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Our society faces the pressing challenge of increasing agricultural production while minimizing negative consequences on ecosystems and the global climate. Indonesia, which has pledged to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from deforestation while doubling production of several major agricultural commodities, exemplifies this challenge. Here we focus on palm oil, the world’s most abundant vegetable oil and a commodity that has contributed significantly to Indonesia’s economy. Most oil palm expansion in the country has occurred at the expense of forests, resulting in significant GHG emissions. We examine the extent to which land management policies can resolve the apparently conflicting goals of oil palm expansion and GHG mitigation in Kalimantan, a major oil palm growing region of Indonesia. Using a logistic regression model to predict the locations of new oil palm between 2010 and 2020 we evaluate the impacts of six alternative policy scenarios on future emissions. We estimate net emissions of 128.4–211.4 MtCO2 yr-1 under business as usual expansion of oil palm plantations. The impact of diverting new plantations to low carbon stock land depends on the design of the policy. We estimate that emissions can be reduced by 9-10% by extending the current moratorium on new concessions in primary forests and peat lands, 35% by limiting expansion on all peat and forestlands, 46% by limiting expansion to areas with moderate carbon stocks, and 55–60% by limiting expansion to areas with low carbon stocks. Our results suggest that these policies would reduce oil palm profits only moderately but would vary greatly in terms of cost-effectiveness of emissions reductions. We conclude that a carefully designed and implemented oil palm expansion plan can contribute significantly towards Indonesia’s national emissions mitigation goal, while allowing oil palm area to double.  相似文献   

The ongoing expansion of plantation agriculture has changed the ecological, demographic, and social conditions of Southeast Asia’s forested areas, yet little is known about hunting practices in these novel landscapes. Using information from 73 in-depth interviews with hunters, agricultural workers and wild meat dealers in the Jambi province of Sumatra, Indonesia, we describe contemporary hunting practices, including how hunting methods, wildlife harvest and consumption rates vary between different indigenous and immigrant ethnic groups. Hunting is now primarily a commercial endeavor for harvesting wild boar (Sus scrofa) meat; over 7500 wild boars were sold in Jambi City alone in 2011. The Muslim majority avoids wild boar for religious reasons, but there is substantial local and export demand driven by Chinese and Christian Batak. We conclude that hunting within oil palm plantations may reduce crop damage from wild boar and also yield large amounts of wild meat with relatively little by-catch of threatened animals.  相似文献   

The conversion of tropical rain forests to oil palm plantations is a major threat to Southeast Asia's rich biodiversity. Fostering forest species communities in secondary forests, agroforestry systems, and plantations is therefore increasingly becoming a conservation focus. This study uses standardized transect‐based sampling to compare species richness, density and community composition of stream anuran assemblages among primary forests, repeatedly logged forests and oil palm plantations in northern Borneo. In primary forest streams, we recorded an average of 19 frog species, compared to 15 species in logged forests and 11 species in oil palm plantation streams. However, the high percentage of canopy cover above the plantation streams mitigated this loss to some extent. This study corroborates numerous studies that oil palm plantations have mainly negative effects on the region's biodiversity. However, our results also demonstrate the high conservation value of logged forests for Bornean stream‐dependent anurans. We conclude that palm plantations have a largely unused potential to promote regional anuran biodiversity.  相似文献   

The rapid conversion of Southeast Asian lowland rainforests into monocultures calls for the development of rapid methods for species identification to support ecological research and sustainable land‐use management. Here, we investigated the utilization of DNA barcodes for identifying flowering plants from Sumatra, Indonesia. A total of 1,207 matK barcodes (441 species) and 2,376 rbcL barcodes (750 species) were successfully generated. The barcode effectiveness is assessed using four approaches: (a) comparison between morphological and molecular identification results, (b) best‐close match analysis with TaxonDNA, (c) barcoding gap analysis, and (d) formation of monophyletic groups. Results show that rbcL has a much higher level of sequence recoverability than matK (95% and 66%). The comparison between morphological and molecular identifications revealed that matK and rbcL worked best assigning a plant specimen to the genus level. Estimates of identification success using best‐close match analysis showed that >70% of the investigated species were correctly identified when using single barcode. The use of two‐loci barcodes was able to increase the identification success up to 80%. The barcoding gap analysis revealed that neither matK nor rbcL succeeded to create a clear gap between the intraspecific and interspecific divergences. However, these two barcodes were able to discriminate at least 70% of the species from each other. Fifteen genera and twenty‐one species were found to be nonmonophyletic with both markers. The two‐loci barcodes were sufficient to reconstruct evolutionary relationships among the plant taxa in the study area that are congruent with the broadly accepted APG III phylogeny.  相似文献   

Sex Differentiation in Oil Palm: Effects of Growth Regulators   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gibberellic acid is shown to increase the production of maleinflorescences, and reduce production of females, in the oilpalm, Elaeis guineensis Jacq. Ethephon and -naphthyleneaceticacid also have effects on sex ratio, but it is suggested thatthese may be indirect effects, in contrast to that of gibberefficacid which is considered to be a direct effect on the processof sex differentiation. 2-Chioroethyl trimethylammonium chloridehad no effect on sex ratio.  相似文献   

Over the past decade international organizations and developing countries have been trying to promote agricultural diversification among smallholders under the assumption that smallholders are too dependent upon a narrow range of crops. The International Coffee Organization and the Government of Indonesia have promoted agricultural diversification among coffee farmers to curb production and, thereby, increase prices. In South Sumatra, Indonesia, coffee smallholders diversify on their own initiative and depend upon numerous resource systems. They diversify out of coffee and even agriculture because other investments yield attractive returns and because further diversification within agriculture is often limited by agronomic and financial constraints.The Center for Policy and Implementation Studies (CPIS), Ministry of Finance, in Indonesia funded this research.  相似文献   

The orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus)is an interesting subject on which to base an evaluation of the costs and benefits of social life in apes, since grouping in this heavy, arboreal frugivore is facultative. In the Ketambe area of Sumatra, Indonesia, the food sources of wild orang-utans display a clear seasonality. The two main food types— figs and other, nonfig, fruits— fulfill different functions. The huge fig trees meet the high caloric requirements of the ape and are therefore visited regularly throughout the year. Nonfig fruits are an additional food source but become a really important alternative when figs are in short supply. Since fig trees are relatively rare, it is only in the nonfig fruiting season that food is relatively abundant. Two types of orang-utan groupings could be distinguished. During lean periods, groups formed in the few productive fig trees available can be explained as forced aggregations taking place in spite of centrifugal forces caused by competition. Only when a temporary surfeit of food slackens these centrifugal forces (i.e., during the fruit season) does the tendency to form spontaneous social groups (the second type of grouping) reveal itself. It is suggested that the development of social skills is an important aspect of grouping in adolescent orang-utans. For the adult male, safeguarding his reproductive success by protecting females against sexually aggressive subadult males is probably the only reason for being in groups.  相似文献   

Morphological types of arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) in pioneer woody plants were examined in an oil palm farm 1 year after reclamation. In total, 18 plant species belonging to 15 genera in 9 families were examined, and the Arum type was found in 12 species belonging to 9 genera in 5 families. In contrast, the Paris type was found in 5 species belonging to 5 genera in 4 families. The number of plant species with Arum-type AM was always higher than that with Paris-type AM in all four sampling plots. All the examined species in Euphorbiaceae, most of which are fast-growing pioneer trees and were dominant in forming the canopy in secondary forests, were found to have Arum-type AM. These results suggest that Arum-type colonization is beneficial for fast-growing woody plant species.  相似文献   

Increasing prices and demand for biofuel and cooking oil from importer countries have caused a remarkable expansion of oil palm plantations in Indonesia. In this paper, we attempt to monitor the expansion of oil palm plantations on peat land and in tropical forests. We measure the GHG emissions from the land conversion activities at provincial scale. Using Landsat images from three different periods (1990s, 2000s and 2012), we classified LULC of the Riau Province, which is the largest oil palm producing region in Indonesia. A hybrid method of integration, generated by combining automatic processing and manual analysis, yields the best results. We found that the tropical rainforest cover decreased from ∼63% in the 1990s to ∼37% in the 2000s. By 2012, the remaining tropical rainforest cover was only ∼22%. From the 1990s to the 2000s, conversion of forests and peat lands was the primary source of emissions, total CO2 emitted to the atmosphere was estimated at ∼26.6 million tCO2.y-1, with 40.62% and 59.38% of the emissions from conversion of peat lands and forests, respectively. Between 2000 and 2012, the total CO2 emitted to the atmosphere was estimated at ∼5.2 million tCO2. y-1, with 69.94% and 27.62% of the emissions from converted peat lands and converted forests, respectively. The results show that in the Riau Province, the oil palm industry boomed in the period from 1990 to 2000, with transformation of tropical forest and peat land as the primary source of emissions. The decrease of CO2 emissions in the period from 2000 to 2012 is possibly due to the enforcement of a moratorium on deforestation.  相似文献   

Ecological Nationalisms: Nature, Livelihood, and Identities in South Asia . Gunnel Cederlöf and K. Sivaramakrishnan, eds. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2006. 399 pp.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2007,10(3):239-250
The infestation levels of O. rhinoceros were investigated in the oil palm trunk heaps in three replanting blocks (Blocks A, B and C) at Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia. These blocks had different densities of pheromone trapping: high (11 traps per ha, Block B), normal (1 trap per 2 ha, Block C), while no pheromone trapping was conducted in (Block A. Without pheromone trapping, the infestation levels of O. rhinoceros can reach a maximum density of between 25 to 50 individuals per m2 (IPMS). The O. rhinoceros population was still detected in the heaps up to more than two years (at 26 months after replanting). With high density trapping, infestation levels were maintained below 10 IPMS and was not detected in the heaps after a period of 16 months of replanting. In the normal trapping density, the population was also maintained below 10 IPMS but had sustained itself in the heaps for up to 24 months. The mortality factors associated with the larval stages sampled within these replanting blocks was determined by visual symptoms with subsequent verification with microbial analysis. The analysis was narrowed down to detect only bacteria (Bacillus thuringiensis and B. popillae), virus (Oryctes virus) and fungus (Metarhizium). In Block A, the population of O. rhinoceros in the trunks was reduced drastically at 14 months after replanting (MAR), which could be due to the high mortality (88%) of the third instar larvae, 3 months earlier. In Block B, the percentage mortality for the larval stage was always highest at the third instars (between 21–82%). In Block C however, the mortality of the third instars was low, never exceeding 35%. In these sampling blocks, the infection of Metarhizium seem to be less dominant compared to virus or bacteria The k factor analysis indicates density dependence among the third instar larvae had contributed to the change in its population density in Block A. Therefore, with proper manipulation of pheromone traps and targeted application of disease agents (i.e virus, fungus and bacteria), the population of O. rhinoceros can be managed more effectively in an oil palm replanting.  相似文献   

The dynamics of aboveground big woody organs over 10 cm diameter was studied at a mature foothill dipterocarp forest in West Sumatra. The biomass of big woody organs was estimated to be 519 m3 ha−1 or 408 metric ton ha−1 by means of a pipe model theory. The diameter distribution showed a convex curve and the mode was found at a diameter of about 20 cm. The standing mass of big dead woody litter on the forest floor was 116 m3 ha−1, which accounted for 22% by voume or 9.5% by weight of the biomass of living organs respectively. Thedbh observation with two 1-ha plots for 4 yr and 5 yr respectively revealed that the average net production rate was 9.5 ton ha−1 yr−1. The death rate (7.9 ton ha−1 yr−1) accounted for 83% of the net production rate and was nearly equivalent to the decay rate (7.5 ha−1 yr−1) of dead wood on the forest floor. The balance between the death and decay rates was confirmed for each diameter class. Average turnover periods for big woody organs and dead woody litter were estimated to be 43 and 8.1 yr, respectively. Standing masses of live anddead woody materials accumulated in the study forest were approximately equal to those obtained in a mature tropical lowland rainforest, whereas the flow rates were lower, being only 70% of the corresponding values.  相似文献   

Peat swamp forest is an important refuge for biodiversity in Southeast Asia and is now becoming a target of exploitation. The scarcity of information on avifauna and ecology of birds in peat swamp forests prevents understanding of the effects of land use change on avifauna. In this study, we describe the bird assemblages in habitats with different land uses by comparing species richness, community composition, and feeding guild patterns in Bukit Batu, Indonesia. Bird assemblages in natural peat swamp forests (NPF), high-maintenance industrial acacia plantations (planted acacia forest, PAF), low-maintenance rubber plantations (jungle rubber forest, JRF), and village areas (VIL) were studied using a fixed-radius point-count method. Of the 95 species observed, 45, 20, 35, and 48 species were observed in NPF, PAF, JRF, and VIL, respectively. Estimated species richness was the highest in NPF, followed by VIL, JRF, and PAF. NPF had the highest species diversity and β-diversity, more endangered species, and a distinctive species composition characterized by fly-catching insectivores. The relative conservation value of PAF was notably low, particularly compared with JRF. The avifauna in VIL was characterized by more generalists that favor open spaces and therefore is not considered an important habitat for forest-dependent birds that are of conservation concern. Our results indicate that NPF has irreplaceable value for bird diversity conservation, but low-maintenance rubber plantations were home to several forest-dependent species and partially supported bird diversity, particularly compared with high-maintenance acacia plantations.  相似文献   

In Southeast Asia, the conversion of native forests to oil palm plantations threatens tropical biodiversity, but very little is known about the impacts of oil palm cultivation on small carnivore species. To determine the diversity and occupancy of small carnivores within oil palm plantations and to investigate possible factors that might affect their presence within oil palm, we used camera-traps within two oil palm plantations in central Sumatra, analysed the data using occupancy modelling and tested whether two covariates (distance to the edge of the oil palm habitat and distance from extensive areas of lowland forest) affected the model parameters for each small carnivore species. From 3164 camera-trap days, we detected only three small carnivores: leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis), common palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) and Malay civet (Viverra tangalunga), which indicates that there was a low diversity of small carnivores within the oil palm plantations. Both the leopard cat and common palm civet were found deep within the oil palm, whereas the Malay civet was only detected near the edge in one of the plantations. The leopard cat and common palm civet had very high occupancy values, whereas the Malay civet had low values for both occupancy and detection probability. Neither covariate affected occupancy of the leopard cat and common palm civet, but distance from the edge of the oil palm habitat did influence their detection probabilities. Malay civet occupancy decreased with distance from the oil palm edge, and detection probability was affected by distance from extensive areas of lowland forest. Forests and rest/den site availability are suggested to be important features for small carnivores with oil palm-dominated landscapes.  相似文献   

记述印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛产直角步甲族3新种。  相似文献   

Ceratocystis wilt disease has caused significant mortality in duku (Lansium domesticum) since 2014 and has now spread to all districts in South Sumatra, Indonesia. Recently, 16 isolates from duku representing populations from various districts in South Sumatra were isolated. Analysis for the morphological characteristic of the isolate showed that the population has a uniform morphology. Genetic analysis based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and β-tubulin sequences verified that the population has being dominated by the ITS5 haplotype of Ceratocystis fimbriata and a new ITS group, the ITS7b haplotype that was localized in Musi Banyuasin. Both haplotypes were highly pathogenic to duku. Inoculation tests on various forest and agroforestry plant hosts showed that both haplotypes were highly pathogenic to Acacia mangium, moderately pathogenic to Acacia carsicarpa, Eucalyptus urophylla, and Melaleuca cajuputi, but weakly pathogenic to Dyera costulata, Hevea brasiliensis, and Alstonia scholaris. Therefore, this pathogen becomes a serious threat to Indonesia’s biodiversity due to its ability to infect forest and agroforestry plants, especially the indigenous ones.  相似文献   

Summary 188 blood samples from Batak of Samosir Island (Sumatra, Indonesia) have been studied for electrophoretic variants of haemoglobin, 14 red cell enzyme and 5 serum protein systems. The acid phosphatase, 6 PGD, PGM1 and ADA enzyme systems are polymorphic, and a single AK 2-1 person was detected. Polymorphism is present in the haptoglobin, transferrin and protease inhibitor systems. Two variant alleles, Tf Dchi and Tf B are present in the transferrin system, but the B variant has not been identified. Similarly, 3 persons with caeruloplasmin variants were found, but also these variants have not been identified. No abnormal haemoglobins were detected. All other systems revealed the presence of only normal phenotypes.
Zusammenfassung 188 Blutproben des Batak-Stammes von Samosir Island (Sumatra, Indonesien) wurden auf elektrophoretische Varianten des Hämoglobins in 14 Erythrocyten-enzym-und 5 Serumprotein-Systemen untersucht. Die Saure Phosphatase, 6GPD, PGM1 und ADA-Systeme sind polymorph, und eine einzige AK 2-1-Person wurde gefunden. In den Haptoglobin-, Transferrin- und Pi-Systemen treten Polymorphismen auf. Zwei abweichende Allele, Tf Dchi und Tf B, sind im Transferrin-System zu finden, aber die B-Variante ist nicht bestimmt worden. Ebenso wurden 3 Personen mit Ceruloplasmin-Varianten gefunden, doch auch diese Varianten wurden nicht identifiziert. Keine abnormen Hämoglobine wurden gefunden. Alle anderen Systeme wiesen nur normale Phenotypen auf.

Exposure to organophosphate insecticides such as fenitrothion (FNT) in agriculture and public health has been reported to affect sperm quality. Antioxidants may have a potential to reduce spermatotoxic effects induced by organophosphate. The present study was carried out to evaluate the effects of palm oil tocotrienol-rich fraction (TRF) in reducing the detrimental effects occurring in spermatozoa of FNT-treated rats. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four equal groups: a control group and groups of rats treated orally with palm oil TRF (200 mg/kg), FNT (20 mg/kg) and palm oil TRF (200 mg/kg) combined with FNT (20 mg/kg). The sperm characteristics, DNA damage, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, and levels of reduced glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA), and protein carbonyl (PC) were evaluated. Supplementation with TRF attenuated the detrimental effects of FNT by significantly increasing the sperm counts, motility, and viability and decreased the abnormal sperm morphology. The SOD activity and GSH level were significantly increased, whereas the MDA and PC levels were significantly decreased in the TRF+FNT group compared with the rats receiving FNT alone. TRF significantly decreased the DNA damage in the sperm of FNT-treated rats. A significant correlation between abnormal sperm morphology and DNA damage was found in all groups. TRF showed the potential to reduce the detrimental effects occurring in spermatozoa of FNT-treated rats.  相似文献   

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