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Diatoms (Bacillarophyceae) are photosynthetic unicellular microalgae that have risen to ecological prominence in oceans over the past 30 million years. They are of interest as potential feedstocks for sustainable biofuels. Maximizing production of these feedstocks will require genetic modifications and an understanding of algal metabolism. These processes may benefit from genome‐scale models, which predict intracellular fluxes and theoretical yields, as well as the viability of knockout and knock‐in transformants. Here we present a genome‐scale metabolic model of a fully sequenced and transformable diatom: Phaeodactylum tricornutum. The metabolic network was constructed using the P. tricornutum genome, biochemical literature, and online bioinformatic databases. Intracellular fluxes in P. tricornutum were calculated for autotrophic, mixotrophic and heterotrophic growth conditions, as well as knockout conditions that explore the in silico role of glycolytic enzymes in the mitochondrion. The flux distribution for lower glycolysis in the mitochondrion depended on which transporters for TCA cycle metabolites were included in the model. The growth rate predictions were validated against experimental data obtained using chemostats. Two published studies on this organism were used to validate model predictions for cyclic electron flow under autotrophic conditions, and fluxes through the phosphoketolase, glycine and serine synthesis pathways under mixotrophic conditions. Several gaps in annotation were also identified. The model also explored unusual features of diatom metabolism, such as the presence of lower glycolysis pathways in the mitochondrion, as well as differences between P. tricornutum and other photosynthetic organisms.  相似文献   

CRISPR/Cas9 and TALEN are currently the two systems of choice for genome editing. We have studied the efficiency of the TALEN system in rice as well as the nature and inheritability of TALEN‐induced mutations and found important features of this technology. The N287C230 TALEN backbone resulted in low mutation rates (0–6.6%), but truncations in its C‐terminal domain dramatically increased efficiency to 25%. In most transgenic T0 plants, TALEN produced a single prevalent mutation accompanied by a variety of low‐frequency mutations. For each independent T0 plant, the prevalent mutation was present in most tissues within a single tiller as well as in all tillers examined, suggesting that TALEN‐induced mutations occurred very early in the development of the shoot apical meristem. Multigenerational analysis showed that TALEN‐induced mutations were stably transmitted to the T1 and T2 populations in a normal Mendelian fashion. In our study, the vast majority of TALEN‐induced mutations (~81%) affected multiple bases and ~70% of them were deletions. Our results contrast with published reports for the CRISPR/Cas9 system in rice, in which the predominant mutations affected single bases and deletions accounted for only 3.3% of the overall mutations.  相似文献   

Gene targeting (GT), the programmed change of genomic sequences by homologous recombination (HR), is still a major challenge in plants. We previously developed an in planta GT strategy by simultaneously releasing from the genome a dsDNA donor molecule and creating a double‐stranded break (DSB) at a specific site within the targeted gene. Using Cas9 form Streptococcus pyogenes (SpCas9) under the control of a ubiquitin gene promoter, we obtained seeds harbouring GT events, although at a low frequency. In the present research we tested different developmentally controlled promotors and different kinds of DNA lesions for their ability to enhance GT of the acetolactate synthase (ALS) gene of Arabidopsis. For this purpose, we used Staphylococcus aureus Cas9 (SaCas9) nuclease and the SpCas9 nickase in various combinations. Thus, we analysed the effect of single‐stranded break (SSB) activation of a targeted gene and/or the HR donor region. Moreover, we tested whether DSBs with 5′ or 3′ overhangs can improve in planta GT. Interestingly, the use of the SaCas9 nuclease controlled by an egg cell‐specific promoter was the most efficient: depending on the line, in the very best case 6% of all seeds carried GT events. In a third of all lines, the targeting occurred around the 1% range of the tested seeds. Molecular analysis revealed that in about half of the cases perfect HR of both DSB ends occurred. Thus, using the improved technology, it should now be feasible to introduce any directed change into the Arabidopsis genome at will.  相似文献   

Benthic diatoms live in photoautotrophic/heterotrophic biofilm communities embedded in a matrix of secreted extracellular polymeric substances. Closely associated bacteria influence their growth, aggregation, and secretion of exopolymers. We have studied a diatom/bacteria model community, in which a marine Roseobacter strain is able to grow with secreted diatom exopolymers as a sole source of carbon. The strain influences the aggregation of Phaeodactylum tricornutum by inducing a morphotypic transition from planktonic, fusiform cells to benthic, oval cells. Analysis of the extracellular soluble proteome of P. tricornutum in the presence and absence of bacteria revealed constitutively expressed newly identified proteins with mucin‐like domains that appear to be typical for extracellular diatom proteins. In contrast to mucins, the proline‐, serine‐, threonine‐rich (PST) domains in these proteins were also found in combination with protease‐, glucosidase‐ and leucine‐rich repeat‐domains. Bioinformatic functional predictions indicate that several of these newly identified diatom‐specific proteins may be involved in algal defense, intercellular signaling, and aggregation.  相似文献   

Recent studies have identified that proteinaceous effectors secreted by Parastagonospora nodorum are required to cause disease on wheat. These effectors interact in a gene‐for‐gene manner with host‐dominant susceptibilty loci, resulting in disease. However, whilst the requirement of these effectors for infection is clear, their mechanisms of action remain poorly understood. A yeast‐two‐hybrid library approach was used to search for wheat proteins that interacted with the necrotrophic effector SnTox3. Using this strategy we indentified an interaction between SnTox3 and the wheat pathogenicity‐related protein TaPR‐1‐1, and confirmed it by in‐planta co‐immunprecipitation. PR‐1 proteins represent a large family (23 in wheat) of proteins that are upregulated early in the defence response; however, their function remains ellusive. Interestingly, the P. nodorum effector SnToxA has recently been shown to interact specifically with TaPR‐1‐5. Our analysis of the SnTox3–TaPR‐1 interaction demonstrated that SnTox3 can interact with a broader range of TaPR‐1 proteins. Based on these data we utilised homology modeling to predict, and validate, regions on TaPR‐1 proteins that are likely to be involved in the SnTox3 interaction. Precipitating from this work, we identified that a PR‐1‐derived defence signalling peptide from the C‐terminus of TaPR‐1‐1, known as CAPE1, enhanced the infection of wheat by P. nodorum in an SnTox3‐dependent manner, but played no role in ToxA‐mediated disease. Collectively, our data suggest that P. nodorum has evolved unique effectors that target a common host‐protein involved in host defence, albeit with different mechanisms and potentially outcomes.  相似文献   

Differences in gene sequences, many of which are single nucleotide polymorphisms, underlie some of the most important traits in plants. With humanity facing significant challenges to increase global agricultural productivity, there is an urgent need to accelerate the development of these traits in plants. oligonucleotide‐directed mutagenesis (ODM), one of the many tools of Cibus’ Rapid Trait Development System ( RTDS ?) technology, offers a rapid, precise and non‐transgenic breeding alternative for trait improvement in agriculture to address this urgent need. This review explores the application of ODM as a precision genome editing technology, with emphasis on using oligonucleotides to make targeted edits in plasmid, episomal and chromosomal DNA of bacterial, fungal, mammalian and plant systems. The process of employing ODM by way of RTDS technology has been improved in many ways by utilizing a fluorescence conversion system wherein a blue fluorescent protein (BFP) can be changed to a green fluorescent protein (GFP) by editing a single nucleotide of the BFP gene (CAC→TAC; H66 to Y66). For example, dependent on oligonucleotide length, applying oligonucleotide‐mediated technology to target the BFP transgene in Arabidopsis thaliana protoplasts resulted in up to 0.05% precisely edited GFP loci. Here, the development of traits in commercially relevant plant varieties to improve crop performance by genome editing technologies such as ODM, and by extension RTDS , is reviewed.  相似文献   

The ability to address the CRISPR‐Cas9 nuclease complex to any target DNA using customizable single‐guide RNAs has now permitted genome engineering in many species. Here, we report its first successful use in a nonvascular plant, the moss Physcomitrella patens. Single‐guide RNAs (sgRNAs) were designed to target an endogenous reporter gene, PpAPT, whose inactivation confers resistance to 2‐fluoroadenine. Transformation of moss protoplasts with these sgRNAs and the Cas9 coding sequence from Streptococcus pyogenes triggered mutagenesis at the PpAPT target in about 2% of the regenerated plants. Mainly, deletions were observed, most of them resulting from alternative end‐joining (alt‐EJ)‐driven repair. We further demonstrate that, in the presence of a donor DNA sharing sequence homology with the PpAPT gene, most transgene integration events occur by homology‐driven repair (HDR) at the target locus but also that Cas9‐induced double‐strand breaks are repaired with almost equal frequencies by mutagenic illegitimate recombination. Finally, we establish that a significant fraction of HDR‐mediated gene targeting events (30%) is still possible in the absence of PpRAD51 protein, indicating that CRISPR‐induced HDR is only partially mediated by the classical homologous recombination pathway.  相似文献   

Citrus canker, caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc), is severely damaging to the global citrus industry. Targeted editing of host disease‐susceptibility genes represents an interesting and potentially durable alternative in plant breeding for resistance. Here, we report improvement of citrus canker resistance through CRISPR/Cas9‐targeted modification of the susceptibility gene CsLOB1 promoter in citrus. Wanjincheng orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) harbours at least three copies of the CsLOB1G allele and one copy of the CsLOB1? allele. The promoter of both alleles contains the effector binding element (EBEPthA4), which is recognized by the main effector PthA4 of Xcc to activate CsLOB1 expression to promote citrus canker development. Five pCas9/CsLOB1sgRNA constructs were designed to modify the EBEPthA4 of the CsLOB1 promoter in Wanjincheng orange. Among these constructs, mutation rates were 11.5%–64.7%. Homozygous mutants were generated directly from citrus explants. Sixteen lines that harboured EBEPthA4 modifications were identified from 38 mutant plants. Four mutation lines (S2‐5, S2‐6, S2‐12 and S5‐13), in which promoter editing disrupted CsLOB1 induction in response to Xcc infection, showed enhanced resistance to citrus canker compared with the wild type. No canker symptoms were observed in the S2‐6 and S5‐13 lines. Promoter editing of CsLOB1G alone was sufficient to enhance citrus canker resistance in Wanjincheng orange. Deletion of the entire EBEPthA4 sequence from both CsLOB1 alleles conferred a high degree of resistance to citrus canker. The results demonstrate that CRISPR/Cas9‐mediated promoter editing of CsLOB1 is an efficient strategy for generation of canker‐resistant citrus cultivars.  相似文献   

The Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt), is a polyphagous horticultural pest in Australia that is capable of causing significant damage to more than 100 different host fruits and vegetables. Chemical applications and ecological control strategies, such as the sterile insect technique (SIT), are commonly used to suppress established populations and eradicate invasive outbreaks following migration. The recently published B. tryoni draft genome provides new opportunities to identify candidate genes for targeted genome modification in order to generate advanced genetic strains for management using sterile insect strategies. Here, we demonstrate CRISPR/Cas‐mediated mutagenesis in B. tryoni through generating a series of frame‐shift mutations in the ATP‐dependent binding cassette transporter, white, causing a classic white‐eye phenotype. This work establishes methods for CRISPR/Cas genome editing in tephritids and demonstrates its potential for developing genetic sexing strains which could be used for SIT‐based pest control.  相似文献   

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