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Abstract. The solitary egg parasite Telenomus alsophilae was reared from the eggs of six lepidopteran hosts of two families. One-way analyses of variance showed statistically significant differences among host classes for means of (a) lengths and widths of all female antennomeres; and (b) in twelve of twenty-three means of log-transformed ratios constructed from pairs of antennomere dimensions. Principal component analyses of dispersion matrices of both untransformed and log-transformed antennomere dimensions were conducted to examine patterns of variation among variables. In both analyses PCI was a general component and interpreted as a measure of overall size. One-way analyses of variance of projection scores of OTUs on each of the first five principal components showed significant differences among host classes for means of scores on (a) PCI (both analyses) and (b) PC4 for untransformed data and PC3 for log-transformed data. Differences among hosts classes for scores on the latter two components are interpreted to indicate that antennal variation results from factors in addition to simple size differences among host eggs and the allometric growth of body parts of parasites reared from them.  相似文献   

Multiple-group principal component analysis and discriminant analysis were used to investigate the morphological differences between adult skulls of male and female minks, badgers and otters from Norway. The first principal component axis, calculated from the variance-covariance matrix of log-transformed data, was interpreted as a growth-free size axis in all three species, while the other components were interpreted as representing shape. Having largely separated size and shape variation, these two aspects of sexual dimorphism could be studied. The standardized component scores were subjected to an analysis of variance and discriminant analyses were performed on size-in and size-out data. Sexual dimorphism was disclosed on eight of the 12 components in minks and on seven of the 12 components in badgers and otters. In mink the multivariate differences were more due to size than to shape, whereas in badgers and otters most of the multivariate differences were due to shape, but the differences in size were also significant. The shape dimorphism was shown to be functionally related to jaw and neck muscles. The results were discussed in relation to recent theories to explain the evolutionary significance of sexual dimorphism in body size of mustelids. It was concluded that these theories do not fully explain the dimorphism found in the skulls of the moderately dimorphic badger and otter.  相似文献   

Multiple group principal component analysis was used to investigate the morphological relationships between feral American mink from three areas of Southern Norway based on 15 skull dimensions. The first principal axis calculated from the variance-covariance matrix of log-transformed data is usually interpreted as a growth axis. In the present analysis, the scores of the first principal axis of males were found to be uncorrelated with estimated age for specimens younger than seven months old, and was interpreted as a growth-free size axis. However, the second component of males was found to reflect mainly growth in the postorbital area. The first component of females was thought to reflect a mixing of growth-out and growth-in size variation. One of the reasons for separating size and size-free variation in the present work was to test whether growth-dependent size influenced the assessment of geographic variation within each sex. The scores on the components reflecting size variation (growthout and growth-in) were, however, not found to deviate significantly between the areas. Discriminant analyses run on the component scores, both with size variation included and excluded, gave the same result. In mean, the mink from Western Norway deviated significantly from the mink from Trondelag and Eastern Norway, while the mink from the two latter areas did not deviate morphometrically. The deviation found was in shape rather than in size of both sexes.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven properties considered to be required for good bakery products were examined in 56 industrial and 2 laboratory yeast strains. The data obtained were applied to principal-component analysis, one of the multivariate statistical analyses. The first and second principal components together were extracted, and these accounted for 77.7% of the variance. The first principal component was interpreted as the glycolytic activity of yeast in dough, and the second one was interpreted as the balance of leavening abilities in sweet and flour doughs from the factor loadings. The scattergram on the two principal components was effective in grouping the 58 yeast strains used.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven properties considered to be required for good bakery products were examined in 56 industrial and 2 laboratory yeast strains. The data obtained were applied to principal-component analysis, one of the multivariate statistical analyses. The first and second principal components together were extracted, and these accounted for 77.7% of the variance. The first principal component was interpreted as the glycolytic activity of yeast in dough, and the second one was interpreted as the balance of leavening abilities in sweet and flour doughs from the factor loadings. The scattergram on the two principal components was effective in grouping the 58 yeast strains used.  相似文献   

Morphometric data collected from 118 male and 169 female savannah baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis) aged between birth and 5.5 years were analyzed to describe the morphology and physical growth of this species. Measurements included weight, crown-rump length, triceps circumference, and skinfolds at the neck, subscapular, suprailiac, and triceps anatomical sites. Principal components analyses were applied to the data to provide multivariate assessments of morphological patterning among the variables. These analyses resulted in the extraction of two unrotated orthogonal components that accounted for 88% of the overall sample variation. The first component accounted for 77% of the variation and represents an axis of overall body size. The second component represents an axis of shape variation that contrasts body size with fat patterning, and was interpreted as a measure of body leanness. Individual component scores were computed for determining age, gender, and age-by-gender interaction effects. Both components were found to be age dependent for both genders. Males and females shared similar age patterning along the two components; however, gender differences did occur in patterning along the two components; however, gender differences did occur in respect to leanness. The multivariate measure of overall body size increased for both genders similarly with advancing age. Age patterning along the leanness component was described as a decrease from birth to 1 year, followed by an increase in leanness in older ages. Females had a delayed and significantly less intense increase in leanness relative to males.  相似文献   

A multivariate morphometric analysis of size and shape was performed on the hindlimb skeletal elements of the extinct New Zealand moas (Dinornithidae). Investigations were undertaken of size-shape patterns within species and among moas as a group using principal components analysis; between species investigations used canonical analysis. In addition, standard allometric curve-fitting of six femur, seven tibiotarsus, and nine tarsometatarsus variables against body size was performed. Size was the major discriminator along the first principal component for all three bones in the intraspecific and whole-group analyses. Shape was the important discriminator along the second component: in the whole-group analysis of all three bones, separation was based on relative robustness of the shaft, whereas in the intraspecific analyses shaft robustness was only expressed in the analysis of the femur, there being little correspondence in the results between the intraspeci fic and whole-group analyses of the tibiotarsus and tarsometatarsus. Size was the major discriminator along the first canonical axis for the between-group investigations of the femur and tibiotarsus, but in the analysis of the tarsometatarsus shape influences were equally as important as those of size. The second canonical axis separated groups on the basis of shape differences in all three hindlimb elements. The genus Dinornis, which contains the largest species of moas, has evolved sizeshape patterns very different from those of other moas. The species of Dinornis did not follow size-dependent allometric trends and evolved proportionately thinner legs than might be expected for their body size. All other moas exhibit allometric increase in all hindlimb variables except bone lengths. Dinornis may have evolved a cursorial mode of locomotion as an adaptation for certain intraspecific behavioral interactions.  相似文献   

Sleep-wake regulation involves reciprocal interactions between sleep- and wake-promoting processes that inhibit one another. To uncover the signatures of the opponent processes underlying ultradian sleep cycles, principal component analysis was performed on the sets of 16 single-Hz log-transformed electroencephalographic (EEG) power densities (1-16?Hz frequency range). Data were collected during unrestricted night sleep followed by 9 20-min naps (14 women aged 17-55 yrs) and during 12 20-min naps after either restriction or deprivation of sleep (9 males and 9 males, respectively, aged 18-22 yrs). It was found that any subset of power spectra could be reduced to the invariant four-principal component structure. The time courses of scores on these four components might be interpreted as the spectral EEG markers of the kinetics of two pairs of opponent chronoregulatory processes. In a sequence of ultradian sleep cycles, the 1st and 2nd components represent the alternations between competing drives for sleep and wakefulness, respectively, whereas the 3rd and 4th components reflect the alternations between light and deep sleep, respectively. The results suggest that principal component structuring of EEG spectrum can be employed for derivation of the parameters of the quantitative models conceptualizing the three major aspects of sleep-wake regulation—homeostatic, circadian, and ultradian processes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of homosynaptic depression (HD) on spectral properties of the soleus (SOL) H-reflex. Paired stimulations, separated by 100?ms, were used to elicit an unconditioned and conditioned H-reflex in the SOL muscle of 20 participants during quiet standing. Wavelet and principal component analyses were used to analyze features of the time-varying spectral properties of the unconditioned and conditioned H-reflex. The effects of HD on spectral properties of the H-reflex signal were quantified by comparing extracted principal component scores. The analysis extracted two principal components: one associated with the intensity of the spectra and one associated with its frequency. The scores for both principal components were smaller for the conditioned H-reflex. HD decreases the spectral intensity and changes the spectral frequency of H-reflexes. These results suggest that HD changes the recruitment pattern of the motor units evoked during H-reflex stimulations, in that it not only decreases the intensity, but also changes the types of motor units that contribute to the H-reflex signal.  相似文献   

The present research was undertaken to determine the relationship between patterns of generalized intrapopulational variation determined from principal components analysis and patterns of sexual dimorphism determined from Student's t and discriminant function analysis. The analysis was based upon 17 measurements of 97 femurs from a Middle Mississippian Amerindian population. The results of the principal components analysis indicated that the 17 original measurements could be represented as four principal component variates. Inspection of component loadings lent support to the contention that the first principal component reflected variation in general size while components two to four reflected variation in femoral shape. Analysis of the relationship between principal component loading and male-female differences reflected in Student's t demonstrated a high (0.97) positive correlation between absolute magnitude of loading in the first principal component and magnitude of Student's t. As a result, discriminant analyses of the femur, utilizing univariate criteria for the inclusion of variables, have been biased in the direction of size variation. Subsequent stepwise discriminant function analyses demonstrated that an adequate discriminant model must reflect all dimensions of morphological variation at the intrapopulational level.  相似文献   

Sleep-wake regulation involves reciprocal interactions between sleep- and wake-promoting processes that inhibit one another. To uncover the signatures of the opponent processes underlying ultradian sleep cycles, principal component analysis was performed on the sets of 16 single-Hz log-transformed electroencephalographic (EEG) power densities (1–16?Hz frequency range). Data were collected during unrestricted night sleep followed by 9 20-min naps (14 women aged 17–55 yrs) and during 12 20-min naps after either restriction or deprivation of sleep (9 males and 9 males, respectively, aged 18–22 yrs). It was found that any subset of power spectra could be reduced to the invariant four–principal component structure. The time courses of scores on these four components might be interpreted as the spectral EEG markers of the kinetics of two pairs of opponent chronoregulatory processes. In a sequence of ultradian sleep cycles, the 1st and 2nd components represent the alternations between competing drives for sleep and wakefulness, respectively, whereas the 3rd and 4th components reflect the alternations between light and deep sleep, respectively. The results suggest that principal component structuring of EEG spectrum can be employed for derivation of the parameters of the quantitative models conceptualizing the three major aspects of sleep-wake regulation—homeostatic, circadian, and ultradian processes. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe and examine the variations in recruitment patterns of motor units (MUs) in biceps brachii (BB) through a range of joint motion during dynamic eccentric and concentric contractions. Twelve healthy participants (6 females, 6 males, age = 30 ± 8.5 years) performed concentric and eccentric contractions with constant external loading at different levels. Surface electromyography (EMG) and mechanomyography (MMG) were recorded from BB. The EMGs and MMGs were decomposed into their intensities in time–frequency space using a wavelet technique. The EMG and MMG spectra were then compared using principal component analysis. Variations in total intensity, first principal component (PCI), and the angle θ formed by first component (PCI) and second component (PCII) loading scores were explained in terms of MU recruitment patterns and elbow angles. Elbow angle had a significant effect on dynamic concentric and eccentric contractions. The EMG total intensity was greater for concentric than for eccentric contractions in the present study. MMG total intensity, however, was lower during concentric than during eccentric contractions. In addition, there was no significant difference in θ between concentric and eccentric contractions for both EMG and MMG. Selective recruitment of fast MUs from BB muscle during eccentric muscle contractions was not found in the present study.  相似文献   

Age-associated changes in different bandwidths of the human electroencephalographic (EEG) spectrum are well documented, but their functional significance is poorly understood. This spectrum seems to represent summation of simultaneous influences of several sleep–wake regulatory processes. Scoring of its orthogonal (uncorrelated) principal components can help in separation of the brain signatures of these processes. In particular, the opposite age-associated changes were documented for scores on the two largest (1st and 2nd) principal components of the sleep EEG spectrum. A decrease of the first score and an increase of the second score can reflect, respectively, the weakening of the sleep drive and disinhibition of the opposing wake drive with age. In order to support the suggestion of age-associated disinhibition of the wake drive from the antagonistic influence of the sleep drive, we analyzed principal component scores of the resting EEG spectra obtained in sleep deprivation experiments with 81 healthy young adults aged between 19 and 26 and 40 healthy older adults aged between 45 and 66 years. At the second day of the sleep deprivation experiments, frontal scores on the 1st principal component of the EEG spectrum demonstrated an age-associated reduction of response to eyes closed relaxation. Scores on the 2nd principal component were either initially increased during wakefulness or less responsive to such sleep-provoking conditions (frontal and occipital scores, respectively). These results are in line with the suggestion of disinhibition of the wake drive with age. They provide an explanation of why older adults are less vulnerable to sleep deprivation than young adults.  相似文献   

Abstract Aim Bergmann's rule, one of the most studied and controversial ecogeographical generalizations, has rarely been tested with observations from high latitudes. We tested the rule using cranial measurements of the muskox [Ovibos moschatus (Zimmerman)], a homeotherm with an extremely northern distribution. We also used these data to describe geographical patterns in the species' dental architecture, an extension of the framework developed from interspecific comparisons. Location Specimens were compiled from arctic Canada, Alaska and Greenland, a latitudinal range of 60° N?83° N. Methods Body size was estimated from principal components analysis (PCA) of five cranial characters from 128 specimens. Mean scores on the first principal component from each locality were regressed against latitude and mean temperature to identify geographical variation in body size; scores on the second principal component were regressed against latitude to assess patterns in dental architecture. Regression analyses of the individual characters were performed as a complement to PCA. Results No latitudinal or climatic trend in body size was observed in either sex. On the other hand, for males, significant latitudinal variation was found for the second PCA axis (r = ?0.434), and the feature which loaded most heavily on it, maxillary tooth row length (r = 0.429). For females, this dental structure also tended to increase with latitude (r = 0.423), but the trend was only marginally significant (P=0.12), perhaps owing to a smaller sample size. Main conclusions The geographically invariant body size of muskoxen failed to support current hypotheses of size variation. Behavioural and physiological adaptations may exempt the muskox from selective pressures underlying these hypotheses. We interpret latitudinal variation in dental architecture as a reflection of a cline in diet, dominated by graminoids at the expense of willows at higher latitudes. This intraspecific geographical trend is a recapitulation of the interspecific framework for large mammalian herbivores.  相似文献   

A comparison is made between a 200-ps molecular dynamics simulation in vacuum and a normal mode analysis on the protein bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) in order to elucidate the dual aspects of harmonicity and anharmonicity in the dynamics of proteins. The molecular dynamics trajectory is analyzed using principal component analysis, an effective harmonic analysis suited for comparison with the results from the normal mode analysis. The results suggest that the first principal component shows qualitatively different behavior from higher principal components and is associated with apparent barrier crossing events on an anharmonic conformational energy surface. The higher principal components appear to have probability distributions that are well approximated by Gaussians, indicating harmonicity. Eliminating the contribution from the first principal component reveals a great deal of correspondence between the 2 methods. This correspondence, however, involves a factor of 2, as the variances of the distribution of the higher principal components are, on average, roughly twice those found from the normal mode analysis. A model is proposed to reconcile these results with those from previous analyses.  相似文献   

The data on cranial measurements performed in silver foxes indicate that there are differences in sizes measured between the farm foxes--bred population and the population selected for domestication. A method of principal components was used to analyse the cranial measurements and their changes under domestication. The first component covers about 50% of cranial diversity, which is interpreted as variation in the total skull size. This component clearly separates the two sexes, but not different populations. The second component presumably reflects the growth rate allometry between the skull length and width. The third and fourth components are measurements of skull width; the fifth one reflects the sizes of brain skull. None of these components clearly separate the foxes from farm--bred and domesticated populations. However, some differences in distribution are observed.  相似文献   

Summary Selections from factor and principal component analyses were compared with those from the Smith-Hazel index when selecting for several switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) traits. The objective of this study was to examine several alternatives to index selection. Such procedures would potentially eliminate problems of selection associated with Smith-Hazel indices, including errors in genetic parameter estimates and difficulty in assigning relative economic weights to traits. Selection was performed on 1,280 plants that were evaluated over 2 years at 1 location, in a randomized complete block design with 4 replicates. The plants were evaluated for forage yield and several forage quality traits. The comparisons of index selection with principal factor analysis, maximum-likelihood factor analysis and principal component analysis were made for three sets of traits (five traits per set) to estimate repeatability for the comparisons. Multivariate analyses were performed on both simple and genotypic correlation matrices. Comparisons were made by computing Spearman's rank correlations between selection index plant scores and scores computed from multivariate analysis and by determining the number of plants selected in common for the selection methods. Among the three multivariate analysis methods evaluated in this study, principal component analysis had the highest correlation with index selection. The high correlation for principal component analysis of simple correlation matrices indicates the potential for using this statistical method for selection purposes. This would permit the breeder to reduce field costs (e.g., time, labor, equipment) required to obtain the genetic parameter estimates necessary to construct selection indices.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in body size and leg length was investigated in a common orb-weaving spider of Ireland and northern Europe, Metellina segmentata (Clerck, 1757) (Araneae, Metidae). Univariate and multivariate analyses of sexual dimorphism revealed that a greater proportion of between sex variation (sexual dimorphism) was attributable to variation in shape than in size. Significant differences were found in the scores for males and females for the first two principal components. PCI (shape) accounted for 44.25% of the variation and PC2 (size) 13.01% of the variation. Although M. segmentata has been attributed with minimal sexual size dimorphism, females were markedly heavier, possibly a reflection of differential reproductive investment between the sexes, but males had markedly longer legs and broader prosoma. The results are discussed with regard to existing theories of natural and sexual selection, particularly those concerning sexual cannibalism and differential life history traits in males and females. Models that attempt to explain the evolution of sexual size dimorphism in spiders and of the web builders in particular, fail to account for the multivariate nature of dimorphism, especially with respect to shape.  相似文献   

Tidepools experience significant gradients in ecologically relevant physical variables along the transition from ocean to terrestrial habitat (vertical axis) and from open coast to inner bays (horizontal axis). Associations amongst physical and biological variables, divided into algal, invertebrate and vertebrate (fish) groups, were examined in a tidepool survey dataset. Physical variables and the three biological groups were submitted separately to a principal component analysis (PCA). PCA scores were evaluated with Pearson correlation coefficients across the sampling units (tidepools) to identify significant correlations. Initially little structure in the data and no correlation amongst variables was present. At the onset of summer, correlations were confined amongst physical variables and algal and invertebrate components, followed in the late summer with correlations between invertebrate and fish components. By the fall, correlations were confined to fish and algal/invertebrate components. Species relationships followed a seasonal cycle with a succession from little to no structure, the forming of low trophic level relationships in the early summer to high trophic level relationships in late summer-fall, and deconstruction of structure with the onset of fall-winter storms and ice scour. The seasonal pattern, and well established vertical gradient, has nested within it species composition changes along a horizontal wave energy gradient. The horizontal gradient results in a shift from species which are physiologically adapted to extreme salinities and temperatures to those which are physically adapted to high wave-energy environments.  相似文献   

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