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The organization of repeated DNA sequences in the human genome   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

Number and organization of actin-related sequences in the mouse genome   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
Recombinant plasmids containing cDNA sequences complementary to the two mouse striated-muscle actin messenger RNAs (pAF81, pAM91) and to a non-muscle actin mRNA (pAL41) have been used to examine the number and organization of actin-related sequences in the mouse genome. A large number (greater than 20) of actin-related sequences are detected on Southern blots of restricted mouse DNA, the majority of which hybridize to both the 5' and 3' ends of the actin-coding sequence, even under conditions revealing only sequences greater than 80% homologous to the actin cDNA probes. More stringent washing of these blots indicates that the two striated muscle actins are each encoded by single genes, and that a non-muscle (beta or gamma) actin cDNA detects one homologous and two closely related sequences in mouse DNA. The segregation of the two striated-muscle actin genes in recombinant inbred mouse strains shows that these genes are not closely linked (greater than 1 centimorgan), and that the skeletal muscle actin gene is not linked to a non-muscle actin gene. Screening a bank of mouse genomic DNA, cloned in Charon 4A, indicates that the number of actin-related sequences in the mouse genome is much higher than 20. In particular, five phages have been isolated representing part of a sub-family of 20 to 50 similar but non-identical sequences, only weakly homologous to actin cDNA probes (probably a family of actin pseudogenes), which are the result of a recent amplification of a greater than 17 X 10(3) base region of mouse DNA.  相似文献   

Repetitive DNA sequences near immunoglobulin genes in the mouse genome (Steinmetz et al., 1980a,b) were characterized by restriction mapping and hybridization. Six sequences were determined that turned out to belong to a new family of dispersed repetitive DNA. From the sequences, which are called R1 to R6, a 475 base-pair consensus sequence was derived. The R family is clearly distinct from the mouse B1 family (Krayev et al., 1980). According to saturation hybridization experiments, there are about 100,000 R sequences per haploid genome, and they are probably distributed throughout the genome. The individual R sequences have an average divergence from the consensus sequence of 12.5%, which is largely due to point mutations and, among those, to transitions. Some R sequences are severly truncated. The R sequences extend into A-rich sequences and are flanked by short direct repeats. Also, two large insertions in the R2 sequence are flanked by direct repeats. In the neighbourhood of and within R sequences, stretches of DNA have been identified that are homologous to parts of small nuclear RNA sequences. Mouse satellite DNA-like sequences and members of the B1 family were also found in close proximity to the R sequences. The dispersion of R sequences within the mouse genome may be a consequence of transposition events. The possible role of the R sequences in recombination and/or gene conversion processes is discussed.  相似文献   

Eight in silico W-specific sequences from the WASHUC1 chicken genome assembly gave female-specific PCR products using chicken DNA. Some of these fragments gave female-specific products with turkey and peacock DNA. Sequence analysis of these 8 fragments (3077 bp total) failed to detect any polymorphisms among 10 divergent chickens. In contrast, comparison of the DNA sequences of chicken with those of turkey and peacock revealed a nucleotide difference every 25 and 28 bp, respectively. Radiation hybrid mapping verified that these amplicons exist only on chromosome W. The homology of 6 W-specific fragments with chromo-helicase-DNA-binding gene and expressed sequenced tags from chicken and other species indicate that these fragments may have or have had a biological function. These fragments may be used for early sexing in commercial chicken and turkey flocks.  相似文献   

The frequency classes and organization of the main component (mc) DNA of a crustacean, the land crab, Gecarcinus lateralis, have been characterized. The reassociation kinetics of 380 nucleotide long mcDNA fragments show that approximately 50% contain sequences repeated more than 800 times. Present in few, if any, copies are sequences repeated from 2 to 800 times. The remainder of the DNA reassociates as single copy sequences with a rate constant consistent with the organism's genome size. The reassociation kinetics of highly sheared DNA fragments of every true crab studied (Vaughn, 1975; Christie et al., 1976) are similar to each other and different from those of other invertebrate DNAs (Goldberg et al., 1975). Each of these genomes has a paucity of sequences repeated from 10 to 800 times and an abundance of highly repeated sequences. To determine if sequences repeated more than 800 times are interspersed with single copy sequences, we examined the arrangement of repetitive and non-repetitive sequences in mcDNA. The reassociation and melting properties of partially duplex mcDNA fragments of increasing lengths show that at least 75% of the DNA is organized in an interspersed pattern. In this pattern, single copy sequences with an average length of 800–900 nucleotides are interspersed with repetitive sequences. S1 nuclease digestion of reassociated 3100 nucleotide fragments indicates that 44% of the mcDNA is repetitive and that one-third of the repetitive sequences (average length=285 nucleotides) are interspersed with single copy sequences. We conclude that repetitive sequencies are interspersed with most of the single copy sequences in an interspersion pattern similar to that of Xenopus rahter than to that of another arthropod, Drosophila.Operated by Union Carbide Corporation for the Energy Research and Development Administration  相似文献   

A long mosaic repetitive sequence (LMRS) was isolated from a mouse liver genome library using a mouse repetitive DNA as a probe. LMRS exhibits the following features: (1) it is almost 15 kb in length; (2) it is partly organized in tandem array and frequently interrupted by other repeated sequences; and (3) it is located predominantly on the A3 band of the mouse X Chromosome (Chr). One fragment of LMRS (B6) shows restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) between different mouse strains, and is thus potentially useful for mapping studies. The nucleotide sequence confirms a mosaic organization of LMRS which includes three repeats in the 5 part, showing similarity with the 5 end of L1Md-A2, and seven long A+T rich segments in the central part of the element. Our findings suggest that this sequence may have arisen from the duplication of an ancestral motif and has expanded by successive waves of amplification and invasion by foreign sequences.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to EMBL and have been assigned the accession number X55036.  相似文献   

B Westley  F E May 《Gene》1984,28(2):221-227
Sequences related to the mouse mammary tumour virus (MuMTV) DNA were isolated from a genomic library of human DNA by screening under conditions of relaxed stringency. It is estimated that there are in the order of 50 MuMTV-like sequences per haploid genome and that the homology between the different human sequences and MuMTV varies by 15%.  相似文献   

The distribution of interspersed repetitive DNA sequences in the human genome   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
The distribution of interspersed repetitive DNA sequences in the human genome has been investigated, using a combination of biochemical, cytological, computational, and recombinant DNA approaches. "Low-resolution" biochemical experiments indicate that the general distribution of repetitive sequences in human DNA can be adequately described by models that assume a random spacing, with an average distance of 3 kb. A detailed "high-resolution" map of the repetitive sequence organization along 400 kb of cloned human DNA, including 150 kb of DNA fragments isolated for this study, is consistent with this general distribution pattern. However, a higher frequency of spacing distances greater than 9.5 kb was observed in this genomic DNA sample. While the overall repetitive sequence distribution is best described by models that assume a random distribution, an analysis of the distribution of Alu repetitive sequences appearing in the GenBank sequence database indicates that there are local domains with varying Alu placement densities. In situ hybridization to human metaphase chromosomes indicates that local density domains for Alu placement can be observed cytologically. Centric heterochromatin regions, in particular, are at least 50-fold underrepresented in Alu sequences. The observed distribution for repetitive sequences in human DNA is the expected result for sequences that transpose throughout the genome, with local regions of "preference" or "exclusion" for integration.  相似文献   

The physical and functional organizations of a genome are correlated outcomes of evolution. Inbred strains of mice provide a unique opportunity for exploring these relationships, representing as they do, diverse genomes originally separated by millions of generations that were then scrambled in the laboratory and subjected to intense selection during inbreeding to homozygosity. Here we show that the resulting pattern of chromosome organization includes regional domains of functionally related elements that promote the co-inheritance and survival of compatible sets of alleles. There are also patterns of linkage disequilibrium between domains on separate chromosomes; these are distinctly non-random and form networks with scale-free architecture. The strong conservation of gene order among mammals suggests that the domains and networks we find likely characterize all mammals, and possibly beyond.  相似文献   

Long DNA molecules from a cucumber satellite, the cucumber main band, mung bean, and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) were digested with mung bean nuclease I, which was used as a probe for high AT regions. The digests were viewed under the electron microscope, and the distribution of sizes for the fragments of nuclease-treated plant DNA showed that the main band cucumber and the mung bean have regions along their genomes spaced at approximately 0.3 to 0.4 μ that are sensitive to the nuclease. The satellite from the cucumber contains these sites at intervals generally of 0.1 μ or less, whereas CHO DNA has these regions at intervals of 0.05 to 1.40 μ in length. The long DNA from the main band of the cucumber and the CHO were also partially melted in formamide at 37°C to denature preferentially the regions along the DNA molecules that are rich in AT. Measurements of the distances from the center of each loop to the center of the adjacent loops showed that these distances for the main band cucumber DNA tended to occur at approximately every 0.4 μ, whereas the corresponding distances for the Chinese hamster DNA were less regular, occurring every 0.1 to 1.0 μ.  相似文献   

Long interspersed repeated sequences of the mouse genome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Long interspersed repeated sequences of the mouse genome can be prepared by digesting reassociated DNA with single-strand nuclease. Length resolution reveals many discrete bands that can be assigned to 15 kbp and 6 kbp groups. The reassociated 6 kbp group (which we identify with the MIF-1 family) possesses significant sequence heterogeneity, evidenced by the production of several smaller fragments upon single-strand nuclease digestion of heteroduplexes. The sites of sequence heterogeneity are relatively few and can be mapped using additional restriction endonuclease cuts. We have mapped additional restriction sites into this group, particularly within a cloned HindIII 400 bp fragment, and have also clearly mapped one end of this relatively homogeneous long interspersed repeated sequence.  相似文献   

DNA sequences from the adenovirus 2 genome   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The sequence of 5,839 nucleotides from the adenovirus 2 genome has been determined and includes the regions between coordinates 32-44% and 66-71%. These regions contain the coding sequences for the 52,55K polypeptide, polypeptide IIIa, penton base, and the N terminus of the 100K polypeptide. Several additional unidentified open reading frames are present, including examples which overlap identified reading frames on the complementary strand and on the same strand. In conjunction with previously published sequences and those described in the accompanying papers (Akusj?rvi, G., Alestr?m, P., Pettersson, M., Lager, M., J?urnvall, H., and Pettersson, U. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 13976-13979; Alestr?m, P., Akusj?rvi, G., Lager, M., Yeh-kai, L., and Pettersson, U. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 13980-13985) a complete sequence of 35,937 nucleotide pairs can now be reconstructed for the adenovirus 2 genome.  相似文献   

The pattern of DNA sequence organization in the genome of Cycas revoluta was analyzed by DNA/DNA reassociation. Reassociation of 400 base pair (bp) fragments to various C0t values indicates the presence of at least four kinetic classes: the foldback plus very highly repetitive sequences (15%), the fast repeats (24%), the slow repeats (44%), and the single copy (17%). The latter component reassociates with a rate constant 1×10–4 M–1S–1 corresponding to a complexity of 1.6× 106 kb per haploid genome. A haploid C. revoluta nucleus contains approximately 10.3 pg DNA. The single-copy sequences account for about 28% of the DNA, but only 17% reassociate with single-copy kinetics because of interspersion with repetitive sequences. — The interspersion of repetitive and single-copy sequences was examined by reassociation of DNA fragments of varying length to C0t values of 70 and 500. A major (65%) and homogeneous class of single-copy sequences averaging 1,100 bp in length is interspersed in a short period pattern with repeated sequences. A minor (35%) heterogeneous single-copy component is interspersed in a long-period pattern. The majority of repetitive sequences have a length distribution of 100–350 bp with subclasses averaging 150 and 300 bp in length. Repeat sequences with a wide range in sizes exceeding 2 kilobase pair (kb) are also present in this genome. — The size and distribution of inverted repeat (ir) sequences in the DNA of C. revoluta were studied by electron microscopy. It is estimated that there are approximately 4 × 106 ir pairs (one per 2.33 kb) that form almost equal numbers of looped and unlooped palindromes. This high value is 2.5 times that found in wheat DNA. These palindromes are in general randomly distributed in the genome with an average interpalindrome distance of 1.6 kb. The majority (about 85%) of ir sequences of both types of palindromes belong to a main-size class, with an average length of 210 bp in the unlooped and and 163 bp in the looped type. These values are comparable to those reported for some other plant and animal genomes. Distribution of length of single stranded loops showed a main-size class (75%) with an average length of 220 bp.  相似文献   

Radioactively labelled DNA, complementary to mouse α and β globin messenger RNA, was annealed with unlabelled mouse embryo DNA under conditions of both optimum and lowered stringency. Although an increase in saturation of unlabelled DNA fragments with complementary DNA molecules is produced by lowered stringency, the values obtained are within the range expected for the known globin chains.It is concluded that within the limits of our experimental conditions, there does not exist a large family of DNA sequences related to the globin genes.  相似文献   

The genome of Nicotiana tabacum was investigated by DNA/DNA reassociation for its spectrum of DNA repetition components and pattern of DNA sequence organization. The reassociation of 300 nucleotide DNA fragments analyzed by hydroxyapatite chromatography reveals the presence of three major classes of DNA differing in reiteration frequency. Each class of DNA was isolated and characterized with respect to kinetic homogeneity and thermal properties on melting. These measurements demonstrate that the genome of N. tabacum has a 1C DNA content of 1.65 pg and that DNA sequences are represented an average of 12,400, 252, and 1 times each. — The organization of the DNA sequences in the N. tabacum genome was determined from the reassociation kinetics of long DNA fragments as well as S1 nuclease resistance and hyperchromicity measurements on DNA fragments after annealing to C0t values at which only repetitive DNA sequences will reassociate. At least 55% of the total DNA sequences are organized in a short period interspersion pattern consisting of an alternation of single copy sequences, averaging 1400 nucleotides, with short repetitive elements approximately 300 nucleotides in length. Another 25% of the genome contains long repetitive DNA sequences having a minimal genomic length of 1500 nucleotides. These repetitive DNA sequences are much less divergent than the short interspersed DNA sequence elements. These results indicate that the pattern of DNA sequence organization in the tobacco genome bears remarkable similarity to that found in the genomes of most animal species investigated to date.  相似文献   

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