flat, bare, cultivated fields for nesting, and their distribution was closely tied to the presence of clay loam soils. We estimated that at least 68–91 Mountain Plovers bred in Oklahoma in 2004–2005. The low breeding density we observed may be due to the location of our study area near the southeastern edge of the breeding range of these plovers, the low-quality habitat provided by cultivated landscapes, or a combination of factors. Because the number of birds is small, the status of the Oklahoma population is not likely to have a large effect on the global population. However, additional information is needed to help determine if cultivated landscapes represented population sources or sinks.  相似文献   

Nest survival is a key demographic parameter, yet little effort has been made to improve the accuracy of field‐based methods for assigning nest fates to shorebird nests. We used remote cameras to validate estimates of nest fate from field methods and to assess variation in accuracy of nest‐fate assignment for Snowy Plover Charadrius nivosus in Utah, USA. We correctly identified the fates of 84% of nests in the field, and photos from camera monitoring revealed incorrect assignments for 22% of successful nests and 7% of depredated nests. Traditional field methods could be improved by checking nests more frequently when hatching date nears and spending additional time searching for eggshell evidence, especially when nests are in areas susceptible to weather disturbance.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of body size, parental behaviour and timing of breeding on the chick growth and energetics of three precocial shorebird (Charadrii) species in a warm sub-tropical environment: the Kittlitz's Plover Charadrius pecuarius , Blacksmith Lapwing Vanellus armatus , and Crowned Lapwing V. coronatus . The three species exhibited slower growth, longer pre-fledging periods and lower energy expenditure during the pre-fledging period than Arctic and temperate zone relatives of similar size. It was found that relative growth rates of charadriid and scolopacid species increased by 1.77% per degree latitude. Blacksmith and Crowned Lapwings are of similar size (i.e. about 160 g), about four times the mass of Kittlitz's Plovers. Taking body mass into account, the resting metabolic rate and daily energy expenditure of the three study species were similar. The relative amounts of energy needed for chicks to grow from a hatchling to a fledgling were low for the three species studied. The relative amount of energy needed to complete growth in charadriid and scolopacid species increased by 2.54% per degree latitude. Because Crowned Lapwings exhibited faster growth than Blacksmith Lapwings but similar daily energy expenditure we suggest that Blacksmith Lapwings compensate for greater energy expenditure in colder weather by growing more slowly. We suggest that small growth rate coefficient, low resting metabolic rate and low daily energy expenditure are adaptations to lower food availability and milder ambient temperatures in sub-tropical breeding habitats compared to temperate or Arctic regions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   We placed 1078 plastic and anodized aluminum auxiliary bands on Piping Plovers ( Charadrius melodus ) in eastern Canada from 1998 to 2003. Seventeen apparent band-related injuries, ranging from abrasion to foot loss, were observed from 361 recaptures. All but two injuries were related to the use of tall anodized aluminum auxiliary bands. Therefore, we advise extreme caution regarding the selection and use of novel auxiliary bands for Piping Plovers, or similar Charadriiformes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Estimating reproductive success for birds with precocial young can be difficult because chicks leave nests soon after hatching and individuals or broods can be difficult to track. Researchers often turn to estimating survival during the prefledging period and, though effective, mark-recapture based approaches are not always feasible due to cost, time, and animal welfare concerns. Using a threatened population of Piping Plovers ( Charadrius melodus ) that breeds along the Missouri River, we present an approach for estimating chick survival during the prefledging period using long-term (1993–2005), count-based, age-class data. We used a modified catch-curve analysis, and data collected during three 5-day sampling periods near the middle of the breeding season. The approach has several ecological and statistical assumptions and our analyses were designed to minimize the probability of violating those assumptions. For example, limiting the sampling periods to only 5 days gave reasonable assurance that population size was stable during the sampling period. Annual daily survival estimates ranged from 0.825 (SD = 0.03) to 0.931 (0.02) depending on year and sampling period, with these estimates assuming constant survival during the prefledging period and no change in the age structure of the population. The average probability of survival to fledging ranged from 0.126 to 0.188. Our results are similar to other published estimates for this species in similar habitats. This method of estimating chick survival may be useful for a variety of precocial bird species when mark-recapture methods are not feasible and only count-based age class data are available.  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in understanding how management may help species and populations cope with climate change (climate change adaptation). I used a population model describing the demography of a southern range‐margin European Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria population vulnerable to climate change to assess the potential benefits associated with site‐based adaptation management. Two forms of management were simulated: (1) counteracting management to reduce the severity of the negative climate change impacts, simulated by increasing tipulid (cranefly) abundance, and (2) compensatory management to increase populations through an alternative mechanism, simulated by manipulating nest and chick predation rates. A 1 °C rise was estimated to require a doubling of cranefly abundance, or a 35% increase in nest and chick survival rates, to maintain a stable population. For a 2 °C rise, a four‐fold increase in craneflies or an 80% increase in survival rates would be required for population stability. A model based on likely realistic estimates of the magnitude of benefit associated with both adaptation management options showed that combined, they may significantly reduce the severity of population decline and risk of extinction associated with a relatively large increase in temperature of 5.8 °C above 1960–90 levels. Site‐based adaptation management may therefore increase the resistance of Golden Plovers to some degree of future climate change. This model framework for informing climate change adaptation decisions should be developed for other species and habitats.  相似文献   

Sex‐related variation in survival is common in birds and, as it influences effective population size and population growth, is important for conservation and species management. Here we assessed incubation behaviour and sex‐related survival in a threatened sexually monomorphic shorebird, the St Helena Plover Charadrius sanctaehelenae. Males incubated at night, the period of highest activity of cats, which are likely to be predators of breeding birds. In spite of behavioural differences between the sexes, adult survival was not significantly different between males and females, suggesting that sex‐biased behaviour need not lead to sex‐related survival, and thus behavioural differences may not impact upon the adult sex ratio.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Identifying and protecting breeding habitat for imperiled species requires an understanding of the spatial and temporal movements of breeding individuals. During the 2003 and 2004 breeding seasons, we examined space use by Piping Plovers ( Charadrius melodus ) in the federally endangered Great Lakes population. We used coordinate geometry to estimate home range sizes of individual birds and examined relationships between home range size and breeding stage (incubation versus chick rearing), year, sex, number of locations, minimum plover age, distance to the nearest nest, and human beach use (high, medium, or low). The mean size of home ranges of Piping Plovers that fledged at least one chick was 2.9 ± 0.5 (SE) ha (range = 0.4–11.2 ha), and the mean linear beach distance traversed was 475 ± 53 m (range = 130–1435 m). Individuals used 3 times more beach area and 1.5 times more shoreline distance in 2003 than in 2004. Females used smaller areas than males overall and during chick rearing. Home ranges were smallest on beaches with low public use, suggesting that human disturbance may cause greater movement by individual plovers and that larger protected areas may be warranted on beaches frequented by the public to minimize disturbance to breeding birds. Our results demonstrate that nesting Great Lakes Piping Plovers occupy relatively small ranges and, therefore, that even relatively small areas of suitable habitat can have a high conservation value for this endangered population. However, the total area of habitat used varied substantially among individuals, and this should be considered when protecting habitat for the species.  相似文献   

Implicit assumptions for most mark‐recapture studies are that individuals do not lose their markers and all observed markers are correctly recorded. If these assumptions are violated, e.g., due to loss or extreme wear of markers, estimates of population size and vital rates will be biased. Double‐marking experiments have been widely used to estimate rates of marker loss and adjust for associated bias, and we extended this approach to estimate rates of recording errors. We double‐marked 309 Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) with unique combinations of color bands and alphanumeric flags and used multi‐state mark recapture models to estimate the frequency with which plovers were misidentified. Observers were twice as likely to read and report an invalid color‐band combination (2.4% of the time) as an invalid alphanumeric code (1.0%). Observers failed to read matching band combinations or alphanumeric flag codes 4.5% of the time. Unlike previous band resighting studies, use of two resightable markers allowed us to identify when resighting errors resulted in reports of combinations or codes that were valid, but still incorrect; our results suggest this may be a largely unappreciated problem in mark‐resight studies. Field‐readable alphanumeric flags offer a promising auxiliary marker for identifying and potentially adjusting for false‐positive resighting errors that may otherwise bias demographic estimates.  相似文献   

Understanding causes of nest loss is critical for the management of endangered bird populations. Available methods for estimating nest loss probabilities to competing sources do not allow for random effects and covariation among sources, and there are few data simulation methods or goodness‐of‐fit (GOF) tests for such models. We developed a Bayesian multinomial extension of the widely used logistic exposure (LE) nest survival model which can incorporate multiple random effects and fixed‐effect covariates for each nest loss category. We investigated the performance of this model and the accompanying GOF test by analysing simulated nest fate datasets with and without age‐biased discovery probability, and by comparing the estimates with those of traditional fixed‐effects estimators. We then exemplify the use of the multinomial LE model and GOF test by analysing Piping Plover Charadrius melodus nest fate data (n = 443) to explore the effects of wire cages (exclosures) constructed around nests, which are used to protect nests from predation but can lead to increased nest abandonment rates. Mean parameter estimates of the random‐effects multinomial LE model were all within 1 sd of the true values used to simulate the datasets. Age‐biased discovery probability did not result in biased parameter estimates. Traditional fixed‐effects models provided estimates with a high bias of up to 43% with a mean of 71% smaller standard deviations. The GOF test identified models that were a poor fit to the simulated data. For the Piping Plover dataset, the fixed‐effects model was less well‐supported than the random‐effects model and underestimated the risk of exclosure use by 16%. The random‐effects model estimated a range of 1–6% probability of abandonment for nests not protected by exclosures across sites and 5–41% probability of abandonment for nests with exclosures, suggesting that the magnitude of exclosure‐related abandonment is site‐specific. Our results demonstrate that unmodelled heterogeneity can result in biased estimates potentially leading to incorrect management recommendations. The Bayesian multinomial LE model offers a flexible method of incorporating random effects into an analysis of nest failure and is robust to age‐biased nest discovery probability. This model can be generalized to other staggered‐entry, time‐to‐hazard situations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Leg bands are commonly used to mark shorebird chicks as young as 1‐d old, but little is known about the possible impacts of bands on survival of prefledging shorebirds. We used a mark‐recapture framework to assess the impact of bands and banding‐related disturbance on prefledging survival in a federally endangered population of Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) breeding in the Great Lakes region from 2000 to 2008. We banded approximately 96% of all surviving chicks hatched prior to fledging, typically between 5 and 15 d of age. We used a multistate approach in program MARK whereby individuals contributed data as unbanded chicks before capture (N= 1073) and as banded chicks afterward (N= 780). The cumulative probability of surviving through 24 d of age was 0.63 and did not differ between banded and unbanded chicks. In addition, we found a positive effect of banding‐related disturbance on survival up to 3 d following banding (β= 0.60 CI: 0.17–1.02), possibly due to increased postbanding vigilance on the part of chicks and adults. Our results indicate that banding has no detrimental effect on survival of Piping Plover chicks prior to fledging and that current capture and banding methods are appropriate for this endangered species.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown negative associations between wind energy development and breeding birds, including species of conservation concern. However, the magnitude and causes of such associations remain uncertain, pending detailed ‘before‐after‐control‐intervention’ (BACI) studies. We conducted one of the most detailed such studies to date, assessing the impacts of terrestrial wind energy development on the European Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria, a species with enhanced protection under European environmental law. Disturbance activity during construction had no significant effect on Golden Plover breeding abundance or distribution. In contrast, once turbines were erected, Golden Plover abundance was significantly reduced within the wind farm (?79%) relative to the baseline, with no comparable changes in buffer or control areas. Golden Plovers were significantly displaced by up to 400 m from turbines during operation. Hatching and fledging success were not affected by proximity to turbine locations either during construction or operation. The marked decline in abundance within the wind farm during operation but not construction, together with the lack of evidence for changes in breeding success or habitat, strongly suggests the displacement of breeding adults through behavioural avoidance of turbines, rather than a response to disturbance alone. It is of critical importance that wind farms are appropriately sited to prevent negative wildlife impacts. We demonstrate the importance of detailed BACI designs for quantifying the impacts on birds, and recommend wider application of such studies to improve the evidence base surrounding wind farm impacts on birds.  相似文献   

We used GPS data‐loggers, video‐recordings and dummy eggs to assess whether foraging needs may force the low incubation attentiveness (< 55%) of the Crab Plover Dromas ardeola, a crab‐eating wader of the Indian Ocean that nests colonially in burrows. The tidal cycle was the major determinant of the time budget and some foraging trips were more distant from the colony than previously known (up to 26 km away and lasting up to 45 h). The longest trips were mostly made by off‐duty parents, but on‐duty parents also frequently left the nest unattended while foraging for 1–7 h. However, the time spent at the colony area (47%) and the time spent roosting on the foraging grounds (16%) would have allowed almost continuous incubation, as in other species with shared incubation. Therefore, the low incubation attentiveness is not explained by the need for long foraging trips but is largely dependent on a high intermittent rhythm of incubation with many short recesses (5.8 ± 2.6 recesses/h) that were not spent foraging but just outside the burrow or thermoregulating at the seashore. As a result, the eggs were warmed on average only 1.7 °C above burrow temperature, slightly more during high tide periods and when burrow temperature was lower between 20:00 and 10:00 h, only partly counteracting the temperature fluctuations of the incubation chamber. These results suggest that low incubation attentiveness is due to the favourable thermal conditions provided by safe nesting burrows and by the hot tropical breeding season, a combination that allows simultaneous foraging by parents and the exploitation of distant foraging grounds. Why Crab Plovers engage in many short recesses from incubation still remains to be clarified but the need to thermoregulate at the seashore and to watch for predators may play a role.  相似文献   

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