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Summary Taking advantage of prolonged action potential under low temperature, we studied temporal relationship among the action potential, increase of cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration and cessation of cytoplasmic streaming inNitella. The Ca2+ concentration began to increase at a very early stage of the action potential and the cessation of streaming followed that increase.Abbreviations APW artificial pond water  相似文献   

Odorant-regulated Ca2+ gradients in rat olfactory neurons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Olfactory neurons respond to odors with a change in conductance that mediates an influx of cations including Ca2+. The concomitant increase in [Cai] has been postulated to play a role in the adaptation to maintained odorant stimulation (Kurahashi, T., and T. Shibuya. 1990. Brain Research. 515:261-268. Kramer, R. H., and S. A. Siegelbaum. 1992. Neuron. 9:897-906. Zufall, F., G. M. Shepherd, and S. Firestein. 1991. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B. 246:225-230.) We have imaged the distribution of [Cai] in rat olfactory neurons (RON) using the Ca2+ indicator fura-2. A large percentage of the RON (42%, n = 35) responded to odorants with an increase in [Cai]. About half of the responding neurons displayed an increase in [Cai] at the apical end of the cell, but not at the soma. Moreover, in those cells that responded to odors with a standing [Cai] gradient, the gradient could be maintained for long periods of time (minutes) provided that the cells were continuously stimulated. In contrast, K(+)-induced depolarization elicited a more homogeneous increase in [Cai]. The spatially inhomogeneous increase in [Cai] elicited by odorants in some cells has important implications for the role of Ca2+ in adaptation because channels and enzymes regulated by Ca2+ will be affected differently depending on their location.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) plays a vital role in maintaining cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i). Given that many diseases have modified PMCA expression and activity, PMCA is an important potential target for therapeutic treatment. This study demonstrates that the non-toxic, naturally-occurring polyphenol resveratrol (RES) induces increases in [Ca2+]i via PMCA inhibition in primary dermal fibroblasts and MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Our results also illustrate that RES and the fluorescent intracellular calcium indicator Fura-2, are compatible for simultaneous use, in contrast to previous studies, which indicated that RES modulates the Fura-2 fluorescence independent of calcium concentration. Because RES has been identified as a PMCA inhibitor, further studies may be conducted to develop more specific PMCA inhibitors from RES derivatives for potential therapeutic use.  相似文献   

Meredith  Michael 《Chemical senses》1981,6(4):277-293
The response of goldfish olfactory bulb neurons to a range ofamino acid olfactory stimuli was recorded. The results showthat comparisons of response patterns at a single concentrationare inadequate to describe the similarity of response of thesystem to pairs of substances because response patterns changedwith concentration. For some pairs of stimuli, the similaritybetween response patterns was consistent at different concentrationsdespite the changes seen in the responses themselves. In thesecases the similarity of response appeared to reflect the degreeof similarity in chemical structure of the stimuli. Preliminaryevidence is presented that differences in response to differentamino acids are not simply due to differences in stimulatoryeffectiveness for a single receptor process.  相似文献   

We have critically evaluated hydrodynamic data from 21 proteins whose molecular dimensions are known from X-ray crystallography. We present two useful equations relating the molecular weights and sedimentation coefficients of globular proteins. The hydrodynamic data combined with data for small molecules from the literature indicate that failure of the Stokes equation occurs only for molecular weights <850. Calculated hydration values for the 21 proteins have a mean value and standard deviation of 0.53 ± 0.26 g H2O/g protein. Furthermore, statistical arguments indicate that only 5.3% of the variance is due to experimental error. The mean value and especially the dispersion of values are in sharp contrast to the values 0.36 ± 0.04 obtained by others from nmr measurements on frozen protein solutions. Hydration values calculated from nmr measurements are closely correlated with the number of charged and polar amino acid residues. In contrast to this result, our analysis of the amino acid compositions of the four proteins with the lowest hydration and the four monomeric proteins with the highest shows that the range of values we observe cannot be accounted for on the basis of amino acid composition. In fact there appears to be a weak correlation between the number of apolar residues and hydrodynamic hydration. We therefore conclude that the dispersion must result from variations in fine details of the surface structures of individual proteins. We propose a model of hemispherical clathrate cages which if correct, would account for the differences in the data obtained by these two methods.  相似文献   

Thrombomodulin (TM) is a cofactor for protein C activation by thrombin and each residue of a consensus Ca2+ site in the sixth epidermal growth factor domain (EGF6) is essential for this cofactor activity [Nagashima, M., Lundh, E., Leonard, J.C., Morser, J. & Parkinson, J.F. (1993) J. Biol. Chem. 268, 2888-2892]. Three soluble analogs of the extracellular domain of TM, solulin (Glu4-Pro490), TME1-6 (Cys227-Cys462) and TMEi4-6 (Val345-Cys462) were prepared for equilibrium dialysis experiments by exhaustive dialysis against Ca2+-depleted buffer. However, all three analogs still contained one tightly bound Ca2+ (Kd approximately 2 microm), which could only be removed by EDTA. Epitope mapping with Ca2+-dependent monoclonal antibodies to EGF6 provided further localization of this tight Ca2+ site. Equilibrium dialysis of the soluble TM analogs in [45Ca2+] between 10 and 200 microm revealed a second Ca2+ site (Kd = 30 +/- 10 microm) in both solulin and TME1-6, but not in TMEi4-6. Ca2+ binding to this second site was unaffected by bound thrombin and we attribute it to the consensus Ca2+ site in EGF3. A 75-fold decrease in the binding affinity of thrombin to TM was observed with immobilized solulin treated with EDTA to remove the high affinity Ca2+ by measuring kassoc and kdiss rates in a BIAcoretrade mark instrument. Ca2+-dependent conformational transitions detected by CD spectroscopy in the far UV indicate a more ordered structure upon Ca2+ binding. Bound Ca2+ stabilized soluble TM against protease digestion at a trypsin-like protease-sensitive site between Arg456 and His457 in EGF6 compared with protease treatment in EDTA. Finally, TM containing EGF domains 4-6, but lacking the interdomain loop between EGF3 and 4 (TME4-6), has an identical Ca2+ dependence for the activation of protein C as found for TMEi4-6, indicating this interdomain loop is not involved in Ca2+ binding.  相似文献   

Summary A suspension of tobacco cells,Nicotiana tabacum L. BY-2, was subjected to a rapid change of medium, resulting in disturbance of growth. A subpopulation of growing cells responded to such a nutritional signal by establishing a transient, localized Ca2+ accumulation, as judged by chlorotetracycline fluorescence. Residing near or at the plasma membrane, this initial Ca2+ signal began to relax after 1 h to a value presumably corresponding to an equilibrium Ca2+ level. This response was susceptible to treatment with brefeldin A, an agent impacting vesicular traffic, as indicated by a further increase in fluorescence. By contrast, undisturbed growing and non-growing cells did not display a Ca2+ response, regardless of the presence of brefeldin A.  相似文献   

Many populations of vertebrate neurons have a membrane component that binds alpha-bungarotoxin and cholinergic ligands. Despite the abundance of this component and its similarities to nicotinic receptors, its function has remained controversial. Using a fluorescence assay, we show here that activation of the component elevates the intracellular concentration of free Ca2+, demonstrating a receptor function for the toxin-binding component. Whole-cell voltage-clamp and intracellular recordings did not detect a significant current resulting from receptor activation, possibly because the currents were small or the receptors rapidly desensitized. The rise in intracellular free Ca2+ caused by the receptor was prevented by Ca2+ channel blockers. This suggests a signaling cascade likely to have important regulatory consequences for the neuron.  相似文献   

Stimulation of rat neutrophils with the peptide fMetLeuPhe caused (i) the appearance of a 40 kDa protein in the Triton-X-100-insoluble cytoskeleton, (ii) the disappearance of DNAase inhibition from the cytosol and (iii) the appearance of N-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl)phallacidin (NBD-phallacidin) binding sites. All three observations were consistent with a rapid and transient assembly of polymerized actin, peaking at approximately 5 s and returning to near resting levels within 40 s. By experimentally depleting the cells of Ca2+ and increasing the cytoplasmic Ca2+ buffering capacity, the peptide-induced Ca2+ transient was reduced from a peak of 900 nM to 250 nM, without inhibiting actin polymerization, and this peak was sustained for at least 2 min. A further dissociation between the triggering of actin polymerization and peptide-induced Ca2+ elevation and oxidase activation was demonstrated at low concentrations of peptide (1-100 pM), actin polymerization being triggered without an elevation in Ca2+ or activation of the oxidase. Two other agents which induced actin polymerization, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate and latex beads, failed to elevate cytoplasmic Ca2+. It was therefore concluded that neither Ca2+ nor those intracellular messengers which act with Ca2+ to trigger the neutrophil oxidase are responsible for triggering actin polymerization in neutrophils.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the role of the recently identified Drosophila seven transmembrane receptor family, we analyzed the cellular and subcellular localization of a member of this family, OR43b. The OR43b receptor is expressed exclusively in a subset of olfactory neurons in the third antennal segment. Consistent with a direct role in odorant transduction, receptor protein is concentrated within the dendrites, but is also present in the axons of the olfactory neurons in which it is expressed. OR43b protein is only detectable relatively late in development suggesting it may not be required for synaptic target choice of the olfactory neurons in which it is expressed. Flies carrying deletions removing one copy of OR43b have the same number of OR43b positive cells in the antenna as flies with two copies, suggesting that simple allelic exclusion of odor receptors may not occur in Drosophila. We show the OR43b gene on the balancer chromosome SM5 is expressed at reduced levels and contains nucleotide polymorphisms predicted to alter two amino acids in the receptor, including an arginine(128) to proline substitution in the first extracellular loop. The subcellular localization of OR43b in olfactory neurons supports the idea that some of the recently identified family of seven transmembrane receptors are odor receptors, and that Drosophila and vertebrates may differ in the developmental processes used to establish the neuronal architecture of the olfactory system.  相似文献   

Glucose stimulation of individual pancreatic beta-cells is associated with a rise of the cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) manifested either as large amplitude oscillations (0.2-0.5/min) or as a sustained increase. Determinants for the transitions between the basal and the two stimulated states have now been studied using dual-wavelength fluorometric measurements on individual ob/ob mouse beta-cells loaded with the Ca2+ indicator Fura-2. The transition from the basal state to large amplitude oscillations was induced by raising the glucose concentration to 7 mM or above. The frequencies and shapes of the [Ca2+]i cycles remained largely unaffected when raising glucose as high as 40 mM. However, in some cells the oscillatory pattern was transformed into a sustained increase of [Ca2+]i at high glucose concentrations. Although the peak values for the oscillations exceeded the steady-state increase, the time average [Ca2+]i was higher during the latter phase. Both types of glucose-induced transitions were facilitated by the presence of 1-100 nM glucagon. Protein kinase C activation by 10 nM of the phorbol ester TPA resulted in a transformation of the glucose-induced oscillations into a sustained increase of [Ca2+]i but the levels reached were considerably lower than obtained with glucose alone. It is concluded that the glucose sensing of the individual beta-cell is based on sudden transitions between steady-state and oscillating cytoplasmic Ca2+. It is these transitions rather than alterations of the oscillatory characteristics which determine the average [Ca2+]i regulating insulin release.  相似文献   

Chaput  M. 《Chemical senses》1983,8(2):161-177
The influences of centrifugal inputs to the olfactory bulb werestudied by recording singlecell responses evoked by olfactorystimuli in intact and peduncle-sectioned bulbs of awake freebreathingrabbits. Responses of intact animals were mainly characterizedby a temporal reorganization of the single unit discharge -responsive second order neurons increased their firing activityduring inspirations and were silent during expirations. Thissynchronization of firing discharge with respiration occurredin the absence of any significant change in the overall firingactivity measured over intervals which included both the inspiratoryand expiratory phases of the respiratory cycle. By contrast,neurons recorded in isolated olfactory bulbs exhibited eithera significant increase or a decrease in firing activity duringodor presentation, and, furthermore, the synchronization ofthese units to the respiratory cycle was markedly reduced comparedwith that in intact animals. Comparison of cell responsivenessbetween intact and isolated olfactory bulbs indicated that thelesion increased the number of odors which induced a response,but did not change the percentage of cells which failed to respondto any of the 5 odorants used in this study. The cell responsivenessincreased for camphor and isoamyl acetate, and to a lesser extentfor food odor. The results indicate that high order nervousstructures exert a powerful inhibitory influence on the responsesof olfactory bulb second-order neurons to odor stimuli. Theyalso suggest that, in intact rabbits, centrifugal inputs playa role in the odor-induced synchronization of the single unitactivity with respiration.  相似文献   



The mesencephalic dopaminergic (mDA) cell system is composed of two major groups of projecting cells in the Substantia Nigra (SN) (A9 neurons) and the Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) (A10 cells). Selective degeneration of A9 neurons occurs in Parkinson’s disease (PD) while abnormal function of A10 cells has been linked to schizophrenia, attention deficit and addiction. The molecular basis that underlies selective vulnerability of A9 and A10 neurons is presently unknown.


By taking advantage of transgenic labeling, laser capture microdissection coupled to nano Cap-Analysis of Gene Expression (nanoCAGE) technology on isolated A9 and A10 cells, we found that a subset of Olfactory Receptors (OR)s is expressed in mDA neurons. Gene expression analysis was integrated with the FANTOM5 Helicos CAGE sequencing datasets, showing the presence of these ORs in selected tissues and brain areas outside of the olfactory epithelium. OR expression in the mesencephalon was validated by RT-PCR and in situ hybridization. By screening 16 potential ligands on 5 mDA ORs recombinantly expressed in an heterologous in vitro system, we identified carvone enantiomers as agonists at Olfr287 and able to evoke an intracellular Ca2+ increase in solitary mDA neurons. ORs were found expressed in human SN and down-regulated in PD post mortem brains.


Our study indicates that mDA neurons express ORs and respond to odor-like molecules providing new opportunities for pharmacological intervention in disease.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-729) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The olfactory organs from the squid Lolliguncula brevis are composed of a pseudostratified epithelium containing five morphological subtypes of chemosensory neurons and ciliated support cells. Physiological recordings have been made from two of the subtypes and only the type 4 neuron has been studied in detail. Odour-stimulated increases in intracellular calcium and rapid activation of an electrogenic Na+/Ca2+ exchanger current in type 4 neurons suggest that the exchanger proteins are localized very close to the transduction machinery. Electrophysiological studies have shown that olfactory signal transduction takes place in the apical ciliary regions of olfactory neurons. Using polyclonal antiserum against squid Na+/Ca2+ proteins, we observed specific staining in the ciliary region of cells that resemble type 2, 3, 4 and 5 neurons. Staining was also observed in axon bundles, and in muscle tissue. Collectively, these data support the model that Na+/Ca2+ exchanger proteins are localized to transduction machinery in cilia of type 4 neurons and suggest that the other olfactory subtypes also use Ca2+ during chemosensory responses.  相似文献   

Insects detect volatile chemosignals with olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) that express olfactory receptors. Among them, the most sensitive receptors are the odorant receptors (ORs), which form cation channels passing also Ca2+. Here, we investigate if and how odor-induced Ca2+ signals in Drosophila melanogaster OSNs are controlled by intracellular Ca2+ stores, especially by mitochondria. Using an open antenna preparation that allows observation and pharmacological manipulation of OSNs we performed Ca2+ imaging to determine the role of Ca2+ influx and efflux pathways in OSN mitochondria. The results indicate that mitochondria participate in shaping the OR responses. The major players of this modulation are the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter and the mitochondrial permeability transition pore. Intriguingly, OR-induced Ca2+ signals were only mildly affected by modulating the Ca2+ management of the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Summary Olfactory receptor neurons depolarize in response to odorants. This depolarization is mediated by an increase in intracellular cyclic AMP, which directly gates channels in the membranes of the neuronal cilia. Previous evidence suggests that a Ca2+ influx during the odorant response may ultimately play a role in terminating the response. One way Ca2+ inside the cell could terminate the odorant response would be to directly inhibit the cAMP-gated channels. In this report the effects of cytoplasmic Ca2+ and Mg2+ on the cAMP-activated current were measured in single olfactory cilia. Near the neuronal resting potential, cytoplasmic Ca2+ and Mg2+ only slightly reduced the cAMP-activated current. Even at high levels (1.0mm Ca2+ or 5.0mm Mg2+), the average inhibition was only around 20%. It is therefore unlikely that an influx of divalent cations terminates the odorant response by a direct effect on the cAMP-gated channels.  相似文献   

A variety of neurotransmitters are believed to elicit effects through receptor-stimulated inositol phospholipid metabolism. It appears that most major types of retinal neurons receive a direct glutamatergic input. The aim of the present studies was to characterize excitatory amino acid (EAA) receptor-mediated breakdown of inositol phospholipids and changes in Ca2+ homeostasis in primary avian retinal cell cultures. Cell monolayers, prepared from 8-day-old chick embryo neural retina, were labelled with [3H]inositol for 48 h, and used after 7 days in vitro. Kainic acid stimulated the accumulation of inositol phosphates in a time- and dose-dependent manner (ED50 = 30 microM). The EAA receptor agonists glutamate, N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), ibotenate and quisqualate were all active, with the rank order: glutamate greater than kainate greater than NMDA much greater than ibotenate approximately quisqualate. External Ca2+ was required for these effects. Agonist actions were inhibited by type-specific antagonists, and also Mg2+ in the case of glutamate and NMDA. Glutamate, NMDA and kainate also elevated cytosolic free Ca2+ in individual retinal cells loaded with the Ca2(+)-sensitive dye Fura-2, as assessed by digital fluorescence ratio imaging microscopy. The agonist-induced increases in [Ca2+]i were largely dependent on extracellular Ca2+, independent of membrane depolarization and were blocked by Mg2+ for glutamate and NMDA. These results demonstrate that vertebrate retinal cells possess EAA receptors coupled to intracellular signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

The effect of hyposmotic conditions on the concentration of intracellular free calcium ([Ca2+]i) was studied in cultured cerebellar granule cells and cerebral cortical neurons after loading of the cells with the fluorescent Ca2+ chelator Fluo-3. It was found that in both types of neurons exposure to media with a decrease in osmolarity of 20 to 50% of the osmolarity in the isosmotic medium (320 mOsm) led to a dose dependent increase in [Ca2+]i with a time course showing the highest value at the earliest measured time point, i.e. 40 s after exposure to the hyposmotic media and a subsequent decline towards the basal level during the following 320 s. The response in the cortical neurons was larger than in the granule cells but both types of neurons exhibited a similar increase in [Ca2+]i after expoxure to 50 mM K+ which was of the same magnitude as the increase in [Ca2+]i observed in the cortical neurons exposed for 40 s to a medium with a 50% reduction in osmolarity. In both types of neurons the blocker of voltage gated Ca2+ channels verapamil had no effect on the hyposmolarity induced increase in [Ca2+]i. On the contrary, this increase in [Ca2+]i was dependent upon external calcium and could be inhibited partly or completely by the inorganic blockers of Ca2+ channels Mg2+ and La3+. Dantrolene which prevents release of Ca2+ from internal stores had no effect. The results show that exposure of neurons to hyposmotic conditions leading to swelling results in a large increase in free intracellular Ca2+ which represents an influx of Ca2+ rather than a release of Ca2+ from internal, dantrolene sensitive stores.  相似文献   

Duchamp  A. 《Chemical senses》1982,7(2):191-210
Extracellular recordings were performed from olfactory bulbneurons in the frog. The odour stimuli were the same as thosepreviously used for studying the receptor cells in the sameanimal species and were delivered at similar concentrations(Revial et al., 1982). The general properties of the neuronresponses are presented and discussed with reference to homologousproperties of olfactory receptor cells. The response rates elicitedby different stimuli from the bulbar neurons were found to behighly correlated with those elicited from receptor cells. Theindividual cell selectivity was better in the bulb than in theolfactory epithelium. The olfactory bulb neurons seemed to improvethe discrimination between stimuli (enantiomers) poorly distinguishedby the receptor cells. Reducing odor concentration caused therate of suppressive response to decrease faster than that ofexcitatory ones, suggesting that the manifestations of inhibitoryprocesses in some neurons requires a high level of excitationin others.  相似文献   

The effects ofcGMP and sodium nitroprusside (SNP) on odor responses in isolatedturtle olfactory neurons were examined. The inward current induced bydialysis of a mixture of 1 mM cAMP and 1 mM cGMP was similar to thatinduced by dialysis of 1 mM cAMP or 1 mM cGMP alone. After the neuronswere desensitized by the application of 1 mM cGMP, 3 mM8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-cAMP, a membrane-permeable cAMP analog, did notelicit any current, indicating that both cAMP and cGMP activated thesame channel. Extracellular application of SNP, a nitric oxide (NO)donor, evoked inward currents in a dose-dependent manner. However,application of SNP did not induce any currents after desensitization ofthe cGMP-induced currents, suggesting that SNP-induced currents aremediated via the cGMP-dependent pathway. Application of thecAMP-producing odorants to the neurons induced a large inward currenteven after neurons were desensitized to a high concentration of cGMP orSNP. These results suggest that the transduction pathway independent ofcAMP, cGMP, and NO also contributes to the generation of odor responsesin addition to the cAMP-dependent pathway.


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