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Melasma is a common hyperpigmentary disorder. The impact on the quality of life of affected individuals is well demonstrated, demanding new therapeutic strategies. However, the treatment of melasma remains highly challenging. Melasma is often considered as the main consequence of female hormone stimulation on a predisposed genetic background. Although these two factors do contribute to this acquired pigmentary disorder, the last decade has revealed several other key players and brought new pieces to the complex puzzle of the pathophysiology of melasma. Here, we summarize the latest evidence on the pathophysiology of melasma, and we suggest that melasma might be a photoaging skin disorder affecting genetically predisposed individuals. Such data must be taken into consideration by clinicians as they could have a profound impact on the treatment and the prevention of melasma.  相似文献   

Sexually selected ornaments and signals are costly to maintain if they are maladaptive in nonreproductive contexts. The jumping spider Cosmophasis umbratica exhibits distinct sexual dichromatism with males displaying elaborate UV body markings that signal male quality. Female C. umbratica respond favorably to UV‐reflecting males and ignore males that have their UV masked. However, Portia labiata, a UV‐sensitive spider‐eating specialist and a natural predator of C. umbratica, is known to use UV reflectance as a cue when hunting prey. We investigated the cost of these UV signals in C. umbratica in terms of their predation risk. Under experimental conditions, three choice scenarios were presented to P. labiata individuals. Choices by P. labiata were made between male C. umbratica with and without the UV signal; a UV‐reflecting male and non‐UV‐reflecting female; and a UV‐masked male and female. The presence and absence of UV signals was manipulated using an optical filter. Portia labiata exhibited a strong bias toward UV+ individuals. These results suggest the sexually selected trait of UV reflectance increases the visibility of males to UV‐sensitive predators. The extent of this male‐specific UV signal then is potentially moderated by predation pressure. Interestingly though, P. labiata still preferred males to females irrespective of whether UV reflectance was present or not. This suggests P. labiata can switch cues when conditions to detect UV reflectance are not optimal.  相似文献   

Terpenes are important compounds in plant trophic interactions. A meta‐analysis of GC‐MS data from a diverse range of apple (Malus × domestica) genotypes revealed that apple fruit produces a range of terpene volatiles, with the predominant terpene being the acyclic branched sesquiterpene (E,E)‐α‐farnesene. Four quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for α‐farnesene production in ripe fruit were identified in a segregating ‘Royal Gala’ (RG) × ‘Granny Smith’ (GS) population with one major QTL on linkage group 10 co‐locating with the MdAFS1 (α‐farnesene synthase‐1) gene. Three of the four QTLs were derived from the GS parent, which was consistent with GC‐MS analysis of headspace and solvent‐extracted terpenes showing that cold‐treated GS apples produced higher levels of (E,E)‐α‐farnesene than RG. Transgenic RG fruit downregulated for MdAFS1 expression produced significantly lower levels of (E,E)‐α‐farnesene. To evaluate the role of (E,E)‐α‐farnesene in fungal pathogenesis, MdAFS1 RNA interference transgenic fruit and RG controls were inoculated with three important apple post‐harvest pathogens [Colletotrichum acutatum, Penicillium expansum and Neofabraea alba (synonym Phlyctema vagabunda)]. From results obtained over four seasons, we demonstrate that reduced (E,E)‐α‐farnesene is associated with decreased disease initiation rates of all three pathogens. In each case, the infection rate was significantly reduced 7 days post‐inoculation, although the size of successful lesions was comparable with infections on control fruit. These results indicate that (E,E)‐α‐farnesene production is likely to be an important factor involved in fungal pathogenesis in apple fruit.  相似文献   

Flowers can serve as infection courts for specialized and unspecialized plant pathogens, but little is known about the ability of floral tissues to undergo induced resistance (IR) responses against these pathogens. We studied the expression of IR marker genes in tomato and blueberry flowers treated with the inducers methyl jasmonate (MeJA), benzothiadiazole‐S‐methyl ester (BTH) and 2,6‐dichloroisonicotinic acid (INA). In tomato, spray application of MeJA and BTH (but not INA) to entire plants (leaves, stems and flowers) resulted in a significant (< 0.05) overexpression of Pin2 (5.2‐fold) and PR‐4 (5.6‐fold) in pistil tissues, respectively. A statistically similar expression was obtained in pistils when flowers were protected from direct spray, indicating a systemic response. In blueberry, where information about IR marker genes is limited, PR‐3 and PR‐4 orthologs were first identified and characterized using in silico and wet‐laboratory techniques. In subsequent induction experiments, INA and BTH induced overexpression of PR‐4 in blueberry pistils by 3.2‐ and 1.8‐fold, respectively, when entire plants were treated. In blueberry flowers protected from spray applications, all chemicals applied to vegetative tissues led to significant overexpression of PR‐4 (MeJA: 1.4‐fold, BTH: 2.9‐fold and INA: 1.6‐fold), with BTH also inducing PR‐3 (1.7‐fold). The effect of these responses in protecting flowers was studied by inoculating treated tomato flowers with the necrotroph Botrytis cinerea and blueberry flowers with the hemi‐biotroph Monilinia vaccinii‐corymbosi. In both pathosystems, no significant disease suppression associated with resistance inducer application was observed under the conditions studied. Thus, although IR marker genes were shown to be inducible in floral tissue, the magnitude of this response was insufficient to suppress pathogen ingress.  相似文献   

Mit mutations that disrupt function of the mitochondrial electron transport chain can, inexplicably, prolong Caenorhabditis elegans lifespan. In this study we use a metabolomics approach to identify an ensemble of mitochondrial‐derived α‐ketoacids and α‐hydroxyacids that are produced by long‐lived Mit mutants but not by other long‐lived mutants or by short‐lived mitochondrial mutants. We show that accumulation of these compounds is dependent on concerted inhibition of three α‐ketoacid dehydrogenases that share dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (DLD) as a common subunit, a protein previously linked in humans with increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. When the expression of DLD in wild‐type animals was reduced using RNA interference we observed an unprecedented effect on lifespan – as RNAi dosage was increased lifespan was significantly shortened, but, at higher doses, it was significantly lengthened, suggesting that DLD plays a unique role in modulating length of life. Our findings provide novel insight into the origin of the Mit phenotype.  相似文献   

Pathogenic fungi are a growing health concern worldwide, particularly in large, densely populated cities. The dramatic upsurge of pigeon populations in cities has been implicated in the increased incidence of invasive fungal infections. In this study, we used a culture‐independent, high‐throughput sequencing approach to describe the diversity of clinically relevant fungi (CRF) associated with pigeon faeces and map the relative abundance of CRF across Seoul, Korea. In addition, we tested whether certain geographical, sociological and meteorological factors were significantly associated with the diversity and relative abundance of CRF. Finally, we compared the CRF diversity of fresh and old pigeon faeces to identify the source of the fungi and the role of pigeons in dispersal. Our results demonstrated that both the composition and relative abundance of CRF are unevenly distributed across Seoul. The green area ratio and the number of multiplex houses were positively correlated with species diversity, whereas wind speed and number of households were negatively correlated. The number of workers and green area ratio were positively correlated with the relative abundance of CRF, whereas wind speed was negatively correlated. Because many CRF were absent in fresh faeces, we inferred that most species cannot survive the gastrointestinal tract of pigeons and instead are likely transmitted through soil or air and use pigeon faeces as a substrate for proliferation.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to examine the effect of UV‐C on resistance of lettuce to Botrytis cinerea and Sclerotinia minor. Analysis of the lesion surfaces showed that plants exposed to UV‐C were less susceptible to the two pathogens, especially on the fourth day after inoculation. Chlorophyll, carotenoid contents and malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide were assayed after 1 day and 4 days. Lettuces treated with UV‐C and inoculated showed an increase in chlorophyll and carotenoid content, especially 24 h after inoculation, and low values of the two indicators of oxidative stress as compared with lettuces which were inoculated but did not receive UV‐C treatment.  相似文献   

By comparing the partial nucleotide sequences of the heat shock protein HSP70 homologue gene, we assessed the genetic diversity of Brazilian tomato isolates of Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV), as well as their relationship with other ToCV isolates found worldwide. The Brazilian ToCV isolates shared 99.9–100% nucleotide identity, which indicates low genetic diversity. Brazilian ToCV isolates showed a closer evolutionary relationship to those from Mediterranean countries. Based on these results, the origin of Brazilian ToCV isolates and the possible number of introductions of the virus into Brazil are discussed.  相似文献   

Diverse pathogens secrete effector proteins into plant cells to manipulate host cellular processes. Oomycete pathogens contain large complements of predicted effector genes defined by an RXLR host cell entry motif. The genome of Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis (Hpa, downy mildew of Arabidopsis) contains at least 134 candidate RXLR effector genes. Only a small subset of these genes is conserved in related oomycetes from the Phytophthora genus. Here, we describe a comparative functional characterization of the Hpa RXLR effector gene HaRxL96 and a homologous gene, PsAvh163, from the Glycine max (soybean) pathogen Phytophthora sojae. HaRxL96 and PsAvh163 are induced during the early stages of infection and carry a functional RXLR motif that is sufficient for protein uptake into plant cells. Both effectors can suppress immune responses in soybean. HaRxL96 suppresses immunity in Nicotiana benthamiana, whereas PsAvh163 induces an HR‐like cell death response in Nicotiana that is dependent on RAR1 and Hsp90.1. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing HaRxL96 or PsAvh163 exhibit elevated susceptibility to virulent and avirulent Hpa, as well as decreased callose deposition in response to non‐pathogenic Pseudomonas syringae. Both effectors interfere with defense marker gene induction, but do not affect salicylic acid biosynthesis. Together, these experiments demonstrate that evolutionarily conserved effectors from different oomycete species can suppress immunity in plant species that are divergent from the source pathogen’s host.  相似文献   

The ultraviolet radiation (UVR) component of sunlight is the major environmental risk factor for melanoma, producing DNA lesions that can be mutagenic if not repaired. The high level of mutations in melanomas that have the signature of UVR‐induced damage indicates that the normal mechanisms that detect and repair this damage must be defective in this system. With the exception of melanoma‐prone heritable syndromes which have mutations of repair genes, there is little evidence for somatic mutation of known repair genes. Cell cycle checkpoint controls are tightly associated with repair mechanisms, arresting cells to allow for repair before continuing through the cell cycle. Checkpoint signaling components also regulate the repair mechanisms. Defects in checkpoint mechanisms have been identified in melanomas and are likely to be responsible for increased mutation load in melanoma. Loss of the checkpoint responses may also provide an opportunity to target melanomas using a synthetic lethal approach to identify and inhibit mechanisms that compensate for the defective checkpoints.  相似文献   

The genus Phytophthora consists of many notorious pathogens of crops and forestry trees. At present, battling Phytophthora diseases is challenging due to a lack of understanding of their pathogenesis. We investigated the role of small RNAs in regulating soybean defense in response to infection by Phytophthora sojae, the second most destructive pathogen of soybean. Small RNAs, including microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), are universal regulators that repress target gene expression in eukaryotes. We identified known and novel small RNAs that differentially accumulated during P. sojae infection in soybean roots. Among them, miR393 and miR166 were induced by heat‐inactivated P. sojae hyphae, indicating that they may be involved in soybean basal defense. Indeed, knocking down the level of mature miR393 led to enhanced susceptibility of soybean to P. sojae; furthermore, the expression of isoflavonoid biosynthetic genes was drastically reduced in miR393 knockdown roots. These data suggest that miR393 promotes soybean defense against P. sojae. In addition to miRNAs, P. sojae infection also resulted in increased accumulation of phased siRNAs (phasiRNAs) that are predominantly generated from canonical resistance genes encoding nucleotide binding‐leucine rich repeat proteins and genes encoding pentatricopeptide repeat‐containing proteins. This work identifies specific miRNAs and phasiRNAs that regulate defense‐associated genes in soybean during Phytophthora infection.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet‐B (UV‐B) stress activates MAP kinases (MAPKs) MPK3 and MPK6 in Arabidopsis. MAPK activity must be tightly controlled in order to ensure an appropriate cellular outcome. MAPK phosphatases (MKPs) effectively control MAPKs by dephosphorylation of phosphothreonine and phosphotyrosine in their activation loops. Arabidopsis MKP1 is an important regulator of MPK3 and MPK6, and mkp1 knockout mutants are hypersensitive to UV‐B stress, which is associated with reduced inactivation of MPK3 and MPK6. Here, we demonstrate that MPK3 and MPK6 are hyperactivated in response to UV‐B in plants that are deficient in photorepair, suggesting that UV‐damaged DNA is a trigger of MAPK signaling. This is not due to a block in replication, as, in contrast to atr, the mkp1 mutant is not hypersensitive to the replication‐inhibiting drug hydroxyurea, hydroxyurea does not activate MPK3 and MPK6, and atr is not impaired in MPK3 and MPK6 activation in response to UV‐B. We further show that mkp1 leaves and roots are UV‐B hypersensitive, whereas atr is mainly affected at the root level. Tolerance to UV‐B stress has been previously associated with stem cell removal and CYCB1;1 accumulation. Although UV‐B‐induced stem cell death and CYCB1;1 expression are not altered in mkp1 roots, CYCB1;1 expression is reduced in mkp1 leaves. We conclude that the MKP1 and ATR pathways operate in parallel, with primary roles for ATR in roots and MKP1 in leaves.  相似文献   

Natural rubber (NR) is a nonfungible and valuable biopolymer, used to manufacture ~50 000 rubber products, including tires and medical gloves. Current production of NR is derived entirely from the para rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis). The increasing demand for NR, coupled with limitations and vulnerability of H. brasiliensis production systems, has induced increasing interest among scientists and companies in potential alternative NR crops. Genetic/metabolic pathway engineering approaches, to generate NR‐enriched genotypes of alternative NR plants, are of great importance. However, although our knowledge of rubber biochemistry has significantly advanced, our current understanding of NR biosynthesis, the biosynthetic machinery and the molecular mechanisms involved remains incomplete. Two spatially separated metabolic pathways provide precursors for NR biosynthesis in plants and their genes and enzymes/complexes are quite well understood. In contrast, understanding of the proteins and genes involved in the final step(s)—the synthesis of the high molecular weight rubber polymer itself—is only now beginning to emerge. In this review, we provide a critical evaluation of recent research developments in NR biosynthesis, in vitro reconstitution, and the genetic and metabolic pathway engineering advances intended to improve NR content in plants, including H. brasiliensis, two other prospective alternative rubber crops, namely the rubber dandelion and guayule, and model species, such as lettuce. We describe a new model of the rubber transferase complex, which integrates these developments. In addition, we highlight the current challenges in NR biosynthesis research and future perspectives on metabolic pathway engineering of NR to speed alternative rubber crop commercial development.  相似文献   

Many aspects of barnacle body form are known to be developmentally plastic. Perhaps the most striking examples of such plasticity occur in their feeding legs and unusually long penises, the sizes and shapes of which can change dramatically and adaptively with changes in conspecific density and local water flow conditions. However, whether variation in overall appendage form is mirrored by structural responses in cuticle and muscle is not known. In order to determine how structural variation underlies phenotypic plasticity in barnacle appendages, we examined barnacles occurring at low and high population densities from one wave‐protected and one wave‐exposed site. We used histological sectioning and fluorescence microscopy of feeding legs and penises to compare cuticle thickness, muscle thickness, and muscle organization, and artificial penis inflation to compare penis extensibility. We observed striking differences in cuticle thickness, muscle thickness, and muscle organization between sites that differed in water velocity, but we found no clear differences associated with variation in conspecific density. Penis extensibility also did not differ consistently between sites. These results are consistent with an adaptive explanation for much of the remarkable and complex variation in barnacle feeding leg and penis morphology among sites that differ in water velocity.  相似文献   

The biological clock affects aging through ras‐1 (bd) and lag‐1, and these two longevity genes together affect a clock phenotype and the clock oscillator in Neurospora crassa. Using an automated cell‐counting technique for measuring conidial longevity, we show that the clock‐associated genes lag‐1 and ras‐1 (bd) are true chronological longevity genes. For example, wild type (WT) has an estimated median life span of 24 days, while the double mutant lag‐1, ras‐1 (bd) has an estimated median life span of 120 days for macroconidia. We establish the biochemical function of lag‐1 by complementing LAG1 and LAC1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae with lag‐1 in N. crassa. Longevity genes can affect the clock as well in that, the double mutant lag‐1, ras‐1 (bd) can stop the circadian rhythm in asexual reproduction (i.e., banding in race tubes) and lengthen the period of the frequency oscillator to 41 h. In contrast to the ras‐1 (bd), lag‐1 effects on chronological longevity, we find that this double mutant undergoes replicative senescence (i.e., the loss of replication function with time), unlike WT or the single mutants, lag‐1 and ras‐1 (bd). These results support the hypothesis that sphingolipid metabolism links aging and the biological clock through a common stress response  相似文献   

嗜肺军团菌(Legionella pneumophila)是一种能引起被称为“军团病”的严重肺炎的致病菌,其利用自身的IVB型分泌系统(type IVB secretion systems)将效应蛋白转运到宿主细胞中,作用于宿主蛋白质和脂质,以形成军团菌在宿主细胞内生长所需的吞噬泡(Legionella-containing vacuole,LCV)。磷酸酰肌醇(phosphatidylinositols,PIs)作为细胞的重要脂质组成,参与细胞信号转导及囊泡转运等过程。而大量的证据表明嗜肺军团菌利用其效应蛋白调控宿主磷酸酰肌醇类脂质代谢及其LCV膜的脂质组成,以促进LCV的成熟。本文主要从军团菌的致病机制、其效应蛋白对磷酸酰肌醇类脂质的代谢调控及对宿主磷脂酰肌醇代谢酶的招募等方面进行了综述分析,期望对进一步理解军团菌调控宿主脂质代谢分子机制和其致病机制提供参考。  相似文献   

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