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The chloroplast RNA splicing and ribosome maturation (CRM) domain is a RNA-binding domain found in a plant-specific protein family whose characterized members play essential roles in splicing group I and group II introns in mitochondria and chloroplasts. Together, these proteins are required for splicing of the majority of the approximately 20 chloroplast introns in land plants. Here, we provide evidence from Setaria viridis and maize that an uncharacterized member of this family, CRM Family Member1 (CFM1), promotes the splicing of most of the introns that had not previously been shown to require a CRM domain protein. A Setaria mutant expressing mutated CFM1 was strongly disrupted in the splicing of three chloroplast tRNAs: trnI, trnV and trnA. Analyses by RNA gel blot and polysome association suggest that the tRNA deficiencies lead to compromised chloroplast protein synthesis and the observed whole-plant chlorotic phenotypes. Co-immunoprecipitation data demonstrate that the maize CFM1 ortholog is bound to introns whose splicing is disrupted in the cfm1 mutant. With these results, CRM domain proteins have been shown to promote the splicing of all but two of the introns found in angiosperm chloroplast genomes.  相似文献   

The arabinose-sensitive ara1-1 mutant of Arabidopsis is deficient in arabinose kinase activity. A candidate for the ARA1 gene, ISA1, has been previously identified through the Arabidopsis genome sequencing initiative. Here we demonstrate that (1) the ARA1 gene coincides with ISA1 in a positional cloning strategy; (2) there are mutations in the ISA1 gene in both the ara1-1 mutant and an intragenic suppressor mutant; and (3) the ara1-1 and suppressor mutant phenotypes can be complemented by the expression of the ISA1 cDNA in transgenic plants. Together these observations confirm that ISA1 is the ARA1 gene. ARA1 is a member of the galactose kinase family of genes and represents a new substrate specificity among this and other families of sugar kinases. A second gene with similarities to members of the galactose kinase gene family has been identified in the EST database. A 1.8 kb cDNA contained an open reading-frame predicted to encode a 496 amino acid polypeptide. The GAL1 cDNA was expressed in a galK mutant of Escherichia coli and in vitro assays of extracts of the strain expressing GAL1 confirmed that the cDNA encodes a galactose kinase activity. Both GAL1 and ARA1 cross-hybridise at low stringency to other sequences suggesting the presence of additional members of the galactose kinase gene family.  相似文献   

Deregulation of PTEN/Akt signalling has been recently implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD), but the effects on the molecular processes underlying AD pathology have not yet been fully described. Here we report that overexpression of PTEN reduces tau phosphorylation in CHO cells. This effect was abrogated by mutant PTEN constructs with either a catalytically inactive point mutation (C124S) or with only inactive lipid phosphatase activity (G129E), suggesting an indirect, lipid phosphatase-dependent process. The predominant effects of PTEN on tau appeared to be mediated by reducing ERK1/2 activity, but were independent of Akt, GSK-3, JNK and the tau phosphatases PP1 and PP2A. Our studies provide evidence for an effect of PTEN on the phosphorylation of tau in AD pathogenesis, and provide some insight into the mechanisms through which deregulation of PTEN may contribute towards the progression of tauopathy.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis gain‐of‐resistance mutants, which show HR‐like lesion formation and SAR‐like constitutive defense responses, were used well as tools to unravel the plant defense mechanisms. We have identified a novel mutant, designated constitutive expresser of PR genes 30 (cpr30), that exhibited dwarf morphology, constitutive resistance to the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae and the dramatic induction of defense‐response gene expression. The cpr30‐conferred growth defect morphology and defense responses are dependent on ENHANCED DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY 1 (EDS1), PHYTOALEXIN DEFICIENT 4 (PAD4), and NONRACE‐SPECIFIC DISEASE RESISTANCE 1 (NDR1). Further studies demonstrated that salicylic acid (SA) could partially account for the cpr30‐conferred constitutive PR1 gene expression, but not for the growth defect, and that the cpr30‐conferred defense responses were NPR1 independent. We observed a widespread expression of CPR30 throughout the plant, and a localization of CPR30‐GFP fusion protein in the cytoplasm and nucleus. As an F‐box protein, CPR30 could interact with multiple Arabidopsis‐SKP1‐like (ASK) proteins in vivo. Co‐localization of CPR30 and ASK1 or ASK2 was observed in Arabidopsis protoplasts. Based on these results, we conclude that CPR30, a novel negative regulator, regulates both SA‐dependent and SA‐independent defense signaling, most likely through the ubiquitin‐proteasome pathway in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

An interaction between the Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein kinase Mck1 and pyruvate kinase (Pyk1) was detected by using the two-hybrid method. Purified Mck1 was able to phosphorylate purified Pyk1 on Ser in vitro. Pyruvate kinase activity was elevated in mck1 delta cells. Several of the phenotypes of mck1 delta mutants are similar to those observed in cells overexpressing PYK1. Co-overexpression of MCK1 suppressed all of the phenotypes associated with PYK1 overexpression. These results indicate that Mck1 negatively regulates pyruvate kinase activity, possibly by direct phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Calmodulin(CaM)-regulated protein phosphorylation forms an important component of Ca2+ signaling in animals but is less understood in plants. We have identified a CaM-binding receptor-like kinase from soybean nodules, GmCaMK1, a homolog of Arabidopsis CRLK1. We delineated the CaM-binding domain (CaMBD) of GmCaMK1 to a 24-residue region near the C-terminus, which overlaps with the kinase domain. We have demonstrated that GmCaMK1 binds CaM with high affinity in a Ca2+-dependent manner. We showed that GmCaMK1 is expressed broadly across tissues and is enriched in roots and developing nodules. Finally, we examined the CaMBDs of the five-member GmCaMK family in soybean, and orthologs present across taxa.

Structured summary

MINT-8051564: AtCRLK2 (uniprotkb:Q9LFV3) binds (MI:0407) to CaM (uniprotkb:P62199) by filter binding (MI:0049)MINT-8051416: GmCaMK3 (uniprotkb:C6ZRS6) binds (MI:0407) to CaM (uniprotkb:P62199) by filter binding (MI:0049)MINT-8051258: CaM (uniprotkb:P62199) and GmCaMK1 (genbank_protein_gi:223452504) bind (MI:0407) by isothermal titration calorimetry (MI:0065)MINT-8051400: GmCaMK2 (uniprotkb: C6ZRY5) binds (MI:0407) to CaM (uniprotkb:P62199) by filter binding (MI:0049)MINT-8051242, MINT-8051295, MINT-8051313, MINT-8051327, MINT-8051341, MINT-8051355: GmCaMK1 (genbank_protein_gi:223452504) binds (MI:0407) to CaM (uniprotkb:P62199) by filter binding (MI:0049)MINT-8051467: GmCaMK4 (uniprotkb: C6TIQ0) binds (MI:0407) to CaM (uniprotkb:P62199) by filter binding (MI:0049)MINT-8051276: CaM (uniprotkb:P62199) and GmCaMK1 (genbank_protein_gi:223452504) bind (MI:0407) by comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis (MI:0404)MINT-8051374: CaM (uniprotkb:P62199) and GmCaMK1 (genbank_protein_gi:223452504) bind (MI:0407) by mass spectrometry studies of complexes (MI:0069)  相似文献   

Toll-IL-1R (TIR) family members play crucial roles in a variety of defense, inflammatory, injury, and stress responses. Although they have been widely investigated in mammals, little is known about TIRs in ancient vertebrates. In this study, we report a novel double Ig IL-1R related molecule (DIGIRR) from three model fish (Tetraodon nigroviridis, Gasterosteus aculeatus, and Takifugu rubripes), adding a previously unknown homolog to the TIR family. This DIGIRR molecule contains two Ig-like domains in the extracellular region, one Arg-Tyr-mutated TIR domain in the intracellular region, and a unique subcellular distribution within the Golgi apparatus. These characteristics distinguish DIGIRR from other known family members. In vitro injection of DIGIRR into zebrafish embryos dramatically inhibited LPS-induced and IL-1β-induced NF-κB activation. Moreover, in vivo knockdown of DIGIRR by small interfering RNA significantly promoted the expression of IL-1β-stimulated proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6 and IL-1β) in DIGIRR-silenced liver and kidney tissues and in leukocytes. These results strongly suggest that DIGIRR is an important negative regulator of LPS-mediated and IL-1β-mediated signaling pathways and inflammatory responses. The Arg-Tyr-mutated site disrupted the signal transduction ability of DIGIRR TIR. Evolutionally, we propose a hypothesis that DIGIRR and single Ig IL-1R related molecule (SIGIRR) might originate from a common ancient IL-1R-like molecule that lost one (in DIGIRR) or two (in SIGIRR) extracellular Ig-like domains and intracellular Ser and Arg-Tyr amino acids. DIGIRR might be an evolutionary "transitional molecule" between IL-1R and SIGIRR, representing a shift from a potent receptor to a negative regulator. These results help define the evolutionary history of TIR family members and their associated signaling pathways and mechanisms.  相似文献   

The specificity and efficiency of cell signaling is largely governed by the complex formation of signaling proteins. The precise spatio-temporal control of the complex assembly is crucial for proper signaling and cell survival. Protein phosphorylation is a key mechanism of signal processing in most of cell signaling networks. Phosphatases, along with kinases, control the phosphorylation state of many proteins and thus play a critical role in the precise regulation of signaling at each stage such as activation, propagation, and adaptation. Identification and functional analysis of pathway-specific phosphatase is, therefore, crucial for the understanding of cell signaling mechanisms. Here, we have developed a novel screening strategy to identify pathway-specific phosphatases, in which the entire repertoire of cell’s phosphatases was tethered to a signaling complex and the changes in signaling response were monitored. As a model target, we have chosen the mating MAP kinase pathway in the budding yeast, which is composed of three kinases and Ste5 scaffold protein. Using this strategy, a putative Ser/Thr phosphatase, Ppq1, was identified to be mating-specific. Results show that Ppq1 down-regulates mating signaling by targeting at or upstream of the terminal MAP kinase Fus3 in the cascade. The catalytic activity of Ppq1 as a phosphatase was confirmed in vitro and is necessary for its function in the regulation of mating signaling. Overall, the data suggest that Ppq1 functions as a negative regulator of mating MAPK pathway by dephosphorylating target pathway protein(s) and plays a key role in the control of the background signaling noise.  相似文献   

The mu 2 subunit of the AP2 complex is known to be phosphorylated in vitro by a copurifying kinase, and it has been demonstrated recently that mu 2 phosphorylation is required for transferrin endocytosis (Olusanya, O., P.D. Andrews, J.R. Swedlow, and E. Smythe. 2001. Curr. Biol. 11:896-900). However, the identity of the endogenous kinase responsible for this phosphorylation is unknown. Here we identify and characterize a novel member of the Prk/Ark family of serine/threonine kinases, adaptor-associated kinase (AAK)1. We find that AAK1 copurifies with adaptor protein (AP)2 and that it directly binds the ear domain of alpha-adaptin in vivo and in vitro. In neuronal cells, AAK1 is enriched at presynaptic terminals, whereas in nonneuronal cells it colocalizes with clathrin and AP2 in clathrin-coated pits and at the leading edge of migrating cells. AAK1 specifically phosphorylates the mu subunit in vitro, and stage-specific assays for endocytosis show that mu phosphorylation by AAK1 results in a decrease in AP2-stimulated transferrin internalization. Together, these results provide strong evidence that AAK1 is the endogenous mu 2 kinase and plays a regulatory role in clathrin-mediated endocytosis. These results also lend support to the idea that clathrin-mediated endocytosis is controlled by cycles of phosphorylation/desphosphorylation.  相似文献   

Zhou C  Miki B  Wu K 《Plant molecular biology》2003,52(6):1125-1134
The SWI/SNF complex is an ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complex that plays an important role in the regulation of eukaryotic gene expression. Very little is known about the function of SWI/SNF complex in plants compared with animals and yeast. SWI3 is one of the core components of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes in yeast. We have identified a putative SWI3-like cDNA clone, CHB2 (AtSWI3B), from Arabidopsis thaliana by screening the expressed sequence tag database. CHB2 encodes a putative protein of 469 amino acids and shares 23% amino acid sequence identity and 64% similarity with the yeast SWI3. The Arabidopsis genome contains four SWI3-like genes, namely CHB1 (AtSWI3A), CHB2 (AtSWI3B), CHB3 (AtSWI3C) and CHB4 (AtSWI3D). The expression of CHB2, CHB3 and CHB4 mRNA was detected in all tissues analyzed by RT-PCR. The expression of CHB1 mRNA, however, could not be detected in the siliques, suggesting that there is differential expression among CHB genes in different Arabidopsis tissues. To investigate the role of CHB2 in plants, Arabidopsis plants were transformed with a gene construct comprising a CHB2 cDNA in the antisense orientation driven by the CaMV 35S promoter. Repression of CHB2 expression resulted in pleiotropic developmental abnormalities including abnormal seedling and leaf phenotypes, dwarfism, delayed flowering and no apical dominance, suggesting a global role for CHB2 in the regulation of gene expression. Our results indicate that CHB2 plays an essential role in plant growth and development.  相似文献   

L. Sun  S. Gu  X. Li  Y. Sun  D. Zheng  K. Yu  C. Ji  R. Tang  Y. Xie  Y. Mao 《Molecular Biology》2006,40(5):724-731
Human protein kinases make up a large superfamily of homologous proteins, which are related by virtue of their kinase domains (also known as catalytic domains). Here, we report the cloning and characterization of a novel human MAST4 (microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase family member 4) gene, which locates on human chromosome 5q13. The MAST4 cDNA is 7587 base pairs in length and encodes a putative protein of 2435 amino acids which contains a serine/threonine kinase domain and a PDZ domain. MAST4 protein has 64, 63, 59, and 39% identical amino acid residues with MAST1, MAST2, MAST3, and MASTL, respectively. RT-PCR analysis revealed a relatively high expression level of MAST4 in most normal human tissues, with the exception of in testis, small intestine, colon, and peripheral blood leukocyte. Published in Russian in Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, 2006, Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 808–815. The text was submitted by the authors in English. The nucleotide sequences reported in this paper have been submitted to GenBank under accession number: AY830839. These two authors contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   

The initial phase of mammalian preimplantation development is directed by stored maternal mRNAs and their encoded proteins, yet most of the molecules controlling this process have not been described. We have used differential display analysis of cDNA libraries prepared from unfertilized eggs and preimplantation embryos to isolate three maternal cDNAs that represent novel genes exhibiting different patterns of expression during this developmental period. One of these, Melk, encodes a protein with a kinase catalytic domain and a leucine zipper motif, a new member of the Snf1/AMPK family of kinases. This gene product may play a role in the signal transduction events in the egg and early embryo. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 47:148–156, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Vaccinia‐related kinase 1 (VRK1), a serine/threonine mitotic kinase, is widely over‐expressed in dividing cells and regarded as a cancer drug target primarily due to its function as an early response gene in cell proliferation. However, the mechanism of VRK1 phosphorylation and substrate activation is not well understood. More importantly even the molecular basis of VRK1 interaction with its cofactor, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), is unavailable to‐date. As designing specific inhibitors remains to be the major challenge in kinase research, such a molecular understanding will enable us to design ATP‐competitive specific inhibitors of VRK1. Here we report the molecular characterization of VRK1 in complex with AMP‐PNP, a non‐hydrolyzable ATP‐analog, using NMR titration followed by the co‐crystal structure determined upto 2.07 Å resolution. We also carried out the structural comparison of the AMP‐PNP bound‐form with its apo and inhibitor‐bound counterparts, which has enabled us to present our rationale toward designing VRK1‐specific inhibitors.  相似文献   

A highly conserved lysine in subdomain II is required for high catalytic activity among the protein kinases. This lysine interacts directly with ATP and mutation of this residue leads to a classical "kinase-dead" mutant. This study describes the biophysical and functional properties of a kinase-dead mutant of cAMP-dependent kinase where Lys72 was replaced with His. Although the mutant protein is less stable than the wild-type catalytic subunit, it is fully capable of binding ATP. The results highlight the effect of the mutation on stability and overall organization of the protein, especially the small lobe. Phosphorylation of the activation loop by a heterologous kinase, 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK-1) also contributes dramatically to the global organization of the entire active site region. Deuterium-exchange mass spectrometry (DXMS) indicates a concerted stabilization of the entire active site following the addition of this single phosphate to the activation loop. Furthermore the mutant C-subunit is capable of binding both the type I and II regulatory subunits, but only after phosphorylation of the activation loop. This highlights the role of the large lobe as a scaffold for the regulatory subunits independent of catalytic competency and suggests that kinase dead members of the protein kinase superfamily may still have other important biological roles although they lack catalytic activity.  相似文献   

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