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The effect of temperature on the periodicity of nutation inPhaseolus multiflours has been investigated using a mechanicalrecording system. Frequency of nutation was found to bear alinear relationship with temperature within the range studied(15–27 °C), the cycle length of the movement decreasingas temperature increased. Changes in periodicity follow changesin temperature with no appreciable delay.  相似文献   

Abstract. Re-analysis of published data on the gecocurvature and nutation of the primary root of maize is presented. This analysis demonstrates clear evidence of nutalional oscillations occurring during georesponse. The importance of this evidence in relation to theories of nutation mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

Silbernagel has described a test for selecting cultivars ofPhaseolus vulgaris L. which exhibit rapid seedling emergenceat low temperatures, and using this test has identified threecold-tolerant cultivars. We have compared the growth of thesecultivars with that of three control cultivars. Both at 25/20°C and at 20/15 °C day/night temperatures, Silbernagel'scultivars emerged more rapidly than the controls. This was dueto more rapid hypocotyl elongation, not to earlier germination.Rapid hypocotyl elongation was associated with high relativegrowth rates of the seedling axis and rapid loss in weight ofthe cotyledons. After emergence, cotyledons of all cultivarscontinued to lose weight at a constant exponential rate. Relativegrowth rates of the axes were not constant but declined withtime. There was no evidence that genotypic differences in growthrates before emergence were reflected in growth rates afteremergence. A simple quantitative analysis suggested that thedecline in axis relative growth rate after emergence was dueto a declining contribution from cotyledonary reserves. There were significant differences between cultivars in theinitial weight of the seedling axis. Axis weight (A) was notlinearly proportional to seed weight (S), but the curvilinearallometric relationship A = 0.0773 S0.697 satisfactorily accountedfor most of the variation in initial axis weight between cultivars.In all cultivars, axis weights at emergence were smaller inthe cool regime than in the warm, because low temperatures depressedaxis relative growth rates relative to the rate of emergence.The biggest difference between the Q10 of relative growth rate,and of emergence rate, and hence the biggest effect of low temperatureon axis weight at emergence, occurred in the cold-susceptiblecultivar Seafarer. However, genotypic cold tolerance duringthe period when growth is dependent on reserves did not appearto guarantee cold tolerance during the main period of growth. Phaseolus vulgaris, L., bean, seedling growth, temperature, cold tolerance  相似文献   

Abstract. Growth and geocurvature of the primary roots of maize (cv. LG 11) were analyzed by a filming technique allowing continuous recording, root by root. Typical nutations, in vertical growth and following the downward curvature of the roots, have been observed. The possible relations between these nutations, the elongation, the georeaction and the hormonal mechanisms which control georeaction, are discussed.  相似文献   

Gravitropism and nutation in the stems of dark-grown, seedling peas (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) were recorded on time-lapse photographs made with photomorphogenetically inactive light. Although gravitropism and nutation have been connected by several different theories in the past, our experiments indicate that the two processes are in fact dissociable. The evidence is as follows: (a) Nutational patterns are asymmetric. There is much greater amplitude of oscillation in the plane parallel () to the plane of the apical hook than in the plane perpendicular (), yet the average gravitropic response is equal in these two planes. (b) Brief red light irradiation given 16 to 24 hours before observation greatly increases the amplitude of nutation in the -plane, but has no influence on the kinetics of gravitropic response. (c) An inhibitor of auxin transport, α-naphthylphthalamic acid, strongly inhibits nutation at 5 micromolar but affects gravitropism only at higher concentrations. (d) Nutation is also strongly inhibited by removal of the apical bud, but gravitropism is unaffected. (e) The period of nutation does not exhibit a constant relationship to the response time of gravitropism. The above evidence is inconsistent with theories that gravitropism is an asymmetrically modified nutation or, alternatively, that nutational oscillations result in a simple fashion from gravitropic overshoots. The evidence is consistent with, although not proof of, autonomous factors such as an endogenous rhythm of growth as the cause of nutation in pea stems. However, gravity and nutation do interact. Nutation in a population of seedlings can be synchronized and brought into phase by a single gravitropic induction. Furthermore, the response time and initial rate of gravitropic curvature depend to some extent on the phase of nutational curvature at which gravitropic induction is begun.  相似文献   

Phototropic response in etiolated pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Alaska) seedlings is poor. However, the curvature induced by unilateral blue light can be hastened and increased in magnitude by a previously administered red light pulse followed by several hours of darkness. Phytochrome is involved in the red light effect. Phototropic response was almost completely inhibited by removal of the apical bud and hook, but it was restored if exogenous indole-3-acetic acid was applied apically to the cut stump. Therefore, the stem contains both the phototropic photoreceptor and response mechanism. Perception of gravity and gravitropic response were also localized in the stem, but gravitropism was scarcely inhibited by decapitation. It was also observed that the kinetics and curvature pattern of gravitropism differed greatly from those of phototropism. Like phototropism, stem nutation required auxin and was promoted by red light. Unlike phototropism, photoenhanced nutational curvature required the apical hook and was propagated as a wave down the stem. Naphthylphthalamic acid inhibited, in order of decreasing effect, nutation, phototropism/gravitropism, and growth. Phototropism, gravitropism, and nutation appear to represent distinct forms of stem movement with fundamental differences in the mechanisms of curvature development.  相似文献   

Britz SJ  Galston AW 《Plant physiology》1982,70(5):1401-1404
The relationship between the apical hook and stem nutation in etiolated Alaska pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Alaska) seedlings was explored. The hook and maximum nutational displacement have the same plane of symmetry, and both are affected by light acting through phytochrome. However, the two processes do not appear to be obligatorily coupled. Light effects on nutation involve at least two components, an increase in amplitude as well as an increase in frequency. These components can be separated from one another on the basis of developmental time course or red light fluence. Excision of the plumule, leaving the hook attached to the stem, inhibits photostimulated nutation. This inhibition can be overcome by application of indole-3-acetic acid to the remaining stem. If the hook is also excised, then nutation in the stem cannot be restored by indole-3-acetic acid. It is possible, although not yet proven, that the oscillatory process regulating nutation in the stem is itself localized in the hook and that rhythms in the transport of indole-3-acetic acid are involved.  相似文献   

Phaseolus mungo L. seedlings were grown in the dark for 5 d.They were either kept in the dark or exposed to 5 min red light.The location of the light-sensitive region (the hook) and theanatomy of light-induced opening are described. The responsewas phytochrome-mediated. The time course of light-induced openingand its far-red reversal are described and the implicationsfor the mechanism of light-induced opening discussed. The lagphase between irradiation and the start of opening was >8h, for 3 h of which the response remained completely photoreversible.This implies that some critical level of a factor is requiredbefore hook opening can be initiated. The terminal parts (leavesand cotyledons) kept the hooks shut in the dark, but did notdirectly affect the light response. The necessity for distinguishingbetween treatment effects on hook angle and on light-inducedopening is noted. We hypothesize that the terminal parts produceda hook-maintaining factor whose level declined after their removal.This factor was dispersed or inactivated following irradiation,or the hook cells were rendered less sensitive to it. Differencesbetween the responses of P. mungo and those reported for otherspecies are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, new single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers were developed for common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and related Phaseolus species. The applied strategy presents new and interesting aspects, such as the choice of accessions used, which was aimed at capturing a large portion of the genetic diversity present in the common bean, with particular focus on wild and domesticated materials from Mesoamerica and the identification of loci for sequencing. Indeed, the primer pairs for 34 loci were designed with the main strategy being to search for single-copy orthologous genes among the legumes (for use in other legume species and comparative analyses). The 10 remaining loci were selected as being near to domestication quantitative trait loci or detected as putatively under selection during domestication in previous studies. To provide an efficient and inexpensive genotyping platform for geneticists and breeders, we used sequence data to develop 60 new SNP markers for KASPar assay genotyping. The same sample was also genotyped with SNP markers developed for common bean in other studies for the same assay. This allowed testing for systematic bias according to the criteria chosen to select the genotypes in which the genetic diversity is surveyed during SNP discovery. Finally, we show that most of the SNP markers worked well in a set of accessions of other species belonging to the Phaseolus genus. The genetic resources developed will be very useful not only for breeding, but also for biodiversity conservation management and evolutionary studies on legumes.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of Stachyose in Phaseolus vulgaris   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Tanner W  Kandler O 《Plant physiology》1966,41(9):1540-1542

Summary High molecular weight double-stranded (ds) RNAs have been detected in apparently virus-free French (common) bean Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Black Turtle Soup (BTS). Several other bean cultivars were free of detectable high molecular weight dsRNAs. The dsRNAs have been partially characterized and have homology to the BTS genome as well as to the genomes of other bean cultivars. The T m of hybrids formed between BTS DNA and denatured dsRNA have been estimated.  相似文献   

Electron transport, using succinate as a substrate, was measured polarographically in mitochondria isolated from Phaseolus vulgaris and P. acutifolius plants at 25°C and 32°C. Mitochondria isolated from P. vulgaris plants grown at 32°C had reduced electron transport and were substantially uncoupled. Growth at 32°C had no effect on electron transport or oxidative phosphorylation in P. acutifolius compared to 25°C grown plants. Mitochondria isolated from 25°C grown P. vulgaris plants measured at 42°C were completely uncoupled. Similarly treated P. acutifolius mitochondria remained coupled. The uncoupling of P. vulgaris was due to increased proton permeability of inner mitochondrial membrane. The alternative pathway was more sensitive to heat than the regular cytochrome pathway. At 42°C, no alternative pathway activity was detected. The substantially greater heat tolerance of P. acutifollus compared to P. vulgaris mitochondrial electron transport suggests that mitochondrial sensitivity to elevated temperatures is a major limitation to growth of P. vulgaris at high temperatures and is an important characteristic conveying tolerance in P. acutifolius.  相似文献   

The Physiology of Plant Nutation: I. NUTATION AND GEOTROPIC RESPONSE   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The nutation of plant organs has been considered to be eitherthe result of a geotropic feedback loop or produced by an endogenousoscillator. Observations have been made of the angular displacementof Phaseolus seedlings during response to a gravitational stimulus.Nutational oscillations have been observed during the correctivemovement of the stimulated plants in many cases. Geotropic movementcan, however, occur in plants not exhibiting nutation. Theseobservations are considered to support the hypothesis that themovements of nutation in Phaseolus have an endogenous originunconnected with geotropic reactions. A theoretical model isproposed to account for the observed nutational behaviour ofbean seedlings.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine partitioning within seeds of 14C-photoassimilates at three stages of seed development in two Phaseolus crosses — P. coccineus Lam. selfed, and P. coccineus x P. vulgaris L. Abortion of the interspecific embryos occurred when the seed reached 10 mm seed length. When expressed as sink strength (% dpm) or sink activity (% dmp/d.wt.) there were no differences in partitioning of 14C-photoassimilates when whole seeds were analyzed. If the seed was divided into seed coat, liquid endosperm, and embryo, the sink activity of the interspecific embryo was higher than that of the embryo in the selfed seed. Therefore, abortion of these interspecific Phaselus embryos appeared not to be caused by a lack of photoassimilates.Assistant Professor, Professors, respectively.Contribution from the Agr. Expt. Station, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108. Paper No. 13,548, Scientific Journal Series. This research was supported in part by the Science and Education Administration of the United States Department of Agriculture under Grant 59-2271-9-2-020-0 and in part by a grant from the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council.  相似文献   

Leaf area expansion, dry weight, and water relations of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and P. acutifolius Gray were compared during a drying cycle in the greenhouse to understand the characteristics which contribute to the superior drought tolerance of P. acutifolius. Stomates of P. acutifolius closed at a much higher water potential than those of P. vulgaris, delaying dehydration of leaf tissue. P. acutifolius had a more deeply penetrating root system, which also contributes to its drought tolerance. Root-shoot ratios did not differ between the two species either under well watered or water stressed conditions. Leaf osmotic potential was also similar in the two species, with no apparent osmotic adjustment during water stress. These results indicate that P. acutifolius postpones dehydration and suggest that sensitive stomates and a deeply penetrating root system are characteristics which, if incorporated into cultivated beans, might increase their drought tolerance.  相似文献   

The glutamine synthetase (GS) isozymes in the plant fraction of nodule extracts from 62 cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and one cultivar of Phaseolus lunatus L. were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. All P. vulgaris nodule extracts displayed two GS activity bands: a nodule-specific band (GSn1) and a band (GSn2) similar to the single band (GSr) present in root extracts. In nodule extracts of P. lunatus, the GSn1 band was detected, but the GSn2 band was barely detectable. In contrast to P. vulgaris, the GSn2 band and the GSr band of P. lunatus appeared to be different. The electrophoretic mobility of the GSn1 band in P. vulgaris was governed by both the plant cultivar and the development stage of the nodule. In nodule extracts of P. vulgaris and P. lunatus, the zone of GSn1 activity coincided with six to nine distinct protein bands as revealed after treatment of gels, which had previously been stained for GS activity, with Coomassie blue. All these protein bands were shown to consist of polypeptides of identical molecular weight (approximately 47,000 daltons) by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Our results indicate that P. vulgaris continuously generates isozymes of GSn1 of increasing electrophoretic mobility during the course of nodule development.  相似文献   

Summary Two monosomics of Phaseolus vulgaris (2n = 22) were found among selfed progeny of plants treated with colchicine. The monosomic chromosomes involved were identified as chromosomes H and J according to the previously suggested Giemsa karyotype. Both monosomic plants had slower growth rate and smaller size as compared with their respective euploid sibs. However, no apparent morphological characteristics distinguished the two monosomics. The frequencies of transmission through selfing of monosomics H and J were 9% and 10 % respectively.  相似文献   

Although determinations of the ABA content of lateral buds ofPhaseolus vulgaris revealed no difference between decapitatedand intact control plants in the first 12 h following decapitation,a relative decrease in the ABA content of lateral buds of decapitatedplants was detectable 24 h following decapitation. Shoot decapitationwas also observed to result in a decrease in the ABA contentof stem tissue. The application of IAA to the stem of decapitatedplants prevented these changes and increased the ABA contentof stem tissue relative to that of intact plants. The levelsof IAA and ABA were also determined in the stem tissue fromthe nodes of intact bean plants. The possible interdependenceof these two plant hormones was further investigated by a studyof [2–14ClABA metabolism. The results are discussed inrelation to the possible role of these hormones in apical dominance. Key words: Apical dominance, Abscisic acid, Indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   

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