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The current situation of indigenous peoples in the Sudan is the result of the independent state's adoption of land and other policies identical to those introduced by colonialists more than a century ago. The Sudanese state has not only unwittingly maintained some colonial coercive institutions and policies but it has introduced more aggressive ones and brutally deployed them against its indigenous peoples, particularly the Nuba. In the light of this, this paper attempts to demonstrate analytically how some historical and contemporary socio-political dynamics have continued systematically to deprive these indigenous Nuba peoples of their customary land, and to assess to what extent the recently concluded Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) has been successful in addressing the land question as one of the root causes of the recurring civil wars in the Sudan in general and in the Nuba Mountains in particular.  相似文献   

This article considers the implications of the adoption of cement and concrete as building materials in a mountain settlement of the Paiwan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan. The presence of these materials in an indigenous settlement might at first glance be interpreted as a sign of cultural assimilation. This article suggests rather that, by paying close attention to the ways in which locals engage with the changing properties of imported materials in work and daily life, a more complex understanding can be gained of the negotiated relations of power between indigenous people, the state, and market forces, as well as the role of materials in these negotiations. For the Paiwan, creative engagements with foreign materials and their changing properties have, at various moments, represented ways of adapting to the pressures to assimilate, or, conversely, resulted in expressions of cultural resilience.  相似文献   

For conservation to be effective in forests with indigenous peoples, there needs to be greater recognition of indigenous customary rights, particularly with regards to their use of natural resources. Ideally, legislation regulating the use of natural resources should include provisions for the needs of both indigenous peoples and biodiversity. In reality, however, legislative weaknesses often exist and these can result in negative impacts, either on indigenous peoples’ livelihoods, their surrounding biodiversity, or both. Here, our case study demonstrates why conservationists need to pay greater attention to natural resource legislation affecting indigenous peoples’ rights. Apart from examining relevant laws for ambiguities that may negatively affect biodiversity and livelihoods of indigenous people in Peninsular Malaysia (known as the Orang Asli), we also provide supporting information on actual resource use based on questionnaire surveys. In order to address these ambiguities, we propose possible legislative reconciliation to encourage policy reform. Although there are positive examples of conservationists elsewhere adopting a more inclusive and participatory approach by considering the needs of indigenous peoples, greater recognition must be afforded to land and indigenous rights within natural resource laws for the benefit of indigenous peoples and biodiversity.  相似文献   

This paper reviews gold and copper mining in Papua New Guinea (PNG) along the “triad stakeholder model” (Ballard and Banks 2003) proposing a triad relationship between (1) trans-national mining corporations, (2) the nation-state of Papua New Guinea, and (3) indigenous local communities, their socio-ecological environment and claims. Gold mining could be a huge asset, but turns out to be a curse to the independent part of the world’s second largest island known as “a mountain of gold in a sea of oil.” Our paper is based on research that began during our year-long residency at the country’s only Technical University in Lae. We are discussing several issues related to the nation’s gold resources and their exploitation: varied mining technologies and locations, the environmental impact, economics, human cost and gender issues, indigenous culture versus international corporate culture, state interferences, and urban development. One example is the industrial port city of Lae, founded during the gold rush of the 1920s that inaugurated rapid urban development. Once gloriously known as the “Pearl of the Pacific,” the town experienced administrative expansion and suffered from the subsequent exhaustion of nearby gold mines entailing a reverse development.  相似文献   

This study explores how indigenous knowledge (IK) might be retained and/or changed among contemporary indigenous peoples. Through semi-structured interviews and quantitative analyses of long-term changes in artistic knowledge among three geographically displaced Kaiabi (Kawaiwete) we found an association between language proficiency and gender with greater IK retention, and formal schooling with IK erosion. Six mechanisms of innovation in knowledge of basketry and textiles among men and women were documented. A mixed mode of collaborative learning and knowledge transmission involving diverse actors emerged from community workshops and group forums. Innovative mechanisms for cultural transmission have taken advantage of media, technology, and non-indigenous support organizations to expand weaving knowledge of basketry designs. Our results illustrate how indigenous peoples actively shape cultural transmission and change, as well as the role that public policies and academic research may play in these processes.  相似文献   

Aim Introduced plant species are less likely to be attacked by herbivores than are native plant species. Isolated oceanic islands provide an excellent model system for comparing the associations between herbivore species and plant species of different residency histories, namely endemic, indigenous (non‐endemic) or introduced (naturalized or cultivated) species. My aim was to test the prediction that, on isolated oceanic islands, introduced plant species have a lower tendency to have an association with insect herbivores than do endemic and indigenous plant species. Location Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands in the western Pacific Ocean. Methods I examined the presence/absence of leaf‐mining and leaf‐galling insect species on 71 endemic, 31 indigenous, 18 naturalized and 31 cultivated (introduced but not naturalized) species of woody plants from 2004 to 2008. Results Leaf‐mining insect species were found on 53.5%, 35.5%, 11.1% and 16.1% and leaf‐galling species were found on 14.1%, 9.7%, 5.6% and 0% of endemic, indigenous, naturalized and cultivated plant species, respectively. Species of Lepidoptera (moths) and Hemiptera (primarily psyllids) comprised the dominant types of leaf miners and leaf gallers, respectively. Main conclusions The incidence of leaf miners and leaf gallers differed as a function of residency history of the plant species. Introduced (naturalized and cultivated) species were less frequently associated with leaf miners and leaf gallers than were native (endemic and indigenous) species, indicating that the leaf‐mining and leaf‐galling insect species, most of which feed on leaves of a particular native plant genus (i.e. they show oligophagy), have not yet begun to utilize most introduced plant species.  相似文献   

Temporary mining is a peculiar behavioral trait in leaf parasites requiring adaptations of consecutive larval stages to the endophytic and ectophytic life. The first fossil evidence for the origin of the trait comes from the Cretaceous (Turonian) plant–insect locality of the Negev Desert containing rich trace assemblages of leaf parasites, including blotch mines with leaf pieces cut out for case construction, as well as attached larval cases. The host plants are deciduous broadleafs or aquatic angiosperms with emergent leaves, suggesting that initial acquisition of the habit might have been related to leaf abscission and the risk for the larva being chocked in the mine during floods. Unlike tracks of permanent miners, temporary mines never co‐occur on leaves with other type mines, which attests to their effect of enhancing plant resistance. Mine predation appears to have been widespread in the Cretaceous biotic community, suggesting a possibility of top‐down regulation of mining habits at this early stage of their evolutionary development.  相似文献   

Shifting cultivation practiced by indigenous peoples living at low population densities in tropical forests has often been described as sustainable and compatible with conservation. However, shifting cultivation at increasing population densities has historically been, and still is, a main cause of deforestation worldwide. As many indigenous peoples in tropical forests currently experience rapid demographic growth, this raises the question to what extent their agricultural activities actually contribute to deforestation. This paper examines land use change in an indigenous community in the Ecuadorian Amazon which is only loosely connected to the market economy, and where agriculture is almost exclusively subsistence oriented. During the last seven decades, people have increasingly begun to clear fallows instead of old-growth forest to farm. Although the population was growing at an estimated 1.6% per year, the expansion of the area of land used for agriculture was only 0.4% per year, corresponding to an annual deforestation rate of only 0.015%. Whereas these changes may seem negligible in terms of deforestation, they do cause hardships to the local people, because of increasing walking distance to old-growth forest, and problems with weeds, pests, and decreasing soil productivity when farming after reclearing fallows.  相似文献   

Professional and popular publications have increasingly depicted native peoples of Amazonia as “natural” conservationists or as people with an innate “conservation ethic.” A few classic examples are cited repeatedly to advance this argument with the result that these cases tend to be generalized to all indigenous peoples. This paper explores the premise that many of these systems of resource conservation come from areas of Amazonia where human survival depends on careful management of the subsistence base and not from a culturally imbedded “conservation ethic.” Where resource constraints do not pertain, as in the case of the Yuquí of lowland Bolivia, such patterns are unknown. Finally, the negative consequences of portraying all native peoples as natural conservationists is having some negative consequences in terms of current struggles to obtain indigenous land rights.  相似文献   

Lung cancer risks of underground miners: cohort and case-control studies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
All underground mines have higher radon levels than are found in surface air. Ventilation is the primary method of controlling radon levels. Fourteen cohort and seven case-control studies done on underground miners are reviewed; they include many types of ore. Only five of the studies deal with more than 100 lung cancer deaths. Variations in the attributable risk are given. Some generalizations can be drawn from these studies: the longer the follow-up, the greater is the attributable risk, even though the relative risk is reasonably constant. The induction-latent period is quite variable but is shortened by high exposure rates, by cigarette smoking, and by increasing age at start of mining. The predominant histological type of lung cancer among miners changed from small-cell undifferentiated for short follow-up time to epidermoid after long follow-up times. With short follow-up time, a multiplicative interaction between smoking and radiation was indicated, but, with long follow-up time, the two factors appear to be simply additive. This difference is probably due to the shortened latent period among cigarette smokers, not to synergism.  相似文献   

After the beginning of metal processing at the transition from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age, further knowledge of ore mining and smelting had spread from the Near East to central Europe. In the copper ore deposits of Schwaz, in the central part of the Alps, the oldest traces of copper mining derive from the early to middle Bronze Ages. Investigation of a middle to late Bronze Age (1410–920 cal B.C.) slag-washing site in the area revealed a carbonised seed of Nigella damascena (Ranunculaceae) (love-in-a-mist) together with individual other food plants. The plant remains had become incorporated into the slag sediments by chance and had been preserved in an excellent state due to toxic copper salts contained in the soil. Nigella damascena, like N. sativa (black cumin), is traditionally used as a condiment and healing herb in southern Europe and the Near East, but has never grown in the wild in central Europe. Until now, there has been no evidence of prehistoric large-scale cultivation of N. damascena in central Europe. This leads to two possible conclusions: the find may either originate from an exchange of goods with the cultures in the Mediterranean during the Bronze Age, or indicate an introduction of the plant by an immigrant population from that area. Implicating the latter alternative together with the archaeological context of the ore processing site suggests that Nigella damascena had been introduced to the Alps by foreign miners in the course of ore exploitation during the middle to late Bronze Age.  相似文献   

Abstract Leaf miners are insects whose larval stages live between layers of leaf epidermis, feeding on mesophyll and lower epidermis to create mine‐like cavities. Little is known about the ecology or distribution of leaf miners in Australia. We investigated the incidence of leaf miners in relation to aridity, vegetation types, host plant taxonomy, leaf traits, canopy cover and latitude. We surveyed leaf miners at 15 sites in NSW, eastern Australia, situated along a rainfall gradient from 300 to 1700 mm per annum and a latitudinal gradient of 28°S to 33°S, within four vegetation types (mallee, heath, woodland and rainforest). Leaf mining was recorded from 36 plant species, 89% of which had no previous record of mining. The proportion of mined plant species at each site varied, but there was no significant difference between vegetation types. Leaf mining presence was positively correlated with both total leaf length and leaf thickness. No significant correlations were found between the proportion of mined species at a site and rainfall, latitude or foliar projected cover. We conclude that leaf mining is a widespread type of insect herbivory whose distribution patterns are more likely to be influenced by biotic than abiotic factors.  相似文献   

By marshaling empirical data from five Machiguenga communities studied over 20 years, this paper disputes two common assumptions about the behavior of indigenous peoples in the face of increasing commercialization. First, many Amazonian researchers suggest that the social and ecological deterioration confronting native populations results from externally-imposed political, legal and market structures that compel local groups to pursue short-term, unstable economic strategies. Second, these structural explanations are combined with the increasing recognition that indigenous peoples possess a substantial agroecological knowledge to suggest that, if indigenous people receive control of adequate land and resources, they will implement their traditional knowledge in conservative resource management practices. In contrast to these assumptions, this analysis shows that the Machiguenga are not compelled by external forces (such as land tenure, migration policies or economic trends), but instead are active enthusiastic participants seeking to engage the market in order to acquire western goods. Further, despite highly adaptive traditional subsistence patterns and a vast agroecological knowledge, households and communities facing increasing degrees of market integration are progressively altering their traditional cropping strategies, planting practices, labor allocation and land use patterns toward a greater emphasis on commodity crop production and domesticated animal breeding. This increasing concentration on income generating activities subverts the environmentally-friendly nature of traditional productive practices and creates a socially, economically, and ecologically unsustainable system.  相似文献   

The basic methods for rehabilitating degraded land left after mining are reasonably well‐understood and there are examples across Australia of these being currently implemented. But there are many other situations where further research will be needed to achieve rehabilitation objectives. In addition, a number of mines are yet to embark on any sustained program of rehabilitation and there is a disappointing number of cases of mines ceasing operations before rehabilitation is completed leaving sites in a badly degraded state. Overall there appear to be surprisingly few examples in Australia of post‐ mining rehabilitation that has reached a successful conclusion. In part, this may be simply a matter of time and the problem will be resolved as more mines reach the end of their working lives. But there is an apparent trend for mines to be placed into ‘care and maintenance’ or sold to other entities, to avoid the costs of rehabilitation. Thus, we are concerned there is a widening gap between what should be possible and what is being done in practice. We review some of the experiences of rehabilitating post‐mining landscapes in Australia and conclude that problems have arisen because of (i) the inherently difficult task of restoring ecosystems at highly modified mine sites, (ii) institutional and management weaknesses and (iii) loose regulatory frameworks that allow a high level of company self‐regulation. A key problem is that the importance of rehabilitation appears to rank below that of production in the minds of many mine managers and is not accorded the level of priority that the community expects. The scale of the mining industry and its capacity to cause environmental damage means that there is a need to improve the way mine rehabilitation is currently undertaken. We suggest that this might be achieved by improving research programs as well as better institutional and regulatory arrangements. The present situation represents a major ecological and financial risk to the nation as a whole and regulatory authorities need to develop more rigorous approaches to ensure effective rehabilitation standards are achieved.  相似文献   

The social impact of the mahogany trade on the indigenous peoples of Brazil is described. Emphasis is placed on the violence directed against Indians and the consequences of the destruction of their environment which results from the trade. Also mentioned are the judicial issues regarding the illegal extraction of mahogany from protected areas and several of the court cases against logging companies. A moratorium on mahogany logging in Brazil is advocated as is the right of indigenous peoples to control their lands and resources as the way to conserve their environment.  相似文献   

"Land, Water, and Truth": San Identity and Global Indigenism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
San peoples of southern Africa followed two very different trajectories through the 20th century. For some groups, colonial rule and apartheid meant segregation on geographically remote homelands (or in game parks); for the majority of San, however, they meant incorporation as a landless underclass of farm laborers, domestic servants, and squatters. This bifurcated history now presents obstacles to the recognition of a nascent pan–San identity as the contemporary San join other indigenous peoples in struggles over land rights, control over natural resources, and political voice in national and international arenas. This article discusses some of the ways in which international models of indigenism have colluded with essentialist conceptions of culture and ethnicity to (1) prevent the recognition of the San peoples' cultural identity, as it is shaped by their various historical experiences and socioeconomic conditions, and (2) distort the understanding of San claims for land and natural resources by transforming San struggles for social and economic justice into demands for "cultural preservation." [Keywords: indigenous peoples, San, southern Africa, social movements, cultural politics]  相似文献   

Leaf mining is a form of endophagous herbivory in which insect larvae live and feed within leaf tissue. In this review we discuss aspects of leaf miner ecology, and the current evidence for three hypotheses relating to the evolution of this feeding guild. We also present a summary of the literature coverage relating to these herbivores, which have been relatively poorly studied compared with insects that feed externally such as sap suckers and leaf chewers. The majority of published studies concern leaf miners from the northern hemisphere, with a general focus on those species considered to be agricultural, forestry or horticultural pests. In a more detailed case study, we examine aspects of leaf miner ecology of Australian species. At least 114 species have been recorded as leaf miners in Australia in four orders: Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera and Hymenoptera. Lepidoptera and Diptera are the most speciose orders of Australian leaf miners; Hymenoptera are represented by a single endemic genus and half of all coleopteran miners are species introduced for biological control. Both the known number of leaf‐mining species in Australia and the known number of hosts have increased in recent years following new targeted surveys. Leaf miners in Australia occur in many habitats and feed on a wide variety of host plants in at least 60 families although most individual species are monophagous. Although much of the research on leaf miners in Australia has focused on species that are commercially important pests or biological control agents, studies on fundamental aspects of leaf miner ecology are increasing. We identify a number of research questions aimed at better understanding the ecology of leaf miners in Australia and elsewhere.  相似文献   

In Amazonian societies, autonomy is said to be a core value motivating egalitarian politics. This article shows how the quest for autonomy and productiveness presently sets in motion processes that encroach upon these very values. Among the Shuar of Amazonian Ecuador, the realization of autonomy and productiveness increasingly depends on the capture of state resources. Shuar interact with the local state as members of relatively recent sedentary communities and through the mediation of elected leaders. In these processes, ‘community’ itself is transformed: being a channel to regenerate domestic livelihoods, it also becomes an end in itself, giving rise to new economistic attitudes while legitimizing inequalities between commoners and leaders. The article suggests that the pursuit of autonomy and productiveness within a process of village formation is central to the transformation of egalitarianism that occurs when small-scale Amazonian polities engage with nation-state politics.  相似文献   

  • 1 The patterns of herbivory by leaf miners on the shrub Ochna ciliata growing on Aldabra Atoll were studied in relation to browsing by feral goats and exposure to the tropical sun versus shading.
  • 2 Damage due to both tunnelling (Diptera) and ‘blotch-making’ (Lepidoptera) leaf miners was statistically greater on trees that had been browsed and on those that received more extensive exposure to the sun.
  • 3 Effects of exposure and browsing were additive, as evidenced by the lack of statistical interaction between these factors.
  • 4 There was a significant negative correlation between the numbers of tunnelling and blotch-making miners in trees that had been browsed, but not in unbrowsed trees.
  • 5 Three geographical areas were sampled to test whether the effects of browsing on leaf mining were invariant or influenced by as yet unknown environmental factors. A statistically significant interaction between browsing and geographical region indicated that, while browsed trees had significantly more mines whatever the habitat, the extent of this effect differed across the habitats.

John C. Kennedy 《Ethnos》2013,78(3-4):5-23
Recent claims to Aboriginal (native or indigenous) identity include new peoples who may not have had an historical consciousness as distinct peoples. This paper presents such a case from Canada, the recent ethnogenesis of the Labrador Metis. These Metis claim Inuit ancestry. Their claim is opposed by Labrador's two established Aboriginal associations and government. Yet Labrador Metis have incorporated under the Labrador Metis Association, filed a land claim with the Canadian government, and are pressing their case before the public. The paper discusses how the Metis are attempting to negotiate Aboriginality, some of the sociocultural consequences of Metis ethnic mobilization, and why Metis are claiming to be Aboriginal at this time.  相似文献   

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