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Lepidopteran stem borers are among the most important insect pests of maize, sorghum and sugarcane in sub‐Saharan Africa. Except for Chilo partellus, the other stem borer pests in Ethiopia are indigenous to Africa and are assumed to have coevolved with some native grasses and sedges in the natural habitat. In addition to pest species, natural habitats harbour diverse non‐economic stem borer species, some of which are new to science. However, with the growing threats to natural habitats, some non‐economic stem borer species may switch or expand their host ranges to include cultivated crops and evolve as “new” pests. Besides host switch, some of the unknown species currently limited to natural habitats may disappear. We examined the diversity, abundance and interactions of lepidopteran stem borers and their wild host plants in five different vegetation mosaics in Ethiopia. The stem borer species diversity varied among vegetation mosaics and host plants. Forty‐four stem borer species belonging to 14 different genera in the families of Noctuidae, Crambidae, Pyralidae and Tortricidae were recorded from 34 wild host plants and through light trap. Among these families, Noctuidae was the highest in species richness in which 31 species were identified, out of which 15 species and two genera were new to science. This paper discusses the ecological interpretation of host plant–stem borer species interactions, particularly in relation to habitat disturbances.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out between 2004 and 2005 in two ecologically different locations, Kakamega and Muhaka to assess diversity and abundance of wild host plants of lepidopteran stem borers as compared to maize plots during the cropping and non-cropping seasons. Kakamega in Western Kenya is characterized by a Guineo-Congolian rain forest mosaic and Muhaka at the Kenyan coast by a Zanzibar Inhambane mosaic with secondary grassy and woody vegetation. In Kakamega, wild host plants and maize covered 2 and 43% of the surveyed area. No variation in diversity and relative abundance of wild host plants was observed between both the cropping and non-cropping seasons. In Muhaka, the diversity and relative abundance of wild host plant species differed between seasons, with the Shannon Weaver Index (H) of 1.67 and 0.95 for cropping and non-cropping seasons, respectively. Similarly in this location, wild host plant cover varied between cropping (23%) and noncropping (17.9%). During both seasons, this was higher than the maize cover, with 10.7% and 0% for the cropping and non-cropping seasons, respectively. For both localities, the implication of the differences found in the abundance and diversity between the cropping and non-cropping seasons is discussed.  相似文献   

Country‐wide surveys of lepidopteran stem borers in wild host plants were undertaken between 2006 and 2009 in South Africa and 2005 and 2010 in Mozambique. A total of 4438 larvae were collected from 65 wild host plants in South Africa and 1920 larvae from 30 wild host plants in Mozambique. In South Africa and Mozambique, 50 and 39 stem borer species were recovered, respectively, with four new species and two new genera among noctuids. Less than 5% of the total number of species collected are considered to be economically important in Africa. These species were Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Noctuidae), Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Crambidae) and Sesamia calamistis Hampson (Noctuidae). Data from this study and others in East Africa on the very low abundance of stem borers in wild host plants question the putative role of wild host plants as reservoir for stem borer pests. One new host plant family (Prioniaceae), as well as 24 and 13 wild hosts from South Africa and Mozambique respectively, was added to the list of known hosts in Africa.  相似文献   

Presence of wild host plants of stem borers in cereal-growing areas has been considered as reservoirs of lepidopteran stem borers, responsible for attack of crops during the growing season. Surveys to catalogue hosts and borers as well as to assess the abundance of the hosts were carried out during the cropping and non-cropping seasons in different agro-ecological zones along varying altitude gradient in Kenya. A total of 61 stem borer species belonging to families Noctuidae (25), Crambidae (14), Pyralidae (9), Tortricidae (11) and Cossidae (2) were recovered from 42 wild plant species. Two noctuids, Busseola fusca (Fuller), Sesamia calamistis Hampson, and two crambids, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) and Chilo orichalcociliellus (Strand) were the four main borer species found associated with maize plants. In the wild, B. fusca was recovered from a limited number of host plant species and among them were Sorghum arundinaceum (Desvaux) Stapf, Setaria megaphylla (Steudel) T. Durand & Schinz, Arundo donax L. and Pennisetum purpureum Schumacher. In contrast, the host range of C. partellus was considerably wider [13 for S. calamistis]. However, the number of larvae of these species was lower in the wild compared to cultivated fields, thus the role of natural habitat as a reservoir for cereal stem borers requires further studies. Importance of the wild host plants as well as borer diversity along the altitudinal gradient is discussed.  相似文献   

Aim This paper reports the diversity and endemism patterns of African ferns, and explores the potential role of diversity refuges and environmental and historical factors in the shaping of these patterns. Material and locations The extant fern taxa occupying Africa south of the Sahara, Madagascar and some islands of the South Atlantic. Methods The number of taxa in each area or operational geographical unit (OGU) was scored, and the correlation between this number and physical and climatic variables analysed by standard pairwise and stepwise multiple regression analysis (SPR and SMR). The effects of biological factors such as dispersal capacity, reproductive biology, genetic features and certain physiological adaptations were evaluated by comparing the number of species in each OGU. Floral affinities among OGUs were analysed using non‐metric multi‐dimensional scaling (NMS) and parsimonic analysis of dispersion (PAD), and compared with β‐turnover and inter‐OGU distances. Results OGU area, elevation and the distance between refuges determined the composition of local floras, but only greater OGU area and the existence of higher maximum elevations increased species richness. The distance between refuges also affected the number of endemic species, especially on islands. The biological features studied only slightly influenced fern distribution. The main climatic predictor of species number was humidity. SPR and SMR revealed three main groups of ferns with different ecological trends. NMS and PAD analyses separated the four areas of highest diversity in Africa, three of which are inhabited by ferns with distinct ecological requirements. The fourth area was Madagascar, which shows an accumulation of endemic and relict diversity that is not easy to explain. Main conclusions The distribution of ferns in Africa has been influenced by refuges. These probably allowed many species to recolonize the neighbouring areas after the extinctions of the Pleistocene. Three major components were detected in the African flora: Guinea‐Congolian thermophilous, cold‐tolerant Afro‐montane, and Southern drought‐tolerant elements. These are related to the three main refuge areas, i.e. the Gulf of Guinea area, the eastern tropical region, and the Cape region. Endemicity in ferns was found to be lower than that of seed plants due to the higher dispersability of fern spores. The distance between OGUs seems to be the main predictor of the number of endemic fern species these areas contain.  相似文献   

Lepidopterous stem borers are the main field insect pests that attack maize, Zea mays L. in tropical Africa. A survey was carried during the long and short rain cropping seasons of 2002 / 2003 across six main agro-climatic zones (ACZs) to determine the spatial distribution of important stem borer species in Kenya. A total of 474 visits were made in the seventy-eight localities conveniently chosen to represent each of the six ACZs. 189,600 stems were checked for infestation, of which 27,799 infested stems were destructively cut and dissected for stem borer larvae identification. An average of 1.4 stem borer larvae were recovered per infested plant. 54.5% of the recovered larvae were identified as Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Crambidae), 39.7% as Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Noctuidae), 4.5% as Sesamia calamistis Hampson (Noctuidae) and 0.8% as Chilo orichalcociliellus (Strand) (Crambidae). Minor species present included Eldana saccharina Walker (Pyralidae), Sesamia nonagrioides (Lefebvre) (Noctuidae), Sesamia cretica Lederer (Noctuidae), Sesamia sp. (Noctuidae), Sciomesa piscator Fletcher (Noctuidae), Busseola sp near phaia (Noctuidae), Chilo sp, Ematheudes sp 1 (Pyralidae) and Ematheudes sp 2 (Pyralidae). Farms were grouped into respective ACZs for statistical analysis and subsequent comparison of dominant species. Results indicated that B. fusca was the dominant stem borer species in high potential zones (highland tropics, moist transitional zone and moist midaltitude) while the exotic C. partellus dominated smallholder farms in low potential zones (dry midaltitude, dry transional and lowland tropical zone). Within each ACZs, there was evidence of variation in species proportions between seasons. These spatio-temporal differences in community structure are discussed in terms of agro-climatic biological adaptations.  相似文献   

Madagascar's palm flora is very diverse (171 species) and has a high degree of endemism (97%). Palm products make an important contribution to the household economy of many rural families, especially in the palm-rich eastern escarpments. Many palms are, however, threatened by overexploitation and habitat destruction. We investigated which palm species were found and used in three villages on the eastern escarpments of Madagascar. The importance local people accorded to each species was compared to the number of its uses, number of people using it, and other aspects of its use. From this comparison it was concluded that even if important palms are used for more purposes than less important palms, they owe their importance to one or two of their main uses. We also investigated if there were any patterns in the distribution of informants' knowledge and whether such patterns could be related to socio-economic factors. There was a positive relationship between knowledge about palms and personal wealth and a negative relationship between distance to the forest and amount of knowledge. The latter can be a sign of an ongoing knowledge erosion. Sustainable use of native palms should be encouraged as it may contribute positively to village economy and knowledge preservation, and may provide incentives for preservation of remaining forest tracts.  相似文献   

Lepidopteran stemborers are amongst the most important insect pests of maize, sorghum and sugarcane in sub-Saharan Africa. With the exception of Chilo partellus (Swinhoe), which was accidentally introduced into Africa, the other stemborer pests are indigenous to the continent and have co-evolved with native grasses and sedges. In addition to pest species, wild habitats harbour diverse non-economic stemborer species, some of which are new to science. However, the diversity and distribution of both non-economic and pest species of stemborer are currently mostly unknown in Botswana. Accordingly, country-wide surveys were conducted during 2014/15 and 2015/16 austral summer to determine species diversity and distribution in cultivated and wild host plants of stemborers in Botswana. A total of 1597 stemborer larvae and 228 pupae were collected, constituting 63.1 and 36.9 larvae and 84.8 and 15.2% pupae from cultivated versus wild habitats, respectively. In addition to C. partellus, Sesamia calamistis Hampson and Eldana saccharina Walker which were previously reported, 12 more stemborer species were recorded for the first time in Botswana, including nine undescribed species. These species were from the Sciomesa, Sesamia and Conicofrontia genera and Tortricidae and Pyralidae families. Fourteen wild host and two cultivated host plant species of stemborers were recorded. Chilo partellus was most abundant (89.5%) in cultivated habitats whilst E. saccharina (33.6%) was most abundant in wild habitats. Stemborer species diversity was higher in wild habitats than cultivated. Current results highlight the significance of wild, especially wetland habitats for ecological functions and conservation of lepidopteran stemborer biodiversity.  相似文献   

The Asian pupal parasitoid, Xanthopimpla stemmator Thunberg, was imported into East Africa as a classical biological agent of lepidopteran cereal stem borers. Preference of X. stemmator females for four common borers of maize and sorghum; the crambid Chilo partellus (Swinhoe), the pyralid, Eldana saccharina Walker, and the noctuids, Busseola fusca Fuller and Sesamia calamistis Hampson, was investigated. Pre-adult experience of X. stemmator females did not influence choice of host. In dual choice tests, more B. fusca were attacked than E. saccharina, while E. saccharina were attacked more than Ch. partellus. Life table studies on three of the hosts revealed that the intrinsic rate of increase was highest when X. stemmator was reared on S. calamistis. Net reproductive rates, mean generation times and doubling times were not different between hosts. Results suggest that X. stemmator can be successfully reared on the three stem borer species and released in areas where any combination of the three hosts occurs.  相似文献   

About a hundred monocotyledonous plants endemic to Japan were studied with reference to carbohydrate storage in leaves. As has been considered for a long time, the majority of monocotyledonous plants have sugary leaves in which starch is not generally formed. On the contrary, Commelinales, Dioscoreales and many aquatic plants including Butomales, and some members of Liliales are characterized by storing starch together with soluble sugars. The relative proportion of these components seems to be species-specific. These findings may serve as a useful tool for the studies on chemotaxonomy or lineage of monocotyledonous plants.  相似文献   

Diversity and distribution of trees [≥5 cm diameter at breast height (dbh)], shrubs and herbs was assessed in thirty 0.05‐ha (10 × 50 m) plots of a tropical high forest in the Ssese islands of Lake Victoria, central Uganda. The aim was to determine the floristic richness and composition of the forests. We recorded 179 species belonging to 70 families and 146 genera. Of these, nine families had five species or more. Rubiaceae was the richest with fourteen species followed by Euphorbiaceae (thirteen), Apocynaceae (ten) and Moraceae (nine). The majority of the families (35) were represented by one species each. Fifty‐eight herbaceous species, 39 lianas, ten shrubs and 72 species of trees were recorded. The commonest species recorded in the forest included: Uapaca guineensis Mull. Arg., Tabernaemontana pachysiphon Stapf., and Aframomum luteoalbum (K Schum.) K. Schum. Among the rare species encountered were Ficus densistipulata De Willd., Englerophytum oblanceolatum (S. Moore) Pennington, and Afromomum zambeziacum (Bak.) K. Schum. The present study has shown that the Ssese islands are floristically rich in species and compare well with other mainland forests. Species richness, rarity and uniqueness of habitats can be considered as approaches in the prioritization of conservation sites within the fragmented forests of Ssese islands.  相似文献   

The lepidopteran stalk borers, the indigenous Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Noctuidae), and the exotic Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Pyralidae), were studied in grain sorghum fields, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench (cultivar SSK-52), in the dry season of 1986 (April–October) at Delmas and Brits, Transvaal, South Africa. More than 90% of plants at both sites were infested, but as winter progressed, the proportion of plants infested and the level of infestation dropped gradually. The borer larvae hibernated inside the dry stalks, but the location differed: 65% of B. fusca were in the lower third and 30% in the middle third, whereas for C. partellus it was 45 and 50% respectively. Both borers overwintered as larvae in either of the last three instars, but the proportions of larval instars were different. About 82% of B. fusca hibernated as 6th and 16% as 5th larval instars whereas with C. partellus it was 40 and 45% respectively. C. partellus started to emerge from diapause in the second part of August and it lasted until the first week of November, a period of 12 weeks, but with B. fusca on the other hand pupation lasted only 3 weeks during October–November. Parasitism was low on both species, but higher on B. fusca. Three parasites, Chelonus curvinaculatus Cameron, Chelonus sp. and Pristomerus sp. hibernated in the borers, one parasite Iphiaulax sp., hibernated in its cocoon inside the stalks, and two parasites Apanteles sesamiae Cameron and Bracon sp. were active in winter. Two ants, Pheidole megacephala Febricius, and Dorylus helvolus (L.), preyed on the borer larvae in winter.
Hibernation des chenilles de deux espèces de mineuses, Busseola fusca et Chilo partellu dans les tiges de Sorghum bicolor
Résumé Deux chenilles mineuses de tiges, B. fusca, Noctuidae indigène, et C. partellus, Pyralidae exotique, ont été étudiées dans des champs de S. bicolor (cultivar SSK-52), pendant la saison sèche de 1986 (Avril–Octobre) à Delmas et Brits, au Transvaal en Afrique du Sud. Plus de 90% des pieds des deux stations étaient infestés, mais plus l'hiver avançait, plus la proportion de plantes in festées et le taux d'infestation diminuaient. Les chenilles ont hiverné dans les tiges sèches, mais leurs positions étaient différentes: 65% des B. fusca étaient dans le tiers inférieur et 30% dans le tiers médian, tandis que pour C. partellus, il s'agissait respectivement de 45 et 50%. Les duex chenilles hivernaient à l'un des 3 derniers stades larvaires, mais les proportions étaient différentes. Pour B. fusca environ 82% hivernaient au 6ème stade et 16% au 5ème stade, tandis que pour C. partellus c'étaient 40 et 45% respectivement. C. partellus a commencé à sortir de diapause pendant la seconde moitié d'Août et a continué jusqu'à la première semaine de Novembre, soit durant une période de 12 semaines, mais avec B. fusca la nymphose a duré seulement 3 semaines en Octobre–Novembre. Le parasitisme des deux espèces a été faible, mais plus important chez B. fusca. Trois parasites, Chelonus curvimaculatus Cameron, Chelonus sp. et Pristomerus sp. ont hiverné dans leurs cocons à l'intérieur des tiges, et deux parasites, Apanteles sesamiae Cameron et Bracon sp. étaient actifs en hiver. Deux fourmis, Pheidole megacephala Fabricius et Dorylus helvolus L. capturaient des chenilles de ces mineuses pendant l'hiver.

A review of the existing basis for maize stem borer IPM is given and the role of pathogens in the system is evaluated. Survey work outlining the major groups of insect pathogens is described; fungi (Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae), bacteria (Bacillus thuringiensis and Serratia marcesens), and viruses (granuloviruses and cytoplasmic polyhedroviruses) were identified. The presence of other unidentified protozoans, nematodes, fungi and viruses was noted. The virulence of some of the more promising known insect pathogens was explored in preliminary bioassays. Considering the cryptic habits of the insects, and the low input agriculture practiced by the majority of maize farmers in sub-Saharan Africa, Beauveria bassiana isolates possessing the capacity to grow systemically in the maize plant are considered one of the more interesting candidates for development as microbial control agents despite limited control in preliminary trials. Further work should also investigate the potential of pathogens of moderate virulence, such as the protozoans and CPVs.  相似文献   

越桔两种蛀干害虫的发生与防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡淼 《昆虫知识》2001,38(3):221-222
咖啡豹蠹蛾Zeuzera coffeae Nietner和樟泥色天牛Uraecha angusta(Pascoe)是江苏地区的美国兔眼越桔上2种主要蛀干害虫。前者在枝干中向顶端方向蛀食,排出圆粒状虫粪;后者向植株基部方向蛀食,排出粉末状虫粪,均造成枝干枯死。咖啡豹蠹蛾发生量较大,是主要虫种。防治这2种蛀干害虫,应采用保护利用天敌、改善果园生态环境、促使树体健壮生长等综合管理措施。  相似文献   

温州沿海小型海岛植物丰富度和β多样性及其影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2012-2015年调查了温州沿海20个小型无居民海岛的植物组成,共记录到维管束植物366种,隶属于95科244属,其中草本植物226种木本植物140种。拟合了5个种-面积关系模型,采用赤池信息量AIC对模型进行选择,发现种-面积-生境类型关系模型SAH_nR权重系数最大,为40.26%,两种断点回归种-面积关系模型BR-SAR权重系数分别仅为6.94%和0.43%,表明基于这20个海岛拟合的种-面积关系不存在小岛屿效应。岛屿植物物种丰富度主要受面积A影响,离大陆距离,I_m对丰富度无显著作用;偏相关分析表明除A外,周长/面积比PAR和岛屿生境多样性指数H_d显著影响了植物丰富度,其逐步回归方程分别为:植物总丰富度S=76.714+1.696A-0.046PAR,R~2=0.839;木本植物丰富度S_(-woody)=6.525+0.455A+24.544H_d,R~2=0.697;草本植物丰富度S_(-herbaceous)=66.899+1.285A-0.04PAR-23.434H_d,R~2=0.865。偏最小二乘回归PLS分析中岛屿空间特征参数对岛屿物种相似性指数重要性排序为:I_m(0.61)I_i(0.56)PAR(0.49)A(0.20)岸线长度Per(0.14)生境类型H(0.072)岛屿高程E(0.065)岛屿形状指数SI(0.05)。由此可见,近岸的小型海岛植物丰富度并不总是由岛屿面积来决定;隔离度对岛屿植物β多样性影响较大。  相似文献   

Even the most successful transformation systems for monocotyledonous plants have a very low efficiency. To overcome this, the selection system is of utmost importance. Established selection systems based on kanamycin resistance are not generally applicable for monocotyledonous plants because monocot cells and tissues are relatively insensitive to kanamycin. Selection can be improved by using other antibiotics or herbicides and their respective resistance genes, which can lead to a substantial reduction in the number of untransformed regenerants. In choosing a selection system the resistance mechanism, either detoxification of the selective agent or modification of the target enzyme, should also be taken into account. Detoxification of the selective agent by expression of a modifying enzyme in transformed cells can enable untrasformed cells to escape. This does not happen when resistance is based on the production of a modified target enzyme. By use of vectors specifically designed for high expression in monocots, the level of resistance in transformed cells and tissues can be enhanced, resulting in an increased efficiency of selection. This paper presents an overview of the various antibiotics and herbicides available and the application of the related resistance genes to improve transformation of monocots.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Although much is known about the vegetative traits associated with early monocot evolution, less is known about the reproductive features of early monocotyledonous lineages. A study was made of the embryology of Tofieldia glutinosa, a member of an early divergent monocot clade (Tofieldiaceae), and aspects of its development were compared with the development of other early divergent monocots in order to gain insight into defining reproductive features of early monocots.


Field-collected developing gynoecial tissues of Tofieldia glutinosa were prepared for histological examination. Over 600 ovules were sectioned and studied using brightfield, differential interference contrast, and fluorescence microscopy. High-resolution digital imaging was used to document important stages of megasporogenesis, megagametogenesis and early endosperm development.

Key Results

Development of the female gametophyte in T. glutinosa is of a modified Polygonum-type. At maturity the female gametophyte is seven-celled and 11-nucleate with a standard three-celled egg apparatus, a binucleate central cell (where ultimately, the two polar nuclei will fuse into a diploid secondary nucleus) and three binucleate antipodal cells. The antipodal nuclei persist past fertilization, and the process of double fertilization appears to yield a diploid zygote and triploid primary endosperm cell, as is characteristic of plants with Polygonum-type female gametophytes. Endosperm development is helobial, and free-nuclear growth initially proceeds at equal rates in both the micropylar and chalazal endosperm chambers.


The analysis suggests that the shared common ancestor of monocots possessed persistent and proliferating antipodals similar to those found in T. glutinosa and other early-divergent monocots (e.g. Acorus and members of the Araceae). Helobial endosperm among monocots evolved once in the common ancestor of all monocots excluding Acorus. Thus, the analysis further suggests that helobial endosperm in monocots is homoplasious with those helobial endosperms that are present in water lilies and eudicot angiosperms.Key words: Tofieldia, Tofieldiaceae, Alismatales, monocots, embryology, female gametophyte, antipodals, development, endosperm  相似文献   

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