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对5种隙蛛亚科蜘蛛进行了重新描述:梯板隙蛛Coelotes microps Schenkel,1963;回弯隙蛛Coelotes palinitropus Zhu & Wang,1994;螺形龙角蛛Draconarius gyriniformis(Wang&Zbu,1991);三分龙角蛛Draconarius triatus(Zhu&Wang,1994),comb.nov.和西藏龙角蛛Draconarius tibetensis Wang,2003。回弯隙蛛、西藏龙角蛛两种蜘蛛的雌性及梯板隙蛛、螺形龙角蛛、三分龙角蛛三种蜘蛛的雄性均系首次报道。三分龙角蛛是从隙蛛属Coelotes移来的新组合。  相似文献   

记述了暗蛛科隙蛛属1新种:光先隙蛛Coelotes guangxiansp.nov.,并对平静隙蛛Coelotes modestus Simon,1880重新进行了描述,同时确认喙状隙蛛C.gypsarpageus Zhu et Wang,1991应为平静隙蛛C.modestus Simon,1880的异名。  相似文献   

作者对钩隙蛛Coelotes icohamatus Zhu & Zhang,1991做了进一步研究,证实了该蜘蛛不是宽隙蛛属Platocoelotes种类。  相似文献   

作者在进行中国管巢蛛属系统学研究时,发现了管巢蛛科管巢蛛属2雄性新发现:台湾管巢蛛Clubiona taiwanica Ono,1994和樟木管巢蛛Clubiona zhangmuensis Hu et Li,1987.这两种以前描述时均只有雌性,在此予以补充描述.所有标本保存在河北大学生命科学学院.文中测量单位为mm.  相似文献   

文章记述了采自内蒙古自治区的平腹蛛科Gnaphosidael新纪录属:岸田蛛属Kishidaia Yaginuma,1960的1个种一新平岸田蛛Kishidaia xinping Song,Zhu et Zhang,2004。  相似文献   

本文报道了采自湖北省利川县的暗蛛科(Amaurobiidae)隙蛛属(Coelotes)一新种和漏斗蛛科(Agelenidae)漏斗蛛属(Agelena)一种蜘蛛:利川隙蛛,新种C.lichuanensissp.nov.和灰色漏斗蛛A.poliosataWang,1991。  相似文献   

张俊霞  张超 《蛛形学报》2003,12(1):14-17
本文对我国两种盗蛛:马蹄潮蛛Hygropoda hippocrepiforma Wang,1993和带形盗蛛Pisaura zonaformis Wang,1993的分类地位进行了修订。研究结果表明,马蹄溯蛛Hygropoda hippocrepiforma Wang,1993为长肢溯蛛Hygropoda higenaga(Kishida,1936)的新异名,移带形盗蛛Pisaura zonaformis Wang ,1993到东洋蛛属Polyboea,该属亦为我国新记录属。  相似文献   

湖北省盖蛛属二新种:蜘蛛目:皿蛛科   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文记述了采自湖北省神农架林区的盖蛛属Neriene二新种:鹰喙盖蛛 Neriene aquilirostralis,丽带盖蛛 Neriene calozonata。从外生殖器形态结构对新种与其近似种进行了比较。鹰喙盖蛛与人井盖蛛 N.oidedlcata Helsdingen近似;丽带盖蛛与饰斑盖蛛 N.compta Zhu et Sha 近似,但是,它们在外生殖器形态结构上存在显著差异,可以明确将其区分开。  相似文献   

本文记述我国皿蛛科一新纪录属:前延首蛛届Archaraeoncus Tanasevitch 1987,并对天山前延首蛛A.tianshanicus(Hu et Wu,1989)n.comb.重新作了描述,本种的雌蛛系首次发现。本文还对Araeoncus tianschanica Hu et Wu 1989原学名命名的原始拚缀作了改正。文中测量数据均以mm为单位。  相似文献   

记述了我国湖南省马利蛛属1新种;龚氏马利蛛Mallinella gongi sp.nov和茂兰马利蛛Mallinella maolanensis Wang,Ran et Chen,1999的雌蛛。  相似文献   

宋大祥 《蛛形学报》1995,4(2):125-126
提出对前报道的蟹蛛科微蟹蛛属2种的修订:西安微蟹蛛LystielesxianensisSongetWang,1991应为小微蟹蛛Lystelesminiumus(Schenkel1953)的异名,唐迎秋等(1995)报道的小微蟹蛛雌蛛,改订为1个新种-文微蟹蛛Lysteleswenensissp.nov。  相似文献   

补充描述拟稻蝗属Oxyoides Zheng et Fu的2个已知种,即八面山拟稻蝗O.bamianshanensis Fu et Zheng和武陵山拟稻蝗O.wulingshanensis Zheng et Fu,并记述1新种长锚拟稻蝗O.longianxhorus sp.nov..Oxyoides Fu,Peng et Zhu,1995被确定为拟稻蝗属Oxyoides Zheng et Fu,1994的新异名,O.wulingshanensis Fu,Peng et Zhu,1995为武陵山拟稻蝗O.wulingshanensis Zheng et Fu,1994的新异名.编制了该属已知3种的分种检索表.新种长锚拟稻蝗O.longianxhorus sp.nov.与八面山拟稻蝗O.bamianshanensis Fu et Zheng相似,主要区别是:触角中段一节长为宽的2.5~3.0倍,复眼间距为颜面隆起在触角窝之间的宽度的1.5倍,阳茎基背片形状奇特,锚状突长,呈镰刀状,表面密布小刺.模式标本保存在广西师范大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

记述了云南沾益地区下泥盆统穿洞组肺鱼化石一新种——多脊混磨鱼(Tarachomylax multicostatus sp.nov.),归入标本包括一件左上齿板、一块B骨、一块可能是3骨的骨片和6个零散鳞片。主要特征:齿板内侧及后侧边缘被小齿(denticles)覆盖;齿脊11-12列,齿板中缘与最后一列齿脊夹角约135°;内翼骨侧凹不明显,后侧部窄小呈尖状;B骨和J骨上的前凹线沟相连;鳞片出露区与被覆压区之间有小齿瘤带。  相似文献   

中国葡萄属(Vitis L.)的系统研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对中国葡萄属(Vitis L.)的系统学进行处理。中国葡萄属共分42种1亚种12变种,归属于1亚属5组4系。文中命名了3新组(小叶葡萄组、秋葡萄组和武汉葡萄组)、2新等级及组合组(毛葡萄组和河岸葡萄组)、3新系(密柔毛系、复叶系、刺状毛系)、1新变种(伏牛山葡萄)和1新组合变种(小叶葛Lai)。  相似文献   

球革螨科一新属记述(蜱螨亚纲:革螨股)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘井元  马立名 《昆虫学报》2001,44(3):356-359
记述了球革螨科一新属Mirabulbus gen. nov.,包括2种:秦巴异球螨M. qinbaensis sp. nov.和亚东异球螨M.yadongensis (Ma et Wang,1997)。  相似文献   

The genus Eurya was established by Thunberg in 1783 on a Japanese species E. japonica. Several decades later, many authors had made more or less intensive study on this genus. But in the earlier period, the different autherities had no clear conception of the genus. Thus Szyszylowicz (1893), Engler (1897) and Melchior (1925) entertained a much broader conception of this genus, including Freziera and Cleyera, both of which are now considered as distinct genera. A. Gray (1855), Vesque (1895), Urban (1896), and Kobuski (1935-37), however, concentrated their study only on the now accepted genus Eurya. Recently, a more detailed study of Chinese Eurya was made by Chang Hung-da (Acta Phytotax. Sin. 3 (1954) 1-59). But all of these authors did not subdivide this genus into more than subgenera except Vesque, who used the number of stamens and the septation of the anther cells to further subdivide this genus into 4 sections. In the present treatment, we base on the following characteristics to make subdivisions: the number of stamens, the septation of the anther cells, the hairness of the ovary, the length of the style, the shape and texture of the sepals, and the shape and hairness of the young branchlets. We assume that the morphology of the flowers has the following evolutionary tendencies: stamens from large (28) to small (5) numbers; anther cells from septate to nonseptate; ovary from being hairy to glabrous, styles from 5-4 free to 3 and more or less connate, from 2-6 mm to 0.5-1 mm long, and ovules from many (60) to few (2-4) in each cell. The genus Eurya has now about 140 species, being divided into 2 subgenera: Subg. Ternstroemiopsis Urban, with 2 species endemic in Sandwich Islands and Subg. Eurya with 138 species, in Asiatic tropic and subtropic regions and southwestern Pacific Islands. According to the characteristics mentioned above, we divide the second subgenus into 2 sections and 8 series, as follows: (I) Sect. Meristotheca Vesque (II) Sect. Eurya Ser. Ciliatae Hu et L. K. Ling Ser. Longistylae Hu et L. K. Ling Ser. Trichocarpae Hu et L. K. Ling Ser. Rigidisepalae Hu et L. K. Ling Ser. Tetragonocladae Hu et L. K. Ling Ser. Nitidae Hu et L. K. Ling Ser. Muricatae Hu et L. K. Ling Ser. Brevistylae Hu et L. K. Ling In China, the subgenus Eurya distributes east from Taiwan, west to the western part of Szechuan and Yunnan, and south from Hainan, north to the southern slope of Tsin-ling Range. The region north from southern part of Nan-ling Range, southwest to southeast Yunnan, south to northern part of the Peoples Republic of Vietnam, seems to be the centre of both maximum variety and frequency of this subgenus, for the number of species and the representatives of more primitive taxa in this region are much richer than in any other regions of the world. From this centre going northeast to Japan and Korea, west to eastern part of India, south to Java and Sumatra, north to the southern slope of Tsinling Range, the number of species and types gradually decreases, and especially the primitive series and species rapidly disappear. In addition, many species are also found in the Island of Irian, which we incline to consider as another young centre of development for this subgenus. Furthermore, according to the distribution of quite a large number of the species in China, we can recognize several boundary lines which are in agreement with the limits of the floristic and geobotanic provinces of China. In this article we have enumerated 80 species, and 11 varieties of the genus Eurya of China, among which are published for the first time 11 new species and 1 new variety, one species, E. persicaefolia Gagnepain, is first recorded from China, a number of specific names have been restored and a number reduced to synonyms. They are as follows: Restored species: Eurya acuminatissima Merrill & Chun E. patentipila Chun E. henryi Hemsley Reduced to synonyms: Eurya parastrigillosa Hsu ( E. patentipila Chun) E. changii Hsu (E. fangii var. megaphylla Hsu) E. chienii Hsu (E. persicaefolia Gagnepain) E. hwangshanensis Hsu (E. saxicola Chang) E. fangii Rehd. var. glaberrima Hsu (E. cavinervis Vesque) E. pseudopolyneura Chang (E. impressinervis Kobuski) E. longistyla Chang (E. stenophylla Merrill) E. huiana Kobuski f. glaberrima Chang (E. muricata Dunn) New combination: Eurya muricata Dunn var. huiana (Kob.) Hu et L. K. Ling E. aurea (Levl.) Hu et L. K. Ling  相似文献   

Aspidistra is a genus mainly found in eastern Asia, with its distribution and differentiation center in Guangxi of China. In the present paper, all the taxa hitherto recorded in China are taxonomically and phytogeographically revised. As a result, 47 species are recognized, of which 45 are endemic to China and four are new to science, i. e. A. ebianensis K. Y. Lang et Z. Y. Zhu, A. fenghuangensis K. Y. Lang, A. oblongifolia F. T. Wang et K. Y. Lang and A. fosciaria G. Z. Li, A key to all species is provided and all the speci-mens examined are cited.  相似文献   

中国蜘蛛抱蛋属植物的分类和植物地理的研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
蜘蛛抱蛋属植物主要产于亚洲东部,中国的广西是其现代的分布中心和分化中心。通过对从其 分类和植物地理方面的研究和修订,确认此属中国产有47种,其中45种为中国所特有,4个种为新种。文中列有中国产全部种的分种检索表和全部标本引证。  相似文献   

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