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A greenhouse assay to screen sunflower for resistance to Alternaria helianthi is described. A comparison of conditions led to the following standard conditions being recommended. The first or second pair of leaves of seedling plants at the V8 growth stage are inoculated using inoculum grown on sunflower leaf extract agar for 5–10 days at an inoculum density of 1–2 spores cm2 of leaf tissue. A 48 h dew period should be applied to plants covered by a plastic tent. A dew period temperature of 26/26°C night/day and a post-dew period temperature relative to that experienced under local growing conditions should be applied. Lesions are measured 7 days after inoculation, and mean lesion size per plant is calculated. Mean lesion size of lines being tested is expressed as a proportion of the mean lesion size of a susceptible standard included in each screening experiment.  相似文献   

Seven genotypes of sunflower, including populations and hybrids, showing differential susceptibility to Alternaria leaf and stem blight were crossed to CMS 234A with pollen selection and without pollen selection. The pathogen culture filtrate was used as selective pressure at stylar tissue by applying it 1 h before pollination. Distilled water applied to stigmas and styles served as control. Two sets of seven hybrids, one set from selective and the other from non-selective fertilization, were evaluated for reaction to Alternaria leaf and stem blight during the rainy season under natural epiphytotic conditions. Selection for resistant pollen on the stigmatic surface resulted in a corresponding increase in progeny resistance. The study demonstrates the transmission of the selected trait from the pollen generation to progeny. Further, it was observed that the effect of pollen selection was high in the progenies of moderately resistant parents compared to progenies of highly susceptible parents. The effect of successive pollen selection was studied by backcrossing the progeny derived through selective fertilization to the fertile parent using selective fertilization. Successive pollen selection further improved disease resistance of progeny. However, the improvement was not very great. Hence, repeated cycles of selection are required to achieve a useful level of resistance in the case of sunflower, since resistance is polygenetically controlled. Received: 17 May 1999 / Revision accepted: 13 September 1999  相似文献   

Photochemical response to drought acclimation in two sunflower genotypes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of drought acclimation on CO2 assimilation and light utilization were investigated in two sunflower genotypes ( Helianthus annuus L., T32 and Viki) in relation to water deficit and/or high light conditions. Drought interaction with PSII efficiency was observed in the genotype T32 with a sustained decrease in the potential photochemical efficiency of PSII, Fn/Fm. In response to drought acclimation, T32 displayed some tendency to accumulate closed PSII traps (higher value of 1-qp) without an enhancement of thermal deactivation (Stem-Volmer non-photochemical quenching, NPQ). Irrespective of the growth conditions (growth chamber or greenhouse), only Viki was responsive to drought acclimation, with (1) increased net photosynthesis in well-watered plants, (2) higher maintenance of photochemical electron transfer under water deficit and/or high light, (3) limited PSII inactivation (lower value of 1-qp) through increased non-photochemical energy dissipation (Stern-Volmer NPQ) which was readily reversible even at low leaf water potentials, and (4) higher Fv/Fm recovery after high light treatment. Additionally, drought acclimation delayed turgor loss during subsequent water stress in Viki. Thus, the response to drought acclimation, with an adjustment of water relations and of energy utilization by PSII, was observed under both growth conditions and was mainly genotype dependent.  相似文献   

The number of genes controlling slow rusting resistance to leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) was estimated in five spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars using quantitative formulae. Parents and F6 families were evaluated in replicated field trials under epidemics initiated by artificial inoculation. The F6 families resulted from a diallel cross involving the fast-rusting cultivar Yecora 70 and five slow-rusting wheat cultivars: Sonoita 81, Tanager ‘S’, Galvez 87, Ures 81, and Moncho ‘S’. The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) was used to measure leaf rust severity over time. Results indicate that cultivar Sonoita 81 has three or four genes, Tanager ‘S’ has two or three genes, Galvez 87 has three genes, and both Ures 81 and Moncho ‘S’ have two genes for slow rusting resistance to leaf rust. Based on this result and previously reported moderate to high narrow-sense heritability estimates for slow rusting resistance in these materials, early-generation selection for slow leaf rusting would be effective.  相似文献   

Summary Two bread wheat accessions, E5008 and E6160, have been genetically analysed for resistance genes effective against Indian cultures of stem rust races, 15C and 122. The inheritance of resistance to each race has been determined from the F1 and F2 of the crosses (resistant parents with the susceptible variety, Agra Local) and F2 progenies from the backcross to Agra Local. Tests have been performed to see if the two varieties carry common genes/s for resistance. The identity of the genes for resistance has been established from relevant crosses with single gene lines carrying known genes for resistance.A single dominant gene effective to race 15C in E5008 has been demonstrated to be Sr9b. Of the two recessive genes, each producing distinct infection types (0; and 1–3) against race 122, one gene has been inferred to be Sr12 and the second to be a hitherto undesignated gene.The resistance of E6160 against race 15C is controlled by two genes, one dominant and one recessive. The dominant gene has been identified as Sr9b. The recessive gene has been inferred to be a new gene. Similarly, a dominant gene effective against race 122 in E6160 has been observed to be different from those so far designated. In addition, the presence of modifier gene/s in the variety, E6160 has been suggested.  相似文献   

Wheat line CSP44, a selection from an Australian bread wheat cultivar Condor, has shown resistance to stripe rust in India since the last twenty years. Seedlings and adult plants of CSP44 showed susceptible infection types against stripe rust race 46S119 but displayed average terminal disease severity of 2.67 on adult plants against this race as compared to 70.33 of susceptible Indian cultivar, WL711. This suggests the presence of nonhypersensitive adult plant stripe rust resistance in the line CSP44. The evaluation of F1, F2 and F3 generations and F6 SSD families from the cross of CSP44 with susceptible wheat cultivar WL711 for stripe rust severity indicated that the resistance in CSP44 is based on two genes showing additive effect. One of these two genes isYr18 and the second gene is not yet described.  相似文献   

Sunflower rust, caused by Puccinia helianthi Schw., is a widespread disease of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in China. To study physiological races, sunflower field surveys were undertaken in major sunflower growing areas of China in 2010. Forty‐four rust‐infected sunflower leaf samples were collected from 25 geographical locations. Freshly produced spores were used to study physiological race differentiation on a set of nine differentials. Race 300 was the most prevalent race observed over all locations with a 59% frequency followed by races 735, 310, 500, 724 and 737. To evaluate hybrids and varieties for resistance screening, spores of race 300 were used to inoculate 65 hybrids, and five open‐pollinated varieties selected from breeding programmes and from the seed market. None of the confection hybrids and open‐pollinated varieties was immune to race 300. Conversely, among oilseed hybrids, 3% of them showed immunity, 12% highly resistant, 59% resistant and 26% showed susceptible reactions. Open‐pollinated varieties were the most susceptible to race 300 followed by confection and oilseed sunflower hybrids. Results from this study are projected to assist breeders in selection of hybrids and varieties against prevalent race as our results showed a diversity of resistance levels to race 300.  相似文献   

A group of sunflower lines that exhibit a range of leaf Na + concentrations under high salinity was used to explore whether the responses to the osmotic and ionic components of salinity can be distinguished in leaf expansion kinetics analysis. It was expected that at the initial stages of the salt treatment, leaf expansion kinetics changes would be dominated by responses to the osmotic component of salinity, and that later on, ion inclusion would impose further kinetics changes. It was also expected that differential leaf Na + accumulation would be reflected in specific changes in cell division and expansion rates. Plants of four sunflower lines were gradually treated with a relatively high (130 mm NaCl) salt treatment. Leaf expansion kinetics curves were compared in leaves that were formed before, during and after the initiation of the salt treatment. Leaf areas were smaller in salt‐treated plants, but the analysis of growth curves did not reveal differences that could be attributed to differential Na+ accumulation, since similar changes in leaf expansion kinetics were observed in lines with different magnitudes of salt accumulation. Nevertheless, in a high leaf Na+‐including line, cell divisions were affected earlier, resulting in leaves with proportionally fewer cells than in a Na+‐excluding line. A distinct change in leaf epidermal pavement shape caused by salinity is reported for the first time. Mature pavement cells in leaves of control plants exhibited typical lobed, jigsaw‐puzzle shape, whereas in treated plants, they tended to retain closer‐to‐circular shapes and a lower number of lobes.  相似文献   

Relationship between virulence and aggressiveness was studied in seven Plasmopara halstedii (sunflower downy mildew) pathotypes including five progeny pathotypes of races 300, 304, 314, 704 and 714 arising from two parental pathotypes of races 100 and 710. Aggressiveness criteria including percentage infection, latent period, sporulation density and reduction of hypocotyl length were analysed in one sunflower inbred line showing a high level of quantitative resistance. There were significant differences between P. halstedii pathotypes for all aggressiveness criteria. Pathogenicity of progeny pathotypes as compared with parental ones (relationship between virulence and aggressiveness) seems to be positive, negative or uncorrelated. Hypothesis explaining these cases are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine if two species of sunflower, Helianthus annus L. cv. Hysun 31 (cultivated, single-stemmed genotype) and Helianthus petiolaris Nuttall ssp. fallax (wild, many-hranched genotype) differed in the response of leaf growth to water deficits. Earlier published studies, concerned only with H. annuus, failed to reveal differences in the response of sunflowers to water stress. Plants of the two species were paired in large containers of soil and grown under high radiation in a glasshouse. One batch of plants was irrigated and the other allowed to dry so that predawn leaf water potentials declined at an average of 0.072 MPa day?1. The dry batch was rewatered when predawn leaf water potentials reached ?0.85 MPa. The stress imposed was sufficient to curtail leaf growth so that plants in the dry treatment had only 60% of the leaf area of irrigated plants at the onset of rewatering. Both species were affected by stress to the same relative extent, though their leaf areas at this stage differed 7-fold. Both genotypes also recovered to the same degree in the long term, finally having leaf areas and gross dry matter distribution patterns which were indistinguishable from plants which were irrigated throughout. However, water stress resulted in different distribution patterns of leaf area: H. annuus produced larger leaves at the top of its single stem which compensated for the reduced area in lower leaves, whereas H. petiolaris compensated in the leaves on its branches. Leaves which emerged after the time of stress were most able to compensate in area subsequently. For example, those leaves of H. annuus which emerged one week after stress-relief were more than three times larger than comparable leaves on plants irrigated continuously. Leaf expansion rates were affected earlier in the stress cycle than leaf conductance in H. annuus, but not in H. petiolaris. But as with other plant responses to water stress, the differences between the two species were small.  相似文献   

Components of quantitative resistance, spore production, incubation period, infection frequency and mean lesion size were measured in 17 sunflower accessions inoculated with conidia of Alternuria helianthi under controlled conditions. The same accessions were also rated for disease reaction in the field in 1994 and 1995 using a generated epidemic and varied in their disease reactions from highly susceptible to highly resistant. Spearman's ranking of accessions was highly correlated (r = 0.9) for both years; however, the ranking of components measured under controlled conditions with field severity was generally poor. Regression analysis of components with field severity ratings of the accessions showed that mean lesion size was highly correlated (r = O.74) and infection frequency was moderately correlated (r = 0.58) with the field severity ratings taken over the two years. Infection frequency was also well correlated (r = 0.75) with mean lesion size. Spore production and incubation period were poorly correlated with the field severity ratings for both years. An index based on infection frequency and mean lesion size gave a better correlation with the 1995 field severity ratings than either component alone, but in 1994 the index was not as well correlated with field severity as mean lesion size alone. It is suggested that mean lesion size, determined from plants 7–9 days after inoculation could be used to select for resistance to A. helianthi in the greenhouse. Infection frequency could also be used as a predictor of resistance, but to a lesser degree.  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) deficiency is increasingly being observed in cropping systems with frequent glyphosate applications. A likely reason for this is that glyphosate interferes with root uptake of Fe by inhibiting ferric reductase in roots required for Fe acquisition by dicot and nongrass species. This study investigated the role of drift rates of glyphosate (0.32, 0.95 or 1.89 mm glyphosate corresponding to 1, 3 and 6% of the recommended herbicidal dose, respectively) on ferric reductase activity of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) roots grown under Fe deficiency conditions. Application of 1.89 mm glyphosate resulted in almost 50% inhibition of ferric reductase within 6 h and complete inhibition 24 h after the treatment. Even at lower rates of glyphosate (e.g. 0.32 mm and 0.95 mm), ferric reductase was inhibited. Soluble sugar concentration and the NAD(P)H oxidizing capacity of apical roots were not decreased by the glyphosate applications. To our knowledge, this is the first study reporting the effects of glyphosate on ferric reductase activity. The nature of the inhibitory effect of glyphosate on ferric reductase could not be identified. Impaired ferric reductase could be a major reason for the increasingly observed Fe deficiency in cropping systems associated with widespread glyphosate usage.  相似文献   

Sunflower plants were transformed via co-cultivation of previously bombarded hypocotyl explants with Agrobacterium tumefaciens harboring the plasmid pNGL that contains the human lysozyme gene. The transformed shoots were selected using kanamycin and regenerated plants were analyzed using histochemical β-glucuronidase assay. Southern, Western and Northern blot analyses indicated the transfer, expression and stable integration of the foreign DNA into the sunflower genome. Resistance against the phytopathogenic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, which causes white mold disease, was confirmed using a phytopathogenic test and microscopic observation of the infection process.  相似文献   

Aggressiveness variation and its alternation with non-race specific resistance in sunflower were studied in 19 Plasmopara halstedii isolates belonging to several races. Regarding aggressiveness criteria, percentage infection, latent period, sporulation density and dwarfing, on two sunflower inbred lines showing different levels of non-race specific resistance resistance FU and BT, there were significant differences in aggressiveness for P. halstedii isolates. The index of aggressiveness varied between 9.4 and 31.4. The inbred line BT, rather susceptible in the field, showed a higher percentage infection, a higher sporulation density, a shorter latent period and less reduced hypocotyl length than inbred line FU, which showed a greater resistance in the field. Percentage infection on FU was 1.4% less than BT, latent period on BT was 12.4% less than FU, sporulation density on FU was 22.3% less than BT and reduced hypocotyl length on BT was 15.3% less than FU. Consequently, it seems that the criteria as latent period, sporulation density and reduction of hypocotyl length could be used to measure non-race specific resistance in sunflower to P. halstedii under controlled conditions.  相似文献   

小麦品种贵农22号抗条锈基因遗传分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
贵农22号是利用簇毛麦(Haynaldia villosa)、硬粒小麦(Triticum durum)及普通小麦(Triticum aestuvum)杂交而育成的普通小麦品种,其抗中国目前流行和出现的条锈菌小种,已成为目前重要的抗小麦条锈病抗源。为了明确该品种抗锈遗传规律并进行应用前景评价,用一个流行的强毒性小种条中31号和一个突变弱毒性小种CY29-mut3,分别接种贵农22与国际已知抗锈基因品种Moro及感病品种辉县红双列杂交F2、F2代各株系幼苗,对贵农22号进行了抗锈性遗传分析,以便于在抗病育种中进一步应用。研究结果表明,贵农22号有三对独立遗传的抗条锈基因,暂定名为YrGui 1、YrGui 2和YrGui 3,它们表达稳定,不受亲本正反交影响,而并不具有Yr 10。Yr10基因载体品种Moto中有二或四对基因抗中国不同的条锈菌小种,不同小种及正反交对基因的表达有影响,为父本时其对CY29-mut3小种有两对完全显性基因、一对中度抗病基因及一对隐性抗病基因,而为母本时有一对完全显性基因和一对中度抗病基因起抗病作用;对条中31号,其为父本时有一对显性基因和一对隐性基因,为母本时可能存在两对累加作用基因或两对隐性抗病基因控制抗痫作用。  相似文献   

A method was elaborated by which the pH in leaf apoplast can be measured. The technique is based on the pH dependent fluorescence of 5-carboxyfluorescein (5-CF) or fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). The fluorescein isothiocyanate is coupled with a macromolecular dextran molecule (FITC-dextran). For eliminating the effect of the absolute dye concentration the dual excitation technique was applied. It was shown that the ratio of fluorescence excited by light of 491 nm and 463 nm was virtually independent of the concentration of 5-CF and that this fluorescence ratio was related to the pH. The plasmalemma is practically impermeable to FITC-dextran and in the test we carried out over a period of 6 h not the slightest indication was found that it may penetrate the plasma membrane. For 5-CF this cannot be ruled out completely. It is possible that at pH values below 4.5 it may penetrate biological membranes at low rates.
Experiments with leaves of sunflower ( Helianthus animus cv. Erika) perfused with 5-carboxyfluorescein and supplied with different nitrogen forms showed that NH+4 application resulted in a decrease and NO+3 application in an increase of the leaf apoplast pH. Leaf spraying with fasicoccin was followed by a pH decrease, while leaf spraying with the protonophores p -trifluoromethoxy carbonytcyanide phenylhydra-zon (FCCP) or nigericin resulted in neutral apoplastic pH. These results provide evidence that the method is well suited for measuring the response of the leaf apoplast pH to changing physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Species living in seasonal environments often adaptively time their reproduction in response to photoperiod cues. We characterized the expression of genes in the flowering-time regulatory network across wild populations of the common sunflower, Helianthus annuus, that we found to be adaptively differentiated for photoperiod response. The observed clinal variation was associated with changes at multiple hierarchical levels in multiple pathways. Paralogue-specific changes in FT homologue expression and tissue-specific changes in SOC1 homologue expression were associated with loss and reversal of plasticity, respectively, suggesting that redundancy and modularity are gene network characteristics easily exploited by natural selection to produce evolutionary innovation. Distinct genetic mechanisms contribute to convergent evolution of photoperiod responses within sunflower, suggesting regulatory network architecture does not impose strong constraints on the evolution of phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

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