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For declining wild populations, a critical aspect of effective conservation is understanding when and where the causes of decline occur. The primary drivers of decline in migratory and seasonal populations can often be attributed to a specific period of the year. However, generic, broadly applicable indicators of these season‐specific drivers of population decline remain elusive. We used a multi‐generation experiment to investigate whether habitat loss in either the breeding or non‐breeding period generated distinct signatures of population decline. When breeding habitat was reduced, population size remained relatively stable for several generations, before declining precipitously. When non‐breeding habitat was reduced, between‐season variation in population counts increased relative to control populations, and non‐breeding population size declined steadily. Changes in seasonal vital rates and other indicators were predicted by the season in which habitat loss treatment occurred. Per capita reproductive output increased when non‐breeding habitat was reduced and decreased with breeding habitat reduction, whereas per capita non‐breeding survival showed the opposite trends. Our results reveal how simple signals inherent in counts and demographics of declining populations can indicate which period of the annual cycle is driving declines.  相似文献   

Plants of Silene armeria L., strain S2.1, a quantitative long-day (LD) species which is known to react to GA3 by flowering after attaining, the'intermediate stage', were induced by two LD or by two GA3 applications. Changes in the mitotic index and DNA content (microdensitometric estimation) of cells in the axial zone, lateral zone and rib meristem of the shoot apex were observed during the first 48 h of each treatment. Similar mitotic activation occurred in response to LD or GA3 after a 6-8 h lag period. This was preceded by a decrease in the proportion of nuclei with a 2C DNA content, indicating that in this species the control point for the shortening of the cell cycle was essentially in G1. A second mitotic peak was observed 16 h later in photoinduced meristems, resulting in more pronounced cellular synchronization. These further events were not seen in GA3-treated plants where only the meristematic activity was slightly, but reproducibly higher than in the control. Thus, two successive synchronizations of cell division are a typical feature of LD induction. The data are discussed with regard to the competence of shoot apical cells to be reactivated. The essential changes for the transition to flowering depend on these differential patterns of cell reactivation.  相似文献   

Leptin can enhance thymopoiesis and modulate the T-cell immune response. However, it remains controversial whether these effects correlate with the expression of leptin receptor, ObR. We herein addressed this issue by using in vivo animal models and in vitro culture systems. Leptin treatment in both ob/ob mice and normal young mice induced increases of CD4 SP thymocytes in thymus and CD4 T cells in the periphery. Interestingly, expression of the long form ObR was significantly restricted to DN, DP and CD4 SP, but not CD8 SP thymocytes. Moreover, in the reaggregated DP thymocyte cultures with leptin plus TSCs, leptin profoundly induced differentiation of CD4 SP but not CD8 SP thymocytes, suggesting that the effects of leptin on thymocyte differentiation might be closely related to the expression of leptin receptor in developing thymocytes. Surprisingly, ObR expression was markedly higher in peripheral CD4 T cells than that in CD8 T cells. Furthermore, leptin treatment with or without IL-2 and PHA had preferential effects on cell proliferation of CD4 T cells compared to that of CD8 T cells. Collectively, these data provide evidence that the effects of leptin on differentiation and proliferation of CD4 T cells might be closely related to the expression of leptin receptor.  相似文献   

The maintenance of genetic diversity is one of the chief concerns in the captive breeding of endangered species. Using microsatellite and mtDNA markers, we examined the effects of two key variables (parental number and duration of breeding period) on effective population size (Ne) and genetic diversity of offspring in an experimental breeding program for the endangered Tokyo bitterling, Tanakia tanago. Average heterozygosity and number of alleles of offspring estimated from microsatellite data increased with parental number in a breeding aquarium, and exhibited higher values for a long breeding period treatment (9 weeks) compared with a short breeding period (3 weeks). Haplotype diversity in mtDNA of offspring decreased with the reduction in parental number, and this tendency was greater for the short breeding period treatment. Genetic estimates of Ne obtained with two single‐sample estimation methods were consistently higher for the long breeding period treatment with the same number of parental fish. Average Ne/N ratios were ranged from 0.5 to 1.4, and were high especially in the long breeding period with small and medium parental number treatments. Our results suggest that the spawning intervals of females and alternative mating behaviors of males influence the effective size and genetic diversity of offspring in bitterling. To maintain the genetic diversity of captive T. tanago, we recommend that captive breeding programs should be conducted for a sufficiently long period with an optimal level of parental density, as well as using an adequate number of parents. Zoo Biol 31:656‐668, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Transient kinetic analyses further support the role of the clamp-loader in bacteriophage T4 as a catalyst which loads the clamp onto DNA through the sequential hydrolysis of two molecules of ATP before and after addition of DNA. Additional rapid-quench and pulse-chase experiments have documented this stoichiometry. The events of ATP hydrolysis have been related to the opening/closing of the clamp protein through fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). In the absence of a hydrolysable form of ATP, the distance across the subunit interface of the clamp does not increase as measured by intramolecular FRET, suggesting gp45 cannot be loaded onto DNA. Therefore, ATP hydrolysis by the clamp-loader appears to open the clamp wide enough to encircle DNA easily. Two additional molecules of ATP then are hydrolyzed to close the clamp onto DNA. The presence of an intermolecular FRET signal indicated that the dissociation of the clamp-loader from this complex occurred after guiding the polymerase onto the correct face of the clamp bound to DNA. The final holoenzyme complex consists of the clamp, DNA, and the polymerase. Although this sequential assembly mechanism can be generally applied to most other replication systems studied to date, the specifics of ATP utilization seem to vary across replication systems.  相似文献   

During seed maturation, cells from embryonic tissues stop division at different phases of the cell cycle. In maize, neither these phases nor the effect of exogenous auxin on them are known. Disinfected whole maize ( Zea mays L. Mexican commercial hybrid H30) seeds or sectioned embryonic axes were incubated in Murashige and Skoog medium, with or without 2-(2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxy)propionic acid (MCPP), a synthetic auxin. For some in vitro experiments, radioactive [3H]-thymidine was also added. After the stated incubation period, meristems of mesocotyl, primary and seminal roots from embryonic axes were dissected, fixed, and analyzed under a microscope. The percentage of mitotic indices was recorded. In the labeling experiments, labeled and non-labeled percentage of mitotic figures (MI %) were determined. It was found that cell division is a programmed event in the meristematic tissues of maize embryonic axes. Populations of cells entering cell division were obseved during the germination process. The mesocotyl was the first tissue to divide, followed by seminal and primary roots.
Meristematic cells from dry embryos are arrested during the G2 and G1 phases of the cell cycle. MCPP has a differential effect, stimulating G2 cells to enter cell division. It is concluded that MCPP might regulate the cell cycle at specific points.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM) is the principle mediator of the Ca2+ signal in all eukaryotic cells. A huge variety of basic cellular processes including cell cycle control, proliferation, secretion and motility, among many others are governed by CaM, which regulates activities of myriads of target proteins. Mammalian CaM is encoded by three genes localized on different chromosomes all producing an identical protein. In this study, we have generated HeLa human cancer cells conditionally expressing CaM in a genetic background with all three genes inactivated by CRISPR/Cas9. We demonstrate that downregulation of ectopically expressed CaM is achieved after 120 h, when cells are arrested in the M phase of the cell cycle. We show for the first time that CaM downregulation in human cancer cells is followed by a multinucleated senescent state as indicated by expression of β-galactosidase as well as cell morphology typical for senescent cells. Our newly generated genetic system may be useful for the analysis of other CaM regulated processes in eukaryotic cells in the absence of endogenous CaM genes.  相似文献   

Quinazolines are multitarget agents, which have broad spectrum of biological activity, and some of them are now in cancer clinical testing. 3-(5-nitro-2-thienyl)-9-chloro-5-morpholin-4-yl[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-c]quinazoline is a new synthetically prepared derivative, which in our previous study showed cytotoxic effects on cancer cell lines HeLa and B16. Quinazoline, at micromolar concentrations, induced morphological changes and necrosis of B16 cells, and at nanomolar concentrations it produced changes of F-actin cytoskeleton. It did not cause changes in the cell cycle, did not induce apoptotic cell death in B16 cells, did not have a mutagenic effect, and did not even behave as a typical intercalating agent. Little significant reduction of tumor volume in intramuscular transplanted B16 cells was observed. The aim of the present study was to examine the cytotoxic effect of 3-(5-nitro-2-thienyl)-9-chloro-5-morpholin-4-yl[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-c]quinazoline on murine leukemia L1210 cells and fibroblast NIH-3T3 cells. Induction of cell morphology and cell cycle changes, induction of apoptosis and caspase 3 activity were studied. Quinazoline acted cytotoxically on both cell lines. The sensitivity of leukemia L1210 cells to the quinazoline was higher than that of fibroblast NIH-3T3. The IC(100) was 12 microM for L1210 cells and 24 microM for NIH-3T3 cells. No effect of quinazoline on the cell cycle profile of L1210 and NIH-3T3 was detected, however, quinazoline induced an increase of the sub-G(0) cell fraction, apoptotic DNA fragmentation, and apoptotic morphological changes at a concentration of 12 microM. This quinazoline concentration induced caspase 3 activity. Our results demonstrated that induction of apoptotic cell death via activation of caspase 3 contributed to the cytotoxic effects of 3-(5-nitro-2-thienyl)-9-chloro-5-morpholin-4-yl[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-c]quinazoline in murine leukemia L1210 cells.  相似文献   

Current clinically assays, such as enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay and chemiluminescence immunoassay, for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) are inferior in terms of either sensitivity and accuracy or rapid and high‐throughput analysis. A novel assay based on magnetic beads and time‐resolved fluoroimmunoassay was developed for the quantitative determination of HBsAg in human serum. HBsAg was captured using two types of anti‐HBsAg monoclonal antibodies (B028, S015) immobilized on to magnetic beads and detected using europium‐labeled anti‐HBsAg polyclonal detection antibody. Finally, the assay yielded a high sensitivity (0.02 IU/mL) and a wide dynamic range (0.02–700 IU/mL) for HBsAg when performed under optimal conditions. Satisfactory accuracy, recovery and specificity were also demonstrated. The intra‐ and interassay coefficients of variation were 4.7–8.7% and 3.8–7.5%, respectively. The performance of this assay was further assessed against a well‐established commercial chemiluminescence immunoassay kit with 399 clinical serum samples. It was revealed that the test results for the two methods were in good correlation (Y = 1.182X – 0.017, R = 0.989). In the current study, we demonstrated that this novel time‐resolved fluoroimmunoassay could be used: as a highly sensitive, automated and high‐throughput immunoassay for the diagnosis of acute or chronic hepatitis B virus infection; for the screening of blood or organ donors; and for the surveillance of persons at risk of acquiring or transmitting hepatitis B virus. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this experiment, conducted under greenhouse conditions, was to assess the influence of various H(2)SeO(3) concentrations added to soil (0.05, 0.15, and 0.45mMkg(-1)) on selenium and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) content, and on the activity of the ascorbate-glutathione cycle enzymes in green parts of wheat and oilseed rape. Selenium uptake by the test plants was found to vary, with content increasing from one developmental stage to the next over four stages of the developmental cycle. At the lowest H(2)SeO(3) dose (0.05mMkg(-1)), the wheat plants took up much more selenium than did the oilseed rape plants, while the amount of selenium taken up at higher doses (0.15 and 0.45mMkg(-1)) was markedly higher in rape. The increasing Se content in the wheat to about 10mgkg(-1) (in the dark) and to about 16mgkg(-1) (in the light) was accompanied by a concurrent increase in the ATP content, which remained unchanged in the light-exposed plants, while clearly decreasing in those kept in the dark. On the other hand, the ATP content of the light-exposed oilseed rape was maintained at a stable level to about 10mg Sekg(-1), following which ATP content was observed to decrease. In contrast, the tendency for the ATP content to decrease appeared immediately in the dark. The increasing plant selenium concentration was accompanied by decreased APX activity in wheat, increased activity in oilseed rape, no major change in the dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) activity in oilseed rape and a slight increase in wheat to about 8mg Sekg(-1), followed by a reduction. The glutathione reductase (GR) activity in wheat differed from the activity of DHAR; an increase in the selenium content to about 8mgkg(-1) was accompanied by a distinct reduction, while a significant increase was observed at higher selenium contents; in oilseed rape, the activity was observed to increase slightly within a narrow range of selenium contents (up to 5mgkg(-1)), and to decrease thereafter.  相似文献   

The effects of 4-hydroxy-4-androstene-3,17-dione (4-OH-A) and 10-propargylestr-4-ene-3,17-dione (PED) on the aromatization of androstenedione (A) and the conversion of A to testosterone (T) were studied in incubations with breast carcinoma and breast adipose tissues. Parallel studies were carried out to determine the effects of 4-OH-A and PED on A metabolism in tissue from 5 patients with breast carcinoma. At 11 μM, both compounds fully inhibited aromatization, whereas the conversion of A to T was decreased in only 2 incubations.Studies with varying concentrations of 4-OH-A and PED demonstrated that both compounds inhibited estrone (E1) formation by 80% at a concentration of 0.085 μM, with maximum effect at 0.34 μM. 90% inhibition of estradiol (E2) formation was observed at inhibitor concentrations of 0.17 μM or greater. T formation was slightly affected at 0.67 μM, but was progressively inhibited with increasing 4-OH-A or PED concentrations, reaching 70% at 11 μM.Similar experiments with 4-OH-A in breast adipose tissue homogenates showed that a concentration of 0.1 μM was sufficient to inhibit aromatization while T inhibition required 11 μM.4-OH-A and PED are selective inhibitors of aromatization in human breast tissues and may provide a mechanism for controlling estrogen responsive processes.  相似文献   

A new system for the determination of nucleic acid by rare earth metallic porphyrin of [tetra‐(3‐methoxy‐4‐hydroxyphenyl)]–Tb3+ [T(3‐MO‐4HP)–Tb3+] porphyrin as fluorescence spectral probe has been developed in this paper. Nucleic acid can enhance the fluorescence intensity of the T(3‐MO‐4HP)–Tb3+ porphyrin in the presence of bis(2‐ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate sodium salt(AOT) micelle. In pH 8.00 Tris–HCl buffer solution, under optimum conditions, the enhanced fluorescence intensity is in proportion to the concentration of nucleic acids in the range of 0.05–3.00 µg mL?1 for calf thymus DNA (ct DNA) and 0.03–4.80 µg mL?1 for fish sperm DNA(fs DNA). Their detection limits are 0.03 and 0.01 µg mL?1, respectively. In addition, the binding interaction mechanism between T(3‐MO‐4HP)–Tb3+ porphyrin and ct DNA is also investigated by resonance scattering and fluorescence spectra. The maximum binding number is calculated by molar ratio method. The new system can be used for the determination of nucleic acid in pig liver, yielding satisfactory results. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Transformer‐4 version 2.0.1 (T4) is a multi‐platform freeware programmed in java that can transform a genotype matrix in Excel or XML format into the input formats of one or several of the most commonly used population genetic software, for any possible combination of the populations that the matrix contains. T4 also allows the users to (i) draw allozyme gel interpretations for any number of diploid individuals, and then generate a genotype matrix ready to be used by T4; and (ii) produce basic reports about the data in the matrices. Furthermore, T4 is the only way to optionally submit ‘genetic diversity digests’ for publication in the Demiurge online information system ( http://www.demiurge-project.org ). Each such digest undergoes peer‐review, and it consists of a geo‐referenced data matrix in the tfm4 format plus any ancillary document or hyperlink that the digest authors see fit to include. The complementarity between T4 and Demiurge facilitates a free, safe, permanent, and standardized data archival and analysis system for researchers, and may also be a convenient resource for scientific journals, public administrations, or higher educators. T4 and its converters are freely available (at, respectively, http://www.demiurge-project.org/download_t4 and http://www.demiurge-project.org/converterstore ) upon registration in the Demiurge information system ( http://demiurge-project.org/register ). Users have to click on the link provided on an account validation email, and accept Demiurge's terms of use (see http://www.demiurge-project.org/termsofuse ). A thorough user's guide is available within T4. A 3‐min promotional video about T4 and Demiurge can be seen at http://vimeo.com/29828406 .  相似文献   

This study reported the synthesis of Vicenin‐2 gold nanoparticles (VN‐AuNPs) and evaluated their effect on the glucose utilization efficiency of 3T3‐L1 adipocytes. The VN‐AuNPs were characterized by microscopic, DLS and spectral analysis. The bio‐reducing efficiency of Vicenin‐2 (VN) was computed and confirmed by HPLC analysis. The stability of VN‐AuNPs in various physiological media was explored. The cytotoxicity and glucose uptake assays were performed in 3T3‐L1 adipocytes. The docking of VN with PTP1B and AMPK was also performed. The color change and UV absorption at 537 nm preliminarily confirmed the VN reduced gold nanoparticles. The VN‐AuNPs appeared as spherical particles (57 nm) and face centered cubic crystals under TEM and XRD analysis, respectively. Its zeta potential was found to be ?6.53 mV. The FT‐IR spectra of VN and its AuNPs confirmed its stability. The computed reducing potential of VN was similar to the extent of VN utilized during the synthesis of VN‐AuNPs. The VN‐AuNPs showed a remarkable stability in different physiological media. At 100 µM concentration, VN‐AuNPs displayed 78.21% cell viability. A concentration dependent increase in glucose uptake was noted in 3T3‐L1 adipocytes when incubated with VN‐AuNPs. The docking data revealed a strong interaction of VN with the binding pockets of PTP1B and AMPK. This demonstrates that the fabricated VN‐AuNPs might enhance the intracellular VN availability mediated cellular glucose utilization and this would serve as a novel nanodrug for the management of diabetes. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:1096–1106, 2015  相似文献   

The effect of the sulphur atom on the uracil ring was analyzed in different DNA:RNA microhelixes with three nucleotide base-pairs, including uridine, 2-thiouridine, 4-thiouridine, 2,4-dithiouridine, cytidine, adenosine and guanosine. Distinct backbone and helical parameters were optimized at different density functional (DFT) levels. The Watson-Crick pair with 2-thiouridine appears weaker than with uridine, but its interaction with water molecules appears easier. Two types of microhelixes were found, depending on the H-bond of H2′ hydroxyl atom: A-type appears with the ribose ring in 3E-envelope C3′-endo, and B-type in 2E-envelope C2′-endo. B-type is less common but it is more stable and with higher dipole-moment. The sulphur atoms significantly increase the dipole-moment of the microhelix, as well as the rise and propeller twist parameters. Simulations with four Na atoms H-bonded to the phosphate groups, and further hydration with explicit water molecules were carried out. A re-definition of the numerical value calculation of several base-pair and base-stacking parameters is suggested.  相似文献   

We have completely sequenced and annotated the genomes of several relatives of the bacteriophage T4, including three coliphages (RB43, RB49 and RB69), three Aeromonas salmonicida phages (44RR2.8t, 25 and 31) and one Aeromonas hydrophila phage (Aeh1). In addition, we have partially sequenced and annotated the T4-like genomes of coliphage RB16 (a close relative of RB43), A. salmonicida phage 65, Acinetobacter johnsonii phage 133 and Vibrio natriegens phage nt-1. Each of these phage genomes exhibited a unique sequence that distinguished it from its relatives, although there were examples of genomes that are very similar to each other. As a group the phages compared here diverge from one another by several criteria, including (a) host range, (b) genome size in the range between approximately 160 kb and approximately 250 kb, (c) content and genetic organization of their T4-like genes for DNA metabolism, (d) mutational drift of the predicted T4-like gene products and their regulatory sites and (e) content of open-reading frames that have no counterparts in T4 or other known organisms (novel ORFs). We have observed a number of DNA rearrangements of the T4 genome type, some exhibiting proximity to putative homing endonuclease genes. Also, we cite and discuss examples of sequence divergence in the predicted sites for protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interactions of homologues of the T4 DNA replication proteins, with emphasis on the diversity in sequence, molecular form and regulation of the phage-encoded DNA polymerase, gp43. Five of the sequenced phage genomes are predicted to encode split forms of this polymerase. Our studies suggest that the modular construction and plasticity of the T4 genome type and several of its replication proteins may offer resilience to mutation, including DNA rearrangements, and facilitate the adaptation of T4-like phages to different bacterial hosts in nature.  相似文献   

Perchloric acid extracts of LLC-PK1/Cl4 cells, a renal epithelial cell line, incubated with either [2-13C]glycine l-[3-13C]alanine, or d,l-[3-13C]aspartic acid were investigated by 13C-NMR spectroscopy. All amino acids, except labelled glycine, gave rise to glycolytic products and tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) intermediates. For the first time we also observed activity of γ-glutamyltransferase activity and glutathione synthetase activity in LLC-PK1 cells, as is evident from enrichment of reduced glutathione. Time courseS showed that only 6% of the labelled glycine was utilized in 30 min, whereas 31% of l-alanine and 60% of l-aspartic acid was utilized during the same period. 13C-NMR was also shown to be a useful tool for the determination of amino acid uptake in LLC-PK1 cells. These uptake experiments indicated that glycine alanine and aspartic acid are transported into Cl4 cells via a sodium-dependent process. From the relative enrichment of the glutamate carbons, we calculated the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase to be about 61% of when labelled l-alanine was the only carbon source for LLC-PK1/Cl4 cells. Experiments with labelled d,l-aspartic, however, showed that about 40% of C-3-enriched oxaloacetate (arising from a de-amination of aspartic acid) reached the pyruvate pool.  相似文献   

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