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The oviducts of Locusta migratoria are innervated by a pair of nerves which arise from, the seventh abdominal ganglion. A distinctive network of striated muscle fibres occurs in the oviducts. The lateral oviducts and common oviduct consist of an inner circular layer of muscle and an outer longitudinal layer of muscle. At the junction of the lateral and common oviduct an additional thin longitudinal layer is found adjacent to the basement epithelium. The oviducts contracted spontaneously when isolated from the central nervous system. These myogenic contractions took the form of peristaltic contractions in the lateral oviduct, and intermittent phasic-like contractions of the posterior regions of the lateral oviduct and the common oviduct. These phasic-like contractions were associated with individual complex potentials recorded extracellularly from the muscle fibres. In locusts that had been interrupted in the process of egg laying, there were large-amplitude action potentials, firing in a bursting pattern, in the oviducal nerves. These large action potentials were absent in locusts that had not been egg-laying. These action potentials were associated with both bioelectric potentials and mechanical events in the posterior region of the lateral oviduct and the common oviduct. Electrical stimulation of the oviducal nerve mimicked the effects of spontaneous action potentials, resulting in the appearance of monophasic potentials and contractions. The contractions were graded and dependent upon both frequency and duration of stimulation. It is concluded that the oviducts of Locusta are both myogenic and neurogenic. The role of these contractions in oviposition is discussed.  相似文献   

The innervation of the spermatheca and demonstration of neural control of spermathecal contractions in Locusta migratoria was illustrated using anterograde and retrograde fills, combined with electrophysiological stimulation and recording. The anterior portion of the spermatheca receives innervation via the receptaculum seminis nerve (N2B2) from two large ventral neurons and one dorsal neuron. All were bilaterally paired and situated in the VIIIth abdominal ganglion. Three ventral bilaterally paired neurons situated in the VIIIth abdominal ganglion also provide innervation to the posterior portion of the spermatheca via the ductus seminalis aperture nerve (N2B3). Six DUM neurons, located in the VIIIth abdominal ganglion, in addition to two centroposteriorly situated DUM neurons in the VIIth abdominal ganglion, are also associated with these two nerves. N2B4 also provides innervation to the posterior portion of the spermatheca. N2B6b is associated with sensory cells identified in the anterior lateral regions of the genital chamber. The spermatheca contracts spontaneously, with peristaltic contractions beginning at the spermathecal sac and continuing along the length of the spermathecal duct. However electrical stimulation of the ventral ovipositor nerve (VON or N2B), receptaculum seminis nerve (N2B2) and the ductus seminalis aperture nerve (N2B3) indicates that contractions are also under neural control. In particular contractions of the spermathecal sac, coil duct and anterior straight duct are initiated via motor projections from the receptaculum seminis nerve (N2B2) and posterior straight duct contractions are controlled by motor input from the ductus seminalis aperture nerve (N2B3). The results suggest that spermathecal contractions of the anterior and posterior portions of the spermatheca are under separate neural control.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of nerve endings in the oviduct visceral muscles of Locusta migratoria was studied by electron microscopy and by immunogold labeling for two kinds of neuromodulators, the pentapeptide proctolin and FMRFamide-related peptides. Nerve endings contained electron-lucent round vesicles and two kinds of granules (round and avoid), and formed two types of synapses or release sites with the muscle. The morphologically distinct nerve endings were classified into three different categories based on the composition of synaptic vesicles and granules. Type-I nerve endings were dominated by electron-lucent round vesicles and contained only a few round electron-dense granules. Type-II nerve endings contained mostly electron-dense round granules and electron-lucent round vesicles. A few electron-dense ovoid granules were also present. Electron-dense ovoid granules dominated the type-III nerve endings, which usually contained less electron-lucent vesicles than either type-I or II nerve endings. Both proctolin and FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity was associated with electron-dense round granules. However, FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity was only found in the type-II nerve endings, while proctolin immunoreactivity was found within type-I nerve endings as well as in some type-II nerve endings. Immunological results therefore allow us to further divide type-II nerve endings into type-IIa (immunonegative for proctolin) and type-IIb (immunopositive for proctolin). Type-III nerve endings show no immunolabeling to either proctolin or FMRFamide.  相似文献   

Larvae of Manduca sexta are parasitised by the braconid wasp, Cotesia congregata. In this study we examined whether contraction activity of the semi-isolated foregut was affected by parasitism. Parasitised larvae fed significantly less compared with unparasitised control larvae, therefore starved unparasitised animals were used as controls. Rate and force of foregut contraction in control caterpillars significantly increased with days of starvation. However, only contraction force in foreguts of parasitised larvae increased over time following infection. The presence of food in the foregut of caterpillars starved 7 days suggested that food moved anteriorly from the midgut and that contraction became antiperistaltic, but only normal peristalsis occurred in parasitised caterpillars. Rate and force of gut contractions may be controlled independently and starvation did not truly mimic the effects of the parasitoids. Dissection of caterpillars with emerged wasps indicated that 47% had a single wasp larva wedged between the brain and foregut. Removal of this wasp caused an increased rate of foregut contraction of the caterpillar. Brain removal resulted in an increased rate of foregut contraction only for unparasitised insects. Sectioning of the recurrent nerve temporarily eliminated foregut contraction, but the contraction began again in 250 s in parasitised caterpillars prior to wasp emergence, compared with over 500 s for unparasitised controls and parasitised caterpillars following wasp emergence.  相似文献   

The sub-oesophageal ganglion of Locusta migratoria was searched for neurones responsive to stimulation of the maxillary palps using intracellular recording techniques. Two plant stimuli were used: wheat, a host plant and cabbage, an unacceptable non-host plant. The stimuli were presented to the palp as both intact leaf tissue and as droplets of aqueous solutions of plant extracts. All the sampled neurones that responded to stimulation of the palp also responded to simple mechanical stimulation. However, 25% of the neurones exhibited consistent differences in response to the two plants when presented as both leaf tissue and droplets, strongly suggesting that they also received a chemosensory input. These differential responses most commonly took the form of differences in the duration of cell activity and/or variation in the latency of the onset of response. The receptive fields of differentially responding neurones were confined to the maxillary palp, or at most to the maxillary and labial palps.  相似文献   

Crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) stimulates the contractions of locust oviducts. CCAP increased the basal tonus and increased the frequency and amplitude of phasic contractions, as well as the amplitude of neurally-evoked oviduct contractions in a dose-dependent manner. Oviducts from Vth instar larvae and adult locusts aged 10 days or less, were more sensitive to CCAP than oviducts from adult locusts aged 12 days or more. This may be indicative of a differential expression of number or subtypes of CCAP receptors on the oviducts at different ages, and may be related to reproductive functions or to functions of CCAP on the oviducts during ecdysis. The oviducts appear more sensitive to CCAP when compared with previously published reports of CCAP actions on the hindgut. CCAP actions on the amplitude of neurally-evoked contractions of the oviducts are similar to those of proctolin, however, the oviducts are more sensitive to CCAP. No CCAP-like immunoreactive structures were discovered in the nerves innervating the oviducts, or on the oviducts themselves, confirming the previously published suggestion (Dircksen et al., 1991) that CCAP acts as a neurohormone at the oviducts. Cells showing CCAP-like immunoreactivity were discovered in the fat body associated with the oviducts and represent a potential source of CCAP, along with CCAP released from the transverse nerve and perivisceral organs.  相似文献   

Summary The alary muscles of Locusta migratoria adults make up the major tissue of the dorsal diaphragm which separates pericardial and perivisceral sinuses in the abdomen. The alary muscles are striated with a sarcomere at rest measuring about 9 m. The Z-line has a staggered-beaded arrangement with A-bands and I-bands readily discernable. Thick myofilaments are surrounded by 10 or more thin filaments. The sarcoplasm has few mitochondria near the area of the Z-line, dyads are present and sarcoplasmic reticulum is poorly developed. Axons which innervate the alary muscle are either contained within invaginated folds of the sarcolemma of the muscle cells or the muscle cells send finger-like projections to envelop the axons. The synaptic terminals contain synaptic vesicles between 40 and 45 nm in diameter and a few electron-dense granules near or less than 170 nm in diameter. Away from synaptic terminals the axon profiles show few or no granules. The axons are accompanied everywhere by well-developed glial cells. This then is not typical neurosecretomotor innervation, however, the presence of electron-dense granules suggests the possibility of peptidergic neurotransmission.  相似文献   

The control of spermathecal contractions in Locusta migratoria via a neural loop was demonstrated using mechanical stimulation and electrophysiological recordings. Extracellular electrophysiological recordings from the receptaculum seminis nerve (N2B2), which innervates the spermathecal sac, were conducted during mechanical stimulation of the genital chamber sensory cells. Activation of the genital chamber sensory cells, using a glass probe approximating the shape and size of an egg, was found to increase the action potential frequency and initiate bursts of action potentials if a tonic frequency of action potentials was present prior to stimulation. If the motor pattern initially consisted of bursts of action potentials, then mechanical stimulation of the genital chamber sensory cells resulted in an increase in firing frequency, in most preparations, with the bursting remaining. Removal of the probe from the genital chamber always returned the motor activity to that noted prior to sensory cell stimulation. Simultaneous electrophysiological recordings from both the left and right receptaculum seminis nerves (N2B2) revealed that the bursts of action potentials were coordinated, although individual action potentials were not coupled one to one. Activation of the genital chamber sensory cells also resulted in increases in spermathecal contraction frequency, an effect which was coordinated with the changes in motor activity. It is proposed that an egg in the genital chamber activates the sensory cells resulting in increases in spermathecal contraction frequency and the subsequent release of spermatozoa onto the micropyle of the egg for fertilization.  相似文献   

Two types of rhythmic foregut movements are described in fifth instar larvae of the moth, Manduca sexta. These consist of posteriorly-directed waves of peristalsis which move food toward the midgut, and synchronous constrictions of the esophageal region, which appear to retain food within the crop. We describe these movements and the muscles of the foregut that generate them.The firing patterns of a subset of these muscles, including a constrictor and dilator pair from both the esophageal and buccal regions of the foregut, are described for both types of foregut movement.The motor patterns for the foregut muscles require innervation by the frontal ganglion (FG), which lies anterior to the brain and contains about 35 neurons. Eliminating the ventral nerve cord, leaving the brain and FG intact, did not affect the muscle firing patterns in most cases. Eliminating both the brain and the ventral nerve cord, leaving only the FG to innervate the foregut, generally resulted in an increased period for both gut movements and muscle bursts. This manipulation also produced increases in burst durations for most muscles, and had variable effects on the phasing of muscle activity. Despite these changes, the foregut muscles still maintained a rhythmic firing pattern when innervated by the FG alone.Two nerves exit the FG to innervate the foregut musculature: the anteriorly-projecting frontal nerve, and the posteriorly-directed recurrent nerve. Cutting the frontal nerve immediately and irreversibly stopped all muscle activity in the buccal region, while cutting the recurrent nerve immediately stopped all muscle activity in the pharyngeal and esophageal regions. Recordings from the cut nerves leaving the FG showed that the ganglion was spontaneously active, with rhythmic activity continuing within the nerves. These observations indicate that all of the foregut muscle motoneurons are located within the FG, and the FG in isolation produces a rhythmic firing pattern in the motoneurons. We have identified several motoneurons within the FG, by cobalt backfills and/or simultaneous intracellular recordings and fills from putative motoneurons and their muscles.Abbreviations BC Buccal Constrictor - BC1 buccal constrictor motoneuron 1 - BC2 buccal constrictor motoneuron 2 - BD Buccal Dilator - BD1 buccal dilator motoneuron 1 - EC Esophageal Dilator - EC1 esophageal dilator motoneuron 1 - EC2 esophageal dilator motoneuron 2 - EC3 esophageal dilator motoneuron 3 - ejp excitatory junction potential - FG frontal ganglion - psp postsynaptic potential  相似文献   

东北地区亚洲飞蝗染色体核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用常规压片法对吉林省亚洲飞蝗Locusta migratoria migratoria(L.)的染色体核型进行分析.研究结果表明:亚洲飞蝗性别决定机制为X0型,染色体数目为2n♂=23,染色体组式4L+4M+3S+X,全部为端部着丝粒染色体,NF=23.染色体中最长(L1)与最短(S11)染色体之比大于4:1,臂比大...  相似文献   

The effects of injection of [His(7)]-corazonin and juvenile hormone (JH) III on the body color in L. migratoria were investigated using albino and normal (pigmented) nymphs. Most albino nymphs turned green in the fourth instar if injected with JH III during the last 2 days of the previous instar. When albino third instar nymphs injected with 10 pmol of [His(7)]-corazonin on different days were treated with 100 μg of JH III on day 3.5, they developed various body colors in the following nymphal instar: those injected with [His(7)]-corazonin during the first 2 days developed very dark green or black color, whereas some of those injected after this period turned green and their legs and ventral side of the body were variously pigmented, the coloration being similar to green solitary individuals often found in the field. Field-collected brown solitary nymphs injected with 1 nmol of [His(7)]-corazonin and kept individually, turned reddish without any black spots in the following nymphal instar when the ecdysis occurred within 1 day after injection. Injection of [His(7)]-corazonin 2 days before the following ecdysis induced black patterns on an orange background color, the coloration characteristic of gregarious forms. Similar injections into field-collected green solitary nymphs also induced black patterns but the rest of their body remained green. These results may indicate that the temporal changes in the hemolymph titers of [His(7)]-corazonin and JH play an important role in the control of body-color polymorphism in this locust.  相似文献   

In order to determine the best conditions, the influence of various parameters on the haemolymph lipid concentration were studied. These parameters are the age, the sex and the feeding of the animals, the time and the number of the haemolymph sample-taking and the temperature of the locust culture. A large in vivo increase in haemolymph lipid concentration was obtained in locusts which received extracts of the whole CC and of their glandular or neurohemal lobes. Reversely, a decrease in this concentration was obtained in locusts operated 7 days before (cardiacectomy or glandular lobe removal). Moreover the pars intercerebralis extracts increased the level of haemolymph lipids. We conclude that adipokinetic factors are present, both in the glandular lobes of the CC and in their neurohemal lobes. It is likely that the latter partly originate from the pars intercerebralis. Results of allatectomy and injections of corpora allata extracts led to the conclusion that corpora allata contain an adipokinetic factor, the juvenile hormone. and factors that inhibit the haemolymph lipid concentration. Finally, from different injections of neurotransmitters and drugs it is argued that it is mainly octopamine which is involved in the mechanism governing the increase of the level of haemolymph lipids.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The changes in behaviour of nymphs of Locusta migratoria in relation to free water, during the course of two different deprivation regimes are described. With no access to food or water for 24 h at 30°C, the insects responded positively to free water when it was provided. If dry food was provided during water deprivation, positive responses occurred in 8 h. The physiological changes associated with the behavioural change indicate that positive responses were correlated with a reduction in abdominal volume; experimentally induced changes confirmed this. Increased osmotic pressure did not influence the onset of drinking, but the amount of water ingested was directly correlated with the size of osmotic pressure increases.  相似文献   

The effects of various pharmacological agents on neurally evoked contractions of the visceral muscles of the oviduct of Locusta migratoria have been examined. The pentapeptide, proctolin, at low concentrations (10?11 M?10?10 M), induced an increase in the amplitude of neurally evoked contractions and basal tonus, and induced the appearance and increased the frequency of myogenic contractions. Glutamate, at 10?4 M, produced a small transient contraction which in some preparations was accompanied by a reduction in amplitude of neurally evoked contractions. Octopamine, at 10?6 M, reduced the amplitude of neurally evoked contractions and also resulted in a relaxation of the muscles. The octopaminergic effects were inhibited by the α-aminergic antagonist phentolamine. Neurally evoked contractions were unaffected by dopamine, 5-HT or the acetylcholine receptor antagonists atropine and hexamethonium. Acetylcholine increased the amplitude of neurally evoked contractions, but only at the high concentration of 10?3 M. The possible role of proctolin and glutamate as excitatory neuro-transmitters and the inhibitory action of octopamine is discussed.  相似文献   

The salivary gland of the locust, Locusta migratoria, is innervated from the suboesophageal ganglion by two neurones, SN1 and SN2 which innervate the gland via the salivary gland nerve (nerve 7B of the suboesophageal ganglion). In addition, like most other peripheral nerves of the head, this nerve carries on its outer surface axons and neurohaemal terminal ramifications of the so called satellite nervous system, established by a group of neurosecretory cells also located in the suboesophageal ganglion. These superficial collaterals ramify over the nerve from its origin in the head to its terminals within the gland in the thoracic segments.Nerve 7B was recorded chronically in freely moving locusts. Both salivary neurones are active during and shortly before feeding, as defined by continuous rhythmic activity of the mandibular closer muscle (M9). The activity of the salivary neurones, particularly that of SN2, thus resembles that of the satellite neurones as described recently. While SN2 ceases firing at the end of a feeding bout, SN1 continues firing for a short period. Also, SN1 fires short bursts of impulses for a few minutes following the end of a feeding bout. Similar bursts also occur at random intervals during the long-lasting phases between feeding events.Abbreviations SN1 salivary neurone 1 - SN2 salivary neurone 2 - M9 mandibular closer muscle - DUM dorsal unpaired median - LMN labral median nerve  相似文献   

The association of proctolin with the external ventral protractor muscle of the VIIth abdominal segment (M234) of Locusta migratoria was investigated using immunohistochemistry and RP-HPLC in conjunction with the sensitive locust oviduct bioassay. Immunohistochemistry of whole-mount tissues revealed two proctolin-like immunoreactive axons in N2B2b1 (the nerve branch which innervates M234) as well as immunoreactive processes and varicosities on the surface of M234. Immunogold staining of M234 demonstrated that the proctolin-like immunoreactivity was present in electron-dense granules in its motor terminals. A material indistinguishable from proctolin and with proctolin-like bioactivity co-eluted with authentic proctolin on two different RP-HPLC systems. Bath application of proctolin at concentrations greater than 10-11 M resulted in a dose-dependent increase in the neurally-evoked fast twitch amplitude and duration of M234. Concentrations greater than 10-9 M resulted in a dose-dependent increase in basal tonus of M234. These results indicate that proctolin, or a peptide very similar to proctolin, is present in the motor innervation of M234 and acts as a cotransmitter and/or neuromodulator at this typical fast skeletal muscle.Abbreviations M234 external ventral protractor muscle of the Vllth abdominal segment - RP-HPLC reverse-phase high pressure liquid chromatography - TFA trifluoroacetic acid  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. High-speed films of four swarms of Locusta migratoria in Australia and one swarm in New Guinea were analysed. Measurements were made of the locust's body orientation and flight track in the horizontal relative to wind direction, and of height and speed of flight. In all swarms mean course angle and mean track angle in relation to wind direction were significantly different from zero, although all indicated an upwind direction. No evidence was found for orientation to compass direction or sun. Considerable fluctuations in flight direction were measured in some individuals as they traversed the field of view. A modification of Kennedy's (1951) theory is adopted to explain the angled orientations to wind. It is suggested that this could be the result of an optical orientation mechanism.  相似文献   

The number and location of neurons, in the central nervous system, that project into the frontal connective was studied in the locust by using retrograde neurobiotin staining. Staining one frontal connective revealed some 70 neurons in the brain. Most of these were located within both tritocerebral lobes. Additional groups of neurons were located within the deutocerebrum and protocerebrum. Some 60 neurons were labelled in the suboesophageal ganglion. These formed nine discernable populations. In addition, two neurons were located in the prothoracic ganglion and two neurons in the first abdominal neuromere of the metathoracic ganglion. Thus, some 250 neurons located within the head ganglia, and even neurons in thoracic ganglia, project into the ganglia of the enteric nervous system. This indicates that the coordination between the central and enteric ganglia is much more complex than previously thought. With the exception of some previously described dorsal unpaired median neurons and a few motor neurons in the head ganglia, the identity and function of most of these neurons is as yet unknown. Possible functions of the neurons in the thoracic ganglia are discussed.  相似文献   

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