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Dispersal is a key process in biological studies of spatial dynamics, but the initiation of dispersal has often been neglected, despite strong indications that differential timing of dispersal can significantly affect dispersal distances. To investigate which plant and environmental factors determine the release of plumed seeds by the invasive thistles Carduus acanthoides and Carduus nutans, we exposed 192 flower heads of each species to increasing wind speeds in a full-factorial wind tunnel experiment with four air flow turbulence, three flower head wetness and two flower head temperature levels. The number of seed releases was highest under dry and turbulent conditions and from heads that had already lost a considerable number of seeds, but was not affected by flower head size, head angle or temperature. Inspection of the trials on video showed that higher wind speeds were needed to meet the seed release threshold in laminar flows and for C. acanthoides heads that had been wet for a longer time. Species differences were minimal, although seed release was more sensitive to lower levels of turbulence in the larger-headed and more open C. nutans heads. Knowledge of seed release biases towards weather conditions favourable for long-distance dispersal improves our understanding of the spread of invaders and allows managers to increase the efficiency of their containment strategies by applying them at crucial times.  相似文献   

 为揭示加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis)种群扩散机制, 明确种子的脱落及风传扩散在其种群蔓延中的作用, 在人工环境下测定了不同湍流强度、风速和湿度处理下种子脱落的差异, 并对脱落种子与未脱落种子进行形态学特征对比。结果表明: 加拿大一枝黄花的种子脱落受湍流、风速和湿度等因素的共同影响。水平气流下种子的脱落阈值为5.1 m·s–1, 并随着风速增加, 种子的脱落率增加。与模拟水平气流相比, 模拟垂直气流下种子的脱落阈值显著偏小。相对于层流状态, 湍流的存在显著提高了种子的脱落率, 平均增幅超过300%; 但单纯提高湍流强度对种子脱落率的影响不显著。增加湿度则显著降低种子的脱落率。种子形态学特征对比结果表明, 脱落种子的冠毛数量和冠毛夹角显著高于未脱落种子。该研究结果为研究加拿大一枝黄花种子脱落规律和风传扩散机制提供了科学依据, 也为其他入侵性杂草种子的扩散机制及入侵过程提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

Negative correlations between dispersal and establishment are often reported in the plant literature; smaller seeds tend to disperse better but germinate less well, and produce smaller seedlings. However, because dispersal capacity is often quantified using proxies, such as the settling velocity of wind-dispersed seeds, little is known about the exact shape of this negative relationship, and how it is modified by other plant traits and environmental conditions. We studied the dispersal-establishment relationship in two wind-dispersed thistles (Carduus nutans and Carduus acanthoides). We applied a mechanistic wind dispersal model (WALD) to seeds released under a range of environmental conditions, and tested germination and seedling growth under standardized conditions in a greenhouse. Dispersal distance and establishment (germination and seedling growth) were not significantly correlated, although in both species smaller seeds dispersed farther, and showed lower germination and lower seedling growth rates. This apparent paradox can partly be explained by the significant influence of other factors such as release height and environment (wind and vegetation), which explained more variation in dispersal than did terminal velocity. Another potential explanation is the variation in seed traits: germination is strongly positively related to seed mass, weakly positively related to plume loading, but not significantly related to terminal velocity. This weakening of the correlation with germination is due to additional layers of trait (co)variability: for instance, seed mass and pappus size are positively correlated, and thus big seeds partially compensate for the negative effect of seed mass with larger pappi. Our mechanistic approach can thus lead to a better understanding of both potentially opposing selection pressures on traits like seed mass, and diluting effects of other seed, plant and environmental factors.  相似文献   

This report presents data from experiments on seed dispersal by wind for ten species of the family Apiaceae. Seed shadows were obtained in the field under natural conditions, using wind speeds between four and ten m/s. The flight of individual seeds was followed by eye, and seed shadows were acquired, with median distances varying from 0.7 to 3.1 m between species. Multiple regression models of wind speed and seed weight on dispersal distance were significant for six out of ten species; wind speed had significant effects in seven cases, but seed weight only once. A good correlation between mean terminal falling velocity of the seeds of a species and median dispersal distance, indicates the promising explanatory power that individual terminal velocity data might have on dispersal distance, together with wind speed and turbulence. The theory that seeds that seem to be adapted to wind dispersal travel much longer distances than seeds that have no adaptation was tested. Flattened and winged seeds were indeed found to be transported further by wind, but not much further. Moreover, the species with wind-adapted seeds were also taller, being an alternative explanation since their seeds experienced higher wind speeds at these greater heights. Furthermore, flattened and winged seeds were disseminated from ripe umbels at lower wind speeds in the laboratory. This means that the observed difference in dispersal distance would have been smaller when species specific thresholds for wind speed were incorporated in the field experiments. We argue therefore, that seed morphology is not always the best predictor in classifying species in groups with distinctly different dispersal ability.  相似文献   

Understanding and predicting population spread rates is an important problem in basic and applied ecology. In this article, we link estimates of invasion wave speeds to species traits and environmental conditions. We present detailed field studies of wind dispersal and compare nonparametric (i.e., data-based) and mechanistic (fluid dynamics model-based) dispersal kernel and spread rate estimates for two important invasive weeds, Carduus nutans and Carduus acanthoides. A high-effort trapping design revealed highly leptokurtic dispersal distributions, with seeds caught up to 96 m from the source, far further than mean dispersal distances (approx. 2 m). Nonparametric wave speed estimates are highly sensitive to sampling effort. Mechanistic estimates are insensitive to sampling because they are obtained from independent data and more useful because they are based on the dispersal mechanism. Over a wide range of realistic conditions, mechanistic spread rate estimates were most sensitive to high winds and low seed settling velocities. The combination of integrodifference equations and mechanistic dispersal models is a powerful tool for estimating invasion spread rates and for linking these estimates to characteristics of the species and the environment.  相似文献   

Abstract: In the genus Phyteurna spadix-shaped spikes or capitula are composed of xerochasic poricidal capsules, holding unspecialized seeds. Phyteurna betonicifoliurn VILL., Phyteuma hemisphaericum L, Phyteurna scheuchzeri ALL., and Phyteurna spica-turn L. were examined in wind tunnel experiments to determine the minimum wind speed necessary for seed release, and the relationship between wind speeds and dispersal distances. In a simplified practical simulation the dispersal strategies of these species were described with a leptokurtic curve. The short-distance seed dispersal of Phyteuma hernisphaericurn allows a limited enlargement of the occupied area, while the seeds of P. scheuchzeri are dispersed more remotely from the mother plant. P. spicaturn and P. betonicifoliurn mainly disperse closely around the mother plant but provide a certain percentage of seeds for colonization of more distant areas. It is demonstrated that the dispersal modes are determined by the characteristics of fruits, infructescences, and seeds. It is also shown that plants with similar morphological organization show different dispersal patterns, which must be interpreted as a fine-tuned adaptation to the habitat with all its biotic and abiotic factors.  相似文献   

Long-distance dispersal (LDD) of plant seeds by wind is affected by functional traits of the species, specifically seed terminal velocity and height of seed release above the vegetation cover (HAC), as well as by the meteorological parameters wind speed and vertical turbulence. The relative importance of these parameters is still under debate and the importance of their variability in vegetation types, sites and years has only rarely been quantified. To address these topics, we performed simulation studies for different vegetation types, sites, years and plant species with PAPPUS, a process based trajectory model. We found that LDD (measured in terms of migration rates) was higher in forests compared to open landscapes. Forests also showed greater between-year variability in LDD. Terminal velocity had an effect on LDD in both vegetation types, while the effect of HAC was significant only in the open landscape. We found considerable differences in how vertical turbulence and wind speed affect LDD between species and vegetation types: In the open landscape the strength of the positive relationship between vertical turbulence and LDD generally decreases with terminal velocity, whereas it increases in forests. The strength of the predominantly positive effect of wind speed on LDD increases with terminal velocity in both vegetation types, while in forests we found even negative relationships for species with low terminal velocity. Our results generally suggest that the effects of vertical turbulence and wind speed on LDD by wind diverge for species with different functional traits as well as in different vegetation types.  相似文献   

Migration of plant populations is a potential survival response to climate change that depends critically on seed dispersal. Biological and physical factors determine dispersal and migration of wind‐dispersed species. Recent field and wind tunnel studies demonstrate biological adaptations that bias seed release toward conditions of higher wind velocity, promoting longer dispersal distances and faster migration. However, another suite of international studies also recently highlighted a global decrease in near‐surface wind speeds, or ‘global stilling’. This study assessed the implications of both factors on potential plant population migration rates, using a mechanistic modeling framework. Nonrandom abscission was investigated using models of three seed release mechanisms: (i) a simple drag model; (ii) a seed deflection model; and (iii) a ‘wear and tear’ model. The models generated a single functional relationship between the frequency of seed release and statistics of the near‐surface wind environment, independent of the abscission mechanism. An Inertial‐Particle, Coupled Eulerian‐Lagrangian Closure model (IP‐CELC) was used to investigate abscission effects on seed dispersal kernels and plant population migration rates under contemporary and potential future wind conditions (based on reported global stilling trends). The results confirm that nonrandom seed abscission increased dispersal distances, particularly for light seeds. The increases were mitigated by two physical feedbacks: (i) although nonrandom abscission increased the initial acceleration of seeds from rest, the sensitivity of the seed dispersal to this initial condition declined as the wind speed increased; and (ii) while nonrandom abscission increased the mean dispersal length, it reduced the kurtosis of seasonal dispersal kernels, and thus the chance of long‐distance dispersal. Wind stilling greatly reduced the modeled migration rates under biased seed release conditions. Thus, species that require high wind velocities for seed abscission could experience threshold‐like reductions in dispersal and migration potential if near‐surface wind speeds continue to decline.  相似文献   

Questions: For wetland plants, dispersal by wind is often overlooked because dispersal by water is generally assumed to be the key dispersal process. This literature review addresses the role of seed dispersal by wind in wetlands. Why is wind dispersal relevant in wetlands? Which seeds are dispersed by wind and how far? And how can our understanding of wind dispersal be applied to wetland conservation and restoration? Methods: Literature review. Results and conclusions: Wind is a widely available seed dispersal vector in wetlands and can transport many seeds over long distances. Unlike water, wind can transport seeds in all directions and is therefore important for dispersal to upstream wetlands and to wetlands not connected by surface water flows. Wind dispersal transports seeds to a wider range of sites than water, and therefore reaches more sites but with lower seed densities. Many wetland plant species have adaptations to facilitate wind dispersal. Dispersal distances increase with decreasing falling velocity of seeds, increasing seed release height and selective release mechanisms. Depending on the adaptations, seeds may be dispersed by wind over many km or only a few m. The frequency of long‐distance wind dispersal events depends on these adaptations, the number of produced seeds, the structure of the surrounding vegetation, and the frequency of occurrence of suitable weather conditions. Humans reduce the frequency of successful long‐distance wind dispersal events in wetlands through wetland loss and fragmentation (which reduce the number and quality of seeds) and eutrophication (which changes the structure of the vegetation so that seed release into the wind flow becomes more difficult). This is yet another reason to focus on wetland conservation and restoration measures at increased population sizes, prevention of eutrophication, and the restoration of sites at short distances from seed sources.  相似文献   

We used mathematical models for wind-dispersed seeds and wind-tunnel experiments to predict modal seed dispersal distance of the Neotropical orchid Brassavola nodosa under conditions approximating those found in its natural habitat: mangrove islands in Belize, Central America. Key variables in a simple ballistic model for predicting modal dispersal distance (xm) of an individual seed include: height of release (h); free-stream velocity (Uc); and terminal velocity of the seed (Ut): xm = h Uc/Ut. Modal dispersal distance of dust-like orchid seeds were predicted adequately by this ballistic model at low wind velocities and low release heights, but it underestimated the increasing importance of turbulence at higher wind velocities and greater release heights. We estimated the magnitude and relative importance of one measure of turbulence, vertical mixing velocity (W*), on xm in wind tunnel experiments. Our estimates of W* were within the same order of magnitude as those found for other small dust-like seeds and pollen. In high turbulence conditions, incorporation of vertical mixing velocity effects into the ballistic model of seed dispersal overestimated modal seed dispersal distances.  相似文献   

The dispersal ability of plants is a major factor driving ecological responses to global change. In wind‐dispersed plant species, non‐random seed release in relation to wind speeds has been identified as a major determinant of dispersal distances. However, little information is available about the costs and benefits of non‐random abscission and the consequences of timing for dispersal distances. We asked: 1) to what extent is non‐random abscission able to promote long‐distance dispersal and what is the effect of potentially increased pre‐dispersal risk costs? 2) Which meteorological factors and respective timescales are important for maximizing dispersal? These questions were addressed by combining a mechanistic modelling approach and field data collection for herbaceous wind‐dispersed species. Model optimization with a dynamic dispersal approach using measured hourly wind speed showed that plants can increase long‐distance dispersal by developing a hard wind speed threshold below which no seeds are released. At the same time, increased risk costs limit the possibilities for dispersal distance gain and reduce the optimum level of the wind speed threshold, in our case (under representative Dutch meteorological conditions) to a threshold of 5–6 m s–1. The frequency and predictability (auto‐correlation in time) of pre‐dispersal seed‐loss had a major impact on optimal non‐random abscission functions and resulting dispersal distances. We observed a similar, but more gradual, bias towards higher wind speeds in six out of seven wind‐dispersed species under natural conditions. This confirmed that non‐random abscission exists in many species and that, under local Dutch meteorological conditions, abscission was biased towards winds exceeding 5–6 m s–1. We conclude that timing of seed release can vastly enhance dispersal distances in wind‐dispersed species, but increased risk costs may greatly limit the benefits of selecting wind conditions for long‐distance dispersal, leading to moderate seed abscission thresholds, depending on local meteorological conditions and disturbances.  相似文献   

New Zealand scampi (Metanephrops challengeri) is a commercially important deep-water lobster species that is caught by bottom trawling on areas of muddy seafloor on the continental shelf below 300 m. Efforts are being made to develop lower impact potting methods to harvest scampi, however, they can only be caught when out of their burrows and searching for food. This emergent food searching behaviour appears to be associated with periods of higher tidal flow. Such water flow will increase turbulence along the sea floor, which has been observed to improve the efficiency of chemosensory food searching in some lobster species. Consequently, this study examined the food search behaviour of scampi in response to odours from two types of bait (mackerel and mussel) in both turbulent and laminar flows. Scampi were more efficient at foraging in the turbulent flow than in the laminar flow, using shorter search paths in response to both types of bait. Scampi in the turbulent flow reached the mussel bait 44% faster and with lower mean heading angles than in laminar flow. However, there was no difference between the flow regimes for the mackerel bait. The pattern of orientation behaviour was similar under both flow regimes, suggesting that the scampi were using the same orientation strategy, but it was more accurate in turbulent flows. The results show that the foraging efficiency of scampi improves in turbulent conditions and that this may explain their increased emergent behaviour during periods of higher tidal flows.  相似文献   

Aims How seed dispersal distance is related to various factors is a major challenge for seed ecologists. However, there are different answers as to which factor is most important in determining wind dispersal distance. This study is to quantitatively describe the relationship between various factors and primary wind dispersal distance of winged diaspores.Methods The dispersal distances of five morphologies of winged diaspores in Zygophyllum xanthoxylum (Zygophyllaceae) were measured under controlled conditions in a wind tunnel. The explanatory power of environmental factor (i.e. wind speed), plant trait (i.e. release height) and diaspore attributes (i.e. wing loading (the ratio of diaspore mass to projected area), settlement-velocity, shape index (the variance of diaspore length, width and thickness)) to the variation in dispersal distance was assessed by releasing diaspores at varying wind speeds and release heights.Important findings Wind speed and seed release height were the strongest explanatory factors to dispersal distance, contributing 41.1% and 24.8% (P < 0.01) to total variation in dispersal distance, respectively. Wind speed accounted more for relatively light disc-shaped seeds than for relatively heavy spherical seeds. Wing loading, shape index and settlement-velocity explained 9.0% (P < 0.01), 1.4% (P < 0.01) and 0.9% (not significant) of the variation in dispersal distance, respectively. From disc-shaped to four-winged diaspores, relative contributions of wing loading and shape index decreased but contribution of settlement-velocity increased. The relative contributions of various factors to wind seed dispersal distance may change with the change in seed morphology.  相似文献   

Some mechanisms that promote long-distance dispersal of tree seeds by wind are explored. Winged seeds must be lifted above the canopy by updrafts to have a chance of further dispersal in high velocity horizontal winds aloft or in landscape-scale convection cells. Shear-induced turbulent eddies of a scale up to one-third of canopy height provide a lifting mechanism. Preliminary data suggest that all seeds of a given species may be viable candidates for uplift and long-distance dispersal, despite the evidence that slow-falling seeds are dispersed farther under any given wind conditions. Turbulence is argued more often and more extensively to advance long-distance dispersal than to retard it. Seeds may take advantage of Bernoulli sailing to move with faster than average winds. Elasticity of branches and trees may play a role in regulating the release of seeds into unusually favorable winds. Dispersal is at least biphasic, and the study of long-distance dispersal calls for mixed models and mixed methods of gathering data.  相似文献   

Abstract: Long-distance dispersal of seeds (LDD) surely affects most ecological and evolutionary processes related to plant species. Hence, numerous attempts to quantify LDD have been made and, especially for wind dispersal, several simulation models have been developed. However, the mechanisms promoting LDD by wind still remain ambiguous and the effects of different weather conditions on LDD, although recognized as important, have only rarely been investigated. Here we examine the influence of wind speed and updrafts on dispersal of dandelion ( Taraxacum officinale agg.), a typical wind-dispersed herb of open habitats. We used PAPPUS, a weather-sensitive mechanistic simulation model of wind dispersal, which considers frequency distribution of weather conditions during the period the simulation refers to. A simulation for the 4-month shedding period of dandelion shows that high wind speed does not promote LDD. In contrast, vertical turbulence, especially convective updrafts, are of overwhelming importance. Mainly caused by updrafts, in the simulations more than 0.05 % of dandelion seeds were dispersed beyond 100 m, a distance commonly used to define LDD. We conclude that long-distance dispersal of seeds of herbaceous species with falling velocities < 0.5 - 1.0 ms-1 is mainly caused by convective updrafts.  相似文献   

田旭平  韩有志 《生态学报》2018,38(4):1293-1300
多态型果实或种子的出现对植物种群的扩散具有重要的意义。绒毛白蜡(Fraxinus velutina)的果实具有二态型特征,主要表现在果翅数量上不同,分别定义为二翅型和三翅型果实,为了比较两类果实在风传扩散时的差异,研究了两类果实的形态、果翅结构和扩散距离及扩散时长。在大型封闭地下室内,以电扇在不同速度档位产生的气流作为风源,分别从2、1.5、1m处手动释放果实,对风速为0、4.6、6.5、7.3m/s时的果实扩散距离及扩散时长进行了比较;并在此基础上对果实的形态特征与扩散特征进行了线性相关分析。结果表明:在同一高度及相同风速下,三翅型果实的水平扩散距离都极显著的大于二翅型,但其相应的扩散时长都小于二翅型。在相同情况下,三翅型的果实沉降速度显著高于二翅型。两类果实随着释放高度的增加,其扩散距离和扩散时长都相应的增加;随着风速的升高,其扩散距离及扩散时长都相应的增加。三翅型果实质量显著高于二翅型,相反,三翅型果翅长与宽都显著小于二翅型。两种翅型的果翅细胞结构都一样,细胞内部都呈现气囊状,果翅表面沿纵轴方向有流线型的纵棱。通过直线相关分析发现,翅型是对扩散距离和扩散时长影响最显著的形态特征;与果实释放高度相比,风速是影响绒毛白蜡果实扩散距离与扩散时长最显著的环境因素。绒毛白蜡三翅型果实比二翅型果实传播的远,关键在于其具有三翅,三翅对阵风瞬间响应,使得沉降速度较二翅型高,可以在瞬时风的作用下,快速传播到较远的距离。三翅型与二翅型在扩散方式上的结合增强了绒毛白蜡的生存与定殖机会。  相似文献   

Summary The seeds of the halophyte Spergularia marina differ both within and between individuals in that they either possess or lack a membranaceous border. This paper presents a morphological study of the length, weight and area of the seed types, and their dispersal characteristics under experimental conditions of wind and water dispersal. The winged seeds are shown to be larger both by length and by weight. Their rate of descent increases with wing loading. If the wing is lacking, however, the rate of descent increases with weight only. The distance of dispersal is equal for both seed types except at low wind speeds, when the winged seeds disperse farther. If the seed wing is removed, the excised seeds have shorter dispersal distances. When dispersed by water, a difference in the distance seeds are dispersed can only be detected in the presence of vegetation. The winged seeds are more frequently trapped in the vegetation as compared to the unwinged seeds. The hypothesis that the seed dimorphism is an adaptation for differential dispersal distances is discussed.  相似文献   

Moderate and severe arterial stenoses can produce highly disturbed flow regions with transitional and or turbulent flow characteristics. Neither laminar flow modeling nor standard two-equation models such as the kappa-epsilon turbulence ones are suitable for this kind of blood flow. In order to analyze the transitional or turbulent flow distal to an arterial stenosis, authors of this study have used the Wilcox low-Re turbulence model. Flow simulations were carried out on stenoses with 50, 75 and 86% reductions in cross-sectional area over a range of physiologically relevant Reynolds numbers. The results obtained with this low-Re turbulence model were compared with experimental measurements and with the results obtained by the standard kappa-epsilon model in terms of velocity profile, vortex length, wall shear stress, wall static pressure, and turbulence intensity. The comparisons show that results predicted by the low-Re model are in good agreement with the experimental measurements. This model accurately predicts the critical Reynolds number at which blood flow becomes transitional or turbulent distal an arterial stenosis. Most interestingly, over the Re range of laminar flow, the vortex length calculated with the low-Re model also closely matches the vortex length predicted by laminar flow modeling. In conclusion, the study strongly suggests that the proposed model is suitable for blood flow studies in certain areas of the arterial tree where both laminar and transitional/turbulent flows coexist.  相似文献   

The spatial arrangement of plants in a landscape influences wind flow, but the extent that differences in the density of conspecifics and the height of surrounding vegetation influence population spread rates of wind dispersed plants is unknown. Wind speeds were measured at the capitulum level in conspecific arrays of different sizes and densities in high and low surrounding vegetation to determine how these factors affect wind speeds and therefore population spread rates of two invasive thistle species of economic importance, Carduus acanthoides and C. nutans. Only the largest and highest density array reduced wind speeds at a central focal thistle plant. The heights of capitula and surrounding vegetation also had significant effects on wind speed. When population spread rates were projected using integrodifference equations coupling previously published demography data with WALD wind dispersal models, large differences in spread rates resulted from differences in average horizontal wind speeds at capitulum height caused by conspecific density and surrounding vegetation height. This result highlights the importance of spatial structure for the calculation of accurate spread rates. The management implication is that if a manager has time to remove a limited number of thistle plants, an isolated thistle growing in low surrounding vegetation should be targeted rather than a similar sized thistle in a high density population with high surrounding vegetation, if the objective is to reduce spread rates.  相似文献   

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