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Salt- and light-induced changes in morpho-anatomical, physiological and biochemical traits were analysed in Myrtus communis and Pistacia lentiscus with a view to explaining their ecological distribution in the Mediterranean basin. In plants exposed to 20 or 100% solar radiation and supplied with 0 or 200 mm NaCl, measurements were conducted for ionic and water relations and photosynthetic performance, leaf morpho-anatomical and optical properties and tissue-specific accumulation of tannins and flavonoids. Net carbon gain and photosystem II (PSII) efficiency decreased less in P. lentiscus than in M. communis when exposed to salinity stress, the former having a superior ability to use Na(+) and Cl(-) for osmotic adjustment. Morpho-anatomical traits also allowed P. lentiscus to protect sensitive targets in the leaf from the combined action of salinity stress and high solar radiation to a greater degree than M. communis. Salt and light-induced increases in carbon allocated to polyphenols, particularly to flavonoids, were greater in M. communis than in P. lentiscus, and appeared to be related to leaf oxidative damage. Our data may conclusively explain the negligible distribution of M. communis in open Mediterranean areas suffering from salinity stress, and suggest a key antioxidant function of flavonoids in response to different stressful conditions.  相似文献   

We analysed plant growth, ion accumulation, leaf water relations, and gas exchange of Avicennia germinans (L.) L. subjected to a long-term, controlled salinity gradient from 0 to 55 ‰. Growth and leaf area were affected by salinity higher than 10 ‰. As salinity increased, the predawn leaf water potential (Ψw) and leaf osmotic potential (Ψs) decreased. Leaf Ψw was at least −0.32 MPa lower than the Ψw of solution. Na+ and K+ ions explained about 78 % of decrease in Ψs. K+ tissue water concentration decreased by more than 60 % in all salinity treatments as compared with those grown at 0 ‰. Inversely, Na+ concentration in tissue water increased with nutrient solution salinity. The maximum net photosynthetic rate (P N) and stomatal conductance (g s) decreased by 68 and 82 %, respectively, as salinity increased from 0 to 55 ‰; the intercellular CO2 concentration (C i) followed the same trend. The P N as a function of C i showed that both the initial linear slope and upper plateau of the P N vs. C i curve were markedly affected by high salinity (40 and 55 ‰).  相似文献   

Water status indicators of lemon trees in response to flooding and recovery   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Potted 2-year-old lemon trees [Citrus limon (L.) Burm. fil, cv. Verna] grafted on sour orange (C. aurantium L.) rootstock were subjected to flooding for 3 d. Control plants were irrigated daily to field capacity. Continuously (sap flow, trunk diameter fluctuations) and discretely (predawn and midday leaf water potential, leaf conductance) measured plant-based water status indicators were compared. The sensitivity of the maximum daily trunk shrinkage signal intensity to flooding and its behaviour during the recovery period demonstrated that this indicator is more feasible than the others for use in automatic irrigation. The responses to flooding of continuously and discretely measured plant-based water status indicators were very similar to those observed in response to drought stress indicating that it necessary to use soil water measurement automatic sensors to detect the cause of the stress. The results underlined the robustness of the compensation heat-pulse technique for estimating instantaneous and daily transpiration rates on flooding stress and recovery.  相似文献   

Sunflower plants ( Helianihus animus cv. Tall Single Yellow} were grown in the greenhouse in drain pipes (100 mm inside diameter and 1 m long) rilled with John Innes No. 2 compost. When the fifth leaf had emerged, half of the plants were left unwatered for 6 days, rewatered for 2 days and then not watered for another 12 days. Measurements of water relations and abaxial stomatal conductance were made at each leaf position at regular intervals during the experimental period. Estimates were also made of soil water potentials along the soil profile and of ABA concentrations in xylem sap and leaves.
Soil drying led to some reduction in stomatal conductance alter only 3 days but leaf turgors were not reduced until day 13 (6 days after rewatering). When the water relations of leaves did change, older leases became substantially dehydrated while high turgors were recorded in younger leaves. Leaf ABA content measured on the third youngest leaf hardly changed over the first 13 days of the experiment, despite substantial soil drying, while xylem ABA concentrations changed very significantly and dynamically as soil water status varied, even when there was no effect of soil drying on leaf water relations. We argue that the highest ABA concentrations in the xylem, found as a result of substantial soil drying, arise from synthesis in both the roots and the older leaves, and act to delay the development of water deficit in younger leases.
In other experiments ABA solutions were watered on to the root systems of sunflower plants to increase ABA concentrations in xylem sap. The stomatal response to applied ABA was quantitatively very similar to that to ABA generated as a result of soil drying. There was a log-linear relationship between the reduction of leaf conductance and the increase of ABA concentration m xylem sap.  相似文献   

Abstract For 150 years mistletoe host-resemblance has been an unsolved puzzle. Mimicry, camouflage, host protection and shape modification by the host tree have all been advanced as possible solutions. No extended examination of herbivory of host-parasite pairs has ever been done, however, to put these explanations to the test. The study was carried out in northeastern Australia from March to July 1994. Rates of leaf herbivory were estimated for seven individuals of Amyema biniflora Barlow (a cryptic mistletoe species), Dendrophthoe glabrescens (Blakely) Barlow (a non-cryptic mistletoe species) and their host trees (Eucalyptus tessellaris F. Muell. and Eucalyptus platyphylla F. Muell., respectively). In addition three measures of leaf palatability–nitrogen content, moisture content and toughness–were also assessed. Variability in mistletoe leaf shape was quantified by measuring the leaf widths of mistletoes on a variety of host tree species. Mistletoes sustained greater levels of herbivory compared to their host trees, but herbivory did not differ between mistletoe species. The non-cryptic mistletoe had lower levels of nitrogen compared to its host tree, but there was no difference in nitrogen levels between the cryptic mistletoe and its host. The moisture content of mistletoe leaves was greater than that of their hosts but not between mistletoe or host species. The mistletoe species had tougher leaves than their host trees. Leaf shape was different for one species of mistletoe growing on different host trees, but constant for another species of mistletoe. The results contradict, in some crucial aspect, all of the mimicry hypotheses currently on offer.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements were made of the photosynthetic gas exchange properties and water use efficiency of 19 species of mangrove in 9 estuaries with different salinity and climatic regimes in north eastern Australia and Papua New Guinea. Stomatal conductance and CO2 assimilation rates differed significantly between species at the same locality, with the salt-secreting species, Avicennia marina, consistently having the highest CO2 assimilation rates and stomatal conductances. Proportional changes in stomatal conductance and CO2 assimilation rate resulted in constant and similar intercellular CO2 concentrations for leaves exposed to photon flux densities above 800 mol·m-2·s-1 in all species at a particular locality. In consequence, all species at the same locality had similar water use efficiencies. There were, however, significant differences in gas exchange properties between different localities. Stomatal conductance and CO2 assimilation rate both decreased with increasing salinity and with increasing leaf to air vapour pressure deficit (VPD). Furthermore, the slope of the relationship between assimilation rate and stomatal conductance increased, while intercellular CO2 concentration decreased, with increasing salinity and with decreasing ambient relative humidity. It is concluded from these results that the water use efficiency of mangroves increases with increasing environmental stress, in this case aridity, thereby maximising photosynthetic carbon fixation while minimising water loss.Contribution No. 459 from the Australian Institute of Marine Science  相似文献   

Almond plants (Amygdalus communis L. cv. Garrigues) were grown in the field under drip irrigated and non irrigated conditions. Leaf water potential () and leaf conductance (g1) were determined at three different times of the growing season (spring, summer and autumn). The relationships between and g1 in both treatments showed a continuous decrease of g1 as decreased in spring and summer. Data from the autumn presented a threshold value of (approx. –2.7 MPa in dry treatment, and approx. –1.4 MPa in wet treatment) below which leaf conductance remained constant.  相似文献   

Leaf age and salinity influence water relations of pepper leaves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plant growth is reduced under saline conditions even when turgor in mature leaves is maintained by osmotic adjustment. The objective of this study was to determine if young leaves from salt-affected plants were also osmotically adjusted. Pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L. cv. California Wonder) were grown in several levels of solution osmotic potential and various components of the plants' water relations were measured to determine if young, rapidly growing leaves could accumulate solutes rapidly enough to maintain turgor for normal cell enlargement. Psychrometric measurements indicated that osmotic adjustment is similar for both young and mature leaves although osmotic potential is slightly lower for young leaves. Total water potential is also lower for young leaves, particularly at dawn for the saline treatments. The result is reduced turgor under saline conditions at dawn for young but not mature leaves. This reduced turgor at dawn, and presumably low night value, is possibly a cause of reduced growth under saline conditions. No differences in leaf turgor occur at midday. Porometer measurements indicated that young leaves at a given salinity level have a higher stomatal conductance than mature leaves, regardless of the time of day. The result of stomatal closure is a linear reduction of transpiration.  相似文献   

Sequence of drought response of maize seedlings in drying soil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Leaf elongation in monocotyledonous plants is sensitive to drought. To better understand the sequence of events in plants subjected to soil drying, leaf elongation and transpiration of maize seedlings ( Zea mays L.) of 4 cultivars were monitored continuously and the diurnal courses of the root and leaf water relations were determined. Results from this study indicate the following sequence of drought response: Leaf elongation decreased before changes in the leaf water relations of non‐growing zones of leaf blades were detected and before transpiration decreased. Reductions in leaf elongation preceded changes in the root water potential (ψw). Root ψw was not a very sensitive indicator of soil dryness, whereas the root osmotic potential (ψs) and root turgor (ψp) were more sensitive indicators. The earliest events observed in drying soil were a significant increase in the largest root diameter class (1 720 to 1 960 gm) and a decrease in leaf elongation ( P = 0.08) 2 days after withholding water. Significant increases in root length were observed 2 days later. Soil drying increased the number of fine roots with diameters of <240 µm. Slight increases in soil strength did not affect leaf elongation in the drying soil.  相似文献   

Leaf structure and water relations were studied in a temperate population of Avicennia marina subsp. australasica along a natural salinity gradient [28 to 49 parts per thousand (ppt)] and compared with two subspecies grown naturally in similar soil salinities to those of subsp. australasica but under different climates: subsp. eucalyptifolia (salinity 30 ppt, wet tropics) and subsp. marina (salinity 46 ppt, arid tropics). Leaf thickness, leaf dry mass per area and water content increased with salinity and aridity. Turgor loss point declined with increase in soil salinity, driven mainly by differences in osmotic potential at full turgor. Nevertheless, a high modulus of elasticity (ε) contributed to maintenance of high cell hydration at turgor loss point. Despite similarity among leaves in leaf water storage capacitance, total leaf water storage increased with increasing salinity and aridity. The time that stored water alone could sustain an evaporation rate of 1 mmol m?2 s?1 ranged from 77 to 126 min from subspecies eucalyptifolia to ssp. marina, respectively. Achieving full leaf hydration or turgor would require water from sources other than the roots, emphasizing the importance of multiple water sources to growth and survival of Avicennia marina across gradients in salinity and aridity.  相似文献   

Physiological basis of differential response to salinity in rice cultivars   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Growth analyses of rice Oryza sativa L. seedlings in salinized nutrient solution condition were conducted with 24 cultivars and lines after genetic purification. Cultivar differences in relative growth rate in salinized conditions were chiefly dependent on differences in shoot Na content. The shoot Na content was affected by Na selectivity in the root and by the leaf area ratio (LAR, leaf area per total dry weight). The contribution of LAR was equally important to that of root cultivar selectivity against Na uptake under a higher salinization condition where root selectivity against Na may be decreased due to reduced root activity. Cultivar differences in salt tolerance in highly salinized conditions were mainly attributed to differences in these two factors. A more convenient and efficient screening method for salt tolerance is proposed.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

There is a need to evaluate the salt tolerance of plant species that can be cultivated as crops under saline conditions. Crambe maritima is a coastal plant, usually occurring on the driftline, with potential use as a vegetable crop. The aim of this experiment was to determine the growth response of Crambe maritima to various levels of airborne and soil-borne salinity and the ecophysiological mechanisms underlying these responses.


In the greenhouse, plants were exposed to salt spray (400 mm NaCl) as well as to various levels of root-zone salinity (RZS) of 0, 50, 100, 200 and 300 mm NaCl during 40 d. The salt tolerance of Crambe maritima was assessed by the relative growth rate (RGR) and its components. To study possible salinity effects on the tissue and cellular level, the leaf succulence, tissue Na+ concentrations, Na+ : K+ ratio, net K+/Na+ selectivity, N, P, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, proline, soluble sugar concentrations, osmotic potential, total phenolics and antioxidant capacity were measured.

Key Results

Salt spray did not affect the RGR of Crambe maritima. However, leaf thickness and leaf succulence increased with salt spray. Root zone salinities up to 100 mm NaCl did not affect growth. However, at 200 mm NaCl RZS the RGR was reduced by 41 % compared with the control and by 56 % at 300 mm NaCl RZS. The reduced RGR with increasing RZS was largely due to the reduced specific leaf area, which was caused by increased leaf succulence as well as by increased leaf dry matter content. No changes in unit leaf rate were observed but increased RZS resulted in increased Na+ and proline concentrations, reduced K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations, lower osmotic potential and increased antioxidant capacity. Proline concentrations of the leaves correlated strongly (r = 0·95) with RZS concentrations and not with plant growth.


Based on its growth response, Crambe maritima can be classified as a salt spray tolerant plant that is sensitive to root zone salinities exceeding 100 mm NaCl.  相似文献   

Leaf economic and hydraulic theories have rarely been applied to the ecological differentiation of speciose herbaceous plant radiations. The role of character trait divergences and network reorganization in the differentiation of the functional types in the megadiverse Neotropical Bromeliaceae was explored by quantifying a range of leaf economic and hydraulic traits in 50 diverse species. Functional types, which are defined by combinations of C3 or Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) photosynthesis, terrestrial or epiphytic habits, and non‐specialized, tank‐forming or atmospheric morphologies, segregated clearly in trait space. Most classical leaf economic relationships were supported, but they were weakened by the presence of succulence. Functional types differed in trait‐network architecture, suggesting that rewiring of trait‐networks caused by innovations in habit and photosynthetic pathway is an important aspect of ecological differentiation. The hydraulic data supported the coupling of leaf hydraulics and gas exchange, but not the hydraulic safety versus efficiency hypothesis, and hinted at an important role for the extra‐xylary compartment in the control of bromeliad leaf hydraulics. Overall, our findings highlight the fundamental importance of structure–function relationships in the generation and maintenance of ecological diversity.  相似文献   

The stand basal area, carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) in tree rings and leaves, leaf area index and leaf traits of trees were measured in 6‐ to 8‐year‐old stands of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. across a gradient of rainfall of 600–1400 mm year?1 in south‐western Australia to better understand the importance of leaf traits and gas‐exchange as determinants of stand productivity. Δ ranged from 17‰ to 21‰. Δ and basal area were highly, positively correlated with each other and the ratio of mean annual rainfall to potential evaporation (P/PE). Leaf area index, soil water holding capacity and leaf nitrogen content were only weakly correlated with basal area. Δ and P/PE were negatively correlated with leaf nitrogen content. Δ was negatively correlated with leaf density but positively correlated with specific leaf area. This is consistent with the theory that larger leaf nitrogen content and smaller specific leaf area are associated with increased photosynthetic capacity and increased leaf‐scale water‐use‐efficiency, and that Δ is influenced by mesophyll conductance. It is concluded that canopy conductance is a more important determinant of growth in water‐limited conditions than either leaf area index or leaf traits in fertilized stands of E. globulus. Water availability was dictated more by rainfall than soil type.  相似文献   

The responses of gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of field-growing Ulmus pumila seedlings to changes in simulated precipitation were studied in Hunshandak Sandland, China. Leaf water potential (Ψwp), net photosynthetic rate (P N), stomatal conductance (g s), and transpiration rate (E) were significantly increased with enhancement of precipitation from 0 to 20 mm (p<0.01), indicating stomatal limitation of U. pumila seedlings that could be avoided when soil water was abundant. However, P N changed slightly when precipitation exceeded 20 mm (p>0.05), indicating more precipitation than 20 mm had no significant effects on photosynthesis. Maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem 2, PS 2 (Fv/Fm) increased from 0.53 to 0.78 when rainfall increased from 0 to 10 mm, and Fv/Fm maintained a steady state level when rainfall was more than 10 mm. Water use efficiency (WUE) decreased significantly (from 78–95 to 23–27 μmol mol−1) with enhancement of rainfalls. P N showed significant linear correlations with both g s and Ψwp (p<0.0001), which implied that leaf water status influenced gas exchange of U. pumila seedlings. The 20-mm precipitation (soil water content at about 15 %, v/v) might be enough for the growth of elm seedlings. When soil water content (SWC) reached 10 %, down regulation of PS2 photochemical efficiency could be avoided, but stomatal limitation to photosynthesis remained. When SWC exceeded 15 %, stomatal limitation to photosynthesis could be avoided, indicating elm seedlings might tolerate moderate drought.  相似文献   

1. To test whether differences in response to drought can help to explain the differing distributions of Briza media and Koeleria macrantha , changes in their leaf growth and water relations during soil drying were measured. After droughting, plants were re-watered and recovery recorded.
2. Leaf growth of the two species showed a similar sensitivity to drought with respect to duration of soil drying and soil moisture content.
3. In both species tiller base relative water content (RWC) was maintained at similar levels to controls until soil moisture content had fallen to less than 9%. This may aid survival in habitats subject to periodic droughting by preventing damage to the meristems.
4. Briza media did not respond to re-watering. However, plants of K. macrantha re-grew after periods of over 20 days of drought, when tiller base RWCs had fallen as low as 13%. This ability to resurrect may explain the occurrence of K. macrantha in xeric calcicolous grasslands subject to episodes of severe droughting, from which B. media is absent.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis and water efflux were measured in different PAR and stomatal conductance in members of Avicenniaceae and Rhizophoraceae. Trend of leaf temperature with irradiance and its effect on photosynthesis were also estimated. In most of the studied species, photosynthesis and stomatal conductance followed similar trends with increase in irradiance. The rate of net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance were higher in members of Avicenniaceae than in Rhizophoraceae. In Avicenniaceae, the optimum PAR for maximum photosynthesis ranged between 1340–1685 (μmol m-2s-1, which was also higher than that of Rhizophoraceae (840-1557 μmol m-2s-1). Almost in all the studied taxa, transpiration and stomatal conductance followed similar trends and reached the maximal peaks at the same PAR value. The range of breakeven leaf temperature was almost the same in both the families (34-36°C in Avicenniaceae and 33.5-36.3°C in Rhizophoraceae), beyond which assimilation rate declined.  相似文献   

Rice is known to be sensitive to soil water deficit and evaporative demand, with a greatest sensitivity of lowland‐adapted genotypes. We have analysed the responses of plant water relations and of leaf elongation rate (LER) to soil water status and evaporative demand in seven rice genotypes belonging to different species, subspecies, either upland‐ or lowland‐adapted. In the considered range of soil water potential (0 to ?0.6 MPa), stomatal conductance was controlled in such a way that the daytime leaf water potential was similar in well‐watered, droughted or flooded conditions (isohydric behaviour). A low sensitivity of LER to evaporative demand was observed in the same three conditions, with small differences between genotypes and lower sensitivity than in maize. The sensitivity of LER to soil water deficit was similar to that of maize. A tendency towards lower sensitivities was observed in upland than lowland genotypes but with smaller differences than expected. We conclude that leaf water status and leaf elongation of rice are not particularly sensitive to water deficit. The main origin of drought sensitivity in rice may be its poor root system, whose effect was alleviated in the study presented here by growing plants in pots whose soil was entirely colonized by roots of all genotypes.  相似文献   

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