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The frost survival mechanism of vegetative buds of angiosperms was suggested to be extracellular freezing causing dehydration, elevated osmotic potential to prevent freezing. However, extreme dehydration would be needed to avoid freezing at the temperatures down to ?45°C encountered by many trees. Buds of Alnus alnobetula, in common with other frost hardy angiosperms, excrete a lipophilic substance, whose functional role remains unclear. Freezing of buds was studied by infrared thermography, psychrometry, and cryomicroscopy. Buds of Aalnobetula did not survive by extracellular ice tolerance but by deep supercooling, down to ?45°C. An internal ice barrier prevented ice penetration from the frozen stem into the bud. Cryomicroscopy revealed a new freezing mechanism. Until now, supercooled buds lost water towards ice masses that form in the subtending stem and/or bud scales. In Aalnobetula, ice forms harmlessly inside the bud between the supercooled leaves. This would immediately trigger intracellular freezing and kill the supercooled bud in other species. In Aalnobetula, lipophilic substances (triterpenoids and flavonoid aglycones) impregnate the surface of bud leaves. These prevent extrinsic ice nucleation so allowing supercooling. This suggests a means to protect forestry and agricultural crops from extrinsic ice nucleation allowing transient supercooling during night frosts.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Andromonoecy, as a breeding system, has generated a considerable body of theory in terms of sexual selection, but extended records comparing the performance of pollen grains from staminate versus hermaphrodite flowers are still sparse. The objective in this study was to elucidate the role of staminate flowers in the andromonoecious breeding system of olive (Olea europaea). METHODS: To determine the meaning of staminate flowers, an evaluation was made of resource allocation to, and phenology of, staminate and hermaphrodite flowers in the cultivar 'Mission', and a comparison was made of the male function between both kinds of flowers. KEY RESULTS: Dry weight of hermaphrodite flowers was 19 % greater than dry weight of staminate flowers arising in comparable positions of the panicle. This difference was mainly due to pistil and petal weight; there were no significant differences in stamen weight. There were no significant differences between staminate and hermaphrodite flowers in either amount of pollen per anther, or pollen quality as determined by pollen viability, germinability or ability to fertilize other flowers. There was no significant link between gender and time of anthesis. However, position of the flower within the panicle correlated with time of anthesis and gender. Flowers at the apex and at primary pedicels tended to be hermaphrodite and open earlier, whereas flowers arising in secondary pedicels were mainly staminate and were commonly the last to reach anthesis. CONCLUSIONS: It is proposed that the main advantage provided by production of staminate flowers in olive is to enhance male fitness by increasing pollen output at the whole plant level, although a relict function of attracting pollinators cannot be completely discarded.  相似文献   

In Argentina, the climatic pattern of the olive production areas is characterised by a marked water deficit during winter and spring months. A field experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of water availability during the pre‐flowering–flowering period on vegetative, reproductive and yield responses of olive trees grown in central Argentina. From the end of autumn to mid‐spring, four irrigation treatments were imposed to olive trees (Olea europaea, cv. Arbequina and Manzanilla) at 0, 25, 50 and 75% estimated crop evapotranspiration (ETc). Also, a control treatment was kept at 100% ETc for the entire year. For the first crop year evaluated, water deficit applied at early June, approximately 4 months prior to bloom, reduced the vegetative shoot growth and delayed the flowering time, resulting in shortening of the fruit maturation period and, ultimately, decreased fructification. Trees irrigated with high (75% of ETc) and full (100% of ETc) winter‐spring water supply presented significantly higher values of flower density, fruit density and final fruit yield which resulted in water productivity (kg fruits mm?1 of irrigation/ha) enhancements of about 500% (cv. Arbequina) and 330% (cv. Manzanilla) with respect to those obtained from the corresponding unirrigated treatments. Differences between treatments in oil content and composition were primarily attributed to variations in fruit maturity. Differences in fatty acid composition were stronger in cv. Arbequina where a gradual increase in oleic acid content was registered in parallel to the increase in irrigation water supply. From a practical stand point, results obtained from most of the analysed parameters were quite similar for both T75 and T100 treatments. Thus, the possible convenience of irrigation at T75% ETc should be considered since it may warrant profitable olive production while saving a considerably quantity of irrigation water in the olive production area in central Argentina.  相似文献   

Twenty day-old winter rape ( Brassica napus L. var. oleifera L. cv. Jantar) seedlings, grown in nutrient solution, were exposed to different shoot/root temperature (i. e. 20/20, 20/3, 3/20 and 3/3°C) for 2 or 4 weeks. Chilling treatments modified markedly the pattern of plant growth as indicated by changes in dry matter accumulation in individual plant parts (leaves, hypocotyls, roots) and decreased leaf specific area. Growth of roots was less sensitive to low temperature than that of shoots. This was reflected by a decrease in shoot/root biomass ratio. Chilling treatments increased freezing resistance, decreased water content and water potential and modified reducing sugar, soluble protein and phospholipid contents in the leaves. A biphasic character of tissue responses to chilling temperature was observed, the most remarkable changes being registered during the first 7 or 14 days of the treatment. Effects of root or shoot exposure to chilling temperature on ice nucleation temperature, LT50, water potential, accumulation of sugars and phospholipids in leaves were additive. All the observations point to the important role of the root system in plant acclimation to cold. Its impact on water status of leaves is emphasized and some mechanisms of root involvement in acclimation processes are proposed.  相似文献   

Xyloglucan has been hypothesized to bind extensively to cellulose microfibril surfaces and to tether microfibrils into a load‐bearing network, thereby playing a central role in wall mechanics and growth, but this view is challenged by newer results. Here we combined high‐resolution imaging by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) with nanogold affinity tags and selective endoglucanase treatments to assess the spatial location and conformation of xyloglucan in onion cell walls. FESEM imaging of xyloglucanase‐digested cell walls revealed an altered microfibril organization but did not yield clear evidence of xyloglucan conformations. Backscattered electron detection provided excellent detection of nanogold affinity tags in the context of wall fibrillar organization. Labelling with xyloglucan‐specific CBM76 conjugated with nanogold showed that xyloglucans were associated with fibril surfaces in both extended and coiled conformations, but tethered configurations were not observed. Labelling with nanogold‐conjugated CBM3, which binds the hydrophobic surface of crystalline cellulose, was infrequent until the wall was predigested with xyloglucanase, whereupon microfibril labelling was extensive. When tamarind xyloglucan was allowed to bind to xyloglucan‐depleted onion walls, CBM76 labelling gave positive evidence for xyloglucans in both extended and coiled conformations, yet xyloglucan chains were not directly visible by FESEM. These results indicate that an appreciable, but still small, surface of cellulose microfibrils in the onion wall is tightly bound with extended xyloglucan chains and that some of the xyloglucan has a coiled conformation.  相似文献   

Accurate estimates of the δ13C value of CO2 respired from roots (δ13CR_root) and leaves (δ13CR_leaf) are important for tracing and understanding changes in C fluxes at the ecosystem scale. Yet the mechanisms underlying temporal variation in these isotopic signals are not fully resolved. We measured δ13CR_leaf, δ13CR_root, and the δ13C values and concentrations of glucose and sucrose in leaves and roots in the C4 grass Sporobolus wrightii and the C3 tree Prosopis velutina in a savanna ecosystem in southeastern Arizona, USA. Night‐time variation in δ13CR_leaf of up to 4.6 ± 0.6‰ in S. wrightii and 3.0 ± 0.6‰ in P. velutina were correlated with shifts in leaf sucrose concentration, but not with changes in δ13C values of these respiratory substrates. Strong positive correlations between δ13CR_root and root glucose δ13C values in P. velutina suggest large diel changes in δ13CR_root (were up to 3.9‰) influenced by short‐term changes in δ13C of leaf‐derived phloem C. No diel variation in δ13CR_root was observed in S. wrightii. Our findings show that short‐term changes in δ13CR_leaf and δ13CR_root were both related to substrate isotope composition and concentration. Changes in substrate limitation or demand for biosynthesis may largely control short‐term variation in the δ13C of respired CO2 in these species.  相似文献   

A surface anchoring motif using the ice nucleation protein (INP) of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris BCRC 12,846 for display of transglucosidase has been developed. The transglucosidase gene from Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris BCRC 12,608 was fused to the truncated ina gene. This truncated INP consisting of N- and C-terminal domains (INPNC) was able to direct the expressed transglucosidase fusion protein to the cell surface of E. coli with apparent high enzymatic activity. The localization of the truncated INPNC-transglucosidase fusion protein was examined by Western blot analysis and immunofluorescence labeling, and by whole-cell enzyme activity in the glucosylation of hydroquinone. The glucosylation reaction was carried out at 40 degrees C for 1 h, which gave 23 g/L of alpha-arbutin, and the molar conversion based on the amount of hydroquinone reached 83%. The use of whole-cells of the wild type strain resulted in an alpha-arbutin concentration of 4 g/L and a molar conversion of 16% only under the same conditions. The results suggested that E. coli displaying transglucosidase using truncated INPNC as an anchoring motif can be employed as a whole-cell biocatalyst in glucosylation.  相似文献   

Leaf rolling is considered as one of the most important agronomic traits in rice breeding. It has been previously reported that SEMI‐ROLLED LEAF 1 (SRL1) modulates leaf rolling by regulating the formation of bulliform cells in rice (Oryza sativa); however, the regulatory mechanism underlying SRL1 has yet to be further elucidated. Here, we report the functional characterization of a novel leaf‐rolling mutant, curled leaf and dwarf 1 (cld1), with multiple morphological defects. Map‐based cloning revealed that CLD1 is allelic with SRL1, and loses function in cld1 through DNA methylation. CLD1/SRL1 encodes a glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI)‐anchored membrane protein that modulates leaf rolling and other aspects of rice growth and development. The cld1 mutant exhibits significant decreases in cellulose and lignin contents in secondary cell walls of leaves, indicating that the loss of function of CLD1/SRL1 affects cell wall formation. Furthermore, the loss of CLD1/SRL1 function leads to defective leaf epidermis such as bulliform‐like epidermal cells. The defects in leaf epidermis decrease the water‐retaining capacity and lead to water deficits in cld1 leaves, which contribute to the main cause of leaf rolling. As a result of the more rapid water loss and lower water content in leaves, cld1 exhibits reduced drought tolerance. Accordingly, the loss of CLD1/SRL1 function causes abnormal expression of genes and proteins associated with cell wall formation, cuticle development and water stress. Taken together, these findings suggest that the functional roles of CLD1/SRL1 in leaf‐rolling regulation are closely related to the maintenance of cell wall formation, epidermal integrity and water homeostasis.  相似文献   

A new guillotine thermocouple psychrometer was used to make continuous measurements of water potential before and after the excision of elongating and mature regions of darkgrown soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) stems. Transpiration could not occur, but growth took place during the measurement if the tissue was intact. Tests showed that the instrument measured the average water potential of the sampled tissue and responded rapidly to changes in water potential. By measuring tissue osmotic potential ( s ), turgor pressure ( p ) could be calculated. In the intact plant, s and p were essentially constant for the entire 22 h measurement, but s was lower and p higher in the elongating region than in the mature region. This caused the water potential in the elongating region to be lower than in the mature region. The mature tissue equilibrated with the water potential of the xylem. Therefore, the difference in water potential between mature and elongating tissue represented a difference between the xylem and the elongating region, reflecting a water potential gradient from the xylem to the epidermis that was involved in supplying water for elongation. When mature tissue was excised with the guillotine, s and p did not change. However, when elongating tissue was excised, water was absorbed from the xylem, whose water potential decreased. This collapsed the gradient and prevented further water uptake. Tissue p then decreased rapidly (5 min) by about 0.1 MPa in the elongating tissue. The p decreased because the cell walls relaxed as extension, caused by p , continued briefly without water uptake. The p decreased until the minimum for wall extension (Y) was reached, whereupon elongation ceased. This was followed by a slow further decrease in Y but no additional elongation. In elongating tissue excised with mature tissue attached, there was almost no effect on water potential or p for several hours. Nevertheless, growth was reduced immediately and continued at a decreasing rate. In this case, the mature tissue supplied water to the elongating tissue and the cell walls did not relax. Based on these measurements, a theory is presented for simultaneously evaluating the effects of water supply and water demand associated with growth. Because wall relaxation measured with the psychrometer provided a new method for determining Y and wall extensibility, all the factors required by the theory could be evaluated for the first time in a single sample. The analysis showed that water uptake and wall extension co-limited elongation in soybean stems under our conditions. This co-limitation explains why elongation responded immediately to a decrease in the water potential of the xylem and why excision with attached mature tissue caused an immediate decrease in growth rate without an immediate change in p Abbreviations and symbols L tissue conductance for water - m wall extensibility - Y average yield threshold (MPa) - o water potential of the xylem - p turgor pressure - s osmotic potential - w water potential of the elon gating tissue  相似文献   

Vitrification of internodes of carnation was brought about by culturing in liquid medium. Cell wall extensibility of these internodes was kinetically followed in comparison to that of normal plants using the constant stress method. Liquid culture induced increased immediate and total deformation capacities of the walls from the second day. Measurements indicated that these deformation capacities involved plastic properties rather than elastic ones. These changes were paralleled by decreased relative levels of cellulose and lignin.  相似文献   

Rice ( Oryza sativa L. cv. Sasanishiki) coleoptiles grown under water achieved greater length than those grown either in air or under water with constant air bubbling. The extensibility of cell walls in coleoptiles grown under water was larger than that in the other treatments. Per unit length of the coleoptile, the content of ferulic and diferulic acids ester-linked to hemicelluloses was higher in air and bubbling type coleoptiles than in water type ones. The extensibility of the coleoptile cell walls correlated with the content of diferulic acids per unit length and per hemicellulose, suggesting that the enhancement of the formation of diferulic acid bridges in hemicelluloses in air or under water with air bubbling makes the cell walls mechanically rigid; thereby inhibiting cell elongation in rice coleoptiles. In addition, the ratio of diferulic acid to ferulic acid was almost constant irrespective of coleoptile age, zone and growth conditions, suggesting that the feruloylation of hemicelluloses is rate-limiting in the formation of diferulic acid bridges in the cell walls of rice coleoptiles.  相似文献   

The ecological consequences of winter in freshwater systems are an understudied but rapidly emerging research area. Here, we argue that winter periods of reduced temperature and light (and potentially oxygen and resources) could play an underappreciated role in mediating the coexistence of species. This may be especially true for temperate and subarctic lakes, where seasonal changes in the thermal environment might fundamentally structure species interactions. With climate change already shortening ice‐covered periods on temperate and polar lakes, consideration of how winter conditions shape biotic interactions is urgently needed. Using freshwater fishes in northern temperate lakes as a case study, we demonstrate how physiological trait differences (e.g. thermal preference, light sensitivity) drive differential behavioural responses to winter among competing species. Specifically, some species have a higher capacity for winter activity than others. Existing and new theory is presented to argue that such differential responses to winter can promote species coexistence. Importantly, if winter is a driver of niche differences that weaken competition between, relative to within species, then shrinking winter periods could threaten coexistence by tipping the scales in favour of certain sets of species over others.  相似文献   

Swards of Dactylis glomerata cultivars (cvs) KM2 and Lutetia and of Lolium perenne cvs Aurora and Vigor were grown under full irrigation or prolonged summer drought (80 d) in a field experiment in the South of France.
After irrigation was withheld, leaf extension rates of all cvs fell by 90% within 9–12 d, and rapid scorching of laminae followed. Tiller mortality at the end of the drought was very different in the cocksfoot cvs (4% for KM2 and 76% for Lutetia) and intermediate (41%) for both ryegrass cvs. Following re-watering, rates of herbage regrowth were closely correlated with tiller survival. Measured minerals contributed c . 0·52 MPa to osmotic potential in all treatments, whereas water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) contributed 0·25 MPa under irrigation and 0·46 MPa during drought.
There was no systematic difference between the two species for summer survival under severe drought, but large differences between the cocksfoot cvs. The traits most strongly associated with superior survival were: (a) a deep root system and greater water uptake at depth; (b) low water and osmotic potentials in surviving laminae, i.e. better tolerance to dehydration; (c) large pool-size of WSC reserves (fructans having degree of polymerization >4) in entire tiller bases (stubble); (d) low accumulation of proline in stubble; (e) rapid nitrogen uptake after rewatering.  相似文献   

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