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Fusion of a cell in mitosis with a cell in interphase results in the condensation of chromatin in the interphase nucleus into chromosomes. Premature chromosome condensation is caused by certain proteins, called mitotic factors, that are present in the mitotic cell and are localized on chromosomes. Extracts from mitotic cells were used to immunize mice to produce monoclonal antibodies specific for cells in mitosis. Among the antibodies obtained, the MPM-4 antibody defines a 125-kD polypeptide antigen located on mitotic chromosomes by indirect immunofluorescence. Although the polypeptide antigen is present in approximately equal concentrations in extracts of interphase cells and mitotic cells, as revealed by immunoblots, it cannot be detected cytologically in the former. Cell fractionation experiments showed that the 125-kD antigen is found in the cytoplasm of interphase cells and metaphase cells, but is concentrated in fractions containing metaphase chromosomes, although not detectable in interphase nuclei. Even though the antigen is apparently primate-specific, it binds to mitotic chromosomes and prematurely condensed chromosomes in human-rodent cell hybrids without regard to the species of origin of the mitotic inducer. The presence of the antigen in the cytoplasm of interphase cells and the chromosomes of mitotic cells suggests a relationship between the presence of the antigen on chromosomes and the process of chromosome condensation and decondensation.  相似文献   

Monoclonal M6 antibody binds to the surface of murine central nervous system neurons as well as to apical surfaces of epithelial cells in the choroid plexus and proximal tubules of the kidney. M6 antigen is expressed in the central nervous system as early as embryonic day 10, most strongly in the marginal zone of the neural tube, and remains detectable in adulthood. IgG or Fab fragments of M6 antibody interfere with the extension of neurites by cultured cerebellar neurons. Effects of the antibody on neurite extension are readily detectable after 24 h. No reduction of cell viability is detected during the first 3 days of antibody treatment. Cultures maintained in the presence of antibody for longer than 5 days exhibit reduced viability of neurons. This reduction in long-term viability in the presence of M6 antibody is largely avoided when 25 mM KCl is included in the culture medium. The antibody-mediated perturbation of neurite outgrowth is not blocked by the presence of elevated KCl. The unusually short and flattened appearance of neurites in these cultures suggests that the M6 antibody selectively affects neurite extension. Time-lapse cinematography of anti-M6-treated neurons reveals no apparent effect on movement of lamellipodia and filopdia of growth cones. Only the overall extension of the neurite appears to be inhibited. M6 antigen is a 35 kD glycoprotein that can be isolated from a deoxycholate- (DOC) solubilized membrane fraction from adult mouse brain.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies against a 24,000 dalton intracellular estrogen-regulated protein in human breast cancer cells were used to study storage conditions and the effects of monoclonal antibody concentrations on immunohistochemical antigen localization. Both hybridoma supernatants and ascites fluid obtained from mice injected with hybridoma cells were used as sources of monoclonal antibodies; the monoclonal antibodies in the ascites fluid were concentrated and purified. Both antibody preparations were stored at 4, -20, or -70 degrees C and periodically tested for activity at these storage conditions. There was no difference in activity for the antibodies between storage at -20 and -70 degrees C. However, when highly diluted antibody was stored at 4 degrees C, the activity was lost within 2 weeks if carrier proteins were not added. These monoclonal antibodies were applied to immunohistochemical staining of different mouse and human tissues processed for routine paraffin sections, using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase procedure. A monoclonal antibody of unrelated specificity was used as control. When these antibodies were used at high concentrations, all the different tissues examined were immunostained. With reduction of the antibody concentration, an immunohistochemical dissection of the tissues was seen until specific immunostaining was reached. When even more highly diluted monoclonal antibody was used, heterogeneity in the staining pattern became very high. On the basis of these results, certain immunohistochemical criteria are proposed for the selection of the optimum concentration of monoclonal antibodies for specific antigen detection.  相似文献   

Monoclonal M6 antibody binds to the surface of murine central nervous system neurons as well as to apical surfaces of epithelial cells in the choroid plexus and proximal tubules of the kidney. M6 antigen is expressed in the central nervous system as early as embryonic day 10, most strongly in the marginal zone of the neural tube, and remains detectable in adulthood. IgG or Fab fragments of M6 antibody interfere with the extension of neurites by cultured cerebellar neurons. Effects of the antibody on neurite extension are readily detectable after 24 h. No reduction of cell viability is detected during the first 3 days of antibody treatment. Cultures maintained in the presence of antibody for longer than 5 days exhibit reduced viability of neurons. This reduction in long-term viability in the presence of M6 antibody is largely avoided when 25 mM KCl is included in the culture medium. The antibody-mediated perturbation of neurite outgrowth is not blocked by the presence of elevated KCl. The unusually short and flattened appearance of neurites in these cultures suggests that the M6 antibody selectively affects neurite extension. Time-lapse cinematography of anti-M6-treated neurons reveals no apparent effect on movement of lamellipodia and filopodia of growth cones. Only the overall extension of the neurite appears to be inhibited. M6 antigen is a 35 kD glycoprotein that can be isolated from a deoxycholate- (DOC) solubilized membrane fraction from adult mouse brain.  相似文献   

A neutrophil-specific alloantigen (Gm-2.2) was defined by a monoclonal antibody, 5119-4/7. The Gm-2.2 antigen is found only on bone marrow neutrophils or calcium caseinate-induced neutrophils and is absent from all lymphoid cells examined as well as adherent thioglycollate-induced peritoneal exudate cells and the nonhemopoietic tissues, kidney, liver, heart, brain, and red blood cells. Furthermore, unlike mature neutrophils, granulocyte/macrophage progenitor cells are Gm-2.2-, suggesting that Gm-2.2 is a differentiation antigen for the neutrophil series. The Gm-2 locus is linked to, but distinct from, the Ly-6 locus.  相似文献   

We have developed a monoclonal antibody capable of detecting 1 pg/ml of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol. At a dilution of 1:80,000 of ascitic fluid this antibody has an apparent KD of 3.3 × 10?11ML?1. The immunogen used was a vitamin D analogue, calcitroic acid [1α, 3 β-dihydroxy-9, 10 seco-24-nor 5,7,10 (19) cholatriene-23-oic acid], conjugated to bovine serum albumin. Although this antibody is extremely sensitive, it also recognizes other important vitamin D3 metabolites.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody specific for lactosylceramide   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The mouse hybridoma line T5A7 was derived during studies aimed at mapping human myeloid differentiation antigens. The IgM antibody secreted by this line recognizes an antigen richly expressed on mature myelomonocytic cells and on a subpopulation of lectin-activated human T-lymphocytes (Andrews, R. G., Torok-Storb, B., and Bernstein, I. D. (1983) Blood 62, 124-132). In the present study, we have determined the specificity of T5A7 antibody to be directed to lactosylceramide (Gal beta 1----4Glc beta 1----1 Cer) based on direct and indirect binding assays using a variety of glycolipids with known structures. The antibody did not cross-react with glycolipids having an N-acetyllactosamine terminus, including lactoneotetraosylceramide lactonorhexaosylceramide (i antigen), and lactoisooctaosylceramide (I antigen). The possible contribution of ceramide to the reactivity of lactosylceramide with this antibody was also studied using lactosylceramide preparations having different fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody technology for mycotoxins   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Specific monoclonal antibodies (MABs) against aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, zearalenone, diacetoxyscirpenol and T-2 toxin have been prepared in various laboratories by the application of hybridoma technology to mycotoxins. These antibodies can be selected for sensitivity, reduced cross-reactivity, reliability and ease of production. When a suitable antibody is chosen it can then be used in a rapid immunological method such as an enzyme-linked or radio-immunoassay or immunoaffinity chromatography system. These assays have a lower limit of mycotoxin detection in the ng/ml range and have been applied to the determination of mycotoxins in samples such as maize, peanuts, peanut butter, milk and porcine kidneys. Using these immunoassay techniques, sample preparation has generally been simplified to a matter of solvent extraction of mycotoxins from the sample followed by dilution; under these conditions, levels of 1-5ug of mycotoxins/kg of sample can be found. The application and advantages of MABs to mycotoxins and the use of these antibodies in various assay techniques is discussed.  相似文献   

Prothrombin is the precursor of thrombin, a central enzyme in coagulation. Autoantibodies to prothrombin are associated with thromboembolism, but the mechanisms by which the antibodies modulate the coagulation processes are not understood. We screened a panel of 34 monoclonal antibody light chains isolated from patients with multiple myeloma for prothrombinase activity by an electrophoresis method. Two light chains with the activity were identified, and one of the light chains was characterized further. The prothrombinase activity eluted from a gel-filtration column run in denaturing solvent (6 M guanidine hydrochloride) at the characteristic positions of the light chain dimer and monomer. A constant level of catalytic activity was observed across the width of the light chain monomer peak, assessed as the cleavage of IEGR-methylcoumarinamide, a peptide substrate corresponding to residues 268-271 of prothrombin. Hydrolysis of this peptide by the light chain was saturable and consistent with Michaelis-Menten-Henri kinetics (K(m) 103 microM; k(cat) of 2.62 x 10(-)(2)/min). Four cleavage sites in prothrombin were identified by N-terminal sequencing of the fragments: Arg(155)-Ser(156), Arg(271)-Thr(272), Arg(284)-Thr(285), and Arg(393)-Ser(394). The light chain did not cleave radiolabeled albumin, thyroglobulin, and annexin V under conditions that readily permitted detectable prothrombin cleavage. Two prothrombin fragments (M(r) 55 000 and 38 000), were isolated by anion-exchange chromatography and were observed to cleave a thrombin substrate, tosyl-GPR-nitroanilide. Conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin was accelerated by the prothrombin fragments generated by the light chain. These finding suggest a novel mechanism whereby antibodies can induce a procoagulant state, i.e., prothrombin activation via cleavage of the molecule.  相似文献   

A monoclonal type M-immunoglobulin (IgM) was generated in mice against a nuclease-urea extract of HeLa metaphase chromosomes. This antibody stains metaphase chromosomes from a variety of mammalian cultured cell types by indirect immunofluorescence. Antibody 12C7 reacts by western transfer technique with histone H1 in all the cell lines tested. The antibody cross-reacts with H1, and H1(0) in human cells. Proteolytic digestions of H1 suggest that the epitope is localized in the carboxy-terminal domain of the histone H1 molecule. Digestion with trypsin demonstrates that the antibody 12C7 does not react with the globular domain of histone H1. The C-terminal domain of H1 subtypes therefore seems to have a conserved determinant which does exist in H1, H1(0), and probably in H5. This antibody has applications in studying the role of that domain of H1 in processes like chromosome condensation and variations in chromatin structure which influence gene expression.  相似文献   

Rituximab was the first monoclonal antibody to have been registered for the treatment of B-cell lymphomas. Randomized studies have demonstrated its activity in follicular lymphoma, mantle-cell lymphoma, and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in untreated or relapsing patients. Because of its high activity and low toxicity ratio, rituximab has transformed the outcome of patients with B-cell lymphoma. A combination of rituximab plus chemotherapy, R-CHOP, has the highest efficacy ever described with any chemotherapy in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and follicular lymphoma. The role of radio-labelled antibodies is still to be defined.  相似文献   

Analyzing antibody specificity with whole proteome microarrays   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Although approximately 10,000 antibodies are available from commercial sources, antibody reagents are still unavailable for most proteins. Furthermore, new applications such as antibody arrays and monoclonal antibody therapeutics have increased the demand for more specific antibodies to reduce cross-reactivity and side effects. An array containing every protein for the relevant organism represents the ideal format for an assay to test antibody specificity, because it allows the simultaneous screening of thousands of proteins for possible cross-reactivity. As an initial test of this approach, we screened 11 polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to approximately 5,000 different yeast proteins deposited on a glass slide and found that, in addition to recognizing their cognate proteins, the antibodies cross-reacted with other yeast proteins to varying degrees. Some of the interactions of the antibodies with noncognate proteins could be deduced by alignment of the primary amino acid sequences of the antigens and cross-reactive proteins; however, these interactions could not be predicted a priori. Our findings show that proteome array technology has potential to improve antibody design and selection for applications in both medicine and research.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody specific for yeast elongation factor 3   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hybridomas have been prepared by fusing mouse myeloma (P3 X 63 Ag8) cells with spleen cells of mice immunized with a yeast fraction enriched with respect to non-ribosomal translational components. Cloned hybridoma lines were grown in the form of ascites tumors, and the monoclonal antibodies produced were purified from the ascites fluid by chromatography on DEAE-Affi-Gel Blue. One of the antibodies, from a hybridoma cell line designated as PSH-1, inhibited the translation of natural mRNA and poly(U) and polysomal chain elongation in a cell-free protein-synthesizing system from yeast. Resolution and partial purification of the elongation factors indicated that the monoclonal antibody from PSH-1 did not interact with EF-1 or EF-2 but reacted with and inactivated EF-3, the 125 000 molecular weight additional elongation factor specifically required with yeast ribosomes. The EF-3 purified from the cytosol by immunoaffinity chromatography was comparable to that prepared by ion-exchange chromatography. Evidence was obtained which indicated that EF-3 was essential for the translation of natural mRNA as well as poly(U), was associated with polysomes but not ribosomal subunits, and was required for every cycle in the elongation phase of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Previously, we generated monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that bound to the surface of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) in an attempt to discover new hESC-specific surface markers. In this study, MAb 47-235 (IgG1, kappa) was selected for further characterization. The MAb bound to the surface of undifferentiated hESCs but did not bind to mouse ESCs or mouse embryonic fibroblast cells in flow cytometric analysis. The antibody immunoprecipitated a 47 kDa protein from the lysates of cell surface-biotinylated hESCs. Identification of the protein by quadrupole time of flight tandem mass spectrometry revealed that 47-235 binds to Ag 243-5 protein of Mycoplasma arginini. BM-Cyclin treatment of the hESCs that reacted with 47-235 resulted in loss of mycoplasma DNA and the reactivity to 47-235. Nevertheless, the hESCs that were reactive to 47-235 maintained self-renewal and pluripotency and thus could be differentiated into three embryonic germ layers.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody therapy of cancer   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The most significant recent advances in the application of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to oncology have been the introduction and approval of bevacizumab (Avastin), an anti-vascular endothelial growth factor antibody, and of cetuximab (Erbitux), an anti-epidermal growth factor antibody. In combination with standard chemotherapy regimens, bevacizumab significantly prolongs the survival of patients with metastatic cancers of the colorectum, breast and lung. Cetuximab, used alone or with salvage chemotherapy, produces clinically meaningful anti-tumor responses in patients with chemotherapy-refractory cancers of the colon and rectum. In addition, the anti-HER2/neu antibody trastuzumab (Herceptin), in combination with standard adjuvant chemotherapy, has been shown to reduce relapses and prolong disease-free and overall survival in high-risk patients after definitive local therapy for breast cancer. These exciting recent results provide optimism for the development of mAbs that bind novel targets, exploit novel mechanisms of action or possess improved tumor targeting. Progress in the clinical use of radioimmunoconjugates remains hindered by complexity of administration, toxicity concerns and insufficiently selective tumor targeting.  相似文献   

Four monoclonal antibodies against chicken DNA polymerase alpha were obtained from mouse hybridomas (see ref. 1). Two of them, 4-2D and 4-8H, recognized different epitopes of the DNA polymerase alpha-DNA primase complex as determined by a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Antibody 4-8H partially (about 30%) neutralized the combined activity of primase-DNA polymerase alpha as well as the DNA polymerase alpha activity. In contrast, antibody 4-2D did not neutralize DNA polymerase alpha activity, but neutralized the primase-DNA polymerase alpha activity extensively (up to 80%). Furthermore, although an immunoaffinity column made with 4-8H antibody retained virtually all of the DNA polymerase alpha with and without associated primase, a column made with 4-2D antibody did not bind DNA polymerase alpha without the primase, but retained the enzyme associated with the primase. These results indicate that 4-8H monoclonal antibody is specific for DNA polymerase alpha and 4-2D monoclonal antibody is specific for the primase or a special structure present in the primase-DNA polymerase alpha complex.  相似文献   

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