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Sensory neurons encode natural stimuli by changes in firing rate or by generating specific firing patterns, such as bursts. Many neural computations rely on the fact that neurons can be tuned to specific stimulus frequencies. It is thus important to understand the mechanisms underlying frequency tuning. In the electrosensory system of the weakly electric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus, the primary processing of behaviourally relevant sensory signals occurs in pyramidal neurons of the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL). These cells encode low frequency prey stimuli with bursts of spikes and high frequency communication signals with single spikes. We describe here how bursting in pyramidal neurons can be regulated by intrinsic conductances in a cell subtype specific fashion across the sensory maps found within the ELL, thereby regulating their frequency tuning. Further, the neuromodulatory regulation of such conductances within individual cells and the consequences to frequency tuning are highlighted. Such alterations in the tuning of the pyramidal neurons may allow weakly electric fish to preferentially select for certain stimuli under various behaviourally relevant circumstances.  相似文献   

The electrosensory and mechanosensory lateral line systems of fish exhibit many common features in their structural and functional organization, both at the sensory periphery as well as in central processing pathways. These two sensory systems also appear to play similar roles in many behavioral tasks such as prey capture, orientation with respect to external environmental cues, navigation in low-light conditions, and mediation of interactions with nearby animals. In this paper, we briefly review key morphological, physiological, and behavioral aspects of these two closely related sensory systems. We present arguments that the information processing demands associated with spatial processing are likely to be quite similar, due largely to the spatial organization of both systems and the predominantly dipolar nature of many electrosensory and mechanosensory stimulus fields. Demands associated with temporal processing may be quite different, however, due primarily to differences in the physical bases of electrosensory and mechanosensory stimuli (e.g. speed of transmission). With a better sense of the information processing requirements, we turn our attention to an analysis of the functional organization of the associated first-order sensory nuclei in the hindbrain, including the medial octavolateral nucleus (MON), dorsal octavolateral nucleus (DON), and electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL). One common feature of these systems is a set of neural mechanisms for improving signal-to-noise ratios, including mechanisms for adaptive suppression of reafferent signals. This comparative analysis provides new insights into how the nervous system extracts biologically significant information from dipolar stimulus fields in order to solve a variety of behaviorally relevant problems faced by aquatic animals.  相似文献   

Behavioral analysis is essential to understand how the olfactory system transforms chemosensory signals into information that can be used to guide actions. Recent studies in rodents have begun to address the behavioral relevance of putative olfactory codes and computations including spatial maps, oscillatory synchrony, and evolving temporal codes. To date, these studies have failed to find support for a role of any of these mechanisms in odor discrimination. Progress calls for experiments using precise psychophysical methods in conjunction with neural recording or perturbation, in addition to ethologically minded exploration of more complex forms of odor-guided behavior.  相似文献   

Summary Weakly electric fish (Gymnotiformes) emit quasi-sinusoidal electric organ discharges within speciesspecific frequency ranges. The electrosensory system is organized into 2 parallel pathways which convey either the amplitude or the timing of each electric organ discharge cycle. Two putative metabolic activity markers, calbindin D 28K and cytochrome c oxidase, and their relationship with the electrosensory nuclei of high- and low-frequency species were studied. Calbindin is found in the somata of the spherical neurons in the first-order electrosensory recipient nucleus, the electrosensory lateral-line lobe, and in layer VI of the midbrain's torus semicircularis, in Eigenmannia virescens, an intermediate-frequency species, and Apteronotus leptorhynchus, a high-frequency species. Calbindin immunoreactivity was completely absent in these nuclei in Sternopygus macrurus, a closely related, low-frequency species. Cytochrome c oxidase levels were inversely related to calbindin immunoreactivity since relatively high levels were observed in the electrosensory lateral-line lobe and torus semicircularis of S. macrurus but were absent in these nuclei in A. leptorhynchus. Our studies indicate that calbindin immunoreactivity is present in tonic, repetitively firing neurons with high frequencies.  相似文献   

Unique patterns of spike activity across neuron populations have been implicated in the coding of complex sensory stimuli. Delineating the patterns of neural activity in response to varying stimulus parameters and their relationships to the tuning characteristics of individual neurons is essential to ascertaining the nature of population coding within the brain. Here, we address these points in the midbrain coding of concurrent vocal signals of a sound-producing fish, the plainfin midshipman. Midshipman produce multiharmonic vocalizations which frequently overlap to produce beats. We used multivariate statistical analysis from single-unit recordings across multiple animals to assess the presence of a temporal population code. Our results show that distinct patterns of temporal activity emerge among midbrain neurons in response to concurrent signals that vary in their difference frequency. These patterns can serve to code beat difference frequencies. The patterns directly result from the differential temporal coding of difference frequency by individual neurons. Difference frequency encoding, based on temporal patterns of activity, could permit the segregation of concurrent vocal signals on time scales shorter than codes requiring averaging. Given the ubiquity across vertebrates of auditory midbrain tuning to the temporal structure of acoustic signals, a similar temporal population code is likely present in other species.  相似文献   

Wave-type weakly electric fish such as Eigenmannia produce continuous sinusoidal electric fields. When conspecifics are in close proximity, interaction of these electric fields can produce deficits in electrosensory function. We examined a neural correlate of such jamming at the level of the midbrain. Previous results indicate that neurons in the dorsal layers of the torus semicircularis can (1) respond to jamming signals, (2) respond to moving electrosensory stimuli, and (3) receive convergent information from the four sensory maps of the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL). In this study we recorded the intracellular responses of both tuberous and ampullary neurons to moving objects. Robust Gaussian-shaped or sinusoidal responses with half-height durations between 55 ms and 581 ms were seen in both modalities. The addition of ongoing global signals with temporal-frequencies of 5 Hz attenuated the responses to the moving object by 5 dB or more. In contrast, the responses to the moving object were not attenuated by the addition of signals with temporal frequencies of 20 Hz or greater. This occurred in both the ampullary and tuberous systems, despite the fact that the ampullary afferents to the torus originate in a single ELL map whereas the tuberous afferents emerge from three maps.  相似文献   

There are several reasons why one can expect that the study of electric fish may prove instructive about general mechanisms of sensory processing and neuronal integration. These reasons include the following: the simplicity of the electrical signals which are the normal input and output; the availability of a variety of stereotyped behaviors to characterize the system as a whole; the case with which individual receptors or primary afferents can be activated; the demonstrated presence of corollary discharge and reafference mechanisms for motor control over sensory input; the presence of highly specialized CNS structures which have evolved to meet the unusual demands of the electrosensory system. Work relating to these and other aspects of the electrosensory systems is discussed with an emphasis on the potential which these systems offer.  相似文献   

发展性阅读障碍是一种常见的学习障碍,KIAA0319是发展性阅读障碍相关基因,可能通过影响脑发育进而影响阅读能力。本文就发展性阅读障碍相关基因KIAA0319对鱼类、非灵长类哺乳动物、灵长类哺乳动物和人类大脑发育的影响进行了综述,发现该基因会对大脑语言及阅读相关脑结构如听觉通路、视觉通路和颞叶等的发育产生影响。听觉通路方面,KIAA0319基因可能会损伤内侧膝状体核从而影响听皮层的信息传入。视觉通路方面,KIAA0319基因可能影响外侧膝状体核内的大细胞,使得视觉信息无法正常传递到视皮层,影响背侧视觉通路。颞叶方面,KIAA0319基因的缺陷可能损害颞叶的灰质和白质,并影响颞叶的半球不对称以及颞叶和其他脑区的连接。不过阅读障碍机制复杂,不同阅读障碍相关基因之间、基因与环境之间存在相互影响,仍需进一步探讨。  相似文献   

Encoding features of spatiotemporally varying stimuli is quite important for understanding the neural mechanisms of various sensory coding. Temporal coding can encode features of time-varying stimulus, and population coding with temporal coding is adequate for encoding spatiotemporal correlation of stimulus features into spatiotemporal activity of neurons. However, little is known about how spatiotemporal features of stimulus are encoded by spatiotemporal property of neural activity. To address this issue, we propose here a population coding with burst spikes, called here spatiotemporal burst (STB) coding. In STB coding, the temporal variation of stimuli is encoded by the precise onset timing of burst spike, and the spatiotemporal correlation of stimuli is emphasized by one specific aspect of burst firing, or spike packet followed by silent interval. To show concretely the role of STB coding, we study the electrosensory system of a weakly electric fish. Weakly electric fish must perceive the information about an object nearby by analyzing spatiotemporal modulations of electric field around it. On the basis of well-characterized circuitry, we constructed a neural network model of the electrosensory system. Here we show that STB coding encodes well the information of object distance and size by extracting the spatiotemporal correlation of the distorted electric field. The burst activity of electrosensory neurons is also affected by feedback signals through synaptic plasticity. We show that the control of burst activity caused by the synaptic plasticity leads to extracting the stimulus features depending on the stimulus context. Our results suggest that sensory systems use burst spikes as a unit of sensory coding in order to extract spatiotemporal features of stimuli from spatially distributed stimuli.  相似文献   

No information on the inheritance of the ability to produce sounds exists for fishes. In birds, which usually provide extensive post-hatching parental care, acoustic signals are learned in some species but are innate in others. Almost no fishes provide extensive post-hatching parental care and, consequently, the offspring have little opportunity to hear and learn sounds produced by the parents (usually the male in fishes); they may, however, be exposed to acoustic signals of conspecifics in the same habitat. We used a cyprinid, Codoma ornata, to test whether sound production is learned from the parents or whether it is innate. Fertilized eggs of this species were raised in isolation from adults. Upon maturity, these fish were tested for sound production in aggressive and reproductive contexts. Fish which had no contact with adults, and therefore no opportunity to hear the acoustic signals of their species, produced sounds that were similar to those produced by their parents, and they produced these in the same contexts. Significant differences were observed in dominant frequency for one context, with the smaller F1 fish having signals of higher frequency than parental fish. Since no opportunity for learning existed, this provided evidence that the ability to produce sounds is innate in this minnow species.  相似文献   

Sharp  G. J.  Pringle  J. D. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,204(1):17-24
The ecological impact of marine plant harvesting is related to the intensity of exploitation, the harvesting technique, and the vulnerability of the species or habitat to perturbation. In eastern Canada information was available on four levels of impact: long-term changes in the target species and direct loss or damage to non-target species, direct or indirect impact on the habitat or community, indirect effects of changes in habitat or community structure, and trophic level impact. Near monoculture stands of Chondrus crispus have associated with them up to 36 animals species and 19 major species of algae that are vulnerable to removal as by-catch. Indirect effects of changes in macrophyte cover were not observed in fish species utilization of Ascophyllum nodosum beds on rising tides. Subtidal areas devoid of all macrophyte cover had lower levels of the preferred foods for Homarus americanus than kelp-covered areas; however, barren grounds are not created by macrophyte exploitation rates of 20% to 80% in eastern Canada. Long-term harvesting has altered the population structure and population ecology of C. crispus and A. nodosum in some areas. In general both target species and associated communities are resistant to perturbation.  相似文献   

Evolutionary studies of communication can benefit from classification procedures that allow individual animals to be assigned to groups (e.g. species) on the basis of high-dimension data representing their signals. Prior to classification, signals are usually transformed by a signal processing procedure into structural features. Applications of these signal processing procedures to animal communication have been largely restricted to the manual or semi-automated identification of landmark features from graphical representations of signals. Nonetheless, theory predicts that automated time-frequency-based digital signal processing (DSP) procedures can represent signals more efficiently (using fewer features) than can landmark procedures or frequency-based DSP – allowing more accurate classification. Moreover, DSP procedures are objective in that they require little previous knowledge of signal diversity, and are relatively free from potentially ungrounded assumptions of cross-taxon homology. Using a model data set of electric organ discharge waveforms from five sympatric species of the electric fish Gymnotus, we adopted an exhaustive simulation approach to investigate the classificatory performance of different signal processing procedures. We considered a landmark procedure, a frequency-based DSP procedure (the fast Fourier transform), and two kinds of time-frequency-based DSP procedures (a short-time Fourier transform, and several implementations of the discrete wavelet transform -DWT). The features derived from each of these signal processing procedures were then subjected to dimension reduction procedures to separate those features which permit the most effective discrimination among groups of signalers. We considered four alternative dimension reduction methods. Finally, each combination of reduced data was submitted to classification by linear discriminant analysis. Our results support theoretical predictions that time-frequency DSP procedures (especially DWT) permit more efficient discrimination of groups. The performance of signal processing was found to depend largely upon the dimension reduction procedure employed, and upon the number of resulting features. Because the best combinations of procedures are dataset-dependent and difficult to predict, we conclude that simulations of the kind described here, or at least simplified versions of them, should be routinely executed before classification of animal signals - especially unfamiliar ones.  相似文献   

Recent work on electrosensory systems in fish has combined traditional neuroethological approaches with quantitative methods for characterizing neural coding. These studies have shed light on general issues in sensory processing, including how peripheral sensory receptors encode external stimuli and how these representations are transformed at subsequent stages of processing.  相似文献   

Researchers examining the mechanisms of ichthyotoxicity of Pfiesteria shumwayae have come to different conclusions about the role of toxin in this process. Some attribute fish mortality solely to direct attack by these pedunculate dinoflagellates on exposed fish tissue while others have provided evidence for a role of a soluble toxin. Detection of toxin, especially in low concentrations, is a function of the sensitivity of the selected bioassay methods and the various groups addressing this question have utilized different methods. One notable difference in fish bioassay methods utilized to detect Pfiesteria-associated toxin (PfTx) is the species of fish tested. Studies that have not detected PfTx in bioassays generally have used Cyprinodon variegatus (sheepshead minnow) as the test fish while those that have detected toxin generally used Oreochromis spp. (Tilapia). In this study response of these two fish species was compared to determine their relative sensitivity to physical attack by P. shumwayae and to PfTx. The results indicate that Oreochromis niloticus is more susceptible to P. shumwayae and its associated toxin than C. variegatus and implicate differences in the ability these species to osmoregulate as a contributing factor for this phenomenon. Salinity stress enhanced susceptibility of O. niloticus to PfTx and thus improved the sensitivity of the bioassay. The observation that salinity stress enhances toxicity to O. niloticus provides additional information regarding the mechanism of PfTx toxicity although the conditions utilized are not representative of the natural habitat of these freshwater fish.  相似文献   

Summary The electric organ of a fish represents an internal current source, and the largely isopotential nature of the body interior warrants that the current associated with the fish's electric organ discharges (EODs) recruits all electroreceptors on the fish's body surface evenly. Currents associated with the EODs of a neighbor, however, will not penetrate all portions of the fish's body surface equally and will barely affect regions where the neighbor's current flows tangentially to the skin surface. The computational mechanisms of the jamming avoidance response (JAR) in Eigenmannia exploit the uneven effects of a neighbor's EOD current to calculate the correct frequency difference between the two interfering EOD signals even if the amplitude of a neighbor's signal surpasses that of the fish's own signal by orders of magnitude. The particular geometry of the fish's own EOD current thus yields some immunity against the potentially confusing effects of unusually strong interfering EOD currents of neighbors.Abbreviations DF frequency difference - ELL electrosensory lateral line lobe - EOD electric organ discharge - JAR jamming avoidance response  相似文献   

Neiman AB  Russell DF  Rowe MH 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27380
The manner in which information is encoded in neural signals is a major issue in Neuroscience. A common distinction is between rate codes, where information in neural responses is encoded as the number of spikes within a specified time frame (encoding window), and temporal codes, where the position of spikes within the encoding window carries some or all of the information about the stimulus. One test for the existence of a temporal code in neural responses is to add artificial time jitter to each spike in the response, and then assess whether or not information in the response has been degraded. If so, temporal encoding might be inferred, on the assumption that the jitter is small enough to alter the position, but not the number, of spikes within the encoding window. Here, the effects of artificial jitter on various spike train and information metrics were derived analytically, and this theory was validated using data from afferent neurons of the turtle vestibular and paddlefish electrosensory systems, and from model neurons. We demonstrate that the jitter procedure will degrade information content even when coding is known to be entirely by rate. For this and additional reasons, we conclude that the jitter procedure by itself is not sufficient to establish the presence of a temporal code.  相似文献   

Eastern and Western Gambusia (i.e., Gambusia holbrooki and G. affinis, respectively) are considered together here because these two fish species are very closely related, similar in appearance, similar in biology and often confused. Widely divergent attitudes have developed with regard to these fish with some viewing them as being highly beneficial to humans through controlling mosquitoes and the diseases they harbor, and others expressing concern about the negative impacts that these fish may have on other species with which they interact. Because of the widespread distribution, high levels of abundance, ease of capture and captive maintenance, and divergent attitudes, a very large and diffuse literature has developed with regard to these species. In fact, few fish species have been studied as much as or more than these two species combined. There has, however, been no comprehensive review of their biology published to date. As it is not possible to provide a comprehensive review of Gambusia biology in one reasonably sized document, I provide here a review of aspects of their biology at the level of species and individual. In another review I focused instead on the levels of population and species communities and consider the impacts that these fish have on mosquitoes and other organisms (Pyke, unpublished). As would be expected of such widespread and abundant species, Gambusia affinis and G. holbrooki are clearly very tolerant, adaptable and variable in their biology, at both an individual and population level. Both individuals and populations can tolerate, and often thrive within, a wide range of conditions and the abilities of individuals to do this are enhanced if they have time to acclimate to any changes. Populations can adapt through genetic or evolutionary changes in response to conditions that vary in space or time, and there is significant genetic variation within and between populations.  相似文献   

In the present study, the effect of chemical cues from two fish species (mosquitofish and pumpkinseed), at different concentrations, was tested in life history experiments with Daphnia longispina. The two fish species used represent the most abundant planktivores of many Mediterranean shallow lakes (SW Europe), where the indigenous fish communities have been replaced by such exotic assemblages. Results have shown a similar response of D. longispina to both fish species: kairomones stimulated daphnids to produce more offspring, which resulted in higher fitness (r), relatively to a fishless control. Fish presence also induced an earlier first reproduction, a smaller size at maturity of daphnids, and the production of smaller-sized neonates. Significant correlations with fish concentration (indirect measure of fish kairomone concentration) were found for size at maturity and neonate size, for both fish species. These results are in accordance to the “positive response” observed by other authors, which represents a defence mechanism to face losses caused by fish predators. The chemically mediated size reduction of mature females and neonates is an adaptive response to the size-selective predation exerted by fish. Pumpkinseed introduction is very recent in the lake of origin of the daphnids used in the experiments and its kairomone produced similar effects to mosquitofish in the life history of D. longispina. These results are contrary to the existence of a species-specific kairomone and support the hypothesis of a general fish kairomone. Guest editor: Piet Spaak Cladocera: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Cladocera  相似文献   

节杆菌分布广泛,能适应多种环境条件,而且多数节杆菌具有营养多功能性,能降解多种环境污染物,因而受到人们的广泛关注。近年来,随着多株节杆菌基因组的测序完成,人们对节杆菌环境适应性的分子机制有了全面的认识。基因组学研究结果表明,节杆菌在σ因子、氧化应激、渗透应激、饥饿应激、温度应激等胁迫应激反应相关基因方面的特点使其能够在多种环境条件下生存。本文挑选部分具有代表性的节杆菌基因组学研究,对其环境适应性的基因组学基础进行综述,以期为利用节杆菌进行环境污染修复提供理论基础,并为其它细菌的环境适应性机制研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The electrosensory system of elasmobranchs is extremely sensitive to weak electric fields, with behavioral thresholds having been reported at voltage gradients as low as 5 nV/cm. To achieve this amazing sensitivity, the electrosensory system must extract weak extrinsic signals from a relatively large reafferent background signal associated with the animal's own movements. Ventilatory movements, in particular, strongly modulate the firing rates of primary electrosensory afferent nerve fibers, but this modulation is greatly suppressed in the medullary electrosensory processing nucleus, the dorsal octavolateral nucleus. Experimental evidence suggests that the neural basis of reafference suppression involves a common-mode rejection mechanism supplemented by an adaptive filter that fine tunes the cancellation. We present a neural model and computer simulation results that support the hypothesis that the adaptive component may involve an anti-Hebbian form of synaptic plasticity at molecular layer synapses onto ascending efferent neurons, the principal output neurons of the nucleus. Parallel fibers in the molecular layer carry a wealth of proprioceptive, efference copy, and sensory signals related to the animal's own movements. The proposed adaptive mechanism acts by canceling out components of the electrosensory input signal that are consistently correlated with these internal reference signals.Abbreviations AEN ascending efferent neuron - AFF primary afferent nerve fiber - DGR dorsal granular ridge - DON dorsal octavolateral nucleus - ELL electrosensory lateral line lobe - GABA -aminobutyric acid - IN inhibitory interneuron - ISI interspike interval - ST stellate cell  相似文献   

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