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The orientational behaviour of the imago of ticks in natural conditions is based on the optimal using of relatively primitive eyes with the development of a specific mechanism of orientation. A statistical study of tracks of ticks together with the analysis of the optical system and functional possibilities of the eyes have made it possible for the author to suggest a model of orientational mechanism based on different signal meanings of increasing and decreasing of light intensity registered by the eyes from the direction of their main optical axes.  相似文献   

In H. asiaticum the cells of the Malpighian tubules and these of the rectal cas have the uniform structure: the apical surface is covered with microvilli, the basal plasmatic membrane forms relatively small invaginations. As to ultrastructural characters, there is no distinct division of the Malpighian tubule into departments. The distal ends of the tubules are not only somewhat enlarged and form the so-called ampulla cells of which are noticeably flattened. The microvilli and basal folds of the plasmatic membrane in this area of the tubule are indistinct. The cells of the ampulla and the neighbouring area of the tubule are characterized by the presence of inclusions with mucopolysaccharide secretion confined by the membrane. The microvilli are most developed on cells of the proximal ends of the Malpighian tubules. Well developed microvilli of the rectal sac form a striated border each containing a microtube inside. The basal invaginations are developed here better than in the cells of the Malpighian tubules.  相似文献   

L I Amosova 《Parazitologiia》1989,23(4):320-327
Tissues of white mice in the place of the attachment of H. asiaticum larvae were examined by means of electron microscopy 2, 4, 24 and 72 hours after the attachment to the host. Fine structure of the cement sheath, peculiarities of its connection with host's tissues, fine structure of derm at different feeding stages of the tick are studied.  相似文献   

Integument fine structure of H. asiaticum nymphs during their feeding and starvation has been studied. In hungry nymphs hypoderma has an ultrastructure typical for hypodermal cells of arthropods in the intermoulting period and is characterized by a poor development of granular endoplasmic reticulum, small number of mitochondrial and absence of Golgi complexes. The apical surface of the cells is covered with short irregularly scattered microvilli. The cuticle consists of the procuticle, which has a homogenous fine-granular structure, and four-layered epicuticle. During the feeding period hypodermal cells greatly increase in volume and the elements of granular endoplasmic reticulum and metachondria increase in number. Golgi complexes and a variety of apical vesicles have been observed. The number of microvilli on the apical surface increases that is accompanied by a cuticle growth. Procuticle, which is being formed within this period, has a lamellar structure.  相似文献   

Amosova LI 《Parazitologiia》2000,34(3):234-240
Borrelia burgdorferi s. lato in naturally infected females of tick Ixodes persulcatus were examined by transmission electron microscopy. The Borreliae were found in midgut and ovary. Location and ultrastructure of bacteria indicate extracellular migration through the midgut epithelium as a preferential way. In gonad, the borreliae intracellular situate in ovarian epithelium and oocytes before and at the beginning of vitellogenesis. The demonstration of numerous spirochetes in the oocytes provides the support for transovarial transmission of the agent. Two morphological types of borreliae were observed.  相似文献   

Various developmental stages of Hyalomma anatolicum were subjected to a range of doses of 60Co radiation from 0-10 000 R, and their subsequent development was observed. Some of these ticks were infected with Theileria annulata. Doses of 2000 R and over prevented all but a very limited development of ticks. After 1000 R a proportion of exposed individuals continued development in a near-normal manner. Lower doses had proportionately less effect. 1000 R to ticks infected with T. annulata failed to prevent transmission of typical theileriasis to calves.  相似文献   

The paper describes the studies on definition of penicillinacylase localizations in the cells of E. coli with the help of ferritin labeled immune sera and electron microscopy. Both the intact cells and the cells treated with the substances affecting the cell wall intactness were used. The study showed relation between penicillinacylase and the surface structures of the cell, i.e. the cell wall and the periplasmic areas. It was found that penicillinacylase got into the environmental medium with the splitted cell fragments which corresponded to the general mechanism of excretion of large high molecular compounds by gramnegative organisms.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic study of the microbial cells of the I, II phases and the R-form was carried out. Intact cells were examined by negative contrasting, and morphological differences of various bacterial phases were shown: cells of the I phase had a relatively smooth surface, bacteria of the II phase had a smooth surface, but many cell wall fragments were split from them; the surface of the R-form cells was coarse, folded, and cell wall fragments were split from the majority of bacteria. Antigenic determinants responsible for phasic specificity in bacteria of the I and II phases were located at some distance from the external membrane of the cell wall; as to the R-form cells--they were localized on the wall.  相似文献   

Thymocytes stimulated in vitro in a mixed culture was sorbed by centrifugation on the surface of target cells for electron microscope study of cytology of immune T-lymphocytes and early cytolysis periods. A well developed Golgi apparatus was revealed in the cytoplasm of lymphocytes; there was also accumulation of tubular structures 50 to 60 nm in diameter which communicated with the cysterns of the granular endoplasmic reticulum, with "descended" vesiculi and plasmatic membrane of lymphocyte. This membrane formed numerous contacts with the membrane of target cells thus producing closed clefts. Taking into consideration these data and also current views on the intertransformation of membranes and intracellular transport a hypothetic scheme of the mechanism involved in the cytolysis of the target cell by immune T-lymphocyte was put forward.  相似文献   

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