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The self-assembly of clathrin into lattices relies on the ability of heavy chain legs to form a three-legged pinwheel structure. We investigated the role of light chains in clathrin trimerization by challenging recombinant hub (plus and minus light chain) with an anionic detergent. The binding of light chain increases the amount of detergent needed to induce detrimerization, suggesting light chains reinforced hub trimers. We also show that light chain C-terminal residues are important for enhancing the in vitro assembly of hub at low pH. We assessed how much the C-terminus of light chain contributed to the stability of the trimerization domain by adding full-length and truncated light chains to trimer-defective hub mutants, C1573S and C1573A. Adding full-length LCb to C1573S caused some retrimerization, but little activity was restored, suggesting the majority of oligomeric C1573S was nonnative. A larger percentage of monomeric C1573A could be retrimerized into an assembly-competent form by adding intact LCb. We also discovered that C-terminally deleted light chains produced a heterogeneous population of hubs that were smaller than native hubs, but were assembly active. We propose a model showing how light chains reinforce the puckered clathrin triskelion. Finally, the ability of light chains to retrimerize C1573A hub suggests that the structural role of light chain may be conserved in yeast and mammals.  相似文献   

The sorting of specific proteins into clathrin-coated pits and the mechanics of membrane invagination are determined by assembly of the clathrin lattice. Recent structures of a six-fold barrel clathrin coat at 21 A resolution by electron cryomicroscopy and of the clathrin terminal domain and linker at 2.6 A by X-ray crystallography together show how domains of clathrin interact and orient within the coat and reveal the strongly puckered shape and conformational variability of individual triskelions. The beta propeller of the terminal domain faces the membrane so that recognition segments from adaptor proteins can extend along its lateral grooves. Clathrin legs adapt to different coat environments in the barrel by flexing along a segment at the knee that is free of contacts with other molecules.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes from mouse liver were fractionated with Triton X-114, a procedure which yields a detergent phase consisting of proteins containing hydrophobic binding sites, and a nondetergent, or aqueous, phase containing hydrophilic proteins. When this method was applied to peroxisomes from control mice, catalase and fatty acyl-CoA oxidase distributed to the aqueous phase, whereas the integral membrane protein, PMP68, and the bifunctional protein were recovered exclusively in the detergent phase. Urate oxidase distributed intermediate between these two phases. With peroxisomes from mice treated with the peroxisome proliferator clofibrate, the bifunctional protein was recovered in both the detergent and the aqueous phases, and urate oxidase was shifted toward the aqueous phase. Other analyses of the subperoxisomal distribution of the bifunctional protein were consistent with a proportion of this protein being tightly associated with the peroxisomal membrane, or with some other uncharacterized, poorly soluble, component. Sucrose gradient centrifugation of the aqueous phase resulting from Triton X-114 fractionation of peroxisomes revealed that a major proportion of catalase, fatty acyl-CoA oxidase, the bifunctional protein, and other unidentified proteins behaved as if associated under these conditions. In this respect, use of a higher concentration of Triton X-114 for peroxisome fractionation led to the partitioning of some catalase and fatty acyl-CoA oxidase to the detergent phase, indicating the presence of some detergent-accessible hydrophobic binding sites even on these proteins. These data have been interpreted as indicating matrix protein associations in vivo, associations which may be responsive to proliferator treatment.  相似文献   

Clathrin heavy chain-deficient mutants (chcl) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are viable but exhibit compromised growth rates. To investigate the role of clathrin in intercompartmental protein transport, two pathways have been monitored in chcl cells: transport of newly synthesized vacuolar proteins to the vacuole and receptor-mediated uptake of mating pheromone. Newly synthesized precursors of the vacuolar protease carboxypeptidase Y (CPY) were converted to mature CPY with similar kinetics in mutant and wild-type cells. chcl cells did not aberrantly secrete CPY and immunolocalization techniques revealed most of the CPY in chcl cells within morphologically identifiable vacuolar structures. Receptor-mediated internalization of the mating pheromone alpha-factor occurred in chcl cells at 36-50% wild-type levels. The mutant cells were fully competent to respond to pheromone-induced cell-cycle arrest. These results argue that in yeast, clathrin may not play an essential role either in vacuolar protein sorting and delivery or in receptor-mediated endocytosis of alpha-factor. Alternative mechanisms ordinarily may execute these pathways, or be activated in clathrin-deficient cells.  相似文献   

Assembled clathrin in erythrocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Clathrin cages were isolated from rat erythrocytes. These structures exist in the intact cell as demonstrated by immunofluorescence and were not formed during the isolation procedure. The cages were largely devoid of membrane but contained the assembly protein complex and both the 50-kDa kinase (pp50) and casein kinase II activities found previously in clathrin-coated vesicles.  相似文献   

We report here detection of novel intracellular clathrin-coated structures revealed by continuous high-speed imaging of cells expressing green fluorescent protein fusion proteins. These structures, which we operationally term 'gyrating clathrin' (G-clathrin), are characterized by localized but extremely rapid movement, leading to the hypothesis that they are coated buds on waving membrane tubules. G-clathrin structures have structurally and functionally distinct features. They lack detectable adaptor proteins AP-1 and AP-2 but contain GGA1 [Golgi-localized, gamma-ear-containing, Arf (ADP-ribosylation factor)-binding protein] as well as the cation-dependent mannose-6-phosphate receptor. While they accumulate internalized transferrin (Tf), they do not contain detectable levels of cargos targeted for the late endosome/lysosome pathway such as EGF and dextran. Pulse-chase studies indicate that Tf appears in G-clathrin structures in the cell periphery after sorting endosomes (SEs), but before filling of the perinuclear endocytic recycling compartment. Furthermore, the inhibitors LY294002 and wortmannin, which inhibit direct recycling of Tf from SEs to the plasma membrane, also block its appearance in G-clathrin. These observations suggest that peripheral G-clathrin contributes to rapid recycling, a kinetically defined compartment that has largely eluded structural identification. More generally, the rapid continuous live cell imaging reported here reveals new aspects of membrane trafficking.  相似文献   

Internalization of membrane, fluid and receptor-bound ligands into cells occurs by at least two endocytic mechanisms. One is dependent on clathrin and responsible for concentrative uptake of growth factors and other ligands, whereas the other operates without clathrin. Clathrin-independent endocytosis, which might involve more than one mechanism, can contribute significantly to the total uptake of membrane and fluid in a cell. The properties and possible roles of clathrin-independent endocytosis are discussed in this article.  相似文献   

Protein machines and self assembly in muscle organization.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The remarkable order of striated muscle is the result of a complex series of protein interactions at different levels of organization. Within muscle, the thick filament and its major protein myosin are classical examples of functioning protein machines. Our understanding of the structure and assembly of thick filaments and their organization into the regular arrays of the A-band has recently been enhanced by the application of biochemical, genetic, and structural approaches. Detailed studies of the thick filament backbone have shown that the myosins are organized into a tubular structure. Additional protein machines and specific myosin rod sequences have been identified that play significant roles in thick filament structure, assembly, and organization. These include intrinsic filament components, cross-linking molecules of the M-band and constituents of the membrane-cytoskeleton system. Muscle organization is directed by the multistep actions of protein machines that take advantage of well-established self-assembly relationships.  相似文献   

Annexin A5 is a member of a family of homologous proteins sharing the ability to bind to negatively charged phospholipid membranes in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. Annexin A5, as well as other annexins, self-assembles into two-dimensional (2D) ordered arrays upon binding to membranes, a property that has been proposed to have functional implications. Electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy experiments have revealed that annexin A5 forms two types of 2D crystals-with either p6 or p3 symmetry-that are both based on annexin trimers. In this study, we describe three other crystal forms that coexist with the p6 crystals. All crystal forms are made of the same building blocks, namely, dimers of trimers and trimers of trimers. A mechanistic model of the formation of the annexin A5 2D crystals is proposed.  相似文献   

While clathrin heavy chains from different species are highly conserved in amino acid sequence, clathrin light chains are much more divergent. Thus clathrin light chain may have different functions in different organisms. To investigate clathrin light chain function, we cloned the clathrin light chain, clcA, from Dictyostelium and examined clathrin function in clcA– mutants. Phenotypic deficiencies in development, cytokinesis, and osmoregulation showed that light chain was critical for clathrin function in Dictyostelium . In contrast with budding yeast, we found the light chain did not influence steady-state levels of clathrin, triskelion formation, or contribute to clathrin over-assembly on intracellular membranes. Imaging GFP-CHC in clcA– mutants showed that the heavy chain formed dynamic punctate structures that were remarkably similar to those found in wild-type cells. However, clathrin light chain knockouts showed a decreased association of clathrin with intracellular membranes. Unlike wild-type cells, half of the clathrin in clcA– mutants was cytosolic, suggesting that the absence of light chain compromised the assembly of triskelions onto intracellular membranes. Taken together, these results suggest a role for the Dictyostelium clathrin light chain in regulating the self-assembly of triskelions onto intracellular membranes, and demonstrate a crucial contribution of the light chain to clathrin function in vivo .  相似文献   

Life of a clathrin coat: insights from clathrin and AP structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Membrane sorting between secretory and endocytic organelles is predominantly controlled by small carrier vesicles or tubules that have specific protein coats on their cytoplasmic surfaces. Clathrin-clathrin-adaptor coats function in many steps of intracellular transport and are the most extensively studied of all transport-vesicle coats. In recent years, the determination of structures of clathrin assemblies by electron microscopy, of domains of clathrin and of its adaptors has improved our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of clathrin-coated-vesicle assembly and disassembly.  相似文献   

Endocytosis is involved in an enormous variety of cellular processes. To date, most studies on endocytosis in mammalian cells have focused on pathways that start with uptake through clathrin-coated pits. Recently, new techniques and reagents have allowed a wider range of endocytic pathways to begin to be characterized. Various non-clathrin endocytic mechanisms have been identified, including uptake through caveolae, macropinosomes and via a separate constitutive pathway. Many markers for clathrin-independent endocytosis are found in detergent-resistant membrane fractions, or lipid rafts. We will discuss these emerging new findings and their implications for the nature of lipid rafts themselves, as well as for the potential roles of non-clathrin endocytic pathways in remodeling of the plasma membrane and in regulating the membrane composition of specific intracellular organelles.  相似文献   

Clathrin-associated adaptor protein (AP) complexes are major structural components of clathrin-coated vesicles, functioning in clathrin coat assembly and cargo selection. We have carried out a systematic biochemical and genetic characterization of AP complexes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using coimmunoprecipitation, the subunit composition of two complexes, AP-1 and AP-2R, has been defined. These results allow assignment of the 13 potential AP subunits encoded in the yeast genome to three AP complexes. As assessed by in vitro binding assays and coimmunoprecipitation, only AP-1 interacts with clathrin. Individual or combined disruption of AP-1 subunit genes in cells expressing a temperature-sensitive clathrin heavy chain results in accentuated growth and alpha-factor pheromone maturation defects, providing further evidence that AP-1 is a clathrin adaptor complex. However, in cells expressing wild-type clathrin, the same AP subunit deletions have no effect on growth or alpha-factor maturation. Furthermore, gel filtration chromatography revealed normal elution patterns of clathrin-coated vesicles in cells lacking AP-1. Similarly, combined deletion of genes encoding the beta subunits of the three AP complexes did not produce defects in clathrin-dependent sorting in the endocytic and vacuolar pathways or alterations in gel filtration profiles of clathrin-coated vesicles. We conclude that AP complexes are dispensable for clathrin function in S. cerevisiae under normal conditions. Our results suggest that alternative factors assume key roles in stimulating clathrin coat assembly and cargo selection during clathrin-mediated vesicle formation in yeast.  相似文献   

Jean JM  Hall KB 《Biochemistry》2004,43(31):10277-10284
The structure and dynamics of DNA trimers are experimentally assessed using the fluorescent purine analogue 2-aminopurine (2AP), incorporating 2AP between purine and pyrimidine bases to form 5'dXp2APpY3' molecules. Circular dichroism and fluorescence quenching of the 2AP show that the bases are stacked; at the same time, fluorescence decay lifetimes are heterogeneous, indicative of conformational sampling. 2AP does not exhibit the long fluorescence decay time characteristic of the free nucleoside, suggesting that its motions in the trimers bring it into proximity of the neighboring bases, resulting in efficient charge transfer and average fluorescence lifetimes on the order of 1-2 ns.  相似文献   

Binding of AP180 to clathrin triskelia induces their assembly into 60-70 nm coats. The largest rat brain cDNA clone isolated predicts a molecular weight of 91,430 for AP180. Two cDNA clones have an additional small 57 bp insert. The deduced molecular weight agrees with gel filtration results provided the more chaotropic denaturant 6 M guanidinium thiocyanate is substituted for the weaker guanidinium chloride. The sequence and the proteolytic cleavage pattern suggest a three domain structure. The N-terminal 300 residues (pI 8.7) harbour a clathrin binding site. An acidic middle domain (pI 3.6, 450 residues), interrupted by an uncharged alanine rich segment of 59 residues, appears to be responsible for the anomalous physical properties of AP180. The C-terminal domain (166 residues) has a pI of 10.4. AP180 mRNA is restricted to neuronal sources. AP180 shows no significant homology to known clathrin binding proteins, but is nearly identical to a mouse phosphoprotein (F1-20). This protein, localized to synaptic termini, has so far been of unknown function.  相似文献   

The endocytic accessory clathrin assembly lymphoid myeloid leukemia protein (CALM) is the ubiquitously expressed homolog of the neuron-specific protein AP180 that has been implicated in the retrieval of synaptic vesicle. Here, we show that CALM associates with the alpha-appendage domain of the AP2 adaptor via the three peptide motifs 420DPF, 375DIF and 489FESVF and to a lesser extent with the amino-terminal domain of the clathrin heavy chain. Reducing clathrin levels by RNA interference did not significantly affect CALM localization, but depletion of AP2 weakens its association with the plasma membrane. In cells, where CALM levels were reduced by RNA interference, AP2 and clathrin remained organized in somewhat enlarged bright fluorescent puncta. Electron microscopy showed that the depletion of CALM drastically affected the clathrin lattice structure. Round-coated buds, which are the predominant features in control cells, were replaced by irregularly shaped buds and long clathrin-coated tubules. Moreover, we noted an increase in the number of very small cages that formed on flat lattices. Furthermore, we noticed a redistribution of endosomal markers and AP1 in cells that were CALM depleted. Taken together, our findings indicate a critical role for CALM in the regulation and orderly progression of coated bud formation at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

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