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A large-scale tidal power project in the upper reaches of the Bay of Fundy would cause major changes in the tidal elevations of the headpond which would have a pronounced effect on intertidal ecology. The new mean low water level would be, on average, slightly above the present mean sea level whilst the new mean high water level would drop about 0.7 m. This would result in a much compressed intertidal zone. Mud and sand flats, below the present mean sea level, would be converted to sub-tidal habitat, whilst the high saltmarsh, flooded at present only on the highest spring tides, would become colonized by terrestrial vegetation. There would be major shifts in the relative importance of primary production by saltmarshes, intertidal microalgae and phytopiankton, but overall, it is likely that production would increase. Changes in both primary food sources and habitat area would affect the abundance of intertidal invertebrate organisms and the fish and migratory shorebirds that feed upon them.  相似文献   

The upper estuary of the macrotidal Petitcodiac River, New Brunswick, Canada, was converted to a freshwater impoundment by construction of a causeway in 1968. Thirty years later, zooplankton community structure in the impoundment was characteristic of a disturbed ecosystem. The depauperate zooplankton consisted of a mixture of freshwater and marine/brackish taxa, but was not typical of regional estuaries or lakes. The causeway dam was an obstacle to fish migration, and several anadromous species that would formerly have been represented in the ichthyoplankton were absent. The invertebrate plankton community was dominated by rotifers, likely as a result of frequent water level fluctuations, and highly suspended sediment levels in the water column. Estuarine/marine calanoids (Eurytemora affinis, Temora longicornis, Centropages typicus, Tortanus discaudatus), the mysid Neomysis americana, and Cancer crab zoeae were collected in fresh water up to 14 km upstream of the causeway.  相似文献   

Mudflat research is dispersed among several fields (ecology, sedimentology), each with its own focus and methodology. Consequently, although the volume of mudflat literature is considerable, our understanding of mudflat ecology remains fragmented. For example, little is known about the structure of microbial communities outside Western Europe. Here we present the first North American specific composition and densities of live mudflat diatoms and relate them to properties of their environment on two closely located flats. The two flats (Daniel’s and Buck’s) were similar until the mid–1980s. After this time the biological and sedimentary environment on Buck’s Flats began to change and resulted in a precipitous decline of the keystone invertebrate Corophium volutator (Pallas). The specific diatom composition on each of the two flats examined was still very similar. Tychoplanktonic diatoms were numerically dominant on both flats. The flats differed significantly in the relative contribution of epipelic diatoms, which were about an order of magnitude greater on Buck’s Flats. CCA analysis suggests that very few of these species exist within their optimal habitat. Some of the differences appeared small, but were statistically and biologically significant. Daniel’s Flats sediments had a 30% larger mean grain size, less water and organic carbon compared to Buck’s Flats sediments. Buck’s Flats had more variable depths of the oxygenated layer, often with anoxic inclusions throughout. Daniel’s Flats supported more C. volutator, while Buck’s Flats contained greater densities of diatoms. The importance of preserving environmental conditions (sedimentary and biotic) prevailing on flats such as Danielȁ9s Flat in order to foster populations of Corophium at a level necessary to support foraging migratory shorebirds is also discussed.  相似文献   

Predator avoidance is an important component of predator-prey relationships and can affect prey availability for foraging animals. Each summer, the burrow-dwelling amphipod Corophium volutator is heavily preyed upon by Semipalmated Sandpipers (Calidris pusilla) on mudflats in the upper Bay of Fundy, Canada. We conducted three complementary studies to determine if adult C. volutator exhibit predator avoidance behavior in the presence of sandpipers. In a field experiment, we monitored vertical distribution of C. volutator adults in bird exclosures and adjacent control plots before sandpipers arrived and during their stopover. We also made polymer resin casts of C. volutator burrows in the field throughout the summer. Finally, we simulated shorebird pecking in a lab experiment and observed C. volutator behavior in their burrows. C. volutator adults were generally distributed deeper in the sediment later in the summer (after sandpipers arrived). In August, this response was detectably stronger in areas exposed to bird predation than in bird exclosures. During peak predator abundance, many C. volutator adults were beyond the reach of feeding sandpipers (>1.5 cm deep). However, burrow depth did not change significantly throughout the summer. Detailed behavioral observations indicated that C. volutator spent more time at the bottom of their burrow when exposed to a simulated predator compared to controls. This observed redistribution suggests that C. volutator adults move deeper into their burrows as an anti-predator response to the presence of sandpipers. This work has implications for predators that feed on burrow-dwelling invertebrates in soft-sediment ecosystems, as density may not accurately estimate prey availability.  相似文献   

A distinctive rocky subtidal benthic community (the Terebratulina Community) is described from the Bay of Fundy, Canada. It is shown to consist of three closely intcrspersed sub-communities: a cavity sub-community, characterised by chitons, coelenterates, brachiopods, bryozoans, chordates and annelids; a rock-face subcommunity, similar in composition but enriched in brachiopods and sponges; and an upper-surface subcommunity, dominated by algae, chitons, bivalves and echinoids.
Comparison with recently described Jurassic, Cretaceous and Recent (Mediterranean) hard-ground communities suggests a relative constancy in composition, in terms of higher taxa, since the Mesozoic. Development of these (sub-)communities occurs wherever crevice or cavity systems on hard substrates lead to microenvironments differentiated mainly on the basis of water energy and light.
The composition and trophic structure of the community and the life habits of Terebratulina septentrionalis (Couthouy) are related to aspects of the environment. Marked differences in composition between the living cavity sub-community and the death assemblage in the sediments are shown to be due to differential preservation, fragmentation, population dynamics and limited local transportation.  相似文献   

Selection experiments suggest that evolutionary modifications in amphipod demography can respond to local environmental changes and that local races of amphipods may be common. We tested this hypothesis in mudflat populations of Corophium volutator in the Bay of Fundy, Canada. Due to the unique topography of the Bay of Fundy, distinctive environmental conditions are prevalent in different branches of the Bay, while the impact of shorebird predation has also been shown to vary between populations. Several hypotheses have been suggested to explain ecological evidence which indicates that Corophium volutator (Pallas), a common amphipod crustacean, exhibits extensive life history variation in Bay of Fundy populations. We used RAPD-PCR techniques to examine populations of C. volutator in an investigation of genetic isolation in marine environments. Our data suggest that variation in selection pressures have played a significant role in the genetic divergence of populations of C. volutator in the Bay of Fundy.  相似文献   

The physiological ecology of Prasiola stipitata was examined in situ from two supralittoral sites in the Bay of Fundy (Nova Scotian, Canada) during November 2011, when the population was undergoing major expansion. Photosynthetic parameters (effective quantum yield, ΦPSII, maximum quantum yield, Fv/Fm, and relative electron transport rate, rETR) were evaluated using chlorophyll fluorescence of PSII. A largely shaded and continuously moist population showed no change in ΦPSII from one hour after sunrise to sunset in which natural irradiance varied between 3 and 300 μmol photons m?2 s?1. High irradiance (up to 1800 μmol photons m?2 s?1) had no apparent negative impacts on either quantum yield or rETR, but high desiccation in the field reduced quantum yield to almost zero. When thalli were brought into the laboratory, no change in Fv/Fm was observed up to 60% dehydration; however, there was a steep decline in Fv/Fm between 60% and 85% dehydration. Thalli showed complete recovery of Fv/Fm within one hour of reimmersion in seawater after 2 days of desiccation. After 15 days of desiccation full recovery required 24 h and after 30 days of desiccation thalli showed only partial recovery. These observations confirm the adaptation to photosynthesis in high irradiances and the rapid recovery following extreme desiccation observed in other Prasiola species.  相似文献   

Six species of isopods and 18 species of amphipods were collectedin the neuston of the Bay of Fundy and adjacent waters. Collectionswere made over a grid of stations covering 2.4x104 km2 duringthree spring, three summer and two autumn surveys. No isopodsand only five species of amphipods were found in spring surveys.Isopods and amphipods were diverse and plentiful in the neustonin summer and autumn. Dominant isopods were Idotea baltica andI.metallica, and dominant amphipods were Calliopius laeviusculusand Parathemisto gaudichaudi. Amphipods and isopods reach theneuston of the Bay of Fundy in three ways. Idotea metallica,the only euneustonic species present, was probably advectedinto the Bay of Fundy from southern waters in summer, and didnot appear to overwinter in the Bay. Most species, includingI.baltica, were collected with drifting littoral vegetation,and we suggest that transport by surface currents is an importantfactor in dispersal of some shoreline crustaceans. Midwaterplankton, such as Parathemisto gaudichaudi, reached the neustoneither by advection in upwelling waters or by an extension oftheir normal diel vertical distribution.  相似文献   

Although parasite habitat preference is well studied, it is rarely rigorously evaluated statistically because of many zero intensities. Attachment-site preference and intensities of 2 macroectoparasite species ( Caligus elongatus and Calliobdella vivida ) of Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus Mitchill, in Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy, Canada, were characterized with the use of zero-inflated negative binomial statistical models that included a fork-length offset to control for body size. Three other parasites were encountered, sometimes in high numbers on various body sites, but too few counts overall prevented construction of meaningful statistical models. Of 26 sturgeons, prevalence of (1) C. elongatus (Copepoda) was 85%, mainly on caudal fins and nonfin body sites; (2) C. vivida (Hirudinea) was 81%, mainly on the pelvic and pectoral fins, and dorsal and ventral-lateral body sites; (3) Dichelesthium oblongum (Copepoda) was 31% within the gills or burrowed into the musculature at the base of fins; (4) Argulus stizostethii (Crustacea: Branchiura) was 8%; and (5) Nitzschia sturionis (Monogenea) was 12%. Only D. oblongum was associated with visible damage, mainly as lesions on gills and soft tissues. Characterizing parasite prevalences within the Bay of Fundy is important because some parasites affect fish health and population biology.  相似文献   

Robinson  S.M.C.  Bernier  S.  MacIntyre  A. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,465(1-3):103-114
The fishery for the green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) began in New Brunswick in the late 1980s in response to increasing demand from Asian markets, primarily Japan. Fishing was initiated by members of the scallop industry and the harvesting practices were based on familiar fishing gear (scallop drags or dredges) and similar operations occurring simultaneously in Maine. Because of the potential impact of scallop gear on the shallow water populations in areas not traditionally fished, a study was initiated in 1993 to document (1) the proportion of sea urchins damaged during the harvesting operation, (2) the impact on and subsequent recovery time of the associated benthic flora and epifauna, and (3) the impacts on the bottom substrate. Two sites were chosen for the study based on a split-plot design with a control and experimental plot at each site. In each experimental plot, a towing lane was created parallel to shore. Divers used a fixed line transect method to survey the control and treatment plots prior to and after the harvesting operation done with commercial scallop Digby drags. Further diver-based surveys were done 3 and 6 months later. Results showed a significant decrease in sea urchin densities and an increase in the number of broken sea urchin tests after the harvesting operation at the Passamaquoddy Bay and Grand Manan sites (3–15%). On both sites, there were significant changes in the density of mobile predators such as lobsters, crabs, whelks and sculpins. Lobster density declined to zero after dragging, but the lack of body parts suggested they moved out of the area. Whelks were observed to move into each of the experimental areas, likely in response to probable increase in available food. The dragging operation increased the breakage rate of the kelp, Laminaria longicruris. From the study we concluded that there were short-term impacts from dragging, but the observable effects on the bottom from the single dragging event were gone in less than 3 months. The longer-term effects of dragging were unknown.  相似文献   

The local distribution of basking sharks in the Bay of Fundy (BoF) is unknown despite frequent occurrences in the area from May to November. Defining this species’ spatial habitat use is critical for accurately assessing its Special Concern conservation status in Atlantic Canada. We developed maximum entropy distribution models for the lower BoF and the northeast Gulf of Maine (GoM) to describe spatiotemporal variation in habitat use of basking sharks. Under the Maxent framework, we assessed model responses and distribution shifts in relation to known migratory behavior and local prey dynamics. We used 10 years (2002-2011) of basking shark surface sightings from July-October acquired during boat-based surveys in relation to chlorophyll-a concentration, sea surface temperature, bathymetric features, and distance to seafloor contours to assess habitat suitability. Maximum entropy estimations were selected based on AICc criterion and used to predict habitat utilizing three model-fitting routines as well as converted to binary suitable/non-suitable habitat using the maximum sensitivity and specificity threshold. All models predicted habitat better than random (AUC values >0.796). From July-September, a majority of habitat was in the BoF, in waters >100 m deep, and in the Grand Manan Basin. In October, a majority of the habitat shifted southward into the GoM and to areas >200 m deep. Model responses suggest that suitable habitat from July - October is dependent on a mix of distance to the 0, 100, 150, and 200 m contours but in some models on sea surface temperature (July) and chlorophyll-a (August and September). Our results reveal temporally dynamic habitat use of basking sharks within the BoF and GoM. The relative importance of predictor variables suggests that prey dynamics constrained the species distribution in the BoF. Also, suitable habitat shifted minimally from July-September providing opportunities to conserve the species during peak abundance in the region.  相似文献   

根据获取的唐山湾海域1995-2012年25个站位现场观测数据和资料,基于主成分分析(PCA)对人类活动影响下唐山湾海域营养盐及其结构变化进行研究.结果表明:在人类活动影响下,近20年唐山湾海域无机氮(DIN)呈现明显的增长趋势,磷酸盐(PO_4~(3-)-P)、硅酸盐(SiO_3~(2-)-Si)则呈下降趋势;平均N:P由1995年的3.0增长到2012年的26.0,而Si:N则呈下降趋势,海水营养盐结构发生了明显的变化.据此利用主成分分析识别水质变化,共提取了2个主成分,第1主成分以DIN、NO_3~--N、NH_4~+-N、PO_4~(3-)-P和NO_2~--N为代表,解释了71.5%的方差;第2主成分以叶绿素(Chl a)和SiO_3~(2-)-Si为代表,解释了21.8%的方差,说明唐山湾水质变化主要与DIN、PO_4~(3-)-P因子变化关系密切.2个主成分得分揭示了人类活动影响下唐山湾水质年际变化趋势,即由1995-2005年开发前及开发初期的N限制向2007年开发后的P限制转变.人类活动影响下唐山湾海域营养盐及其结构已经发生了明显变化,这种变化尤其是无机氮含量的增加,需要引起高度关注.  相似文献   

Salt marshes exhibit striking vegetation zonation corresponding to spatially variable elevation gradients which dictate their frequency of inundation by the tides. The salt marshes in the upper Bay of Fundy, a dynamic hypertidal system, are of considerable interest due to increasing recognition of salt marsh ecosystem values and the extent of prior conversion of salt marshes to agricultural lands, much of which are no longer in use. To determine the suitability of two potential restoration sites at Beausejour Marsh in New Brunswick, Canada, geomatics technologies and techniques were used to assess vegetation and elevation patterns in an adjacent reference salt marsh and the proposed restoration sites. Light detection and ranging digital elevation models (DEMs) were created for the reference marsh and the restoration sites in both the spring (leaf-off) and late summer (leaf-on, maximum biomass) periods. Aerial photographs and Quickbird multispectral imagery were used to visually interpret vegetation zones on the reference marsh and were field validated using vegetation characteristics from quadrats referenced with differential GPS. Elevation limits of the salt marsh vegetation zones were extracted from the DEM of the reference marsh and applied to the DEM of the restoration sites to determine the percentage area of each site that would be immediately suitable for new salt marsh growth. Of the two restoration sites assessed, one had experienced significant subsidence since dyking; only about 40 % of the site area was determined to be of sufficient elevation for immediate vegetation colonization. The second site, while more than 88 % suitable, would require the installation of a large dyke on the landward side of the restoration site to prevent flooding of adjacent lands. This study provides essential high resolution elevation and vegetation zonation data for use in restoration site assessments, and highlights the usefulness of applied geomatics in the salt marsh restoration planning process.  相似文献   

The Bay of Fundy, on the east coast of Canada, has a maximum tidal range slightly higher than that of the Bristol Channel and similar environmental conditions, but a more extreme climate. However, the littoral community, despite the common presence of many species, differs greatly. Fundy shores show universal domination by Ascopkyllum nodosum under all exposure conditions and its biomass is very high. Funis vesiculosus is common but its distribution is unrelated to exposure. Fucoid algae normally cover all but a few percent of the midlittoral. As a consequence of this intertidal primary primary productivity is very high and a protected sub-canopy environment very extensive. The standard littoral zones do show a typical pattern but respond only slightly to exposure. Many typical and important species show constant zonation under alt exposure conditions. Typical of this group are A. nodosum and the other fucoid algae. Although the high tidal range does reduce the effect of wave action, this factor alone does not explain the results since they are not repeated in the Bristol Channel. Differences in the suite of herbivores, particularly the absence of Patella species in Fundy, is considered to be an equally important causative factor. Also significant is the modifying effect of the heavy algal canopy itself. Clearance experiments have shown that dominance by A. nodosum is not restored within 10 years and that herbivory, especially by littorinids and limpets, does play a critical role in succession.  相似文献   

Novel strains of Brucella recently have been discovered in marine mammals. To investigate Brucella exposure and infection in a general population of cetaceans, blood and tissue samples were collected and analyzed from wild harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) incidentally caught in fishing gear in the Bay of Fundy, Canada. Two of 170 (1.2%) animals had detectable antibodies against Brucella, but no organisms were isolated from genital swabs or tissues from 22 and 8 porpoises, respectively. Genetic analysis of inflamed testes from 20 animals yielded no amplification of Brucella DNA. This is the first evidence of exposure to Brucella in porpoises from the western North Atlantic, and the prevalence is much lower than documented for conspecifics from the eastern North Atlantic.  相似文献   

The taxonomic composition and geographic distribution of Euphausiaceaand Decapoda occurring in the neu.ston were examined in spring,summer and autumn surveys of a 2.4x104 km2 area of the Bay ofFundy. Adult Meganyctiphanes norvegica and Thysanoessa inermis(Euphausiacea) were present in every survey and were most abundantin autumn. Larval euphausiids were most abundant in summer butwere also present in spring and autumn. Adults of three natantiandecapod species were rarely collected; however, larval Natantiawere common in summer and autumn. Larvae representing sevengenera of reptantian decapods were collected in summer and autumn;the most abundant was Cancer sp., which was numerically dominantin summer samples. Distributional patterns divide the taxa intoinner and outer bay components at a line drawn between Digby,Nova Scotia and St John, New Brunswick, corresponding to theboundary of the major counterclockwise gyre in the Bay of Fundy.  相似文献   

Seasonal distribution of adult Atlantic sturgeon was examined using pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) and ultrasonic transmitters deployed in the Saint John River, New Brunswick, Canada. Seven MK10 PSATs programmed for release in June 2012 and seven MiniPAT PSATs programmed for release in February and April 2013 were deployed in August 2011 and 2012, respectively. Eleven of 14 PSATs surfaced and transmitted depth and temperature data archived for the duration of their deployment (121–302 days). Among these eleven PSATs, five were recovered and 15-sec archival data was downloaded. Following exit from the Saint John River in the fall, tagged fish occupied a mean monthly depth of 76.3–81.6 m at temperatures as low as 4.9˚C throughout the winter before returning to shallower areas in the spring. The majority of ultrasonic detections occurred in the Bay of Fundy, but fish were detected as far as Riviere Saint-Jean, Quebec, approximately 1500 km from the Bay of Fundy (representing long-distance migratory rates of up to 44 km/day). All PSATs were first detected in the Bay of Fundy. Tags that released in February and April were found 5–21 km offshore of the Saint John Harbour, while tags that released in June were first detected in near shore areas throughout the Bay of Fundy. The substrate at winter tag release locations (estimated from backward numerical particle-tracking experiments) consisted primarily of moraines and postglacial mud substrate with low backscatter strength, indicative of soft or smooth seabed. Based on the proximity of winter tag release locations, the consistent depths observed between fish, and previous research, it is suspected that a winter aggregation exists in the Bay of Fundy. This study expands the understanding of the marine distribution and range of Atlantic sturgeon on the east coast of Canada.  相似文献   

Incubation experiments were performed to examine the processing of fresh autochthonous dissolved organic matter (DOM) produced by coastal plankton communities in spring and autumn. The major driver of observed DOM dynamics was the seasonally variable inorganic nutrient status and characteristics of the initial bulk DOM, whereas the characteristics of the phytoplankton community seemed to have a minor role. Net accumulation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) during the 18-days experiments was 3.4 and 9.2 µmol l?1 d?1 in P-limited spring and N-limited autumn, respectively. Bacterial bioassays revealed that the phytoplankton-derived DOC had surprisingly low proportions of biologically labile DOC, 12.6% (spring) and 17.5% (autumn). The optical characteristics of the DOM changed throughout the experiments, demonstrating continuous heterotrophic processing of the DOM pool. However, these temporal changes in optical characteristics of the DOM pool were not the same between seasons, indicating seasonally variable environmental drivers. Nitrogen and phosphorus availability is likely the main driver of these seasonal differences, affecting both phytoplankton extracellular release of DOM and its heterotrophic degradation by bacteria. These findings underline the complexity of the DOM production and consumption by the natural planktonic community, and show the importance of the prevailing environmental conditions regulating the DOM pathways.  相似文献   

Natural mortality of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus) has been determined to be low (M = 0.07). Reported herein is the mortality by beach stranding of 11 Atlantic sturgeon in Scot's Bay, part of the inner Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, Canada on 22 June 2014. Genetic analyses, histological analysis and age determination were performed to determine origin, maturity stage and age of the stranded Atlantic sturgeon. Microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA analyses indicated that four of the Atlantic sturgeon (2 males and 2 females) were from the Saint John River, NB population, which was designated as threatened by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Seven Atlantic sturgeon (1 male, 5 females, 1 unknown) were from the Kennebec River, Maine population, that was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in the U. S. Ageing of A. oxyrinchus Atlantic sturgeon by pectoral fin spine analysis determined that the mean age of the individuals from the Saint John River (x? = 24.25 years, SD = 5.0) and the Kennebec River (x? = 22.7 years, SD = 3.5) were not significantly different. This is the first report of a stranding event of Atlantic sturgeon, and describes a source of natural mortality affecting populations of concern in both Canada and the U. S.  相似文献   

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