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This paper reports on the production of a monoclonal antibody (i-18) reacting with vimentin, the major structural component of intermediate filaments in cells of mesenchymal origin. The antibody was obtained following immunization with hamster fibroblasts and was selected for its ability to bind to the cytoskeleton fraction of the aforementioned cells. It decorated a perinuclear filamentous network characteristic of vimentin filaments in cells of mesenchymal origin of avian through human species. The specificity of the reagent was further ascertained on the basis of the sensitivity of the decorated filaments to colcemide. The strict antibody specificity for cells of mesenchymal versus epithelial origin was confirmed also in vivo on histological specimens from solid tissue. The i-18 monoclonal antibody precipitated a molecule of about 57 Kd from metabolically labelled cellular extracts. The broad cross-reactivity of this monoclonal antibody among different animal species, as well as its strict in vivo mesenchymal tissue specificity makes this antibody a useful reagent for both experimental and diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   

Intermediate filaments (IFs) make up the cytoskeleton of most eukaryotic cells. In vertebrates, a number of IF proteins have been identified, showing distributions unique to tissue or cell type. Information on helminth IFs is limited to some nematode species. To observe immunofluorescent localization of IFs in helminth tissues, we selected a murine hybridoma clone producing IgM antibody to multiple types of mammalian IF proteins and examined cross-reactivity to helminth proteins. The selected monoclonal antibody (HUSM-9) cross-reacted well with IFs from nematode species such as Toxocara canis, Dirofilaria immitis, Anisakis simplex, and Trichinella britovi; strong immunofluorescence on cryostat sections was detected in the hypodermis, cords, body muscle, smooth muscle of the uterus, and other epithelial structures. In platyhelminths, i.e., adult Schistosoma mansoni, larval Taenia taeniaeformis, adult Taenia crassiceps, and Echinococcus multilocularis protoscolex, the reactivity was weaker than in nematodes, and localized in the body wall muscle and subtegumental tissue. Western blotting of 8 M urea extracts of parasites with the antibody detected a pair of clear bands in nematodes but not in S. mansoni or the cestodes. These results might be explained by sparse distribution of IFs in platyhelminths, or low affinity of the used antibody to platyhelminth IF proteins, or both.  相似文献   

Double immunofluorescence staining of quail embryo fibroblasts with rabbit antibody to vinculin and mouse monoclonal antibody to vimentin revealed a coincidence between fluorescence patterns for cell-substrate focal contacts and intermediate filaments. Most of the vinculin-containing adhesion plaques coincided with the ends of vimentin-positive fibrils. This association was further corroborated by immunoelection microscopic observations of the cytoskeletons of quail and mouse fibroblasts using a platinum replica technique. The intermediate filaments were identified either by direct treatment with antivimentin IgM or by an indirect immunogold staining method. Colcemid treatment of the cells caused a collapse of intermediate filaments and destroyed their association with focal contacts. During the early stages of the colcemid-induced collapse of the intermediate filaments, single vimentin fibrils appeared to retain their association with focal contacts. The possible role of the intermediate filaments in the formation and maintenance of focal contacts is discussed.  相似文献   

We have used a monoclonal antibody against desmin to examine the assembly of intermediate filaments (IF) from their building blocks, the tetrameric protofilaments. The antibody, designated D76, does not cross react with any other IF proteins (Danto, S.I., and D.A. Fischman. 1984. J. Cell Biol. 98:2179-2191). It binds to a region amino-terminal to cys-324 of avian desmin that is resistant to chymotrypsin and trypsin digestion, and in the electron microscope appears to bind to the ends of tetrameric protofilaments. In combination, these findings suggest that the epitope of the antibody resides at the amino-terminal end of the alpha-helical rod domain. Preincubation of desmin protofilaments with an excess of D76 antibodies blocks their subsequent assembly into IF. In the presence of sub-stoichiometric amounts of antibodies, IF are assembled from protofilaments but they are morphologically aberrant in that (a) they are capped by IgG molecules at one or both ends; (b) they are unraveled to varying degree, revealing a characteristic right-handed helical arrangement of sub-filamentous strands of different diameters. The antibody binds only to the ends but not along the length of desmin IF. The most straightforward explanation for this is that the epitope resides in a part of the desmin molecule that becomes buried within the core of the filament upon polymerization and is therefore inaccessible to the antibody.  相似文献   

We have isolated a monoclonal antibody that recognizes a 42-kDa protein from adult zebrafish brain. The antibody stains the typical drop-shaped perikaryon of Purkinje cells and their dendrites. The cerebellum of teleosts has complex features. It is composed of three parts; the valvula cerebelli (Va), the corpus cerebelli (CCe), and the crista cerebellaris (CC). In higher vertebrates, the molecular layer is always found as the most outer layer of the cerebellum, but in teleosts, some of the granular cells are located on the surface of the Va. In higher vertebrates, the boundary between the granular and molecular layers always contains Purkinje cells, but this does not occur in teleosts. The Purkinje cells are found only in a part of the boundary in Va. We have found that the layer containing Purkinje cells forms a continuous zone in the cerebellum in the zebrafish. The complex structure of the cerebellum is more easily understood with the aid of the concept of a "Purkinje zone". The Purkinje zone starts at the caudal end of Val (lateral division of Va), turns at the edge of Va toward Vam (medial division of Va), connects to CCe, and ends at the bottom of CCe. The dendrites are found only on one side of the zone. The dendrites of the Purkinje cells in Vam are planar and are packed regularly, similar to those of higher vertebrates. However, the dendrites in Val and the posterior part of CCe are not planar and are irregularly packed.  相似文献   

We have produced a panel of monoclonal antibodies directed against nonlymphoid cells in central and peripheral lymphoid organs. In this paper we present the reactivity of one of these antibodies, ER-TR7. This antibody detects reticular fibroblasts, which constitute the cellular framework of lymphoid and nonlymphoid organs and their products. In frozen sections of the spleen incubated with this antibody, the red pulp and white pulp are clearly delineated. Furthermore, the major white pulp compartments--the follicles and periarteriolar lymphoid sheath as well as the marginal zone--are recognized by their characteristic labeling patterns. In lymph nodes, the capsule, sinuses, follicles, paracortex, and medullary cords are clearly delineated. In the thymus and bone marrow no such specialized compartments were demonstrated. ER-TR7 reacts with an intracellular component of fibroblasts. Since ER-TR7 does not react with purified laminin, collagen types I-V, fibronectin, heparan sulfate proteoglycan, entactin, or nidogen, it detects a hitherto uncharacterized antigen. The possible role of the ER-TR7 positive reticular fibroblasts in the cellular organization of peripheral lymphoid organs will be discussed.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the relationship of different cytokeratins within one cell, monoclonal antibodies directed against three trophectoderm cytokeratins TROMA 1, 2 and 3 were microinjected into mouse teratocarcinoma-derived trophoblastoma cells and indirect immunofluorescence tests were used to follow the subsequent localization of their respective antigens Endo A, B and C. Microinjection of TROMA 1 or 2 resulted in the perinuclear collapse of Endo A, B and C-containing filaments. Microinjection of TROMA 3 resulted in the perinuclear collapse of filaments containing Endo A and B, whereas Endo C condensed into cytoplasmic aggregates which appear as speckles in the fluorescence microscope. The speckles were electron microscopically located using indirect gold-labeling techniques and had a dense, granulous structure. They were often found to be associated with microtubules, although colchicine treatment before microinjection did not interfere with speckle formation. These experiments demonstrate that cytokeratins can become differentially distributed within the cytoplasm after microinjection of an anti-cytokeratin monoclonal antibody. Since Endo A is a type II cytokeratin and Endo B and C are type I cytokeratins, these results suggest that different members of one cytokeratin subfamily may be associated with cytokeratin filaments which have different functions within the same cell.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1995,131(5):1275-1290
Separate populations of microtubules (MTs) distinguishable by their level of posttranslationally modified tubulin subunits and by their stability in vivo have been described. In polarized 3T3 cells at the edge of an in vitro wound, we have found a striking preferential coalignment of vimentin intermediate filaments (IFs) with detyrosinated MTs (Glu MTs) rather than with the bulk of the MTs, which were tyrosinated MTs (Tyr MTs). Vimentin IFs were not stabilizing the Glu MTs since collapse of the IF network to a perinuclear location, induced by microinjection of monoclonal anti-IF antibody, had no noticeable effect on the array of Glu MTs. To test whether Glu MTs may affect the organization of IFs we regrew MTs in cells that had been treated with nocodazole to depolymerize all the MTs and to collapse IFs; the reextension of IFs into the lamella lagged behind the rapid regrowth of Tyr MTs, but was correlated with the slower reformation of Glu MTs. Similar realignment of IFs with newly formed Glu MTs was observed in serum-starved cells treated with either serum or taxol to induce the formation of Glu MTs. Next, we microinjected affinity purified antibodies specific for Glu tubulin (polyclonal SG and monoclonal 4B8) and specific for Tyr tubulin (polyclonal W2 and monoclonal YL1/2) into 3T3 cells. Both injected SG and 4B8 antibodies labeled the subset of endogenous Glu MTs; W2 and YL1/2 antibodies labeled virtually all of the cytoplasmic MTs. Injection of SG or 4B8 resulted in the collapse of IFs to a perinuclear region. This collapse was comparable to that observed after complete MT depolymerization by nocodazole. Injection of W2, YL1/2, or nonspecific control IgGs did not result in collapse of the IFs. Taken together, these results show that Glu MTs localize IFs in migrating 3T3 fibroblasts and suggest that detyrosination of tubulin acts as a signal for the recruitment of vimentin IFs to MTs.  相似文献   

Intermediate filaments (IF) were found in close proximity to the plasma membrane in substrate attached baby hamster kidney cells (BHK-21) and chick embryo fibroblasts (CEF) as well as cells removed from their substrate in the absence of trypsin. However, in cells removed with trypsin, it appeared that IF had retracted away from the membrane. In cells with abundant extracellular matrix (ECM), colchicine induced massive cables of IF, which appeared to interact with specialized areas of the inner plasma membrane. In cells lysed to extract most microfilaments and cytoplasmic constituents, the intact IF network which remained was closely associated with the ECM. From these ultrastructural observations it was concluded that IF interact in some way with a "cell membrane complex" defined as comprising the plasma membrane and molecules attached to its inner and outer surfaces. In order to investigate the possibility that components of the membrane complex may co-isolate with IF, native intermediate filaments (NIF) were prepared. In addition to the structural subunits and other associated polypeptides, a approximately 220 kd species which reacted specifically with antibodies directed against the ECM protein fibronectin (FN) was observed; 220 kd was still present after NIF were isolated under pH conditions where FN is more soluble, suggesting that its presence was not simply due to the coprecipitation of two insoluble proteins. Immunofluorescence and immunogold localization confirmed that FN is a component of the cell membrane complex with which IF appeared to interact.  相似文献   

Position specific binding of a monoclonal antibody in chick limb buds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To analyze the molecular mechanism of the limb pattern formation, we have tried to make monoclonal antibodies against antigens from chick limb buds. We obtained one antibody named AV-1 which recognized a specific region of chick limb buds. AV-1 reacted with the distal portion of the anteroventral mesoderm of only developmentally early chick limb buds. Grafts of ZPA region tissue to an anterior site in an embryonic chick wing bud resulted in mirror-image dupliction of the AV-1 antigen region. These data show the possibility that this antigen plays some role in the limb pattern formation. This is the first evidence that a position specific substance really exists in developmentally early limb buds in which the pattern has been considered to be unspecified.  相似文献   

Production of a monoclonal antibody specific for Salmonella spp.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A monoclonal antibody (MAb) specific for heat-treated Salmonella spp. which shows no cross-reactivity with other enteric bacteria when tested by an ELISA system, has been developed. The MAb isotype is IgG2a and has been successfully purified using protein A. Preliminary work suggests that the MAb recognizes a protein present in the Boivin lipopolysaccharide extracts of Salmonella spp.  相似文献   

beta-O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) is an abundant posttranslational modification of resident nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins in eukaryotes. Increasing evidence suggests that O-GlcNAc plays a regulatory role in numerous cellular processes. Here we report on the production and characterization of a highly specific mouse monoclonal antibody, MAb CTD110.6, that specifically reacts with O-GlcNAc. The antibody recognizes O-GlcNAc in beta-O-glycosidic linkage to both serine and threonine. We could detect no cross-reactivity with alpha-linked Ser/Thr-O-GlcNAc, alpha-linked Ser-O-linked N-acetylgalactosamine (O-GalNAc), or N-linked oligosaccharides on ovalbumin and immunoglobulin G. The monosaccharide GlcNAc, but not GalNAc, abolishes immunoreactivity, further demonstrating specificity toward O-GlcNAc. Furthermore, galactose capping of O-GlcNAc sites also inhibits CTD110.6 immunoreactivity. Enrichment of GlcNAc-containing glycoproteins using the lectin wheat germ agglutinin dramatically enriches for CTD110.6-reactive proteins. The antibody reacts with a large number of proteins from cytoplasmic and nuclear extracts and readily detects in vivo changes in O-GlcNAc modification. These studies demonstrate that CTD110.6 is highly specific toward O-GlcNAc, with no cross-reactivity toward similar carbohydrate antigens or toward peptide determinants.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody (MAb) 155H.7, raised against a synthetic β-anomer of the Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen (S-TAG), was radioiodinated using iodine monochloride, chloramine-T and Iodogen and radiolabeled with 111In using the bromoacetamido-derivative of benzyl-EDTA. The in vitro immunoreactivity of the MAb was assessed using an ELISA with the S-TAG and the in vivo distribution of the radioiodinated and radiochelated MAb was determined in the murine mammary carcinoma TA3/Ha tumour model. Both chloramine-T and iodine monochloride radioiodination greatly reduced the immunoreactivity of the MAb compared to radioiodination using lodogen. Bifunctional chelate labeling was comparable to Iodogen in reducing the immunoreactivity of the MAb and subsequent chelation of 111In did not further compromise the immunoreactivity of the MAb. The in vivo distribution data showed significantly different distributions of the radiolabels after injection of the radioiodinated and radiochelated MAb. The 131I-MAb showed some tumour association as compared to the distribution of an 125I-non-specific protein and the data also indicates that there is preferential dehalogenation of the radioiodinated MAb. 111In from the radiochelated MAb showed significantly higher uptake in the tumour than 131I from the 131I-MAb. It is suggested that the differing fates of the two radiolabels within the tumour cell is responsible for the difference in retention observed and not necessarily due to the lack of MAb uptake by the tumour. Overall, the radiochelate label for MAb 155H.7 appears to be superior to radioiodine for in vivo use.  相似文献   

One hybridoma (AC54), which produces monoclonal antibody (MAb) that recognizes both intermediate filaments (IFs) and nuclear granules in BHK21/C13 cells, and two hybridomas (AC19 and AC36) which produce MAbs that recognize IFs only, were obtained by using a crude actin preparation from chicken gizzard as an antigen. In immunoblotting, both the AC54 and AC19 MAbs reacted with the 52 kD protein (desmin) and some other proteins in gizzard and BHK21/C13 cells. Indirect immunofluorescent microscopy of BHK21/C13 cells showed that the cytoplasmic filaments stained by these MAbs were IFs based on their colchicine-induced whorl formation. The ability of AC54 MAb to recognize IFs was more limited than that of AC19 MAb. The nuclear granules recognized by AC54 MAb were in a different location than the cytoplasmic IFs and sometimes were concentrated in the nucleolus. These results indicate that AC54 MAb is an anti-desmin MAb that reacts with some desmin-related proteins; that it recognizes IFs differently than AC19 MAb, another anti-desmin MAb; and that it recognizes nuclear granules in locations where desmin or desmin-related protein has not yet been reported.  相似文献   

A rat liver-specific antigen (RLSA) lost its binding ability to the corresponding monoclonal antibody after treatment with N-glycanase or sialidase, which suggested that the specific binding site might be in a portion of the sugar chain containing sialic acid. The specific antigen reacted with wheat germ agglutinin, lentil lectin, erythroagglutinating phytohemagglutinin and Ricinus communis agglutinin, but not with concanavalin A or peanut agglutinin. These results suggest that the specific antigen has asparagine-linked complex-type sugar chains which might be the binding sites of the monoclonal antibody.  相似文献   

Posttranslationally modified forms of tubulin accumulate in the subset of stabilized microtubules (MTs) in cells but are not themselves involved in generating MT stability. We showed previously that stabilized, detyrosinated (Glu) MTs function to localize vimentin intermediate filaments (IFs) in fibroblasts. To determine whether tubulin detyrosination or MT stability is the critical element in the preferential association of IFs with Glu MTs, we microinjected nonpolymerizable Glu tubulin into cells. If detyrosination is critical, then soluble Glu tubulin should be a competitive inhibitor of the IF-MT interaction. Before microinjection, Glu tubulin was rendered nonpolymerizable and nontyrosinatable by treatment with iodoacetamide (IAA). Microinjected IAA-Glu tubulin disrupted the interaction of IFs with MTs, as assayed by the collapse of IFs to a perinuclear location, and had no detectable effect on the array of Glu or tyrosinated MTs in cells. Conversely, neither IAA-tyrosinated tubulin nor untreated Glu tubulin, which assembled into MTs, caused collapse of IFs when microinjected. The epitope on Glu tubulin responsible for interfering with the Glu MT-IF interaction was mapped by microinjecting tubulin fragments of alpha-tubulin. The 14-kDa C-terminal fragment of Glu tubulin (alpha-C Glu) induced IF collapse, whereas the 36-kDa N-terminal fragment of alpha-tubulin did not alter the IF array. The epitope required more than the detyrosination site at the C terminus, because a short peptide (a 7-mer) mimicking the C terminus of Glu tubulin did not disrupt the IF distribution. We previously showed that kinesin may mediate the interaction of Glu MTs and IFs. In this study we found that kinesin binding to MTs in vitro was inhibited by the same reagents (i.e., IAA-Glu tubulin and alpha-C Glu) that disrupted the IF-Glu MT interaction in vivo. These results demonstrate for the first time that tubulin detyrosination functions as a signal for the recruitment of IFs to MTs via a mechanism that is likely to involve kinesin.  相似文献   

Human plasminogen, a glycoprotein with NH2-terminal Glu, is rapidly converted by traces of plasmin to proteolytic derivatives with NH2-terminal Met 68, Lys 77, or Val 78 ("Lys-plasminogen"), which are much more readily activated to plasmin than is Glu-plasminogen. It has, therefore, been proposed that physiological activation of Glu-plasminogen occurs mainly via Lys-plasminogen intermediates (Wiman, B., and Wallén, P. (1973) Eur. J. Biochem. 36, 25-31). In the present study we have characterized a murine monoclonal antibody (LPm1) directed against an epitope exposed in Lys-plasminogen but not in Glu-plasminogen. The antibody was secreted by a hybridoma obtained by fusion of mouse myeloma cells (P3X63-Ag8-6.5.3) with spleen cells of a mouse immunized with purified Lys-plasmin-alpha 2-antiplasmin complex. Coupling of the alpha-amino groups of Lys-plasminogen with phenylisothiocyanate resulted in complete loss of immunoreactivity for LPm1, which was, however, fully restored by cleavage of the derivatized NH2-terminal amino acid. After a second cycle, immunoreactivity was not restored, indicating that the LPm1 antibody-binding site depends on the presence of Lys 77 and/or Val 78 as NH2-terminal amino acids. The immunoreactivity of Lys-plasminogen with LPm1 is abolished by reduction of the protein, suggesting that conversion of Glu-plasminogen to Lys-plasminogen is associated with a conformational alteration exposing the epitope for the LPm1 monoclonal antibody. In order to investigate the pathways of plasminogen activation in vivo, total plasmin-alpha 2-antiplasmin and Lys-plasmin-alpha 2-antiplasmin complexes were measured with sandwich-type micro enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Therefore, microtiter plates were coated with monoclonal antibodies against alpha 2-antiplasmin, and bound antigen was quantitated with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated LPm1 or a monoclonal antibody reacting equally well with Glu-plasmin as with Lys-plasmin. In 25 healthy subjects the plasmin-alpha 2-antiplasmin levels in plasma were undetectable (less than 0.1 nM). Infusion of tissue-type plasminogen activator in patients with thromboembolic disease resulted in generation of high concentrations of Glu-plasmin-alpha 2-antiplasmin complex (620 +/- 150 nM, n = 7) whereas neither Lys-plasmin-alpha 2-antiplasmin complex nor Lys-plasminogen were consistently detected. It is, therefore, concluded that activation of the fibrinolytic system in vivo occurs by direct cleavage of the Arg 560-Val 561 bond in Glu-plasminogen and not via formation of the Lys-plasminogen intermediates.  相似文献   

Reports on how changes in microtubule (MT) distribution or polymerization affect the distribution of intermediate filaments (IFs) differ. Therefore, we have used cytoimmunofluorescence techniques and electron microscopy to systematically examine and compare the arrangements of MTs and IFs in cultures of chick embryo fibroblasts under the following conditions: at different times during the cell cycle, in the presence of Colcemid or of taxol, in the presence of both drugs in succession or simultaneously in varying ratios, and during recovery from treatment with Colcemid or taxol. We have found that depolymerization of MTs by 1 microM Colcemid resulted in the rapid formation of massive IF-cables, structures distinct from "collapsed IFs" or "juxtanuclear coils." Neither the rapid formation of IF-cables nor their dispersion during recovery required protein synthesis. Cells treated with 10 microM taxol rapidly formed MT-bundles, as well as aggregates of intertwining IFs, termed "IF-skeins." MT-bundles and IF-skeins displayed strikingly complementary distributions. This reciprocal distribution of packed MTs and IFs was also obvious in untreated anaphase and telophase cells. When 10 microM taxol and 1 microM Colcemid were applied simultaneously, the complementary distributions of MT-bundles and IF-skeins mimicked those in taxol alone. This ability of taxol to block Colcemid's effects was concentration dependent. Decreasing the taxol: Colcemid ratio allowed the depolymerization of MTs, which correlated with the formation of IF-cables.  相似文献   

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