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The aim of this work was to examine whether seed ecophysiological traits in three closely related Crocus species were associated with ecological niche differentiation and species divergence. Seeds of the temperate tetraploid cytotype of Crocus neapolitanus, the sub‐Mediterranean C. etruscus and the Mediterranean C. ilvensis were placed either on agar in the laboratory under different periods of simulated seasonal conditions or in nylon mesh bags buried outdoors to examine embryo growth, radicle and shoot emergence. In agreement with the phenology observed outdoors, in the laboratory embryos required a cool temperature (ca. 10 °C) to grow to full size (embryo length:seed length, E:S ratio ca. 0.75) but only after seeds received a warm stratification; radicle emergence then followed immediately (November). Shoot emergence is a temporally separated phase (March) that was promoted by cold stratification in C. neapolitanus while in the other two species this time lag was attributed to a slow continuous developmental process. These species have similar embryo growth and radicle phenology but differ in their degree of epicotyl dormancy, which is related to the length of local winter. Conclusions from laboratory experiments that only consider root emergence could be misleading; evaluating the phenology of both root and shoot emergence should be considered in order to demonstrate ecologically meaningful differences in germination behaviour and to develop effective propagation protocols. Although these taxa resulted from recent speciation processes, the outcomes suggest an early onset of adaptation to local ecological factors and that phylogeny may represent a significant constraint in the evolution and expression of seed traits in Crocus.  相似文献   

Crocus consists of about 100 species distributed from western Europe and northern Africa to western China, with the center of diversity on the Balkan Peninsula and in Asia Minor. Our study focuses on clarifying phylogenetic relationships and chromosome number evolution within the genus using sequences of the chloroplast trnL-F region, the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, and a part of the nuclear single-copy gene pCOSAt103.In a combined dataset of ITS and trnL-F sequences, 115 individuals representing 110 taxa from both subgenera and all sections and series of Crocus were analyzed with Bayesian phylogenetic inference. For pCOSAt103 79 individuals representing 74 Crocus taxa were included, and for the majority of them PCR amplicons were cloned and up to eight clones per individual were sequenced to detect allopolyploidization events. Romulea species were included as outgroup in both analyses. Characteristics of seed surface structures were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy.Phylogenetic analysis of ITS/trnL-F data resulted in a monophyletic genus Crocus, probably monophyletic sections Crocus and Nudiscapus, and inferred monophyly for eight of the 15 series of the genus. The C. biflorus aggregate, thought to be consisting of closely related subspecies, was found to be polyphyletic, the taxa occurring within three major clades in the phylogenetic tree. Cloning of pCOSAt103 resulted in the detection of homoeologous copies in about one third of the taxa of section Nudiscapus, indicating an allotetraploid origin of this section. Reconstruction of chromosome number evolution along the phylogenetic tree using a probabilistic and a parsimony approach arrived at partly contradictory results. Both analyses agreed however on the occurrence of multiple polyploidization and dysploidy events. B chromosomes evolved at least five times independently within the genus, preferentially in clades characterized by karyotype changes.  相似文献   

Crocus sativus is an autumn-flowering species, unknown as a wild plant but long-cultivated for its scarlet style branches which yield Saffron, the dye and flavouring agent. There are several naturally-occurring related species from southern Europe and south western Asia which form a natural group within the genus.C. niveus from Greece is similar to these morphologically and is included here but is less closely related. The characters of the group are defined, a key to the taxa is provided and their relationships discussed.  相似文献   

Phylogeny, evolution, and taxonomy of vannellid amoebae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We sequenced 18S rRNA genes from 21 vannellid amoebae (Amoebozoa; Vannellidae), including nearly all available type cultures, and performed a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis for 57 Vannellidae sequences. The results show that species of Vannella and Platyamoeba are completely mixed and do not form distinct clades. Several very closely related species pairs exist, each with a Vannella and a Platyamoeba species differing in only a few nucleotides. Therefore, presence (Vannella) or absence (Platyamoeba) of glycostyles in the cell surface coat is an invalid generic distinction; the genera must be merged. As Vannella has priority, we formally transferred Platyamoeba species into Vannella, except for the non-vannellid P. stenopodia, here renamed Stenamoeba stenopodia gen. n. comb. n. and transferred to the family Thecamoebidae. Our trees show that Vannella glycostyles were probably easily and repeatedly evolutionarily lost. We have established a new genus Ripella, with distinct morphology and sequence signatures for Vannella platypodia and morphologically similar species that form a clearly separate clade, very distant from other Vannellidae. Vannellids form four well-separated single-genus clades: Vannella sensu stricto, Ripella, Clydonella, and Lingulamoeba. Species of the revised genus Vannella comprise four closely related, well-supported subclades: one marine and three freshwater. Here, we provide an illustrated checklist for all 40 known Vannellidae species.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the genera traditionally classified in the family Pluteaceae (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) was investigated using molecular data from nuclear ribosomal genes (nSSU, ITS, nLSU) and consequences for taxonomy and character evolution were evaluated. The genus Volvariella is polyphyletic, as most of its representatives fall outside the Pluteoid clade and shows affinities to some hygrophoroid genera (Camarophyllus, Cantharocybe). Volvariella gloiocephala and allies are placed in a different clade, which represents the sister group of Pluteus, and a new generic name, Volvopluteus, is proposed to accommodate these taxa. Characters such as basidiospore size and pileipellis structure can be used to separate Pluteus, Volvariella and Volvopluteus. The genus Pluteus is monophyletic and includes species with partial veil traditionally classified in the genus Chamaeota. The evolution of morphological features used in the infrageneric taxonomy of the genus, such as metuloid cystidia and pileipellis structure, was analyzed. Agreement between the molecular phylogeny and morphological subdivision of Pluteus is, generally speaking, good, though some rearrangements are necessary: (i) species with non-metuloid pleurocystidia and pileipellis as a cutis are placed either in sect. Celluloderma, together with the species characterized by a hymenidermal pipeipellis, or in sect. Pluteus, with the metuloid bearing species; (ii) subdivision of sect. Celluloderma according to the presence/absence of cystidioid elements in the pileipellis is not supported by molecular data.  相似文献   

Basic chromosome number inGalaxia is believed to be x = 9, and this number, or multiples, occurs in all species of subgenusGalaxia. In subgenusEurystigma, G. barnardii has n = 8,G. versicolor n = 8 and 7,G. citrina n = 8, 7 and 17 whileG. variabilis has n = 7 exclusively. Karyotypes in forms ofG. versicolor with n = 7 and inG. variabilis are quite different and clearly originated independently. Karyotypic features provide evidence for the hypothesis that changes in chromosome number were accomplished through chromosome fusion either by classical Robertsonian translocation, or unequal reciprocal translocation.  相似文献   

Despite recent progress on the higher‐level relationships of Cichlidae and its Indian, Malagasy, and Greater Antillean components, conflict and uncertainty remain within the species‐rich African, South American, and Middle American assemblages. Herein, we combine morphological and nucleotide characters from the mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, NADH dehydrogenase four, and cytochrome b genes and from the nuclear histone H3, recombination activating gene two, Tmo‐4C4, Tmo‐M27, and ribosomal S7 loci to analyse relationships within the Neotropical cichlid subfamily Cichlinae. The simultaneous analysis of 6309 characters for 90 terminals, including representatives of all major cichlid lineages and all Neotropical genera, resulted in the first well‐supported and resolved generic‐level phylogeny for Neotropical cichlids. The Neotropical subfamily Cichlinae was recovered as monophyletic and partitioned into seven tribes: Astronotini, Chaetobranchini, Cichlasomatini, Cichlini, Geophagini, Heroini, and Retroculini. Chaetobranchini + Geophagini (including the “crenicichlines”) was resolved as the sister group of Heroini + Cichlasomatini (including Acaronia). The monogeneric Astronotini was recovered as the sister group of these four tribes. Finally, a clade composed of Cichlini + Retroculini was resolved as the sister group to all other cichlines. The analysis included the recently described ?Proterocara argentina, the oldest known cichlid fossil (Eocene), which was placed in an apical position within Geophagini, further supporting a Gondwanan origin for Cichlidae. These phylogenetic results were used as the basis for generating a monophyletic cichline taxonomy. © The Willi Hennig Society 2008.  相似文献   

The genus Crocus is known for its widely varying chromosome numbers (from 2n = 6 to 2n = 70) with varying numbers occurring even within species, as it is the case for Crocus biflorus Miller (2n = 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24). After we found morphological diverse C. biflorus populations in Turkey doubts arose about their rank of being subspecies of the Italian C. biflorus (2n = 8). Here we publish the chromosome numbers for 76 populations of C. biflorus sensu lato distributed all over Turkey. The chromosome numbers ranged from 2n = 8 to 2n = 36, with the higher numbers occurring in the mountain ranges of the Anatolian Diagonal and east of it, while lower numbers were found only southwest of these mountains. Closely related taxa with similar distribution mostly differ in their chromosome numbers. This led us to assume that chromosomal changes influence speciation processes in the genus. Therefore, chromosome numbers may represent an important character for the establishment of a new taxonomic treatment of the Crocus species, especially within section Nudiscapus. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   


Mature pollen of C. thomasii Ten. (Iridaceae) has been studied from a morphological and physiological point of view and compared to that of C. sativus L., C. thomasii pollen is roundish, with a 83 μm diameter and a 14% of anomalous grains. Percentage of the positive alcoholdehydrogenase (ADH +) pollen grains is about 90% whereas the in vitro germinated rate reaches 55%. Exine is homogeneously thickened (2.5 μm) with randomly distributed thinner zones and 5 μm thick intine. Cytoplasm of vegetative and generative cells is very rich of small and large smooth vesicles and vesicles coated by ribosomes. The generative cell shows a thin ondulated pectocellulosic wall. Its nucleus is intensely fluorescent after treatment with the 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) fluorochrome. Although many ultrastructural aspects of the C. thomasii pollen are common in C. sativus. L., C. thomasii pollen is smaller, more regularly structured and germinates in vivo and in vitro in higher percentage than that of C. sativus.  相似文献   


Fruit and seed set were obtained in the triploid Crocus sativus (saffron) either by hand crossing with pollen of the diploid C. cartwrightianus or by free pollination. The morphology of the capsules and seeds was similar in both Crocus species. The embryo is comparatively small, whereas the endosperm is formed of numerous layers of cells with hemicellulose-thickened walls and a cytoplasm containing few lipid and protein reserves. Seed germination gave rise to a white prophyll from which a green leaf emerged. At the base of this leaf, a small corm without tunics developed, which, after leaf desiccation, became dormant. These corms sown separately in pots were again capable of growth and emitted a single long green leaf. Vegetative development of new corms was similar in the diploid and hybrid saffron plants. In sites of past saffron cultivation the beds were found to contain degenerated corms and corms at different development stages. The absence of fruit and seed set in emasculated and self- and out-pollinated plants suggests that saffron does not form apomictic embryos.  相似文献   

Taxonomy of Cinnamomum Schaeff. of Lauraceae remains problematic because recent phylogenetic studies have suggested that this genus is not monophyletic. In this study, we assembled three sequence matrices including plastomes (datamatrix I), nrITS sequences alone (datamatrix II), and nrITS plus plastid psbA‐trnH sequences (datamatrix III) of the CinnamomumOcotea complex of Lauraceae and conducted a new phylogenetic study with thusfar the most extensive species sampling of the CinnamomumOcotea group. We determined that the Old World Cinnamomum is diphyletic: sect. Camphora Meisn. is sister to Sassafras J.Presl and sect. Cinnamomum is sister to the African Kuloa Trofimov & Rohwer. A recent study indicated that characters of leaf micromorphological anatomy can define the two clades: one possessing reticulate periclinal and the other having non‐reticulate periclinal walls. As result, we divided the genus Cinnamomum of Lauraceae into two genera, i.e., Cinnamomum and Camphora Fabr. The generic name Cinnamomum is retained for those species mainly having reticulate periclinal epidermal cell walls, inconspicuous non‐perulate terminal buds and usually tripliveined leaves; the oldest generic name, Camphora, is applied to the second group which contains those species mainly possessing non‐reticulate periclinal epidermal cell walls, prominent perulate terminal buds and pinnately‐veined leaves. A census of the species and their type specimens listed under Cinnamomum in Asia resulted in the transfer of 18 species to Camphora, including 15 new combinations.  相似文献   

Vellinga EC  de Kok RP  Bruns TD 《Mycologia》2003,95(3):442-456
The position and composition of Macrolepiota within the Agaricaceae and its phylogenetic relationships with other members of the family were investigated, using both molecular (ITS and LSU rDNA sequences) and morphological characters. The molecular data separate the genus into two clades. The first clade comprises M. procera, M. mastoidea, M. clelandii and allies and is a sister group of Leucoagaricus and Leucocoprinus. The second, more diverse, clade, with M. rachodes and allies, M. globosa, Chlorophyllum molybdites, Leucoagaricus hortensis and Endoptychum agaricoides, is a sister group of Agaricus. The separation of the two clades is supported by morphological characters, such as the structure of the pileus covering, the stipitipellis and the shape of the germ pore and the spore apex. The two clades are regarded as genera for which the names Macrolepiota and Chlorophyllum are proposed. Macrolepiota nympharum does not belong to either clade but is assigned to the genus Leucoagaricus, close to L. leucothites. Endoptychum depressum is transferred to the genus Agaricus as A. inapertus.  相似文献   

A gene phylogeny provides the natural historical order to classify genes and to understand their functional, structural, and genomic diversity. The gene family of endothelin receptors (EDNR) is responsible for many key physiological and developmental processes of tetrapods and teleosts. This study provides a well-defined gene phylogeny for the EDNR family, which is used to classify its members and to assess their evolution. The EDNR phylogeny supports the recognition of the EDNRA, EDNRB, and EDNRC subfamilies, as well as more lineage-specific duplicates of teleosts and the African clawed frog. The duplications for these nominal genes are related to the various whole-genome amplifications of vertebrates, jawed vertebrates, fishes, and frog. The EDNR phylogeny also identifies several gene losses, including that of EDNRC from placental and marsupial (therian) mammals. When coupled with structural and biochemical information, site-specific analyses of evolutionary rate shifts reveal two distinct patterns of potential functional changes at the sequence level between therian versus non-therian EDNRA and EDNRB (i.e., between groups without and with EDNRC). An analysis of linkage maps and tetrapod synteny further suggests that the loss of therian EDNRC may be related to a chromosomal deletion in its common ancestor.  相似文献   

A new species of Crocus sect. Crocus is described as an endemic of Elba Island (Tuscan Archipelago, Italy): C. ilvensis Peruzzi & Carta sp. nov. (2n=8). The new species was wrongly referred to C. corsicus Vanucchi (2n=18), C. etruscus Parl. (2n=8) or C. vernus Hill. subsp. vernus (2n=8, 16) by previous authors. Its karyotype structure, asymmetry and chromosome dimensions show affinity with C. etruscus, and no clear relations with other related taxa. From a morphological point of view, C. ilvensis appears intermediate between C. etruscus and C. vernus subsp. vernus, showing however a peculiar combination of character‐states. The new species is completely allopatric with other Crocus sect. Crocus taxa and its possible role in the origin of tetraploid races of C. vernus is discussed.  相似文献   

An in-depth analysis of the Leptynia attenuata species complex has been performed by cytochrome oxidase subunit 2 (cox2) gene sequencing as well as karyotype and allozyme analysis. The whole set of data allows to largely resolve the taxonomy of the group and suggests an overall trend of chromosomal repatternings through a progressive reduction of the chromosome number. A previously suggested new species has been also confirmed on a genetic basis. Data are discussed in order to depict a phylogenetic and phylogeographic scenario fitting the observed genetic relationships between the different species of the group. Chromosome rearrangements are proposed as the major speciation driving force within the group and androgenetic reproduction is suggested as a shortcut to overcome the problem of fixing chromosomal rearrangements that are strongly underdominant in heterozygotes.  相似文献   

Saffron (Crocus sativus L. Iridaceae) chromoplasts and other plastids were studied by electron microscope to determine their structure, origin and pigment localization. Plastids from pistils of floral buds and flowers at anthesis, dried and decoloured stigmas, and green and senescent leaves were examined. Results indicated that mature saffron chromoplasts occur in the red parts of stigmas and have a reticulo-tubular structure. They contain a reticulum of tubules and plastoglobules. Tubules formed dilated vesicles mainly while plastoglobules appeared numerous and scattered on the whole chromoplast. Chromoplasts appeared in red stigma of very young floral buds. They originated from amyloplasts, the only plastids occurring in the colourless basal portion of style, as well as in the parenchyma of ovary and corm. Transition forms of plastid as amylo-chromoplast, occur in the yellow parts of stigma and style. Senescent leaves did not show plastids with structure similar to the chromoplast of red stigma. Red pigmented and scented stigmas might cooperate in saffron reproduction by attracting pollinator.  相似文献   

Pollen of Crocus biflorus Miller subsp. biflorus from natural habitats of Tusculum (Frascati, near Rome, Italy) has been studied in order to compare its structure and physiology to pollen of other Crocus species belonging to the Crocus sativus group. Mature pollen grains are rounded, 60 μm in diameter, in-aperturate (but with surface incisions where exine is lacking). DAPI staining reveals a spindle-shaped generative nucleus which is intensely fluorescent, and vegetative nucleus which is less fluorescent, and is elongated with numerous lobes. At anthesis the pollen is bicellular, but about 2% of tricellular grains occur among the pollen grains released from the anthers as well as on both naturally or handpollinated stigmas. Pollen germination is low in vitro, but higher in vivo. The pollen tubes are of normal shape. An electron-dense surface coat is sometimes visible on the exine, which in many cases, is detached from the exine. The vegetative cytoplasm is very rich in glycolipid bodies surrounded by endoplasmic reticulum. The generative cell has a lobed cell wall and is surrounded by the vegetative nucleus.  相似文献   

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