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Reduced cell wall recalcitrance and increased C6 monosaccharide content are desirable traits for future biofuel crops, as long as these biomass modifications do not significantly alter normal growth and development. Mixed‐linkage glucan (MLG), a cell wall polysaccharide only present in grasses and related species among flowering plants, is comprised of glucose monomers linked by both β‐1,3 and β‐1,4 bonds. Previous data have shown that constitutive production of MLG in barley (Hordeum vulgare) severely compromises growth and development. Here, we used spatio‐temporal strategies to engineer Arabidopsis thaliana plants to accumulate significant amounts of MLG in the cell wall by expressing the rice CslF6 MLG synthase using secondary cell wall and senescence‐associated promoters. Results using secondary wall promoters were suboptimal. When the rice MLG synthase was expressed under the control of a senescence‐associated promoter, we obtained up to four times more glucose in the matrix cell wall fraction and up to a 42% increase in saccharification compared to control lines. Importantly, these plants grew and developed normally. The induction of MLG deposition at senescence correlated with an increase of gluconic acid in cell wall extracts of transgenic plants in contrast to the other approaches presented in this study. MLG produced in Arabidopsis has an altered structure compared to the grass glucan, which likely affects its solubility, while its molecular size is unaffected. The induction of cell wall polysaccharide biosynthesis in senescing tissues offers a novel engineering alternative to enhance cell wall properties of lignocellulosic biofuel crops.  相似文献   

Lignin content, composition, distribution as well as cell wall thickness, structures, and type of tissue have a measurable effect on enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose in lignocellulosic feedstocks. The first part of our work combined compositional analysis, pretreatment and enzyme hydrolysis for fractionated pith, rind, and leaf tissues from a hybrid stay-green corn, in order to identify the role of structural characteristics on enzyme hydrolysis of cell walls. The extent of enzyme hydrolysis follows the sequence rind < leaves < pith with 90% conversion of cellulose to glucose in 24 h in the best cases. Physical fractionation of corn stalks or other C(4) grasses into soft and hard tissue types could reduce cost of cellulose conversion by enabling reduced enzyme loadings to hydrolyze soft tissue, and directing the hard tissue to other uses such as thermal processing, combustion, or recycle to the land from which the corn was harvested.  相似文献   

Grass cell walls have hydroxycinnamic acids attached to arabinosyl residues of arabinoxylan (AX), and certain BAHD acyltransferases are involved in their addition. In this study, we characterized one of these BAHD genes in the cell wall of the model grass Setaria viridis. RNAi silenced lines of S. viridis (SvBAHD05) presented a decrease of up to 42% of ester-linked p-coumarate (pCA) and 50% of pCA-arabinofuranosyl, across three generations. Biomass from SvBAHD05 silenced plants exhibited up to 32% increase in biomass saccharification after acid pre-treatment, with no change in total lignin. Molecular dynamics simulations suggested that SvBAHD05 is a p-coumaroyl coenzyme A transferase (PAT) mainly involved in the addition of pCA to the arabinofuranosyl residues of AX in Setaria. Thus, our results provide evidence of p-coumaroylation of AX promoted by SvBAHD05 acyltransferase in the cell wall of the model grass S. viridis. Furthermore, SvBAHD05 is a promising biotechnological target to engineer crops for improved biomass digestibility for biofuels, biorefineries and animal feeding.  相似文献   

Functional genomic studies of many polyploid crops, including rapeseed (Brassica napus), are constrained by limited tool sets. Here we report development of a gain‐of‐function platform, termed ‘iFOX (inducible Full‐length cDNA OvereXpressor gene)‐Hunting’, for inducible expression of B. napus seed cDNAs in Arabidopsis. A Gateway‐compatible plant gene expression vector containing a methoxyfenozide‐inducible constitutive promoter for transgene expression was developed. This vector was used for cloning of random cDNAs from developing B. napus seeds and subsequent Agrobacterium‐mediated transformation of Arabidopsis. The inducible promoter of this vector enabled identification of genes upon induction that are otherwise lethal when constitutively overexpressed and to control developmental timing of transgene expression. Evaluation of a subset of the resulting ~6000 Arabidopsis transformants revealed a high percentage of lines with full‐length B. napus transgene insertions. Upon induction, numerous iFOX lines with visible phenotypes were identified, including one that displayed early leaf senescence. Phenotypic analysis of this line (rsl‐1327) after methoxyfenozide induction indicated high degree of leaf chlorosis. The integrated B. napuscDNA was identified as a homolog of an Arabidopsis acyl‐CoA binding protein (ACBP) gene designated BnACBP1‐like. The early senescence phenotype conferred by BnACBP1‐like was confirmed by constitutive expression of this gene in Arabidopsis and B. napus. Use of the inducible promoter in the iFOX line coupled with RNA‐Seq analyses allowed mechanistic clues and a working model for the phenotype associated with BnACBP1‐like expression. Our results demonstrate the utility of iFOX‐Hunting as a tool for gene discovery and functional characterization of Brassica napus genome.  相似文献   

Plant cell walls are composed of cellulose microfibrils embedded in a cross‐linked‐net of matrix polysaccharides and co‐polymerized with lignin. The study presented the genotypic variations of cell wall composition, biohydrogen production, and lignocellulose degradation ratio in a collection of 102 Miscanthus sinensis (M. Sinensis, hereafter) accessions collected from a wide geographical range in China. Significant variations were observed for the determined traits, cellulose content, hemicellulose content, cellulose and hemicellulose degradation efficiency, and biohydrogen yield. The cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin contents ranged from 30.20–44.25, 28.97–42.65, and 6.96–20.75%, respectively. The degradation ratio of cellulose and hemicellulose varied from 2.08% to 37.87% and from 14.71% to 52.50%, respectively. The feedstock was fermented to produce biohydrogen, and the production varied from 14.59 to 40.66 ml per gram of Miscanthus biomass. The expression profile of three cellulose synthase (MsCesA) genes was initially established to indicate the genotypic difference among the M. sinensis accessions. Pearson's correlations were conducted to reveal the perplexing relationship between the tested traits, biohydrogen yield, cell wall composition and their degradation efficiency. In addition, the relationship pattern, between the test traits and the geographic factors corresponding with the original place, was investigated. The result showed that the significant variation among the M. sinensis genotypes is the result of natural selection in different environments of their original habitats. Improvement in cell wall composition and structure and enhancement of lignocellulose degradation ratio could significantly increase sustainable bioenergy production.  相似文献   

This article reviews the history and current state of ethanol production from sugarcane in Brazil and presents a strategy for improving ecosystem services and production. We propose that it is possible to produce ethanol from sugarcane while maintaining or even recovering some of Brazil's unique neotropical biodiversity and ecosystem climate services. This approach to the future of sustainable and responsible ethanol production is termed the ‘midway’ strategy. The ‘midway’ strategy involves producing the necessary biotechnology to increase productivity while synergistically protecting and regenerating rainforest. Three main areas of scientific and technological advance that are key to realizing the ‘midway’ strategy are: (i) improving the quality of scientific data on sugarcane biology as pertains to its use as a bioenergy crop; (ii) developing technologies for the use of bagasse for cellulosic ethanol; and (iii) developing policies to improve the ecosystem services associated with sugarcane landscapes. This article discusses these three issues in the general context of biofuels production and highlights examples of scientific achievements that are already leading towards the ‘midway’ strategy.  相似文献   

In plants, 3‐deoxy‐d ‐manno‐oct‐2‐ulosonic acid (Kdo) is a monosaccharide that is only found in the cell wall pectin, rhamnogalacturonan‐II (RG‐II). Incubation of 4‐day‐old light‐grown Arabidopsis seedlings or tobacco BY‐2 cells with 8‐azido 8‐deoxy Kdo (Kdo‐N3) followed by coupling to an alkyne‐containing fluorescent probe resulted in the specific in muro labelling of RG‐II through a copper‐catalysed azide–alkyne cycloaddition reaction. CMP‐Kdo synthetase inhibition and competition assays showing that Kdo and D‐Ara, a precursor of Kdo, but not L‐Ara, inhibit incorporation of Kdo‐N3 demonstrated that incorporation of Kdo‐N3 occurs in RG‐II through the endogenous biosynthetic machinery of the cell. Co‐localisation of Kdo‐N3 labelling with the cellulose‐binding dye calcofluor white demonstrated that RG‐II exists throughout the primary cell wall. Additionally, after incubating plants with Kdo‐N3 and an alkynated derivative of L‐fucose that incorporates into rhamnogalacturonan I, co‐localised fluorescence was observed in the cell wall in the elongation zone of the root. Finally, pulse labelling experiments demonstrated that metabolic click‐mediated labelling with Kdo‐N3 provides an efficient method to study the synthesis and redistribution of RG‐II during root growth.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are thought to have played a key role in the evolution of metabolic networks of photosynthetic organisms by connecting oxidative and biosynthetic routes operating in different compartments. While the various oxidative pathways operating in the peroxisomes of higher plants are fairly well characterized, the reactions present in the primitive peroxisomes (microbodies) of algae are poorly understood. Screening of a Chlamydomonas insertional mutant library identified a strain strongly impaired in oil remobilization and defective in Cre05.g232002 (CrACX2), a gene encoding a member of the acyl‐CoA oxidase/dehydrogenase superfamily. The purified recombinant CrACX2 expressed in Escherichia coli catalyzed the oxidation of fatty acyl‐CoAs into trans‐2‐enoyl‐CoA and produced H2O2. This result demonstrated that CrACX2 is a genuine acyl‐CoA oxidase, which is responsible for the first step of the peroxisomal fatty acid (FA) β‐oxidation spiral. A fluorescent protein‐tagging study pointed to a peroxisomal location of CrACX2. The importance of peroxisomal FA β‐oxidation in algal physiology was shown by the impact of the mutation on FA turnover during day/night cycles. Moreover, under nitrogen depletion the mutant accumulated 20% more oil than the wild type, illustrating the potential of β‐oxidation mutants for algal biotechnology. This study provides experimental evidence that a plant‐type FA β‐oxidation involving H2O2‐producing acyl‐CoA oxidation activity has already evolved in the microbodies of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.  相似文献   

This paper has identified, for the first time in a member of the Rhodophyta, a vacuolar organelle containing enzymes that are involved in the mevalonate pathway—an important step in red algal isoprenoid biosynthesis. These organelles were named mevalonosomes (Mev) and were found in the cortical cells (CC) of Plocamium brasiliense, a marine macroalgae that synthesizes several halogenated monoterpenes. P. brasiliense specimens were submitted to a cytochemical analysis of the activity of the 3‐hydroxy‐3‐methylglutaryl‐CoA synthase (HMGS). Using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), we confirmed the presence of HMGS activity within the Mev. Because HMGS is necessary for the biosynthesis of halogenated monoterpenes, we isolated a hexanic fraction (HF) rich in halogenated monoterpenes from P. brasiliense that contained a pentachlorinated monoterpene as a major metabolite. Because terpenes are often related to chemical defense, the antifouling (AF) activity of pentachlorinated monoterpene was tested. We found that the settlement of the mussel Perna perna was reduced by HF treatment (2.25 times less than control; 40% and 90% of fouled surface, respectively; P = 0.001; F9,9 = 1.13). The HF (at 10 μg · mL?1) also inhibited three species of fouling microalgae (Chlorarachnion reptans, Cylindrotheca cloisterium, and Exanthemachrysis gayraliae), while at a higher concentration (50 μg · mL?1), it inhibited the bacteria Halomonas marina, Polaribacter irgensii, Pseudoalteromonas elyakovii, Shewanella putrefaciens, and Vibrio aestuarianus. The AF activity of P. brasiliense halogenated monoterpenes and the localization of HMGS activity inside Mev suggest that this cellular structure found in CC may play a role in thallus protection against biofouling.  相似文献   

Because structural modifications of flavonoids are closely related to their properties, such as stability, solubility, flavor and coloration, characterizing the enzymes that catalyze the modification reactions can be useful for engineering agriculturally beneficial traits of flavonoids. In this work, we examined the enzymes involved in the modification pathway of highly glycosylated and acylated anthocyanins that accumulate in Lobelia erinus. Cultivar Aqua Blue (AB) of L. erinus is blue‐flowered and accumulates delphinidin 3‐Op‐coumaroylrutinoside‐5‐O‐malonylglucoside‐3′5′‐O‐dihydroxycinnamoylglucoside (lobelinins) in its petals. Cultivar Aqua Lavender (AL) is mauve‐flowered, and LC‐MS analyses showed that AL accumulated delphinidin 3‐O‐glucoside (Dp3G), which was not further modified toward lobelinins. A crude protein assay showed that modification processes of lobelinin were carried out in a specific order, and there was no difference between AB and AL in modification reactions after rhamnosylation of Dp3G, indicating that the lack of highly modified anthocyanins in AL resulted from a single mutation of rhamnosyltransferase catalyzing the rhamnosylation of Dp3G. We cloned rhamnosyltransferase genes (RTs) from AB and confirmed their UDP‐rhamnose‐dependent rhamnosyltransferase activities on Dp3G using recombinant proteins. In contrast, the RT gene in AL had a 5‐bp nucleotide deletion, resulting in a truncated polypeptide without the plant secondary product glycosyltransferase box. In a complementation test, AL that was transformed with the RT gene from AB produced blue flowers. These results suggest that rhamnosylation is an essential process for lobelinin synthesis, and thus the expression of RT has a great impact on the flower color and is necessary for the blue color of Lobelia flowers.  相似文献   

In this work the differential response of adult and young leaves from pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants to the herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) (23 mm) applied by foliar spraying was investigated. The concentration of 2,4-D (23 mm) and the time of treatment (72 h) were previously optimized in order to visualize its toxic effects on pea plants. Under these conditions, the herbicide induced severe disturbances in mesophyll cells structure and proliferation of vascular tissue in young leaves and increased acyl-CoA oxidase (ACX), xanthine oxidase (XOD) and lipoxygenase (LOX) activities in young leaves, and only ACX and LOX in adult leaves. This situation produced reactive oxygen species (ROS) over-accumulation favoured by the absence of significant changes in the enzymatic antioxidants, giving rise to oxidative damages to proteins and membrane lipids. An increase of ethylene took place in both young and adult leaves and the induction of genes encoding the stress proteins, PRP4A and HSP 71,2, was observed mainly in young leaves. These results suggest that ROS overproduction is a key factor in the effect of high concentrations of 2,4-D, and ROS can trigger a differential response in young and adult leaves, either epinasty development in young leaves or senescence processes in adult tissues.  相似文献   

The plant cell wall is the barrier that pathogens must overcome to cause a disease, and to this end they secrete enzymes that degrade the various cell wall components. Due to the complexity of these components, several types of oligosaccharide fragments may be released during pathogenesis and some of these can act as damage‐associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). Well‐known DAMPs are the oligogalacturonides (OGs) released upon degradation of homogalacturonan and the products of cellulose breakdown, i.e. the cellodextrins (CDs). We have previously reported that four Arabidopsis berberine bridge enzyme‐like (BBE‐like) proteins (OGOX1–4) oxidize OGs and impair their elicitor activity. We show here that another Arabidopsis BBE‐like protein, which is expressed coordinately with OGOX1 during immunity, specifically oxidizes CDs with a preference for cellotriose (CD3) and longer fragments (CD4–CD6). Oxidized CDs show a negligible elicitor activity and are less easily utilized as a carbon source by the fungus Botrytis cinerea. The enzyme, named CELLOX (cellodextrin oxidase), is encoded by the gene At4 g20860. Plants overexpressing CELLOX display an enhanced resistance to B. cinerea, probably because oxidized CDs are a less valuable carbon source. Thus, the capacity to oxidize and impair the biological activity of cell wall‐derived oligosaccharides seems to be a general trait of the family of BBE‐like proteins, which may serve to homeostatically control the level of DAMPs to prevent their hyperaccumulation.  相似文献   

A paradigm regarding rhamnogalacturonans II (RGII) is their strictly conserved structure within a given plant. We developed and employed a fast structural characterization method based on chromatography and mass spectrometry, allowing analysis of RGII side chains from microgram amounts of cell wall. We found that RGII structures are much more diverse than so far described. In chain A of wild‐type plants, up to 45% of the l –fucose is substituted by l –galactose, a state that is seemingly uncorrelated with RGII dimerization capacity. This led us to completely reinvestigate RGII structures of the Arabidopsis thaliana fucose‐deficient mutant mur1, which provided insights into RGII chain A biosynthesis, and suggested that chain A truncation, rather than l –fucose to l –galactose substitution, is responsible for the mur1 dwarf phenotype. Mass spectrometry data for chain A coupled with NMR analysis revealed a high degree of methyl esterification of its glucuronic acid, providing a plausible explanation for the puzzling RGII antibody recognition. The β–galacturonic acid of chain A exhibits up to two methyl etherifications in an organ‐specific manner. Combined with variation in the length of side chain B, this gives rise to a family of RGII structures instead of the unique structure described up to now. These findings pave the way for studies on the physiological roles of modulation of RGII composition.  相似文献   

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