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XRCC1 is required for DNA single-strand break repair in human cells   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
Brem R  Hall J 《Nucleic acids research》2005,33(8):2512-2520
The X-ray repair cross complementing 1 (XRCC1) protein is required for viability and efficient repair of DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs) in rodents. XRCC1-deficient mouse or hamster cells are hypersensitive to DNA damaging agents generating SSBs and display genetic instability after such DNA damage. The presence of certain polymorphisms in the human XRCC1 gene has been associated with altered cancer risk, but the role of XRCC1 in SSB repair (SSBR) in human cells is poorly defined. To elucidate this role, we used RNA interference to modulate XRCC1 protein levels in human cell lines. A reduction in XRCC1 protein levels resulted in decreased SSBR capacity as measured by the comet assay and intracellular NAD(P)H levels, hypersensitivity to the cell killing effects of the DNA damaging agents methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), hydrogen peroxide and ionizing radiation and enhanced formation of micronuclei following exposure to MMS. Lowered XRCC1 protein levels were also associated with a significant delay in S-phase progression after exposure to MMS. These data clearly demonstrate that XRCC1 is required for efficient SSBR and genomic stability in human cells.  相似文献   

Human polynucleotide kinase (hPNK) is required for processing and rejoining DNA strand break termini. The 5'-DNA kinase and 3'-phosphatase activities of hPNK can be stimulated by the "scaffold" protein XRCC1, but the mechanism remains to be fully elucidated. Using a variety of fluorescence techniques, we examined the interaction of hPNK with XRCC1 and substrates that model DNA single-strand breaks. hPNK binding to substrates with 5'-OH termini was only approximately 5-fold tighter than that to identical DNA molecules with 5'-phosphate termini, suggesting that hPNK remains bound to the product of its enzymatic activity. The presence of XRCC1 did not influence the binding of hPNK to substrates with 5'-OH termini, but sharply reduced the interaction of hPNK with DNA bearing a 5'-phosphate terminus. These data, together with kinetic data obtained at limiting enzyme concentration, indicate a dual function for the interaction of XRCC1 with hPNK. First, XRCC1 enhances the capacity of hPNK to discriminate between strand breaks with 5'-OH termini and those with 5'-phosphate termini; and second, XRCC1 stimulates hPNK activity by displacing hPNK from the phosphorylated DNA product.  相似文献   

XRCC1 and DNA strand break repair   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Caldecott KW 《DNA Repair》2003,2(9):955-969
DNA single-strand breaks can arise indirectly, as normal intermediates of DNA base excision repair, or directly from damage to deoxyribose. Because single-strand breaks are induced by endogenous reactive molecules such as reactive oxygen species, these lesions pose a continuous threat to genetic integrity. XRCC1 protein plays a major role in facilitating the repair of single-strand breaks in mammalian cells, via an ability to interact with multiple enzymatic components of repair reactions. Here, the protein-protein interactions facilitated by XRCC1, and the repair processes in which these interactions operate, are reviewed. Models for the repair of single-strand breaks during base excision repair and at direct breaks are presented.  相似文献   

X-ray cross complementing 1 (XRCC1) protein has been suggested to bind to DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs) and organize protein interactions that facilitate efficient DNA repair. Using four site-specifically modified human XRCC1 mutant expression systems and functional complementation assays in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) XRCC1-deficient EM9 cells, we evaluated the cellular contributions of XRCC1s proposed N-terminal domain (NTD) DNA binding and DNA polymerase beta (POLbeta) interaction activities. Results within demonstrate that the interaction with POLbeta is biologically important for alkylating agent resistance and SSB repair, whereas the proposed DNA binding function is not critical to these phenotypes. Our data favor a model where the interaction of XRCC1 with POLbeta contributes to efficient DNA repair in vivo, whereas its interactions with target DNA is biologically less relevant.  相似文献   

The DNA single-strand break repair (SSBR) protein XRCC1 is required for genetic stability and for embryonic viability. XRCC1 possesses two BRCA1 carboxyl-terminal (BRCT) protein interaction domains, denoted BRCT I and II. BRCT II is required for SSBR during G(1) but is dispensable for this process during S/G(2) and consequently for cell survival following DNA alkylation. Little is known about BRCT I, but this domain has attracted considerable interest because it is the site of a genetic polymorphism that epidemiological studies have associated with altered cancer risk. We report that the BRCT I domain comprises the evolutionarily conserved core of XRCC1 and that this domain is required for efficient SSBR during both G(1) and S/G(2) cell cycle phases and for cell survival following treatment with methyl methanesulfonate. However, the naturally occurring human polymorphism in BRCT I supported XRCC1-dependent SSBR and cell survival after DNA alkylation equally well. We conclude that while the BRCT I domain is critical for XRCC1 to maintain genetic integrity and cell survival, the polymorphism does not impact significantly on this function and therefore is unlikely to impact significantly on susceptibility to cancer.  相似文献   

Caldecott KW 《Cell》2003,112(1):7-10
DNA single-strand break repair (SSBR) is critical for the survival and genetic stability of mammalian cells. Three papers have recently associated mutations in putative human SSBR genes with hereditary spinocerebellar ataxia. The emerging links between SSBR and neurodegenerative disorders are discussed.  相似文献   

Jin R  Sun Y  Qi X  Zhang H  Zhang Y  Li N  Ding W  Chen D 《DNA Repair》2011,10(9):926-933
The X-ray repair cross complementing group 1 (XRCC1) protein is involved in DNA base excision repair and its expression varies during the cell cycle. Although studies have demonstrated that rapid XRCC1-dependent single-strand break repair (SSBR) takes place specifically during S/G(2) phases, it remains unclear how it is regulated during the cell cycle. We found that XRCC1 is a direct regulatory target of E2F1 and further investigated the role of XRCC1 in DNA repair during the cell cycle. Saos2 primary osteosarcoma cells stably transfected with inducible E2F1-wt or mutant E2F1-132E were treated with hydroxurea (HU) for 36h and were subsequently withdrawn HU for 2-24h to test whether cell-cycle-dependent DNA SSBR requires E2F1-mediated upregulation of XRCC1. We found that SSBR activity, as determined using a qPCR-base method, was correlated with E2F1 levels at different phases of the cell cycle. XRCC1-positive (AA8) and negative (EM9) CHO cells were used to demonstrate that the alterations in SSBR were mediated by XRCC1. The results indicate that E2F1-mediated regulation of XRCC1 is required for cell-cycle-dependent SSBR predominantly in G(1)/S phases. Our observations have provided new mechanistic insight for understanding the role of E2F1 in the maintenance of genomic stability and cell survival during the cell cycle. The regulation of XRCC1 by E2F1 during cell-cycle-dependent SSBR might be an important aspect for practical consideration for resolving the problem of drug resistance in tumor chemotherapies.  相似文献   

XRCC1 functions in the repair of single-strand DNA breaks in mammalian cells and forms a repair complex with beta-Pol, ligase III and PARP. Here we describe the NMR solution structure of the XRCC1 N-terminal domain (XRCC1 NTD). The structural core is a beta-sandwich with beta-strands connected by loops, three helices and two short two-stranded beta-sheets at each connection side. We show, for the first time, that the XRCC1 NTD specifically binds single-strand break DNA (gapped and nicked). We also show that the XRCC1 NTD binds a gapped DNA-beta-Pol complex. The DNA binding and beta-Pol binding surfaces were mapped by NMR and found to be well suited for interaction with single-strand gap DNA containing a 90 degrees bend, and for simultaneously making contacts with the palm-thumb of beta-Pol in a ternary complex. The findings suggest a mechanism for preferential binding of the XRCC1 NTD to flexible single-strand break DNA.  相似文献   

CK2 phosphorylates the scaffold protein XRCC1, which is required for efficient DNA single-strand break (SSB) repair. Here, we express an XRCC1 protein (XRCC1(ckm)) that cannot be phosphorylated by CK2 in XRCC1 mutated EM9 cells and show that the role of this post-translational modification gives distinct phenotypes in SSB repair and base excision repair (BER). Interestingly, we find that fewer SSBs are formed during BER after treatment with the alkylating agent dimethyl sulfate (DMS) in EM9 cells expressing XRCC1(ckm) (CKM cells) or following inhibition with the CK2 inhibitor 2-dimethylamino-4,5,6,7-tetrabromo-1H-benzimidazole (DMAT). We also show that XRCC1(ckm) protein has a higher affinity for DNA than wild type XRCC1 protein and resides in an immobile fraction on DNA, in particular after damage. We propose a model whereby the increased affinity for DNA sequesters XRCC1(ckm) and the repair enzymes associated with it, at the repair site, which retards kinetics of BER. In conclusion, our results indicate that phosphorylation of XRCC1 by CK2 facilitates the BER incision step, likely by promoting dissociation from DNA.  相似文献   

XRCC1 protein is required for the repair of DNA single-strand breaks and genetic stability, and is essential for viability in mammals. XRCC1 functions as a scaffold protein by interacting and modulating polypeptide components of the single-strand break repair machinery, including AP endonuclease-1, DNA ligase IIIalpha, poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase, DNA polymerase beta and human polynucleotide kinase. We show here that the E6 protein of human papillomavirus type 1, 8 and 16 directly binds XRCC1. When tested in CHO derived XRCC1 'knock out' EM9 cells, co-expression of human papillomavirus 16 E6 with human XRCC1 reduced the ability of the latter protein to correct the methyl methane sulfate sensitivity of XRCC1 mutant CHO cell line EM9. These data identify a novel link between small DNA tumour viruses and DNA repair pathways, and suggest a novel explanation for the development of genomic instability in tissue cells persistently infected with papillomaviruses.  相似文献   

The efficient repair of double-strand breaks (DSBs) in DNA is critical for the maintenance of genome stability. In mammalian cells, repair can occur by homologous recombination or by non-homologous end joining (NHEJ). DNA breaks caused by reactive oxygen or ionizing radiation often contain non- conventional end groups that must be processed to restore the ligatable 3'-OH and 5'-phosphate moieties which are necessary for efficient repair by NHEJ. Here, using cell-free extracts that efficiently catalyse NHEJ in vitro, we show that human polynucleotide kinase (PNK) promotes phosphate replacement at damaged termini, but only within the context of the NHEJ apparatus. Phosphorylation of terminal 5'-OH groups by PNK was blocked by depletion of the NHEJ factor XRCC4, or by an inactivating mutation in DNA-PK(cs), indicating that the DNA kinase activity in the extract is coupled with active NHEJ processes. Moreover, we find that end-joining activity can be restored to PNK-depleted extracts by addition of human PNK, but not bacteriophage T4 PNK. This work provides the first demonstration of a direct, specific role for human PNK in DSB repair.  相似文献   

Single-strand break repair (SSBR) and base excision repair (BER) of modified bases and abasic sites share several players. Among them is XRCC1, an essential scaffold protein with no enzymatic activity, required for the coordination of both pathways. XRCC1 is recruited to SSBR by PARP-1, responsible for the initial recognition of the break. The recruitment of XRCC1 to BER is still poorly understood. Here we show by using both local and global induction of oxidative DNA base damage that XRCC1 participation in BER complexes can be distinguished from that in SSBR by several criteria. We show first that XRCC1 recruitment to BER is independent of PARP. Second, unlike SSBR complexes that are assembled within minutes after global damage induction, XRCC1 is detected later in BER patches, with kinetics consistent with the repair of oxidized bases. Third, while XRCC1-containing foci associated with SSBR are formed both in eu- and heterochromatin domains, BER complexes are assembled in patches that are essentially excluded from heterochromatin and where the oxidized bases are detected.  相似文献   

The cellular response to double-strand breaks (DSBs) in DNA is a complex signalling network, mobilized by the nuclear protein kinase ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM), which phosphorylates many factors in the various branches of this network. A main question is how ATM regulates DSB repair. Here, we identify the DNA repair enzyme polynucleotide kinase/phosphatase (PNKP) as an ATM target. PNKP phosphorylates 5'-OH and dephosphorylates 3'-phosphate DNA ends that are formed at DSB termini caused by DNA-damaging agents, thereby regenerating legitimate ends for further processing. We establish that the ATM phosphorylation targets on human PNKP-Ser 114 and Ser 126-are crucial for cellular survival following DSB induction and for effective DSB repair, being essential for damage-induced enhancement of the activity of PNKP and its proper accumulation at the sites of DNA damage. These findings show a direct functional link between ATM and the DSB-repair machinery.  相似文献   

The amount of reaction catalyzed by T4 polynucleotide kinase on a variety of its substrates is greatly increased in the presence of polyethylene glycol 8000 (PEG 8000). Both the forward and reverse reactions as well as the exchange reaction can be stimulated. The stimulation is a general effect on T4 polynucleotide kinase reactions involving high molecular weight DNA substrates. The use of PEG 8000 is particularly advantageous for labeling or removing terminal 5'-phosphate groups which are only slowly or incompletely labeled or removed under ordinary conditions, such as those at recessed termini or at "nicks" in duplex DNA, although the reaction on blunt-ended or protruding termini is also increased. It is further advantageous for labeling very low concentrations of substrates.  相似文献   

Single-strand breaks are the commonest lesions arising in cells, and defects in their repair are implicated in neurodegenerative disease. One of the earliest events during single-strand break repair (SSBR) is the rapid synthesis of poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) by poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), followed by its rapid degradation by poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG). While the synthesis of poly(ADP-ribose) is important for rapid rates of chromosomal SSBR, the relative importance of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP-1) and PARP-2 and of the subsequent degradation of PAR by PARG is unclear. Here we have quantified SSBR rates in human A549 cells depleted of PARP-1, PARP-2, and PARG, both separately and in combination. We report that whereas PARP-1 is critical for rapid global rates of SSBR in human A549 cells, depletion of PARP-2 has only a minor impact, even in the presence of depleted levels of PARP-1. Moreover, we identify PARG as a novel and critical component of SSBR that accelerates this process in concert with PARP-1.  相似文献   

The termini of DNA strand breaks induced by internal and external factors often require processing before missing nucleotides can be replaced by DNA polymerases and the strands rejoined by DNA ligases. Polynucleotide kinase/phosphatase (PNKP) serves a crucial role in the repair of DNA strand breaks by catalyzing the restoration of 5'-phosphate and 3'-hydroxyl termini. It participates in several DNA repair pathways through interactions with other DNA repair proteins, notably XRCC1 and XRCC4. Recent studies have highlighted the physiological importance of PNKP in maintaining the genomic stability of normal tissues, particularly developing neural cells, as well as enhancing the resistance of cancer cells to genotoxic therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

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