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The cytologic diagnosis of 312 stereotaxic samplings performed on 292 patients suspected of having a brain tumor over an eight-year period was reviewed. At different depths of the stereotaxic track, biopsy specimens were secured for cytologic and histologic observations. Smears for cytology were stained both by the May-Grünwald-Giemsa and the Papanicolaou methods since each of them disclosed information complementary to the other. Cytology and histology were in good agreement in 87.5% of the cases. Analysis of the data revealed a cytologic sensitivity of 88.8% and a specificity of 81.9%. The main difficulty encountered was differentiating between nonspecific glial hyperplasia and low-grade astrocytoma. To a lesser degree, differentiating metastases from glioblastoma sometimes was a problem. Stress is laid on the reliability of this type of cytology, its great help when sectioning of unfit specimens makes histologic evaluation hazardous, and its obvious importance when craniotomy is not desirable but a precise pathologic diagnosis is necessary for therapeutic decision. The stereotaxic procedure is briefly reviewed, and the main cytologic findings for the principal lesions encountered are illustrated and discussed.  相似文献   

Bacteria and fungi, isolated from United States Air Force (USAF) aviation fuel samples, were identified by gas chromatograph fatty acid methyl ester (GC-FAME) profiling and 16S or 18S rRNA gene sequencing. Thirty-six samples from 11 geographically separated USAF bases were collected. At each base, an above-ground storage tank, a refueling truck, and an aircraft wing tank were sampled at the lowest sample point, or sump, to investigate microbial diversity and dispersion within the fuel distribution chain. Twelve genera, including four Bacillus species and two Staphylococcus species, were isolated and identified. Bacillus licheniformis, the most prevalent organism isolated, was found at seven of the 11 bases. Of the organisms identified, Bacillus sp., Micrococcus luteus, Sphinogmonas sp., Staphylococcus sp., and the fungus Aureobasidium pullulans have previously been isolated from aviation fuel samples. The bacteria Pantoea ananatis, Arthrobacter sp., Alcaligenes sp., Kocuria rhizophilia, Leucobacter komagatae, Dietza sp., and the fungus Discophaerina fagi have not been previously reported in USAF aviation fuel. Only at two bases were the same organisms isolated from all three sample points in the fuel supply distribution chain. Isolation of previously undocumented organisms suggests either, changes in aviation fuel microbial community in response to changes in aviation fuel composition, additives and biocide use, or simply, improvements in isolation and identification techniques.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Cervical screening programmes in England are in transition as the liquid-based cytology (LBC) method replaces conventional Papanicolaou screening and staff in NHS laboratories are trained to analyse LBC smears. Cytoscreeners and biomedical scientists undertake routine microscopy of slides, but the scientists usually have a wider professional role. Attitudinal surveys were carried out in laboratories where LBC was partially introduced. METHODS: Staff in two cytology laboratories in Greater Manchester were surveyed twice over 6 months. The questionnaire assessed work pressures using scales from the Measures of Work Characteristics instrument, work-related stress using the General Survey version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory, job intentions and job satisfaction. RESULTS: Cytoscreeners, many aged over 50 years, formed over 60% of respondents in both surveys (27/42 in the first survey), and biomedical scientists and doctors, 30%. Both groups were under moderate pressure from work demands in each survey, but cytoscreeners had significantly less autonomy over their working methods (P < 0.001). Although both groups experienced similar levels of exhaustion, cytoscreeners were much more cynical or indifferent towards work in the second survey (P = 0.008) and had lower expectations of being effective (P < 0.001). For the cytoscreeners, there were strong negative correlations in both surveys between cynicism and the work characteristics of influencing decisions and autonomy/control. CONCLUSIONS: The strength of the relationship between work performance and wellbeing serves to emphasize the importance of the new LBC technology in ameliorating low morale where it exists. Further attitudinal research involving larger samples of laboratories is warranted to assess the full impact of this innovation.  相似文献   

The Ontario Laboratory Proficiency Testing Program's testing model and the results of early surveys of cytology laboratories have been previously described. To test consistency and accuracy, the same slides from one survey were recirculated to the same laboratory in the next survey. There was no statistical difference in either the accuracy or consistency in reporting by the various categories of personnel. Analysis of the data by category of diagnosis showed the reporting of "no abnormal cells" and "benign atypia" to be slightly more accurate and "moderate dysplasia" and "severe dysplasia" to be slightly less accurate than the reporting in other categories. Consistency in reporting appeared to be slightly less accurate in severe dysplasia than in the other categories. The analysis, which includes the results from all licensed cytology laboratories in Ontario, provides evidence that, in the reporting of cervical cytologic material, it is feasible to differentiate among the various categories within the spectrum of squamous epithelial abnormalities with a general level of accuracy and consistency that, although satisfactory, is not yet ideal.  相似文献   

The results of the initial surveys in the cytology proficiency testing of the medical laboratories in the Province of Ontario, Canada, showed a high correlation between the opinions of the testing committee and the participants in the categories of "no abnormal cells," "metaplasia" and forms of "benign atypia." The proportion of times that slides were tested in the categories of dysplasia and malignancy in the surveys increased from 38% by the end of survey 3 to 46% by the end of survey 5. A progressive improvement in the diagnostic accuracy was demonstrated in the categories of malignancy and severe dysplasia while results were more variable in the categories of moderate and mild dysplasia. Several educational activities were initiated following survey 3, including development and circulation of demonstration sets of marked glass slides for repeated circulation to participants as well as copies of a slide/tape presentation describing the program and specific case material.  相似文献   

Diagnostic DNA-flow- vs. -image-cytometry in effusion cytology.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
AIMS: To determine the sensitivity and specificity of flow- and image-cytometry for the detection of DNA-aneuploidy as a marker for malignant cells in effusions. METHODS: 200 effusions (80 tumor cell-positive, 74 negative and 46 cytologically equivocal) were stained with DAPI-SR for DNA-flow- and with Feulgen-Pararosaniline for -image-cytometry. They were measured using a PAS-flow-cytometer and an AutoCyte-QUIC-DNA-workstation according to the ESACP consensus reports for DNA-flow- and -image-cytometry, respectively [7,23,29,49]. RESULTS: Sensitivity of DNA-aneuploidy for the identification of malignant cells was 32.1% for DNA-flow- and 75.0% for -image-cytometry, specificity of -euploidy in benign cells was 100.0% for both methods. Positive predictive value of DNA-aneuploidy for the identification of malignant cells was 100.0% for both techniques, negative predictive value of DNA-euploidy was 48.6% for DNA-flow- and 72.0% for -image-cytometry. CONCLUSIONS: Searching for DNA-aneuploidy as a diagnostic marker for neoplastic cells in serous effusions image-cytometry revealed superior sensitivity as compared with monoparametric flow cytometry.  相似文献   

There are few formally documented proficiency testing programs for cytology laboratories, and those that have been documented are not entirely comparable in format. The first of three papers documenting a mandatory universal proficiency testing program for cytology laboratories in the Province of Ontario, Canada, presents data on the structure and function of the participating laboratories (including a comparison of the data for 1974 and 1980) and on the organization of the testing model (including selection of terminology, construction and use of the survey and assessment of responses). In 1980, of the 463 medical laboratories in Ontario, 91 of 222 hospital laboratories and 65 of 216 nonhospital laboratories were licensed in cytology. In that year, the 156 cytology laboratories processed 1.48 million cytology specimens, 92% of which were gynecologic. Hospital laboratories processed 87.5% of the nongynecologic cytology specimens and 30% of the gynecologic cytology specimens. These proportions have been virtually constant for several years. Between 1974 and 1980, there was a trend in Ontario to fewer laboratories processing less than 5,000 cytology specimens per annum. Subsequent papers in this series describe the results of the initial surveys in this program and a precision study to evaluate the consistency of reporting by individual laboratories.  相似文献   

Two major arguments in favor of using diatoms in water-quality assessments are that their distributions are cosmopolitan and their ecology is well studied. If these assumptions are true, diatom-based monitoring tools could be considered universal and used in any geographic area. Indeed, some diatom metrics based on species indicator values developed in Europe are often used in North America and many other parts of the world. There is considerable evidence, however, that diatom metrics are less useful when applied in a geographic area other than where species relations with environmental characteristics were originally studied to construct the metrics. We used U.S. Geological Survey National Water-Quality Assessment program data to create diatom metrics for monitoring eutrophication, and show here that these metrics provide better assessments in U.S. rivers than similar metrics developed for European inland waters. We also demonstrate that metrics developed by studying diatom–nutrient relationships on the continental-scale can be further refined if combined with regional-scale studies.  相似文献   

Four spiroplasma strains and eleven isolates tentatively identified as acholeplasmas were obtained from fall flowers in Colorado, Nebraska, Illinois, and Maryland. Although the acholeplasma isolates were heterogeneous, all showed antigenic sharing with a group of unnamed organisms (L1 and related strains) isolated in othe studies from flowers in Florida. The W20 and W24 isolates from Nebraska were partially related to the L1 group by DNA-DNA homology and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) analyses. A Colorado spiroplasma (W13) was identifed as a new strain of group IV complex. Three spiroplasma strains from flowers in Maryland old fields represent a new serovar with closest affinity to subgroup I-4 and to the LB12 and N525 serovars of group I. Widespread occurrence of acholeplasmas on flowers in this study, and on plant surfaces in general, suggests that, like spiroplasmas they probably will be found to reside in arthropods.  相似文献   

Marine biodiversity of the United States (U.S.) is extensively documented, but data assembled by the United States National Committee for the Census of Marine Life demonstrate that even the most complete taxonomic inventories are based on records scattered in space and time. The best-known taxa are those of commercial importance. Body size is directly correlated with knowledge of a species, and knowledge also diminishes with distance from shore and depth. Measures of biodiversity other than species diversity, such as ecosystem and genetic diversity, are poorly documented. Threats to marine biodiversity in the U.S. are the same as those for most of the world: overexploitation of living resources; reduced water quality; coastal development; shipping; invasive species; rising temperature and concentrations of carbon dioxide in the surface ocean, and other changes that may be consequences of global change, including shifting currents; increased number and size of hypoxic or anoxic areas; and increased number and duration of harmful algal blooms. More information must be obtained through field and laboratory research and monitoring that involve innovative sampling techniques (such as genetics and acoustics), but data that already exist must be made accessible. And all data must have a temporal component so trends can be identified. As data are compiled, techniques must be developed to make certain that scales are compatible, to combine and reconcile data collected for various purposes with disparate gear, and to automate taxonomic changes. Information on biotic and abiotic elements of the environment must be interactively linked. Impediments to assembling existing data and collecting new data on marine biodiversity include logistical problems as well as shortages in finances and taxonomic expertise.  相似文献   

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