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Retropinna retropinna occurred in two forms in Lake Waahi, North Island, New Zealand. One form was characterized by high mean gill raker counts ( c . 28) and low mean vertebral counts ( c . 52)—similar to those of non-migratory, lake resident, native smelt in some other lakes of the lower Waikato River system. The other form had low mean gill raker counts ( c . 21) and high vertebral counts ( c . 60)—similar to migratory smelt at five sites along the lower Waikato River down to its estuary. The lake resident form was shorter but deeper bodied than the migratory form, as indicated by significant differences in mean length and in weight-length regression analyses.
The two forms overlapped in time of sexual maturity. As in other native lacustrine smelt populations of the lower Waikato system, the resident form had more but smaller eggs than the migratory form. The egg number to body length regression and the mean egg diameter of migratory Lake Waahi smelt were similar to those of lower Waikato River smelt. Evidence for reproductive separation of the two forms is presented and mechanisms controlling their meristic and other differences are considered.  相似文献   

The restoration and rehabilitation of the native fish communities is a long-term goal for the Laurentian Great Lakes. In Lake Superior, the ongoing restoration of the native lake trout populations is now regarded as one of the major success stories in fisheries management. However, populations of the deepwater morphotype (siscowet lake trout) have increased much more substantially than those of the nearshore morphotype (lean lake trout), and the ecosystem now contains an assemblage of exotic species such as sea lamprey, rainbow smelt, and Pacific salmon (chinook, coho, and steelhead). Those species play an important role in defining the constraints and opportunities for ecosystem management. We combined an equilibrium mass balance model (Ecopath) with a dynamic food web model (Ecosim) to evaluate the ecological consequences of future alternative management strategies and the interaction of two different sets of life history characteristics for fishes at the top of the food web. Relatively rapid turnover rates occur among the exotic forage fish, rainbow smelt, and its primary predators, exotic Pacific salmonids. Slower turnover rates occur among the native lake trout and burbot and their primary prey—lake herring, smelt, deepwater cisco, and sculpins. The abundance of forage fish is a key constraint for all salmonids in Lake Superior. Smelt and Mysis play a prominent role in sustaining the current trophic structure. Competition between the native lake trout and the exotic salmonids is asymmetric. Reductions in the salmon population yield only a modest benefit for the stocks of lake trout, whereas increased fishing of lake trout produces substantial potential increases in the yields of Pacific salmon to recreational fisheries. The deepwater or siscowet morphotype of lake trout has become very abundant. Although it plays a major role in the structure of the food web it offers little potential for the restoration of a valuable commercial or recreational fishery. Even if a combination of strong management actions is implemented, the populations of lean (nearshore) lake trout cannot be restored to pre-fishery and pre-lamprey levels. Thus, management strategy must accept the ecological constraints due in part to the presence of exotics and choose alternatives that sustain public interest in the resources while continuing the gradual progress toward restoration. Received 10 December 1999; accepted 13 June 2000.  相似文献   

Synopsis Results of experimental transfer of rainbow smelt into lakes reclaimed by rotenone around 1960 in Maine were originally interpreted to cast doubt on the previously widely accepted hypothesis that there were two hereditarily different forms of rainbow smelt, one large and one small. Study of more recent data from some of the transplanted populations and reanalysis of the original data suggests different conclusions. The initial effect of introductions into a reclaimed lake may be accelerated and/or more prolonged growth which exceeds even interlake differences. This initial phase, however, is followed by a second phase, when the population reaches equilibrium and these effects subside. Data from phase two of the Little Concord-Shagg and Cold Stream-Coleback Lake transfers showed that the growth characteristics of the transplanted populations returned to those of the parental populations. Large differences in growth patterns were thus found only in the initial phase of the introduction. Meristic characters were little affected by transplanting.Analysis of large specimens derived from a postulated second unofficial introduction into Coleback Lake showed that they also differed significantly, having both higher gill raker and vertebral counts than the smaller smelt. This was of interest as smelt vertebral and gill raker counts usually are inversely related; hence we do not equate these for the moment with the large form of smelt known elsewhere.It is concluded that the initial interpretation of transfer experiments be delayed until conditions approaching equilibrium can be expected to exist. Further, our analysis of more recent lake transfer data has shown nothing to refute the hypothesis that there are at least two hereditarily different forms of smelt.  相似文献   

Deciding where to reproduce is a major challenge for most animals. Many select habitats based upon cues of successful reproduction by conspecifics, such as the presence of offspring from past reproductive events. For example, some fishes select spawning habitat following odors released by juveniles whose rearing habitat overlaps with spawning habitat. However, juveniles may emigrate before adults begin to search for spawning habitat; hence, the efficacy of juvenile cues could be constrained by degradation or dissipation rates. In lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), odors deposited by the previous year's offspring have been hypothesized to guide adults to spawning reefs. However, in most extant populations, lake trout fry emigrate from spawning reefs during the spring and adults spawn during the fall. Therefore, we postulated that the role of fry odors in guiding habitat selection might be constrained by the time between fry emigration and adult spawning. Time course chemical, physiological, and behavioral assays indicated that the odors deposited by fry likely degrade or dissipate before adults select spawning habitats. Furthermore, fry feces did not attract wild lake trout to constructed spawning reefs in Lake Huron. Taken together, our results indicate fry odors are unlikely to act as cues for lake trout searching for spawning reefs in populations whose juveniles emigrate before the spawning season, and underscore the importance of environmental constraints on social cues.  相似文献   

Nearly all mountain lakes in the western United States were historically fishless, but most now contain introduced trout populations. As a result of the impacts of these introductions on ecosystem structure and function, there is increasing interest in restoring some lakes to a fishless condition. To date, however, the only effective method of fish eradication is the application of rotenone, a pesticide that is also toxic to nontarget native species. The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of intensive gill netting in eradicating the trout population from a small subalpine lake in the Sierra Nevada, California. We removed the resident trout population and a second trout population accidentally stocked into the study lake within 18 and 15 gill net sets, respectively. Adult trout were highly vulnerable to gill nets, but younger fish were not readily captured until they reached approximately 110 mm. To determine the utility of gill netting as a fish eradication technique in other Sierra Nevada lakes, we used morphometry data from 330 Sierra Nevada lakes to determine what proportion had characteristics similar to the study lake (i.e., small, isolated lakes with little spawning habitat). We estimated that gill netting would be a viable eradication method in 15–20% of the high mountain lakes in the Sierra Nevada. We conclude that although gill netting is likely to be more expensive and time consuming than rotenone application, it is a viable alternative under some conditions and should be the method of choice when sensitive native species are present.  相似文献   

Synopsis The brown trout in the Søre Osa river system are isolated from the lake above by a dam. They are generally of a small size, but their condition coefficient is high. They reach sexual maturity at an early age and have a short life span. The substratum in the Søre Osa mainly consists of large stones covered with a dense mossy vegetation that creates good fish cover. A high biomass of zoobenthos gives an adequate food supply throughout the year. The trout spawn mainly in tributaries, where the water level is unpredictable, some years being too low to permit successful spawning for the migrating individuals in the stock. The life history of these fish depends on the amount of food available in the habitat and on reproduction in unstable environments where density-independent mortality factors appear important. Many young migrate to the main stream during their first year. In the tributaries, there is an excess of resident males and it is hypothesized that a population structure with small resident males and large migratory males is maintained by partial inbreeding and kin selection. In the main stream the trout are larger and they have higher growth rates in the upper part than farther downstream. This is probably so because the food particles that are flushed down from the lake above provide a better supply of zoobenthic food.  相似文献   

Synopsis Koaro, Galaxias brevipinnis, were once the only fish present in Lake Rotopounamu but, after a comprehensive survey in 1990, none were found in the lake or its tributary streams. Introduced native fish, specifically smelt, Retropinna retropinna, and the common bully, Gobiomorphus cotidianus, now occur in this lake. As koaro co-exist with bullies in other lakes, but have declined in landlocked lakes containing smelt, the disappearance of koaro in Lake Rotopounamu is attributed to the introduction of smelt alone. Interspecific competition for food between 0 + year old koaro and smelt, combined with predation by 2 + year old smelt on koaro larvae, are thought to be responsible. Such a mechanism would be consistent with theoretical predictions of predator-prey regulation systems within same chain food webs. Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, which were introduced into a number of local lakes before smelt, and which preyed on the koaro, have been blamed for the decline of the koaro populations. However, the disappearance of koaro in Lake Rotopounamu shows that smelt can reduce koaro populations independently of trout predation.  相似文献   

Non-native species of fish threaten native fishes throughout North America, and in the Rocky Mountains, introduced populations of lake trout threaten native populations of bull trout. Effective management of lake trout and other exotic species require understanding the dynamics of invasion in order to either suppress non-native populations or to prevent their spread. In this study, we used microsatellite genetic data to estimate the number of lake trout that invaded a population of bull trout in Swan Lake, MT. Examination of genetic diversity and allele frequencies within the Swan Lake populations showed that most of the genes in the lake trout population are descended from two founders. This emphasizes the importance of preventing even a few lake trout from colonizing new territory.  相似文献   

The rainbow smelt, Osmerus mordax (Mitchill), is an osmerid fish that exhibits extensive life-history diversity throughout watersheds of northeastern North America. There are both ???sea-run (anadromous) and lake-resident (lacustrine) populations and the latter have diversified further into “dwarf-” and “normal-sized” life-history types. Anadromous and lacustrine smelt may inhabit the same watershed and there are several instances where dwarf and normal populations reside within the same lake. We assayed variation among smelt for morphological traits linked to feeding performance in fishes to see if trophic ecology might promote life-history diversity in Osmerus. We also examined mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction site variation among forms to assess their evolutionary interrelationships. Dwarf smelt had significantly more gill rakers, larger eyes, but shorter upper jaws than normal lake and anadromous smelt. The populations clustered into two trophic “morphotypes”; an anadromous/normal lake group of populations and a group consisting only of dwarf smelt. The mtDNAs of 444 smelt from 16 populations were digested with 12 restriction enzymes revealing 93 composite mtDNA genotypes that clustered (UPGMA) into two major phylogenetic groups differing by 0.78% in sequence. Both genetic groups were present in dwarf and normal smelt as well as in anadromous fish. Further, geographic proximity, rather than trophic morphotype, appeared to be the major determinant of genetic affinities among populations. In two lakes, however, dwarf and normal smelt populations had significantly different mtDNA genotype frequency distributions indicating that the forms are reproductively isolated within both lakes. A clustering analysis of population affinities suggested that the divergence of sympatric dwarf and normal populations had occurred independently in the two lakes. We concluded (1) that trophic ecology is an important factor promoting differentiation in smelt life histories; (2) that smelt ecotypes are polyphyletic and there have been multiple, independent divergences of Osmerus life-history types throughout northeastern North America; and (3) that the biological and mtDNA differences between coexisting dwarf and normal lake smelt argue strongly that their genetic isolation may have developed sympatrically.  相似文献   

We describe and explain some of the changes in the fish community as reflected by the catches of the commercial fishery, and evaluate the efforts to restore the trout (Salvelinus spp.) in Georgian Bay. The changes in the fish community were caused in part by excessive fishing for lake trout (S. namaycush), lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and deepwater ciscoes (Coregonus spp.), and the introduction of new species such as sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus), rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) and salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.). The most striking changes were the near extinction of the lake trout, reductions in lake herring (Coregonus artedii), deepwater ciscoes and lake whitefish, and the increase in abundance of smelt and alewife. In an effort to replace the loss of yield from the cold-water habitat, a fast growing and early maturing hybrid trout (splake [S. namaycush × S. fontinalis]) and its backcross to lake trout were selectively bred for stocking in Georgian Bay. Splake did poorly because of low survival immediately after planting. The survival of backcross after planting was better, but adult mortality was still high. Adult survival of backcross improved considerably after restrictions were placed on the commercial fishery in 1984. The first naturally produced backcross larvae were collected in 1985.  相似文献   

The considerable extent of construction and operation of marine renewable energy developments (MRED) within U.K. and adjacent waters will lead, among other things, to the emission of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and subsea sounds into the marine environment. Migratory fishes that respond to natural environmental cues, such as the Earth's geomagnetic field or underwater sounds, move through the same waters that the MRED occupy, thereby raising the question of whether there are any effects of MRED on migratory fishes. Diadromous species, such as the Salmonidae and Anguillidae, which undertake large-scale migrations through coastal and offshore waters, are already significantly affected by other human activities leading to national and international conservation efforts to manage any existing threats and to minimize future concerns, including the potential effect of MRED. Here, the current state of knowledge with regard to the potential for diadromous fishes of U.K. conservation importance to be affected by MRED is reviewed. The information on which to base the review was found to be limited with respect to all aspects of these fishes' migratory behaviour and activity, especially with regards to MRED deployment, making it difficult to establish cause and effect relationships. The main findings, however, were that diadromous species can use the Earth's magnetic field for orientation and direction finding during migrations. Juveniles of anadromous brown trout (sea trout) Salmo trutta and close relatives of S. trutta respond to both the Earth's magnetic field and artificial magnetic fields. Current knowledge suggests that EMFs from subsea cables may interact with migrating Anguilla sp. (and possibly other diadromous fishes) if their movement routes take them over the cables, particularly in shallow water (<20 m). The only known effect is a temporary change in swimming direction. Whether this will represent a biologically significant effect, for example delayed migration, cannot yet be determined. Diadromous fishes are likely to encounter EMFs from subsea cables either during the adult movement phases of life or their early life stages during migration within shallow, coastal waters adjacent to natal rivers. The underwater sound from MRED devices has not been fully characterized to determine its acoustic properties and propagation through the coastal waters. MRED that require pile driving during construction appear to be the most relevant to consider. In the absence of a clear understanding of their response to underwater sound, the specific effects on migratory species of conservation concern remain very difficult to determine in relation to MRED. Based on the studies reviewed, it is suggested that fishes that receive high intensity sound in close proximity to construction may be physiologically affected to some degree, whereas those at farther distances, potentially up to several km, may exhibit behaviour responses; the effect of which is unknown and will be dependent on the properties of the received sound and receptor characteristics and condition. Whether there are behavioural effects on the fishes during operation is unknown but any change to the environment and subsequent response by the fishes would need to be considered over the lifetime of the MRED. It is not yet possible to determine if effects relating to sound exposure are biologically significant. The current assumptions of limited effects are built on an incomplete understanding of how the species move around their environment and interact with natural and anthropogenic EMFs and subsea sound. A number of important knowledge gaps exist, principally whether migratory fish species on the whole respond to the EMF and the sound associated with MRED. Future research should address the principal gaps before assuming that any effect on diadromous species results in a biological effect.  相似文献   

Juvenile salmonids experience high mortality when negotiating lentic waters during their downstream migration to the sea. The development of artificial lakes and wetlands in streams has become a widely used management tool to reduce nutrient load to coastal areas. Such wetlands may threaten anadromous populations. In this study we quantify net ground speed of downstream migrating brown trout Salmo trutta smolts in equally long stream and lake sections in a Danish lowland stream and artificial lake. This was done by passive integrated transponder telemetry in 2016 and 2017. Mean net ground speed in the stream section was 36.58 and 0.8 km day−1 in the lake section. This decrease of net ground speed through the lake may lead to prolonged exposure to predators and probably contributes to high mortalities threatening anadromous populations.  相似文献   

Introductions of exotic species pose a significant threat to the persistence of many native populations, including many inland fishes. In 1994, piscivorous lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) were discovered in Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, one of the last strongholds of the native Yellowstone cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki bouvieri). Predation by lake trout is expected to lead to a substantial decline in the native cutthroat trout population, which may have significant negative consequences for terrestrial predators that depend on cutthroat trout for prey and for the recreational fishery of the Park. We developed a matrix demographic model for the cutthroat trout population in Yellowstone Lake to identify the life stages that are most critical for understanding population dynamics. Parameter estimates (vital rates) were manipulated to explore the possible consequences of lake trout invasion. Comparisons of our results with current estimates of population trend and age structure suggested that our model reflected current conditions of the system. Elasticity analysis of the model revealed that population growth was most sensitive to annual survival of young trout, the group that is expected to be most vulnerable to lake trout predation. Projection of our deterministic model suggested that, in addition to a decline in abundance of cutthroat trout, the effects of lake trout may be manifest as changes in age and breeding structure of the population. Simulations of a stochastic version of the model indicated that a 60% or greater decline in the cutthroat trout population could be expected within 100 years if the lake trout population were permitted to grow uncontrolled. However, an effective control strategy that prevented the establishment of a large population of lake trout substantially reduced population decline, although the reduction in the availability of adult trout to terrestrial predators and anglers may be still be substantial (20–40%). In addition to current control activities in place in the Park, we recommend a renewed emphasis on understanding and monitoring juvenile life stages of cutthroat trout. Our results demonstrate the value of existing data sets for developing models to estimate the potential impact of biological invasions on the management and conservation of native populations, especially when opportunities and resources for additional empirical studies are limited.  相似文献   

Synopsis Mercury concentration in axial muscle of brown trout, Salmo trutta, whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus, Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, smelt, Osmerus eperlanus and pike, Esox lucius, were studied in Lake Tyrifjorden during 1978–1982. Our data demonstrate that older and bigger fish on an average have higher mercury concentration than smaller and younger. Further, complex life histories as in brown trout influence the pattern of mercury accumulation. During young stages accumulation in brown trout is moderate, while accumulation in older stages is highly correlated to lake residency time. Based on our data we suggest the following requirements for a test organism and the collecting procedure; (1) life history should be simple with small sexual differences, (2) ageing should be easy and reliable, and (3) large representative samples should be easily obtained during (4) a fixed biological period i.e. the spawning period. We consider smelt as an appropriate test organism based on these criteria.  相似文献   

Fertilization and development in salmonids occurs almost exclusively within freshwater environments (< 1 ppt). A less common life history strategy in this group of fishes is the brackish-water resident life history, where entire life cycles occur in brackish water (> 1 ppt). In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that differences in rearing environment (fresh or brackish water) results in significant differences in the ability of lake trout to ionoregulate when faced with a salinity challenge later in life. To test this, genetically similar lake trout were fertilized and raised at either 0 or 5 ppt saltwater. At approximately 240 days post hatch, lake trout from both rearing environments were acutely transferred to 20 ppt salt water or their respective rearing environments as a control. Individuals were sampled at time 0, 1, 7, and 14 days post transfer. Fish raised in 5 ppt transferred to 20 ppt saltwater had significantly higher gill Na+ K+-ATPase activity, gill Na+ K+-ATPase α1b expression, and lower plasma osmolality when compared to freshwater reared lake trout transferred to 20 ppt across various time points. Additionally, the 5 ppt control treatment had greater overall aerobic scope than 0 ppt control fish and those transferred from 0 ppt to 20 ppt. These data imply that populations exhibiting a brackish-water resident life history, as has been observed in Arctic Canada, may have an advantage over freshwater reared conspecifics when foraging in marine influenced environments and colonizing new locations in coastal regions.  相似文献   

The population of sand smelt, Atherina presbyter , breeding in the Fleet, Dorset, shows a high infection of diplostomiasis. The population was studied in 1983 to clarify aspects for this parasitic condition previously analysed for the sand smelt population at Fawley, Southampton Water. All age classes showed a higher percentage infection and mean number of metacercaria per fish than at Fawley. Analysis of postlarvae and juveniles showed that infection can occur at 1 week old, and verified the hypothesis that the scales of older fish inhibit cercarial settlement. Circumstantial evidence suggests that Potamopyrgus jenkinsi may be the first vector host for this parasite, and the densities of this species and of nesting little tern colonies would account for the differential infection between these two sand smelt populations. The increase in infection of 2 fish at Fawley cannot be attributed to mixing with the Fleet population, and the different infection levels demonstrate population isolation. High levels of infection are limited to this part of the English Channel: sand smelt samples from around the coasts of the British Isles show minimal infection rates elsewhere and suggest a southerly distribution of the parasite, away from Atlantic oceanic waters.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to test the hypothesis that lake trout populations change in relation to cisco, lake whitefish, round whitefish and burbot populations in lakes in the Algonquin Highlands region of Ontario. Lake trout population change is greatest where cisco and lake whitefish are present. Lake trout populations in lakes without either coregonine tend to have small adults and many juveniles. Where cisco or lake whitefish are present, adult lake trout are large, juvenile abundance is low, and the stock-recruit relationship appears to be uncoupled likely due to a larval bottleneck. Lake trout populations in these lakes may be sensitive to overfishing and recruitment failure. Lake trout populations do not appear to change in relation to round whitefish. There appears to be an indirect positive change on juvenile lake trout abundance through reductions in the density of benthic coregonines in the presence of large, hypolimnetic burbot.  相似文献   

de Groot  S.J. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,478(1-3):205-218
The paper reviews the past, present and future of eight anadromous fish species inhabiting the Lower Rhine (The Netherlands), viz. -sturgeon (Acipenser sturio), whitefish and houting (Coregonus lavaretus, C. oxyrinchus), smelt (Osmerus eperlanus), allis and twaite shad (Alosa alosa, A. fallax), sea trout (Salmo trutta) and salmon (Salmo salar). All species are under threat or became extinct (e.g. sturgeon, allis shad). It is not possible to single out a specific factor for the decline or disappearance. A combination of factors is responsible, as the degradation of the spawning and nursery areas, river correction for shipping, building of sluices and hydropower dams, extraction of sand and gravel and river pollution. The likelihood that a species will return via natural recovery, or restocking is assessed. The return of the sturgeon is unlikely. Present observations of sturgeon can be attributed to releases of unwanted sturgeon hybrids. A natural stock of coregonids in Dutch waters seems not feasible any more due to irreversible habitat degradation. Present day catches originate from German releases. The anadromous smelt, heavily reduced in numbers, still inhabits some of our waters, the non-migratory smelt is still very common. The allis shad is extinct and unlikely to recover. The species never spawned in the Dutch part of the Rhine. Twaite shad, declining in numbers, are still observed in the lower reaches of Rhine and Meuse. Sea trout is presumably still present in the same varying numbers as before. Spawning in our waters has not been documented. The salmon, once fished in large numbers, is now the subject of restocking programmes in Germany. Observations of individuals can partly be attributed to these programmes but also to straying salmon. Restocking programmes should be considerably improved before noticeable success is to be met.  相似文献   

The degree of natal philopatry relative to natal dispersal in animal populations has important demographic and genetic consequences and often varies substantially within species. In salmonid fishes, lakes have been shown to have a strong influence on dispersal and gene flow within catchments; for example, populations spawning in inflow streams are often reproductively isolated and genetically distinct from those spawning in relatively distant outflow streams. Less is known, however, regarding the level of philopatry and genetic differentiation occurring at microgeographic scales, for example, where inflow and outflow streams are separated by very small expanses of lake habitat. Here, we investigated the interplay between genetic differentiation and fine‐scale spawning movements of brown trout between their lake‐feeding habitat and two spawning streams (one inflow, one outflow, separated by <100 m of lake habitat). Most (69.2%) of the lake‐tagged trout subsequently detected during the spawning period were recorded in just one of the two streams, consistent with natal fidelity, while the remainder were detected in both streams, creating an opportunity for these individuals to spawn in both natal and non‐natal streams. The latter behavior was supported by genetic sibship analysis, which revealed several half‐sibling dyads containing one individual that was sampled as a fry in the outflow and another that was sampled as fry in the inflow. Genetic clustering analyses in conjunction with telemetry data suggested that asymmetrical dispersal patterns were occurring, with natal fidelity being more common among individuals originating from the outflow than the inflow stream. This was corroborated by Bayesian analysis of gene flow, which indicated significantly higher rates of gene flow from the inflow into the outflow than vice versa. Collectively, these results reveal how a combination of telemetry and genetics can identify distinct reproductive behaviors and associated asymmetries in natal dispersal that produce subtle, but nonetheless biologically relevant, population structuring at microgeographic scales.  相似文献   

Many lake trout Salvelinus namaycush spawn in shallow areas along windswept shores. However, precise determination of time and location of spawning is limited by its nocturnal occurrence, and possibly by some postulated, but unproven, spawning in deep water by certain populations. In White Pine Lake, Ontario, a well-studied experimental lake, lake trout spawn in two shallow locations where some direct observation is possible. Radiotelemetry apparatus was used in 1991 to obtain records of the electromyograms (EMGs) produced by muscle activity in one adult male and one adult female lake trout, captured from the lake before their reproductive period and returned to the lake at the beginning of the spawning period. Both fish survived, though only the male was detected as active over the main spawning site, where it showed evening EMG activity patterns indicating considerable activity. At other times of day, when not located over the spawning site, but present elsewhere in the lake, the male's EMG (i.e. muscle) values were considerably reduced. At the cessation of the spawning period, the transmitter-equipped male's EMG record showed no further pattern indicative of high activity during what had formerly been the daily spawning period. The female was tracked as she moved around the lake, but based on both her location and level of EMG activity, is thought not to have spawned. In 1992, a second male was captured, equipped with a transmitter and released again. This fish failed to show spawning activity but, as with the 1991 female, moved fairly considerable distances in the lake. In one instance, in a swim of short duration (6 min), well away from the spawning grounds, this fish displayed EMG activity levels resembling those of the high activity of spawning. The results obtained appear to demonstrate that EMG telemetry could be used to assess the level of muscular activity occurring in lake trout, especially in relation to reproductive behaviour, and when they cannot be directly observed.  相似文献   

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