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Inhalation of particulate matter aggravates respiratory symptoms in patients with chronic airway diseases, but the mechanisms underlying this response remain poorly understood. We used a proteomics approach to examine this phenomenon. Treatment of epithelial cells with BSA-coated titanium dioxide (TiO(2)) particles altered 20 protein spots on the two-dimensional gel, and these were then analyzed by nano-LC-MS/MS. These proteins included defense-related, cell-activating, and cytoskeletal proteins implicated in the response to oxidative stress. The proteins were classified into four groups according to the time course of their expression patterns. For validation, RT-PCR was performed on extracts of in vitro TiO(2)-treated cells, and lung issues from TiO(2)-treated rats were analyzed by immunohistochemical staining and enzyme immunoassay. TiO(2) treatment was found to increase the amount of mRNA for macrophage migration-inhibitory factor (MIF). MIF was expressed primarily in epithelium and was elevated in lung tissues and bronchoalveolar lavage fluids of TiO(2)-treated rats as compared with sham-treated rats. Carbon black and diesel exhaust particles also induced expression of MIF protein in the epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Filamentous bacteriophage display is a powerful and widely used technology for the selection of affinity ligands. However, the commonly used phagemid systems result in the production of a population of phage of which those displaying the ligand of interest represent only a small proportion. Through simple dilution and nonspecific binding effects, the presence of large numbers of ligand-free phage reduces the likelihood that weak binders will be successfully selected from a ligand library. To provide a means of avoiding such problems, we have introduced an affinity handle into the phage that permits the purification of ligand-displaying phage. The IgG binding domains ofStaphylococcus ciureus protein A (SpA) were fused to a ligand (single chain Fv[scFv]) which is displayed as a fusion with the phage surface protein ApIII. Phage-displaying SpA were separated by affinity chromatography using immobilized human IgG from non-displaying phage and the purified phage were shown to possess functional scFv. Comparisons of fusion proteins in which either the scFv or the affinity handle occupied the amino terminus of the fusion protein showed that, whereas SpA function was unaffected by position, scFv function was compromised when the scFv did not occupy the amino terminus.  相似文献   

Many studies report that copper can be used to control microbial growth, including that of viruses. We determined the rates of copper-mediated inactivation for a wide range of bacteriophages. We used two methods to test the effect of copper on bacteriophage survival. One method involved placing small volumes of bacteriophage lysate on copper and stainless steel coupons. Following exposure, metal coupons were rinsed with lysogeny broth, and the resulting fluid was serially diluted and plated on agar with the corresponding bacterial host. The second method involved adding copper sulfate (CuSO(4)) to bacteriophage lysates to a final concentration of 5 mM. Aliquots were removed from the mixture, serially diluted, and plated with the appropriate bacterial host. Significant mortality was observed among the double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) bacteriophages Φ6 and Φ8, the single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) bacteriophage PP7, the ssDNA bacteriophage ΦX174, and the dsDNA bacteriophage PM2. However, the dsDNA bacteriophages PRD1, T4, and λ were relatively unaffected by copper. Interestingly, lipid-containing bacteriophages were most susceptible to copper toxicity. In addition, in the first experimental method, the pattern of bacteriophage Φ6 survival over time showed a plateau in mortality after lysates dried out. This finding suggests that copper's effect on bacteriophage is mediated by the presence of water.  相似文献   

lad (lambda adsorption), an Escherichia coli mutant that loses the ability to adsorb lambda phage immediately after a shift to high temperature (e.g., 42 C), was isolated. This property for phage adsorption is irreversible and has been observed with phage lambda and 21 but not with phages 434, phi 170, and phi 80. A crude receptor preparation, extracted from lad cells will cholate-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid by the procedure of Randall-Hazelbauer and Schwartz (1973), inactivated the phage lambda only at low temperature.  相似文献   

To study the rheological behavior of blood cells in various flow patterns through narrow vessels, we analyzed numerically the motion of blood cells arranged in one row or two rows in tube flow, at low Reynolds numbers. The particles are assumed to be identical rigid spheres placed periodically along the vessel axis at off-axis positions with equal spacings. The flow field of the suspending fluid in a circular cylindrical tube is analyzed by a finite element method applied to the Stokes equations, and the motion of each particle is simultaneously determined by a force-free and torque-free condition. In both cases of single- and two-file arrangements of the particles, their longitudinal and angular velocities are largely affected by the radial position and the axial spacing between neighboring particles. The apparent viscosity of the asymmetric flows is higher than that of the symmetric flow where particles are located on the tube centerline, and this is more pronounced when particles are placed farther from the tube centerline and when the axial distance between neighboring particles is reduced.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage T4B was continuously passed on solid media in the presence of 5-bromodeoxyuridine in two simultaneous experiments. The subsitutions of amino acids were registered, and in one of the experiments biological changes were revealed in non-optimal conditions. Calculations has shown that the number of amino acid substitutions observed corresponds to at least 140--200 fixed mutations. The possibility of the mutation fixation via selection is discussed and their relative neutrality is suggested.  相似文献   

A covalent dimer of the bacteriophage MS2 coat protein was created by performing genetic fusion of two copies of the gene while removing the stop codon of the first gene. The dimer was crystallized in the cubic F432 space group. The organization of the asymmetric unit together with the F432 symmetry results in an arrangement of subunits that corresponds to T = 3 octahedral particles. The octahedral particles are probably artifacts created by the particular crystal packing. When it is not crystallized in the F cubic crystal form, the coat protein dimer appears to assemble into T = 3 icosahedral particles indistinguishable from the wild-type particles. To form an octahedral particle with closed surface, the dimer subunits interact at sharper angles than in the icosahedral arrangement. The fold of the covalent dimer is almost identical to the wild-type dimer with differences located in loops and in the covalent linker region. The main differences in the subunit packing between the octahedral and icosahedral arrangements are located close to the fourfold and fivefold symmetry axes where different sets of loops mediate the contacts. The volume of the wild-type virions is 7 times bigger than that of the octahedral particles.  相似文献   

Previous pathogen exposure is an important predictor of the probability of becoming infected. This is deeply understood for vertebrate hosts, and increasingly so for invertebrate hosts. Here, we test if an initial pathogen exposure changes the infection outcome to a secondary pathogen exposure in the natural host–pathogen system Daphnia magna and Pasteuria ramosa. Hosts were initially exposed to an infective pathogen strain, a non-infective pathogen strain or a control. The same hosts underwent a second exposure, this time to an infective pathogen strain, either immediately after the initial encounter or 48 h later. We observed that an initial encounter with a pathogen always conferred protection against infection compared with controls.  相似文献   

Six strains of Rhizobium trifolii were exposed to specific bacteriophages and the properties of 10 surviving clones of each studied. Two temperate bacteriophages produced clones which were lysogenic but showed no changes in colony form, symbiotic properties, or somatic antigens. Of forty clones selected by exposure to four other bacteriophages, none were lysogenic although there was some indication of unusually long association of phage with bacteria in infected cultures. Seventeen of these clones were changed in symbiotic properties, 15 in colony morphology, and 13 in somatic cross-reaction with the parent. Unexpectedly, despite stringent selection conditions, 28 were still either partially or completely susceptible to the selecting phage.  相似文献   

We have explored the kinetic implications of a model that may account for the acceleration of tail fiber (F) attachment to baseplates (B) by whiskers (W) on bacteriophage T4. The model assumes that a W-F complex is formed initially, and that the tethered fiber then undergoes rotational diffusion until a B-F encounter takes place. In the absence of whiskers, B-F complexes must form unassisted. Formation of a W-F intermediate will accelerate F attachment to B if (a) the bimolecular rate constant for W-F complex formation is larger than that for direct B-F interaction and (b) subsequent rotational diffusion of the tip of F to B is not much slower than the dissociation of W-F. Condition a was investigated by applying a recent theory of orientational effects on translational diffusion-controlled reactions. This theory suggests that substantial rate enhancement is expected if the reaction half-angle theta 0 is larger for W-F than for B-F complex formation. Condition b was investigated by calculating the mean and the variance of the time required for the diffusion of a molecule (the proximal tip of the fiber) on a spherical surface (whose radius is the distance from the tip to the whisker tethering point) into a circular sink (the baseplate site). The mean time is on the order of the inverse rotational diffusion coefficient, DR, of the fiber, but is sensitive to theta 0. Both conditions are satisfied for plausible choices of parameters. The solution to the diffusion equation we have obtained should have application to other physical situations, such as the rate of quenching of a fluorophore as it diffuses on the surface of a spherical membrane into proximity with a quencher.  相似文献   



Acrolein (allyl Aldehyde) as one of smoke irritant exacerbates chronic airway diseases and increased in sputum of patients with asthma and chronic obstructive lung disease. But underlying mechanism remains unresolved. The aim of study was to identify protein expression in human lung microvascular endothelial cells (HMVEC-L) exposed to acrolein.


A proteomic approach was used to determine the different expression of proteins at 8 h and 24 h after treatment of acrolein 30 nM and 300 nM to HMVEC-L. Treatment of HMVEC-L with acrolein 30 nM and 300 nM altered 21 protein spots on the two-dimensional gel, and these were then analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS.


These proteins included antioxidant, signal transduction, cytoskeleton, protein transduction, catalytic reduction. The proteins were classified into four groups according to the time course of their expression patterns such as continually increasing, transient increasing, transient decreasing, and continually decreasing. For validation immunohistochemical staining and Western blotting was performed on lung tissues from acrolein exposed mice. Moesin was expressed in endothelium, epithelium, and inflammatory cells and increased in lung tissues of acrolein exposed mice compared with sham treated mice.


These results indicate that some of proteins may be an important role for airway disease exacerbation caused by acrolein exposure.

The Escherichia coli outer membrane protein FhuA catalyzes the transport of Fe3+(-)ferrichrome and is the receptor of phage T5 and phi 80. The purified protein inserted into planar lipid bilayers showed no channel activity. Binding of phage T5 and FhuA resulted in the appearance of high conductance ion channels. The electrophysiological characteristics of the channels (conductance, kinetic behavior, substates, ion selectivity including the effect of ferrichrome) showed similarities with those of the channel formed by a FhuA derivative from which the 'gating loop' (delta 322-355) had been removed. binding of phage T5 to FhuA in E.coli cells conferred SDS sensitivity to the bacteria, suggesting that such channels also exist in vivo. These data suggest that binding of T5 to loop 322-355 of FhuA, which constitutes the T5 binding site, unmasks an inner channel in FhuA. Both T5 and ferrichrome bind to the closed state of the channel but only T5 can trigger its opening.  相似文献   

We report a theoretical investigation of the electrohydrodynamic properties of spherical soft particles composed of permeable concentric layers that differ in thickness, soft material density, chemical composition, and flow penetration degree. Starting from a recent numerical scheme developed for the computation of the direct-current electrophoretic mobility (μ) of diffuse soft bioparticles, the dependence of μ on the electrolyte concentration and solution pH is evaluated taking the known three-layered structure of bacteriophage MS2 as a supporting model system (bulk RNA, RNA-protein bound layer, and coat protein). The electrokinetic results are discussed for various layer thicknesses, hydrodynamic flow penetration degrees, and chemical compositions, and are discussed on the basis of the equilibrium electrostatic potential and hydrodynamic flow field profiles that develop within and around the structured particle. This study allows for identifying the cases where the electrophoretic mobility is a function of the inner structural and chemical specificity of the particle and not only of its outer surface properties. Along these lines, we demonstrate the general inapplicability of the notions of zeta potential (ζ) and surface charge for quantitatively interpreting electrokinetic data collected for such systems. We further shed some light on the physical meaning of the isoelectric point. In particular, numerical and analytical simulations performed on structured soft layers in indifferent electrolytic solution demonstrate that the isoelectric point is a complex ionic strength-dependent signature of the flow permeation properties and of the chemical and structural details of the particle. Finally, the electrophoretic mobilities of the MS2 virus measured at various ionic strength levels and pH values are interpreted on the basis of the theoretical formalism aforementioned. It is shown that the electrokinetic features of MS2 are to a large extent determined not only by the external proteic capsid but also by the chemical composition and hydrodynamic flow permeation of/within the inner RNA-protein bound layer and bulk RNA part of the bacteriophage. The impact of virus aggregation, as revealed by decreasing diffusion coefficients for decreasing pH values, is also discussed.  相似文献   

Microglia are the main players of the brain immune response. They act as active sensors that rapidly respond to injurious insults by shifting into different activated states. Elevated levels of unconjugated bilirubin (UCB) induce cell death, immunostimulation and oxidative stress in both neurons and astrocytes. We recently reported that microglial phagocytic phenotype precedes the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines upon UCB exposure. We investigated whether and how microglia microenvironment influences the response to UCB. Our findings revealed that conditioned media derived from UCB-treated astrocytes reduce microglial inflammatory reaction and cell death, suggesting an attempt to curtail microglial over activation. Conditioned medium from UCB-challenged neurons, although down-regulating tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-1β promoted the release of interleukin-6 and nitric oxide, the activation of matrix metalloproteinase-9, and cell death, as compared with UCB-direct effects on microglia. Moreover, soluble factors released by UCB-treated neurons intensified the phagocytic properties manifested by microglia under direct exposure to UCB. Results from neuron-microglia mixed cultures incubated with UCB evidenced that sensitized microglia were able to prevent neurite outgrowth impairment and cell death. In conclusion, our data indicate that stressed neurons signal microglial clearance functions, but also overstimulate its inflammatory potential ultimately leading to microglia demise.  相似文献   

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