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Wu B  Zhang B  Dai Y  Zhang L  Shang-Guan K  Peng Y  Zhou Y  Zhu Z 《Plant physiology》2012,159(4):1440-1452
Plant chitinases, a class of glycosyl hydrolases, participate in various aspects of normal plant growth and development, including cell wall metabolism and disease resistance. The rice (Oryza sativa) genome encodes 37 putative chitinases and chitinase-like proteins. However, none of them has been characterized at the genetic level. In this study, we report the isolation of a brittle culm mutant, bc15, and the map-based cloning of the BC15/OsCTL1 (for chitinase-like1) gene affected in the mutant. The gene encodes the rice chitinase-like protein BC15/OsCTL1. Mutation of BC15/OsCTL1 causes reduced cellulose content and mechanical strength without obvious alterations in plant growth. Bioinformatic analyses indicated that BC15/OsCTL1 is a class II chitinase-like protein that is devoid of both an amino-terminal cysteine-rich domain and the chitinase activity motif H-E-T-T but possesses an amino-terminal transmembrane domain. Biochemical assays demonstrated that BC15/OsCTL1 is a Golgi-localized type II membrane protein that lacks classical chitinase activity. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and β-glucuronidase activity analyses indicated that BC15/OsCTL1 is ubiquitously expressed. Investigation of the global expression profile of wild-type and bc15 plants, using Illumina RNA sequencing, further suggested a possible mechanism by which BC15/OsCTL1 mediates cellulose biosynthesis and cell wall remodeling. Our findings provide genetic evidence of a role for plant chitinases in cellulose biosynthesis in rice, which appears to differ from their roles as revealed by analysis of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana).  相似文献   

Prigge MJ  Wagner DR 《The Plant cell》2001,13(6):1263-1280
Organogenesis in plants depends upon the proper regulation of many genes, but how such necessary changes in gene expression are coordinated is largely unknown. The serrate (se) mutant of Arabidopsis displays defects in the initiation and elaboration of cotyledons and post-embryonic lateral organs. Cloning the SE gene revealed that it encodes a protein with a single, C(2)H(2)-type, zinc finger related to genes in other eukaryotes. Consistent with a role in organogenesis, the SE gene is transcribed in shoot meristems and in emerging organ primordia throughout development. Expression of the SE cDNA under the control of a heterologous promoter caused both accelerated and arrested plant growth, and these phenotypes were due to overexpression and co-suppression of the SE gene, respectively. Our analysis of the se mutant and the SE gene suggests a role for the SE gene product in regulating changes in gene expression via chromatin modification. Consistent with this proposed function, a synergistic double mutant phenotype was seen for plants mutant at both the SE locus and the locus encoding the largest subunit of chromatin assembly factor I.  相似文献   

Male Sterile2 (MS2) is predicted to encode a fatty acid reductase required for pollen wall development in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Transient expression of MS2 in tobacco (Nicotiana benthamiana) leaves resulted in the accumulation of significant levels of C16 and C18 fatty alcohols. Expression of MS2 fused with green fluorescent protein revealed that an amino-terminal transit peptide targets the MS2 to plastids. The plastidial localization of MS2 is biologically important because genetic complementation of MS2 in ms2 homozygous plants was dependent on the presence of its amino-terminal transit peptide or that of the Rubisco small subunit protein amino-terminal transit peptide. In addition, two domains, NAD(P)H-binding domain and sterile domain, conserved in MS2 and its homologs were also shown to be essential for MS2 function in pollen exine development by genetic complementation testing. Direct biochemical analysis revealed that purified recombinant MS2 enzyme is able to convert palmitoyl-Acyl Carrier Protein to the corresponding C16:0 alcohol with NAD(P)H as the preferred electron donor. Using optimized reaction conditions (i.e. at pH 6.0 and 30°C), MS2 exhibits a Km for 16:0-Acyl Carrier Protein of 23.3 ± 4.0 μm, a Vmax of 38.3 ± 4.5 nmol mg−1 min−1, and a catalytic efficiency/Km of 1,873 m−1 s−1. Based on the high homology of MS2 to other characterized fatty acid reductases, it was surprising that MS2 showed no activity against palmitoyl- or other acyl-coenzyme A; however, this is consistent with its plastidial localization. In summary, genetic and biochemical evidence demonstrate an MS2-mediated conserved plastidial pathway for the production of fatty alcohols that are essential for pollen wall biosynthesis in Arabidopsis.In flowering plants, the life cycle alternates between diploid sporophyte and haploid gametophyte generations. Pollen grains play a biologically protective role for the haploid male sperm cells surrounded by the outer cell wall lipidic biopolymers called the exine (Blackmore et al., 2007; Li and Zhang, 2010; Ariizumi and Toriyama, 2011). Pollen exine protects the gametophyte against pathogen attack, dehydration, and UV irradiation as well as facilitates the pollination process, including pollen recognition and adhesion to the stigma. The highly durable exine that occurs throughout flowering plants is thought to play an essential role in land colonization by plants (Chaloner, 1976).The exine is mainly composed of the biopolymer sporopollenin and contains two sublayers, the sexine and nexine (Zinkl et al., 1999). The biochemical nature of pollen exine remains largely unknown because of the technical difficulties in purifying and obtaining large quantities of materials for analysis. In addition, sporopollenin is highly insoluble, resistant to degradation, and exceptionally stable (Brooks and Shaw, 1968; Bubert et al., 2002). Current evidence suggests that the major components of sporopollenin are derivatives of aliphatics, such as fatty acids and phenolic compounds (Bubert et al., 2002; Blackmore et al., 2007).Tapetum, the innermost sporophytic anther wall layer, is thought to play a major role in actively synthesizing and secreting sporopollenin precursors onto the microspore surface for pollen exine polymerization and patterning (Bedinger, 1992; Li and Zhang, 2010; Ariizumi and Toriyama, 2011). The model dicot plant Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and many other plants have a secretory-type tapetum with specialized structures such as tapetosomes in the cells, which accumulate lipidic components (Huysmans et al., 1998). The outer surface of Arabidopsis pollen grains displays elegant reticulate cavities with abundant pollen coat (tryphine) deposited inside the pollen exine.Pollen exine patterning appears to include at least three major developmental events: callose wall formation, primexine formation, and sporopollenin synthesis (Ariizumi and Toriyama, 2011). Exine formation commences after meiosis, with the accumulation of lipidic precursors onto the primexine surrounding newly formed microspores between the callose wall and the microspore plasma membrane (Paxson-Sowders et al., 2001; Blackmore et al., 2007). After the first pollen mitosis, the synthesis of the exine is almost complete; and during later stages of pollen exine formation, the pectocellulosic intine and the tryphine, called the pollen coat, are deposited onto the pollen wall (Piffanelli et al., 1998). Recent genetic and biochemical investigations showed that some genes, including MALE STERILITY1 (MS1), MS2, CER1, NO EXINE FORMATION1, FACELESS POLLEN1, CYP703A2, ACYL-COA SYNTHETASE5 (ACOS5), CYP704B1, TETRAKETIDE α-PYRONE REDUCTASE1 and -2 (TKPR1/2), LAP6/POLYKETIDE SYNTHASE A (PKSA), and LAP5/POLYKETIDE SYNTHASE B (PKSB) in Arabidopsis (Aarts et al., 1995, 1997; Wilson et al., 2001; Ariizumi et al., 2003, 2004; Morant et al., 2007; de Azevedo Souza et al., 2009; Dobritsa et al., 2009, 2010; Grienenberger et al., 2010; Kim et al., 2010b) as well as Tapetum Degeneration Retardation, Wax-Deficient Anther1, CYP704B2, C6, Postmeiotic Deficient Anther1, and Persistent Tapetal Cell1 in rice (Oryza sativa; Jung et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2008, 2010, 2011; Hu et al., 2010; Li et al., 2006, 2010, 2011; Li and Zhang, 2010), are required for pollen exine synthesis. However, relatively little has been described on the biochemical aspects of these gene products.Fatty alcohols are widely observed in plants, animals, and algae in free forms (the component of cuticular lipids) but more frequently in esterified (wax esters) or etherified (glyceryl ethers) forms. Fatty alcohols and their derivatives are major components of the lipidic anther cuticle and pollen wall (Ahlers et al., 1999; Kunst and Samuels, 2003; Jung et al., 2006; Li et al., 2010). Previous investigations revealed that fatty acyl-CoAs are thought to be used as substrates for the production of fatty alcohols by fatty acyl-coenzyme A reductase (FAR) in garden pea (Pisum sativum), jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis), Arabidopsis, wheat (Triticum aestivum), mouse (Mus musculus), and silk moth (Bombyx mori; Aarts et al., 1997; Metz et al., 2000; Wang et al., 2002; Moto et al., 2003; Cheng and Russell, 2004; Rowland et al., 2006; Doan et al., 2009; Domergue et al., 2010).MS2 was assumed to encode a FAR-like protein that converts fatty acids to alcohols. MS2 was shown to be expressed in the tapetum shortly after the microspore was released from the tetrad (Aarts et al., 1997). ms2 mutants display abnormal pollen wall development, which is sensitive to acetolysis treatment, causing reduced pollen fertility (Aarts et al., 1997; Dobritsa et al., 2009). However, detailed biochemical characterization of the MS2 enzyme has not been performed. Recently, recombinant bacteria expressing five Arabidopsis FAR homologs were shown to produce fatty alcohols with carbon lengths of C14, C16, and C18 from endogenous bacterial fatty acids. Bacteria expressing MS2 are able to form C14:0, C16:0, and C18:1 alcohols (Doan et al., 2009). Furthermore, yeast cells expressing FAR1, FAR4, and FAR5 are able to produce alcohols using distinct but overlapping substrates with a chain length ranging from C18:0 to C24:0 (Domergue et al., 2010).In this study, we report the biochemical characterization of MS2. We show that MS2 encodes a fatty acyl-Acyl Carrier Protein (ACP) reductase, and the purified recombinant MS2 enzyme from Escherichia coli is able to convert the preferred substrate palmitoyl-ACP to C16:0 alcohol in the presence of NAD(P)H. In addition, MS2 possesses an N-terminal transit peptide that is necessary for localization to the plastid. The biological significance of MS2 subcellular localization, and the presence of conserved domains/motifs within MS2, were demonstrated by genetic complementation of ms2 mutants. This work, therefore, demonstrates the involvement of the plastid in primary fatty alcohol synthesis required for pollen wall development in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

We identified the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) tanmei/emb2757 (tan) mutation that causes defects in both embryo and seedling development. tan mutant embryos share many characteristics with the leafy cotyledon (lec) class of mutants in that they accumulate anthocyanin, are intolerant of desiccation, form trichomes on cotyledons, and have reduced accumulation of storage proteins and lipids. Thus, TAN functions both in the early and late phases of embryo development. Moreover, the TAN and LEC genes interact synergistically, suggesting that they do not act in series in the same genetic pathway but, rather, that they have overlapping roles during embryogenesis. tan mutants die as embryos, but immature mutant seeds can be germinated in culture. However, tan mutant seedlings are defective in shoot and root development, their hypocotyls fail to elongate in the dark, and they die as seedlings. We isolated the TAN gene and showed that the predicted polypeptide has seven WD repeat motifs, suggesting that TAN forms complexes with other proteins. Together, these results suggest that TAN interacts with other proteins to control many aspects of embryo development.  相似文献   

In animal development, numerous cell-cell interactions are mediated by the GLP-1/LIN-12/NOTCH family of transmembrane receptors. These proteins function in a signaling pathway that appears to be conserved from nematodes to humans. We show here that the aph-2 gene is a new component of the GLP-1 signaling pathway in the early Caenorhabditis elegans embryo, and that proteins with sequence similarity to the APH-2 protein are found in Drosophila and vertebrates. During the GLP-1-mediated cell interactions in the C. elegans embryo, APH-2 is associated with the cell surfaces of both the signaling, and the responding, blastomeres. Analysis of chimeric embryos that are composed of aph-2(+) and aph-2(-) blastomeres suggests that aph-2(+) function may be provided by either the signaling or responding blastomere.  相似文献   

A spontaneous maize mutant, brittle stalk-2 (bk2-ref), exhibits dramatically reduced tissue mechanical strength. Reduction in mechanical strength in the stalk tissue was highly correlated with a reduction in the amount of cellulose and an uneven deposition of secondary cell wall material in the subepidermal and perivascular sclerenchyma fibers. Cell wall accounted for two-thirds of the observed reduction in dry matter content per unit length of the mutant stalk in comparison to the wildtype stalk. Although the cell wall composition was significantly altered in the mutant in comparison to the wildtype stalks, no compensation by lignin and cell wall matrix for reduced cellulose amount was observed. We demonstrate that Bk2 encodes a Cobra-like protein that is homologous to the rice Bc1 protein. In the bk2-ref gene, a 1 kb transposon-like element is inserted in the beginning of the second exon, disrupting the open reading frame. The Bk2 gene was expressed in the stalk, husk, root, and leaf tissues, but not in the embryo, endosperm, pollen, silk, or other tissues with comparatively few or no secondary cell wall containing cells. The highest expression was in the isolated vascular bundles. In agreement with its role in secondary wall formation, the expression pattern of the Bk2 gene was very similar to that of the ZmCesA10, ZmCesA11, and ZmCesA12 genes, which are known to be involved in secondary wall formation. We have isolated an independent Mutator-tagged allele of bk2, referred to as bk2-Mu7, the phenotype of which is similar to that of the spontaneous mutant. Our results demonstrate that mutations in the Bk2 gene affect stalk strength in maize by interfering with the deposition of cellulose in the secondary cell wall in fiber cells.  相似文献   

Zhou  Kunneng  Ren  Yulong  Zhou  Feng  Wang  Ying  Zhang  Long  Lyu  Jia  Wang  Yihua  Zhao  Shaolu  Ma  Weiwei  Zhang  Huan  Wang  Liwei  Wang  Chunming  Wu  Fuqing  Zhang  Xin  Guo  Xiupin  Cheng  Zhijun  Wang  Jiulin  Lei  Cailin  Jiang  Ling  Li  Zefu  Wan  Jianmin 《Planta》2017,245(1):45-60
Planta - Young Seedling Stripe1 (YSS1) was characterized as an important regulator of plastid-encoded plastid RNA polymerase (PEP) activity essential for chloroplast development at rice seedling...  相似文献   

Embryogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana is marked by a predictable sequence of oriented cell divisions, which precede cell fate determination. We show that mutation of the TORMOZ (TOZ) gene yields embryos with aberrant cell division planes and arrested embryos that appear not to have established normal patterning. The defects in toz mutants differ from previously described mutations that affect embryonic cell division patterns. Longitudinal division planes of the proembryo are frequently replaced by transverse divisions and less frequently by oblique divisions, while divisions of the suspensor cells, which divide only transversely, appear generally unaffected. Expression patterns of selected embryo patterning genes are altered in the mutant embryos, implying that the positional cues required for their proper expression are perturbed by the misoriented divisions. The TOZ gene encodes a nucleolar protein containing WD repeats. Putative TOZ orthologs exist in other eukaryotes including Saccharomyces cerevisiae, where the protein is predicted to function in 18S rRNA biogenesis. We find that disruption of the Sp TOZ gene results in cell division defects in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Previous studies in yeast and animal cells have identified nucleolar proteins that regulate the exit from M phase and cytokinesis, including factors involved in pre-rRNA processing. Our study suggests that in plant cells, nucleolar functions might interact with the processes of regulated cell divisions and influence the selection of longitudinal division planes during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The highly secretory Clara cells play a pivotal role in protecting the lung against inflammation and oxidative stress. This study reports the positional cloning of a novel protein required for Clara cell physiology in mouse lung development. The perinatal lethal N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea-induced l7Rn6(4234SB) allele contained a nonsense mutation in the previously hypothetical gene NM_026304 on chromosome 7. Whereas l7Rn6 mRNA levels were indistinguishable from wild type, l7Rn6(4234SB) homozygotes exhibited decreased expression of the truncated protein, suggesting protein instability. During late gestation, l7Rn6 was widely expressed in the cytoplasm of lung epithelial cells, whereas perinatal expression was restricted to the bronchiolar epithelium. Homozygosity for the l7Rn6(4234SB) allele did not affect early steps in lung patterning, growth, or cellular differentiation. Rather, mutant lungs demonstrated severe emphysematous enlargement of the distal respiratory sacs at birth. Clara cell pathophysiology was evident from decreased cytoplasmic CCSP and SP-B protein levels, enlargement and disorganization of the Golgi complex, and formation of aberrant vesicular structures. Additional support for a role in the secretory pathway derived from l7Rn6 localization to the endoplasmic reticulum. Thus, l7Rn6 represents a novel protein required for organization and/or function of the secretory apparatus in Clara cells in mouse lung.  相似文献   

Leaves show considerable variation in shape, and may be described as simple, when the leaf is entire, or dissected, when the leaf is divided into individual leaflets. Here, we report that the SIMPLE LEAF3 (SIL3) gene is a novel determinant of leaf shape in Cardamine hirsuta – a dissected‐leaved relative of the simple‐leaved model species Arabidopsis thaliana. We show that SIL3 is required for leaf growth and leaflet formation but leaf initiation is less sensitive to perturbation of SIL3 activity. SIL3 is further required for KNOX (knotted1‐like homeobox) gene expression and localized auxin activity maxima, both of which are known to promote leaflet formation. We cloned SIL3 and showed that it encodes RLI2 (RNase L inhibitor 2), an ATP binding cassette‐type ATPase with important roles in ribosome recycling and translation termination that are conserved in eukaryotes and archaea. RLI mutants have not been described in plants to date, and this paper highlights the potential of genetic studies in C. hirsuta to uncover novel gene functions. Our data indicate that leaflet development is sensitive to perturbation of RLI2‐dependent aspects of cellular growth, and link ribosome function with dissected‐leaf development.  相似文献   

L Plamann  Y Li  B Cantwell    J Mayor 《Journal of bacteriology》1995,177(8):2014-2020
The Myxococcus xanthus asgA gene is one of three known genes necessary for the production of extracellular A-signal, a cell density signal required early in fruiting body development. We determined the DNA sequence of asgA. The deduced 385-amino-acid sequence of AsgA was found to contain two domains: one homologous to the receiver domain of response regulators and the other homologous to the transmitter domain of histidine protein kinases. A kanamycin resistance (Kmr) gene was inserted at various positions within or near the asgA gene to determine the null phenotype. Those strains with the Kmr gene inserted upstream or downstream of asgA are able to form fruiting bodies, while strains containing the Kmr gene inserted within asgA fail to develop. The nature and location of the asgA476 mutation were determined. This mutation causes a leucine-to-proline substitution within a conserved stretch of hydrophobic residues in the N-terminal receiver domain. Cells containing the insertion within asgA and cells containing the asgA476 substitution have similar phenotypes with respect to development, colony color, and expression of an asg-dependent gene. An analysis of expression of a translational asgA-lacZ fusion confirms that asgA is expressed during growth and early development. Finally, we propose that AsgA functions within a signal transduction pathway that is required to sense starvation and to respond with the production of extracellular A-signal.  相似文献   

Auxin plays a fundamental role in organogenesis in plants. Multiple pathways for auxin biosynthesis have been proposed, but none of the predicted pathways are completely understood. Here, we report the positional cloning and characterization of the vanishing tassel2 (vt2) gene of maize (Zea mays). Phylogenetic analyses indicate that vt2 is a co-ortholog of TRYPTOPHAN AMINOTRANSFERASE OF ARABIDOPSIS1 (TAA1), which converts Trp to indole-3-pyruvic acid in one of four hypothesized Trp-dependent auxin biosynthesis pathways. Unlike single mutations in TAA1, which cause subtle morphological phenotypes in Arabidopsis thaliana, vt2 mutants have dramatic effects on vegetative and reproductive development. vt2 mutants share many similarities with sparse inflorescence1 (spi1) mutants in maize. spi1 is proposed to encode an enzyme in the tryptamine pathway for Trp-dependent auxin biosynthesis, although this biochemical activity has recently been questioned. Surprisingly, spi1 vt2 double mutants had only a slightly more severe phenotype than vt2 single mutants. Furthermore, both spi1 and vt2 single mutants exhibited a reduction in free auxin levels, but the spi1 vt2 double mutants did not have a further reduction compared with vt2 single mutants. Therefore, both spi1 and vt2 function in auxin biosynthesis in maize, possibly in the same pathway rather than independently as previously proposed.  相似文献   

We have reported in this paper the complete cDNA sequence, gene structure, and tissue-specific expression of LOXL2, a new amine oxidase and a member of an emerging family of human lysyl oxidases. The predicted amino acid sequence, from several overlapping cDNA clones isolated from placenta and spleen cDNA libraries, shared extensive sequence homology with the conserved copper-binding and catalytic domains of both lysyl oxidase (LOX) and the lysyl oxidase-like (LOXL) protein. These conserved domains are encoded by five consecutive exons within the LOX, LOXL, and LOXL2 genes that also maintained exon-intron structure conservation. In contrast, six exons encoding the amino-terminal domains diverged both in sequence and structure. Exon 1 of the LOXL2 gene does not encode a signal sequence that is present in LOX and LOXL, suggesting a different processing and intracellular localization for this new protein. Expression of the LOXL2 gene was detected in almost all tissues with the highest steady state mRNA levels in the reproductive tissues, placenta, uterus and prostate. In situ hybridization identified placental syncytial and cytotrophoblasts responsible for the synthesis of LOXL2 mRNA and demonstrated a spatial and temporal expression pattern unique to the LOXL2 gene.  相似文献   

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