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Wu Y  Xu X  Li S  Liu T  Ma L  Shang Z 《The New phytologist》2007,176(3):550-559
The role of heterotrimeric G proteins in pollen germination and tube growth was investigated using Arabidopsis thaliana plants in which the gene (GPA) encoding the G-protein a subunit (Galpha) was null or overexpressed. Pollen germination, free cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)](cyt)) and Ca(2+) channel activity in the plasma membrane (PM) of pollen cells were investigated. Results showed that, compared with pollen grains of the wild type (ecotype Wassilewskija, ws), in vitro germinated pollen of Galpha null mutants (gpa1-1 and gpa1-2) had lower germination percentages and shorter pollen tubes, while pollen from Galpha overexpression lines (wGalpha and cGalpha) had higher germination percentages and longer pollen tubes. Compared with ws pollen cells, [Ca(2+)](cyt) was lower in gpa1-1 and gpa1-2 and higher in wGalpha and cGalpha. In whole-cell patch clamp recordings, a hyperpolarization-activated Ca(2+)-permeable conductance was identified in the PM of pollen protoplasts. The conductance was suppressed by trivalent cations but insensitive to organic blockers; its permeability to divalent cations was Ba(2+) > Ca(2+) > Mg(2+) > Sr(2+) > Mn(2+). The activity of the Ca(2+)-permeable channel conductance was down-regulated in pollen protoplasts of gpa1-1 and gpa1-2, and up-regulated in wGalpha and cGalpha. The results suggest that Galpha may participate in pollen germination through modulation of the hyperpolarization-activated Ca(2+) channel in the PM of pollen cells.  相似文献   

Most K+ channels in plants are structurally classified into the Shaker family named after the shaker K+ channel in Drosophila. Plant K+ channels function in many physiological processes including osmotic regulation and K+ nutrition. An outwardly rectifying K+ channel, SKOR, mediates the delivery of K+ from stelar cells to the xylem in the roots, a critical step in the long-distance distribution of K+ from roots to the upper parts of the plant. Here we report that SKOR channel activity is strictly dependent on intracellular K+ concentrations. Activation by K+ did not affect the kinetics of voltage dependence in SKOR, indicating that a voltage-independent gating mechanism underlies the K+ sensing process. Further analysis showed that the C-terminal non-transmembrane region of the SKOR protein was required for this sensing process. The intracellular K+ sensing mechanism couples SKOR activity to K+ nutrition status in the 'source cells', thereby establishing a supply-based unloading system for the regulation of K+ distribution.  相似文献   

Plant‐derived smoke stimulates seed germination in numerous plant species. Smoke also has a positive stimulatory effect on pollen germination and pollen tube growth. The range of plant families affected my smoke still needs to be established since the initial study was restricted to only three species from the Amaryllidaceae. The effects of smoke‐water (SW) and the smoke‐derived compounds, karrikinolide (KAR1) and trimethylbutenolide (TMB) on pollen growth characteristics were evaluated in seven different plant families. Smoke‐water (1:1000 and 1:2000 v:v) combined with either Brewbaker and Kwack's (BWK) medium or sucrose and boric acid (SB) medium significantly improved pollen germination and pollen tube growth in Aloe maculata All., Kniphofia uvaria Oken, Lachenalia aloides (L.f.) Engl. var. aloides and Tulbaghia simmleri P. Beauv. Karrikinolide (10?6 and 10?7 m ) treatment significantly improved pollen tube growth in A. maculata, K. uvaria, L. aloides and Nematanthus crassifolius (Schott) Wiehle compared to the controls. BWK or SB medium containing TMB (10?3 m ) produced significantly longer pollen tubes in A. maculata, K. uvaria and N. crassifolius. These results indicate that plant‐derived smoke and the smoke‐isolated compounds may stimulate pollen growth in a wide range of plant species.  相似文献   

Pollen is the male gametophyte of seed plants and its tube growth is essential for successful fertilization. Mounting evidence has demonstrated that actin organization and regulation plays a central role in the process of its germination and polarized growth. The native structures and dynamics of actin are subtly modulated by many factors among which numerous actin binding proteins (ABPs) are the most direct and significant regulators. Upstream signals such as Ca2+, PIP2 (phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bis-phosphate) and GTPases can also indirectly act on actin organization through several ABPs. Under such elaborate regulation, actin structures show dynamically continuous modulation to adapt to the in vivo biologic functions to mediate secretory vesicle transportation and fusion, which lead to normal growth of the pollen tube. Many encouraging progress has been made in the connection between actin regulation and pollen tube growth in recent years. In this review, we summarize different factors that affect actin organization in pollen tube growth and highlight relative research progress.  相似文献   

短暂脑缺血可对随后的损伤性脑缺血表现出明显的耐受.有研究表明大电导Ca2+依赖K+(BKCa)通道活动增强参与了缺血性脑损伤.采用膜片钳的内面向外式,观察了3 min短暂脑缺血后6 h、24 h以及48 h大鼠海马CA1区锥体细胞上BKCa通道活动的动态变化.短暂脑缺血后BKCa通道的单通道电导和翻转电位均未见明显变化,但通道的开放概率则在缺血预处理后的前24 h内显著降低.通道动力学分析显示通道关闭时间变长是短暂脑缺血后通道活动降低的主要原因,因为通道的开放时间未发生明显变化.结果提示短暂脑缺血所致的BKCa通道活动降低可能与缺血耐受的产生有关.  相似文献   

Spermidine (Spd) has been correlated with various physiological and developmental processes in plants, including pollen tube growth. In this work, we show that Spd induces an increase in the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration that accompanies pollen tube growth. Using the whole‐cell patch clamp and outside‐out single‐channel patch clamp configurations, we show that exogenous Spd induces a hyperpolarization‐activated Ca2+ current: the addition of Spd cannot induce the channel open probability increase in excised outside‐out patches, indicating that the effect of Spd in the induction of Ca2+ currents is exerted via a second messenger. This messenger is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and is generated during Spd oxidation, a reaction mediated by polyamine oxidase (PAO). These reactive oxygen species trigger the opening of the hyperpolarization‐activated Ca2+‐permeable channels in pollen. To provide further evidence that PAO is in fact responsible for the effect of Spd on the Ca2+‐permeable channels, two Arabidopsis mutants lacking expression of the peroxisomal‐encoding AtPAO3 gene, were isolated and characterized. Pollen from these mutants was unable to induce the opening of the Ca2+‐permeable channels in the presence of Spd, resulting in reduced pollen tube growth and seed number. However, a high Spd concentration triggers a Ca2+ influx beyond the optimal, which has a deleterious effect. These findings strongly suggest that the Spd‐derived H2O2 signals Ca2+ influx, thereby regulating pollen tube growth.  相似文献   

In flowering plants, male gametes are delivered to female gametes for double fertilization through pollen tubes.Therefore, pollen tube growth is crucial for double fertilization. Despite its importance to sexual reproduction, genetic mechanisms of pollen tube growth remain poorly understood.In this study, we characterized the receptor-like cytoplasmic protein kinase(RLCK) gene, MARIS(MRI) that plays critical roles in pollen tube growth. MRI is preferentially expressed in pollen grains, pollen tubes and roots. Mutation in MRI by a Ds insertion led to a burst of pollen tubes after pollen germination. Pollen-rescue assay by pollen and pollen tubespecific expression of MRI in the mri-4 mutant showed that loss of MRI function also severely affected root hair elongation. MRI protein interacted with the protein kinase OXIDATIVE SIGNAL INDUCIBLE1(OXI1) in the in vitro and in vivo assays, which functions in plant defence and root hair development, and was phosphorylated by OXI1 in vitro. Our results suggest that MRI plays important roles in pollen tube growth and may function in root hair elongation through interaction with OXI1.  相似文献   

Summary The involvement of exogenous calcium ions in the regulation of pollen tube formation has been investigated in Haemanthus albiflos L. and Oenothera biennis L. by following the changes that occur in pollen germination, tube growth, and 45+Ca2+ uptake and distribution upon application of Verapamil (an inhibitor of calcium channels), lanthanum (a Ca2+ substitute), and ruthenium red (believed to raise the intracellular calcium level). It was found that exogenous Ca2+ takes part in the formation of the calcium gradient present in germinating pollen grains and growing pollen tubes. Ca2+ ions enter the cells through calcium channels. Raising or reducing 45Ca2+ uptake causes disturbances in the germination of the pollen grains and in the growth of the pollen tubes.  相似文献   

Actin is an ancient conserved protein that is encoded by multiple isovariants in multicellular organisms. There are eight functional actin genes in the Arabidopsis genome, and the precise function and mechanism of action of each isovariant remain poorly understood. Here, we report the characterization of ACT11, a reproductive actin isovariant. Our studies reveal that loss of function of ACT11 causes a delay in pollen germination, but enhances pollen tube growth. Cytological analysis revealed that the amount of filamentous actin decreased, and the rate of actin turnover increased in act11 pollen. Convergence of actin filaments upon the germination aperture was impaired in act11 pollen, consistent with the observed delay of germination. Reduction of actin dynamics with jasplakinolide suppressed the germination and tube growth phenotypes in act11 pollen, suggesting that the underlying mechanisms involve an increase in actin dynamics. Thus, we demonstrate that ACT11 is required to maintain the rate of actin turnover in order to promote pollen germination and maintain the normal rate of pollen tube growth.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd2+) interferes with the uptake, transport and utilization of several macro‐ and micronutrients, which accounts, at least in part, for Cd2+ toxicity in plants. However, the mechanisms underlying Cd2+ interference of ionic homeostasis is not understood. Using biophysical techniques including membrane potential measurements, scanning ion‐selective electrode technique for non‐invasive ion flux assays and patch clamp, we monitored the effect of Cd2+ on calcium (Ca2+) and potassium (K+) transport in root hair cells of rice. Our results showed that K+ and Ca2+ contents in both roots and shoots were significantly reduced when treated with exogenous Cd2+. Further studies revealed that three cellular processes may be affected by Cd2+, leading to changes in ionic homeostasis. First, Cd2+‐induced depolarization of the membrane potential was observed in root hair cells, attenuating the driving force for cation uptake. Second, the inward conductance of Ca2+ and K+ was partially blocked by Cd2+, decreasing uptake of K+ and Ca2+. Third, the outward K+ conductance was Cd2+‐inducible, decreasing the net content of K+ in roots. These results provide direct evidence that Cd2+ impairs uptake of Ca2+ and K+, thereby disturbing ion homeostasis in plants.  相似文献   

The effects of G-protein activation were investigated on tonic, large depolarization-induced Ca2+ channel facilitation in cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. Under whole-cell voltage clamp, activation of G proteins by intracellular dialysis with 200 M GTP-S did not significantly affect prepulse facilitation or whole-cell Ba2+ current (I Ba) density. In contrast, inactivation of G proteins by intracellular GDP-S or pertussis toxin (PTX) pretreatment completely abolished or markedly attenuated facilitation of I Ba, respectively. GDP-S dialysis resulted in nearly a threefold increase in peak I Ba density, whereas PTX pretreatment resulted in a 50% increase. Our results indicate that under control recording conditions (200 m intracellular GTP), G proteins are tonically activated and suppress high-voltage-activated (HVA) Ca2+ channels in a voltage-dependent and voltage-independent manner. Local superfusion of chromaffin cells with normal bath solution produced a rapid and reversible increase (50%) in I Ba amplitudes that also abolished prepulse facilitation. Together, these results demonstrate that tonic facilitation of HVA Ca2+ channels in bovine chromaffin cells involves the voltage-dependent relief of a G-protein-mediated suppression, imposed by chromaffin cell secretory products that feedback and activate G-protein-coupled autoreceptors.This work was supported by a National Science Foundation grant (DCB-8812562), American Heart Association-Ohio Affiliate grant (SW-91-18), and an American Parkinson's Disease Association grant. C.A.D. was supported by a predoctoral National Research Service Award (National Institutes of Health training grant HL07571-08). The authors thank Kluener's Packing Co. for their generous supply of adrenal glands.  相似文献   

Potassium transporters and channels play crucial roles in K+ uptake and translocation in plant cells. These roles are essential for plant growth and development. AKT1 is an important K+ channel in Arabidopsis roots that is involved in K+ uptake. It is known that AKT1 is activated by a protein kinase CIPK23 interacting with two calcineurin B‐like proteins CBL1/CBL9. The present study showed that another calcineurin B‐like protein (CBL10) may also regulate AKT1 activity. The CBL10‐over‐expressing lines showed a phenotype as sensitive as that of the akt1 mutant under low‐K+ conditions. In addition, the K+ content of both CBL10‐over‐expressing lines and akt1 mutant plants were significantly reduced compared with wild‐type plants. Moreover, CBL10 directly interacted with AKT1, as verified in yeast two‐hybrid, BiFC and co‐immunoprecipitation experiments. The results of electrophysiological analysis in both Xenopus oocytes and Arabidopsis root cell protoplasts demonstrated that CBL10 impairs AKT1‐mediated inward K+ currents. Furthermore, the results from the yeast two‐hybrid competition assay indicated that CBL10 may compete with CIPK23 for binding to AKT1 and negatively modulate AKT1 activity. The present study revealed a CBL‐interacting protein kinase‐independent regulatory mechanism of calcineurin B‐like proteins in which CBL10 directly regulates AKT1 activity and affects ion homeostasis in plant cells.  相似文献   

Ligeng Ma  Daye Sun 《Planta》1997,202(3):336-340
The effects of anti-calmodulin (CaM) serum, the CaM antagonist W7-agarose, the Ca2+ chelator ethyleneglycol-bis-(β-aminoethyl)-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) and exogenous pure CaM on pollen germination and tube growth of Hippeastrum rutilum Herb were studied. Pollen germination and tube growth were inhibited or completely stopped by anti-CaM serum in a dose-dependent manner, while the same amount of preimmune serum had no effect on either process. Pollen germination and tube growth were also inhibited or completely stopped by the CaM antagonist W7-agarose and the Ca2+ chelator EGTA. The addition of exogenous pure CaM enhanced pollen germination and tube growth, whereas the same amount of bovine serum albumin had no effect. The inhibitory effects caused by anti-CaM serum, W7-agarose and EGTA-washing could be reversed completely by the addition of exogenous pure CaM. These results indicate that extracellular CaM initiates pollen germination and tube growth, whereas exogenous CaM enhances the above processes, and may provide a novel view for understanding the control of pollen germination and tube growth. Received: 12 December 1996 / Accepted: 15 January 1997  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Cell wall pectins and arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) are important for pollen tube growth. The aim of this work was to study the temporal and spatial dynamics of these compounds in olive pollen during germination.


Immunoblot profiling analyses combined with confocal and transmission electron microscopy immunocytochemical detection techniques were carried out using four anti-pectin (JIM7, JIM5, LM5 and LM6) and two anti-AGP (JIM13 and JIM14) monoclonal antibodies.

Key Results

Pectin and AGP levels increased during olive pollen in vitro germination. (1 → 4)-β-d-Galactans localized in the cytoplasm of the vegetative cell, the pollen wall and the apertural intine. After the pollen tube emerged, galactans localized in the pollen tube wall, particularly at the tip, and formed a collar-like structure around the germinative aperture. (1 → 5)-α-l-Arabinans were mainly present in the pollen tube cell wall, forming characteristic ring-shaped deposits at regular intervals in the sub-apical zone. As expected, the pollen tube wall was rich in highly esterified pectic compounds at the apex, while the cell wall mainly contained de-esterified pectins in the shank. The wall of the generative cell was specifically labelled with arabinans, highly methyl-esterified homogalacturonans and JIM13 epitopes. In addition, the extracellular material that coated the outer exine layer was rich in arabinans, de-esterified pectins and JIM13 epitopes.


Pectins and AGPs are newly synthesized in the pollen tube during pollen germination. The synthesis and secretion of these compounds are temporally and spatially regulated. Galactans might provide mechanical stability to the pollen tube, reinforcing those regions that are particularly sensitive to tension stress (the pollen tube–pollen grain joint site) and mechanical damage (the tip). Arabinans and AGPs might be important in recognition and adhesion phenomena of the pollen tube and the stylar transmitting cells, as well as the egg and sperm cells.  相似文献   

Plant outward-rectifying K+ channels mediate K+ efflux from guard cells during stomatal closure and from root cells into the xylem for root-shoot allocation of potassium (K). Intriguingly, the gating of these channels depends on the extracellular K+ concentration, although the ions carrying the current are derived from inside the cell. This K+ dependence confers a sensitivity to the extracellular K+ concentration ([K+]) that ensures that the channels mediate K+ efflux only, regardless of the [K+] prevailing outside. We investigated the mechanism of K+-dependent gating of the K+ channel SKOR of Arabidopsis by site-directed mutagenesis. Mutations affecting the intrinsic K+ dependence of gating were found to cluster in the pore and within the sixth transmembrane helix (S6), identifying an 'S6 gating domain' deep within the membrane. Mapping the SKOR sequence to the crystal structure of the voltage-dependent K+ channel KvAP from Aeropyrum pernix suggested interaction between the S6 gating domain and the base of the pore helix, a prediction supported by mutations at this site. These results offer a unique insight into the molecular basis for a physiologically important K+-sensory process in plants.  相似文献   

目的:观察新生SD大鼠原代培养皮层神经元的钙激活钾通道(Kca)在黎芦碱致神经元损伤模型上的激活、抑制效应.方法:采用细胞贴附和内面向外两种膜片钳单通道记录方法记录新生SD大鼠原代培养皮层神经元的Kca电生理活动.结果:黎芦碱在胞外可激活Kca.在有钙浴液内,细胞贴附式,钳制膜电位 30 mV,加入不同浓度黎芦碱(μmol/L:15、25、50、75),通道开放概率由0.005分别增加为0.014±0.003、0.085±0.010、0.132±0.016、0.059±0.006(P<0.01),在50μmol/L以内表现出浓度依赖性.无钙浴液内,细胞贴附式膜片上,钳制膜电位 50 mV,随药物浓度(μmol/L)增加为15、40、60、100时,通道开放概率由0.005分别增加为0.014±0.010、0.113±0.006、0.141±0.004、0 295±0.009(P<0.05).6例内面向外式膜片上,钳制膜电位 40 mV,分别加入黎芦碱25 μmol/L、50μmol/L 3 min后,通道开放概率由0.011±0.008分别增加为0.010±0.010、0.012±0.007(P>0.05).黎芦碱在胞内Kca开放概率,平均开放/关闭时间,电流幅值均无明显变化.结论:黎芦碱通过影响胞内游离钙水平间接调节Kca,在缺血缺氧早期,胞内游离钙增高激活Kca开放.  相似文献   

以‘丰水’和‘幸水’梨花柱及花粉为试材,用激光共聚焦显微技术,研究了离体条件下G蛋白活性调节剂和花柱S-RNA酶对花粉管生长及其游离Ca~(2 )浓度的影响。结果表明:G蛋白激活剂CTX可促进花粉管生长,且可解除花柱S-RNA酶对自身花粉管生长的抑制作用;G蛋白抑制荆PTX和花柱S-RNA酶共同处理使异体的花粉管生长受到抑制。CTX处理使花粉管尖端区的[Ca~(2 )]_i明显升高,花柱S-RNA酶处理引起自身花粉管尖端区的[Ca~(2 )]_i梯度消失;CTX和花柱S-RNA酶共同处理则使自身花粉管内的[Ca~(2 )J_i表现出两者单独处理时的综合特征;而花柱S-RNA酶和PTX共同处理后,异体的花粉管内[Ca~(2 )]_i表现出先升高后下降的趋势。  相似文献   

GORK is the only outward‐rectifying Kv‐like K+ channel expressed in guard cells. Its activity is tightly regulated to facilitate K+ efflux for stomatal closure and is elevated in ABA in parallel with suppression of the activity of the inward‐rectifying K+ channel KAT1. Whereas the population of KAT1 is subject to regulated traffic to and from the plasma membrane, nothing is known about GORK, its distribution and traffic in vivo. We have used transformations with fluorescently‐tagged GORK to explore its characteristics in tobacco epidermis and Arabidopsis guard cells. These studies showed that GORK assembles in puncta that reversibly dissociated as a function of the external K+ concentration. Puncta dissociation parallelled the gating dependence of GORK, the speed of response consistent with the rapidity of channel gating response to changes in the external ionic conditions. Dissociation was also suppressed by the K+ channel blocker Ba2+. By contrast, confocal and protein biochemical analysis failed to uncover substantial exo‐ and endocytotic traffic of the channel. Gating of GORK is displaced to more positive voltages with external K+, a characteristic that ensures the channel facilitates only K+ efflux regardless of the external cation concentration. GORK conductance is also enhanced by external K+ above 1 mm . We suggest that GORK clustering in puncta is related to its gating and conductance, and reflects associated conformational changes and (de)stabilisation of the channel protein, possibly as a platform for transmission and coordination of channel gating in response to external K+.  相似文献   

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