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Plasmid-based excision assays performed in embryos of two non-drosophilid species using the mariner transposable element from Drosophila mauritiana resulted in empty excision sites identical to those observed after the excision of mariner from D. mauritiana chromosomes. In the presence of the autonomous mariner element Mos1, excision products were recovered from D. melanogaster, D. mauritiana and the blowfly Lucilia cuprina. When a hsp82 heat shock promoter-Mos1 construct was used to supply mariner transposase, excision products were also recovered from the Queensland fruitfly Bactrocera tryoni. Analysis of DNA sequences at empty excision sites led us to hypothesise that the mariner excision/repair process involves the formation of a heteroduplex at the excision breakpoint. The success of these assays suggests that they will provide a valuable tool for assessing the ability of mariner and mariner-like elements to function in non-drosophilid insects and for investigating the basic mechanisms of mariner excision and repair.  相似文献   

Plasmid-based transposition assays were performed in developing embryos of the Australian sheep blowfly Lucilia cuprina and the Queensland fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni, using the mariner transposable element from Drosophila mauritiana. Transposition products were recovered that were identical in structure to those recovered from D. melanogaster. Only sequences delimited by the mariner terminal repeats were transposed and all insertions occurred at TA residues, and duplicated these. These are the hallmarks of mariner transpositions observed in the chromosomes of D. melanogaster and D. mauritiana, indicating that the plasmid-based assays are accurate indicators of mariner transposition activity. The recovery of precise transposition products from L. cuprina and B. tryoni demonstrates that mariner should be capable of producing germline transformants in these species. The results obtained from these assays suggests that they will be extremely useful in determining if mariner can transpose in other non-drosophilid insects and for investigating factors that might affect mariner transposition frequency.  相似文献   

We have isolated eight genes from Drosophila, small GTPases. They can be classified into three rab family genes (Drab2, Drab5, Drab11) and five rho family genes (Drac1a, Drac1b, Drac3, Dcdc42, DrhoA). While Drac3 is a novel type of rac gene, others are homologues of known mammalian genes for small GTPases. Northern blot analyses showed that all the genes are expressed throughout all developmental stages from embryo to adult. In situ hybridization to embryos revealed that Drab2, Drac1b, and Drac3 are highly expressed in the nervous system, in the trunk mesoderm, and in the cephalic mesoderm, respectively. Since hemocytes are derived from the cephalic mesoderm, we carried out double stainings using a hemocyte marker – anti-peroxidasin antibody – and Drac3 in situ hybridization. We found that Drac3 is expressed in hemocyte precursor cells. In the Drac3 deficiency embryos, the hemocyte precursor cells start to differentiate normally, but never develop into mature hemocytes, indicating that Drac3 is essential for their maturation. The DrhoA and Dcdc42 genes complemented S. cerevisiae rho1 and cdc42 mutations in the same manner as human rhoA and CDC42, respectively. These results suggest functional similarity between Drosophila and mammalian small GTPase genes. Received: 7 May 1996 / Accepted: 6 January 1997  相似文献   

A modified hobo element from Drosophila melanogaster was introduced into embryos of the housefly, Musca domestica (family Muscidae) and the Queensland fruitfly, Bactrocera tryoni (family Tephritidae) to assess its ability to transpose. Hobo was capable of transposition in these species and transposition products had all of the hallmarks of hobo transposition products recovered from D. melanogaster, including the movement only of sequences precisely delimited by the inverted terminal repeats of hobo, the creation of an 8 by duplication of the insertion site and an absolute requirement for hobo-encoded transposase. Transposition of hobo into the target gene resulted in a non-random distribution of insertion sites, with 10 of 38 independent insertions into the same nucleotide position. The results indicate that hobo can transpose in heterologous species, further demonstrating the similarty of hobo to Ac (Activator) of Zea mays and Tam3 of Antirrhinum majus. Hobo has excellent potential to act as a gene vector or gene tagging agent in nondrosophilid insects.  相似文献   

A transposable element, Flipper, was isolated from the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea. The element was identified as an insertion sequence within the coding region of the nitrate reductase gene. The Flipper sequence is 1842 bp long with perfect inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) of 48 bp and an open reading frame (ORF) of 533 amino acids, potentially encoding for a transposase; the element is flanked by the dinucleotide TA. The encoded protein is very similar to the putative transposases of three elements from other phytopathogenic fungi, Fot1 from Fusarium oxysporum, and Pot2 and MGR586 from Magnaporthe grisea. The number of Flipper elements in strains of B. cinerea varied from 0 to 20 copies per genome. Analysis of the descendants of one cross showed that the segregation ratio of Flipper elements was 2:2 and that the copies were not linked. Received: 4 December 1996 / Accepted: 21 January 1997  相似文献   

Sex-peptide (SP), which is secreted by the accessory gland of Drosophila males, is transferred to the female during copulation, thereby reducing her sexual appetite (receptivity to males) and stimulating ovulation/oviposition. SP is known to be taken up into the hemolymph of mated females, but it is not clear whether there are two separate target tissues, for behavioral changes and ovulation or only one target for both responses. We have employed the GAL4-UAS system to express SP transgene constructs, both in different tissues and in different cellular components of virgin females. A cytoplasmic form of SP lacking a signal sequence did not evoke any responses, even when expressed ubiquitously. In contrast, a membrane-bound form of SP induced typical post-mating behavior, indicating that SP must be outside the cell in order to exert its biological effects. A total of 204 randomly selected P[GAL4] enhancer-trap lines were screened for their ability to induce SP responses in combination with the membrane-bound SP expressed under GAL4 control. Thirty-three lines were associated with both behavioral change and stimulated ovulation. No line was associated with only one of the two responses, implying that the SP target(s) mediating the two responses are either identical, very closely located, or present in two distinct tissues with a common set of genetic determinants. Western blot analysis of head, thorax, and abdominal extracts revealed that the biological activity was correlated with expression in the head fraction. Received: 3 October 1996 / Accepted: 6 January 1997  相似文献   

IS511 is an endogenous insertion sequence (IS) of the bacterium Caulobactercrescentus strain CB15 and it is the first Caulobacter IS to be characterized at the molecular level. We determined the 1266-bp nucleotide sequence of IS511 and investigated its genetic organization, relationship to other ISs, and transposition properties. IS511 belongs to a distinct branch of the IS3 family that includes ISRI, IS476, and IS1222, based on nucleotide sequence similarity. The nucleotide sequence of IS511 encodes open reading frames (orfs) designated here as orfA and orfB, and their relative organization and amino acid sequences of the predicted protein products are very similar to those of orfAs and orfBs of other IS3 family members. Nuclease S1 protection assays identified an IS511 RNA, and its 5′ end maps approximately 16 nucleotides upstream of orfA and about six nucleotides downstream of a sequence that is similar to the consensus sequence of C. crescentus housekeeping promoters. Evidence is presented that IS511 is capable of precise excision from the chromosome, and transposition from the chromosome to a plasmid. Transpositional insertions of IS511 occurred within sequences with a relatively high G + C content, and they were usually, but not always, flanked by a 4-bp direct repeat that matches a sequence at the site of insertion. We also determined the nucleotide sequence flanking the four endogenous IS511 elements that reside in the chromosome of C. crescentus. Our findings demonstrate that IS511 is a transposable IS that belongs to a branch of the IS3 family. Received: 18 August 1996 / Accepted: 17 September 1996  相似文献   

The Drosophila vitelline membrane protein gene VM32E is expressed according to a precise temporal and spatial program in the follicle cells. Results from germ line transformation experiments using different fragments of the −465/−39 VM32E region fused to the hsp/lacZ reporter gene revealed that the region −348/−39 is sufficient to confer the wild-type expression pattern. Within this segment, distinct cis-regulatory elements control VM32E expression in ventral and dorsal follicle cells. The region between −135/−113 is essential for expression of the VM32E gene in the ventral columnar follicle cells. Expression in the dorsal domain requires the two regions −348/−254 and −118/−39. Furthermore, the region −253/−119 appears to contain a negative element that represses gene activity in anterior centripetal cells. We suggest that the expression of the VM32E gene throughout the follicular epithelium is controlled by specific cis-regulatory elements acting in distinct spatial domains and following a precise developmental program. Received: 22 October 1996 / Accepted: 14 November 1996  相似文献   

The gene cluster (ery) governing the biosynthesis of the macrolide antibiotic erythromycin A by Saccharopolyspora erythraea contains, in addition to the eryA genes encoding the polyketide synthase, two regions containing genes for later steps in the pathway. The region 5′ of eryA that lies between the known genes ermE (encoding the erythromycin resistance methyltransferase) and eryBIII (encoding a putative S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase), and that contains the gene eryBI (orf2), has now been sequenced. The inferred product of the eryBI gene shows striking sequence similarity to authentic β-glucosidases. Specific mutants were created in eryBI, and the resulting strains were found to synthesise erythromycin A, showing that this gene, despite its position in the biosynthetic gene cluster, is not essential for erythromycin biosynthesis. A␣mutant in eryBIII and a double mutant in eryBI and eryBIII were obtained and the analysis of novel erythromycins produced by these strains confirmed the proposed function of EryBIII as a C-methyltransferase. Also, a chromosomal mutant was constructed for the previously sequenced ORF19 and shown to accumulate erythronolide B, as expected for an eryB mutant and consistent with its proposed role as an epimerase in dTDP-mycarose biosynthesis. Received: 13 August 1997 / Accepted: 27 November 1997  相似文献   

Using AnCP (Aspergillus nidulans CCAAT-binding protein) as a CCAAT-specific binding factor model, the possibility that one factor is able to recognize CCAAT sequences in several different genes in A.␣nidulans was examined. DNase I protection analysis showed that AnCP specifically bound to CCAAT sequence-containing regions comprising 21 to 36 bp of the taa, amdS and gatA genes. Furthermore, replacement of the CCAAT sequence with CGTAA was found to abolish the binding of AnCP and to have an inhibitory effect on taa promoter activity. This clearly demonstrates a positive function of the CCAAT element. However, amylase was induced by starch and repressed by glucose in a CCAAT-box disruptant, as in wild-type cells. Received: 28 June 1996 / Accepted: 7 October 1996  相似文献   

In order to study the role of signal transduction pathways in the regulation of morphology in Neurospora crassa, we cloned and characterized a ras homologue, termed NC-ras2. The predicted protein product of this gene is composed of 229 amino acid residues and contains all the consensus sequences shared by the ras protein family. The gene is located in linkage group V. An NC-ras2 disruptant showed morphological characteristics very similar to those of the smco7 mutant, which also maps to linkage group V. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that the smco7 mutant harbored a single base deletion in the NC-ras2 gene, which is predicted to result in the truncation of the protein product. Introduction into the smco7 mutant of an NC-ras2 clone yielded stable transformants with a wild-type phenotype. The smco7 mutant exhibited very slow hyphal growth and the rate of conidial formation was approximately one two-hundredth of wild type. The smco7 mutation causes both the changes in the pattern of hyphal growth and the defects in cell wall synthesis. Both the diameter and the length of the apical compartment were shorter in the hyphae of the smco7 mutant. These results suggest that NC-ras2 is identical to smco7, and that the signal transduction pathway mediated by the NC-ras2 protein regulates the apical growth of hyphae, cell wall synthesis, and conidial formation in N. crassa. Received: 1 October 1996 / Accepted: 9 December 1996  相似文献   

Two genes of Aspergillus nidulans are known to function in UV mutagenesis, but have been assigned to different epistasis groups: uvsC, which is also required for meiosis and mitotic recombination, and uvsI, which may have no other function. To clarify their role in error-prone repair and to investigate their interaction, uvsI and uvsC single and uvsI;uvsC double mutant strains were further tested for mutagen sensitivities and characterized for effects on mutation. Spontaneous and induced frequencies were compared in forward and reverse mutation assays. All results confirmed that uvsI and uvsC are members of different epistasis groups, and demonstrated that these uvs mutants have very different defects in UV mutagenesis. The uvsI strains showed wild-type frequencies in all forward mutation tests, but greatly reduced spontaneous and UV-induced reversion of some, but not other, point mutations. In contrast, uvsC had similar effects in all assay systems: namely pronounced mutator effects and greatly reduced UV mutagenesis. Interestingly, the uvsI;uvsC double mutant strains differed from both single mutants; they clearly showed synergism for all types of reversion tested: none were ever obtained spontaneously, nor after induction by UV or EMS (ethylmethane sulfonate). Based on these results, we conclude that uvsI is active in a mutation-specific, specialized error-prone repair process in Aspergillus. In contrast, uvsC, which is now known to show sequence homology to recA, has a basic function in mutagenic UV repair in addition to recombinational repair, similar to recA of Escherichia coli. Received: 23 September 1996 / Accepted: 2 December 1996  相似文献   

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