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We evaluated how three co‐occurring tree and four grassland species influence potentially harvestable biofuel stocks and above‐ and belowground carbon pools. After 5 years, the tree Pinus strobus had 6.5 times the amount of aboveground harvestable biomass as another tree Quercus ellipsoidalis and 10 times that of the grassland species. P. strobus accrued the largest total plant carbon pool (1375 g C m?2 or 394 g C m?2 yr), while Schizachyrium scoparium accrued the largest total plant carbon pool among the grassland species (421 g C m?2 or 137 g C m?2 yr). Quercus ellipsoidalis accrued 850 g C m?2, Q. macrocarpa 370 g C m?2, Poa pratensis 390 g C m?2, Solidago canadensis 132 g C m?2, and Lespedeza capitata 283 g C m?2. Only P. strobus and Q. ellipsoidalis significantly sequestered carbon during the experiment. Species differed in total ecosystem carbon accumulation from ?21.3 to +169.8 g C m?2 yr compared with the original soil carbon pool. Plant carbon gains with P. strobus were paralleled by a decrease of 16% in soil carbon and a nonsignificant decline of 9% for Q. ellipsoidalis. However, carbon allocation differed among species, with P. strobus allocating most aboveground in a disturbance prone aboveground pool, whereas Q. ellipsoidalis, allocated most carbon in less disturbance sensitive belowground biomass. These differences have strong implications for terrestrial carbon sequestration and potential biofuel production. For P. strobus, aboveground plant carbon harvest for biofuel would result in no net carbon sequestration as declines in soil carbon offset plant carbon gains. Conversely the harvest of Q. ellipsoidalis aboveground biomass would result in net sequestration of carbon belowground due to its high allocation belowground, but would yield lower amounts of aboveground biomass. Our results demonstrate that plant species can differentially impact ecosystem carbon pools and the distribution of carbon above and belowground.  相似文献   

The significance of xylem function and metabolic scaling theory begins from the idea that water transport is strongly coupled to growth rate. At the same time, coordination of water transport and growth seemingly should differ between plant functional types. We evaluated the relationships between water transport, growth and species stature in six species of co‐occurring trees and shrubs. Within species, a strong proportionality between plant hydraulic conductance (K), sap flow (Q) and shoot biomass growth (G) was generally supported. Across species, however, trees grew more for a given K or Q than shrubs, indicating greater growth‐based water‐use efficiency (WUE) in trees. Trees also showed slower decline in relative growth rate (RGR) than shrubs, equivalent to a steeper G by mass (M) scaling exponent in trees (0.77–0.98). The K and Q by M scaling exponents were common across all species (0.80, 0.82), suggesting that the steeper G scaling in trees reflects a size‐dependent increase in their growth‐based WUE. The common K and Q by M exponents were statistically consistent with the 0.75 of ideal scaling theory. A model based upon xylem anatomy and branching architecture consistently predicted the observed K by M scaling exponents but only when deviations from ideal symmetric branching were incorporated.  相似文献   

The increase in light availability resulting from canopy changes or opening is not always beneficial and can inhibit photosynthesis of tree seedlings already under other environmental stress. Tree seedlings' responses to compounded abiotic stress depend on their life‐history traits, and understanding the variations of such responses is important for understanding population dynamics under a changing climate. In this study we investigate how the photosynthesis of juveniles of two canopy tree species with different life‐history traits, Abies sachalinensis and Betula ermanii, differs in two contrasting sites at a sub‐boreal forest in northern Japan—one under a deciduous canopy (Closed site) and the other at a wide canopy opening (Open site). Seedlings at the Open site had low Fv/Fm (quantum yield of photosystem II) for a longer period than those at the Closed site. Abies sachalinensis at the Closed site showed lower Fv/Fm in spring than those at the Open site, but recovered after the canopy's new leaves flushed, indicating its acclimation to the shaded condition. Mean Pmax (light‐saturated photosynthetic rate at ambient CO2 levels) of A. sachalinensis seedlings was affected by site and air temperature, while B. ermanii seedlings were also affected by precipitation. Only B. ermanii's seedlings presented growth in the period studied, in spite of observed mid‐day drops to Fv/Fm attributed to water‐deficit‐related photoprotection. Results suggest that the climate change predicted for the Hokkaido area may increase the competitive advantage of broad‐leaved deciduous species, such as B. ermanii, in relation to evergreen conifers like A. sachalinensis.  相似文献   

Given anticipated climate changes, it is crucial to understand controls on leaf temperatures including variation between species in diverse ecosystems. In the first study of leaf energy balance in tropical montane forests, we observed current leaf temperature patterns on 3 tree species in the Atlantic forest, Brazil, over a 10‐day period and assessed whether and why patterns may vary among species. We found large leaf‐to‐air temperature differences (maximum 18.3 °C) and high leaf temperatures (over 35 °C) despite much lower air temperatures (maximum 22 °C). Leaf‐to‐air temperature differences were influenced strongly by radiation, whereas leaf temperatures were also influenced by air temperature. Leaf energy balance modelling informed by our measurements showed that observed differences in leaf temperature between 2 species were due to variation in leaf width and stomatal conductance. The results suggest a trade‐off between water use and leaf thermoregulation; Miconia cabussu has more conservative water use compared with Alchornea triplinervia due to lower transpiration under high vapour pressure deficit, with the consequence of higher leaf temperatures under thermal stress conditions. We highlight the importance of leaf functional traits for leaf thermoregulation and also note that the high radiation levels that occur in montane forests may exacerbate the threat from increasing air temperatures.  相似文献   

We evaluated leaf characteristics and herbivory intensities for saplings of fifteen tropical tree species differing in their successional position. Eight leaf traits were selected, related to the costs of leaf display (specific leaf area [SLA], water content), photosynthesis (N and P concentration per unit mass), and herbivory defence (lignin concentration, C:N ratio). We hypothesised that species traits are shaped by variation in abiotic and biotic (herbivory) selection pressures along the successional gradient. All leaf traits varied with the successional position of the species. The SLA, water content and nutrient concentration decreased, and lignin concentration increased with the successional position. Herbivory damage (defined as the percentage of damage found at one moment in time) varied from 0.9-8.5% among the species, but was not related to their successional position. Herbivory damage appeared to be a poor estimator of the herbivory rate experienced by species, due to the confounding effect of leaf lifespan. Herbivory rate (defined as percentage leaf area removal per unit time) declined with the successional position of the species. Herbivory rate was only positively correlated to water content, and negatively correlated to lignin concentration, suggesting that herbivores select leaves based upon their digestibility rather than upon their nutritive value. Surprisingly, most species traits change linearly with succession, while resource availability (light, nutrients) declines exponentially with succession.  相似文献   

An unresolved question of temperate forests is how pioneer tree species persist in mature forests. In order to understand the responsible mechanisms, we investigated a near‐climax mixed temperate forest dominated by Betula albosinensis in the Qinling Mountains of China. Through establishing four 50 m × 50 m plots, we examined the canopy disturbance characteristics and its effects on tree recruitments. We further test the intra‐ and interspecific effects on the recruitment of B. albosinensis. The obtained data demonstrated canopy disturbance was frequent but most small‐sized. The canopy gaps are caused mainly by adult B. albosinensis by snapping. The regeneration of coexistent tree species shows a distinct preference for gap size. B. albosinensis were clumped at the juvenile stage and small scales. B. albosinensis juveniles were positively associated with B. utilis juveniles and negatively associated with the conspecific and B. utilis large trees. In addition, B. albosinensis juveniles showed negative associations with contemporary other tree species. Our results suggested that canopy disturbance caused by canopy trees and gap partitioning among the coexistent tree species are important for the persistence of the mixed forest. As a main gapmaker, B. albosinensis appear to develop a self‐perpetuating life‐history trait and allow them to persist.  相似文献   

Water and nutrient fluxes for single stands of different tree species have been reported in numerous studies, but comparative studies of nutrient and hydrological budgets of common European deciduous tree species are rare. Annual fluxes of water and inorganic nitrogen (N) were established in a 30‐year‐old common garden design with stands of common ash (Fraxinus excelsior), European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), pedunculate oak (Quercus robur), small‐leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.), sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) and Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) replicated at two sites in Denmark, Mattrup and Vallø during 2 years. Mean annual percolation below the root zone (mm yr?1±SE, n=4) ranked in the following order: maple (351±38)>lime (284±32), oak (271±25), beech (257±30), ash (307±69)? spruce (75±24). There were few significant tree species effects on N fluxes. However, the annual mean N throughfall flux (kg N ha?1 yr?1±SE, n=4) for spruce (28±2) was significantly larger than for maple (12±1), beech (11±1) and oak (9±1) stands but not different from that of lime (15±3). Ash had a low mean annual inorganic N throughfall deposition of 9.1 kg ha?1, but was only present at Mattrup. Annual mean of inorganic N leaching (kg ha?1 yr?1±SE, n=4) did not differ significantly between species despite of contrasting tree species mean values; beech (25±9)>oak (16±10), spruce (15±8), lime (14±8)? maple (1.9±1), ash (2.0±1). The two sites had similar throughfall N fluxes, whereas the annual leaching of N was significantly higher at Mattrup than at Vallø. Accordingly, the sites differed in soil properties in relation to rates and dynamics of N cycling. We conclude that tree species affect the N cycle differently but the legacy of land use exerted a dominant control on the N cycle within the short‐term perspective (30 years) of these stands.  相似文献   

Architecture and leaf display were compared in saplings of six rain forest tree species differing in shade tolerance. Saplings were selected along the whole light range encountered in a forest environment. Species differed largely in realized height and crown expansion per unit support biomass, but this could not be related to differences in shade tolerance. The results demonstrate that there exist various solutions to an effective expansion of plant height and crown area. It is argued that choice of the study species and the ontogenetic trajectory regarded determine to a large extent the outcome of interspecific comparisons. No evidence was found that pioneers were characterized by a multilayered and shade tolerants by a monolayered leaf distribution. Yet, sun plants had a similar crown area, a deeper crown, and a higher leaf area index compared to shade plants and their leaves were more evenly distributed along the stem. This suggests that differences in leaf layering are found between plants growing in different light environments, rather than between species differing in shade tolerance.  相似文献   

We report architectural divergence between two congeneric tropical tree species coexisting in the same stratum which suggests different strategies: reducing self-shading and support costs, or maximizing light foraging. We found species-specific differential performance across light environments, suggesting that architectural differentiation could facilitate the coexistence of species with similar vertical habitat.  相似文献   

Aim A major floristic and climatic transition from aseasonal to seasonal evergreen tropical forest (the Kangar–Pattani Line; KPL) exists in the Indo‐Sundaic region of Southeast Asia. Mechanisms constraining species distribution here are at present poorly understood, but it is hypothesized that species differ in their tolerances of abiotic factors, in particular water availability. Under this hypothesis, we anticipate differences in performance or habitat preferences, or both, of species differing in distribution with respect to the KPL. The aim of this study is to test whether geographical distributions can be used to explain variation in growth, mortality and habitat preferences in co‐occurring tree species differing in their distribution in relation to the KPL. Location Pasoh Forest Reserve, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia; south of the KPL. Methods All tree species within a 50‐ha forest dynamics plot were classified as widespread or southern based upon their distributions in relation to the KPL and as habitat specialists or generalists based on spatial association with soil‐based habitat categories. Growth and mortality rates, variation in growth and mortality with respect to soil type, and levels of habitat association were quantified for species with different geographical distributions. Results Differences existed in species performance based upon geographical distributions. Specifically, widespread species had lower growth rates than did species restricted to the aseasonal forests. Mortality rates did not differ as a function of geographical distribution. The growth responses of species to soil habitats also diverged, such that differences in performance of widespread species among soil types were more conservative than those of species restricted in their distribution to the aseasonal forests. However, the proportion of species showing positive habitat associations did not differ significantly between widespread and southern species. Main conclusions Distribution‐based differences in species performance and response to soil type support the hypothesis that species tolerant of wider climatic variation perform less well in any given environment due to limitations on plasticity. These performance differences provide quantitative evidence of the role of climatic transitions in determining tree species distributions in relation to the Kangar–Pattani Line in the Indo‐Malay region. Such differences in performance have important implications for our understanding of biodiversity gradients and responses of Indo‐Sundaic forests to climate change.  相似文献   

Size-related changes in hydraulic architecture, carbon allocation and gas exchange of Sclerolobium paniculatum (Leguminosae), a dominant tree species in Neotropical savannas of central Brazil (Cerrado), were investigated to assess their potential role in the dieback of tall individuals. Trees greater than ∼6-m-tall exhibited more branch damage, larger numbers of dead individuals, higher wood density, greater leaf mass per area, lower leaf area to sapwood area ratio (LA/SA), lower stomatal conductance and lower net CO2 assimilation than small trees. Stem-specific hydraulic conductivity decreased, while leaf-specific hydraulic conductivity remained nearly constant, with increasing tree size because of lower LA/SA in larger trees. Leaves were substantially more vulnerable to embolism than stems. Large trees had lower maximum leaf hydraulic conductance ( K leaf) than small trees and all tree sizes exhibited lower K leaf at midday than at dawn. These size-related adjustments in hydraulic architecture and carbon allocation apparently incurred a large physiological cost: large trees received a lower return in carbon gain from their investment in stem and leaf biomass compared with small trees. Additionally, large trees may experience more severe water deficits in dry years due to lower capacity for buffering the effects of hydraulic path-length and soil water deficits.  相似文献   

A range of environmental factors regulate tree growth; however, climate is generally thought to most strongly influence year‐to‐year variability in growth. Numerous dendrochronological (tree‐ring) studies have identified climate factors that influence year‐to‐year variability in growth for given tree species and location. However, traditional dendrochronology methods have limitations that prevent them from adequately assessing stand‐level (as opposed to species‐level) growth. We argue that stand‐level growth analyses provide a more meaningful assessment of forest response to climate fluctuations, as well as the management options that may be employed to sustain forest productivity. Working in a mature, mixed‐species stand at the Howland Research Forest of central Maine, USA, we used two alternatives to traditional dendrochronological analyses by (1) selecting trees for coring using a stratified (by size and species), random sampling method that ensures a representative sample of the stand, and (2) converting ring widths to biomass increments, which once summed, produced a representation of stand‐level growth, while maintaining species identities or canopy position if needed. We then tested the relative influence of seasonal climate variables on year‐to‐year variability in the biomass increment using generalized least squares regression, while accounting for temporal autocorrelation. Our results indicate that stand‐level growth responded most strongly to previous summer and current spring climate variables, resulting from a combination of individualistic climate responses occurring at the species‐ and canopy‐position level. Our climate models were better fit to stand‐level biomass increment than to species‐level or canopy‐position summaries. The relative growth responses (i.e., percent change) predicted from the most influential climate variables indicate stand‐level growth varies less from to year‐to‐year than species‐level or canopy‐position growth responses. By assessing stand‐level growth response to climate, we provide an alternative perspective on climate–growth relationships of forests, improving our understanding of forest growth dynamics under a fluctuating climate.  相似文献   

Reproductive traits of tropical tree species vary predictably in relation to successional stage, but this variation may be due to the species' phylogenetic histories rather than selective pressures imposed by regeneration requirements. Reproductive phenology, tree size at the onset of reproduction, and fecundity of 11 sympatric, closely related Macaranga species were studied to investigate within-species variation in reproductive traits in relation to resource availability, and among-species variation in relation to other life-history traits (shade tolerance, seed size and maximum tree size, H(max)) and consequently the requirements for forest-gap colonization. Nine species reproduced in synchronous episodes, and two species reproduced continuously over 32 mo. Episodic reproduction was most intense in 1992 following a severe drought. For several species, reproductive trees had greater light availability, lower fecundity in lower light levels, and lower growth rates than nonreproductive trees, reflecting resource-limited reproduction. Among species, H(max) was negatively correlated with shade tolerance and seed size. Tree size at the onset of reproduction and fecundity was strongly linked to this axis of life-history variation, but phenological pattern was not. Absolute tree size at the onset of reproduction was positively correlated with H(max) and negatively correlated with shade tolerance. Relative size at reproductive onset was not correlated with shade tolerance or H(max). Fecundity ranged four orders of magnitude among species and was correlated positively with H(max) and negatively with seed size and shade tolerance. The interrelationships among these reproductive and other life-history traits are strongly correlated with the species' requirements for gap colonization.  相似文献   

In recent decades, many forest die‐off events have been reported in relation to climate‐change‐induced episodes, such as droughts and heat waves. To understand how these extreme climatic events induce forest die‐off, it is important to find a tool to standardize the climatic conditions experienced by different populations during a specific climatic event, taking into account the historic climatic conditions of the site where these populations live (bioclimatic niche). In this study, we used estimates of climatic suitability calculated from species distribution models (SDMs) for such purpose. We studied forest die‐off across France during the 2003 heatwave that affected Western Europe, using 2,943 forest inventory plots dominated by 14 single tree species. Die‐off severity was estimated by Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) loss using Moderate‐resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer remote sensor imagery. Climatic suitability at the local level during the historical 1979–2002 period (HCS), the episode time (2003; ECS) and suitability deviance during the historical period (HCS‐SD) were calculated for each species by means of boosted regression tree models using the CHELSA climate database and occurrences extracted from European forest inventories. Low HCS‐SD and high mean annual temperature explained the overall regional pattern of vulnerability to die‐off across different monospecific forests. The combination of high historical and low episode climatic suitability also contributed significantly to overall forest die‐off. Furthermore, we observed different species‐specific relationships between die‐off vulnerability and climatic suitability: Sub‐Mediterranean and Mediterranean species tended to be vulnerable in historically more suitable localities (high HCS), whereas Euro‐Siberian species presented greater vulnerability when the hot drought episode was more intense. We demonstrated that at regional scale, past climatic legacy plays an important role in explaining NDVI loss during the episode. Moreover, we demonstrated that SDMs‐derived indexes, such as HCS, ECS and HCS‐SD, could constitute a tool for standardizing the ways that populations and species experience climatic variability across time and space.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) enhancement (eCO2) and N addition (aN) have been shown to increase net primary production (NPP) and to affect water‐use efficiency (WUE) for many temperate ecosystems, but few studies have been made on subtropical tree species. This study compared the responses of NPP and WUE from a mesocosm composing five subtropical tree species to eCO2 (700 ppm), aN (10 g N m?2 yr?1) and eCO2 × aN using open‐top chambers. Our results showed that mean annual ecosystem NPP did not changed significantly under eCO2, increased by 56% under aN and 64% under eCO2 × aN. Ecosystem WUE increased by 14%, 55%, and 61% under eCO2, aN and eCO2 × aN, respectively. We found that the observed responses of ecosystem WUE were largely driven by the responses of ecosystem NPP. Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant interactions between eCO2 and aN on ecosystem NPP (= 0.731) or WUE (= 0.442). Our results showed that increasing N deposition was likely to have much stronger effects on ecosystem NPP and WUE than increasing CO2 concentration for the subtropical forests. However, different tree species responded quite differently. aN significantly increased annual NPP of the fast‐growing species (Schima superba). Nitrogen‐fixing species (Ormosia pinnata) grew significantly faster only under eCO2 × aN. eCO2 had no effects on annual NPP of those two species but significantly increased annual NPP of other two species (Castanopsis hystrix and Acmena acuminatissima). Differential responses of the NPP among different tree species to eCO2 and aN will likely have significant implications on the species composition of subtropical forests under future global change.  相似文献   

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